okanogan valley gazette-tribune, january 19, 2012

Apple Pie Wrestling Tournament Results See page 8 By Brent Baker Staff Writer TONASKET - Night time park- ing within the Tonasket city lim- its continued to be an issue for the Tonasket City Council as it heard feedback on recent efforts to enforce a parking ordinance that in some parts of town is ex- tremely difficult to abide by. The ordinance forbids parking on city streets from 2-6 a.m. and is particularly critical when it comes to snow removal during the winter and street sweeping during the dry months. At issue is what do about ve- hicles parked on South Tonasket Ave., where a number of homes do not have driveways, an apart- ment dwelling has more units than parking spots and many of the residents are renters that only now are becoming aware of the ordinance. Adding to the confusion is the “gentleman’s agreement” that has allowed residents to park on one side of the street, then move their cars to the other side after it snows to allow the plows to remove snow over a two-night period. Being a gentleman’s agreement, of course, causes its own set of problems as it’s not written into law. “There’s been that gentle- man’s agreement,” said Mayor Patrick Plumb. “It’s not in writ- ing anywhere. It’s just an agree- ment with Bill (Pilkinton) and his (snowplow) crew, or the cops, or something like that, to keep the streets clean.” Jollie Evans, one of the few homeowners along that stretch, was in attendance to express the ongoing neighborhood con- cerns. “People are coming and going all the time,” she said. “So they don’t know... and even if we were to park on one side of the street all the time, there’s way more cars than spots.” Councilmember Scott Olson said that it had been his under- standing that the homeowners were going to present a written proposal to the council to give them a starting point in revising the ordinance into something that would be workable as writ- ten. “(As written) there is no park- ing on ANY street between two and six in the morning,” he said. “That’s why we’re asking you to come to us. Our solution is for you to come to us as a neighbor- hood with a workable solution, and we can go from there. Until that point we’re going to encour- age the police officers to enforce it when there’s going to be snow so the public works department can clear the streets.” Police chief Robert Burks said that at this point the department is not ready to write tickets along Tonasket Ave. for that particular issue. “Just because Bill comes out when it snows you’re not going to get a ticket,” he said. “He’ll give us a list (of cars that are parked on the street) and we’ll contact them and ask if you could move to the other side. If you don’t have anywhere to go we can come up for some place for you to park so Bill can come out and plow where those people were. “It’s the same old thing, and it’s the reason why we’re going over all the ordinances.” “We realize there’s a situa- tion where people don’t have options,” said Councilmember Jill Vugteveen. “Bill and Rob are willing to work with the neighborhood to do what we need to do.” “Until (the council) comes up with a solution,” Pilkinton said, “everyone should park on the west side of the street. Then if we get a heavy snow they can move to the east side (for the second round of plowing.)” “We’ll be addressing this,” Plumb said, emphasizing that the discussion only pertained to S. Tonasket Ave., and not other areas in town. “For now I hope we can have peace for two weeks.” Of course, parking was far from the only topic of the three- hour meeting. During public comment, Bran- di Clark brought to the board’s attention that some ordinances governing animals don’t address actual issues that are occurring in town. Clark’s 15-year-old son had recently been attacked by a large dog that dragged its dog- house into the street to come af- ter him, but because his injuries did not involve his skin being broken, they didn’t fit under the city’s definition of “severe.” “The city codes say it was not ‘severe,’” Clark said. “The definition states you would have to have broken bones, sutures, or reconstructive surgery ... my sons injuries, if a human had done that to my son, he would be in jail. I would just like the ordinance adjusted to redefine ‘severe’... it concerns me because that is a walking route for a lot of younger children. It could have been very, very severe. I’m happy that everything was handled as written; I just wish it had been written differently.” Police Chief Robert Burks talked of the frustration of deal- ing with animal issues under the current code. “What’s frustrating for us -- a dog at large is an infraction and we can’t write that unless we actually see the dog. Now we’ve got a dog bites a kid, and all you can get is a piece of paper that warns you what will happen if it happens again. I’m wondering if there is some kind of legal way to come up with a fine, if you get a potentially dangerous dog notice, you also get a fine... like a $500 ticket would make you keep track of your dog or get rid of your dog.” Plumb said that resolving issues with the code would probably be most appropriately handled by the public safety committee, which has already started the process of reviewing all of the city code. “If we hash this out here we’ll end up banning all dogs from town or saying there are no rules,” Plumb said. “We need to address fixing it; I’ve had is- sues with this code myself ... we haven’t gotten to (this part of the code yet), but when we get there I’d like you to be here for any of these discussions, because I ap- preciate you (Clark) being here and going what you’re doing... “Law enforcement is asking for some clarity, and they need it for when they go out in public and explain this. It’s a lot of wordage for a dog.” Also as part of public com- ment, Roger Rylander reiterated a long-held desire to have an emergency truck escape ramp put in on Highway 20 heading into town, but felt that someone other than he needed to spear- head the project due to a conflict of interest on his part. “Thirty years ago we had a couple of trucks roll through town out of control,” he said. “The DOT thinks the brake- check pull out is sufficient. I’m just trying to avoid a tragedy.” Plumb noted that such a proj- ect would be complex, seeing as it was outside of the city limits and would involve the purchase of private property. “What we should do is invite the DOT up for a town hall meeting and general discussion of Highway 20 safety,” he said. “That could include the (High- way 20/97) interchange. I don’t know of any other interchange that looks like that.” On a more upbeat note, the council heard a report from Tonasket Visitor and Business Resource Center volunteer co- ordinator Linda Black, who last month received a proclamation from the council for her work. “Last year (2010) we had about 500 visitors; this year we had more than 1,100,” she said. “It’s surprising how many tourists we’ve had coming through. We’ve been discovered.” Looking ahead to 2012, Black said she planned on expanding the calendar of art shows from four to seven, starting with a quilting display in April and ending with a taxidermy exhibi- tion in October. There will be a monthly open house featuring a meet-and-greet with the artists on display that month. Other projects, such as the Halloween haunted house, the tent campground, art walk, and the pots and perennials project, will be back as well. “We plan on doing the same projects next year,” Black said. “We just want to work on doing Photos by Charlene Helm & Brent Baker Natalie Rodriguez and Isaac Bensing were winners of snow sleds in this year’s Letters to Santa Contest held annually by the Gazette-Tribune. Rodriguez received her sled from Prince’s Ace Hardware in Oroville and it was presented by store owner Jack Hughes. Bensing received his from Lee Frank Mercantile in Tonasket and was presented by store manager Stacey Kester. Each year a letter from a Tonasket and Oroville area child are randomly drawn at the G-T office. Both stores generously donate sleds to the lucky winners, something they’ve been doing for more than a decade. Nine-year-old Rodriguez lives on Buckhorn Mountain and said she likes her sled a lot and is excited to be one of the winners, adding that she has never had a sled like it before and is lucky she has snow where she lives. By Brent Baker Staff Writer TONASKET - Equipment pur- chases dominated the agenda at the Thursday, Jan. 12, meeting of the North Valley Hospital Dis- trict’s Board of Commissioners meeting. The best news from a financial perspective came during discus- sion of the purchase of 12 surplus beds and six exam tables. With an original acquisition cost of over $160,000, support services direc- tor John Boyd at first requested $16,000 for the surplus items, but had been informed that day that the cost would only be $1,650. “These are items that come from state surplus,” Boyd said. “When they notify us (that equip- ment is available), if I don’t say we want them right away, they’ll be gone. “Normally when we buy sur- plus we calculate 10 cents on the dollar, and I calculated $16,000. But they only charged $1,650 for all the equipment. We talked on the phone … it wasn’t (a mis- take).” The board approved the pur- chase of an automated microbiol- ogy system for the lab that will cut turnaround time for identifying organisms and determining cor- rect antibiotic treatment nearly in half, from about 55 hours to 32 hours, according to lab manager Noreen Olma. The agreement will be for a 60-month lease of $49,875 with a one dollar buyout at the end of the term. The board also approved the purchase of a Kodak document scanner for the HIM department. The cost approved was not to exceed $13,941, but the model selected was estimated to cost about $4,000 less. Also approved were the pur- chase of an internet system for wireless access within the hos- pital and long-term care facility for $7358.92; completion of off- site computer system backup for disaster recovery for $7036.20; and flooring for the remodeled second floor of the hospital from Tonasket Interiors for $14,487.81. In addition, the board approved the active reappointment of Heather Stortz, D.O. (Family/OB at North Valley Family Medicine); the courtesy reappointments of Joshua G. Schkrohowsky, M.D., and Teri G. Mitschelen, RNFA (both of Caribou Trail Orthope- dics); and courtesy reappoint- ments of Jacqueline Chambers, NP / Midwifery (Family Health Center) and Pedro T. Vieco, M.D. (Radiologist, Radia, Inc.). The hospital district’s board of commissioners next meets Thursday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m. in the NVH board room. By Brent Baker Staff Writer TONASKET - Proposed cuts to state Medicare and Medicaid funding have North Valley Hos- pital District officials concerned about the future of health care in the region, the future of the hos- pital and the potential economic impact if enacted. Officials from Critical Access Hospitals around the state, as well as legislators from the ru- ral, low-income areas that most CAHs serve, are doing their best to make their voices heard be- fore cuts are enacted that could gut rural health care facilities statewide. NVH administrator Linda Michel recently wrote a letter to Governor Christine Gregoire outlining the potential impact of the proposed cuts. “We provide much needed services to our community, and we work hard to provide both quality care and great customer service to our patients, visitors, providers and each other,” Mi- chel wrote. “Our elderly popula- tion benefits the most, because often times they are unable to travel to a larger city, or must be separated from their spouse because he/she cannot drive such a distance. Rural healthcare also has lower care costs than the big city facilities, yet provides the same standard of care... “Rural medicine is vitally im- portant in our state, not only for healthcare, but for employment. In a time when employment is hard to find, we employ 200-plus in our CAH. Should the cuts be so deep that we cannot survive; our town will also not survive.” The hospital district is To- nasket’s largest employer; the Tonasket School District, fighting a budget battle of its own with the state, is the second-largest. Hospital CFO Bomi Bharucha said the district receives 65-70 per- cent of its income from Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. Medicare accounts for about two- thirds of that amount. House Bill 2130 would elimi- nate cost-based Medicaid reim- bursement to all of the state’s Critical Access Hospitals, which accounts for about half of all Medicaid funding received by the hospitals. It would be a huge cut in an area where there is little cush- ion. “Cost-based’ doesn’t mean it covers all costs,” Bharucha said. “Many costs are excluded, such as professional fees to physi- cians, because we bill separately for those. It is the hospital techni- cal side it covers. “The problem in rural areas, with low volumes (of patients) and very low reimbursement rates for professional fees, many CAH hospitals lose a lot of money on professional fees. And the very definition of cost-based means that the best you’ll do is to break even. ‘I’m just going to pay your costs, there’s no profit there.’ “So if they take away the cost- based program it is a big chunk for a facility like ours. That is the big one to watch for.” Michel wasn’t the only one writing letters. In December, shortly after the governor’s budget cut proposal was re- leased, more than 30 legislators representing rural Washington districts -- including District 7 representatives Joel Kretz and Shelly Short -- signed a letter to the governor outlining the poten- tial impact of her proposal. In it, they point out that the cuts in state funding would be matched 1:1 by cuts in federal dol- lars, and likely result in further cuts to programs and services supported through Medicaid managed care. “While the proposal represents only 3 percent of the state’s Med- icaid budget,” the letter reads, “it represents a 48 percent reduction in Medicaid payments to Critical Access Hospitals. It’s difficult to identify another service that Just in time for snow Hospital Board approves equipment purchases NVH, other Critical Access Hospitals face budget axe SEE HOSPITAL ON PAGE 3 Parking issue stays on Tonasket council radar SEE COUNCIL ON PAGE 3 THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF OROVILLE, TONASKET & OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON January 19, 2012 • Volume 107, no. 03 Single Copy 75¢ CENTENNIAL YEAR - 1905-2005 INDEX Community ................................................................2-3 Letters & Opinions .......................................................4 Okanogan Valley Life/Columnists .................................5 Obits..............................................................................6 Classifieds/Legals.........................................................7-8 Sports.........................................................................8-9 Outdoors.........................................................................9 Police Stats...................................................................10

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January 19, 2012 edition of the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune


Page 1: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012

Apple Pie




See page


By Brent BakerStaff Writer

TONASKET - Night time park-ing within the Tonasket city lim-its continued to be an issue for the Tonasket City Council as it heard feedback on recent efforts to enforce a parking ordinance that in some parts of town is ex-tremely difficult to abide by.

The ordinance forbids parking on city streets from 2-6 a.m. and is particularly critical when it comes to snow removal during the winter and street sweeping during the dry months.

At issue is what do about ve-hicles parked on South Tonasket Ave., where a number of homes do not have driveways, an apart-ment dwelling has more units than parking spots and many of the residents are renters that only now are becoming aware of the ordinance.

Adding to the confusion is the “gentleman’s agreement” that has allowed residents to park on one side of the street, then move their cars to the other side after it snows to allow the plows to remove snow over a two-night period. Being a gentleman’s agreement, of course, causes its own set of problems as it’s not written into law.

“There’s been that gentle-man’s agreement,” said Mayor Patrick Plumb. “It’s not in writ-ing anywhere. It’s just an agree-ment with Bill (Pilkinton) and his (snowplow) crew, or the cops, or something like that, to keep the streets clean.”

Jollie Evans, one of the few homeowners along that stretch, was in attendance to express the ongoing neighborhood con-cerns.

“People are coming and going all the time,” she said. “So they don’t know... and even if we were to park on one side of the street all the time, there’s way more cars than spots.”

Councilmember Scott Olson said that it had been his under-standing that the homeowners were going to present a written proposal to the council to give them a starting point in revising the ordinance into something that would be workable as writ-

ten.“(As written) there is no park-

ing on ANY street between two and six in the morning,” he said. “That’s why we’re asking you to come to us. Our solution is for you to come to us as a neighbor-hood with a workable solution, and we can go from there. Until that point we’re going to encour-age the police officers to enforce it when there’s going to be snow so the public works department can clear the streets.”

Police chief Robert Burks said that at this point the department is not ready to write tickets along Tonasket Ave. for that particular issue.

“Just because Bill comes out when it snows you’re not going to get a ticket,” he said. “He’ll give us a list (of cars that are parked on the street) and we’ll contact them and ask if you could move to the other side. If you don’t have anywhere to go we can come up for some place for you to park so Bill can come out and plow where those people were.

“It’s the same old thing, and it’s the reason why we’re going over all the ordinances.”

“We realize there’s a situa-tion where people don’t have options,” said Councilmember Jill Vugteveen. “Bill and Rob are willing to work with the neighborhood to do what we need to do.”

“Until (the council) comes up with a solution,” Pilkinton said, “everyone should park on the west side of the street. Then if we get a heavy snow they can move to the east side (for the second round of plowing.)”

“We’ll be addressing this,” Plumb said, emphasizing that the discussion only pertained to S. Tonasket Ave., and not other areas in town. “For now I hope we can have peace for two weeks.”

Of course, parking was far from the only topic of the three-hour meeting.

During public comment, Bran-di Clark brought to the board’s attention that some ordinances governing animals don’t address actual issues that are occurring in town. Clark’s 15-year-old son had recently been attacked by a

large dog that dragged its dog-house into the street to come af-ter him, but because his injuries did not involve his skin being broken, they didn’t fit under the city’s definition of “severe.”

“The city codes say it was not ‘severe,’” Clark said. “The definition states you would have to have broken bones, sutures, or reconstructive surgery ... my sons injuries, if a human had done that to my son, he would be in jail.

I would just like the ordinance adjusted to redefine ‘severe’... it concerns me because that is a walking route for a lot of younger children. It could have been very, very severe. I’m happy that everything was handled as written; I just wish it had been written differently.”

Police Chief Robert Burks talked of the frustration of deal-ing with animal issues under the current code.

“What’s frustrating for us -- a dog at large is an infraction and we can’t write that unless we actually see the dog. Now we’ve got a dog bites a kid, and all you can get is a piece of paper that warns you what will happen if it happens again.

I’m wondering if there is some kind of legal way to come up with a fine, if you get a potentially dangerous dog notice, you also get a fine... like a $500 ticket would make you keep track of your dog or get rid of your dog.”

Plumb said that resolving issues with the code would probably be most appropriately handled by the public safety committee, which has already started the process of reviewing all of the city code.

“If we hash this out here we’ll end up banning all dogs from town or saying there are no rules,” Plumb said. “We need to address fixing it; I’ve had is-sues with this code myself ... we haven’t gotten to (this part of the code yet), but when we get there I’d like you to be here for any of these discussions, because I ap-preciate you (Clark) being here and going what you’re doing...

“Law enforcement is asking for some clarity, and they need

it for when they go out in public and explain this. It’s a lot of wordage for a dog.”

Also as part of public com-ment, Roger Rylander reiterated a long-held desire to have an emergency truck escape ramp put in on Highway 20 heading into town, but felt that someone other than he needed to spear-head the project due to a conflict of interest on his part.

“Thirty years ago we had a couple of trucks roll through town out of control,” he said. “The DOT thinks the brake-check pull out is sufficient. I’m just trying to avoid a tragedy.”

Plumb noted that such a proj-ect would be complex, seeing as it was outside of the city limits and would involve the purchase of private property.

“What we should do is invite the DOT up for a town hall meeting and general discussion of Highway 20 safety,” he said. “That could include the (High-way 20/97) interchange. I don’t know of any other interchange that looks like that.”

On a more upbeat note, the council heard a report from Tonasket Visitor and Business Resource Center volunteer co-ordinator Linda Black, who last month received a proclamation from the council for her work.

“Last year (2010) we had about 500 visitors; this year we had more than 1,100,” she said. “It’s surprising how many tourists we’ve had coming through. We’ve been discovered.”

Looking ahead to 2012, Black said she planned on expanding the calendar of art shows from four to seven, starting with a quilting display in April and ending with a taxidermy exhibi-tion in October. There will be a monthly open house featuring a meet-and-greet with the artists on display that month.

Other projects, such as the Halloween haunted house, the tent campground, art walk, and the pots and perennials project, will be back as well.

“We plan on doing the same projects next year,” Black said. “We just want to work on doing

Photos by Charlene Helm & Brent BakerNatalie Rodriguez and Isaac Bensing were winners of snow sleds in this year’s Letters to Santa Contest held annually by the Gazette-Tribune. Rodriguez received her sled from Prince’s Ace Hardware in Oroville and it was presented by store owner Jack Hughes. Bensing received his from Lee Frank Mercantile in Tonasket and was presented by store manager Stacey Kester. Each year a letter from a Tonasket and Oroville area child are randomly drawn at the G-T office. Both stores generously donate sleds to the lucky winners, something they’ve been doing for more than a decade.Nine-year-old Rodriguez lives on Buckhorn Mountain and said she likes her sled a lot and is excited to be one of the winners, adding that she has never had a sled like it before and is lucky she has snow where she lives.

By Brent Baker Staff Writer

TONASKET - Equipment pur-chases dominated the agenda at the Thursday, Jan. 12, meeting of the North Valley Hospital Dis-trict’s Board of Commissioners meeting.

The best news from a financial perspective came during discus-sion of the purchase of 12 surplus beds and six exam tables. With an original acquisition cost of over $160,000, support services direc-tor John Boyd at first requested $16,000 for the surplus items, but had been informed that day that the cost would only be $1,650.

“These are items that come from state surplus,” Boyd said. “When they notify us (that equip-ment is available), if I don’t say we want them right away, they’ll be gone.

“Normally when we buy sur-plus we calculate 10 cents on the dollar, and I calculated $16,000. But they only charged $1,650 for all the equipment. We talked on the phone … it wasn’t (a mis-take).”

The board approved the pur-chase of an automated microbiol-ogy system for the lab that will cut turnaround time for identifying organisms and determining cor-rect antibiotic treatment nearly in half, from about 55 hours to 32

hours, according to lab manager Noreen Olma. The agreement will be for a 60-month lease of $49,875 with a one dollar buyout at the end of the term.

The board also approved the purchase of a Kodak document scanner for the HIM department. The cost approved was not to exceed $13,941, but the model selected was estimated to cost about $4,000 less.

Also approved were the pur-chase of an internet system for wireless access within the hos-pital and long-term care facility for $7358.92; completion of off-site computer system backup for disaster recovery for $7036.20; and flooring for the remodeled second floor of the hospital from Tonasket Interiors for $14,487.81.

In addition, the board approved the active reappointment of Heather Stortz, D.O. (Family/OB at North Valley Family Medicine); the courtesy reappointments of Joshua G. Schkrohowsky, M.D., and Teri G. Mitschelen, RNFA (both of Caribou Trail Orthope-dics); and courtesy reappoint-ments of Jacqueline Chambers, NP / Midwifery (Family Health Center) and Pedro T. Vieco, M.D. (Radiologist, Radia, Inc.).

The hospital district’s board of commissioners next meets Thursday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m. in the NVH board room.

By Brent BakerStaff Writer

TONASKET - Proposed cuts to state Medicare and Medicaid funding have North Valley Hos-pital District officials concerned about the future of health care in the region, the future of the hos-pital and the potential economic impact if enacted.

Officials from Critical Access Hospitals around the state, as well as legislators from the ru-ral, low-income areas that most CAHs serve, are doing their best to make their voices heard be-fore cuts are enacted that could gut rural health care facilities statewide.

NVH administrator Linda Michel recently wrote a letter to Governor Christine Gregoire outlining the potential impact of the proposed cuts.

“We provide much needed services to our community, and we work hard to provide both quality care and great customer service to our patients, visitors, providers and each other,” Mi-chel wrote. “Our elderly popula-tion benefits the most, because often times they are unable to travel to a larger city, or must be separated from their spouse because he/she cannot drive such a distance. Rural healthcare also has lower care costs than the big city facilities, yet provides the same standard of care...

“Rural medicine is vitally im-portant in our state, not only for healthcare, but for employment. In a time when employment is hard to find, we employ 200-plus in our CAH. Should the cuts be so deep that we cannot survive; our town will also not survive.”

The hospital district is To-nasket’s largest employer; the Tonasket School District, fighting a budget battle of its own with the state, is the second-largest.

Hospital CFO Bomi Bharucha said the district receives 65-70 per-cent of its income from Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. Medicare accounts for about two-

thirds of that amount. House Bill 2130 would elimi-

nate cost-based Medicaid reim-bursement to all of the state’s Critical Access Hospitals, which accounts for about half of all Medicaid funding received by the hospitals.

It would be a huge cut in an area where there is little cush-ion.

“Cost-based’ doesn’t mean it covers all costs,” Bharucha said. “Many costs are excluded, such as professional fees to physi-cians, because we bill separately for those. It is the hospital techni-cal side it covers.

“The problem in rural areas, with low volumes (of patients) and very low reimbursement rates for professional fees, many CAH hospitals lose a lot of money on professional fees. And the very definition of cost-based means that the best you’ll do is to break even. ‘I’m just going to pay your costs, there’s no profit there.’

“So if they take away the cost-based program it is a big chunk for a facility like ours. That is the big one to watch for.”

Michel wasn’t the only one writing letters. In December, shortly after the governor’s budget cut proposal was re-leased, more than 30 legislators representing rural Washington districts -- including District 7 representatives Joel Kretz and Shelly Short -- signed a letter to the governor outlining the poten-tial impact of her proposal.

In it, they point out that the cuts in state funding would be matched 1:1 by cuts in federal dol-lars, and likely result in further cuts to programs and services supported through Medicaid managed care.

“While the proposal represents only 3 percent of the state’s Med-icaid budget,” the letter reads, “it represents a 48 percent reduction in Medicaid payments to Critical Access Hospitals. It’s difficult to identify another service that

Just in time for snowHospital Board approves equipment purchases

NVH, other Critical Access Hospitals face budget axe

See HOSPITAL on Page 3

Parking issue stays on Tonasket council radar

See COUNCIL on Page 3

The official paper of oroville, TonaskeT & okanogan counTy, WashingTonJanuary 19, 2012 • Volume 107, no. 03 Single Copy 75¢

cenTennial year - 1905-2005


Community ................................................................2-3

Letters & Opinions .......................................................4

Okanogan Valley Life/Columnists .................................5





Police Stats...................................................................10

Page 2: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012

Computers Laptops Repairs Parts Virus Removal

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By Gary A. DeVonManaging Editor

OROVILLE – The Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly at Oroville High School last Friday celebrated more than the man or even civil rights, it also delved into the history of women and the vote, as well as all voter’s rights.

The assembly started with an introduction by high school stu-dents Heather Galvan and Naomi Peters, then students from the elementary school presented a skit on the “Symbols of Freedom”

while other sang under the accom-paniment of music teacher Jeff Gee. Peters and Galvan presented a history of the holiday and that

was followed by a history video by high school students Caleb Whiteaker and Alex Kelly. Fellow student Lily Castrejon read King’s “I have a dream” speech. Galvan and Peters made a presenta-tion on Women’s History, Peters also presented a Women’s His-tory video she made with Kelsey Hughes.

Tony Kindred was the guest speaker and he spoke about the King Holiday, excerpting from Corretta Scott King’s “The Mean-ing of the King Holiday.”

Kindred read King’s widow’s

words, “This holiday honors the courage of a man who endured harassment, threats and beatings, and even bombings. We com-

memorate the man who went to jail 29 times to achieve freedom for others and who knew he would pay the ultimate price for his leadership. Martin Luther King kept marching and protesting anyway.

“Every King Holiday has been a national ‘teach-in’ on the values of nonviolence, unconditional love, tolerance, forgiveness and recon-

ciliation, which are so desperately needed to unify America... The holiday provides a unique oppor-tunity to teach young people to fight evil, not people....”

Kindred continued, using Cor-retta Scott King’s words, “Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not only for celebration and remembrance, education and tribute, but above

all a day of service. All across America on the holiday, his follow-ers perform service in hospitals and shelters and prisons and anywhere else people need help. It is a day of volunteering to feed the hungry, rehabilitate housing, tutor those who can’t read, mentor at risk youth, console the broken hearted and a thousand other projects. All of this for building the beloved community of his dream.

“Dr. King once said that we all have to decide whether we ‘will walk in the light of creative altru-ism or the darkness of destructive selfishness.”

After Kindred spoke Katy Smith and Nick Perez presented a video on citizenship, followed by a video by Ronel Kee and Connor Hughes. Galvan and Peters then introduced the posters that stu-dents had created marking the day and some of the quotes that they contained. They then closed the assembly.

By Brent BakerStaff Writer

TONASKET - The Tonasket Chamber of Commerce presented its 2011 profit and loss statement at its first 2012 meeting on Tues-day, Jan. 10, as well as electing its new officers and board members and announcing dates for a num-ber of annual events.

Treasurer Bill Nelson’s report showed that the chamber stayed in the black for the year, bring-ing in a net income of $2,118.27. Expenses totaled $20,635.03 and total income came in at $22,813.89. The report highlighted the im-portance of the RV park to the chamber’s income, as it netted about $6,260 profit, grossing more than all other income combined. Membership dues ($4,795) and income from the banquet auc-tion ($3,319) were the other two primary sources of income.

The Tonasket Visitor and Busi-ness Resource Center (TVBRC) reported that it hosted 1,149 visi-tors in 2011, held four art shows, had 131 visitors at its open house, 562 visitors for its Halloween haunted house and hosted cy-clist/campers for 26 nights in its camping area last summer. Linda Black, who coordinated a team of more than two dozen volunteers, received a proclamation from the Tonasket City Council in Decem-ber for her efforts.

This year’s annual fundraiser banquet, scheduled for today (Jan. 19), was set to include more than 25 donations for auction items, with Jerry Asmussen act-ing as the auctioneer and Mayor Patrick Plumb as the master of ceremonies. The band Hippies on Vacation will be performing and Lola Orr providing the catering.

Major upcoming events include the Kiwanis Groundhog Day din-ner on Saturday, Feb. 4, Tonasket Founders Day on Saturday, June 2, and the Okanogan Family Faire (formerly the Barter Faire) either the first or second weekend of October.

Dave and Peg Swanberg of the Okanogan Valley chapter of the Backcountry Horsemen were present to encourage the public to attend their Cabin Fever Night Out presentation at the Community Cultural Center on Friday, Jan. 27. The presentation

will include a three-part program featuring cowboy stories and Powerpoint slides of the back-country. It will be preceded by a dessert auction fundraiser and dinner, with doors opening at 4:30 p.m. The statewide Backcountry Horsemen are also selling a raffle calendar for $20 as a fundraiser. A drawing will take place at Lee Frank Mercantile on the last day of each month for a $300 prize, with a grand prize in December of $3,000.

In addition, the North Valley Hospital foundation will be hold-ing a fundraiser with a silent auc-tion and dinner on Feb. 25.

P e t e r Ja m e s o f G r e e n Okanogan announced that there will be a metal drive this spring, likely for a full month, although details were still being ironed out. James added that he is work-ing on building a drive-through recycling site on Western Avenue and is seeking community stake-holders.

Also, Scotty Kimball shared that he is starting the ground-work to partner with the school to plant a school garden and had been in contact with fourth grade teacher/city council member Scott Olson in regards to the project.

Finally, president Dale Cran-dall agreed to write a letter to the guests at the RV park who have stayed on-site longer than the 30-day city ordinance allows. He also unveiled the chamber’s new computer, which will be available for public use at the TVBRC for information on local attractions. The computer is also Skype-capable and could be used for videoconferencing as well.

The group also elected new of-ficers and board members.

Newly serving as officers will be Julie Alley as vice president and Aaron Kester as secretary. Dale Crandall will continue as president and Bill Nelson contin-ues as treasurer.

Patrick Plumb and Terri Orford will be serving on the board of directors, joining Kay Behymer and Robert Nau.

All nominations were approved unanimously.

The Chamber’s next meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. 24, at noon at Whistler’s Family Res-taurant in Tonasket.

Submitted by Daralyn HollenbeckPresident, Blue Star Mothers

TONASKET - The staff of the Tonasket Ranger Station recent-ly presented Blue Star Mothers president Daralyn Hollenbeck with a generous donation.

The Ranger District employ-ees, under Ranger Dale Olsen, hold an annual fund raiser to support local service groups. For the second year in a row the North Central Washington Blue Star Mothers chapter was proud to be a recipient.

As a nonprofit band of moth-ers whose children serve or have served in the military we use these funds to support

other military moms living in North Central Washington dur-ing times of military duress or celebration. From memorials to homecoming celebrations; travel expenses to promotions, graduations, or hospital vigils; even Birthday gifts and wishes to our hometown soldiers from the community.

A heartfelt “thank you” to Ranger Dale Olsen and the dis-trict’s employees for perpetuat-ing this great mission.

Anyone who has a need cre-ated by their child’s service in our Armed Forces, please con-tact the NCW Blue Star Mothers for help and/or information at (509) 485-2906 or on Facebook at facebook.com/ncw.blue.star.mothers

Submitted by Rosemarie Fulbrook

PENTICTON, B.C. - The Okanagan Symphony Orchestra continues in their series of festive performances with this exciting concert to welcome the New Year. The program opens with a musical descrip-tion of a fireworks display by Canadian composer Gary Kulesha and is followed by Haydn’s Symphony No. 45, the “Farewell” concert, which is sure to delight audience and orchestra members alike as the musicians “bow out”, leaving the stage one by one during the final movement. They do return, however, for J.S. Bach’s Branden-burg Concerto No. 6, which features the warm tones of the lower registered string instruments and end the celebratory evening with a rousing rendition of the Royal Fireworks Music by George Handel. The OSO is joined by the Youth Symphony of the Okanagan under the direction of Imant Raminsh and the Night Owl Orchestra, directed by Sheila French.

Please join the OSO in Penticton on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the Cleland Theatre for this festive performance. Tickets are available from the Penticton & Wine Country Information Centre, 553 Railway Street, Tel:1-855-985-5000.

For additional information on this concert and the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra, please visit the website www.okanagansym-phony.com.

Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly celebrates more than the man

Kaylin Patterson, a kindergartener at Oroville Elementary School was among the students that did the Symbols of Freedom skit.

Photos by Gary DeVonPosters, created by Oroville High School students, celebrating the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and freedom decorated the walls of Coulton Auditorium.

Teacher Tony Kindred spoke at the Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly held last Friday at Oroville High School. Kindred read excerpts from Corretta Scott King on “The Meaning of the King Holiday.”

Lily Castrejon read the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a Dream” speech.

Students from Oroville Elementary School sign in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. They are accompanied on the piano by music teacher Jeff Gee.

Tonasket Ranger District’s fundraiser supports NCW Blue Star Mothers

Submitted photo The staff of the Tonasket Ranger Station recently presented North Central Washington Blue Star Mothers president Daralyn Hollenbeck (second from left) with a donation. The Blue Star Mothers support mothers of current and former members of the Armed Forces. Pictured are (l-r) Phil Christy, Daralyn Hollenbeck, Carol Ogilvie and Marcy Johnson.

Tonasket chamber stays in black for 2011

OSO’s January Concert being held Jan. 28

2 OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune • January 19, 2012

Page 3: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012


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Sandra Rasmussen

While the election season heats up, you will hear more and more prom-ises, claims and counter-claims from the candidates. As a citizen, you may or may not enjoy this “political theater,” but as an investor, you might be con-cerned over all the talk about taxes, Social Security, Medicare and other financial topics. Will you need to adjust your savings and investment strate-gies? If so, how?

Before you think about adjusting your investment strategy in anticipation of any actions coming from Washington, keep a couple of facts in mind. First, few campaign promises become real-ity. And second, due to our system of government, radical shifts in direction are difficult to implement — which is why so few of them occur.

Still, we may see some smaller-scale

Don’t Play Politics with Your Investment Decisions— yet not insignificant — changes in the near future. In light of this possibility, what investment decisions should you make? Here are a few suggestions:

Consider owning investments that are taxed in different ways. No one can predict what will happen with income tax rates or the tax rates that are ap-plied to capital gains and dividends. Consequently, it may be a good idea to seek “tax diversification” by owning investments that are taxed in different ways. For example, when you sell ap-preciated stocks, you pay capital gains taxes, whereas interest payments from bonds will be taxed at your individual tax rate. And it’s always a good idea to take advantage of tax-advantaged vehicles, such as an IRA and your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan.Stick with quality. It’s a good idea, when owning stocks, to invest in qual-ity companies with diversified busi-nesses. These companies are usually less dependent on a particular govern-ment program, and they typically have a global reach, so they may be better able to handle any changes implemented in Washington.Stay focused on your long-term goals. Politicians come and go, and our po-litical parties seem to take turns holding

the reins of power. Yet your long-term goals — such as college for your chil-dren, a comfortable retirement and the ability to leave a legacy to your family — don’t really change. By realizing that you are largely responsible for achiev-ing your goals, and by following an investment strategy that’s suitable for your individual risk tolerance and time horizon, you can make gradual, but still meaningful, progress toward those goals — no matter what’s happening in Washington.Review your strategy regularly. With the possible approach of changes in tax policies and in government programs that can affect your retirement security, you’ll want to review your investment strategy regularly to make sure it’s still on track toward helping you meet your objectives. As part of this review, you may want to seek out more “tax-smart” investment opportunities, while always looking for ways to supply the asset growth you’ll need to enjoy the retire-ment lifestyle you’ve envisioned.Aside from voting for the candidates who best represent your interests, you may not have much influence over what goes on in Washington. But by “electing” the right moves to help meet your goals, you can have plenty of control over your investment strategy.

the hornets cornerRemembering, Honoring and DoingSubmitted by: Cara Valdez, OHS Senior

Whether it’s working hard to put together an honorable assembly to finishing up the final touches on our FAFSA, the Oroville Students are working rigorously to do their best.

Last Friday at Oroville High School, the students from the high school and elementary came together to remember this bold and courageous man. Mrs. Cleveland’s Senior CWP Class organized the hour-long event that lasted from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Martin Luther King Jr. was a phenomenal and legendary man who con-stantly risked his life fighting for the equal rights of everyone.

Eventually, he was assassinated because people detested his views on living equal and in peace with one another. Stu-dents from both Mr. Thornton’s history classes handcrafted beautiful posters that were hung and displayed in the gym where everyone at the event could see them. Lily Casterjon put together a skit that repre-sented many colored people like Rosa Parks to Jackie Robinson. Overall it was a very informa-tive and amazing assembly. Well done Senior Class and all those who pitched in.

January 1, 2012 was the first day that seniors could submit their Federal Application For Student Aid, known better as The FAFSA. OHS held it’s first FAFSA Night on Monday, Jan. 9 for students and their parents to come and receive help filling out the form. The next FAFSA Night will be held on Monday, Jan. 23 and it will last from 6

p.m. to 8 p.m. and there will be refreshments served. This will be a great opportunity for those students and parents who need that extra push before the aimed deadline of Feb. 1. Remember the sooner you get your FAFSA submitted, the bet-ter it will benefit you.

Also giving their best, the Sophomore Class has been diligently putting together the annual Tolo semi-formal dance on Saturday, Jan. 21. This year’s theme is Winter Wonderland, which seems to fit perfectly minus the amount of snow we usually have by now. Tickets cost $6 a single and $10 a couple so make sure and purchase those now! The dance will be held in the high school’s com-mons and it begins at 9 p.m. and ends at 12 a.m. This years Tolo will be loads of fun and full of great memories. So what are you waiting for? Go dance the night away!

would be cut this dramatically.“The real impact of these cuts

is measured in lives, not dollars. It is not simply a convenience to have reasonable access to health care. Sometimes it is the differ-ence between life and death.”

Bharucha pointed out that there are other areas that may

be cut as well. For instance, the hospital can currently receive a 100 percent reimbursement from Medicare for bad debt; that could be reduced to 25 percent.

“The smaller cuts that may be coming as well,” Bharucha said. “A little cut here and chop there adds up. Sometimes, it’s the uncertainty that gets to you

more than the knowing what will happen.”

Meanwhile, Critical Access Hospital facilities like NVH wait to see what happens in Olympia.

Note: The full text of the leg-islators’ letter can be found at http://houserepublicans.wa.gov/fagan/CAH.Letter.pdf

Continued from Page 1

HOSPITAL: Next meeting Thursday, Jan. 26

them all a little bit better.”Also, at Black’s invitation,

Patrick Cancilla of Northwest Playgrounds made a presen-tation for a water spray park that could help fill the gap for summer recreation until the swimming pool can someday be re-opened.

Northwest Playgrounds has built 15 water spray parks of various sizes throughout Eastern Washington, using potable water and highly resistant to vandalism. The total cost of such a project, if the city were to take it on, would be about $80,000 and take approximately six months to a year to com-plete.

Actions taken by the board included:

- the approval of the an-nexation of the Armed Forces Legacy Project to the City of Tonasket;

- approval for city super-intendent Bill Pilkinton to

purchase up to $500 worth of acrylic basketball backboards and mounting equipment for the Little Learners Park;

- approval of George Hill as the new planning commission member, as well city coun-cil committee assignments, which will remain the same as last year;

- the approval for Plumb to sign documents for a $2.35 million USDA Rural Develop-ment loan for the water and sewer project;

- the approval of an agree-ment with Century West Engineering Corporation to handle the pavement repair project at the Tonasket air-port, up to $23,000 without further authorization; and

- the approval for Burks to apply for a USDA rural development grant of up to $15,000, plus a low-interest loan for the difference in cost, to go toward the purchase of a police vehicle.

Also, Julianna Griffin sub-

mitted an amendment to the record from the council meet-ing of Dec. 13:

“The (Tonasket) Middle School ASB sponsored an activity where nearly 200 let-ters to Santa were collected,” Griffin wrote. “A volunteer drove them to the nearest Macy’s store as part of their national pledge to donate $1 for every letter (up to $1 million) to the Make-a-Wish Foundation, a non-profit that grants wishes to youth with life-threatening medical con-ditions.

“There is a local connection to Make-a-Wish as a Tonasket student battling cancer right now was awarded a trip to Disneyland, scheduled for spring, 2012.”

There was not a direct connection between the ASB activity and the Disney trip.

The Tonasket City Council will next meet Tuesday, Jan. 24, in the council chambers at City Hall.

Continued from Page 1

COUNCIL: Next council meeting held Jan. 24

by Brent BakerStaff Writer

TONASKET - George Frank was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from Afghanistan.

The package that came shortly thereafter left tears in his eyes.

Thanks to Mary Karrer, a Tonasket resident overseeing a construction project with the Army Corps of Engineers at Ba-gram Air Base, the Armed Forces Legacy Project is the proud recipi-ent of an American flag flown on the Afghanistan base on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2011.

“I couldn’t believe I was talking to someone in Afghanistan,” Frank said. “She asked if she could send us a flag. She actually called my house. All I could say was, ‘Wow.’ It’s pretty touching.”

Mary Karrer’s husband Dan and eighth grade daughter Cor-rina said that Mary will likely be returning home soon after having worked in Afghanistan for the past six months. While there, she has “adopted” many of the soldiers as her own -- something she’s always done as an adoptive and foster parent, Dan said.

“She was having us send flour, chocolate chips, baking soda to her,” he said. “I was like, ‘Really? You’re making cookies?’ She’s try-ing to give them a taste of home.

“No matter if we supported a particular war or not, we’ve al-ways supported the boys, without question.”

While neither Dan nor Mary Karrer actually served in the mili-tary, three of their family do: Sgt. Anthony McGee and Cody Ferrier, both in the Army, and Sgt. Dane Griffin, a Marine.

Corrina said she intends to fol-low their lead.

“I’m really proud of them,” she said.

Dan Karrer said that people on the base could purchase flags to be flown there on Veterans Day and sent home. After being flown for a short time, the flags were brought down, folded and re-boxed by the soldiers. The flag is accompanied by certification that it was flown at Bagram Airfield specifically in honor of the Tonasket memorial.

“She ordered one for each of the kids but had one more,” he

said. “She called and asked what she should do with the other one, and I suggested the Armed Forces Legacy Project.

“Next thing I know, I get a call from George thanking us for the flag. I didn’t even know she’d sent it yet. She tracked them down from Afghanistan.”

The flag was accompanied by the certificate and a letter from Mary Karrer.

“I had this flag flown 11/11/2011 in honor of all the men and women who serve, which I’m grateful

for,” it reads. “I give this flag freely without reservations to the community that will always have strong convictions and faith. Thanks so much for allowing me and my family into your lives and for protecting us.”

Legacy Project president Roger Castelda said the flag will be kept in the yet-to-be-completed building at the Legacy site and be flown there on special occasions.

“It’ll be special to see,” Corrina Karrer said.

Legacy Project receives flag flown in Afghanistan

Photo by Brent BakerDan and Corrina Karrer present the flag sent by Mary Karrer from Afghanistan to Armed Forces Legacy Project representatives George Frank and Roger Castelda.

By Gary A. DeVonManaging Editor

OROVILLE – The Oroville Par-ent-Teacher Organization (PTO) brought together school board members, staff and the community at a special Town Hall meeting last week to discuss issues involving the Oroville School District.

A panel that included Superin-tendent Steve Quick, School Direc-tors Phil Barker and Rocky DeVon, High School Principal Kristin Sarmiento and Elementary School Principal Joan Hoehn was present to answer questions. The Town Hall featured several preprepared questions, as well as a chance for community members to ask their own questions.

The first question involved whether the board was respon-sible for reviewing curriculum before it goes into the classroom and whether a parents can make curriculum suggestions. Quick said that the district’s curriculum is posted on its website, that a com-mittee reviews all curriculum and makes recommendations to the board, who has the final decision.

“A lot of these questions might be answered on the website, like the first one that talks about curric-ulum,” said Supt. Quick. “There’s a ton of info on the district website under the curriculum tab.”

Quick said last year the district was choosing science curriculum and this year it is language arts.

He invited the community to get involved and said parents can make suggestions and that these suggestions would be looked at by the curriculum committee.

The next question was about what to do if parents have prob-lems with staff or teachers, what steps would be recommended.

Quick said he usually recom-mends the parent go directly to the staff member.

“A lot of misconceptions can be solved this way before they go to the rumor mill. Secondly, everyone has a direct supervisor. In my case it is the school board,” he said. “Put the complaint in writing, it really helps to clarify the issue. There is also a complaint form online.”

The panel was asked if there was a process in place to address bully-ing. Sarmiento said that there was a process and Maria Griffin, the Dean of Students, and Charlie De-Marre with Family Empowerment were there to help. She also spoke about several programs the school has to educate students about bullying, as does the elementary, according to Principal Hoehn.

“Bullying is a disciplinary ac-tion, the student and parents meet with Mr. Fancher who handles discipline,” Sarmiento said. “We take bullying very seriously... we also have peer mediation which can be effective.”

The next question concerned whether there was a way to learn what takes place at the school

board meetings in addition to what appears in the Gazette-Tribune. Quick said the board minutes can be found online.

The board members were asked if they had specific goals in mind regarding changes they would like to make in the district.

“I’d like to see us spend more time trying to get along rather then squabbling... to work to quickly re-solve issues and see everyone is treated the same... that what’s fair for one is fair for all,” said Barker, the board’s chairman.

DeVon, the board’s vice-chair-man, said he’d like the district to have its own Running Start type program rather than see students have to drive to Omak.

“I’d also like a dedicated repair and maintenance program for the buildings. Good buildings are expensive, we need to take care of them,” said DeVon.

There were questions about the school levy and potential bonds for building repairs. Quick said the board had settled on a replacement two-year levy asking for the same amount as last time. The election will be held in February. Election information is also online.

The decision as to whether to run a bond for facilities improve-ments hasn’t been made yet. The roof on both the elementary and high school need major repairs and that will probably be the district’s first step in facilities improvements.

Oroville PTO sponsors Town HallJanuary 19, 2012 • OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune 3

Page 4: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012

Out Of my mind

Gary A. DeVon

The Town Crier

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letters to the editor

Keep Similkameen wild and beautiful

Dear Gary,The time has come when I

can no longer remain silent. My own inner voice, my conscience, will no longer allow my silent acceptance of an intolerable situation. The P.U.D. is planning the destruction of a very special place to many here in north county. I speak of Enloe Falls on the Similkameen River.

As I write you, an application for the Licensing of a Hydroelec-tric Power Plant waits approval by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC. Our Utility District Commissioners have al-ready spent millions to proceed this far. In brief, their project would position a power plant on the north side of the river just above the places we all fish for salmon and steelhead trout now. Taking its intake from above the existing falls, their proposal plans divert almost the entire stream flow of the river through their turbines, leaving only a thin veil of water over the falls and what amounts

to a dry riverbed from the falls base downstream well beyond the old powerhouse. It would be fenced and lit to the sky at night. It would be automated, con-trolled and monitored from their new headquarters in Okanogan with remote cameras keeping a watchful eye on everything. New transmission line towers would no doubt march from the Oroville Sub-station up the river to the new powerhouse.

This diversion of a river’s entire stream flow through a turbine is certainly nothing I have ever seen done before, but since there really isn’t great generating potential at the site, they must be going for every possible kilowatt they can get? Our commissioners have told FERC in written documents the Similkameen River is in a remote region, with low population and nobody really gives a damn about this river anyway.

No mention is made of the annual return of the Kings! The Chinook Salmon that will make their way to those dry up-per pools when the damage is done. No mention of the growing fishery that has brought many local and regional fishermen and women out for the rush of a lifetime, when you hook the

King of the Salmon on light tackle. No thought of the value of a 30 pound salmon at an aver-age $10 per pound or the quality of the food we feed our families when we bring them home to our tables. Our wild run is a miracle and a blessing on us all. They survive the turbines, the birds, the seals, the many hazards of the vast Pacific and return home to us after three or four years in the ocean, strong magnificent creatures swimming through a gauntlet of international fishing fleets, countless commercial fishermen and sport fishermen and coming home to us here on the Similkameen River. It’s an odd way of showing our ap-preciation.

There is also no mention of our Similkameen River Trail, on which so many of our com-munity members have labored and we all can now finally enjoy. Our north county commissioner Ernie Bolz told me personally at a commissioners’ meeting I attended recently down at headquarters in Okanogan, that he thought I would be surprised at how many people will want to use the trail just to see the new power facility. I would like to ask those great Oroville High School Students of ours, how they feel about their handmade benches every half mile along a trail that leads to a new shiny power plant?

But here is the best part Gary. The “estimated” cost of this project is $40 million and it will yield just two to three percent of Okanogan County’s electri-cal energy needs. Check it out for yourself. It’s all available through their website, though they have been pretty quiet about their plans. I really want this story out everywhere across the Okanogan from Oroville to Pateros, from Keller and Ne-spelem to the Methow Valley.It is my fervent prayer that this story will be talked about in every church, Grange and Longhouse across this great county. In ev-ery school, in every Town Hall and Senior Citizen Center we need to hear an angry buzz of discontent. Grab your paper and pens, put your outrage to paper and write FERC and any other person, group or organization you can bring to this fight.

We must mobilize quickly and act with courage and conviction to stop this outrageous assault

against ourselves and nature. There are speakers ready to make a presentation to any group wanting to learn more. There will be a meeting at the Oroville Depot Museum every Monday night at 6 p.m. to plan our campaign. My number is (509) 476-4072. If we stand togeth-er we will win! Similkameen, Wild and Beautiful. Thanks for allowing the space.

Sincerely, Joseph Enzensperger, Oroville

Why PUD rates are so high

Dear Editor,It looks like there isn’t any

common sense at the PUD. Did you receive the mailing stating that they would be closed for Martin Luther King’s Birthday? I want to know why they couldn’t have included this mailing into their regular billing mailing. If they are using the excuse that they sent out their Watts Up articles and whatever else was in the mailing, this could have gone out in the billing also.

I would like to know just how much this mailing cost with the cost of the printing of the letter, stuffing the envelope, the enve-lope and the postage. Why can’t you do like everybody else that will be closed on a particular day and put an ad in the paper or put a sign on your door ahead of time? It is like me wanting to go to WalMart to pick up a gallon of milk instead of waiting until I go to the grocery store for all of my shopping items. Must be nice to be able to spend someone else’s hard earned money. Just another excuse to raise our rates again.

Jackie DanielsOroville

Only one man for ‘little guy’

Dear Editor,The idea that only bigger

government can save us from ourselves, our enemies, our health problems, our financial problems and any other calam-ity that might “trample the little guy” seems to be growing. What would this nation look like if our

founders held this vision of a socialist utopia?

In the field of candidates run-ning for president (both parties) all but one, offers this bigger gov-ernment solution. Only one man is advocating a sound monetary policy, limited constitutional government, and a return to an understanding of what liberty for the “little guy” as well as all other Americans means. If big government is the answer to society’s problems then why do we have so many problems?

It is odd that the funny looking old man in the ill-fitting suit is the only one warning the nation of the troubles big government continues to get us in. Does the clown who has been on the golf course 80 times, while promis-ing to give the “little guy” all he needs, and has never proposed a budget, who in the fashion of a dictator bypassed congress to make more czar appointments and who is ready to ask for another $1.2 trillion in stimulus money, while the Federal Re-serve is ready to push another quantitative easing stunt, not know he is stealing from the “little guy” and the little guy’s children’s children. Ron Paul is redirecting the conversation on these issues for the Repub-lican Party, which is good, even though he is hated for it.

The Democrat party seems to be on the predictable path of offering more to some, while taking more from others, while stealing liberty from all. Look-ing for a legitimate candidate in either party is especially hard, now that our nation has been trained to look to the state for answers to problems that have been created (for the most part) by the state.

Steve Lorz Tonasket

The real villainsDear Editor,Marines – The real villains of

this story are people like Hillary Clinton who want to punish the Marines that are demonstrat-ing their disgust and distain for the faceless cowards that are responsible for the road-side bombs that are killing and maim-ing our soldiers. Do we need to show respect for Al Qaeda the ones that made the video of a

beheading of a live prisoner. Not me.

Kenn TuttleOroville

March for LifeDear Editor,On Monday, Jan. 23 at 12 p.m.

at Omak City Park there will be a March for Life in Omak so that we will not forget that is it legal to kill an innocent, helpless baby in a mother’s womb through abortion. Everyone is welcome to join us. Jan. 22 commemorates the sad, infamous day that the U.S. Supreme Court passed the Roe vs. Wade decision legaliz-ing abortion on demand in the United States of America in 1973. Common sense tells us that this is wrong. It seems that not much attention is directed at the kill-ing of these babies any longer, it seems to be an acceptable part of society’s norms. I participated in the National March for Life in Washington DC, which took place the day after President Obama was inaugurated. There were 400,000 Pro Life marchers and as usual the media did not hardly even mention this news-worthy event. At the same time that we were marching, the first bill President Obama signed was an executive order removing the ban on tax payer funding of abortion overseas (the Mexico City Policy). I wonder what God thinks when he sees 1.4 million babies a year in the USA along being killed because of our self-ishness. How much longer is he going to put up with us? God is so merciful that even now if we repented he will forgive us.

There is another victim in abortion that suffers immensely in the heart, the mother espe-cially and also the father. They know that they have killed their child and have kept it locked inside for up to 50 years while society tries to tell them that ev-erything is okay, but they know it isn’t okay inside. My heart goes out to their silent suffering and I pray that they may know hope and healing is available. No sin is too great for God’s Mercy.

Al and Judy BoscoOmak, Wash.

In case you haven’t noticed we took our first steps toward the new look for the newspaper, put our toe in the water so to speak. Starting this week we have the ability to print color pictures and advertisements on any page.

By having this ability it really makes for a change in the pos-sibilities for layout. We aren’t restricted to having to plan our color photos around the front and back pages of newspaper

sections. Now color advertising, especially full page ads, won’t be competing with sports or special event photos for room on the back page because they can go on any page.

By making this change we can bring you all the photos in color and I think this will really en-hance the look of the newspaper. Advertisers can say they want full process color, but would like to be inside the paper, rather than on the back if that is their preference.

It’s not to say I won’t miss black and white photography because that’s what I grew up with from the first time I ventured into a darkroom to develop a roll of film and make a print in my early teens. Photography seemed more like magic than science back then. Black and white, from old photos to film noir, will always hold a spe-

cial place in my heart. Black and white photography is both simple and complex at the same time. When executed properly it can be a technical and artsy triumph or just a good snapshot recording your family history. I’m sure one day I’ll look back with nostalgia on the all black and white news-papers, and read all over, as the tagline to the old riddle goes. But for now I’m excited about this step in the evolution of the G-T.

I missed the cold and hot type eras, which came on when com-munity newspapers were typeset with CompuGraphic machines and then went to being set on early PCs, growing into being laid out entirely on computers and eventually taking the dark-room entirely out of the picture. Nowadays we set type, download photos and send what we want to be printed over the information

superhighway directly to the printers. What a change.

There will always be photo-graphs that just look better in B&W, but color delivers a more realistic accounting of the news we capture - we don’t see in black and white. Good color photos can pop off the page and really draw your attention to an article. Al-though I wouldn’t have believed it a dozen or so years back, today’s digital cameras do rival film in nearly every way and in some ways surpass it, often giving the photographer the ability to shoot in much lower light situations without having to fire off what might be an intrusive flash to get the shot.

Anyway this is just the start of what we’ve been hinting at for the last few weeks and since I’m writing this before the newspaper has gone to press (obviously) I’m

hoping everything went off with-out a hitch. Fingers crossed and look for more positive changes in the newspaper as the year

progresses. Although it’s a little belated,

thanks for being our loyal readers and best wishes in 2012.

Color on every page: Start of new look for the G-T

25 Years Ago: Thursday, January 2, 1986:

An announcement that the State Department of Labor & In-dustries will reduce payments to hospitals by an amount equal to the percentage of bad debt, was received “like a kick in the pants” by hospital commissioners a their regular meeting last Tuesday morning. Hospital Administrator, Gordon McLean has contacted several legislators, the State Hos-pital Association and other public hospitals on this issue and a pro-test from the North Valley Hospital Commissioners will be filed at a L&I hearing set for January 8. The book “All Roads to Tonasket” was written and compiled by Elva Helm and Henry Colbert. It is a beautiful book and a pictorial history of the Town of Tonasket.

At the Oroville School Board meeting, the maintenance and operation levy was set. The board selected Tuesday, February 4, 1986, as the date. The levy will be for two years and replaces the levy approved in February 1984. The amount will be for $213,000.00, which would be collected at a rate of $1.68 per $1,000 dollars of as-sessed valuation.

Oroville Senior Citizens sing at the North Valley Nursing Home once a month. On December 18, the group included Hallie Bow-

ers, Pauline Griffin, Bill Dobbins, Winnie Read, Wesley Rogers, Heinz Schultz, Betty and John Steg. Edith Meyer went with the group to accompany on the piano. It is the custom to have a birthday table once each month at a nutri-tion meal.

After an eight month silence, the organ at the Ellisforde Brethren Church was played the last Sunday of the year by Adria Weddle. An Easter morning fire in the console had destroyed a large portion of the intricate wiring. Harvey Weddle, Henry Colbert and Bill Peterson have put in many hours repairing the damage. They were able to replace some of the system with solid state units. New ranks have been added and the chimes never sounded better. Everyone is grateful to have the organ back in the worship service.

50 Years Ago: January 4, 1962:

Stafford Lewis reported that the first load of logs was hauled over the Eden Valley Road Tues-day of this week and that soon it was expected that eight loads a day would be using the newly improved road.

Officials at the ski area have announced that night skiing will begin Thursday, January 11 at 5:30 p.m. This is a new venture at the

ski area as lights were installed early this winter.

The Hornets from Oroville emerged with second place at the Christmas Tournament held in Omak last weekend. The tourna-ment, with four teams entered, Omak, Okanogan, Oroville and Tonasket, began Friday evening when the local boys tangled with Omak coming out on top by a score of 41-40. In the second game, the Tonasket Tigers went ahead in the early stages of the game and went on to win over Oroville 50-36, giving the Tigers their second straight first in the tournament.

Classified Ad; 150 foot lake frontage with well and septic tank already in, $6,000. Grocery ads; Valley Dairy ice cream ½ gal. $.59, oranges.69, $.10 per pound, ground round, $.69 fresh ground, peanut butter, 44 oz. $99.

75 Years Ago: Thursday, January 1, 1937:

Oroville has been more or less fortunate during the past year of 1936. There has been increased building activity including a new theater, store buildings, service stations and residences. There have been good crops and fair prices, labor conditions have im-proved, and nearby mines have gone into production as well as others being developed. New

people have been added to the community population.

Secretary of the Interior, Harold L. Ickes, last week announced the award of the contract for the manufacture and delivery of 20 sets of gates for the first tier, of outlet works at the Grand Coulee Dam at a cost of $1,454,141.21.

Knob Hill Grange-Twenty six Grangers from Knob Hill, attended the installation of officers with Molson Grange Saturday evening. Pomona Master Geo. I. Shaw, of Twisp assisted by Mrs. Shaw. The hospitable Molson Grange gave us a pleasant evening and at the close, served a delicious lunch. Vallie Rinker, who bought the Ferris Ford ranch and cattle, has taken posses-sion and expects to bring his string of race horses here soon.

A news item in the Republic News Miner of December 18, states that a baby boy was recently born to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eder, formerly of Danville and now of Oroville.

Three Oroville couples were granted marriage licenses the day before Christmas; they were Herbert John Wall and Mary Jane Grube, their witness being Mrs. Willard A.Grube; Harold W. Voyles and Pearl Sneve, with Harry Voyles being their witness and Alden Sawtells and Gertrude Borg, their witness being Mrs. Lester E. Roberts.

items from the past

4 OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune • January 19, 2012

Page 5: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012

www.gazette-tribune.comPost your comments on recent articles and let your voice be heard.



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Okanogan Valley Life

oroville senior news

hilltop comments

tonasket eagles

the learning tree

The snow that came the first Saturday night of the month, left just about as quickly as it came, but the cold tempera-tures remain. The accident that happened in front of our house on that night was not serious and no broken bones were reported.

It has been reported that a large cougar is getting up close and personal at some residences down in the area of Weyerhauser chip plant, south on Highway 97.

Ted Williams, who has been seriously ill with bronchial pneumonia still remains in the hospital. Ted was put in an induced coma and then had a tracheotomy and is recovering from issues following those procedures.

Alice Reiner, mother of Judy Dunston, passed away at North Valley Hospital. She had been a resident at Assisted Living until recently. Condolences go to the family members. She was a great lover of flowers and an excellent gardener and for years at the Senior Center I couldn’t remember her name and just referred to as the “flower lady” and she always responded to that name.

Another Alice, last name Patton, recently passed away in Tonasket. She was a member of Oroville Seniors while liv-

ing here but needed to be near the hospital and moved some months ago.

I am still recovering from the Shingles and have been given “hints” from taking vitamin B -12 to rubbing Pepto Bismol on my itchy scalp. Results have been, pink hair and a “funny taste” of the vitamin, and I still itch.

Our town is suffering results of the slow economy. I’ve never seen things so dead in all the years I’ve lived here. So many empty building and now I see the laundromat is closed, part time. Hopefully things will change after the winter doldrums.

In the forties, the nearest thing to a laundromat was a wringer washer, located at Cub Mallory’s Cabin’s and it cost 10 cents a load, located where the

mobile home park used to be, across from Trino’s.

This past week there have been some mighty cold fellows working on top of the senior center, installing a commer-cial range hood system in the kitchen. There have been no lunches served during that time. “Things” should be back on schedule now that the proj-ect is finished.

Some years ago the Gazette had an “Old News” column, giving happenings of 25, 50 and 75 years ago. When the paper was sold the new owners opted to not have that information. But beginning with this weeks issue it will be printed again, and will appear every other week, compiled by Clayton Emry. Hope you enjoy as you did before.

Midweek last week there was

equipment working in front of Dale’s gas station with big augers going down into the soil checking for oil leaks, where the tanks are buried and they were doing the same proce-dure in front of Blossom and Briar Floral/Home Furnishings building. as that too was once a gas station.

When I came to Oroville in 1943 there were 13 gas stations and 13 Churches. You can do the math now.

I missed seeing the report of the death of Warren Bra-zel in the Hilltop News last week. Warren had lived in the Oroville, Tonasket, Loomis, Molson and Chesaw for a lot of years. He was a very quiet, friendly fellow that was an asset in every community in which he was living.

It has been reported that

Nancy Hill has had another vis-it to the hospital in Wenatchee, with complications after mul-tiple surgeries.

Juanita Waggy was missed last Saturday night at cards, as she recuperates from gallstone surgery. Her daughter and son-in-law from Seattle are giving a hand where needed.

Do you want to know how to make an afternoon pass real quickly? Drag out the old photo box and go through them and “weed” out the many that you wonder “Why in the world am I saving that?” And please remember to put names on the ones you do decide to keep.

Me and Martin Luther King had birthdays last Sunday, thus another Monday holiday, caus-ing me to be mixed up, once again. Of course it takes very little to mix me up these days.

Submitted by Marianne Knight

On Jan. 9, 35 Pinochle players joined together for the nights games, over in Molson on Mon-day night. Jerry Beeman took the Traveling spot. Danny

Wietrick and Alan Moore were the Low winners and the High winners were Doug Knight and Wilma Penner.

A group of the Highland Hooters Red Hat Ladies had a day at the Casino last Saturday. Some of the ladies had good

luck with Bingo, others with Door prizes, and others did well on the Penny machines. The next day at bingo will be on March 10. Everyone is welcome. Join us for a fun day.

The Knob Hill Club will have their first meeting of the new

year on Jan. 25. The ladies will be designing next years 4th of July Quilt and making Fire and Lap Quilts. The ladies meet on Monday mornings at the Che-

saw Community Building at 9 a.m. All are welcome.

Well here we are with a beau-tiful blue sky and sun-shining day with the prediction of a

snow storm. I know we need the snow to get us through the summer season but today was beautiful, yet cold.

Until next week.

Submitted by Dolly Engelbretson

Most activities resume again at the Senior Center after the installation of the range hood. Hurray!

Of course, Pinochle seems to go on, no matter what. Also, the pool players seemed to find their way to the pool tables. Exercise classes will resume on Tuesday after being recessed for a couple weeks. Time to try to get in shape

again.Juanita Waggy is home af-

ter being hospitalized with gall bladder problems. She has been missed by the Saturday evening Pinochle bunch and Sunday after-noon brunch bunch.

The January issue of the cen-ter newsletter (published by our own Tillie Porter) has a feature article by Boots Emry on Barbie Friemuth. The second half of the story will be featured in the February issue. Barbie is a very

special person here but has been out with surgery on her left hand. It will take another week of heal-ing before she can come down for lunch and bingo. She always wins and, boy, can she let everyone know when she bingos! Try to catch one of our flyers.

Pinochle News: Dave Choate won the Door Prize; Howard Cumbo won the Most Pinochles; and Leonard Paulsen and Beverly Storm both tied for High Score.

More next week.


Our winter temperatures are finally here and boy, is it cold! A good way to warm up is with a bowl of hot soup. The Auxiliary is having Souper Saturdays from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the next two weekends to raise money for their kids’ holiday parties. You can warm up and help a good cause at the same time!

Pinochle scores from last Sunday are: First - Gib McDou-gal; Second - Jo Porter; Low Score - Ted Zachman; Last

Pinochle - Jerry Cooksey and Ward Seim.

Don’t forget Bingo and Friday Night Kitchen. We still have big prizes to be won at Bingo. This week’s Special for the Friday Night Kitchen is the Western Burger, it comes with BBQ sauce and an Onion ring on top.

We are saddened to report the passing of Ellen Stotts on Thursday, Jan. 12. Ellen was an Auxiliary member since May of 1952. She was a very active member here. She was

on the Auxiliary Drill team and prepared food for almost every memorial service held here. Services for Ellen will be on Friday, Jan. 20 at 11 a.m. at the Tonasket Free Methodist Church on Havillah Rd. There will be a luncheon afterward here at the Aerie. Ellen will be missed very much.

On Saturday, Jan. 21 at 11 a.m. there is a memorial here for Auxiliary member Jo Miller. Jo will be missed greatly.

God bless you all the Biggest Little Eagles in the state.

Submitted by North Valley Community Schools

We regret the cancellation of the annual Oysters Feast which was scheduled for this Friday. It is always a popular event. Climate conditions affect oyster farming just as they do with any farming industry. At the Canoe Lagoon Oyster Company in southeast Alaska climate condi-tions are such that harvesting the oysters would be highly dangerous to those who do the labor. Working in sub-zero temperatures, they must care-fully tread on logs or rafts and use their hands in near freez-ing water to pull up the oyster nets. The oysters are scrubbed,

packed in ice and put on an air-plane, arriving live and kicking – so to speak – for the annual oysters feast. That’s how fresh they are. We’ll let you know if this event is rescheduled.

The Jan. 14 Musical Jam at the Oroville library was foot-stomping fun. Jammers included Steve Pollard, Ray Dispenza, John Phillilps, Rick Braman, Pati Burns, Joseph Enzensperger, Naomi Alloway, Denny Richardson and Mark ‘Elvis’ Osiecki. Allene Halliday, with her beautiful voice, sang “Everybody is Talking at Me.” Along with the music there was chili, soup, corn bread and des-serts. A fun evening, and we’ll do it again.

January 19, 2012 • OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune 5

Page 6: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012

Holy Rosary Parish1st & Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket

10:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the MonthOther Sundays at 8:30 a.m.

1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every other Sun.Rev. David Kuttner • 476-2110

Immanuel Lutheran Church1608 Havillah Rd., Tonasket • 509-485-3342

Sun. Worship 9 a.m. • Bible Study & Sun. School 10:15“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works,

so that no one can boast.” -Eph. 2:8-9“To every generation.” Celebrating 100 years 1905-2005

Crossroads Meeting Place Tonasket Foursquare Church415-A S. Whitcomb Ave. • Pastor George Conkle

Sunday: 10 a.m.(509) 486-2000 • cell: (509) 429-1663

Tonasket Community UCC 24 E. 4th, Tonasket • 486-2181

“A biblically based, thoughtful group of Christian People”Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.

Call for program/activity information Leon L. Alden, Pastor

Whitestone Church of the Brethren577 Loomis-Oroville Rd., Tonasket. 846-4278

9:15am Praise Singing. 9:30am Worship Service10:45am Sunday school for all ages

Ellisforde Church of the Brethren32116 Hwy. 97, Tonasket. 846-4278

10am Sunday School. 11am Worship Service “Continuing the work of Jesus...simply, peacefully, together”

Pastor Jim Yaussy Albright. [email protected]

Oroville Community Bible FellowshipSunday Service, 10:00 a.m.

923 Main St. • [email protected] Fast, Pastor

Faith Lutheran Church11th & Ironwood, Oroville • 476-2426

Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. “O taste and see that the Lord is good!”

Pastor Dan Kunkel • Deacon Dave Wildermuth

Immaculate Conception Parish1715 Main Street Oroville

8:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the MonthOther Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every other Sun.Rev. David Kuttner • 476-2110

PC of G Bible Faith Family Church476-3063 • 1012 Fir Street, Oroville

SUNDAY: 7 a.m. Men’s Meeting 9:45 Sunday School (2-17 yrs) • Life Skills (18+) 10:45 Worship Service • Children’s Church (3-8 yrs)

WEDNESDAY: 7 p.m. Bible Study (13+)Pastor Claude Roberts

Oroville United Methodist908 Fir, Oroville • 476-2681

Adult Bible Study: 9:30 a.m. • Sun. School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.

Pastor Karen Davison

Valley Christian FellowshipPastor Randy McAllister

142 East Oroville Rd. • 476-2028• Sunday School (Adult & Teens) 10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship 11 a.m.• Sun. Evening Worship 6 p.m.Sunday School & Children’s Church K-6

9:45 to 1:00 p.m. Open to Community! Located at Kid City 142 East Oroville

• Wednesday Evening Worship 7 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal602 Central Ave., Oroville

Sunday School & Services 10:00 a.m.Holy Eucharist: 1st, 3rd, & 5th • Morning Prayer: 2nd & 4th

The Reverend Marilyn Wilder 476-3629Warden • 476-2022

Church of ChristIronwood & 12th, Oroville • 476-3926

Sunday School 10 a.m. • Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.

Seventh-Day Adventist10th & Main, Oroville

Bible Study: Sat. 9:30 a.m. • Worship: Sat. 11 a.m.Pastor Skip Johnson • 509-485-2434

Oroville Free Methodist1516 Fir Street • Pastor Rod Brown • 476.2311

Sun. School 9:15 am • Worship Service 10:15amYouth Activity Center • 607 Central Ave.

Monday 7:00 pm • After School M-W-F 3-5pm [email protected]


Okanogan ValleyChurch Guide

CHESAWChesaw Community Bible Church

Nondenominational • Everyone WelcomeEvery Sunday 10:30 a.m. to Noon

Pastor Duane Scheidemantle • 485-3826Youth Pastor Matthew Valdez



RIVERSIDERiverside Lighthouse - Assembly of God

102 Tower Street Sunday Bible Study 10:00am

Sunday Worship 11:00am & 6:30pmWednesday- family Night 6:30pm

Pastor Vern & Anita Weaver

Community Christian FellowshipMolson Grange, Molson

Sunday 10:30 a.m., Worship & Youth Sun. SchoolWednesday 6:30pm, Bible Study

“For by grace are ye saved through faith...” Eph. 2:8-9“...lovest thou me...Feed my lambs...John 21:1-17

TFR’s 2012 Biblical Counseling ConferenceThe Father’s Ranch Ministries

& The Biblical Counseling Center of OkanoganJanuary 27th & 28th, 2012 at the

Tonasket Free Methodist Church, Tonasket, WA$20 per person/$35 per couple, if registered by January 21, 2012

presented by

For more information please contact The Father’s Ranch Ministries(509) 486-8888 or [email protected]

*Handling the Past Biblically, Depression & Anxiety, Church Discipline* *Defending Your Marriage Against Adulterous Temptations*

$25 per person/$40 per couple after January 21, 2012 or at the door


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Okanogan Valley Lifecommunity bulletin board

Chamber BanquetTONASKET – The Tonasket

Chamber Banquet is being held Thursday, Jan. 19 at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Cultural Cen-ter. Social Hour begins at 5:30 p.m. with dinner being served at 6:30 p.m., live auction will follow. Tickets are available at US Bank, II Sisters, Roy’s Pharmacy and Lee Frank Mer-cantile. Call (509) 486-1096 for more information.

Benefit Dinner and Auction

OROVILLE – A benefit spa-ghetti dinner and auction is be-ing held at the Oroville Eagles in memory of Justin Gemmell on Saturday, Jan. 21 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. All donations for the auction can be dropped off at the Oroville Eagles. Proceeds will help with funeral costs. For more information call (509) 476-3039.

Democratic Central Committee Meeting

OKANOGAN – The Democrat-ic Central Committee will meet at the home of Jackie Bradley for a potluck lunch at 1 p.m. on Jan. 21. Coffee and water will be pro-vided. Jay Clough, candidate for the 4th Congressional District will be the guest. Enjoy good food, good company and great conversation. If you have any questions or need directions call Jackie at (509) 422-3723.

Potluck Dinner and Movie

OROVILLE – The Humuh Buddhist-Life Science Medita-tions Center at 1314 Main Street, Oroville is hosting a potluck dinner and a spiritual movie on Saturday, Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. Bring a vegetarian dish to share and a donation. Everyone is welcome.

Flea MarketOROVILLE – The Oroville

Grange Flea Market will be open Saturday, Jan. 21 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The market is at 622 1st Street. Watch for signs south of town on Highway 97 and turn right on Fir. Tables are still available. Call (509) 476-3878.

Prayer and Healing Service

OROVILLE – Reverend Karen Davison and the Intercessory Prayer Group from the United Methodist Church in Oroville will be holding a Prayer and Healing Service on Sunday, Jan. 22 at 6 p.m. and following that on the fourth Sunday of each month. It will be held in the sanctuary of the Oroville United Method-ist Church, 908 Fir St., Oroville. This is open to the community at large.

School MeetingOROVILLE – A school board

orientation meeting will be held in the District Office Board Room on Monday, Jan. 23 at 6:30 p.m.

The regular school board meet-ing will be held Monday, Jan. 30 at 6:30 p.m.

County Planning Commission Meeting

OKANOGAN – A meeting of the Okanogan County Planning Commission will be held Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Okanogan County Commissioners Hearing Room, 123 5th Ave. N., Okanogan. The public is welcome to attend.

Food Bank MeetingTONASKET – The Tonasket

Food Bank’s annual meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Tonasket Community Church, 24 East 4th Street. All interested people are invited to attend.

Dawg Star Performance

OROVILLE – Dawg Stars will be performing James and the Giant Peach on Thursday, Jan. 26, Friday, Jan. 27 and Saturday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Okanogan High School cafeteria, with a special matinee on Saturday, Jan.

28 at 1 p.m.

OCSRA MeetingOMAK – Okanogan County

School Retirees meet 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 27 at Koala Street Grill, 914 Koala Ave., Omak, for a no-host luncheon meeting. Spe-cial topic: Proposed Changes to Governing Documents. Program speaker, Tami Jackson, Bridge-port High School Principal, will discuss the results of entering the national 2011 High School Commencement Challenge. For more information call (509) 422-3532.

Fund raising Auction and Dinner

TONASKET – A fund raising auction and dinner for Conor Prichard will be held Saturday, Jan. 28 at 5 p.m. at the Tonasket Community Cultural Center. En-joy live music as well as live and silent auctions. To donate items to the auction or to financially help call Michelle Laurent at (509) 322-4864 or Melissa Calhoon at (509) 322-1372.

See’s Candy SaleOROVILLE – Oroville PTO

along with Royal Neighbors of

Oroville are selling See’s Can-dies until Jan. 31. The order will be ready for Valentine’s Day. Contact the Oroville PTO or Royal Neighbors of Oroville. The money raised goes towards both organizations.

Tonasket PlaygroupTONASKET – A playgroup for

children ages 0-5 and their care-givers meets every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Community Cultural Center in Tonasket. For more information contact Aldona at (509) 485-2477 or at [email protected] or call the CCC office at (509) 486-1328.

Ace Your Job Interview

OROVILLE - It’s a tough econo-my and the competition is fierce. Don’t let your interview hold you back. You will learn techniques in this class that will help make your interview less daunting. The second session will include role playing. Don’t panic – your instructor will make it educa-tional and fun! You will have your chance to be interviewed and to critique others. Call Ellen at 476-2011 or www.northvalley-communityschools.com.

obituariesEllen G. Stotts

Ellen G. Stotts, age 85, of Tonasket, died on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012 at the North Valley Hospital in Tonasket.

She was born on Sept. 2, 1926 at the family home in Horse Spring Coulee to parents Richard and Lula Burbery. Ellen grew up on the family ranch and attended the Horse Spring Coulee School through the eighth grade. She then attended school in Tonasket where she graduated from high school. On Feb. 14, 1945 she mar-ried Roy Stotts in Coeur d Alene, Idaho. Ellen worked as an apple packer for Chief Tonasket Ware-house for many years until retir-ing in 1992. Ellen enjoyed knit-ting, crocheting, making crafts and working in her yard. She was a member of the Tonasket Eagles and the Ladies Auxiliary. She very much enjoyed visiting with her friends over a cup of coffee.

She is survived by her mother, Lula Gardner of Tonasket; two daughters, Barbara Stotts and husband Aaron Mann of Spo-kane and Beverly Montanye and husband Ken of Tonasket; four grandchildren, Rache Stotts-Johnson and Marques Johnson of Seattle, Keith Montanye and Jor-dan Montanye, both of Tonasket; four brothers, Harold (Mary) Burbery of Ukiah, Calif., John Burbery, Chuck (Dickie) Burbery and Lloyd (Barb) Burbery, all of Tonasket; one sister, Joy (Buck) Workman of Okanogan; nieces and nephews and many friends.

Ellen was preceded in death by her husband, Roy; son, Bill;

father, Richard and her sister Iris Michels.

Funeral Services will be held on Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 11 a.m. at the Tonasket Free Methodist Church, half-mile up Havillah Rd., Tonasket. Interment will follow at the Tonasket Cemetery. A luncheon will follow at the Tonasket Eagles, all members and guests are invited to attend. Memorials may be made to any local organization. Please share your memories by signing El-len’s online guestbook at www.berghfuneralservice.com

Bergh Funeral Service of Oroville/Tonasket in care of ar-rangements.

Walter E. Scott

Walter E. Scott, 94, of Tonasket, went to be with his Holy Father, Jan. 8, 2012. Walter was living at Park Place Adult Family Home when he passed away.

Walter was born on Oct. 16, 1917 to John and Gertrude Scott of Rigby, Idaho. Walter worked on his uncle Brook’s farm before he went into the Army on Sept. 26, 1942. While stationed in Eng-land, he went on a blind date and met the love of his life, Mary K. McCool of County Derry, Ireland. After Walter was honorably dis-charged on Jan. 6, 1946, he sent for Mary K and they were mar-ried on Aug. 8, 1947. Walter and Mary had one daughter, Patty.

Walter worked at a logging

camp in Oregon and then moved to Tonasket where he worked for Ed Pheasant in the apple or-chard until he went to work at St. Martin’s Hospital, now known as North Valley Hospital, as a main-tenance man. All the beautiful roses around the hospital were Walter’s doing. Walter knew how to grow roses. Walter worked there for 40 years before retir-ing at 75-years-old. Walter also loved to bowl. He belonged to the senior leagues in Omak and bowled until he was 90- years-old. Walter also loved to walk and he did until his knees gave out. Walter loved to read western books, they had to be westerns. I tried to give him a mystery book one time, no, he didn’t care for that, so off to Canada we went to the bookstore where he traded books and he got about 25 books that lasted one week. Then off we would go to the bookstore again. Yes, he loved to read.

Walter is survived by his daughter, Patty and husband Roger Hull; granddaughter, Amy; grandson, Adam, all of Spanaway; granddaughter Kris-tin and husband Kevin McMa-han; great-grandson, Aidan and great-granddaughter, Grace, of Seattle.

Walter was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Mary K; sisters, Lillian Sauser and Grace (Peggy) Kiesecker; three brothers, Tom, Charlie and Sib-bald Scott.

A Funeral Mass will be held at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Tonasket, on Jan. 21, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. Graveside Service will be at the Tonasket Cemetery following the Funeral Mass with military honors. A lunch will be held at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church following the graveside service.

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the A.S.P.C.A in Walter’s name. Online condo-lences may be shared with the family at http://legacymemorial.info.

Legacy Memorial Funeral Home, Omak, has been entrusted with caring for the family.

Oroville Gun Club

16 yard:25 – Logan Farris

22 – Bob Peterson, Ben Peterson and Brian Rise

21 – Tod Richardson, Craig Jordan and John Leslie

20 – John Rawley19 – Sue Gero, Wyatt Radke, Louie

Wilson, Paul Schwilke and Perry Blackler

18 – Verne Cole and Blake Rise17 – Lisa Pickering and Dylan

Rise16 – Jenna Valentine, George Mik-

los and Pete Valentine12 – Roger Owen6 – Jaxon Rise

Handicap:22 – Logan Farris and Blake Rise18 – Brian Rise15 – Pete Valentine and John

Rawley13 – Dylan Rise12 – George Miklos and Wyatt

Radke7 – Jaxon Rise

Tonasket Gun Club

16 yard:25 – Lloy Caton Jr.23 – Bob McDaniel and Rick Lind22 – Robert McDaniel and Dennis

Lorz21 – Matt Deebach16 – Jeff McMillan14 – Dave Kester

Handicap:21 – Lloyd Caton Jr.20 – Bob McDaniel19 – Dennis Lorz and Matt Dee-


Doubles:43 – Bob McDaniel27 – Lloyd Caton Jr.22 – Rick Lind

gun club scores

6 OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune • January 19, 2012

Page 7: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012


Across1. Fit5. La ___10. And others, for short14. Fishing, perhaps15. Chocolate substitute16. Actress Miles17. “___ does it!”18. “He’s ___ nowhere

man” (Beatles lyric)19. Parentheses, e.g.20. Radio†station

that broadcasts a directional signal for navigational purposes

23. More, in Madrid24. Correct, as text25. Loafer, e.g.26. Altar avowal27. Cave28. “At Seventeen” singer

Janis31. Bully33. News o�ce36. Campus area37. Characterized by

violent behaviour40. Advil target42. TV’s “___ and Greg”43. Inclined46. Get a move on47. Clairvoyance, e.g.50. Former French coin51. Gift tag word54. “___ go!”56. Pompous fool57. One who sets

written†material into type

60. 10 jiao62. Back in63. Sort64. Coastal raptor65. Nabisco cookies66. Knowing, as a secret67. Change68. “Yum!”69. Penny

Down1. Odium2. Feel shame3. Hard to lift4. Dine at home5. Fink

6. Quip, part 37. Bailiwicks8. Slender freshwater �sh

resembling a cat�sh9. Flowering10. “Die Meistersinger”

heroine11. Ultimate goal12. Los Angeles suburb13. Caught with a lasso21. Disgrace22. Inheritable29. Dadaism founder30. Call for32. Band with the hit

“Barbie Girl”33. Page34. ___ Wednesday35. Its motto is “Industry”37. Grand38. Altdorf is its capital39. Alpha’s opposite40. Analyst who performs

chemical tests on metals

41. Title for this puzzle?44. Lizard, old-style45. Plant disease47. Ccolourless �ammable

gas used in welding48. Walk over49. Bring up52. “La BohËme,” e.g.53. Particles55. Kind of nerve58. Small cave with

attractive†features59. Like Santa’s cheeks61. “The Matrix” hero



5 6 4

3 4 2

7 9 4 6

4 8 7 3

7 1 8

4 7 8 3

3 8 5 1

7 6 3

1 9 8

Puzzle 1 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.80)

Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/ on Thu Jun 25 18:51:22 2009 GMT. Enjoy!

Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen

Easy, di�culty rating 0.63

Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers.The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, eachcolumn and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.


Puzzle 1 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.80)


Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/ on Thu Jun 25 18:51:22 2009 GMT. Enjoy!


WorkSource, Okanogan CountyUpdated list at www.go2worksource.com or see a staff member. Updated as of Jan. 16, 2011

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WorkSource Okanogan County is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.

This space donated by the Gazette-Tribune


ready to go home Jan 6th. Excellent field champion pedigree, QAA sire. Hips,

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Hillside ApartmentsAccepting Applications!

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TDD 1-800-833-6388515 Tonasket Ave.

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PUBLISHER’S NOTICEAll real estate ad- vertising in this newspaper is sub- ject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any pref- erence, limitation or dis- crimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or na- tional origin, or an intention to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimi- nation”. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimina- tion call HUD at 1-800-669- 9777. The number for hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927- 9275

For Rent3 bedroom 2 bath garage $850; 2+ bedroom cottage on river $710; Beautiful large 1 bedroom apartment $495; 2 bedroom lakefront apartment $625; some others. Call Sun Lakes Realty 476-2121.

5 bedroom 2 bath W/D hook up, wood burning stove, car- port, wrap around deck, view of the lake. $1095/ month 509-846-5213

Newly remodeled 1 bedroom house available. References. $550/ month. 509-476-2553 or 509-869-5997

Small 1 bedroom house near Tonasket $495/ month. Call 509-486-1682.


First Aid Class is being of- fered by Tonasket EMS from 1-3 PM on January 25th at the Tonasket School District Office. Cost is $20. The class is being conducted using na- tionally recognized materials. Participants will receive a first aid card that is accepted by Washington State (similar to Red Cross and American Heart). Preregistration is RE- QUIRED. Please contact Jeff Cravy at 322-2817 for more information and to register. If you are interested in taking the class but are unable to at- tend this afternoon session, please contact Jeff so he can organize an evening session. Future offerings will also in- clude CPR/AED training.

Say it in the classifieds!*Special deal*


MUST BE PREPAID$6.00 for the first 15 words

additional words $1.00each. Bold words, special

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Okanogan ValleyGazette-Tribune509-476-3602

The family of Olive (Muggs) Rairdan wish to thank all of those who sent cards. The hugs, kind words, flowers and food were all greatly appreciated. Thank you Legacy Memorial, Kelly at Wild Rose, the Eagles Aux- iliary, North Valley Extended Care, Mindy and Lyle for the use of the shop and our cooks, Brad and Laura. A special thanks to her care- givers Theresa McKinney and Bev Rairdan, their help made it possible for her to spend her last days at home. Also thanks to cousin Josie Gladden for visiting every Sunday at North Val- ley Extended Care. We are grateful for all of our friends. Thank to you all.



THE OWNER?Found items can be placedin the newspaper for oneweek for FREE. Limit 15

words, or prepay for wordsover the 15 word limit. Call509-476-3602 before noon

on Tuesdays.


Certified Medical Assistant (two full-time

and one fill-in) North Valley Family Medicine- Tonasket

Provides service to patients across the lifespan including newborns, children, adoles- cents, adults and geriatric age groups including inter- viewing patients, taking and documenting vital signs, pre- paring patients for exams, phlebotomy, assisting medi- cal staff with exams and pro- cedures, scheduling studies, reception and ancillary du- ties, etc. CMA certification re- quired. Please apply online at www.wvclinic.com

HS Head Volleyball CoachThe Tonasket School District is now accepting applications for a HS Head Volleyball Coach. Position will remain open until filled. Please con- tact the District Office for an application or available on the district’s website at: www.tonasket.wednet.edu. Tonasket School District, 35 DO Hwy 20 E., Tonasket, WA 98855. Phone 486-2126. EOE.Tonasket Farmers Market board seeks Market Manager for 2012. Must be self-moti- vated and have excellent people skills. Approximately 8 hrs/week, 25 weeks, begin- ning May 9. Compensation DOE. Job description and ap- plication at tonasketfarmer- smarket.com or pick up at Tonasket Natural Food Co- Op, 4th St., Tonasket. No phone calls. Applications must be in by 1/27/12.


OF JAN. 16, 2012

This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Associa- tion, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers to submit ads for publication in par- ticipating weeklies throughout the state in compliance with the fol- lowing rules. You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in per- son to the WNPA office. The rate is $255 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, there- fore, does not guarantee that eve- ry ad will be run in every newspa- per. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Sub- stantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone num- ber, name or price) will result in a “make good”, in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication.


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PublicNoticesOkanogan County

Notice of Final DecisionProject: Lightning Place Long Plat 2008-7Proponent: Philip & Tiloura LundDecision: ApprovedAppeal Deadline: February 10, 2012The Okanogan County Office of Planning and Development approved the above-noted project. Within 21 calendar days of the publication date, parties with standing may ap- peal this decision to Okanogan County Superior Court at 149 N. 3rd Ave., Okanogan, WA, pursuant to RCW 36.70 C.Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune and Quad City Her- ald on Jan. 19, 2012.#360009

HUD # 5616804879 TS#12-12268-21 NOTICE OF DE- FAULT AND FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, on 11/12/1998, a certain (Deed of Trust) was executed by Dorothy J. Battista, as Trustor, in fa- vor of Norwest Mortgage, Inc., as beneficiary, and Chicago Title Insu- rance Company, as Trustee and was Recorded on 11/18/1998 as Instru-


ment No. 3002779, in the office of the Okanogan County, Washington Recorder, and WHEREAS, the Deed of Trust was insured by the UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF HOUS- ING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, (the Secretary) pursuant to the Na- tional Housing Act for the purpose of providing single family housing; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest in the Deed of Trust is now owned by the Secretary, pursuant to an assign- ment recorded on 12/10/2008, as In- strument # 3139871 in the office of the Okanogan County, Washington Recorder, and WHEREAS, a default has been made by reason of failure to pay all sums due under the Deed of Trust, pursuant to Paragraph 9 Subsection (i) of said deed of Trust and WHEREAS, by virtue of this de- fault, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust to be immediately due and payable, NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to power vesting in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR part 27, subpart B, and by the Secre- tary’s designation of us as Foreclo- sure Commissioner” notice is hereby given that on 02/24/2012 @ 10:00 am local time, all real and personal property at or used in connection with following described premises (“Property”) will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: Com- monly known as: 611 Main Street, Oroville, WA 98844 More thorough- ly described as: The North 16 Feet of Lot 6; All of Lot 7 and the South 17 Feet of Lot 8 of Block 82, an addition to Oroville, as per plat thereof re- corded in Volume B of Plats, Page 1, records of the Auditor of Okanogan County, Washington. The sale will be held at the following location: AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE OKANOGAN COUNTY COURT- HOUSE, 149 3RD NORTH, OKANO- GAN, WA. Per The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the estimated opening bid will be $107,418.77. There will be no pro-ra- tion of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchas- er will pay, at or before the closing, his prorate share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclo- sure sale. When making a bid, all bidders except the Secretary must submit a deposit totaling ten percent (10%) of the Secretary’s estimated bid amount, in the form of a cashier’s check made payable to the Foreclo- sure Commissioner Cimarron Trus- tee Services. Each oral bid need not be accompanied by a deposit. If the successful bid is an oral, a deposit of $10,741.87 must be presented be- fore the bidding is closed. The de- posit is nonrefundable. The remain- der of the purchase price must be delivered within 30 days of the sale or at such time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a cash- ier’s or certified check. If the Secre- tary is the high bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The suc- cessful bidder will pay all conveyanc- ing fees, all real estate and other tax- es that are due on or after the deliv- ery of the remainder of the payment and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the un- successful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension of time with which to deliv- er the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be fore 9-day incre- ments for a fee of $600.00 paid in advance. The extension fee shall be in the form of certified or cashier’s check made payable to the commis- sioner. If the high bidder closed the sale prior to the expiration period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is un- able to close the sale within the re- quired period, or within any exten- sions of time granted by the Secre- tary, the high bidder may be required to forfeit the cash deposit or, at the election of the Foreclosure Commis- sioner after consultation with the HUD Field Office representative, will be liable to HUD for any costs in- curred as a result of such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direc- tion of HUD Field Office Representa- tive, offer the property to the second highest bidder to an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bid- der. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclo-


sure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commis- sioner will issue a Deed to the pur- chaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as proved here- in HUD does not guarantee that the property will be vacant. The amount that must be paid by the Mortgagor, to stop the sale prior to the sched- uled sale date is $107,268.77 as of 02/23/2012, PLUS all other amounts that are due under the mortgage agreement. Plus advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-of-pock- et costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording docu- ments. Plus a commission for the Foreclosure commissioner and all other costs incurred in the connec- tion with the foreclosure prior to rein- statement. Date: January 5, 2012 FORECLOSURE COMMISSIONER: CIMARRON SERVICE CORP, of NEVADA 719 14TH STREET MOD- ESTO, CA 95354 Telephone No. (209) 544-9658 Facsimile No. (209) 544-6119 H. E. COX, Presi- dent. Ad #18863Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Jan. 19, 26 and Feb. 2, 2012.#349784



NO: 11-2-00699-1MEADOW CREEK HOLDINGS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability compa- ny, through BHR HOLDINGS, LLC, a Washington limited liability compa- ny, assignee of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated July 19, 2011,Plaintiffs,v.MINNIE E. HAMILTON, THE ES- TATE OF MINNIE E. HAMILTON, DECEASED, and THE HEIRS AND SURVIVORS OF THE ESTATE OF MINNIE E. HAMILTON, DE- CEASED; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UN- KNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTER- EST IN THE MINERAL RIGHTS DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT FILED HEREIN,Defendants.THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO said Defendants:EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 29th day of December, 2011, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs, and serve a copy of your Answer upon the un- dersigned attorney for the Plaintiffs, W. Scott DeTro of the Law Office of Callaway & DeTro PLLC, at his office below-stated; and in the case of your failure to do so, judgment will be ren- dered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to quiet title to the real property by re- moving the reservation of all miner- als in the said real property, together with the right to prospect for, mine and remove the same, under the Deed dated November 28, 1939, and filed for record on March 28, 1940, under Okanogan County Auditor’s File No. 290141 (Book 88 of Deeds, page 66), from title of the real prop- erty owned by Plaintiffs and de- scribed in the Complaint for Quiet Ti- tle filed herein.DATED this 20th day of December, 2011.CALLAWAY & DETRO PLLC/S/: By: W. Scott DeTro; WSBA #19601Attorney for Plaintiffs700-A Okoma DriveOmak, WA 98841(509)826-6316Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Dec. 29, 2011 and Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26 and Feb. 2, 2012.#347689

McHugh Moto Track, Conditional Use Permit, 2011-11

Application and Threshold SEPA Determination

An application from Jeff McHugh was submitted for a conditional use permit to operate a motorcycle track at his place of residence. The prop- erty is located approximately 2 miles south of Twisp, WA off of the Twisp Airport Road. Property is located within section 21, township 33, range 22, of the Willamette Meridian. The tax parcel number is 8835700200. Project comments must be submitted in writing, or attend the public hear- ing. The public hearing for this pro- ject is not yet scheduled. Project comments and SEPA comments will be reviewed separately. SEPA Com- ments must be submitted in writing no later than 5:00 p.m., February 2, 2012. According to Washington SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) regulations, Okanogan County Planning and Development issued a MDNS (Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance) for this proposal. Failure to comment by this date de- nies a party standing to appeal the fi- nal determination. Information is available at the Office of Planning and Development. Direct questions and comments to: Randy Johnson, Planner II, Okanogan County Office of Planning & Development, 123 5th Ave. N, Suite 130, Okanogan, WA 98840, (509) 422-7117.Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune and Quad City Her- ald on Jan. 19, 2012.#360010

Okanogan CountyNotice of Final Decision

Project: Exempt Segregation, Parcel #3025242006Proponent: REPO LLCDecision: ApprovedDate of Publication: January 19, 2012Appeal Deadline: February 9, 2012The Okanogan County Office of Planning and Development approved the above-noted project. Within 21 calendar days of the publication date, parties with standing may ap- peal this decision to Okanogan County Superior Court at 149 N. 3rd Ave., Okanogan, WA, pursuant to RCW 36.70 C.Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune and Quad City Her- ald on Jan. 19, 2012.#360012

Classi�ed & Legal NoticesClassi�ed DeadlineNoon Tuesday

Call 509-476-3602 or 866-773-7818to place your ad

January 19, 2012 • OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune 7

Page 8: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012


PublicNoticesOkanogan County

Notice of Final DecisionProject: Exempt Segregation, Parcel #3025350007Proponent: REPO LLCDecision: ApprovedDate of Publication: January 19, 2012Appeal Deadline: February 9, 2012The Okanogan County Office of Planning and Development approved the above-noted project. Within 21 calendar days of the publication date, parties with standing may ap- peal this decision to Okanogan County Superior Court at 149 N. 3rd Ave., Okanogan, WA, pursuant to RCW 36.70 C.Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune and Quad City Her- ald on Jan. 19, 2012.#360011

Summary of Ordinance #703An ordinance of the City of Tonasket, Washington, annexing certain City and State owned properties to the City of Tonasket for Municipal pur- poses. For a complete copy of this ordinance contact city hall. 509-486- 2132, Tonasket, WA. 98855.Alice J. Attwood, Clerk-TreasurerPublished in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Jan. 19, 2012.#360086


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee will on Febru- ary 17, 2012, at the hour of 2:00 p.m. at the east entrance to the Okano- gan County Courthouse, at 149 3rd Avenue N. Okanogan, Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Okanogan, State of Washington, to- wit:Lots 10, 11 and 12, and the Souther- ly 5 feet of Lot 9, Block 31, Town of Oroville, as per plat thereof recorded in Book A of Plats, Page 46, records of the Auditor of Okanogan County, Washingtonwhich is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated November 10, 2009 and recorded on November 12, 2009, under Auditor’s File No.


3149895, records of Okanogan County, Washington, from Peerless Golden Properties, LLC, as Gran- tors, to Baines Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Stoltz Holdings, Ltd. as Ben- eficiary.

II.No action commenced by the Benefi- ciary of the Deed of Trust or Benefi- ciary’s successor is now pending to seek satisfaction or the obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor’s default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. The Beneficiary has substituted Dale L Crandall, At- torney at Law, WSBA #32168 as Trustee.

III.The default(s) for which this foreclo- sure is made is/are as follows:a. Defaults other than failure to make monthly payments:Failure to pay real property taxes for the year 2010 in the sum of $4,599.89Failure to pay real property taxes for the year 2011 in the sum of $4,396.13Failure to pay property fire and casu- alty insurance premiums in the sum of $1,012.00b. Charges, Fees and CostsCost of trustee’s sale guarantee for foreclosure $700.05Trustee’s fees and Attorney fees $2,750.00TOTAL OF CHARGES, FEES AND COSTS $3,450.05

IV.The sum owing on the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust refer- enced in (a) above is: Principal $128,056.57, together with interest as provided in the note from October 5, 2011, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute.The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made with- out warranty, express or implied, re-


garding title, possession, or encum- brances on February 17, 2012. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III must be cured by February 6, 2012 (11 days before the sale), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at anytime on or before February 6, 2012 (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in para- graph III and all payments becoming due hereafter are paid and the Trus- tee’s fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time af- ter February 6, 2012 (11 days before the sale), and before the sale by the Grantor or the Grantor’s successor in interest or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest se- cured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults.

V.A written notice of default was trans- mitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Grantor or the Grantor’s suc- cessor in interest at the following ad- dress:PEERLESS GOLDEN PROPER- TIES, LLCc/o Ken Neal and Lila Kitterman2092 Highway 7Oroville, WA 98844

GRANTOR AND OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES:1401 Main St, Oroville, Washing- tonby both first class and certified mail return receipt requested on May 23, 2011 proof of which is in the posses- sion of the Trustee; and the Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above and/or the Grantor or the Grantor’s successor in interest was personally served on with said written notice by the Bene- ficiary or his Trustee, and the Trus- tee has possession of proof of such service or posting.

VI.The Trustee whose name and ad-


dress are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale.

VII.The effect of the sale will be to de- prive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Gran- tor of all their interest in the above- described property.

VIII.Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating theTrustee’s sale.DATED this 9th day of November, 2011.TRUSTEE:Dale L. Crandall, Attorney at LawBy: /s/ Dale L. CrandallDale L. Crandall, WSBA #32168P.O. Box 173Loomis, WA 98827Telephone: (509) 223-3200Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Jan 12, 19 and Feb. 2, 2012.#349773



CREDITORSNO. 11-4-00094 9

Estate of:GEORGE MILTON SCHULTZ,Deceased.PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed Mary Sandra Dicus as Personal Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any person hav- ing a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim


must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publica- tion of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets.Date of First Publication of this No- tice:January 12, 2012Dale L. Crandall, Attorney forMary Sandra Dicus, Personal RepresentativeP.O. Box 173Loomis, WA 98827Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Jan. 12, 19 and 26, 2012.#358625



CREDITORS(RCW 11.40.030)

NO. 12-4-00240-9 KNTEstate of:TROY J BURNETT,Deceased.PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The above Court has appointed me as Personal Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any appli- cable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim must be pre- sented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this No- tice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publica- tion of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for


claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets.Date of First Publication of this No- tice: January 19, 2012Address for Mailing or Service:Randy G Burnett,Personal Representative20931 SE 268 STCovington, WA 98042Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Jan. 19, 26 and Feb. 2, 2012.#360008



CREDITORS(RCW 11.40.030)NO. 11-4-00104-0

Estate of:GEROLD EVERETT ATWOOD,Deceased.PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the above Court appointed me as Personal Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any appli- cable statutue of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with foregoing Court and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed the Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Deceden’ts probate and nonprobate assets.Date of First Publication: Jan. 5, 2012/s/: AARON ATWOOD3156 Summit BlvdOak Harbor, WA 98277Personal RepresentativePublished in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Jan. 5, 12 and 19, 2012.#348641

Classi�ed & Legal NoticesClassi�ed DeadlineNoon Tuesday

Call 509-476-3602 or 866-773-7818to place your ad

By Brent BakerStaff Writer

TONASKET - Tonasket’s wrestling team earned a fifth place finish at its Apple Pie Invitational on Saturday, Jan. 14, while Oroville wrestled to a sixth-place finish.

Warden ran up 277 points to win the big apple pie as the team champion, beating Rogers of Spokane by 85 points. Chewelah finished third with 151.5, Lib-erty Bell was fourth with 147, Tonasket had 135.5 points and Oroville had 82. Ten teams par-ticipated.

Rogers is coached by Tonasket coach Dave Mitchell’s son Martin (with Kevin serving as one of his assistants), while Patrick Mitchell is the head coach at Chewelah.

The Tigers were hurt by the loss of Austin Booker, whose injury at Warden last week will cost him the rest of the season.

“Had he been wrestling, I

believe we would have finished just ahead or behind Chewelah,” Dave Mitchell said. “Our young team wrestled tough and repre-sented themselves well.”

Jared Stedtfeld (113) was To-nasket’s lone champion, though several Tigers reached the championship match for their weight classes. Stedtfeld edged Chris Douglas of Rogers 10-6 in the final, avenging his defeat to Douglas in last year’s Apple Pie final.

“Jared’s finals match was especially rewarding,” Mitchell said.

Jeffrey Stedtfeld (126) Dalton Wahl (138) and John Rawley (182) all finished second. All three lost to Warden wrestlers in their finals matches. Wahl came closest to pulling out a victory as he was trailing 8-6 in the third period of his match before get-ting pinned.

Collin Aitcheson (120) took third place and Frank Holfelz (195) finished fourth. Non-plac-

ers who wrestled well included Christian Diaz, who earned three victories, and Ryker Marchand and Austin Knowlton, who each won twice.

It was the second straight year that Rogers and Chewelah made it a Mitchell family coaching reunion.

“It was awesome to watch my boys coach and work with their wrestlers,” Mitchell said. “I think they are all doing a fantastic job. I’m very proud of them.”

Oroville coach Chuck Ricevuto said the Apple Pie was the tough-est tournament his team had been in this season.

“For some of our kids this was exactly what was needed after having it their way in predomi-nantly B competitions,” he said.

Alex Kelly (132) was the only Hornet to make it to the finals, losing a hard-fought 11-8 match to Liberty Bell’s Emmett Fink.

Mike Lynch (145) won three of his four matches to take third place, finishing off the day with two pins, and Eric Herrera (285) took fourth place with a pin of Tonasket’s Tanner Good in the

consolation semifinals.Alex Alvarez split his four

matches and finished in a tie for fifth place (fifth and sixth weren’t wrestled off ). He lost 10-0 in a quarterfinal match against Republic’s two-time state champ Kyle Kirkendall. In the consolation semifinals he lost 11-7 to Liberty Bell’s Jonathan McMillan.

“Alvarez had never come this close to McMillan,” Ricevuto said. “For one five-point mis-take could have launched his way into the medal round. So far this season Alex is by far a very improved wrestler from last year.”

Leo Curiel (126) also picked up a win, while Ivan Rodriguez (160) shook off some rust in only his second appearance of the year in losing his two matches.

Duke Sykes (170) had a 6-1 lead in his semifinal match against Josh Whitaker, but Whitaker came from behind to score a 12-7 victory. Sykes failed to show for his consolation semifinal match.

Nick Perez didn’t wrestle after

suffering from the flu most of the week.

“As a team we finished exactly where I thought we would,” Rice-vuto said. “One place under the big five teams in sixth place.”

***Mitchell wanted to acknowl-

edge the long list of people that helped the tournament come off successfully.

“A big thank you to all who helped make the Tonasket Apple Pie tournament a success,” Mitchell said. “The Lofthus fam-ily and the Father’s Ranch did a wonderful job of running our concession stand. Our timers and scorers (Loren Wahl, Ren-nee McCormick, Richard Rawley, Bob Anderson, Gary Garner and Dustin Silverthorn) were awesome. Our Little League wrestlers and Kalee Denison did an outstanding job of help-ing the scoring tables and refs. Carl Strotz and his wife did a great job of running the tourna-ment and dealing with all of the unexpected computer glitches … The refs and numerous coaches commented on what a fantastic

hospitality room we had. Thanks to all of you who contributed.”

And, of course, there were Kelly Denison’s apple pies that served as trophies for all of the individual and team winners.

The Tigers traveled to Cash-mere on Wednesday and host Brewster for a dual on Saturday. Oroville had a Wednesday meet at Eastmont, is off this weekend and travels to Liberty Bell for a dual on Tuesday, Jan. 24.

Tigers split CTL dualsOMAK - The Tigers split their

first Caribou Trail League duals of the season on Wednesday, Jan. 11, falling 40-39 to Omak and defeating Okanogan 54-15.

Against Omak, Frazier (106), Wahl (138) and Rawley (182) each won their matches, while Collin Aitcheson (120), Marwin Baron (126) and Holfelz (195) picked up forfeit wins. In the Okanogan match, Jared Stedtfeld (113) and Wahl won on the mat while Aitcheson, Baron, Dyllan Walton (132), Rawley, Holfelz and Tan-ner Good (285) won by forfeit.

By Brent BakerStaff Writer

CASHMERE - The Tonasket boys basketball team didn’t come home from Cashmere with a vic-tory, but their 50-39 loss to the Bulldogs may well have been their best performance of the season.

“We executed our game plan by taking care of the ball and handling the press much better (than at Okanogan on Tuesday),” said Tonasket coach Glenn Bra-man. “Twelve turnovers is about average for us this year and with the amount of pressure that they put on the ball, I thought it was an acceptable number.”

Playing in perhaps the CTL’s toughest venue, the Tigers took an 11-10 lead after the first quar-ter. Unfortunately shooting well ran dry in the middle quarters as Cashmere outscored the Tigers 33-13, but Braman said that over-

all the execution he was looking for was there.

“Outside of some cold shoot-ing in the middle two quarters this was one of the best games we have played, start to finish,” he said.

Damon Halvorsen hit five 3-pointers and finished with 19 points, with John Stedtfeld adding 11 points and eight re-bounds. Trevor Terris had seven rebounds and Lazaro Ortega had four assists.

“Damon has really been shoot-ing the ball well of late,” Braman said. “When we can get a night that everyone is hitting open shots it will make for some good basketball.

“I have seen increased focus on the defensive end of the floor for us, and our blocking out and overall rebounding ahs been get-ting better.”

The Tigers (7-7, 0-4 CTL) played at Omak on Tuesday and host

Chelan on Friday night, and Bra-man hopes to see the same effort he saw during Saturday’s game.

“Cashmere (11-2, 4-1) is always a tough place to play,” he said. “We battle for the whole game and I was really proud of our effort.”

Okanogan 77, Tonasket

42OKANOGAN - Okanogan’s

pressure defense forced the Tigers into 25 turnovers and propelled the Bulldogs to a 77-42 victory on Tuesday, Jan. 10.

“Okanogan is a very good team,” Braman said. “They will do well this year as they have ex-perience, as well as all the pieces. They are big, they have a couple of slashing guards and a couple of quick, defensive-minded guards that put a ton of pressure on the ball.”

For the third straight game, the third quarter proved to be a big

problem for the Tigers, who were outscored 23-5 in the period. Trail-ing 43-25 at the half, Okanogan extended the lead to 66-30 with that big run.

Braman noted that the turn-overs forced by Okanogan’s de-fense allowed the Bulldogs to take 20 more shots than the Tigers managed.

“And theirs were more like lay-in and close shots to our 3-point-ers,” he said. “We have to find a way to take care of the ball better to stay in games against teams that have the type of weapons that Okanogan has.”

Halvorsen hit 5-of-9 3-pointers for all of his 15 points, while John Stedtfeld added 12 points and five rebounds, Zac Davis had nine points and Laz Ortega had three assists.

Joe Townsend paced the Bulldogs with 15 points, Justin Vanderweide had 13 and Marty Staggs tallied 11.

By Brent BakerStaff Writer

TONASKET - The Tonasket girls basketball team’s youth and inexperience were no match for unbeaten, second-ranked Cashmere on Satur-day, Jan. 14, as the Bulldogs rolled past the Tigers 81-26.

Cashmere improved to 14-0 (5-0 Caribou Trail League) while the Tigers dropped to 4-10 (0-4).

Okanogan 62, Tonasket 12

OKANOGAN - Okanogan’s 25-2 run in the second quar-ter put the game out of reach as Tonasket fell on the road to the Bulldogs 62-12 on

Tuesday, Jan. 10.The Tigers spread their

points among five different players, led by Megan Bey-ers and Devan Utt with three apiece.

Kara Staggs paced ninth-ranked Okanogan (11-3, 4-1) with 23.

Tonasket, Oroville take 5th and 6th at Apple Pie

Photos by Brent BakerDalton Wahl reached the finals for the Tigers at 138 pounds and gave Warden’s Jesus Landeros all he could handle in the championship match before being pinned in the third period while trailing 8-6.

The Hornets’ Eric Herrera pins Tonasket’s Tanner Good at Saturday’s tournament in Tonasket.

Oroville’s Alex Alvarez works his way to a pin of Rogers’ Michael Clark at the Tonasket Apple Pie Invitational on Saturday.

Tigers solid in loss at Cashmere Tigers struggle with state-ranked foes

8 OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune • January 19, 2012

Page 9: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012

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Ice fishing

I told you all about my trip up to Fish Lake. There is plenty of ice but it was really sloppy on top. You need a good pair of boots if you plan to fish there. I got a report on Roses Lake recently. There is ice on the lake, and there are signs that people have been out on it, but I don’t recommend it just yet. We need a little colder weather before I would step out on Roses. My buddy tried fishing off the end of the dock there without success. Bob Fateley at the Triangle Exxon in Brewster did me the favor of driving up to Rat Lake to check on the ice conditions there. He reports that although there is open wa-

ter on the main lake, the ice is thick enough for fishing in the launch bay. Anglers have been fishing here for a while and are finding it very worthwhile. They are catching rainbow, with the rare brown trout, and they fish are pretty good size. The trout are measuring from 10 to 14 inches. They have to be tasty, too, coming from this cold winter water at Rat Lake. Another good ice fishing bet in Okanogan County is Patterson Lake, near Winthrop.

Rat and Rufus

I got some good reports for folks that are interested in fishing for triploid rainbow at Rufus Woods Reservoir. Adam Langer and his Dad fished Rufus Woods recently and had a great day, landing triploids weighing 6, 7, 10 and 12 pounds. Not bad. I talked to Bob Fate-ley at the Triangle Exxon in Brewster, where many anglers gather going to and from the reservoir and he said that there are good days and bad days

for those fishing at the lower end of the reservoir. There are some very nice fish being taken when the bite is on. He had also given me a report that anglers were fishing through the ice on Rat Lake, and I got a follow up report from Keith Roe, a fish checker for the Department of Fish and Wildlife. He visited Rat Lake recently and found that anglers were having good success through the ice, catch-

ing rainbow trout. The anglers he talked to had eleven fish among them, measuring 10 to 12 inches, and they had only been fishing for a couple of hours. Rat Lake can be found by taking a left onto Paradise Hill Road off Highway 97, to the Rat Lake road to the right.

Steelhead at Okanogan

Anglers looking for water to fish for steelhead can check on

the Okanogan. Due to the warm winter we’ve had much of the upper river is still flowing free and not frozen. The lower river, near Brewster is frozen and has been for some time. I talked to Jerrod Gibbons, Okanogan Valley Guider Service, the other day and he said that the river can be floated from Omak to Okanogan. He advised that those that want to give this stretch at shot should not be on the water at the crack of dawn. It is better to plan your float start after 10 a.m. and try to go on a warmer day. As the

day warms the shelf ice and floating slush clears off. This makes fishing less of a hassle. Gibbons also mentioned that the fishing isn’t exactly hot right now due to the cold water temperatures, and typically the month of February is much better. Because the water is open there are anglers fishing from the shore. However, like Gibbons says, it isn’t great. An-glers that land one fish for their efforts are having a good day. By the way, Gibbons is a new Dad. Gunner Thomas Gibbons was born on Jan. 10.

Dave Graybill photoFishing at Rocky Ford Creek, near Ephrata can be very good, even in the harsh weather of winter. The water temperature doesn’t change much year-round and it doesn’t freeze. Big rainbow are hungry and I have some super days, even when it was snowing!

Ice might still be too thin for fishingOutdoors

Lake Roosevelt crushes HornetsBy Brent BakerStaff Writer

COULEE DAM - Oroville and Lake Roosevelt entered Friday’s contest as the last two unbeaten teams in Cen-tral Washington League 2B North Division play, but it was hard to tell that it was a game that had first place on the line.

The Raiders lived up to their mascot’s reputation, taking no prisoners in a 72-29 pillaging of the Hornets that left Oroville coach Allen Allie nearly speechless.

“I really don’t know what to say,” Allie said. “It’s probably best if I don’t say anything.”

It wasn’t just 6-8 University of Idaho signee Ty Egbert that made life miserable for the Hornets, though he did have 30 points, four dunks and at least a half dozen blocked shots. Lake Roosevelt doubled up on the Hornets by whatever method one uses to measure intensity, blowing out to a 21-2 lead in the game’s first six minutes.

And that was with Egbert scoring just two points in the run, which featured 3-pointers from Keith Rosenbaum and Kramer Carlson, numerous fast break baskets and, most importantly, fervently played defense inside and out.

The Hornets scored the last

five points of the first quarter to cut LR’s lead to 23-9, but the Raiders pulled out to a 46-20 halftime advantage that was never threatened.

Oroville went on to score only nine points in the second half, including just two free throws in the fourth quarter.

Jesse Adkins added 13 points and Rosenbaum had 11 for the Raiders (8-4, 5-0 CWL North), who are now all alone in the league’s top spot.

C.J. Mathews, Zack Speiker and Connor Hughes each scored eight for the Hornets (7-4, 2-1), and Michael Gar-rett had the team’s other five points.

Oroville 67, Pateros 49

OROVILLE - The Hornets set up Friday’s first place show-down with a 67-49 victory over Pateros on Tuesday, Jan. 10.

The Hornets held half of the Billy Goats’ one-two punch, Blayne Harvey, to just nine points. They also limited the effectiveness of Rylan Easter who still tallied 19.

Oroville took a 32-22 halftime lead and pulled away in the third quarter.

Hughes scored 17 points, Garrett had 16 and Dylan Rise added 10 to lead the Hornets.

By Brent BakerStaff Writer

COULEE DAM - Oroville’s girls basketball team wasn’t able to upset Lake Roosevelt.

But their 56-50 loss to the Raid-ers on Friday, Jan. 13, certainly sent a message.

The Hornets rallied from a 16-point second half deficit to tie the game late in the fourth quar-ter before falling to last year’s surprise team that finished third at the state 2B tournament and returned nearly intact for this season.

The Raiders, experienced as they are at winning close games after last year’s run, made the big plays down the stretch to hold off the Hornets. That wasn’t enough to dampen coach Mike Bourn’s mood.

“We’re starting to ‘get it,’” Bourn said. “We have some abil-ity. When we play with the kind of intensity and pride we did tonight, we can play with a team like Lake Roosevelt.”

The Hornets had to dig deep to get back in this one. Lake Roosevelt’s 12-point run late in the first quarter snapped a 9-9 tie and was most of the difference in the score at the half, which ended with the Raiders up 35-22.

It was 38-22 before the Hor-nets answered with a 10-point run, sparked by eight points by Naomi Peters, who finished with a season-high 22.

“Naomi’s struggled shooting all year,” Bourn said. “Tonight I told her to just think about and concentrate on her defense. Usually when that happens, the offense will come.”

It took another big run to catch

the Raiders. Kelsey Hughes, still battling back from a three-week layoff, completed a 3-point play to set off a 12-2 run that i n c l u d e d a p a i r o f turnaround jumpers by Lily Hilder-brand and a 3-point play from Peters that tied it at 44-44.

“ T o o many times a team just tries to get it all back at once,” Bourn said. “We did a good job of just chipping away at the lead.

“ L i l y i s g e t t i n g tougher and Kelsey is get-ting stronger, and that’s going to make a huge difference if they can keep doing that.”

LR sharpshooter Brianna Monaghan responded with six quick points to put the Raiders back up by six, but treys by Hil-derbrand and Peters tied it again with two minutes to play.

That tie lasted just five sec-onds as the Raiders hit Roweena Antone with a full-court pass for a 3-point play and standout guard Dominique Pleasants added another 3-point play for the final points of the night.

Pleasants finished with 19 to

lead the Raiders (8-4, 4-1 CWL North Division), with Antone adding 10.

Hilderbrand added 13 for the Hornets (6-5, 1-2) and Hughes had nine. Sierra Speiker, despite going scoreless, played a key role by holding up under Desautel’s high-intensity full court defense, as well as keeping the potent Raider guard off the scoreboard in the second half.

“Sierra did a great job, and Naomi did a great job on Pleas-ants,” Bourn said. “Pleasants is the real deal and is going to get hers no matter what you do, but I thought we played her as well as we could have.

“We showed tonight we can play with teams like this. The next step is showing we can play against teams like this consis-tently and getting to where we can beat them.”

Chelan 57, Oroville 32CHELAN - A 22-9 second quar-

ter put the game out of reach for Chelan on Thursday, Jan. 12, as the Goats rolled to a 57-32 non-league victory over the Hornets in a game rescheduled from December.

“We played a lot of kids, with it being a non-league game,” Bourn said. “We didn’t have a lot of intensity. The kids had been looking forward to playing Lake Roosevelt all season, and I think they were looking ahead (to Friday) a little bit.”

Kelsey Hughes scored nine points, with Sierra Speiker and Briana Moralez adding six apiece.

Chelan’s Megan Robinson led all scor-ers with 17 points.

Pateros 58, Oroville

40O R O -

V I L L E - Chancy Gill s c o r e d a career-high 37 points to lead Pateros to a surpris-ingly-easy 58 -40 v ic -t o r y ove r the Hornets on Tuesday, Jan. 10.

“We were pretty le -t h a r g i c , ” Bourn said.

“I think Pateros was better than we thought they were, and we didn’t match their energy. Chancy’s a pretty good player, but we shouldn’t be giving up 37 points like that.”

The Hornets trailed 22-17 after a fast-paced first quarter, but managed just three points in the second and trailed 34-20 at the half.

Jamie Bruno added 13 points for the Nannies (9-4, 3-2), while Briana Moralez and Lily Hilder-brand each scored 10 to lead the Hornets.

State-ranked LR holds off Oroville girls

Photos by Brent BakerCallie Barker (left) and Sierra Speiker try to contain Lake Roosevelt’s Jada Desautel during Friday’s loss to the Raiders.

Naomi Peters scored a season-high 22 points to lead the Hornets’ comeback at Lake Roosevelt.

Battle for first is no contest

Lake Roosevelt’s Ty Egbert was a tough matchup for the Hornets, but Oroville coach Allen Allie was more upset about his own team’s flat-footed defense than anything Egbert did.

Photos by Brent BakerConnor Hughes (21) and the Hornets had no answer for 6-8 Ty Egbert, who kept Oroville from scoring many points in the paint during Friday’s contest.

January 19, 2012 • OkanOgan Valley gazette-tribune 9

Page 10: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 19, 2012

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Okanogan Valley Life

r e A l e S t At e g u i d e

Friday, January 6Report of a call for a welfare check

of subject living on Overland Rd. near Oroville. Officer contacted and subject said was fine and would call back.

Report of a hit-and-run accident on Appleway Rd., Okanogan. Officer contacted Tribal Police about locating female driver.

Report that subject was locked out of trailer by tenant on Tyee St. in Okanogan and that tenant is doing damage to trailer.

Report of threatening on Weather-stone Road, Omak. Reporting party said subject threatened to mace son’s dogs and feed them a “bad pork chop.”

Report of suspicious activity on Hart Road near Oroville. Report-ing party heard explosions from behind house that shook ground and windows. Subject reported to be lighting dynamite in area.

Warrant arrest was made on Saw-tells Rd., Oroville.

Zane Allen Marchand, 34 was booked for Malicious Mischief in the third degree and DV.

Miguel Lino-Puente, 26, was booked on DUI, on U.S. Immi-gration and U.S. ICE detainer and Border Patrol hold.

Jordan Reign Sargent, 20, was booked on Superior Court bench warrant for Possession of a Controlled Substance, DWLS in the second degree, Violation of an Ignition Interlock and Making False and/or Misleading State-ments.

Josua Dean Allen, 30, was booked on a Superior Court bench warrant for Assault in the third degree.

Rochell Ann Zavala, 31, was booked on warrants on the

charge of Assault in the second degree, Assault in the fourth de-gree and Resisting Arrest.

Alfonso Santiago Madrid-Guzman, 20, booked on a warrant on the charge of NVOL without Identifi-cation and a USBP hold.

Daniel Delores Bent, 21, booked for DWLS in the third degree and federal warrant desertion.

Saturday, January 7Report of a DV assault on S. 4th

Ave. in Okanogan. Mother came home intoxicated and pushed reporting party into tub and put a knife to her throat.

Report of people lighting fireworks at a party on Sage Ridge Rd. in Tonasket.

Report of a non-injury collision accident on Hwy. 97 and O’Neil Rd. south of Oroville. Vehicle damaged apple trees.

Report of a runaway juvenile from S. Antwine Ave. in Tonasket. A 14-year-old daughter left home to go to her sister’s residence, sister reports she had not seen her. Mother called back and said daughter had returned home.

Report of cash and identification take from vehicle parked in garage on Greenacres Rd. in Riverside.

Report from Henry Rd. near Tonasket of Violation of a No Contact Order.

Welfare check on child on Westlake Rd. near Oroville. Ex-wife’s boy-friend intoxicated at location and threatening to blow his head off with a .45 caliber pistol.

Report of a suicide attempt on Golden St. A 55-year-old female threatening to kill herself. Parties had been drinking.

A warrant arrest was made on Hwy.

20 E. in Tonasket. Traffic hazard at 35 Hwy. 20 E. in

Tonasket. Two cars spinning do-nuts in parking lot. Both vehicles gone on TPD officer’s arrival.

Michelle Lynn Carden, 23, booked on a warrant for FTA on charge of NWLS/R in the third degree.

Jennifer Lynn Obryan, 37, booked on Assault in the fourth degree.

Eli Paul Vanbrunt, 27, booked for DWLS/R in the third degree.

Dian Kimberly Casey, 42, booked on a WSP warrant for Failure to Appear on a charge of DUI.

Wil l iam Luquin Xhurape, 22, booked for Possession of a Sto-len Vehicle and DWLS.

Jeffery Samuel Rowe, 29, booked on a Snohomish County warrant for FTA for DUI/DWLS.

Sunday, January 8Report of an assault at Jasmine St.,

Omak. Male subject assaulted female in room as witnessed by nurse.

Report of suspicious circumstanc-es on Main St. in Oroville.

Report of a vicious animal on Fir St. in Oroville. Vicious dog in reporting party’s yard, Jack Rus-sell jumped over the gate and is currently in yard.

Report of an assault on Sawtells Rd. at Homeless Shelter in Oroville. Males subject reported he was pushed down and threatened to be killed. Parties separated.

Blane Scott Moore, 18, was booked on MIP/C.

Roman Allen Garcia, 50, was booked for Disorderly Conduct.

Aaron Elvis Sherman, 45, booked on Violation of No Contact Or-der.

Tammara Larae Ottinger, 50, booked for Residential Bur-glary.

Monday, January 9Report of drugs. Subject detained

for Possession of Meth.Report of theft of gas on Hwy. 7

near Oroville. Fuel siphoned from vehicle three times in the past week. Reporting party discovered fuel missing and ob-served footprints in the snow.

Report of 12 horses running loose in the area of Cape Labelle Rd. near Tonasket. Reporting party heard that owner set them loose because couldn’t afford to take care of them.

Report of a chimney fire at resi-dence with flames visible on Hwy. 7 near Tonasket.

Report of malicious mischief on Golden Rd. near Oroville. Dam-age and spray paint to mailbox.

Report of civil dispute on Clarkston Mill Rd. near Tonasket. Wife took children a couple of weeks ago and refusing to let reporting party see them.

Report of a subject being treated at Mid Valley Hospital in Omak for injuries from a domestic assualt. Incident occurred in Nespelem and onto Desautel.

Report of a vicious animal on Blue Lake Rd. near Oroville.

Report of an assault on Appleway in Oroville. Reporting party’s nephew pushed him down with his abdomen up against the wall. Subject detained and Behavioral Health Care will be contacted.

Report of a utility problem at Dogwood and Elms streets in Oroville. Advised PUD that lines are down in alley.

Warrant arrest made by TPD on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket, one female detained.

Robert Myron John, 21, booked on

a WSP warrant for DWLS third degree, a OMP warrant for As-sault and a CCT warrant for Pos-session of Drug Paraphernalia.

Tuesday, January 10Welfare check on Wagon Trail Rd.

near Tonasket. Reporting party said his brother told their mother that he had threatened to kill himself. Brother has had mental health issues in the past, access to weapons.

Report of trespassing on Westlake Rd. near Oroville. Reporting party not letting him in. Subject evicted from Harvest Park. Officer gave courtesy ride to Oroville.

Warrant arrest made at Prince’s RV Park, Oroville. Male subject reported to be harassing female subject. Male subject is reported to be know to have large knife on his person. Male detained at

An accident was reported on Pine Creek Rod and Hwy. 97 near Tonasket. Fifty-year-old male intoxicated in ditch.

Report of Burglary on Sawtell Rd. Oroville PD investigating possi-ble burglary, witness statements taken, as well as photographs.

An assault was reported on W. First St. in Tonasket. A 60-year-old combative male struck a nurse at the hospital.

Nicole Brooke Ellen Hopkins, 21, was booked for DUI and DWLS in the third degree.

Sandra R. Moses, 25, booked on warrant for Failure to Pay Fine (FTPF) for charge of third degree theft, WSP warrant for FTPF for Negligent Driving in the first de-gree and OMP warrant for FTPF for DWLS in the third degree.

Chad Daniel Inscore, 36 was booked on a WSP warrant for

Failure to Appear (FTA) on a charge of DWLS in the third and OKS warrant for FTA on a charge of DWLS in the third.

Wednesday, January 11Burglary at residence on Hwy. 97

near Oroville. Residence broken into sometime during the night. Movies, prescription medicines, cash and sweatshirt taken.

Report from residence on Clark-ston Mill Rd., Tonasket, of an unknown subject writing checks on reporting party’s bosses ac-count. Reporting party is care-giver for subject and is in charge of paying bills for him.

Non-injury accident at Frontier Foods parking lot in Oroville.

Suspicious circumstances at 16th Ave. and Golden St. A ladder was found extended to the roof of building on the 16th Ave. side of the building. It is believed work is being done to the building.

Martin William Deggeller, 58, was booked for DUI.

Michael David Pambrun, 66, booked on a warrant for the charge of Theft in the third degree.

Thursday, January 12Report of a barn on fire on Hwy. 7

near Tonasket.Report of threats at Hagood Cutoff

Rd. near Tonasket. Subject in window of another residence flip-ping reporting party’s husband off and waving rifle.

Request for a welfare check on Warnock Rd. near Oroville. Daughter unable to reach parent as usual, phone possibly off the hook. Officer checked and there were no problems.

sheriff 911/Bookings

10 okAnogAn vAlley gAzette-triBune • January 19, 2012