okra members guide

OKRA Members Guide Logging in and resetting your password 2 Updating your contact information 4 Starting an order 5 Browsing products and producers 8 Searching products 13 Viewing product details 15 Adding items to your order 16 Viewing and altering your order 18 Viewing your invoices 20 Viewing your account activity 23

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Post on 14-Jan-2017




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Page 1: OKRA Members Guide

OKRA Members Guide

Logging in and resetting your password 2

Updating your contact information 4

Starting an order 5

Browsing products and producers 8

Searching products 13

Viewing product details 15

Adding items to your order 16

Viewing and altering your order 18

Viewing your invoices 20

Viewing your account activity 23

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Logging in and Resetting Your Password

Browse to the main OKRA home page at


Enter your user name and password in the upper right and click the login button. Your user name and

password is the same as in the current live system.

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If you have forgotten your password you can ask the system to generate a new password and e-mail it to you.

To do this, click the “Forgot Password” link in the upper right. This will bring you to the reset password page.

In order to reset the password you must have one of the following pieces of information: Your Member ID, or

User Name, or E-Mail address registered with the system. Please allow 5 to 10 minutes for the e-mail to arrive.

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Updating Your Contact Information

After logging in you can update your contact information, user name, and password. Under the Members

menu item, click “Edit Contact Info”.

On the “Edit Contact Information” screen you can change your user name, password, names, and e-mail

addresses associated with your account. If you choose to have your order delivered to you, you must enter the

address information for the delivery in the Delivery Address section. You must also select your county and city

so proper sales tax can be calculated.

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Starting an Order

After you have logged in you can start an order during the ordering period by clicking the “Start Order” link in

the upper right of the screen. You can also click the “View Current Order” menu item under the Members

sections of the menu. If you have not already started an order the system will prompt you to.

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First select your delivery method. You can choose to pick up an order from a delivery site, or have it delivered

to an address. If you elect to pick up the order, select the pickup site location.

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If you choose to have your order delivered, select the delivery region and then enter the delivery address. Be

sure to select the county and city so proper sales tax can be calculated.

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Browsing Products and Producers

The system currently has two browsing methods. You can browse by product category first, then by producer

or you can browse by producer first, then by product category. Click the shop menu item and then the browse


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Browsing by Product Category

When browsing by category, the product categories are listed on the left. If you click a category that has sub

categories then the subcategories are listed on the right.

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If you click a category that has products then you will see the product list in the right pane. If you want to see

just the products for a certain producer in the category, click the producer name on the left side.

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You may re-size the panes by moving the green bar between the category list and the product listing. The

green bar turns orange when you move the mouse over it. The system will list 25 items per page by default.

Use the paging controls below the product list to navigate through the pages.

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Browse by Producer

When browsing by producer the producers are listed first then categories that the producer has products in

are listed under each producer. If you click a producer’s name in the left pane, all products for that producer

are displayed on the right. You can click a category below the producer on the left to show only items in that


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Searching Products

To search for products click the “Shop” menu item, then click “Product Search”. This will display the product

search screen. You can enter a product id or search a certain producer’s products. You can also enter all or

part of a product name or product description. For example if you enter “Beef” in the product name field then

you will see all products that contain the work beef in the product name.

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The search results are shown below the search input screen.

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Viewing Product Details

You can view the details of a product listing by clicking the “Details” button. This will display a window that

contains the full details and any pictures of the product that the producer has uploaded to the site. If the

product has more than one picture, click the left or right green arrows next to the picture to view the other


You can leave the details window open while browsing products. Clicking the details button for a different

product will load the new details into the window.

You can move the details window by clicking the green “title bar” next to the word “Product Details”. Click the

X in the title bar to close the details window. The size of the window can be changed by clicking and dragging

the edges.

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Adding Items to Your Order

Once you have found a product you would like to buy, click the “Buy Now” button. A window will be displayed

allowing you to specify the quantity you wish to add to your order. You can type a quantity or click the

up/down arrows next to the quantity. The system will show how many you currently have in your cart below

the quantity. Click the “Add to Order” button to add the item to your cart.

As with the details window, you can leave this window open while continuing to browse products. When you

click the “Buy Now” button for another product, the new product’s information will be loaded into the


If you would like the window to automatically close after the item is added to your cart, check the “Close after

adding item” check box.

To close the window you can click the close button or the small white X in the green title bar of the Purchase

Product window.

To move the ordering window, click and drag its title bar. To re-size the window, click and drag the edges.

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This picture shows the ordering window sized down. To order items quickly, leave the ordering window open

and leave the option the close the window un-checked. Click “Buy Now” next to the product details and “Add

to Order” in the ordering window.

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Viewing and Altering Your Order

After you have ordered some items you can view your order and optionally remove items or change the

quantity. On the site menu click “Members” then click “View Current Order”. You may alter your order up until

the ordering period closes. You may enter notes to the producer, change the quantity, or remove the item

from the order. Be sure to click “Update” for each item you change. A new approximate total will be displayed

at the bottom.

Note: Setting the quantity to 0 and clicking the update button is the same as clicking the remove button.

If you have ordered items that have a variable weight the system will use the maximum estimated weight to

calculate the total. After the ordering period closes, producers will enter weights and the invoice total will be

updated to reflect the new weight.

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If you wish to change your delivery options, click the “Change Delivery Options” link at the top of the “View

Order” page.

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Viewing Your Invoices

During the ordering period you can add to and alter your order. Once the ordering period closes the system

generates a preliminary invoice based on what your order. This invoice is still subject to change because

producers have to enter weights and mark items out. Also items can sometimes get lost or damaged on

delivery day. For this reason the invoice is preliminary until the end of day on delivery day. After that point the

invoice is final and no changes will be made to it. Any errors will be credited or debited to your account on a

subsequent invoice, credit memo, or debit memo.

To view your invoices click “Members” from the menu and then click “View Invoices”.

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This will display the list of invoices and credit memos for your account. You will generally have one invoice per

ordering period. You may also see credit memo’s issued for various reasons such as volunteer work credits,

mileage credits, purchasing left behind items, errors etc. To view the invoice, click the View link in the options


For invoices once payment is received and applied to the invoice the invoice balance will show 0 assuming the

entire invoice was paid.

For credit memo invoices the balance will show a negative amount in parenthesis. For example a credit of

$10.00 will show as ($10.00). Once all the credit from a credit memo is used up the balance will show 0.

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This will display the PDF version of your invoice in a separate browser window. If you don’t see a new window

or tab appear in your browser, be sure you don’t have a pop up blocker blocking it.

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Viewing Your Account Activity

The account activity screen shows transactions that have been posted to your account and have updated your

balance due or credit balance. This screen will show entries for invoices, payments you’ve made, and credits

issued to you. To view this screen, click “Members” from the menu and then click “Account Activity”.

The rightmost column shows your member balance after each transaction was posted to your account. It is

sorted so that the most recent transactions show first in the list.

This view only shows finalized items that have been posted to your account. Order invoices are finalized and

posted the evening of delivery day. The transaction for the order invoice will show up on this screen after that


Credit balances are shown as a dollar amount with parenthesis around them. For example if you have a credit

of $15.00 it will show in the balance column as ($15.00).