olanike dairo

Treatment Olanike Dairo

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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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Page 2: Olanike Dairo

What my documentary is setting out to achieve?

investigating the contributions that gospel music has within the music/ media industry.

proving that gospel music within the UK is growing and is not stagnant.

challenging that gospel is music is not as popular as other music genres.exploring the view that gospel music is not popular and not well known by many.

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Content of my Idea The topic is about gospel music. The angle how gospel music is growing within the

UK and its other contributions. The Unique Selling Point is that there is no other

similar text out there and that it is aimed to a target audience that it would not usually target.

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Arguments would involve why gospel music is not promoted like other genres of music and why many people don’t know about it.

This will be done through vox pops, and interviews with an expert guest.

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Structure & Running Order Segment 1-Intro (voiceover saying what

gospel music and peoples preconceptions of it.)

• Segment 2-Vox pops (asking people what they already know about gospel music) asked by an female presenter. Ilford shopping centre

• Segment 3- one presenter (my sister) has an interview with expert guest, gospel music artist Victizzle talking about his way of promoting gospel music. Backstage After his performance

• Segment 4- voiceover talking about how gospel music has grown using footage of teenage choir singing. At my church

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• Segment 5- interview with music producer, TP who talks about the growth of gospel music. In his studio

• Segment 6- presenter talks about the other ways gospel music is contributing to industry. Outside an gospel clothing line show

• Segment 7- interview with gospel fashion designer Deborah who talks about her entrepreneur skills and her contribution to the industry. Makeup artist backstage

• Segment 8- presenter conclude about gospel music, and is outside an gospel event. Presenter informs the audience where to go listen to music and where to buy clothing products.

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TargetTarget AudienceAudience

Category: Age

My Audience: 16-24

How it would appeal: have young presenters and sources between the age group.

Category: Gender

My Audience: 50/50 male and female

How it would appeal: my sources would be evenly spread out to have an fair amount of both male and females.

Category: Location

My Audience: People who live in the UK, London

How it would appeal:will appeal to people in the area as they are able to find it local and even recognize the location.

Category: Ambitions

My Audience: musician, music artist, songwriter

How it would appeal: people would be inspired to fulfil their own dreams as the sources have already done so

Profile of Target Audience and Appeal of Your Idea

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TargetTarget AudienceAudience

Category: Employment status/ Education

My Audience: A-level, Degree level or even no education

How it would appeal: sources can encourage people in education or not even in education to keep doing what they are doing despite all the barriers coming towards them

Category: Ethnicity

My Audience: all ethics

How it would appeal:Shown through my vox pops

Category: Opinions

My Audience: for all different types of belief

How it would appeal: the documentary would not offend any type of people

Category: Disposable Income

My Audience: £50-£400

How it would appeal: The documentary would inform the audience of where to go to do to buy gospel clothing line products or to go to free music events.

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TargetTarget AudienceAudience

Category: Social Economic

My Audience: E mainly and from C1-D

How it would appeal:

Gospel music can be an new hobby or interest for them

Category: Niche

My Audience: people who watch documentaries that they would not normally watch

How it would appeal: gospel music would seen as niche as a lot of people do not know of it

Category: Existing Media Consumption/ favourite media text

My Audience: music videos, fashion shows,

How it would appeal: T4 music events, MVT, any music awards, ANTM

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Primary Research – questionnaires for my target audience.

I set to find out information about my audience what they like to in they spare time, how much they income disposal

they have, religion etc. how my audience would want my documentary to be styled

(other TV consumptions) examined the content

I received both qualitative and quantitative

Key findings: What style to use

What time would I show my documentary Audience likes a lot of music

Research has advanced my film: my style needs to have a lot music

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Secondary Research- collecting facts and figures for my idea’s using the internet

devised 5 key questions which I answered in depth content

statistics (quantitative) Key findings:

I found the content that I would have in my documentary Not a lot of facts compared to the others

That there is no similar text

Research has advanced my film: that my documentary is unique

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Legal & Regulatory Considerations

OFCOM’S Regulations- in my documentary will not show any potential offensive material that can upset and harm other people, children will also be able to watch my documentary. My contributors will also be dealt with in an fair manner and portrayed the way their would be expected to seem as.

BBC editorial guidelines- I will made sure that my facts and any information is check to be accurate and truthful. My sources also range from an gospel artist, to an music producer to and gospel artist, which shows how diverse and fair it is for my topic.

Media Law- I will be respecting sources privacy. People will see a positive in the gospel industry and may want to explore in their own interest. Getting permission from sources to use their gospel music or products within the production can allow the production to be more communicative and entertaining.

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Practical Viability In my feature I will have special guests such as

an gospel clothing designer Deborah. This contacts are already found from my

contacts list I made already during my research period.

This will be filmed at the Makeup artist backstage when interview with Deborah, in the recording studio when having an interview with TP and filmed backstage after Victizzle performance. I have access to these locations I can easily get

there by bus or train as it is all London based my sources will also be able to get there.The props and costumes that I will be needing is outfits for the presenter.I may use archive footage for when introducing what gospel music is, will need to ask permission to use the archive footage and images from the owner. Sourced by YouTube

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Commercial Viability The market-

no similar texts Similar channel 4 documentary viewers.

My budget- not cost much

refreshment for cast and crew travel

phone credit Distribution and Exhibition-

entertaining (with the music and clips of performances), informing (tell them where there can go to buy products and listen to music)

and educating (give statistics and facts of gospel) It will be shown on a weekday at 9pm, as that the times my target

audience would be at home watching TV. On channel 4 on Wednesdays at 9pm the documentary The Family

is shown at the time, where the majority of my audience would watch this documentary as it appeals to them as it has humour.

be shown at 9pm Tuesday or Thursday

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Questions?? For My Audience

Who would like to see in my documentary??

When you hear the would gospel what is the first image that comes to mind??

Do you know anyone who would be good for my documentary??

How would you like it to be put together??Is there any features you would like to see

in my documentary??