old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspapers 6/new york ny tribune/new york...

' «| I VNORP. MILJfO* ' lame* MJlnor, £ >urch, and the fHehd, * or tt* late Joa^i* Hon. HENRY BAV t. after .*.&££** *M a Canal ( ^ 5 ^ about ^ v , ^ rORK s and Gibraltar 4. e. to Agui« & <££ «0, »pok« jotp ^. ton.wiah^g^ Tbomsaton. Ua^ ^ 1. SC, uav*i «tor«a, fm XOrl«an*, cotton sand 1 brlgunknoi^! W e e k l y T r i b * » ^ ;aV ....... N. Y: ..... 2 "3?*. do ..... ; } 00 ..^-_) l *«aao N.Y * <too Flat*, do ...... J lomer*,N.Y \ **- - « d o 1 >«**»•. M i c h . . . ; . . ; ; { Attieboro.Masa ..... x °».«- J X b e D a l l y Trftuae, o. ii2—:—- j, rf'sle. Pa,... j. Ingburgb, N. Y. trne, do • ••• X ••••1 he M*» ml-Weekly " affile, N.Y... 1 >'' f h do j > Con j I) N. 1 ..... ,.« ..... ,..! 'he Xew-Yorkw, ita, in...- •»..•«.,... 2 KtoD, 111 .... ,.j * Mill*. MP 1 SSSacaga \A8Hlox.-~Leary k Co. Mat entirely new and Jane 6th, 1846. je6 $t ——— ^ to call and examine* immer Hat. In beauty any „Hat ever before rearldg community.— ia Hat*. NIN, 214 Broadway. ktlnoe to "oa ton lib ib» tefeajl* at the Amerleux MVmenlln Funny,ber ir g quite jealous. She evidence < f ber aponk, • »ii»od,9 p. M. la one Mafuni. are cause* de*>p*r than t th • moat aim pi* and v*. e*y ir' nl» cold, and on luuntc/tt'ed f--« m ib» led irem us.by the met* trie a'm«>»ph««re by tbe -cau»r U la a good roi» \t. Wben »*ch a airople : atmnge that many pop. i«.<9* of disease and'tbe doing nui'hto renove' and tbe recent develop- •* beyond a doubt ih»t a iv* ih«-lr orig'n io anun- 'wie<*ge of ibis fact, baa men to the discovery of ity and certainty on toe oiu of thi* inveadtratloa > more active or efficient disease*, inflarainstioos rofulous *ffer:tioiJ». 4y~ retail, by A. B .4K om«r of wilhasa, New- T> F.ast Broadway, end United States. Pries RAVK1.KRS, kc vlsitteij k & Co. having flow ob- :y for their Proprietory teat lo It form the Public re th»» oriKloal artlelea x'r^llt^ce.at their Straaa orouifhfare.Sl Cortland* ctractor Depot. ify the>lood. »".„ Bed Basra.-. ap Work* /OP in* gam- >ap^mado x>nly genulDa recklee.Un aonburaasd tlianv uttadpare-, bouler.kr. at the >ry /1 lortland-ac New* cal Pain Extractor. U tt m28 1m ' •harioeSoaD, wnlck Wna. Johoaoa, now nlcle, at *l CortlaiKUt. Mia it FOWIW.M repra- n»t- capital out of Ma >t a apurloaa arttcla Maicteal Paln'^xtractor mlS lmla I »-«T* AXO FLOWtU. .on/ over tnla lovafir the fl.ght of Time; if lib people, and the dy aaeleaa roar'. The «n, h"avena. and hia raja d by a ilnsrle cloed > -when wa aboald bar* however, armed with a fifaf<d ftxif, w© can w* r£ Reonena, Roaahoeta* ia,*mi all ihehoatofoi* U&Ural So*>can aeoja* •«;•«• In the Caatle 0«* ora/l!r«t« c*r atubbora k] i > « J r t i 5«^r«i«». IT* be bltrbeat repuU* for oo- amiful *r*tw» or Woc*'- rtlllani preparatioB fro* o pale cbeeka and tfp» Dr. P. OOURAUD «« falker-ti, rirat *"»+*%? .piera of all the CltieeW* r and n»»ar, are dally^" >t\z*4 Ajret»t.V. •»•?•*: • receive aobaerlpoena. tel imta TkTb MONTHtY JOtJ>»Ai C a! Editor.—The. JW* iny morning Content* >n. The Drover's D<<- leary Iron HarrowV— , ta^taloa of India. :tTCTt>-(Concladed.> Indian Corn- HerbM* White or Datoo Clo*** alnfoJa. Yarto>» «** Flower»---YaUow»UJ cb. :Co«WgjJ5 Jruaw. . The * ^^. Brewing of C ^ ; iheep. Shoe? Mas*** ariculturt. ^l»i«« K^of 'ote agg 1U00; the I" 1 *^-^ KlantaUonStatea--^ rt and wear tha»'^ rf <*dp« for Cement-, . rjelawa^^U-J^ 00 ^ 11 Eu ^r to AaScttft«^ tjceroeotofthes*^^ Pattenlmc Fhwl* ot* from Cioth^l ^ Fheaaant of « ^ a . Hammond C ^ S S S * ^p. Homeand^r^ ig Pack*. i ^T»e- Abauaot JW^T^ . MaJ «. Price* Co^* ELRATH.POb 11 *^ lupUod. COSMBBCIAL AJfP MOIfinr M1TTEES, . ,40 pf. Sucks, 4c Htfntrtk pagt. MOXDAT.P.M. the Stock itoket opened rtuher hwrwjo-day, v«t^l*tterattbeclo*e: At the Second Board U bar- ^b^^tSned that Mr. Pak«>b*m bad nodded In * ^n^aJaTrffic^tiaannertoMr. Bltchanan. the mar* v* wa. rery htoyant; «d Improved J to 1 per cent, ^be Sxcha^ge Market for the Greet Britain ctoied b, avily at 8 ^ « for flHritof - d 5 2 5 « 5 32*. for Franca. The.ilnpplywaa large. FreigUareMeady for Cotton, but Flour 1. not freely ob alned kt the aakmg rate, 3-. The Robert Parker „ , take » up t<^d*y for Liverpool. There wa* rather more paper offering today, bnt jhero la o » marled change In the market. From the aaine high authority before alluded too we learn Jw»t thle- Indiana debt arrangement la on the whole aai lafactory. and with one or two amendment*, not affect *g the|principle* of the bill will no doubt be cccepted >y the bond-holder*. Tbo il irine and Fire Insxirance Bank of Savan- nah ha* d »clared a dividend of four per cent, for thelaat -ixmontt*. . . . The M lledgeville Union, in remarking upon the fcrjureof he Commercial Bank of Macon *ay«: The circulation of the Bank we underataad 1* about •100.0CO. Of thU amout $30 000 are on ipecia depoalt i anotbe: Bank. «d belong to the « f ^raofA., Mmv roe kaiinad. T^ie uieU to meet tbl* circuUrlon It U Sd.rn considerable, but how.far ,they can be made .T»U*We o thlaj porpoae time only c«i determine.— Amoog th* aaaeu la a »tock of good*Jtaken from one of iedebtor . oTSSI Bank, eatimated at $31,000, which are to be dl»p< «^d ofjfor the billa of the Bank. The fa 'doDdj of the old Colony Railroad is 3^ per cent, for ti e »lx coontha It ha* been id ope'ratlon. Of the Proviience and Worcester .Railroad, the Pre*ldenf< report, made at their late, annual meeting, t aays r v •-Nearly the wbolo right of*way from Providence to ' Worc«-»wr (ha* been contracted for. Contract*'have also been madfcT for grading the entire line of the road on terrovdeei jed favorable, and material* at fair price* for the .uyeratruc tore have been engaged. The contrac- tor* ar,e n«w engaged In the grading on mo*t of their re#pectire jwction*." t*. of ten per cent, each, have been 1M6. ,1.012.712 4!6 118 133.635' 167 109 219.841 8,651 1845. 926.343 513.318 180,527 290.069 388.688 11.501 11,370 ^. 13,400 1844. 815.916 •446.927 139.923 221,790 281.845 : 8.422 •11,100 2.328,846 1,925.923 Two a**"***; istde, and a* the work prdgreaae*, other in*tallment* will be call d fori An agree: nent baa been entered Into with the Boston and Provld* nee Railroad Company by which they are to ero** the Bfackstone River between Central and Valley Pall*, and tl ea form a junction with the Providence and Worcester ftailroad, and thence Into Providence on a double tracl.. ** s - . The Fiubburg Railroad stockholder*, at their meeting last week, accepted the several act* In reference totChar!e*to *n Branch, Watertown and Sterling Branch RJiJroada, pi **ed at the la*t *e**ion of the Ma*«achu«ett* L<jgUlatare. It waa voted to unite the Sterling and Pltcbbnrgco 'porationa, and leave to t i e discretion of the director* all matter* appertaining to conatruction and location of Watertown and Sterling Branch llnea. The coat of these- -oad* wa* eatimated not to exceed 8600.000, tad flattering estimates of Income on that amount were •nbroitted. At this meotlng a statement waa alio sub- mitted of foui month*' receipu upon the Pitchburg road, which ahowed a handsome increase over laat year^»apd gave confidence that fire per cent! would be the trext lemlannual 0 ividend. At Baffalt the Produce market remains under great QepreaaloDJ avery adverae clrcumatance having eomhined to C epres* the moat Important ataple*. ao that, with lncreaaln j stocks, the market i* left to the di*po*i- tlonlof one or wo buyer*, who may be said to dictate thety own tern is, laaving those who would sell at all, no other alternatl re but to accept their offer*. At Baltimo re there ia but little change to note in ket. Money la in active demand at bank Market* . . . .Care/ufltf rtpoftidfo* The TWaiot*. MONDAY. June 8. ASHES—Pot* are steady at 3 5393 56, and Pearls 4 94 06. The transactions are not large.-. COTTON—The sale* to-day have been (mail, not amounting to more, than 300 bales, taken by Spinners. Prices are without change. Upland. Florida.. Mo.&NO.. Inferier none. 64-964 ty96i Ordinary 6496} 6J97 7 9 7 f Middling 7 9 7 * 7±97f 7197* Mid-fair .... .. 7*97* 7J97| 8 9 8 ± : ' Fair ........ 8 96, 8 9 3 i 8499 Good fair .8*9 none. :9}910 Fine none. none.. 119124 In the New-Orleans Prices Current of 30th May we notice aeveYai errora in the Cotton tablee of Receipt*. We have taken aome pain* to make up the following comparison for three year*, and it will be found. to be correct: New. Orleans ..30th 1 Mobile -30th •Florida ,23d Georgia.. 29 th S. Carolina...,30tb N.Carolina 30th •Virginia • l»t Total ..I.-..1,9.69.636 Freight* to Liverpool are firm at jd for square and id for round. The **hip Robert Parker wa*-taken up at these rate*. FLOUR AND MEAL—The market continue* der pre*«ed, and the Inquiry being moderate,- parties who are anxious to sell on the dock accept low rates. Gene- see is 4 12^94 25, which i* a decline, and Michigan 4 00 94 124. A tale of 1000 bbl*- Michigan was made on Saturday afternoon at 412J, £nd to-day 1200- bbl* good brand* Michigan at 4 00, all for export. On Saturday two bbl* of beautiful Flour were exhibited on' 'Change. They were branded ' Extra^—L.* A. Spalding,' and were directed to Hon, Waahington Hunt. Waahington. They were beautifuj apecimens of the perfection to which the flouring art ha* arrived at the We*t. The receipt* last week were 63,000 bbls, and there were 25,000 bbls afloat thl* morning. There are very few.ahippera in market, tbey are waiting for a decline In freight. New-Orleans and Southern deacriptlons are very inactive: The com- mon brand* Georgetown, Alexandria, Richmond; Balti- more, are dull at 4 2")@4 37J ; Richmond City nominally 6 CO ; Brandywine 4 75. Rye Flour ia 2 87J, with smajl •ale*. Corn Meal 3 25, with sale* 250 bbls. 1 25. and quiet GRAIN—A sale of 3000 bushel* prime White Genesee Wheat waa made, for ahlpment, at 1014 etc, and about 3500 bushels Western, in lot*, for milling, at 80990 ct», moatly 80 ct*. Corn 1* very plenty, and the market 1* much depre««ed. .For Southern Yellow 56 ct*, meaa, i* the nominal rate. About 10,000 bushels Western mixed sold at 49952 ct*. the former for distilling. About 8000 bushel* were for export. Sale* 1500 bag* N Orleans on private term*. Oat* are 39940 ct* for Northern, and dulL Sale* 3000 bu*bel« Northern Rye, for export, at 65 ct*. and 2500 do for distilling, at 64 ct*. Nothing doing In Barley. WHISKY—About 300 bbl* have been taken atl8j ct*. Drudge is 18 cu, with fair demand. HAY—The-»upplie* are very large, and quotations are lower. Sales 500 halo* at 50 eta, for shipment. LEAD—A.farther »aleof 2000 pig* Mi»*ouri has been made at 4 25, cash, which leaves but about 2000 pigs in first hands. SALT—A sale of 3000 bushels Lisbon wa* made on private term*. GROCERIES—Sugar* and Molaaaes are steady, and in fair demand. A cargo of 2200.bag» Brazil Coffee was •old on private term*. JBONE—A sale of 20.000 lbs North-West ha* been made for export, auppoaed at 24i ct*, caah. ' CANDLES—We note«ales of 125 bxa ' Adamant Pearl Light*,' at 26 eta & 16. Theae Candle* were exhibited at-tho National Fair, and attracted great attention and many commendatory-notice*. . TALLOW—Sale* 20,000 lbs good Rendered at 7} cts, caah. L ' , PROVISIONS—We hear of sales of 600 bbls Prime Pork at 8 0698 124. Meaa I* nominally 10 624, and dull. Beef la very quiet. Of Lard we netice sales 400 or 500 bbls prime at 6ct*, for shipment. iy Grand Division, State of New-lfork.— Tbe Grand DWalon will meet at the Hall, 1B7 Bowery, on Tuesday. June 9, at 12 o'clock, to unlta In the National Ju- bilee of the Order G M. RADLEY, G. .Conductor... XST Temperance Celebrarion.-rTbe Member* of. Union Divition, No. 2, 8 of T. are requested to meet at the Hall, 315 Broadway, on Tuesday, (To-morrow) June 9. at 12 o'clock M. precisely, for the porpoae of uniting In the Great Ce'ebration of the Sons of Temperance. Bripg your Ke«aUa with you. W. H. R1KER, W. p. , W. R. DoawaTT. R. 3. Je8 2t- 1ST Jefferson DIvlalon, N o . 7 - Sons of Tem- perance.—The metnbera or this DMnton are requested to meet at Columbian Hall. No. 263 Grand-sL on Tuesday mominfr, June t>th, 1846, in full Regalia, with white Glove*, at 114 o'clock preciaely, to celebrate tbe fir*t National An-' niversary of the Order. By order of y DAVID LEAL. W . P . BENJAMIN DEVQY, R- S. je6 3t* CyColnmbla Division, N o . 1 0 , 8 . ot T.—The membera of Uhi*. Diviaion are requested to meet at their room, American Hall, Broadway and Grand-st on Tuesday morning, June 9th. at 11 o'clock, to organize, and pro- ceed-to unite in.celebrating tbe National Anniversary of our Orcffr. J. F. THOMAS, R. S. It* tgT The Irlembere of iTJarafaall Division, "No. 11, of the Son* of Temperancje, ara r*-queated IQ meet In Marshall Hall, comer of Broadway and Grand-at. on Tues- day, the 9th of June inat..at 12 o'clock precisely, for 1 the purpose of organizing to form in the general 'procession. , By order of JOHN MURPHY, W. P. Moaais DECAMP, R. S. 'je6 3i* ' ty VUHant Division, N o . 1 4 , Sons of Tern-' perance.—Always ready.—The Member* of ibis Diviaion are hereby notified to meet at the Hall, 263 Grand-st. on Tuesday morning, June 9th, at 11 o'clock, to join in the great National Jubilee of the Order. (White Glovea.) ' ' S. B. STRATTON, W , P . W, H. CLARK, R. S. .; je8 2u**- G&tneral ftotitt*. w*****+**^**t*r •I. I r.'.rfW ! wt/"'wSiL'jBi'uy *sm S. of T. Croton Division, No, 1 6 , 9 . o f T . —Tbe member* of »hl* Diviaion arenereby notified to meet at their room, 187 Bowery, on Tue.day morning, the 9th of JnnG. 1846, at 11 o'clock, for ihe purpose of participating in the GrAnd Celebration. Brother* having Regalia will pleaae prepare it for the above purpoae. Brothera frdm distant Division* are re*p»ctfally invited to meet with n*. By order, WILLIAM OSTRANDER,W. P. A.HL'Mg,R.8. je8 2t* EP* Knickerbocker Division, No. 5 4 8 . o f T.— v^* The Member* of tnis Division are hereby notified to meet at Bag MeaT t ne Diviaion room, corner of Hudson and Grove at*, on Tueaday. June 9th, at 10* A. M., to unite in celebrating the National Anniveraary of our Order. By order of - H. W. HAMBLIN, W. P. • ' W. ROOME, R. S. .'. . je6 3li** . fy Independent Order of Good Fello-ws.—The membera of Constitution Lodge No. 1, I. O. of G- F. are requeated jto me«t at their Lodge room No. 460 Grand-st Wedneaday evening, June 10th, at *even and a half o'clock. Punctual attendance ia expected. . P. 8. Tbe Lodge will not meet thl* (Tuesday) evening, June 9tb, 1846. By order of je9 2tl«* CHAS. WATERBURY, G. P. XSf- Representatives to the Grand Temple of Honor are requested to be pnnctual in their attendance at the first Annual Session to be held this evening at 8 o'clock precise- ly, at thehall, second story, 187 Bowery. Bv order. It* ; LUKE HASSERT, G- W. R. iy Lonpr Island Horticultural Society.—This Society win hold ita first Seml-Annual Exhibition at the Saloon of the Fluahing Hotel, on the 11th and 12th Inst— Persons who intend contributing to the Exhibition areno- tified that their articles mum be preaented to the Committee of Arrangement before 10 o'clock on the llth and before 9 onthe.l2ih. Competition for premiuma open to all. The Exhibition will open at 12o'clock onthe llth, and at 9 on the 12th Tickets 25 cts.—one ticket will admit a gen- tleman and lady. 8:eamer Washington Irving, leaving Fulton Market Slip at 9 A. M. and Flushing at 2 P. M. will on ihe days of tfx.n'bltion convey visitors at half price. Fiushlng,June6tb,lfl46. je6 4lis* Have Y o n a .Cough ?-rThen cure It Vithout delay; or, In three months, or possibly, in as many weex*. that very cough may deepen Into the consumption- Do not hesitate and talk and talk and talk, bat act before It is too late. Get Beekman's Pulmonic Syrup.-lt will cure you: andit is the only remedy on which you can rely with certainty. The purity, mildness, safety,and certainty of-Beekman.'s Vegetable Essential Pills are Causing them to supersede all others In use. Tbey produce full,' easy, natural evacuations .—cleansing of all Impurities, and correctiag all derange- ment ••• . . . . -'_ ISr" BJEEKMJJIN'S S Y R U P A N D . P I L L S are put up la wrap- pers,-copyrighted. Be cautious. Buy none but "Beek- man's." Proprietor's cfSce No. 494 C&rtland-at. one door below Greenwich-at N. Yl They are regularly kept by many of the moat respectable Apothecaries and Druggist* In New- York, Brooklyn, &c- To be had, also, of authorized agent* in different parts of the country. Beekman'a Treatise and Guide to Health may be had at' the same places, free of charge. It ty Homoeopathy.—The Hardest Blow Yet !— Dr. A. L. Cox has an article in the N e » - York Medical and Surgical Reporter, on the subject of Homoeopathy, which- It will require considerably more than an Infinlteaslmal doae of nothing, or even of sugar of milk, to parry. He aays that some years ago the Homoeopathlsta endeavored to convert him to the faith, but he refused. That among'iheir argumenta'was one that the- deaths In the City would be considerably diminished by ita adoption; but be add* that they have since actually Increased twenty-five percent— Tbe boasted success of the Hooooeopachlsis and their splen- did equipages notwithstanding. He states farther, that the City Inspector for 1843, «ay* that the-greatest number of certificates of death* are Bent In hy Dr. , Homoeopathic practioner! These be biting charges, Dr. Brook! Have you any thing to say why judgment should not be passed against you ?• If you have, speak! [l}. Y. Sentinel. ' It* ifirE-ttJotks. ^mwuMtutM. WORKS—Wholesale and retail—The strVscii- •a. ber* have on hand a very extensive assortment of bril- liant FtRE-WORKS,ln the greatest variety;and warranted, consisting of tbe following article* Rocket*. Triangle*, i Roman Candles, Scroll Wheels, TorbUllons, Pigeons, Serpents. Blue Light*, Chinese Flyers, Vertical Wheels Mines, Stars, Mines, Serpents, Bengola Light*, Table Rocket*. Pin Wheels, Snakes, .•'*.-•• Flower Pot*, Graaahoppars, Saxona, Yellow LlgbU, itc. itc kc the money ma and a considerable amount of fair paper in the street at 293 per cent. per month. At Cincinnati there w a s b u t a light business done in Exchange. ihlproenta of cities. Money doubt and unc< Tbe final The demand 1* fully equal to the supply. Eastern Exchasge steady at 1}. There have been aome tpecle I to New-Orlean* and the Eastern continue* quite tight, and a feeling of rtalnty pervade the mind* of capitalist*. iientence of forfeiture has been pro- nounced againit the Mi**i**ippi banks. The high court of that State, -jt *t previous to adjournment, pronounced a judgment sett Ing the banks now and for ever. In the tppeal of seven 1 of the Natchez banks, from a decision of the Circuit C >urt, the high court decided In substance that a continaed atate of suapenalon of apecle payment* la juat and Indu iltabls ground of forfeiture. A .meeting of the stockholders' of tbe Bank of Montreal was h ild at the office of the institution on .Mon- day, the 1st Inst A statement of the transactions of the Bank for the Uu t year was laid before the meeting by the President, fr >m which It appears that the aS*ir* of the institution at e in a nourishing condition. The bank notes in circulation amount to £523.543 10; the specie on handito £ 124 570 0.1 ; notes discounted to£ 1,502,968 3-4. The total a ««U*Ve £1,795,059 198. A meeting of he stockholder* of the City Bank was also held 00 tbe 1st Instant at which the annual report and statement w 14 read by the President, and which were Considered bighl r satisfactory. The notes'in circulation are stated at £24 5 962 5; cash on hand and notes of other' banks, £57.3-^3 f 4 ; notes discounted and other debt* £3^0,364 15-3; to al asset*, £740,378 1-6. We co'ppy from the Commercial the following statistic* of Buffa. 0 Produce trade up to the first of June —taking only the leading articles: Principal articles landed by Lake, Lake open Flour, btfcls Pork ............ w?—1 ........ A... Whiaky Tallow Aihe*. ok* Hide* Woof, ska Wlfcst. bp*h vqrn... t/^tts ............ ... 1846. ..April 2 ..320.517 . . 30.077 .. 15.833 6371 1.356 1.750 .. 10.573 .. 21,076 601 .453.755 ..,.•.51402 J..!. 76,596 :.:::: r 1845. April 3 185.560 18033 10.002 5.087 5150 .960' 17.102' 19.892 .558 384.723- 14 380 4,110 1844. Mar. 14. 276.650 21.J82 16017 1.383 4.530 567 11.200 15.472 528 525.425 25.885 6.42."> Canal Ezports frm 1 the \Openbtg of Navigation to June 1. The following tatde exhibit* the total, of leading artl- the Canal Office toflst Juno : ele* that cleared at Tolls *W. bbls... *^rv* l***«a««f rork of exports for a serjes of years 1845 Boa+.bbls..270.10<; ro»k 21.44i Beef 2224' Wheat, bush. 399 35'' *she*,ck»... 7,0* Wool. l b s . . . 136.61: ftJ4(6 6451 Boats cleared.. 27D.10G 22 217 9L448 1,357 Aahe's, c k a . . . : ...... 7.03-i Wheat. bu*h 30«i;357 Wool, lb* 135,617 A comparative e: :hibit Is also given to show the extent I'The »i to June 1 i 1844. 259 384 20.192 17.14.4 429 828 KT.004 197,200 1843. 132 983 17.130 4 730 132.080 11.577 56.82> 1842. 134 763' 33.490 730 85 890 6.505 21,261 .4.. i 1" ..1 .... ^. 201.440 18 085 . 13.867 267.007 18.266 176,456 StatUtk* of the Coat Tradi of Schuylkill Ounty. Capital Invested in 81 mile* of Incorporated Railroad*. 50 " of Jndfvldu* W •• under grouc d W» Railroad Cars. 2400 Drift C a r s . . . 34 Colllpriea belok water level, with 8team Engine*. Pump*, dec 10O Collieries abofe wau»r level Uadiog*. keatoand Boat Hofse* Working C-pltai... •Sehoylktll C a n a l . . SssdlnB Railroad.Cjar*'. Engine*. Ac... T*»*n« m thfe Coal Regton ....... wn»illo ami Pott*vJIle Railroad .... » W 0 acrna 'Coal LAad at $50 per acre J. Total..' ....... ! ,'. $26*56 000 «th»at*-,-J inveatroe at for same item* In 1842. 17 526.000 kereasj in four yes rs with Protection. Too. of Coal sect tc market in 1845 ...... «-owt,med * "»• "jgion, abont... T fiW tons.. ^ U t 1841, 1 * 0 ^*»e-.almost dt uble m four » W* •>*••• SI.000.00 150.000 60.000 150.000 96,000 850 000 500000 200.000 i 500 000 300.000 | 5.000 000 10.260.000 3.000.000 800.000 4 000 000 J^330_0OO 1,131.724 75 000 1 206.724 620.345 ~~586.379 Trade of the Hudson. Produce and Country Merchandise Arriving at New-York, lUyrltd Specially for TAe Neva- York Tribvne. New-York and Albaiv Line. J Martin—Barge E Corning. —3626 bbl* flour D o w s k Cary; 155 do .Yatea SL P*ppoon; i 50 bhda liquor Wan-loir,' Orogoiy it Co; 189 do Work it. Dra.ke; 4 bbls aahes H Sheldon; 15 do Hyalop & Coffio;.23 i bbla potatoea J Hopple* it Son; 28 bbfa nahea Dows SL Cary. Swirraure.Line, AVnn Santvoord—B'ge Ken»ucsy.—H2.5 ' bbla flour 100 half do H9 bbls pork J M Hoyi it S >n; 755 do' tl mr 100 ha f do 60 bbla wbUky T.P Hart;'4 bblsashea Field '• it. M»ntr; 21 do H H Hayes; 1 box goods Hoyt it 'Tilling- I ba«»; 215 bbla floor 5 do high wines Do«r« At Cary; 5 b^la 1 a»he»" C F Park; 5 bxa glas», Townaend. Savre it Cmrt; 287 bbla fl >or W^arrlng, Gregory it Co; 56 half bbla beer A G Burs; 26 bbla aahes Benedict it Williams. Sam*- Line—Barg« Enterprise —129 obis pork 1 do shoul- ders 5 do- pork Mr.Bride it Lord; 23 bbl* pork Freeland. Stewart it Co; 107 do 1 box beeswax l kejr butter 3 do lard D it W Martin; 100 bbls pork W H Hayea; 100 do Qonr E T H Gibson; 5 bbla »*ggs 4 kegs butter Rumtoay it Ddniels; 170 bbls fl <ur -K<»ot, Ktnnan it Co; 634 do A Van Santvoord it Co; 230 do Samuel Lewis; 41 bbls potatoes E T Pease; 100 bbls fl <ur Folt it Hopkins; 3 bxs furs Cowing it Co. «Albany *nd Canal Line, A Hoyt—Barge President—650 bbla d >ur D«vight Johnson; 299 do O Corwin it Co; 145 co P I Nt>yia« k. Son; 500 do Dater, Miller it Co; 32 bbls ashes Suydsm.Reed it Co; 5do Wood it Sheldon; 27 do Phillips it Aboro; 8 do £ T H Gibson; 1 do P I Neviue it Son: 3 do Wardell tt Wa.son- 16 do Wilson it Cobb; 4 do G W Hoi t it Co; 1S6 do beef Kent, Kinnao it Co. New-York and Buffalo T B Line, Iv*>a it Cargill—Boat D Brown.—10 casks ashes Hyslop it Coffin: 17 do Peck,Brad- ford it.Richmond; 400 bu corn Suydam, Sage it Co. Sam* Line—Boat Salem.—2113 bu wheat E W Dunham it Son; 100 bbl* high wines Suydam, Sage it Co; 1 bole furs G C Treadwell; 1 do T K Booth; 3 bxs veneering E N Thompaon; 1 case sundries Pritchard it Griswold; 1 trunk do S Curd. i * N«v»-York and Troy Line, W S Griffith—Barge Ontario. 409 bbla. fl >ur Suydam. Sage it Co; 500 do H C Beala it Co: 13 bbla provisions Baldwjp, Dibble it Work; 18 tc« do 27 bb!» do Perry, Mathews it Co; 100 do 8 bbls hatter Cpw- lngit Co; 29 tuba do Leggett, Ludlam tt. Co; 165 bales hay, WmNash. . Old Troy Line. Pope Catlin—Barge Indiana.—700 hbla flour Clarke it Coleman; 55 do J H Reed; 1145 do N H Wolfe;fiOdo Leeland, Adams it Co; 160 do Dwight, Beala it Co; 63 do W H Mosely; 169 bbls provisions E T H Gib- son; 65 do Kent, Rinnan it Co; 131 bbl* high wine*, Ford it Gram. People's Oswego Line, D S Steele—Boat Ma'y.—400 bbls flour Suydam. Sage i. Co; 100 boxes cheeae S Perr>; 30 do Bowman it Stanton; 30 do Boatwick it Onderdonk; 40do T 8 White; 30 bbla potatoes 350 bags salt J it D.S Bennett; 30 bbl* potatoes J Shaw; 55 do 6 firk butter 3t>o bu fine feed, P 8 Steel; 3 bbla eggs 6 firk butter Yelverton it Fellows. ' Trov and Erie Tow-boat Line—Barge A C Tefft.—99 bbls flour T H DeWolf-, 57 do Watkins it Bissell; 600 do Lewi* it Beardaley; 578 do Merrick, Davl*fcCo., Same Line—Barge J F wlnalow.—547 bbl* flour E T H Gibson; 156 do Chateau, M it Sanford; 225 do P I Neviua it Soo; 60 do A C Tefft; 200 do Suydam, Sare it Co; 3»2 do Clark it Coleman; 84 bbla high wine* N H Wolfe.. Troy and Michigan LB Line— BoatTompklua"County.— 240 bbl* flour H C Beals it Co; 200 do Wardell it Waaaon.. Syracua* and Oawego Line, A H Hovoy—Boat J Har- bottle.—1519 bu corn Suydam, Sage it Co-, 100 tea beef Suy- dam, Reed it Co; 87 bxa cheeae S Perry; 82 do Dows. it" Oulteau; 51 do T B White it Co; 27 do J Boyce; 38 do Knapp It Baker; lOdo Tompkina it Co; • tub butter T B "Whil«-; 4 d o 12 bbls potatoes J L Knapp it-Son; 14 tuba hm- tair, I bblaahea Ferguson if Sherman; 1 bbl egga Comsn, Hopkins it Co; 7 bbla potatoea J 0 it D S Bennett; 20 bxs cheese Knapp it Baker. Old Albany Line, J it W Schuyler—Barge Brutus —200 bbls flour P I Nevius it Sou; 6"5 do Sam Lewia; 725 do Herrlck it Vanbuakjrk; 2 0 d o J it W Schuyler; 12 caaka aahea P 1 Neviua it Son; K2bbl* hama Jewell,.Harrison it Co-, 5 do Prime, - Ward it Co; f cask do Pn-lpa, Dodge-it Cv; lit ie« beef 8 do'iard 2 do tall->w 72 do pork 5 bx» goods Hoyt it Tl linghaal; 12 b»l*-a hay J it W Schuvler. Same Line— Barge C.Durant—177 bbla flour Maitland, ComrieitCo; 537 do s 19. half do Herrick it Vanbnekirk; 12 bbls aahea Johnson it Brothers; 4 do Wm L Boyd; 2 do ,T E Bro»n; 2 do Hoffman At Bailey; 500 aticka beach wood J W Farr, G bbla aahea A Mead it Co; 595 bbl* vinegar L Spender; 38 bale* hay 15 do straw J it W Schuyler. Durant.Lathropk Co'a Line— Boat Brewer.—S000 bush oaU P C Durant ' i ' Same Line-Boat R F Slack.—20$>0 bu corn 2000 do oaU P C Durant •,'».' Fort Plain and New-York Line. Nukerck it Hoffman-f- Boat Diamond.—181 bxa cheeae 8 Perry; 225 aides leather, Bulkley it Bro>ka; 54 bdlafork*T S At Clarke; 2 bbl* egg* 2200 bu rye C C Nukerck; 4 case* print* C it F Waldo. Same Line—Boat Rosebud.—153 bxa cheese S Perry; 3 bbls eggs T B White it Co: 49 bxs cheese Wm Crsuse; IS ca*e* print* 7 bale* goods H Waldo; 20 bxs cheeae owner, 43 do 4 bbls h«an* C C Nukerck; 21 bxs cheese owner; 12 bale*good* Eugene Bogert;267*lde*leather 2700 bush oat* C C Nukerck. Fultonvllle and New-York Line, Gardiner A; Vandenberjr Boat M L Keith.—3000 bu oat* 6 bbla egga 1 cheat do W L Vandenberg; 21 bale* hay Lane Ac Mangum; 510 *lde< leather C M Leupp it Co; 6 sacks deer hair W J Buck; 6 | bbls'oi) David Haochett ' I New-York, Utlc* and Oawego Line, W S Roasiter—Boat j Hudibraa.—5 care* dam woolen* Ftaber, Howe it Hamll- ton; 1 box fur* John Rundail; 1 box aundne* J Mar»b; 2 1 bale* dam licking R Jt D VV Siebbins; 19 bxa cheese S Per- I ry; S vamlah'bbls S P Smith; 21 turpentine bbls Blackwell j k Co-, 14 bbls pork J 0 it D S Bennett; 1 box a»he* S C HD1; 3800 ft lumber Cha* Lyon, Brooklyn. New-York and Seneca Fall* Line, A W Palmer—Boat G I ^V Swift —350 bbls flour J M Hoyt it Son; I cose cloths 1 Fisher. Howe jj Hamilton; 4 casks ashes O Corwin it Co; I j do John Rice; 2 bbla eggs Knapp.it Biker; 1 box do 8 bbls ; f <M * to «« J Hoppock it Son; 18,355 Iba otl meal W H Piatt ; k Co; 2 bbl* egga Powers;.6 co elder" brandy McCoon, j Sherman it Co; 6 do eggs Coman. Hopklna it Co; 4 bbl* ! aahea l do egg. l k«g do R Ooderdonk k Co; 1 box clotba j Saml J Beal* it Buah; 2 -bbls p o u w e * 1 do u u*tard seed 1 i keg do Cartwrigbt At Harriaon. I EHr" Removal The proprietor's ol R^atoratlve,' on th> lancey-at near the, way, New-York phla. -' No Charge until the Hair is Restored.' jce.for the application of ' Beal's Hair jabove terms, is removed to l^o. 19 De- lowery.' Depot*— Bazaar, 173 Broad- Milk- Bt Boston; 109 Ninth-st Phlladel- ' Je9 lwos+ Bsf" V . B , P a l m e r ' s C o u n t r y N e w s p a p e r Adverti- sing Agency, Tribune BuHJings. New Ybra, embraces most of tbe best newspapers of all tbecltle* and principal to wna in the United State* and Canada, for which he 1* duly authorized to receive advertisement* and *ub*ciip- tion*. and fully empowered to give receirt*. Merchant*, manufacturer*, artiata. and individual* gen- erally, beside* public Inallution*, Incorporated-companies, and •ocfetiala who wl*h to advertise in, or subscribe for; newspapers 1 of any section of the country, ar'e respectfully invited to examine the files. To remove all doubt* and misapprehensions, the agent hereby notifies the public that no person Is authorized by him to sblitm- advertisement*, card* or subscription* for the newapaper* for which he is the only authorized agent The annoyance to merchant*, and other*, growing out of numer- ous pretended agencies in this city, renders the adoption of this courae essentially proper to guatdagaxnst imposition. Thoae, therefore, who wish to tranaact buaineaa with hi* agency, and avoid mistakea.are reapectfullyinvited to band In their orders at the onVe, or address V. B. PALMER, a9 i«tf American New»"Br-»r Agent, Tribune Buildings. I^J'tln.ckenzIe'a.Tonic Febrifuge—A Sovereign Remedy for the Ague and Fever. - - • • Tbia great Remedy, to wbicb the public attention is par- ticularly called, has been extensively used in the- Western and South-western States, as a speedy, safe and certain cure for Ague and Fever, Dumb'Ague, Chill, or Intermittent Fe- vers. The unexampled and complete success attending Us use, and so well proven, have become it* wide spread victories over every form of Auue In the West, that the 'Febrifuge' Is now superseding every other offered remedial agent, and looked upon »s the only one that can be relied upon In all sin ere* of tbe disease. The many thousands of Instances wherein It has wrought cures, while no instance is known, nor can be shown of fail- ure, warrants it in being offered as possessing the three car- dinal merits, without, which no medicine can be safely used In Ague cases, these merits are that Kv'cures are . • • • Safe, (Certain and Permanent. For sale by Hoadley, Pbelp* it Co. Wholesale Agents, New-* ork, and hy J. M. Win»low, Druggist, Rochester, N. Y.; Coleman At Co. Buffilo; N. P. Jacobs, Detroit. Mich. r. Brinkerhoff it Penton, Chicago, III; Edwards At Francis, St. Louis, Mo. and by Druggists generelly throughout the U. States. je2 lawiaDitWtf tST Searing's Restorative*—This pleasant med;* cine is a never-failing remedyfor Dyspepsia and Nervous Affections.' Itis a certain cure for Sick aDd Nervous Head- ache*, and an excellent preventive of Costiveness.and Low Spirit*, ltcorrectaa morbid state of the biliary organs, and 1* very efficacious in relieving Flatulency, Colic*, and aim- liar complaint* of the Stomach and Bowels, it *peedlly. promote* the return of strength and activity in all cases or Debility ; restores a healthy appetite, where this greatest oi blessings la deficient, and, a* a natural consequence, glves^ tone and-vigor to the whole system. , ' t r y Prepared by C. C. SE BRING, Tarry town, N. Y. to whom-orders m»y be addressed. Sold in New York at wholesale and retail by A; B. At D. Sands, Drupgista, 100 Fulton-st. corner of Wllllam-at Sold also at 273 Broadway and 77 East Broadway, and by Drug- gists generally throughout the United States. Price.31 per bottle. m201*eodtf fST* Constipation (Costtivness) Destroyed by Dr. Wood's sSareaparillaaad Wild Cherry Bit- ters.—That this medicine destroy • conati^ations.and cause* the lnte»iinal canal to perform it* evacuation*, thouaahds will attest; and also that it cures Dyspepsia, Sick Head- ache, Jaundice, Vertigo, Liver Complaint, and all diseaaea to which the bowels are subject As it Is the compound of a Regular Physician, the public may rely upon its merits. Sold wholesale and. retail by W Y A T T At K E T C H A M , 121 Fulton-*t; at retail 192Broadway; 117Bowery ; SU Bleeck- er-'st N. Y. -.•... . ' . j e 9 6tl* .;.-•• Qiinaiwri*, &z. ipaiata. T O, P R I N C I P A L S of Select School* for Boy*.—A Partnership in a Select School Is wanted by a French- Gentleman experienced In teaching hi*.native tongue, and who is competent to assume a full share of the duties of a well conducted school. The advertiser 1* at home daily until 8 A. M. and 3 P.M. No. 482 Broome-st. corner Wooa- ter-st. ' " . . Je9 2t» A STUUNG MAN of steady habit*, who understands accounts and can -write a fair hand, wishes, a situation as light porter In a store, or In any capacity where his ser- vice* would be required. He would be willing to make himself generally useful. Satisfactory references given a* to honesty, itc A moderate compensation would satisfy. Address P, A. Tribune Office. J92teod* All of which will be sold at lhe-Iowe*t manufacturer*' price*. Al*o, Canton Fire-Crackers, Double-Headers, Spunk or Joarick, Torpedoes,.Pulling Crackers, Ate N. B. Exhibition Fire-work*, and colored fires of every description, at the shortest notice. Country Merchants and dealer* generally are Invited to call and examine their atnek. / GASSNER At YOUNG, 132 and 134 Chatbam-st ' directly opposite the Chatham Theatre. And Dealer* In choice Green and.Black Tea*, White and "Brown 8njzar*,and Groceries generally; Soap and Candle*; Foreign Fruit*, and Wine* ; Segar* of all kind* j London Sauce* and Pickle*; Syrup*; Eo*t and West India Pre- aerves, Spice*, itc. &c Atyo, Pavilion, Iodine, and Congress Spring' Water al- wwya on hand. « . ' . j^g F IKK-WOKK^: FIRE-WORKS:-, ISAAC EDGE,. Pyrotechnic Artist Jersey City, I* prepared to furnish Fire-Work* to citie*. towns, public garden*, thfea- trea, itc HI* present stock comprise* the moat brilliant variegated fire* and appropriate designs, ever manufactured In thl* country, and can be furni*h*d to any extent ISAAC EDGE. Jr. Pyrotechnic Arti*t-Laboratory Jer*ey City. N. J. N. B —No Agents. \ mv2H. eodt Tv4(s* F lKE-WORRs) : FlKK-WUtthV? I-Tne auuacri- ber offer* to the public the largeat and moat general a*- •ortmentof FIRE^VVORKS In the city .which he will *ell on tne moat reasonable terms. Country merchant*, dealer* and venders In.general, are requested, before purchaalhg elsewhere, to call and examine bis stock. •*.... - CBARLES W.'VULTEE, Je2 tJy4* 116 Chatham-*t corner of Orange F l R E - W O l R K S . — T h e aubacriber would invite the at- tention of dealera to hi* assortment of *• ireworka, which he offers at reduced prices, consisting of China Crackers, Torpetoes, Serpents. Mines of do. and Stars,.Fire Wheels, Scr/'lla, fTnangles r Verticals, Bengalaa,. Pigeons, Roman Cahdle*J»Rockets, itc itc Ate all of superior quality. : Also, a large assortment of Pieces suitable tor public and private exhibitions, of the most approved makers. j'^4 t j>4* J. W. HALBERTON, 75 Maiden-lane. F I.Rff CRACKER^—500 boxe* Canton Fire Crack- era. together with a general assortment of warranted Fire-Work*,, forsale fit the lowest market price*, wholesale or retail. ,*>v GASSNER At YOUNG. 132 Chatham-at my28 •ess i , .• i' ' . " S ONS OF TSaiPESANCE-Lovs Puritv and Fi- deliry- Great National Jubilee of the Sons'of Temper' ance, to take place in thl* City, on Tuesday, June 9, 1846. The day will be uaberad ia by the. ringing of the bells of« tbe Churches, ID thl* and the adjoining Cities, at sunrise. Tbe NadonalFlags will be display ed at ths City Hail, the Battery ,the St«te Arsenal, and all tbe public bu Using* in thl* city favorable to 'ho cause of Temperance. The Fountain* j of the dry will be in full play. ' A National Salute will be fired at 12 o'clock M., on the ; . Battery. The Grand and Subordinate Division* of the several State* i will take post at a quarter before one o'clock, P. M. in tbe ' following order, preparatory to marching'into line under the direction of their respective Grand Marahal*. who will report themselves to tbe M. W..M,. at. Head Quarter*, Na- ' tional Hall, Canal-st, at 9 o'clock AM- or as soon thereaf- ter as may be convenient.. '• The National Division In Hudson, ths right rating on ': Ch«mb«r»-at.; State of New-York In Hudaon, their right on tbe left of ihe National Diviaion. The State of N. J«r*ey in Broome, the right on Hnd*on-«t I .do. Maryland in Vaadam, do. do., do. Pennsylvania la Clarkson, do. do. do. Connecticut lo Chrtatopher, do.' do. do. Ma*aacbu*etts In Amos, do. do. - District of Columbia, Stale of Maine and Ohio in Arcoa-at, S eir ri^ht retting on the left of the State of Massachusetts •he order shove named. . Tbe State* of Delawa'e, Indiana, North Carolina, South \ Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, MlssUalppl, KeoUr-kv. llli- noi*. Wisconsin Territory, Tennessee, Rhode Island, L*ui»- laha and Mlsaoun, In Charle*-*t, the right restinr on Hud- eon-at, in the order above named, all extending East The Grand Line will form la Hudson, the i-i*faton Cham - j bera-st, (four abreast,) at one o'clock, precisely, where It will break Into column from the right, and march to the left, i a* follows : Up Hudson to "Fourteenth-*!-, through Four- ' teenth-*t to and around Union park to Broadway, down Broadway to Bond-at, thence to the Bowery, dowa Bowery to Grand-at, up Grand to East Broadway, throagh Eaat Broadway to Cbatham-«t through Chatham to the Park, the column will enter the east gate of the Park, where the fol- lowing exerci***' will take place': -M. W. Patriarch Daniel Hi|Sand», of New-York, will ! preside, assisted by M. W. Associate. D. W. Morris, of New-Jersey. - ; .' ]'• Singing—" Thrice welcome, Brother*, here we meet," by j the whole, led by brother* MacdoBough,' Bulkley, Meeks, Holt, kc, PRAYER- A brief statement of the rise, progress and present po«i- ! tlon ef tbe Order will be read by M. W: Scribe, John W . j Oliver.of New-York 1 Singing—" When Bacchus held despotic away," by the whole. tf HAM Ml" m m SKnttixm QaitB. B Y F. COLTON M e t cuan ts.—Store JOSIAH RICHARDS, Auctioneer, B Y BANGS, RICHARDS dt PLATT,-«tors> 204 Broadway,—Ltberai Cash Advance«<msde on con- •lrnoMtOta for A union K«w. WEDNESDAY EVENING. ' BOSKS.—A large collection of Standard asd Miscellane- ous Works. School and Classical -Books, Stationery, kc. geoarally In quantities. •* NOTICE TO Pvutisuaa* —The valuable Stereotype Plate* and Copyrights of Book* h-retofori poblUbed by tbe bouse, of A- V. Blake, conaiatiog of thirty-five *e-«. Iccludieg 8y- rOn'* Complete Works, Meadow 'a Frefcch and EoarlUh Dictionary, Blake's Biographical Dictionary, Young Ora- tor. Salkeld's Clawical Anttqultim, Kingaley'* Tacitu*, Cicero de Oratore. Chapln'a C'ls*slcal Soeldng Book, kc. •All be positively sold at auction at tbe ensuing Augu* t trad* sale, , ' > 8 tf - •- F. COL.TON, Aqctionaer, ~" . •* dfc CO* -Auction and Commission No*. 113 Fulton and 34 Ann sta— Liberal advance* made on good* eliher for private sale or at auction, and orom ot return* n a o a Out door sale* of eve-. ' ry description of goods punctually attended to and respect* fu'uy solicited. .„ SHKati-r SAtx--ON T.UESDAY, June 9th, a\ la: o'clock, at No. 1107 Fulton-street a large and general assortment of Clock* of every, description, such as 30 day, S'dayand 24 hourido., of all atyle* Sod finlab. Alse, Bra**,.. Work* and unfinished Clock.*, together with Looking* Glasses. Stained Glass, Fixture* of Store, k c , * c . •ON WEDNESDAY, June 10, y At 10 o'clock, at the store No S4 Annat ' ' \ By virtue of a chattel mortgage, a large and general ai- •ortment of new and *ecood-hand Furniture, conatating of. Wliton and Bruaaela Carpet*. Ingrain do, Oil Clotba, Sof«.«» Dlyans, Ottomaa*. Wardrobes, Center and Card Tab ea, Dreajatos: and riain Bureaux. Work-Ublea. DlnUnfaad Tee, do; Feather Beds. Maureaae*. Pillia*i*r*, Bed*te«d*; Astral, Mantel and Hall Lamp*, Glrande!t* v Cake Basket*. China and Glasa-ware, Oil Paintings,, lar^ pi« r Glaases^ Book Case*. \\ Indow Shade*. m«hv> J clu 1 y, »od curl maple Chairs. Office Deakf. Kitchen FurntturV, k c k c Also. 2 second- hand Piano Fortes. ,? On THURSDAY, June Uth.. At 10j o'clock, at No. 12S Sul'-ivan-at sear Prlncet A *mall assortment of genteel Furniture, comprising So- fa*. Chair*, Table*, mahogany Rocker*, Bureaux. Bed- • tiea.da, three-ply andluyraip CarpeU, Fwaih-r Beds*. M»t- treaae*. Bedcing, Looking Glasaea. Hall Ltmp, Pictures Crockery and*Gl**a-ware, Kttcben Furniture, kc.' sec SiJooKs. A N A M E R I C A N W O M A N want* a *ltuaUon as cook, to wash and iron. She has no objection to going In the country a short'distance for the Summer. She un- deralahds her business well. Call at 86 Essex-st. in the rear je9 3 r ' A RESPECTABLU Young Womad tiun as nurse and given if required. wants a sltua- seamstres*. Goo I reference can be Apply at No. 26 Temhst. j«o 2 * UHuW <JA»t£5J WAiNTKD—Mapi»gauy, about6 feet O long and.2 broad, with glass front and. top Apply to je9 3t« ' W. K. CORN WELL, 95 Beaver-at »s2 l T U A T l O M WANTJKD—By a Young Man 22yeur« O o( age in the Grocery or Dry Goods business, la expe- rienced ajd willing to devote hi* whole attention to hi* em- ployer*. Has recently been engaged in the South. Refer- ence* ao to character, ability, kc Address L. box 629 Post- Office. tf *• ' • . je9 Iwisy S ITUATIONS WANTED. For cooks, nurses, waiters, housework Girls, Ate. Also, for Men servants. The beat of servant* for city any country at>N. Y. Emply- ment Office. 56# Broadway. T. P. SAUNDERS. 11* %si7 A N T E D . — B y a respectable Protestant a aituatlon as » v plain cook, washer or lroner, one who'perfectly under- stands her business and has the best of city reference, or to do general housework in a private family, none else need apply. Please to inquire 227 Houston- at the first floor. je? 2t* __. . " • £•__"__ ANTilD—tly a respectable Y.oung. Woiuttn a ailiia- tlontodo cooking, washing and ironing or to do tbe. general work of a small prlvete family—haa no objections to go asbort distance In the Country—good city rtference can be given from her late employers. Apply at 36 Spring- st , • •. , je9 2i* lit/ ANTED—Situations by two Young Women—one a " good cook, washer and ironer, the other as chamber- maid, washer and-ironer—understands doing up rirje.cl'otbes in tbe neatest manner., Beat of City reference.—No objection to the country. Apply at 248£ Bowery In the thoe store. j*9 2f . • • - [ aitua- clotbes or aaalat m chamber work. % Would be willing to spend the •ummer in thecountry or to travel with a Lady. P lease call at No 279 Mulberry-at' je9 2t* •By a respectable Young Woman, a sltua- as cbambecmaid and to assise in washing and Ironing, or assist in waiting. The best of city re<eience given from her last employer. Please apply 188 Ninth-st between Bowery and Tbird-avenue. je-9 2t* situation by a respectablv Young Woman i nurse or chambermaid ; ha* got good re- commendation* from her laat place. Please call at No. 74 Henry-st up atalr*. third floor. je9 2t* C I R r U C AR.—To the Book Trade.—HENRY LONG it BROTHER beg leave to announce to the Book Trade throughout the- United State*, that tbey have established an Agency at No. 32 Ann-at. New-York, for the supply of country orders for every article in the trade at Publishers' prices. It Is the Intention of the undersigned to make tbe Agency which tbey propose to establlah a separate and Inde- pendent branch ot the book trade, and tbe advantages which will thereby remit to distant dealers, who require a special care and immediate dispatch bestowed upon particular orders, will be at once apparent - The undersigned have no hesitation In assuring such of the trade as may feel dbipoaed to favor'them with their business, that their commando will receive an attention that must necessarily rive perfect satisfaction. HENRY LONG, References: ••• Messrs. Harper At Brother*, " Wiley k Putnam, * " Burgess, Stringer k Co. . " .- Carey At Hart, " Lea it Blanchard, " Ferrett At Co. , . EVERT D. LONG. > New-York^- --.• > Philadelphia. 5 je.s2wls\ W ANTED— By a resptctnble ifoung Woman, a tlon as seamstress and to cut and fit children' a clot] W ANTED- tlon WANTS-A v as chlJdren's nurse or chambermaid Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor Is the most rdmarkable remedy of the age for the cure of external dis- eases, or those which affect the Nervous System. It not only cares, but heals the moat aggravated wounds without leaving a scar! The best possible proof of ita Infallble vir- tues are tbe countless-number of certificates which areponr- ingin npon us In relation to extraordinary cures of Burns, Scalds, Nervoua Headache, Scurvy, Tic Doloreaux, Inflam- mation of the Etes, Sprains, Coughs, Nettle Rash, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Cancer, Scald Head. Erysipelas, Fel- ons, Fever Sores, Broken Breast, and Sore Nipple*, Mum pa. Tetter and Ringworm, Scrofula. Ate 208 Broadway is the only Offie in New-York where the Genuine Pain Extractor can be obtained. -. j e 8 Gils CS^ Dalley's Mafflcnl Pain Extractor.—The only depot for the State of New-York is at 150 Fulton-st where. all Agents for this State can be suppled. All orders to be addressed lo Ansel ^rost, care of Wilde k Barnard, 150 Fulton-st N. Y. je8 6tls -.—. •• ——.—•sBB**s^^S»» > i a 1ST Certain Cure f o r t h e Toothache.—That most •gtysvatlng of all palna, the Toothache, can b^ speedily and permanently removed by applying the Clove Anodyne Toothache Drops, without.the leaat injury to the teeth or gums. These Drops have been highly pralaed by the great numbers who have used them and been saved thereby hours of pain. v Prepared and sold by HENRY JOHNSON, wholeaaleand retail Druggist and Chemiat, successor to A. B. Sands At Co. 273 Broadway, cor. Chainber*-at Sold also, at lOO^Fulton- •t and 77 Ea»t Broadway, and by Druggist* generally throughout the United States. Price 25. my 11 lmeodl* XST Death to Bedbuss.—Tbo*e who are so unfor- tunate as to havts moved Into a bouse, whichis Infested with these animals, need not be discouraged, for with one bottle of bedbug remedy they can conquer an army of tbem Price 25 cents per bottle. For sale by DAVID SANDS k CO. Tl Eaat Broadway. . my!9 Iroeodia W ANTED—Employers at corner of Broadway and Broome for cooks, chambermaid*, nurse* and general housework, with city reference. Every pain* taken to ault tbe applicant and no charge. Glrla for city and country, it* W A N T E D — A purchaser for a smaUcash busineas that reqnirea only a capital of $40; the business will pay an excellent profit and Wall cash; for particulars inquire.at 5 Dey-at. ihla morning. . •- \\7 A N T J B U - A aimatton by a middle-aged Man, as wal- * ~ ter or porter, and will be generally uisefu 1 ; can. give good city reference. Plea«e Inquire at 422i Broadway. je9 2t* . t : ANTED—A sltjiation by an American Young Wo- man for chamberwork and waiting, and by an English Young Woman for housework. Have excellent references.- Please inquire at H22£ Broadway. . T » jeg^t" Vk/ A N T E D — A strong, active Boy in an umbrella u.anu- v v factory; one that is willing to open store early and car- ry small bundles. "None r-eed apply that cannot give good reference. Apply 7 Cednr-st. up stairs. je9, It* : W ANTEO—A man of busjnesa habits, with a small cap- ital, say $1,000, is anxious to engage in some lucrative manufacturing business. The best of reference will be given and required. Address B- W at thi* office. ,19 2tls* W A N T E D — A "situation by a Protestant Woman a* chambermaid and to wash and iron, or to do the gen- eral housework of a small family. Please call at 71 Stxth- avenne. In the bookstore. City reference. . je9 2t* W ANTJJIS—A situation by an American Young Wo- man as chambermaid or waiter or plain cooking, wash- ing and ironing in a small family.. Please Inquire at 197 Heater st ' Je9 3t» W ANTED—By a Protestant Oirl, a situation cham- bermaid and nurse, or chambermaid and waiter. Good city reference. Apply at 194 Qreene-at je9 2t* W A N T E D - At 188 Hudson-si. near Canal, employment fur first rate cooks, nurses, chambermaids, waiters, Ate Je9 im* ••'..- $25, R E W A R D will be.'paid for one ntixapaptr con- taining a notice of a legacy or sum of money left either in Wales, England, or in. New-York, to tbe heirs of the Morris family, ot Chester County, Pennsylvania. Said notice was published between July, 1844, and July, 1845 Applv at 49 Beaver-st. j'9 Iwla* Saor&ing. B°u OA1 er .flats. -' »^ SV^M yo«Tsi • *•*•*>\ \| t ^ po P 0, »*»o< the Coal Region of SchuylklU Coun- asad ^ w w ,bottl 85.CpO. Tberekre also about 2000 horse* k»he trade ta the region. (Miners' Journal. amoust o! Coal shipped from the Lehigh ne* during tbe « wk ftD dio g ^ e 2d ln*tsnt, and *lnce °9talug of ,be navigation wai as follow*; SrLabJgh Co |j,'i r ** c ^<>wf.2794 00 -*»»tai t L 0 , el> Total ©^neroi Notices. Thlaweek^ Prevloualy. 24 514 05 18.537 JO 12 622 00 14.249 00 7,5»>! 00 1.428 00 3566 00 .1500 00 - 702 00 Total. 28.882 14 21.732.15 15.416 00 17.815 00 9096 00 2.130 W 78^916 15 95.0T2 00 tST Sens of Temperance—Special Notice >—Mar; abals of Subordinate Divutoua in New-York and vicinity, will ascertain from the members ot their respective dlvia' Ion* the number of brethren (roax abroad each member can accommodate, and cauae the name and residence to be in- verted in the blank* for tbe purpose, which will bo furnish- ed to th« Marshal* on their applying at tbe Grand Scribe's Office, 21 Sun Building*. Theae blaok* when filled up to be handed or sent by tbe Marahal to either of the special aid* to the M. W.'Maeabal. - - By order, > j«9 H* THOS. B. FLORENCE. M. W. Marahal.. t^«!bytoeCtM»12.J* ed? , e l" a y 8 lhe Proportion *> th* Seerewry ( f^Zf* Delaware Canal Company Jaeotjre-irqulab It llZ?***^ . thkt the U. 3. Govero- OOK to $45C 000 h H ^ ! * toik of the Company. Wmended by tmu ofnwTL^" 1 •*«•<*«»<* to. and U re- ^ * e d « n d i C r o v e S , lT ^!*^> 0 ***• Canal is ^ ^ time to pas* thro^h!T*o ,luU **> Permitted In all twportawiwirk-^^K^ Cw,,a •valuable and *^ *ad ofgS^^L:!!!^. 10 . * ? • Individual Ot war n..,k. . CSTt*on* of Temperance, s»tate of New-1 ork. —National Jubilee—i be M*r»n«ia are hereby notified to march th-« **»ver>%l Dlvistona unoer their direction to Hud- son- st on Tuesday, Jui>e9ih, at quarter before! o'clock, prerlaely. to participate in the National Jtbllae. The Grand L)ivt.to:i will form on tbe left of the National Division.— Subordinate Divisions will take plac« in tbe line according to number, No. 1 t>ain< the right The officers will.form accord log to rule laid down—member* four abreast Mar- shal* ol Subordinate Division* will appear on foot Msr- •h»l» are particularly directed to keep tbetr respective Di- vision* well covered and distanced', and to allow no *mok- ing In the line. P. H. LAJLKER, Grand Marahal. JOSCSK W. KaLtocc, > . , , S. W. Cao.NK,. J A Q *' Je6 3t* * « or other la *»uce to the (!<>W 03 el'tln 0 l W oe' ptlon to coma»erce. *-""^ o f R e a l Eatsue. i*9d.J.BU4cJur. t tt00aoch... . ^laodrrtigtk^ rWsocUStk^t. USthrt* sIll^.^B^iasssVViai,: ** •10 •500 United Brothera of Temperance.—Associa- tion Ho. l will boto a public T«mperaaice s>oeQng at Mar- shall Hall, corner of. Graad-st and Broadway,. This- Eve- Diajta. 8 o'oock. Addresses bv Mr. Ferria, Mr. Cunning- ham of Norfolk, Va. and the Rev. Mr. Hervey, a Baptist Minister 111 years of age. Tbe friend* of Tempersase and the public aeoerally are invited to attend. It* , A. STORY, R-c Sec'y. ZSBF 3. W. Dissaow, 4 Commorc*>*t Is the Agent for The Tribune at Nswark. fST < 'MIHa'» ,, S u m m e r H a t s > conai*ting of pearl and white amooth and brush hats, Ate. Theae bat* are light and are trimmed )n aUch a manner BS to, preclude all poaal-. blltiy of being soiled by perspiration; and are pot in the least affected in shape or color by the rain, aa .most thin hats are; price only $< 50., A good assortment, of^Panama hats on band. ' . - . , • . Gentle men who wish a neat and tasty Summer bat are requested to call and examine at " MILLS'S" je6 2wis* 178 Broadway, Howard Hotel. . BP~ Amldon's Fashlonahle Summer Hats, 177 Broadway, opposite Howard Hotel.—AMIDON'S cele- brated smooth Pearl and White Castor Hats, which have never been equaled by any other eatanliahment In thi* coun- try, are riow leproc'uced-wlih marked improvement- The great superiority of theae Hat* over all others is that they retain their shape, elasticity and finish in all weatfaera ;. they are withal much the lightest and most comfortable' for general wear. STRJIW.GOODS.—A choice assortment of Straw, Panama, Manilla acd Canton. Hat* for men.and boy*, finished la su- . perb atyle and at moderate price*. Gentlemen about mount- ing a Summer H»t are invited to look in at | e 3 6ti* AMI DON'S, 177 Broadway. BB^ Genln's Gossamer Hats, weighing from 2J to S^ounce*. Price oniy $ i 50. It i» about two year* *ince the Gossamer Hat was first introduced by tbe subscriber to the notice of the New-York public, a* the lightest, the most de*lrable, and the most tasty article for Summer wear here- tofore In use. »."••••»••'•.-"••• The astoni*hlng *ucce*« attending them, evinced by tbe extraordinary large amount of sales, and the popular ap- probation be8towedupon them by the many who have given them their patronage, have not been lost upon the subscri- ber, who, to show that he is ever anxious to excel In bis art, now present* for public patronage the Gossamer Hat much lighter and more pleasant than any other ever br-fore offer- ed. They are not liable,- like the Leghorn and Panama to lose either shape or color from exposure to the rain. They cannot be soiled by eliner'peraplralion or oil from the hair, •o commonly the case with other Hat*, for the much ad- mired *rylepf trimming*, originating with the proprietor, effecmaUy prevent* all thi*. Tfhi* i* a.decided advantage over all other Hala. The public are Invited to call and »ee this article at J. N. GENIN'S Hat and Cap Store, my26 lstf 214 Broadway, opposite St Paul's Church. XW K n o x ' s Summer etylo of Hats are now ready for inapectloa and sale at N a 128 Fulton-st (Sun Building*) consisting of Oregon Beaver, White and Blue Brush Hat* a large assortment of Gtmtlemen's Panama and Leghorn Hat*; al*o,.a,new*tyle of Boy*' Summer Hats. Gentle- . men can have their Hats made to order. my 14 lmlo* ID A T 1 S 9 BROOYIE-ST—A alngle *en jau can be accommodated with a pleasant room and good Bcferd, In a private family, by applying as above. Re- ference require i. s je9 lw* T O Li ET—Near Broadway, In Walker-st two very de- sirable apartments, furnlahrd or unfurnished, with or without board. The family is private and will only take a few boarders to whom the comforts of a home will be ex- tended. References exchanged. Apply at No. 91 Walker- af •-• - : Je9 7flltbl3tbl5thl7ihl9th20th A R O O M W A N T E D without board by a Man and hi* Wife, unfurnished- Term* must be moderate.. Address A. C. M. Tribune office, stating terms and location. N. B.—A b«*d room also wanted. je9 It* A F i t W genteel boarders can be accoaimodited with pleasant rooms al 99 Chambers-st Je9 Im" W. H. GRAHAM'S" DAILY BULLETIN OF C HEAP PUBLICATIONS, Tribune Buildings, Nassau- street Pictures from Italy by Chaa. Dickens; price 12J cts. The Confessions of a Pretty Woman, by Miss Pnrdoe, author of the City of the Sultan; price £5 eta ' " Emilia Wyndnas*. by the author of Two DhkMens' Tales, a most interesting work; price 25 cts. ' 7">.— The Poems of Henry W. Lpngfellow; price 50 cts. Oir*s B^ek of Swimming, Illustrated ; price 124 ct*. , Farmer*' Library for June;.subscription $5 00,50 cts per No. Graham's Magazine for June, a splendid number with Paris Fashion*: aubscriptions $3 00, npr No. 25 cU. American Flora, No. 4; price ?5"cts. The French Cook, a most useful culinary assistant; price 25 eta,- I Henry Ruasell: or the Year Tw#> Thousand: price25ct*. LeouDu Calaver. an historical novel, by Dennis Hanni- gan, author of the Oranee Girl of Venice; price 124 cia . The Artisan of Lyone; or Love'a Traces, a romauce by the author.of Leon De Calaver, Orange Girl of Venice ; one of thi* author's b^st works > price 25 cts. ,J The Matricide, by John K DuerJU.S N.; price 12J eta. Tbe Tower of London, by Ain«worth, wltp4 illustrmions. The Tower of London is England's bisto-y; price 50 cts. The Copper Mines of Lake Superior, with an excellent map; price $1 00. ;. ''. An excellent map of Texas,' Oregon and Calafornla; price 75 cts. Ramero, or the Prince and the Prisoner, by Professor ln- graham; price 25 eta. ' Napoleon and bis Marshals, by Headley; 2 vols, prio $2 50. ,.; All agen'ssiipplied at publishers' prices by t j»9 2tla W H. GRAHAM, Tribune Buildings', Nassau-st NOW PUBLISHED. ICKENS'S NEW WORK—Pictures from Italy, by Ch'<rl<-u Dickens, in one elegantly printed 12mo. volume. Price"37J cenis. This hook Is as full of matter as an egg of meat It Is perhaps the most pictureique book of travel* ever publish- ed. A new Interest Is given to the most fBmlllar object* of the Italian tour. The description of Italian churches and of the ceremonies of the Holy Week comes nearer to sup- plying all that could be known by being actually present at, those scenes than any account we have overseen A des- cription of an execution at Rome is very vivid, in-Dlckens's beat style. There are Innumerable touches, traita of hu- mor and character worthy of the author of Nlckleby and the Pickwick Papera. [Mornlng*News. MAHAN'S NEW WORK. - A Treatise on Field Fortifications, containing Instructions on the method* of laying out, constructing, defending and attacking lntrencbments, wltb the geaeral on Mines alao of the arrangement, tbe attack, and defei co of perma- nent fortifications, by D. H-" Mahan, auth.,.- of Military" and Civil Engineering in the United State* Military Acade- my, West Point Second edition revl*ed, re-written and considerably enlarged; with 12 large steel plate*, la one neat 18mo. volume. Price $1. "je9 2tl« W I L E Y At P U T N A M , 161 Broadway. NEW AND CHEAP LITEHATUHE AT W M. TAYLOR At CO.'S. No. 2 Aator House.-Dlcken*'* new.work, 'Ptctures from Italy'—37j cts. Confession* of a Pretty Woman, by Mis* Pardee, author of City of the Sultan—25 eta. ' .'•--..• No*. 81 and 82 Harper*'Illuatrated Shakapeare— 25 ct*. Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent, by Carleton, a well told Irish tale—50 ct*. . ^ Longfellow's Poems, chnap edltMrn—50 cts. Twenty-four: Years In the Argenflfs Republic—$1. Napoleon and bis Marshals, by J. T. Headley—$1 25 • The Angler's Guide, with engraving*—50 ct*. The Art of Swimming do 12J clc. Emilia Wyndham—25 cts. The Chronicles of Clovernook— 25 cts. Ramtro, pr the*Prince and tbe Prisoner—25.cts. . Harpers' Pictorial Bible, bound to order In all styles and price*. .-'*.'•.:•• All the Review*. Quarterlies and Magazines for June for sale wholesale and retail by WM. TAYLOR Ac CO. je9 2tis ^ (• „ 2 Astor House. GESENIUS'S HEBREW LEXICON AND G .RAMMAR.—D. APPLETON k CO. have in preaa Bax- ter'* complete edition of Geseniua's'Hebrew and Cbal- dee LexicoH to the Old Testament Scripture*,. translated with addition* and corrections, by Samuel P. Tregeilifs. Geaenius's Hebrew Grammar, enlarged and improved,by E. Rodiger, D. D. Prof; of Oriental Literature, in the Uni- versity of Halle, translated by Benj. Dtvia, D D. of ihe University of Leipaic, with a Hebrew Reading Book by the tranalator. 1 vol. 8vo. , .- je8 21s TO THE MILITARY AND SPORTSMEN. T HIS DAY PUBLISHED, a Treatise on ihe Rifle, Mus- ket. Pistol and(*FowliDg PleceJ embracthir Projectiles and Sharpahootlng. Also themanfacture of Guns and the preparation of the materials suited to their construction. A new armament proposed—more efficient ornamental, and of leas weight By N. Boa worth, civil aad military engi neer. One vol. 12mo. Price. $1. This work Is recommended by Col. Bankhead and also by Gen. Sanford. For sale wholesale and retail by j*G st ; . A * ;.:.:: J. S. REDFIELD. Addreas by Philip S. White; of Pennsylvania, M. W . Treasurer. T Singing—"A goodly thing it Is to meet," by the whole. Benediction; -. . After the exercises the Procession will be dismissed. Friend* of tbe cause'of Temperance and the Order are respectfully desired to furnish Water to the Members of ths Order in procession while in tbe line of march. By order of THOMAS B. FLORENCE, M. W. Marshal. Committee of Arrangements —John W. Oliver, SamlEllls, Jamea Fleming, Nathan Seeling, 1 Jr., A D. WIl*on. Gansrol Aids —Alex. McCotter. C. F. Wilkinson, Dr.T. L. Murphy, A. F. Cuaalngham, Wm. WaUoa. Special Aids.—Jc,hn 8tewart, Wm. Jones, F. W. GUley, Schureman Halsted, Walter 8. Cosine, Thomas H. Oakley, Alex. Young, W. J. C. Aaderaon, Jamea B. Wood. John F. Hoss, Cyrus F. Lee,Thorns* M. S Jenkins. Geo W. Dewev. G.-W. Batcheldor, J. R. Crocker, J. W. Appleton, W. J. Mullen, R. B. Parkinson. New-York, June 2d. '846. . A \ . je« 3t* O R U L A R 8 ' JPA1R—Tbl* grand exhibition of School Products, including work* of nature and art, at 140 Grand-st will be open ibis week! day and evening. Admls- slon 12}cents; children6j. je9 2t* A MERICAN mUstEUftl.—Maunlficent Perform- ance*thl* afternoon at 3 o'clock; and thl* evening at- 8 o'clock.. On' On! On to Victory! The Living Orang Outang! which ha* been visited by over !0,0t»0 since It* arrival In this country, will be] on exlbltton al all hour* during day and- evening. She 1* the most .wonderful creature in the whole animal kingdom—the connecting link between the human and brute creation.. One we*k more of those beautiful Mammoth Boys, the Scottish Highland Brothers, Charles and Alexander Stuart, of Royal descent,' and of tbe most enormous proportions—being only 9 and 7 year* old, and yet weighing, together, over five hundred pound*. B Y 4A.UKS •«. t»»ll.aUK*c- * TUESDAY.. Jurfe 9th, , At 104 O'clock, at tbe atore No. 2 Liberty-at BOOTS, SHOES AND SROGANS—1.000 cases Boot*,Shoes aad Brogana, confuting of every variety, suitable for Southern Western and Northern trade.% Sale positive. ' WEDNESDAY, June 10, At 10J o'clock, at ihe *tore of Chamberlain k Goldthwake No. Sn^Peari-at . ' BOOTS. SHOES AND BaocASs—500 case* fresh aad season- able Boots-, Shoe* and Brogaa*. coaaistuig.of the usual va- riety for Southern. \Voaterp and city tra^e |>A(XA JPlCTt'RH* AT AUCTION—18 Modern Aw .OH Painting*, by Huntingdon, Doughty, Birch, Da Franca, Richardson, MarslgUs. jQurford aad Megary, com- prlaleg the entire collection, of a gentleman goiax to Eu- rope. The Picture* are o{ undoubted paternity, havtos been purchased by lbs owner from the above artist*. The collection comprise* Landscape, Historical and Marine Subjects. Al*o, 22 Fine Oil Palatlog* by the old masters. Tbey will ail be ready for examination on Tueaday sad. Wedneaday, (8th and 10th la*t) from 8 A. M. to IP P. M-. at our new Picture Gallery, 304 BroadwaV, corner Duane- st. Sale on Thursday, 1 l'th [ln*l., at 10 o'clock A. M. Private entrance for ladle* on Duane-«c If preferred. je8 4tl» *VM. W. SHIRLEli < tJANDSOrUE N E W and AucUeneer. t |Second-hand Furnltuie- JLJL By H. E. Wlllard.—Thl*;Uay, Tueaday, June 9th,at 10 , 17 Witil-at- -Sof*», Chair*, Divan*. o'clock, at the aalea room, NO. Rocker*. Tea, Dining, Card; iad Pier Table*, uir« French oedateada, Carpets, Oil Cloth*, rich gilt aad *Uver Girandoles, Bureaux. Deaks, Cut Glaaa, China, kc WKDNESOAY, June 10, At 10 o'clock, at tbe aalea room, a beautiful aaaortment of / Siu/fed Bird*, alngly and in glaaa case* Of 1 to 20, packed at •mall expenae to K<> any diatanct*. , u* Wti. a. JUtt t:«l AucuoueW. ROGAN», ob Wedne*- , at lhe store of J. D. ,In- No. 222 Pearl-*t{ 2tW caaee, comprising a ge aad desirable a**or;imeni H)f Boots, Shoe* and Hiiro- They hold their Leveqa and Soiree* Myatertouay| gana, *ultable for the Southern, Western and City dealers B OOTS, SHOES AND day, June 1-7th, al lei o'clo< geraoll k Co. -day and evening, and at each performance appear on toe : Juat received. stage and give the most astounding developments In Mes- merism, ever witnessed in any age-or country. The Ana- tomical Vanus continue* to attract: tiiou*and* of tbe scien- tific and Intelligent It I* exhibited In a separate apart- ment, at an extra charge of only 25 cent*. It ahowa all the Internal organa of the hum an body, such as the brain,, heart lung*, liver, nerve*, Atc.j Alao engaged, the two beautiful and accomplished Miesea Jullen, only 8 and 10 years old, yet the most talented, and graceful Dancets on tbe American hoard*. Also engaged, the talented and popular Great Western. Yankee Comedian ; Barney Wil- liams, Delineator of Irish Character; Mrs. Hough. Popular Actreaa; Wm. Whlilock, Banjo Player and Ethiopean Melodlat; new and magnificent Chromatrope; ScrlptU'e and other Diasolvlng Views; Grand Comic Melange; Laughable Irlah O io; Mad. Rockwell, the famous Fortune Teller. Admission, 25 centa; children under 10, Ui cents. je8-- . . . . 1 '_. (\IBI.O'S (3ARDKN-Ttieaday evenintf, June 9ih, L\ 1816—The proprietor of thlia popular and faahlonable resort beg* to announce that/hi* Summer Season will com- mence on the above named date. He has also great pleasure In announcing the engagement b r the WHOLE WONDER* Uli RAVEL FAMILY ! On T.u«aday,'Jurje 9th, the ent^rtainmenu will commence With a popular Overture After which, GLIMPSES Otr T H E VATICAN IN ROME! To conclude with the Comic Pantomime'of M. DECHALUMEAU! • . Doors open at 7 o'clock, to begin at 8 o'clock precisely. Ticket* 50 coot*. • [ Je9 Catalogues and goods' ready oa the day oi mhlOtrSm* the aale. " MANUFACTURING- ESTABLlSHMEWTr I N T H K City of New-York, for aale at aucitou at tbe Merehanu' Exchange, bysNTHONY J. BLKECKER, at 12 o'clock on Wednesday, the tenth dav of June Inst— The Steam Engine, Bollera, Shafting and Flx'urea, belong- Ing vo the leasee, in the Veaey Steam Mill*. No, 5*1 and 00 Veaey-at will ke*oid a* above, and the 'ease of the prem- ise* assigned tq the purchaser. The building* are fifty feet wide from aud rear, aixty feel deep, and four stories high, beside* tba hsaeineui, with two rear build lug*, aad a cart- way leading thereto. The location 1* probably ths beat in the.city—lhe Croton Water 1* introduced, lhe works are In operatioo, and In complete order, and^the eatablishment u well calculated for thoae who Have a'Manufacturing bUsI- m-asof their own, a* there ffia* bt» auffii'lent room now vacant lo accommodate them, and lhe apariment* reot*d produce over Sixty Dollar* a%week, payable weekly. The premlaea can be examined daily, and every lcfoimallon ••ivi-ri by T- LENT, who ha* charge of the eatabltatiment. Also, will be sold at tbe saute time aad place, three Dash Wheela with gearluK complete, (now lying out of uee on said preuiisea) such «a are used in print works. je4 tills* - J- a 3 ' ! ' »-—! M F U R SJAI^E—86th-au 5th-aVeuu*j—3, 6 or 10 valu- able Building Lot* ou 35tn-*t between the 5ih aad 6ib avenues, eacn ub by 100 feet One half can lie on- mortgage for three year*at 6 per cent Apply to Je9 lw BLEECKER At VAN DYKE, No. 11 Wall-st C ASTLE GARDEN-Adjmlsalon 25 cenU-Monday and Tuesday evenings, 8th and 9th—Overture to La Gazza Ladra; Mr. Roesael will | perform a grand Flute CH- vatlni; the Mi«a Valleea In a Paa de Deux; Overture to Bronze Horse; the 100 Cosmprcmas: La Prince de Horn- bourg; Beats there a Heart. La Bayadere, Mr. Holman ; A Grand Waltz Die Nachwandler; To conclude with the Over, ture Oneron. j jo8 G EORGE HENRY DJERWORT, respectfully announces that at the request of many friend* he will five-a Concert, at the Apollo Ksjloon, on Tuesday evening, : une 9, on which occasion the following eminent Artists have moat kindly volunteered-)—Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Ph. Ernst, Mr. A. Wollenhaupt, and Mr. Jacob!. On thl* oc- [ casion Mr. Derwort'* four Children, from 4 to 10 year* of i »ge, will appear for the first time in public—Miss Marian, j Vocal and Violin ; Miss Eliza, Piano Forte: Miss Caroline, | Piano Forie and Vocal; Master [William, Violin and Drum, j Mr. A. Wollenhaupt and G. H. Derwort will preside at the i. Piano Forte. Ticket*, fifty, cents, to be obtained at the uaual i places, and at, the residence of G«org*» Henry, Derwort, ! 427 Broadway. je 82t j T H E M O S T D E J L I G H T F U L of ail j Excursions.—A sail across tho Hudson River to Hoboken, and 4hen a walk to the Elysian Field*, along the exceedingly piciureaqueaborea of the place, will prove the moat easily accomplished and at- tractive of all) rural excursion* that can be made from the city. 0 if, The grounds now present a charming aspect, the trees being in leaf, and the soil covered with a rich turf. The Walks are in excellent order, having been consider- ably embellished the present Spring. The Ferry Boats frtjtu Barclay,;Canal and Cbristopher-st are completely fitted up with Awning* and Seats. Night boats run from Hoboken to Barclay-st until 11 ocl'k Ferriage 6$ ct*. I myl 4mieua .,-,a SRI TO JLET—The baaenjenl Stonf,39 Exchange Build- •x*y 3SSC B Y HARRO HARRING.- ha. H ANDSOMEL.Y furnished rooms board; apply 118 Cbamberg-at. N. Y. to let without Jf9 Steod" B n^AK!>.'—Trttnsieut> and permanent- boarders can be I'ccommodttied with peasant rrJoma and tjcod board, at No. 2ol Fulton, two minute*' walk from St Paul's Church.— Term* moderate.. References exchanged.- je9 Iwj** H OARD—One or two Ladle* or Gentlemen: can be ac comiuodated with genteel board, With a amail private family, where no other nonrdera will be taken, Tbe rooma are large, airy and well furnlahed—the comforts of a home realized, and a private table if desired. Addres* Private;, Tribune Office. . m t25 lmla* B OARD.—Gentlemen and.their wives, or single Gen- tlemen will find it to their advantage by calling at No. 10. Rose-st to view me room* and aatiafy themselves as to the location- Good beds and board can be obtained on reason- able terms. Day boarders, or by the single meal, ortran- slent can find a noma '•_ je4 lwis* OARD—A Gentleman and hi* wife, or a few single -geatiemen can be accommodated with pleasant room* and good board'at moderate price*, by applying at 154 Ca- nal-St Je3 lwia* B' Gentleman's Summer Hats.—BIRD, cor. of Pine and Na**au-au., invite* the attention of hi* customers and die public to his assortment of Summer Hsu, consisting among others of white and pearl colored lUr bats, exceed- ibgiy light; Panama. Manilla. Canadian straw hats; also extra light black beaver and moleskin bats expressly adapted for the sammer season. _, . - my25 lmla* BIRD. cor. Pins and Nassau sta. BsOARDlNG in Cbamher»-*t—Two or three young O .Gentlemen can be accommodated with excellent board and rooms by applying at 76 Cbsmbers-st 1 door Wait of Broadway. Reference* exchanged. my2T2wl* A SSOCIATIONISITS havingany inclmauon to live In the combined order.'can be fully informed aa to tbe progre** and prospect* of The Eclectic Phalanx of Gilmer County (late Lewia) Weatern Virginia, on application to John F. French, City Hall, or by note to Truaiee at thi* of- fice. . . y-9 It- S AL.E OF CAMEJLIAS.—Tbe great sale of Came- lnt», kc. belonging to the estate of the late Geo. F. Han- son, Esq. will take place this day at 3 o'clock, P. M. at. the, G.-een-house* South *lde 43d-st between 8th and 9tb ave-, Dues. The Kmckerbocker^Stages will take passengers to 23d-at whence atage* proceed up the 8th-avenue,..paasiDg 43d-*t If the weaiher 1* unfavorable the aale wiil-taae ptac-. on the firet fair day after. Je9 I f A M E R I C A N F A T K N T V I C E S , comer^Broad and Beaver.—Sherman, Atwater At Co. Agents for iheNPa- tentee, ofier for aale a anperlor article of American Vice*,, aasoned pattern* and aize*. - 3*f G H E A P T O O L S . — A large' quantity of cheap tool*, •ome *llghtly damaged, are now offered for aale atMc- Ciain'i tool *tore, 149 Sprmg-st Al*o, a full assortment of fir.i quality tools at reduced prices. j"9 Ivr" F OR SAL.E—25TH ST.-One lot oa 25th st near tne Third-avenue. Apply io je91w^ BLE ECKER k VAN DYKE, No: 11 Broad-st -Ooe lot on 30th st near DOLORES, NO. 3,, ARRING.—The publication qf this work reached its third number^ the foufta and last will soon follow: This novel illustrate* South American life ia all Its varieties, presenting a series of pictures and Incident*, original and truthful. Published by: MARRENNER/.LOCKWOOD k CO. Je6 Stt»* No. 459 Broadway, <-or.- Grand-at 1 . « . ' ' ' j. ' - i ' ! . P RHEUMATISM I S PERFECTLY CURED, tu from three to nine days, by the use of Dr. Cummin's Internal Rheumatic Remedy. Upwards of seventy persons bave been cured since it was first made known to the public. Their ceriific«ies can be *eenand their residence* given'at the .office, by any"-on.e who w i l l caJL The medicine Is taken Internally, and tbe effect I* almost invariably felt before 'he third dose bas been taken. So confident is the proprietor of it* extraordinary power*. that he <uarantiea to return the.money in every case where it fails. Sold atone dollar per bottle; at the only agency in thla dty.'No r84.NiHtp-avepuel '• • ' . .jtolmls' W IJLLIAIrlSBURttH FIH.E Insurance Company. WilUamburirh, June 5,1846.—The following gentle- men were elected Directors of this.Company at the annual election on the 2d ia*t •••'/; DIRECTORS: iUinrjuuj Bbabea. G ™R1EENWICH-ST. WINDOW Shade D^pOt!— The subacrlbera have now oh hand a new and com- plete atock of Window Shades, conatating of the very best and most fashionable styles now extant, which they witl aell at a great reduction from former prices. Country mer- chants,', dealers and furnishers arej invited to call and exam- ine for themselves previous to purchasing elsewhere. Re- membsr the names and number • BERRIAN k GREASON, je9 ImlsPStW No. 247 Greenwich-at New-York W I N D O W S H A D E D t t p j O T , 180 Bow'ry.-Wm. Be'rrian respectfully informs tbe ladies of New-York, especially those residing in the upper part of the city, thai he has now on hand the most beautiful and select assortment of Window Shade* to be found ldithe city. Price* varying from $1 to $20 per pair. Alao, a, amall invoice of French Landscapes of lbs latest style, and most beautiful pattern*. my23 I mis* «, | •' • WINDOW SHADES—WINDOW S H A D E S I 2 Cllf! PAIRS, Wholesale and Retail—consisting In jiiUl'part of Interior ViewsJ Ablxty Gothics, Roman Arches, Full Landscapes, Desert Scene*. Scroll Patteras, kc all of which are painted by the most celebrated Italian, French and American artists, warranted waahable and per- fectly transparent! at a great red action from former prices. EDWARD WANSLEY, my 141ml* No. 20 Csthariue-sL near Chatbam-iquare. GREAT BARGAIN^ in Boots and.Sboe*.—In consequer.ee of tho recent' fire* at 73 Malden-Isae, the entire stock of French Calf and Patent Leather Boots, Gaiter*, Brogan*, kc- comprUlng the most extensive assortment ever offered la tbe city, and wbicb were damaged by water—will be !oflared for aale this day by the package or single pair. Sales to. continue until the' -is dii 3 entire stock is disposed Of. Je6 lwia* I J Samuel H. Cutpp, Charles O. Handy, Samuel Wiileus, Jeremiah Johnson, Wm. Laytln, 9r«d. W. Favre, Nicholas Wyckbff, A C. Benedict, L<»m'l.Rlchard*on, Thoma* McElrath, A T. Van Soakers? Francis Dubois, Washington Post At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the 4th inst Lemuel Richardaon, Esq. resigned hi* office as Pre*> ldent,and WASHINGTON POST wa* elected to fill the vacancy occa*loned thereby. . . : Thi* Company continue to Insure against loss or damage by fire on reasonable terms. Agency Office No. 74 Wall-«U New-York, my 11 lmis ~~, \ MECHANICS' BAWKIMC ASSOCIATION, ) New-York, June 5:h, 1846 ..) F O R SAJLEr^A splendid upright sec- ond hand Plaao| Forte, generally called Harmonic It haa been very HtUe uaed, _ and i* in perfect ordT. Also, a second- hand Horizontal, In good order, will be sold low. Just " lahed, a superior Rosewood 6 octave Piano. I GEORGE F. HOLMES, J«3 lwl** .14 Third-avenue, nvnr Tompkin* Market SPERM OIL AND! CANDLES At very low price*. T O. FOWLER has just receiveji a lot of superior bleich- *' • ed Sperm OIL which he Is offerii Also a fine article of refined-whii do at 62i cts,' and Sperm Candles cents per lb, Also—White, yellow aad bro kinds constantly on hand aad for! sals at reasonable prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. J. O. FOWLER, je3 lwl**-; 250 and 428 Greenwich and 76 Veaey sta. M ODEL. OF NEW-YORJr£.-^The underrigned 1* now receiving order* for view* to be represented upon the Csappy of his Model of New-York, which will be soon completed. These view* vary from 10 to 301nche«ln length, and are represented for a ;mod*»rate compensation. ing, near tile corner-of Exchange-place and WUliam- •t ' Po**ea*lon given Immediately. The store 1* now occupied a* a. book, and obeap publication, store. This Is one of tbe best stands for a boot and shoe store in theclty; it waa formerly occupied for.lhal business. For farther par.. llcular* inquire, on the premlaea. of D. H, Croaby. Je8 ill** M TO L.iLT—The dwelling part of HoV*e corner ot Tweniietb-at. and Ninth-avenue, (Cbeleea-aquere,) re- plete with every convenience for a boarding houso or school; has sixteen rooms, Including bath room, water closet range, and all the modern Croton water fixtures. Rent low loogood tenant iuquire of. D. A. CUsHMANt No, 188 Pearl-st. myl9 istf or 9tu-avenue. between 20ih and 21at sts. 1 1 . . . . . ' L. . g •• - ' • • 1 1 p j [ i• i• mi. ' v '' NEW-VOKK ^ CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. B EN J. W, BliiNdON, Draper aud Tailor, respectfully Inform* hi* patron* aad lhe public generally that ha has removed to tae New-York Case Tailoring Establish- ment. No. 141 Fulton-at near Broadway, where can be found an extenaive assortment of Cloth*, Ca*slmere*. Vest- ing*, Ate. which will be made tor order in the most' fashions-. ble style for caah. , , • • f Mr." A. S. Fiaher will bave charge of the cutting depart-l menu To thoae who know Mr.'F.'* unrivaled qualities lni thearilt i* unnecessary io say more thau to name him by connection with that d« partmeul of the business. A choice and general assortment of gentlemen's fancy dreaa article* constantly on hard. •' my$ ifi* JOSEPH B, CLOSE & O O . No. 12 Bow«sry. MSN'S, BOV'S AMD CHIEDaXM'S F ASHIONABLE CLOTHING at wholesale or retail, and the largest assortment In anyone Storeln the cltyl 1 Call and see. N. B. Purchaser* remrnlsg the' good* uniollod wlihia three days after purchased can have their niouey again. ,' ' *4 Sini«- . S P R I N G G O O D S . - W M . T. JENNINGS At CO. Dra- £J per* and Tailors, Importer* of Cloth*, Caaalmere*. Vsst- inga, Faacy Dreaa Articles, itc 231 Broadway, yppoaite the Fountain, are prepared for the Spring Trade wlta Uie tuoai exien*lve.a**ortmeni of good* < they have ever .offered for inspection, comprising French and English Cloths, Cassl- mere* In various new styles; Veating* In great variety, which will be made up to order, through the aid of a* effi- cient a corp* of cutler* a* can be found la tbe country, at price* that have given a character -to the establishment for moderate charge*. In reference io Pantaloons,In which so few cullers excel, we would observe thai the attention olrected thl* department must contitiUtf io offer inducement* to those who appreciate fit combinibg ease and elegance. In addition to the uaual aaaortment of good* kept by the . trade, we have alway* qn baud Dreaa aud Frock Costs, Veats, Business Coats and Fancy Dress Article*, Including Scarf*, Cravats, Handkerchief*, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Muslin Shirt*. Collars, bosoms, ice . my26 latf C ASH DRAPERS AND TAILORS. 187 Broad- way.—J. C. Booth k. Co. having received additional supplies of choice Goods, would reaped uily invite the at- ten turn of their customers and the public Their a toe*. Is " not only extensive, but comprise* the richeai qualities aad pattern* of Veating*, OMwimeres, Drillings, Ace. that are to be fouud In thl* or foreign markets. Having unusual tacUiUa* In buying, tbey are enabled to offer airoog Inducements to purchasers, though It should bo understood that their low price* have reference onw to the finest quality of malarisis and workmanship, and that gar- ment* produced at their aetabllshsnent are not axtrpassed, la any particular, by any bouse la the Union. ' ' . The Cutting Department. U conducted by Mr. J. Lee, whoae simoaf Infallible skill In ths art la ths result of long experience andaludy, and who possesses tbe happy faculty of accommodatiag fashion to form-, and of selecting atyle* ofdr^mn moat fitting and appropriate to the season. my21i*tf . . i • 1 ' . . ,, -. 1 ' . , . :* if . ering at 8l per gallon.— Oil at 75 cts, white Solar f the best quality at 25 Sugars of all the various DjyjgsftSs&^Hw^ t OR SALE-30TH ST, •j e 9lw^.mEECKjlR.k VANDYKE,No. U WalUt IVJORTHERN BAR IRON, dec—200 tons North- L v e r n flat Iron. ' loCUins Northern Square Iron , : 200 do New-Je»*ey Bloom*, for sale by SHJLRMAN,ATWAT£RkCacQr.Broauk Beaver sta. six months, payable on and after the 10th Inst Until that date tbe transfer books will be closed. i».fi4tia« - JOHN K. CORNELL..CasrrUr, W ES'TERJr-'lEL.D'S Newly ImproveQ Kitcnen j Range* —These celebrated two oven Ranges, econo-= ! mical in fuel, simple ia construction, and neat la appear- j ance, bave'grven general satisfaction, aad large numbers of \ citizen*' named can be glven : in their favor. Peraons wish- j Ing to purchase Range* would do well to call and examine the same, a* he ha* ju*t completed a new range auperlor to j any offered to the public All Range* put up by i ho sub- i acriber are warranted to give entire •atiafaxUon. Builders and Plumbers dealt with on reasonable terms. J J. WESTERFIELD. 742 Broadway, . my20 2awlml** aesxly oppo«lte Waverly-place. C ^ITY LOANS—Persons desirous of Investing money ^ia the Bond* of the City of New-York, i**u«d ia antici- pation of the collection of the Taxes, payable on> the 1st or 15th day of Feb. March, April, May, or June next, with in- terest ax 6 per cent par annum, can do, so in sums of $250 aad upwards, on application at this office. JOHN EWEN, Comptroller. Comptroller's Office,' 5 Hall of Records. ' JuneJ2d,1846-_ . j je3 Iwi* B EDBUGS: BED BUGS:—WATsoN'slBedBug Destroyer ia the most wonderful discovery e»er made for immediately destroying these vermia, however aumer- ous, aad eternally banlahlng them from the premise* by one application. "Beware of worthless imitations. For sale only at Apothecaries' Hall, 36 Catherme-at, and in Brooklyn at Mrs. Hay ear's 139 Fulton-st Price 25 cent* per bottle. je8 2w1s ,••; Bualne**, Maaufactortes, Hoteli, Private ,"Kesldeaces, Steamboats, Packets, kc Ate A number of ibe first artlsu, both landscape and decorative painters, can find employ- ment by applying at the office; also several person* of in- genuity, and a number of agent* capable of tfan*acting bu*l- nei*. Office hour* from 2 to 6 P. M. mv4 e^diatf E. PORTER BELDEN. 360 Bro&tlway. P A.TKNT «>KATHER»H<IK^^-CalfDre«* tfhoes, Nullifier*, Pump*, Brogan*. Slipper*. Aic kc cheap for; cash. JOHN'L. WATKINS, je41miseod j 114 Fulton-st D RESS BOOYS.-Late«tFrench «tyle-from $250 to SS pe/ pair. For sale by JOHN L- WaTKINS, * ^je4 lmi*ood ^ - [ - 114Fulton-t G " K N T S GAITEK. BOW^t-Of all kiad*—Latest French style, from $t,75io $3.50. For **le(by '. jes lmlseod '.-; JOHN L WATKINS. U4Falton-st. NDRY PIG IRON^-50 wna !PheoU No. 1, very trior, for saie by . J AS. N. OLNEY, 27 WestMtt. 3awtils i ' CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, &0. No. 64 EAST BROADWAY AWO 71 DiVisioN-St. FAMILIES in want of Carpeting, Oil Clothe, Bugs Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, or any other article fin the line, are Informed thau they will find, at GQion'* ex- tensive ware rooma; a splendid assortment of all tbe various articles connected with the trade. Purchasers will find' ;'• many choice natterns of Brussels, three-ply aad ingrain Carpeu, also Oil Cloth* thai are not to be obtained st other •tore*; all of which will be sold at prices lower than ever before offered. Tbe goods are all received direct from ths rnanufacturers. W. H. GUION, * m9 iaeodtf No. 64 Eaat Broadway aad 7i Dlvtalon-*t' C HEAPEST CARPET ESTABL.ISHJUENT la toe United State*, No. 99 Bowery.—Hiram Andeison ha* just received a large aad splendid assortment of super- fine English and American three ply, doable superfine In- grain aad Venetian Carpetiag, manufactured expre**Iy tot City trade, aad will be sold 25 per cent lower than say oth- er establishment Also just received ••'>.. 20,000 yards common carpeting 2s. 6d. to.SS. 6d. - 25,000 '* extra fine , do Ss.6d.to4s. 30;000 **:, double *uperfiae* i 6s. ! I0,ot0 " three ply carpet 9s. '. 30,000 square yard* oil cloth 3*. 6d.to4s. 10,000 yards Venetian stair carpet 2s. 6dL * 5,000 large tufted hearth ruga 20a. each. - HIRAM ANDERSON, No. 99 Bowery, . tbe first est&blUbment above Hester-st. P. S.—Carpeting sent w any part of the city, Brooklyn, kc and cut to fit, free of expense, please notice the nam- beri 99 Bowery. f aS Smeodl»*8TatTh VAN1I^L«A*7-Pure coocenurated* i 1 1 .* ' 1 . - - , ' .'). 1 •f : . - " * . ' . * E XTRACT OK El G ARTSHERRIE FIG IRON^-100 tons strictly NoTu imported from Olswgowdu-exx^^asJe by \s JAB. - N1 OLNEY, 27 W««t.*t IANKJ*PS FL.ATFORJJI SCAJLES.-Fair- ic Co. have removed to No. 124 Water-st near . . my4 lstf apAJBiPHBNB 1. > »t ISO htmiA-m*- lir» -WlJlhuaaVs P SXMN1KS, FlBCaMftRa U I ' double refined for sals •WTIS itew*, sals at The *rlb*n* Office. i rolls of fitly each, for . nyif lstf . Extract of Vaailia, for flavoring Ice Cream, Custards, Syrup*, Sauce*, Jellies, Confectionery, kc This Extract possesses la ihe most concentrated form the delicious taste and much admired aromatic odor of the true Vanilla Bean, &od for all culinary purposes will be found the most con- venient and economical manner of communicating its flavor, price 25 cents. Prepared and sold by HENRY JOHNSON, Chemist and Druggist, successor to A B. Sands k Co. 273 Brosdwsy, cor. Chambers-st Sold alto at 100 Fulton-st and 77 East- Broadway. . * my9 2mi*eod 'fAXTK&C's? OF L.fciHON—For flavoring Castsrds JEilee Cream, Jellies, Syrup*. Ate Thi* 1* * pore Extract, containing the true fiavor of the fruit In bottles, 25 cents each. Prepared by HENRY JOHNSON, Chemist sad Druggist, 273 Broadway, cor. Chsnxbersst. Sold slsp at 100 Fuitoo-at and 77 East BroaulwaT. , «>» XmUSOd •.firfr U N I O N J U N E of Packeu for UrarpooL—rmcXM Sia. of the 12th Juo*. The splendid new snd fast aail- •*•• ing packet ablp MARMiON, !£)<> tea* bnrtijea. Capt Edwards, will sail positively on *™l*y. Ju **J*£: her reaultr day- The ascomBtodstioos in this ms^ntnetht. Packetcsnnot be surpassed for elegance and comfort, both la cabin, second cabin aad steerage, being liajht and well ven- tilated snd in every way superior to moat other packet ships. Pewon* about vUiting tbe Old Country should make sarly application to secure the bestherths. either on hoard, foot of Peck-sllp r or to W . k J.|P. TAPSCOTT, js9 8<wn--«t. 2d door below Burtlaf-slip. i •*>aa«7^:---":^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Post on 10-Mar-2019




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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspapers 6/New York NY Tribune/New York NY... · ' «| I VNORP. MILJfO* ' lame* MJlnor, j» £ >urch, and the fHehd, *

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\A8Hlox.-~Leary k Co. Mat entirely new and Jane 6th, 1846. je6 $t ——— ^ to call and examine* immer Hat. In beauty any „Hat ever before rearldg community.— ia Hat*. NIN, 214 Broadway. ktlnoe to "oa ton lib ib» tefeajl* at the Amerleux

MVmenlln Funny,ber ir g quite jealous. She evidence < f ber aponk, • » i i » o d , 9 p. M. la one M a f u n i .

are cause* de*>p*r than t th • moat aim pi* and v*. e*y ir' nl» cold, and on luuntc/tt'ed f--« m ib» led irem us.by the met* trie a'm«>»ph««re by tbe -cau»r U la a good roi» \t. Wben »*ch a airople : atmnge that many pop. i«.<9* of disease and'tbe doing nu i 'h to renove' and tbe recent develop-

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RAVK1.KRS, k c vlsitteij k & Co. having flow ob-:y for their Proprietory teat lo It form the Public re th»» oriKloal artlelea x'r^llt^ce.at their Straaa orouifhfare.Sl Cortland*

ctractor Depot.

ify the>lood. »".„

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bouler.kr. at the >ry /1 lortland-ac New*

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• ' •harioeSoaD, wnlck Wna. Johoaoa, now

nlcle, at *l CortlaiKUt. Mia it F O W I W . M repra-n » t - capital out of Ma >t a apurloaa arttcla

Maicteal Paln'^xtractor mlS lmla

I »-«T* AXO FLOWtU. . on / over tnla lovafir the fl.ght of Time; i f lib people, and the dy aaeleaa roar'. The «n , h"avena. and hia raja d by a ilnsrle cloed >

-when w a aboald bar* however, armed with a fifaf<d ftxif, w© can w* r£ Reonena, Roaahoeta* ia,*mi all ihehoatofoi* U&Ural So*>can aeoja* •«;•«• In the Caatle 0«* ora/l!r«t« c*r atubbora

k] i>«Jrt i 5«^r«i«». IT*

be bltrbeat repuU* for oo-amiful *r*tw» or Woc*'-rtlllani preparatioB fro* o pale cbeeka and tfp» •

Dr. P. OOURAUD « « falker-ti, rirat *"»+*%?

.piera of all the CltieeW* r and n»»ar, are dally^" >t\z*4 Ajret»t.V. • » • ? • * : • r e c e i v e aobaerlpoena.

tel imta TkTb

MONTHtY JOtJ>»Ai C a! Editor.—The. JW* iny morning Content*

>n. The Drover's D<<-leary Iron HarrowV— , ta^taloa of India.


Indian Corn- HerbM* White or Datoo Clo*** alnfoJa. Yarto>» « * * Flower»---YaUow»UJ

cb. :Co«WgjJ5 Jruaw. . The * ^ ^ .

Brewing of C ^ ;

iheep. Shoe? Mas***

ariculturt. ^l»i««

K^of 'ote agg 1U00; the I " 1 * ^ - ^

K l a n t a U o n S t a t e a - - ^

rt and wear t h a » ' ^ r f

<*dp« for Cement-, .

r j e l a w a ^ ^ U - J ^ 0 0 ^ 11 E u ^ r t o A a S c t t f t « ^

t j c e r o e o t o f t h e s * ^ ^

Pattenlmc Fhwl* o t * from Cioth^l ^

Fheaaant of « ^ a

. Hammond C ^ S S S * ^p. H o m e a n d ^ r ^ ig Pack*. i ^ T » e -

Abauaot J W ^ T ^ . M a J « . Price* C o ^ *

E L R A T H . P O b 1 1 * ^ lupUod.


. ,40 pf. Sucks, 4c Htfntrtk pagt.

M O X D A T . P . M .

the Stock itoket opened rtuher hwrwjo-day, v « t ^ l * t t e r a t t b e c l o * e : At the Second Board U bar-^ b ^ ^ t S n e d that Mr. Pak«>b*m bad nodded In

* ^ n ^ a J a T r f f i c ^ t i a a n n e r t o M r . Bltchanan. the mar* v * w a . rery htoyant; « d Improved J to 1 per cent, ^ b e S x c h a ^ g e M a r k e t for the Greet Britain ctoied b, avily at 8 ^ « for flHritof - d 5 2 5 « 5 32*. for Franca. The. i lnpplywaa large. •

F r e i g U a r e M e a d y for Cotton, but F l o u r 1. n o t freely ob alned kt the aakmg rate, 3 - . The Robert Parker „ , take » up t<^d*y for Liverpool.

There wa* rather m o r e paper offering t o d a y , bnt jhero la o » marled change In the market .

From the aaine h igh author i ty before a l l u d e d too we learn Jw»t thle- Indiana debt arrangement la on the whole aai lafactory. and with one or t w o amendment*, not affect *g the|principle* of the bi l l will no doubt be cccepted >y the bond-holder*.

Tbo i l i r ine and F i r e Insxirance B a n k of S a v a n ­nah ha* d »clared a dividend of four per cent, for thelaat - ixmontt* . . . .

The M l l e d g e v i l l e U n i o n , i n r e m a r k i n g u p o n the

fcrjureof h e Commercial Bank of Macon *ay«: The circulation of the Bank w e underataad 1* about

•100.0CO. Of thU amout $30 000 are on ipecia depoalt i anotbe: Bank. « d belong to the « f ^ r a o f A . , Mmv roe k a i i n a d . T^ie u i e U to meet tbl* circuUrlon It U S d . r n considerable, but how.far ,they can be made .T»U*We o thlaj porpoae time only c « i determine.— Amoog th* aaaeu la a »tock of good*Jtaken from one of i e d e b t o r . oTSSI Bank, eatimated at $31,000, which are to be dl»p< «^d ofjfor the billa of the Bank.

The fa 'doDdj of the old Colony Ra i l road i s 3^ per cent, for ti e »lx coontha It ha* been id ope'ratlon.

Of the P r o v i i e n c e and W o r c e s t e r .Rai lroad , the Pre*ldenf< report, made at their late, annual meeting,

t "° aays r v

•-Nearly the wbolo right of*way from Providence to ' Worc«-»wr (ha* been contracted for. Contract*'have also been madfcT for grading the entire line of the road on terrovdeei jed favorable, and material* at fair price* for the .uyeratruc tore have been engaged. The contrac­tor* ar,e n«w engaged In the grading on mo*t of their re#pectire jwction*."

t*. of ten per cent, each, have been

1M6. ,1.012.712

4!6 118 133.635' 167 109 219.841


1845. 926.343 513.318 180,527 290.069 388.688

11.501 11,370 ^ . 13,400

1844. 815.916 •446.927 139.923 221,790 281.845 : 8.422 •11,100

2.328,846 1,925.923

Two a**"***; istde, and a* the work prdgreaae*, other in*tallment*

will be call d fori An agree: nent baa been entered Into with the Boston

and Provld* nee Railroad Company by which they are to ero** the Bfackstone River between Central and Valley Pall*, and tl ea form a junction with the Providence and Worcester ftailroad, and thence Into Providence on a double tracl.. ** s - .

The F i u b b u r g Ra i l road stockholder*, at their meeting last week, accepted the several act* In reference totChar!e*to *n Branch, Watertown and Sterling Branch RJiJroada, pi **ed at the la*t *e**ion of the Ma*«achu«ett* L<jgUlatare. It waa voted to unite the Sterling and Pltcbbnrgco 'porationa, and leave to t i e discretion of the director* all matter* appertaining to conatruction and location of Watertown and Sterling Branch llnea. T h e coat of these- -oad* wa* eatimated not to exceed 8600.000, tad flattering estimates of Income on that amount were •nbroitted. At this meotlng a statement waa a l io sub­mitted of foui month*' rece ipu upon the Pitchburg road, which ahowed a handsome increase over laat year^»apd gave confidence that fire per cent! would be the trext lemlannual 0 ividend.

At Baffalt t h e P r o d u c e m a r k e t remains u n d e r great QepreaaloDJ avery adverae clrcumatance having eomhined to C epres* the moat Important ataple*. ao that, with lncreaaln j stocks, the market i* left to the di*po*i-tlonlof one or wo buyer*, w h o may be said to dictate thety own tern is, laaving those w h o would sell at all, no other alternatl re but to accept their offer*.

At Balt imo re there ia but l itt le c h a n g e to note in ket. Money la in active demand at bank

M a r k e t * . . . .Care/ufltf rtpoftidfo* The TWaiot*. M O N D A Y . June 8.

ASHES—Pot* are steady at 3 5 3 9 3 56, and Pearls 4 9 4 06. The transactions are not large.-.

COTTON—The sale* to -day have been (mail, not amounting to more, than 300 bales, taken by Spinners. Prices are without change.

Upland. Florida. . Mo.&NO.. Inferier none. 64-964 ty96i Ordinary 6 4 9 6 } 6 J 9 7 7 9 7 f Middling 7 9 7 * 7 ± 9 7 f 7 1 9 7 * M i d - f a i r . . . . . . 7 * 9 7 * 7 J 9 7 | 8 9 8 ± :

' Fair . . . . . . . . 8 9 6 , 8 9 3 i 8 4 9 9 Good fair . 8 * 9 none. : 9 } 9 1 0 Fine none. n o n e . . 1 1 9 1 2 4 In the New-Orleans Prices Current of 30th May w e

notice aeveYai errora in the Cotton tablee of Receipt*. W e have taken a o m e pain* to make up the following comparison for three year*, and it will be found. to be correct : New. Orleans . .30th 1 Mobile -30th

•Florida ,23d Georgia. . 29 th S. Carol ina. . . ,30tb N.Carolina 30th

•Virginia • l»t

Total ..I.-..1,9.69.636 Freight* to Liverpool are firm at j d for square and id

for round. The **hip Robert Parker wa*-taken up at these rate*.

FLOUR AND M E A L — T h e market continue* der pre*«ed, and the Inquiry being moderate,- parties w h o are anxious to sell on the dock accept low rates. Gene­see is 4 12^94 25, which i* a decline, and Michigan 4 00 9 4 124. A tale of 1000 bbl*- Michigan was made on Saturday afternoon at 412J , £nd to-day 1200- bbl* good brand* Michigan at 4 00, all for export. On Saturday two bbl* of beautiful Flour were exhibited on' 'Change. T h e y were branded ' Extra^—L.* A. Spalding,' and were directed to Hon, Waahington Hunt. Waahington. They were beautifuj apecimens of the perfection to which the flouring art ha* arrived at the We*t. The receipt* last week were 63,000 bbls, and there were 25,000 bbls afloat thl* morning. There are very few.ahippera in market, tbey are waiting for a decline In freight. New-Orleans and Southern deacriptlons are very inactive: The com­mon brand* Georgetown, Alexandria, Richmond; Balti­more, are dull at 4 2")@4 37J ; Richmond City nominally 6 CO ; Brandywine 4 75. Rye Flour ia 2 87J, with smajl •ale*. Corn Meal 3 25, with sale* 250 bbls. 1 25. and q u i e t

GRAIN—A sale of 3000 bushel* prime White Genesee W h e a t waa made, for ahlpment, at 1014 etc, and about 3500 bushels Western, in lot*, for milling, at 8 0 9 9 0 ct», moatly 80 ct*. Corn 1* very plenty, and the market 1* much depre««ed. .For Southern Yel low 56 ct*, meaa, i* the nominal rate. About 10,000 bushels Western mixed sold at 4 9 9 5 2 ct*. the former for distilling. About 8000 bushel* were for export. Sale* 1500 bag* N Orleans on private term*. Oat* are 3 9 9 4 0 ct* for Northern, and dulL Sale* 3000 bu*bel« Northern Rye, for export, at 65 ct*. and 2500 do for distilling, at 64 ct*. Nothing doing In Barley.

WHISKY—About 300 bbl* have been taken a t l 8 j ct*. Drudge is 18 c u , with fair demand.

HAY—The-»upplie* are very large, and quotations are lower. Sales 500 halo* at 50 eta, for shipment.

LEAD—A.farther »a leof 2000 pig* Mi»*ouri has been made at 4 25, cash, which leaves but about 2000 pigs in first hands.

SALT—A sale of 3000 bushels Lisbon wa* made on private term*.

GROCERIES—Sugar* and Molaaaes are steady, and in fair demand. A cargo of 2200.bag» Brazil Coffee was •old on private term*.

JBONE—A sale of 20.000 lbs North-West ha* been made for export, auppoaed at 24i ct*, caah. '

CANDLES—We note«ales of 125 bxa ' Adamant Pearl Light*,' at 26 eta & 16. Theae Candle* w e r e exhibited at-tho National Fair, and attracted great attention and many commendatory-notice*. .

TALLOW—Sale* 20,000 lbs good Rendered at 7} cts, caah. L ' , •

PROVISIONS—We hear of sales of 600 bbls Prime Pork at 8 0 6 9 8 124. Meaa I* nominally 10 624, and dull. Beef la very quiet. Of Lard we netice sales 400 or 500 bbls prime at 6ct*, for shipment. •

• i y G r a n d D i v i s i o n , S t a t e o f N e w - l f o r k . — Tbe Grand DWalon will meet at the Hall, 1B7 Bowery, on Tuesday. June 9, at 12 o'clock, to unlta In the National Ju­bilee of the Order G M. RADLEY, G. .Conductor...

XST T e m p e r a n c e C e l e b r a r i o n . - r T b e Member* of. Union Divition, No. 2, 8 of T. are requested to meet at the Hall, 315 Broadway, on Tuesday, (To-morrow) June 9. a t 12 o'clock M. precisely, for the porpoae of uniting In the Great Ce'ebration of the Sons of Temperance. Bripg your Ke«aUa with you. W . H. R1KER, W . p .

, W. R. DoawaTT. R. 3 . Je8 2t-

1ST J e f f e r s o n D I v l a l o n , N o . 7 - S o n s o f T e m ­p e r a n c e . — T h e metnbera or this DMnton are requested to meet at Columbian Hall. No. 263 Grand-sL on Tuesday mominfr, June t>th, 1846, in full Regalia, with white Glove*, at 114 o'clock preciaely, to celebrate tbe fir*t National An-' niversary of the Order. B y order of

y DAVID LEAL. W . P . B E N J A M I N DEVQY, R- S. je6 3t*

C y C o l n m b l a D i v i s i o n , N o . 1 0 , 8 . ot T .—The membera of Uhi*. Diviaion are requested to meet at their room, American Hall, Broadway and Grand-st on Tuesday morning, June 9th. at 11 o'clock, to organize, and pro­ceed-to unite in.celebrating tbe National Anniversary of our Orcffr. J. F. THOMAS, R. S. It*

tgT T h e I r l e m b e r e o f iTJarafaall D i v i s i o n , "No. 1 1 , of the Son* of Temperancje, ara r*-queated IQ meet In Marshall Hall, comer of Broadway and Grand-at. on Tues­day, the 9th of June inat..at 12 o'clock precisely, for1 the purpose of organizing to form in the general 'procession. ,

By order of JOHN MURPHY, W. P. Moaais D E C A M P , R. S. 'je6 3i* '

t y V U H a n t D i v i s i o n , N o . 1 4 , S o n s o f T e r n - ' p e r a n c e . — A l w a y s ready.—The Member* of ibis Diviaion are hereby notified to meet at the Hall, 263 Grand-st. on Tuesday morning, June 9th, at 11 o'clock, to join in the great National Jubilee of the Order. (White Glovea.) '

' S. B. STRATTON, W, P. W , H. CLARK, R. S. .; • je8 2u**-

G&tneral ftotitt*. w*****+**^**t*r •I.

I r.'.rfW!wt/"'wSiL'jBi'uy *sm

S . o f T . C r o t o n D i v i s i o n , N o , 1 6 , 9 . o f T . —Tbe member* of »hl* Diviaion arenereby notified to meet at their room, 187 Bowery, on Tue.day morning, the 9th of JnnG. 1846, at 11 o'clock, for ihe purpose of participating in the GrAnd Celebration. Brother* having Regalia will pleaae prepare it for the above purpoae. Brothera frdm distant Division* are re*p»ctfally invited to meet with n*.

By order, WILLIAM O S T R A N D E R , W . P. A .HL'Mg,R.8 . je8 2t*

EP* K n i c k e r b o c k e r D i v i s i o n , N o . 5 4 8 . o f T . — v^* The Member* of tnis Division are hereby notified to meet at

Bag MeaT t n e Diviaion room, corner of Hudson and Grove at*, on Tueaday. June 9th, at 10* A. M., to unite in celebrating the National Anniveraary of our Order. By order of -

H. W. HAMBLIN, W. P. • ' W . ROOME, R. S. .'. . je6 3li** .

f y I n d e p e n d e n t O r d e r o f G o o d F e l l o - w s . — T h e membera of Constitution Lodge No. 1, I. O. of G- F. are requeated jto me«t at their Lodge room No. 460 Grand-st Wedneaday evening, June 10th, at *even and a half o'clock. Punctual attendance ia expected.

. P. 8. Tbe Lodge will not meet thl* (Tuesday) evening, June 9tb, 1846. B y order of

je9 2tl«* CHAS. W A T E R B U R Y , G. P.

XSf- R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s to the Grand Temple of Honor are requested to be pnnctual in their attendance at the first Annual Session to be held this evening at 8 o'clock precise­ly, at thehall, second story, 187 Bowery. Bv order.

It* ; L U K E HASSERT, G- W . R.

i y Lonpr I s l a n d H o r t i c u l t u r a l S o c i e t y . — T h i s Society win hold ita first Seml-Annual Exhibition at the Saloon of the Fluahing Hotel, on the 11th and 12th Inst— Persons who intend contributing to the Exhibition areno-tified that their articles mum be preaented to the Committee of Arrangement before 10 o'clock on the l l th and before 9 onthe.l2ih. Competition for premiuma open to all.

The Exhibition will open at 12o'clock onthe l l th , and at 9 on the 12th Tickets 25 cts.—one ticket will admit a gen­tleman and lady. 8:eamer Washington Irving, • leaving Fulton Market Slip at 9 A. M. and Flushing at 2 P . M. wil l on ihe days of tfx.n'bltion convey visitors at half price.

Fiushlng,June6tb,lfl46. je6 4lis*

H a v e Y o n a . C o u g h ?-rThen cure It Vithout delay; or, In three months, or possibly, in as many weex*. that very cough may deepen Into the consumption- Do not hesitate and talk and talk and talk, bat act before It is too late. Get Beekman's Pulmonic Syrup.-lt will cure you: andit is the only remedy on which you can rely with certainty.

The purity, mildness, safety,and certainty of-Beekman.'s Vegetable Essential Pills are Causing them to supersede all others In use. Tbey produce full,' easy, natural evacuations .—cleansing of all Impurities, and correctiag all derange­ment ••• . . . .-'_

ISr" BJEEKMJJIN'S SYRUP A N D . P I L L S are put up la wrap­

pers,-copyrighted. Be cautious. Buy none but "Beek­man's."

Proprietor's cfSce No. 494 C&rtland-at. one door below Greenwich-at N . Yl They are regularly kept by many of the moat respectable Apothecaries and Druggist* In N e w -York, Brooklyn, &c- To be had, also, of authorized agent* in different parts of the country.

Beekman'a Treatise and Guide to Health may be had at' the same places, free of charge. It

t y H o m o e o p a t h y . — T h e H a r d e s t B l o w Y e t !— Dr. A. L. Cox has an article in the N e » - York Medical and Surgical Reporter, on the subject of Homoeopathy, which-It will require considerably more than an Infinlteaslmal doae of nothing, or even of sugar of milk, to parry. He aays that some years ago the Homoeopathlsta endeavored to convert him to the faith, but he refused. That among'iheir argumenta'was one that the- deaths In the City would be considerably diminished by ita adoption; but be add* that they have since actually Increased twenty-five p e r c e n t — Tbe boasted success of the Hooooeopachlsis and their splen­did equipages notwithstanding. H e states farther, that the City Inspector for 1843, «ay* that the-greatest number of certificates of death* are Bent In hy Dr. , Homoeopathic practioner! These be biting charges, Dr. Brook! Have you any thing to say why judgment should not be passed against you ?• If you have, speak! • [ l } . Y. Sentinel. ' It*

ifirE-ttJotks. ^mwuMtutM. W O R K S — W h o l e s a l e and retail—The strVscii-

•a. ber* have on hand a very extensive assortment of bril­liant FtRE-WORKS,ln the greatest variety;and warranted, consisting of tbe following article* Rocket*. Triangle*, i Roman Candles, Scroll Wheels,

TorbUllons, Pigeons, Serpents. Blue Light*, Chinese Flyers,

Vertical Wheels Mines, Stars, Mines, Serpents, Bengola Light*, Table Rocket*.

Pin Wheels , Snakes, .•'*.-•• Flower Pot*, Graaahoppars, Saxona, Yellow LlgbU,

itc. itc k c

the money ma and a considerable amount of fair paper in the street at 293 per cent. per month.

At Cincinnati there w a s but a l ight b u s i n e s s d o n e

in Exchange.

ihlproenta of cities. Money doubt and unc<

Tbe final

The demand 1* fully equal to the supply. Eastern Exchasge steady at 1} . There have been aome

tpecle I to New-Orlean* and the Eastern continue* quite tight, and a feeling of

rtalnty pervade the mind* of capitalist*. i ientence o f forfeiture has been pro­

nounced againit the Mi**i**ippi banks. The high court of that State, -jt *t previous to adjournment, pronounced a judgment sett Ing the banks now and for ever. In the tppeal of seven 1 of the Natchez banks, from a decision of the Circuit C >urt, the high court decided In substance that a continaed atate of suapenalon of apecle payment* la juat and Indu iltabls ground of forfeiture.

A .meeting of the stockholders' of tbe Bank of Montreal was h ild at the office of the institution on .Mon­day, the 1st Inst A statement of the transactions of the Bank for the Uu t year w a s laid before the meeting by the President, fr >m which It appears that the aS*ir* of the institution at e in a nourishing condition. The bank notes in circulation amount to £523.543 1 0 ; the specie on handito £ 124 570 0.1 ; notes discounted t o £ 1,502,968 3-4. The total a ««U*Ve £1,795,059 198 .

A meeting of h e stockholder* of the City Bank was also held 00 tbe 1st Instant at which the annual report and statement w 14 read by the President, and which w e r e Considered bighl r satisfactory. The notes'in circulation are stated at £24 5 962 5 ; cash on hand and notes of other' banks, £57.3-^3 f 4 ; notes discounted and other debt* £3^0,364 15-3; to al asset*, £740,378 1-6.

W e co'ppy from the Commerc ia l the f o l l o w i n g statistic* of Buffa. 0 Produce trade up to the first of June —taking only the leading articles:

Principal articles landed by Lake,

Lake open Flour, btfcls P o r k . . . . . . . . . . . . w ? — 1 . . . . . . . . A . . .


Tallow Aihe*. ok* Hide* Woof, ska Wlfcst. bp*h vqrn... t / ^ t t s . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . .

1846. ..April 2 . .320.517 . . 30.077 . . 15.833

6371 1.356 1.750

.. 10.573

. . 21,076 601

.453.755 . . , . • .51402

J . . ! . 76,596

: . : : : :

r —

1845. April 3

185.560 18033 10.002 5.087 5150

.960' 17.102' 19.892

.558 384.723-

14 380 4,110

1844. Mar. 14.

276.650 21.J82 16017 1.383

• 4.530 567

11.200 15.472

528 525.425 25.885

6.42."> Canal Ezports frm 1 the \Openbtg of Navigation to June 1.

The following tatde exhibit* the total, of leading artl-the Canal Office toflst Juno : ele* that cleared at

Tolls * W . bbls . . . *^rv* l * * * « a « « f


of exports for a serjes of years 1845

Boa+.bbls..270.10<; ro»k 21.44i Beef 2 2 2 4 ' Wheat, bush. 399 35'' *she*,ck»... 7 ,0* Wool. lb s . . . 136.61:

ftJ4(6 6451 Boats c l eared . . 27D.10G

22 217 9L448

1,357 Aahe's, c k a . . . : . . . . . . 7.03-i Wheat. bu*h 30«i;357 Wool, lb* 135,617

A comparative e: :hibit Is also given to show the extent

I'The » i

to June 1 i 1844.

259 384 20.192 17.14.4

429 828 KT.004


1843. 132 983

17.130 4 730

132.080 11.577 56.82>

1842. 134 763' 33.490

730 85 890

6.505 21,261


i 1" . . 1 . . . . ^ .

201.440 18 085

. 13.867 267.007

18.266 176,456

StatUtk* of the Coat Tradi of Schuylkill Ounty. Capital Invested in 81 mile* of Incorporated

Railroad*. 50 " of Jndfvldu* W •• under grouc d

W» Railroad Cars. 2400 Drift C a r s . . .

34 Colllpriea belok water level, with 8team Engine*. Pump*, dec

10O Collieries abofe wau»r level Uadiog*. keatoand Boat Hofse* Working C-pltai . . . •Sehoylktll Canal . . SssdlnB Railroad.Cjar*'. Engine*. A c . . . T*»*n« m thfe Coal R e g t o n . . . . . . . wn»illo ami Pott*vJIle R a i l r o a d . . . . » W 0 acrna 'Coal LAad at $50 per acre J.

T o t a l . . ' . . . . . . . ! ,'. $26*56 000 «th»at*-,-J inveatroe at for same item* In 1842. 17 526.000

kereasj in four yes rs with Protection.

Too. of Coal sect tc market in 1 8 4 5 . . . . . . «-owt,med * "»• "jgion, a b o n t . . . TfiW tons.. ^ U t 1841, 1*0^*»e-.almost dt uble m four

» • W* • > * • • •

SI.000.00 150.000 60.000

150.000 96,000

850 000 500000 200.000 i 500 000 300.000 |

5.000 000 10.260.000 3.000.000

• 800.000 4 000 000


1,131.724 75 000

1 206.724 620.345


T r a d e of t h e H u d s o n . Produce and Country Merchandise Arriving at New-York,

lUyrltd Specially for TAe Neva- York Tribvne. New-York and Albaiv Line. J Martin—Barge E Corning.

—3626 bbl* flour D o w s k Cary; 155 do .Yatea SL P*ppoon; i 50 bhda liquor Wan-loir,' Orogoiy it Co; 189 do Work it. • Dra.ke; 4 bbls aahes H Sheldon; 15 do Hyalop & Coffio;.23 i bbla potatoea J Hopple* it Son; 28 bbfa nahea Dows SL Cary.

Swirraure.Line, AVnn Santvoord—B'ge Ken»ucsy.—H2.5 ' bbla flour 100 half do H9 bbls pork J M Hoyi it S >n; 755 do'

tl mr 100 ha f do 60 bbla wbUky T.P Hart;'4 bblsashea Field '• it. M»ntr; 21 do H H Hayes; 1 box goods Hoyt it 'Tilling-I ba«»; 215 bbla floor 5 do high wines Do«r« At Cary; 5 b^la 1 a»he»" C F Park; 5 bxa glas», Townaend. Savre it Cmrt; 287

bbla fl >or W^arrlng, Gregory it Co; 56 half bbla beer A G Burs; 26 bbla aahes Benedict it Williams.

Sam*- Line—Barg« Enterprise —129 obis pork 1 do shoul­ders 5 do- pork Mr.Bride it Lord; 23 bbl* pork Freeland. Stewart it Co; 107 do 1 box beeswax l kejr butter 3 do lard D it W Martin; 100 bbls pork W H Hayea; 100 do Qonr E T H Gibson; 5 bbla »*ggs 4 kegs butter Rumtoay it Ddniels; 170 bbls fl <ur -K<»ot, Ktnnan it Co; 634 do A Van Santvoord it Co; 230 do Samuel Lewis; 41 bbls potatoes E T Pease; 100 bbls fl <ur Folt it Hopkins; 3 bxs furs Cowing it Co. «Albany *nd Canal Line, A Hoyt—Barge President—650

bbla d >ur D«vight Johnson; 299 do O Corwin it Co; 145 c o P I Nt>yia« k. Son; 500 do Dater, Miller it Co; 32 bbls ashes Suydsm.Reed it Co; 5do Wood it Sheldon; 27 do Phillips it Aboro; 8 do £ T H Gibson; 1 do P I Neviue it Son: 3 do Wardell tt Wa.son- 16 do Wilson it Cobb; 4 do G W Hoi t it Co; 1S6 do beef Kent, Kinnao it Co.

New-York and Buffalo T B Line, Iv*>a it Cargill—Boat D Brown.—10 casks ashes Hyslop it Coffin: 17 do Peck,Brad­ford it.Richmond; 400 bu corn Suydam, Sage it Co.

Sam* Line—Boat Salem.—2113 bu wheat E W Dunham it Son; 100 bbl* high wines Suydam, Sage it Co; 1 bole furs G C Treadwell; 1 do T K Booth; 3 bxs veneering E N Thompaon; 1 case sundries Pritchard it Griswold; 1 trunk do S Curd. i *

N«v»-York and Troy Line, W S Griffith—Barge Ontario. — 409 bbla. fl >ur Suydam. Sage it Co; 500 do H C Beala it Co: 13 bbla provisions Baldwjp, Dibble it Work; 18 tc« do 27 bb!» do Perry, Mathews it Co; 100 do 8 bbls hatter Cpw-lng i t Co; 29 tuba do Leggett, Ludlam tt. Co; 165 bales hay, WmNash . .

Old Troy Line. Pope Catlin—Barge Indiana.—700 hbla flour Clarke it Coleman; 55 do J H Reed; 1145 do N H Wolfe; fiO do Leeland, Adams it Co; 160 do Dwight, Beala it Co; 63 do W H Mosely; 169 bbls provisions E T H Gib­son; 65 do Kent, Rinnan it Co; 131 bbl* high wine*, Ford it Gram.

People's Oswego Line, D S Steele—Boat Ma'y.—400 bbls flour Suydam. Sage i . Co; 100 boxes cheeae S Perr>; 30 do Bowman it Stanton; 30 do Boatwick it Onderdonk; 40do T 8 White; 30 bbla potatoes 350 bags salt J it D.S Bennett; 30 bbl* potatoes J Shaw; 55 do 6 firk butter 3t>o bu fine feed, P 8 Steel; 3 bbla eggs 6 firk butter Yelverton it Fellows. '

Trov and Erie Tow-boat Line—Barge A C Tefft.—99 bbls flour T H DeWolf-, 57 do Watkins it Bissell; 600 do Lewi* it Beardaley; 578 do Merrick, Davl* fc Co.,

Same Line—Barge J F wlnalow.—547 bbl* flour E T H Gibson; 156 do Chateau, M it Sanford; 225 do P I Neviua it Soo; 60 do A C Tefft; 200 do Suydam, Sare it Co; 3»2 do Clark it Coleman; 84 bbla high wine* N H Wolfe..

Troy and Michigan L B Line— BoatTompklua"County.— 240 bbl* flour H C Beals it Co; 200 do Wardell it Waaaon..

Syracua* and Oawego Line, A H Hovoy—Boat J Har-bottle.—1519 bu corn Suydam, Sage it Co-, 100 tea beef Suy­dam, Reed it Co; 87 bxa cheeae S Perry; 82 do Dows. it" Oulteau; 51 do T B White it Co; 27 do J Boyce; 38 do Knapp It Baker; lOdo Tompkina it Co; • tub butter T B

"Whil«-; 4 do 12 bbls potatoes J L Knapp it-Son; 14 tuba hm-tair, I bblaahea Ferguson if Sherman; 1 bbl egga Comsn, Hopkins it Co; 7 bbla potatoea J 0 it D S Bennett; 20 bxs cheese Knapp it Baker.

Old Albany Line, J it W Schuyler—Barge Brutus —200 bbls flour P I Nevius it Sou; 6"5 do Sam Lewia; 725 do Herrlck it Vanbuakjrk; 2 0 d o J it W Schuyler; 12 caaka aahea P 1 Neviua it Son; K2bbl* hama Jewell,.Harrison it Co-, 5 do Prime, -Ward it Co; f cask do Pn-lpa, Dodge-it Cv; lit ie« beef 8 do'iard 2 do tall->w 72 do pork 5 bx» goods Hoyt it Tl linghaal; 12 b»l*-a hay J it W Schuvler.

Same Line— Barge C.Durant—177 bbla flour Maitland, Comrie i tCo; 537 dos19. half do Herrick it Vanbnekirk; 12 bbls aahea Johnson it Brothers; 4 do Wm L Boyd; 2 do ,T E Bro»n; 2 do Hoffman At Bailey; 500 aticka beach wood J W Farr, G bbla aahea A Mead it Co; 595 bbl* vinegar L Spender; 38 bale* hay 15 do straw J it W Schuyler.

Durant.Lathropk Co'a Line— Boat Brewer.—S000 bush oaU P C Durant ' i '

Same Line -Boat R F Slack.—20$>0 bu corn 2000 do oaU P C Durant • , ' » . '

Fort Plain and New-York Line. Nukerck it Hoffman-f-Boat Diamond.—181 bxa cheeae 8 Perry; 225 aides leather, Bulkley it Bro>ka; 54 bdlafork*T S At Clarke; 2 bbl* egg* 2200 bu rye C C Nukerck; 4 case* print* C it F Waldo.

Same Line—Boat Rosebud.—153 bxa cheese S Perry; 3 bbls eggs T B White it Co: 49 bxs cheese W m Crsuse; IS ca*e* print* 7 bale* goods H Waldo; 20 bxs cheeae owner, 43 do 4 bbls h«an* C C Nukerck; 21 bxs cheese owner; 12 bale*good* Eugene Bogert;267*lde*leather 2700 bush oat* C C Nukerck.

Fultonvllle and New-York Line, Gardiner A; Vandenberjr — Boat M L Keith.—3000 bu oat* 6 bbla egga 1 cheat do W L Vandenberg; 21 bale* hay Lane Ac Mangum; 510 *lde< leather C M Leupp it Co; 6 sacks deer hair W J Buck; 6 | bbls'oi) David Haochett ' I

New-York, Utlc* and Oawego Line, W S Roasiter—Boat j Hudibraa.—5 care* dam woolen* Ftaber, Howe it Hamll-ton; 1 box fur* John Rundail; 1 box aundne* J Mar»b; 2 1 bale* dam licking R Jt D VV Siebbins; 19 bxa cheese S Per- I ry; S vamlah'bbls S P Smith; 21 turpentine bbls Blackwell j k Co-, 14 bbls pork J 0 it D S Bennett; 1 box a»he* S C HD1; 3800 ft lumber Cha* Lyon, Brooklyn.

New-York and Seneca Fall* Line, A W Palmer—Boat G I ^V Swift —350 bbls flour J M Hoyt it Son; I cose cloths 1 Fisher. Howe jj Hamilton; 4 casks ashes O Corwin it Co; I j do John Rice; 2 bbla eggs Knapp.it Biker; 1 box do 8 bbls ; f<M*to«« J Hoppock it Son; 18,355 Iba otl meal W H Piatt ; k Co; 2 bbl* egga Powers;.6 c o elder" brandy McCoon, j Sherman it Co; 6 do eggs Coman. Hopklna it Co; 4 bbl* ! aahea l do e g g . l k«g do R Ooderdonk k Co; 1 box clotba j Saml J Beal* it Buah; 2 -bbls p o u w e * 1 do u u*tard seed 1 i keg do Cartwrigbt At Harriaon. I

EHr" R e m o v a l The proprietor's ol R^atoratlve,' on th> lancey-at near the, w a y , New-York phla.

-' No Charge until the Hair is Restored.' jce.for the application of ' Beal's Hair jabove terms, is removed to l^o. 19 De-lowery.' Depot*— Bazaar, 173 Broad-Milk- Bt Boston; 109 Ninth-st Phlladel-

' Je9 lwos+

Bsf" V . B , P a l m e r ' s C o u n t r y N e w s p a p e r Adverti­s ing Agency, Tribune BuHJings. N e w Ybra, embraces most of tbe best newspapers of all tbecltle* and principal to wna in the United State* and Canada, for which he 1* duly authorized to receive advertisement* and *ub*ciip-tion*. and fully empowered to give receirt*.

Merchant*, manufacturer*, artiata. and individual* gen­erally, beside* public Inallution*, Incorporated-companies, and •ocfetiala who wl*h to advertise in, or subscribe for; newspapers1 of any section of the country, ar'e respectfully invited to examine the files.

T o remove all doubt* and misapprehensions, the agent hereby notifies the public that no person Is authorized by him to sblitm- advertisement*, card* or subscription* for the newapaper* for which he is the only authorized agent The annoyance to merchant*, and other*, growing out of numer­ous pretended agencies in this city, renders the adoption of this courae essentially proper to guatdagaxnst imposition.

Thoae, therefore, who wish to tranaact buaineaa with hi* agency, and avoid mistakea.are reapectfullyinvited to band In their orders at the onVe, or address V. B. PALMER,

a9 i«tf American New»"Br-»r Agent, Tribune Buildings.

I ^ J ' t l n . c k e n z I e ' a . T o n i c F e b r i f u g e — A Sovereign Remedy for the Ague and Fever. - - • • Tbia great Remedy, to wbicb the public attention is par­

ticularly called, has been extensively used in the- Western and South-western States, as a speedy, safe and certain cure for Ague and Fever, Dumb'Ague, Chill, or Intermittent Fe­vers.

The unexampled and complete success attending Us use, and so well proven, have become it* wide spread victories over every form of Auue In the West, that the 'Febrifuge' Is now superseding every other offered remedial agent, and looked upon »s the only one that can be relied upon In all sin ere* of tbe disease.

The many thousands of Instances wherein It has wrought cures, while no instance is known, nor can be shown of fail­ure, warrants it in being offered as possessing the three car­dinal merits, without, which no medicine can be safely used In Ague cases, these merits are that Kv'cures are . • •

• Safe, (Certain and Permanent. For sale by Hoadley, Pbelp* it Co. Wholesale Agents,

N e w - * ork, and hy J. M. Win»low, Druggist, Rochester, N. Y.; Coleman At Co. Buffilo; N. P. Jacobs, Detroit. Mich. r. Brinkerhoff it Penton, Chicago, III; Edwards At Francis, St. Louis, Mo. and by Druggists generelly throughout the U. States. je2 lawiaDitWtf

tST S e a r i n g ' s R e s t o r a t i v e * — T h i s pleasant med;* cine is a never-failing remedyfor Dyspepsia and Nervous Affections.' I t i s a certain cure for Sick aDd Nervous Head­ache*, and an excellent preventive of Costiveness.and L o w Spirit*, l tcorrectaa morbid state of the biliary organs, and 1* very efficacious in relieving Flatulency, Colic*, and aim-liar complaint* of the Stomach and Bowels, i t *peedlly. promote* the return of strength and activity in all cases or Debility ; restores a healthy appetite, where this greatest oi blessings la deficient, and, a* a natural consequence, glves^ tone and-vigor to the whole system. , '

t r y Prepared by C. C. SE BRING, Tarry town, N. Y. to whom-orders m»y be addressed.

Sold in New York at wholesale and retail by A; B. At D. Sands, Drupgista, 100 Fulton-st. corner of Wllllam-at Sold also at 273 Broadway and 77 East Broadway, and by Drug­gists generally throughout the United States. Price.31 per bottle. m201*eodtf

fST* C o n s t i p a t i o n ( C o s t t i v n e s s ) D e s t r o y e d b y D r . W o o d ' s s S a r e a p a r i l l a a a d W i l d C h e r r y B i t ­ters .—That this medicine destroy • conati^ations.and cause* the lnte»iinal canal to perform it* evacuation*, thouaahds will attest; and also that it cures Dyspepsia, Sick Head­ache, Jaundice, Vertigo, Liver Complaint, and all diseaaea to which the bowels are subject As it Is the compound of a Regular Physician, the public may rely upon its merits. Sold wholesale and. retail by W Y A T T At K E T C H A M , 121 Fulton-*t; at retail 192Broadway; 117Bowery ; SU Bleeck-er-'st N. Y. - . • . . . . ' . j e 9 6tl*

.;.-•• Qiinaiwri*, &z. ipaiata.

TO, P R I N C I P A L S of Select School* for Boy*.—A Partnership in a Select School Is wanted by a French-

Gentleman experienced In teaching hi*.native tongue, and who is competent to assume a full share of the duties of a well conducted school. The advertiser 1* at home daily until 8 A. M. and 3 P . M . No. 482 Broome-st. corner Wooa-ter-st. ' " . . Je9 2t»

A STUUNG M A N of steady habit*, w h o understands accounts and can -write a fair hand, wishes, a situation

as light porter In a store, or In any capacity where his ser­vice* would be required. He would be willing to make himself generally useful. Satisfactory references given a* to honesty, i t c A moderate compensation would satisfy. Address P , A. Tribune Office. J92teod*

All of which will be sold at lhe-Iowe*t manufacturer*' price*.

Al*o, Canton Fire-Crackers, Double-Headers, Spunk or Joarick, Torpedoes,.Pulling Crackers, Ate

N. B. Exhibition Fire-work*, and colored fires of every description, at the shortest notice.

Country Merchants and dealer* generally are Invited to call and examine their atnek. /

GASSNER At YOUNG, 132 and 134 Chatbam-st ' directly opposite the Chatham Theatre.

And Dealer* In choice Green and.Black Tea*, White and "Brown 8njzar*,and Groceries generally; Soap and Candle*; Foreign Fruit*, and Wine* ; Segar* of all kind* j London Sauce* and Pickle*; Syrup*; Eo*t and West India Pre-aerves, Spice*, itc. &c

Atyo, Pavilion, Iodine, and Congress Spring' Water al-wwya on hand. « . ' . j^g

FI K K - W O K K ^ : F I R E - W O R K S : - , ISAAC EDGE,. Pyrotechnic Artist Jersey City, I* prepared to

furnish Fire-Work* to citie*. towns, public garden*, thfea-trea, i t c HI* present stock comprise* the moat brilliant variegated fire* and appropriate designs, ever manufactured In thl* country, and can be furni*h*d to any extent

ISAAC E D G E . Jr. Pyrotechnic Arti*t-Laboratory Jer*ey City. N. J .

N. B —No Agents. \ mv2H. eodt Tv4(s*

Fl K E - W O R R s ) : F l K K - W U t t h V ? I - T n e auuacri-ber offer* to the public the largeat and moat general a*-

•ortmentof FIRE^VVORKS In the city .which he will *ell on tne moat reasonable terms. Country merchant*, dealer* and venders In.general, are requested, before purchaalhg elsewhere, to call and examine bis stock. •*....

- CBARLES W . ' V U L T E E , Je2 tJy4* 116 Chatham-*t corner of Orange

F l R E - W O l R K S . — T h e aubacriber would invite the at-tention of dealera to hi* assortment of *• ireworka, which

he offers at reduced prices, consisting of China Crackers, Torpetoes , Serpents. Mines of do. and Stars,.Fire Wheels , Scr/'lla, fTnanglesr Verticals, Bengalaa,. Pigeons, Roman Cahdle*J»Rockets, i t c itc Ate all of superior quality. :

Also, a large assortment of Pieces suitable tor public and private exhibitions, of the most approved makers.

j'^4 t j>4* J. W . HALBERTON, 75 Maiden-lane.

FI . R f f C R A C K E R ^ — 5 0 0 boxe* Canton Fire Crack-era. together with a general assortment of warranted

Fire-Work*,, forsale fit the lowest market price*, wholesale or retail. ,*>v GASSNER At YOUNG. 132 Chatham-at my28

• e s s i , • .• i' ' . " •

SO N S O F T S a i P E S A N C E - L o v s Puritv and Fi-del iry- Great National Jubilee of the Sons'of Temper'

ance, to take place in thl* City, on Tuesday, June 9, 1846. The day will be uaberad ia by the. ringing of the bells of« tbe Churches, ID thl* and the adjoining Cities, at sunrise.

Tbe NadonalFlags will be display ed at ths City Hail, the Battery ,the St«te Arsenal, and all tbe public bu Using* in thl* city favorable to 'ho cause of Temperance. The Fountain* j of the dry will be in full play. '

A National Salute wil l be fired at 12 o'clock M., on the ; . Battery.

The Grand and Subordinate Division* of the several State* i will take post at a quarter before one o'clock, P. M. in tbe ' following order, preparatory to marching'into line under the direction of their respective Grand Marahal*. who will report themselves to tbe M. W..M,. at. Head Quarter*, Na- ' tional Hall, Canal-st, at 9 o'clock A M - or as soon thereaf-ter as may be convenient. . '•

The National Division In Hudson, ths right ra t ing on ': Ch«mb«r»-at.; State of New-York In Hudaon, their right on tbe left of ihe National Diviaion. The State of N. J«r*ey in Broome, the right on Hnd*on-«t I

. d o . Maryland in Vaadam, do. do . , do. Pennsylvania la Clarkson, do. do. do. Connecticut lo Chrtatopher, do.' do. do. Ma*aacbu*etts In Amos, do. do.-

District of Columbia, Stale of Maine and Ohio in Arcoa-at,

Seir ri^ht retting on the left of the State of Massachusetts •he order shove named.

. Tbe State* of Delawa'e, Indiana, North Carolina, South \ Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, MlssUalppl, KeoUr-kv. llli-noi*. Wisconsin Territory, Tennessee, Rhode Island, L*ui»-laha and Mlsaoun, In Charle*-*t, the right restinr on Hud-eon-at, in the order above named, all extending Eas t

The Grand Line wil l form la Hudson, the i-i* fat on Cham - j bera-st, (four abreast,) at one o'clock, precisely, where It will break Into column from the right, and march to the left, i a* follows : Up Hudson to "Fourteenth-*!-, through Four- ' teenth-*t to and around Union park to Broadway, down Broadway to Bond-at, thence to the Bowery, dowa Bowery to Grand-at, up Grand to East Broadway, throagh Eaat Broadway to Cbatham-«t through Chatham to the Park, the column wil l enter the east gate of the Park, where the fol­lowing exerci***' will take place':

-M. W. Patriarch Daniel Hi|Sand», of New-York, will ! preside, assisted by M. W. Associate. D. W . Morris, of New-Jersey. -

; . ' ] ' • Singing—" Thrice welcome, Brother*, here w e meet," by j

the whole , led by brother* MacdoBough,' Bulkley, Meeks, Holt, kc ,

PRAYER-A brief statement of the rise, progress and present po«i- !

tlon ef tbe Order will be read by M. W : Scribe, John W. j Oliver.of New-York 1 •

Singing—" When Bacchus held despotic away," by the whole.

tf HAM Ml" m m SKnttixm QaitB.

BY F . C O L T O N M e t cuan ts.—Store


BY B A N G S , R I C H A R D S dt P L A T T , - « t o r s > 204 Broadway,—Ltberai Cash Advance«<msde on con-

•lrnoMtOta for A union K«w. W E D N E S D A Y EVENING.

' BOSKS.—A large collection of Standard asd Miscellane­ous Works. School and Classical -Books, Stationery, kc. geoarally In quantities. •*

N O T I C E TO Pvut i suaa* —The valuable Stereotype Plate* and Copyrights of Book* h-retofori poblUbed by tbe bouse , of A- V. Blake, conaiatiog of thirty-five *e-«. Iccludieg 8 y -rOn'* Complete Works, Meadow 'a Frefcch and EoarlUh Dictionary, Blake's Biographical Dictionary, Young Ora­tor. Salkeld's Clawical Anttqultim, Kingaley'* Tacitu*, Cicero de Oratore. Chapln'a C'ls*slcal Soeldng Book, kc. •All be positively sold at auction at tbe ensuing Augu* t trad* sale, , ' > 8 tf -

•- F. COL.TON, Aqctionaer, ~" . •* dfc CO* -Auction and Commission No*. 113 Fulton and 34 Ann sta—

Liberal advance* made on good* eliher for private sale or at auction, and orom ot return* n a o a Out door sale* of eve- . ' ry description of goods punctually attended to and respect* • fu'uy solicited. .„

SHKati-r S A t x - - O N T.UESDAY, June 9th, a\ l a : o'clock, at No. 1107 Fulton-street a large and general assortment of Clock* of every, description, such as 30 day, S'dayand 24 hourido., of all atyle* Sod finlab. Alse, Bra**,.. Work* and unfinished Clock.*, together with Looking* Glasses. Stained Glass, Fixture* of Store, k c , * c .

•ON WEDNESDAY, June 10, • y At 10 o'clock, at the store N o S4 A n n a t ' ' \

By virtue of a chattel mortgage, a large and general ai-•ortment of new and *ecood-hand Furniture, conatating of. Wliton and Bruaaela Carpet*. Ingrain do, Oil Clotba, Sof«.«» Dlyans, Ottomaa*. Wardrobes, Center and Card Tab ea, Dreajatos: and riain Bureaux. Work-Ublea. DlnUnfaad Tee, do; Feather Beds. Maureaae*. Pillia*i*r*, Bed*te«d*; Astral, Mantel and Hall Lamp*, Glrande!t*v Cake Basket*. China and Glasa-ware, Oil Paintings,, l a r ^ pi« r Glaases^ Book Case*. \ \ Indow Shade*. m«hv>Jclu1y, »od curl maple Chairs. Office Deakf. Kitchen FurntturV, k c k c Also. 2 second­hand Piano Fortes.

,? On THURSDAY, June Uth.. At 10j o'clock, at No. 12S Sul'-ivan-at sear Prlncet

A *mall assortment of genteel Furniture, comprising So­fa*. Chair*, Table*, mahogany Rocker*, Bureaux. Bed- • tiea.da, three-ply andluyraip CarpeU, Fwaih-r Beds*. M»t-treaae*. Bedcing, Looking Glasaea. Hall Ltmp, Pictures Crockery and*Gl**a-ware, Kttcben Furniture, kc.'

sec SiJooKs.

AN A M E R I C A N W O M A N want* a *ltuaUon as cook, to wash and iron. She has no objection to going

In the country a short'distance for the Summer. She un-deralahds her business well. Call at 86 Essex-st. in the rear

je9 3 r '

A R E S P E C T A B L U Young Womad tiun as nurse and

given if required.

wants a sltua-seamstres*. Goo I reference can be

Apply at No. 26 Temhst . j«o 2 *

U H u W <JA»t£5J WAiNTKD—Mapi»gauy, about6 feet O long and.2 broad, with glass front and. top Apply to

je9 3t« ' W. K. CORN W E L L , 95 Beaver-at »s2 l T U A T l O M WANTJKD—By a Young Man 22yeur« O o( age in the Grocery or Dry Goods business, la expe­rienced ajd willing to devote hi* whole attention to hi* em­ployer*. Has recently been engaged in the South. Refer­ence* ao to character, ability, k c Address L. box 629 Post-Office. tf *• ' • . je9 Iwisy

S I T U A T I O N S W A N T E D . For cooks, nurses, waiters, housework Girls, Ate. Also, for Men servants.

The beat of servant* for city any country at>N. Y. Emply-ment Office. 5 6 # Broadway. T. P. SAUNDERS. 11*

%si7 A N T E D . — B y a respectable Protestant a aituatlon as » v plain cook, washer or lroner, one who'perfectly under­

stands her business and has the best of city reference, or to do general housework in a private family, none else need apply. Please to inquire 227 Houston- at the first floor.

je? 2t* __. . " • £•__"__ A N T i l D — t l y a respectable Y.oung. Woiuttn a ailiia-t l on todo cooking, washing and ironing or to do tbe.

general work of a small prlvete family—haa no objections to go asbort distance In the Country—good city rtference can be given from her late employers. Apply at 36 Spring-s t • , • •. , • je9 2i*

lit/ ANTED—Situat ions by two Young Women—one a " good cook, washer and ironer, the other as chamber­

maid, washer and-ironer—understands doing up rirje.cl'otbes in tbe neatest manner., Beat of City reference.—No objection to the country. Apply at 248£ Bowery In the thoe store.

j*9 2 f . • • - [

aitua-clotbes or

aaalat m chamber work. % Would be willing to spend the •ummer in thecountry or to travel with a Lady. P lease call at No 279 Mulberry-at' je9 2t*

•By a respectable Young Woman, a sltua-as cbambecmaid and to assise in washing and

Ironing, or assist in waiting. The best of city re<eience given from her last employer. Please apply 188 Ninth-st between Bowery and Tbird-avenue. je-9 2t*

situation by a respectablv Young Woman i nurse or chambermaid ; ha* got good re­

commendation* from her laat place. Please call at No. 74 Henry-st up atalr*. third floor. je9 2t*

CI R r U C A R . — T o the Book Trade.—HENRY LONG it BROTHER beg leave to announce to the Book Trade

throughout the- United State*, that tbey have established an Agency at No. 32 Ann-at. New-York, for the supply of country orders for every article in the trade at Publishers' prices. It Is the Intention of the undersigned to make tbe Agency which tbey propose to establlah a separate and Inde­pendent branch ot the book trade, and tbe advantages which will thereby remit to distant dealers, who require a special care and immediate dispatch bestowed upon particular orders, wil l be at once apparent - The undersigned have no hesitation In assuring such of the trade as may feel dbipoaed to favor'them with their business, that their commando will receive an attention that must necessarily rive perfect satisfaction.

„ H E N R Y LONG, References: •••

Messrs. Harper At Brother*, " Wiley k Putnam, * " Burgess, Stringer k Co.

. " .- Carey At Hart, • " Lea it Blanchard,

• " Ferrett At Co. , .


> New-York^- --.•

> Philadelphia. 5 j e . s 2 w l s \

WA N T E D — By a resptctnble ifoung Woman, a tlon as seamstress and to cut and fit children' a clot]

WA N T E D -tlon

W A N T S - A v as chlJdren's nurse or chambermaid

D a l l e y ' s M a g i c a l P a i n E x t r a c t o r Is the most rdmarkable remedy of the age for the cure of external dis­eases, or those which affect the Nervous System. It not only cares, but heals the moat aggravated wounds without leaving a scar! The best possible proof of ita Infallble vir­tues are tbe countless-number of certificates which areponr-ingin npon us In relation to extraordinary cures of Burns, Scalds, Nervoua Headache, Scurvy, Tic Doloreaux, Inflam­mation of the E t e s , Sprains, Coughs, Nettle Rash, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Cancer, Scald Head. Erysipelas, Fel­ons, Fever Sores, Broken Breast, and Sore Nipple*, Mum pa. Tetter and Ringworm, Scrofula. Ate 208 Broadway is the only Offie in New-York where the Genuine Pain Extractor can be obtained. -. j e 8 Gils

CS^ D a l l e y ' s M a f f l c n l P a i n E x t r a c t o r . — T h e only depot for the State of New-York is at 150 Fulton-st where. all Agents for this State can be suppled. All orders to be addressed lo Ansel ^rost, care of Wilde k Barnard, 150 Fulton-st N. Y. je8 6tls

- . — . •• — — . — • s B B * * s ^ ^ S » » > — i — — a

1ST C e r t a i n C u r e f o r t h e T o o t h a c h e . — T h a t most •gtysvatlng of all palna, the Toothache, can b^ speedily and permanently removed by applying the Clove Anodyne Toothache Drops, without.the leaat injury to the teeth or gums. These Drops have been highly pralaed by the great numbers who have used them and been saved thereby hours of pain. v

Prepared and sold b y H E N R Y JOHNSON, wholeaaleand retail Druggist and Chemiat, successor to A. B. Sands At Co. 273 Broadway, cor. Chainber*-at Sold also, at lOO^Fulton-• t and 77 Ea»t Broadway, and by Druggist* generally throughout the United States. Price 25. my 11 lmeodl*

XST D e a t h t o B e d b u s s . — T b o * e who are so unfor­tunate as to havts moved Into a bouse, whichis Infested with these animals, need not be discouraged, for with one bottle of bedbug remedy they can conquer an army of tbem Price 25 cents per bottle. For sale by DAVID SANDS k CO.Tl Eaat Broadway. . my!9 Iroeodia

W A N T E D — E m p l o y e r s at corner of Broadway and Broome for cooks, chambermaid*, nurse* and general

housework, with city reference. Every pain* taken to ault tbe applicant and no charge. Glrla for city and country, it*

WA N T E D — A purchaser for a smaUcash busineas that reqnirea only a capital of $40; the business will pay

an excellent profit and Wall cash; for particulars inquire.at 5 Dey-at. ihla morning. . •-\\7 A N T J B U - A aimatton by a middle-aged Man, as wal-* ~ ter or porter, and will be generally uisefu1 ; can. give

good city reference. Plea«e Inquire at 422i Broadway. je9 2t* . • t: •

A N T E D — A sltjiation by an American Young W o ­man for chamberwork and waiting, and by an English

Young Woman for housework. Have excellent references.-Please inquire at H22£ Broadway. . T » jeg^t" Vk/ A N T E D — A strong, active Boy in an umbrella u.anu-v v factory; one that is willing to open store early and car­

ry small bundles. "None r-eed apply that cannot give good reference. Apply 7 Cednr-st. up stairs. je9, It* :

W A N T E O — A man of busjnesa habits, with a small cap­ital, say $1,000, is anxious to engage in some lucrative

manufacturing business. The best of reference will be given and required. Address B- W at thi* office. ,19 2tls*

WA N T E D — A "situation by a Protestant Woman a* chambermaid and to wash and iron, or t o do the gen­

eral housework of a small family. Please call at 71 Stxth-avenne. In the bookstore. City reference. . je9 2t*

W ANTJJIS—A situation by an American Young Wo­man as chambermaid or waiter or plain cooking, wash­

i n g and ironing in a small family.. Please Inquire at 197 Heater st ' Je9 3t»

W A N T E D — B y a Protestant Oirl, a situation a» cham­bermaid and nurse, or chambermaid and waiter. Good

city reference. Apply at 194 Qreene-at je9 2t*

W A N T E D - At 188 Hudson-si. near Canal, employment fur first rate cooks, nurses, chambermaids, waiters, Ate

Je9 im* • • ' . . -

$25, R E W A R D wil l be.'paid for one ntixapaptr con­taining a notice of a legacy or sum of money left

either in Wales, England, or in. New-York, to tbe heirs of the Morris family, ot Chester County, Pennsylvania. Said notice was published between July, 1844, and July, 1845 — Applv at 49 Beaver-st. j ' 9 Iwla*


B°u OA1 er


-' »^ SV^M yo«Tsi • *•*•*>\ \ | t ^ p o P 0 , » * » o < the Coal Region of SchuylklU Coun-

asad ^ ww

, b o t t l 85.CpO. Tberekre also about 2000 horse* k»he trade ta the region. (Miners' Journal.

amoust o! Coal sh ipped from t h e L e h i g h

ne* during tbe « w k ftDdiog ^ e 2d ln*tsnt, and *lnce

°9talug of ,be navigation w a i as follow*;

SrLabJgh Co

| j , ' i r **c^<>wf.2794 00

-*»»tai t L 0 , e l >


©^neroi Notices.

Thlaweek^ Prevloualy. 24 514 05 18.537 JO 12 622 00 14.249 00 7,5»>! 00 1.428 00

3566 00 .1500 00 - 702 00

Total. 28.882 14 21.732.15 15.416 00 17.815 00 9 0 9 6 00 2.130 W

78^916 15 95.0T2 00

t S T S e n s o f T e m p e r a n c e — S p e c i a l Notice >—Mar; abals of Subordinate Divutoua in New-York and vicinity, wil l ascertain from the members ot their respective dlvia' Ion* the number of brethren (roax abroad each member can accommodate, and cauae the name and residence to be in­verted in the blank* for tbe purpose, which will bo furnish­ed to th« Marshal* on their applying at tbe Grand Scribe's Office, 21 Sun Building*. Theae blaok* when filled up to be handed or sent by tbe Marahal to either of the special aid* to the M. W.'Maeabal. -- By order, >

j«9 H* THOS. B . FLORENCE. M. W . Marahal..

t ^ « ! b y t o e C t M » 1 2 . J * e d ? , e l " a y 8 l h e P r o p o r t i o n *> th* Seerewry ( f ^ Z f * Delaware Canal Company Jaeotjre-irqulab It llZ?***^ . thkt the U. 3 . Govero-

OOK to $45C 000 h H ^ ! *toik of the Company. Wmended by tmu o f n w T L ^ " 1 •*«•<*«»<* to. and U re-^ * e d « n d i C r o v e S ,

l T ^ ! * ^ > 0 * * * • Canal is ^ ^ time to pas* t h r o ^ h ! T * o , l u U **> Permitted In all

t w p o r t a w i w i r k - ^ ^ K ^ C w , , a •valuable and * ^ *ad o f g S ^ ^ L : ! ! ! ^ . 1 0 . * ? • Individual Ot war n. . ,k . .

CSTt*on* of Temperance, s»tate of New-1 ork. —National Jubi lee— i be M*r»n«ia are hereby notified to march th-« **»ver>%l Dlvistona unoer their direction to Hud­son- s t on Tuesday, Jui>e9ih, at quarter before! o'clock, prerlaely. to participate in the National Jtbllae. The Grand L)ivt.to:i will form on tbe left of the National Division.— Subordinate Divisions will take plac« in tbe line according to number, No. 1 t>ain< the right The officers will.form accord log to rule laid down—member* four abreast Mar­shal* ol Subordinate Division* wi l l appear on foot Msr-•h»l» are particularly directed to keep tbetr respective Di­vision* well covered and distanced', and to allow no *mok-ing In the line. P. H. LAJLKER, Grand Marahal.

JOSCSK W. K a L t o c c , > . , , S. W . Cao.NK,. J A Q*' Je6 3t*

* « or other la *»uce to the (!<>W0 3el'tln0lWoe'

ptlon to coma»erce. * - " " ^

o f R e a l E a t s u e .


t t t00aoch . . . . ^laodrrtigtk^ rWsocUStk^t.


sIll^.^B^iasssVViai,: ** • 1 0

• 5 0 0

U n i t e d B r o t h e r a o f T e m p e r a n c e . — A s s o c i a ­tion Ho. l will boto a public T«mperaaice s>oeQng at Mar­shall Hall, corner of. Graad-st and Broadway,. This- Eve-Diajta. 8 o'oock. Addresses bv Mr. Ferria, Mr. Cunning­ham of Norfolk, Va. and the Rev. Mr. Hervey, a Baptist Minister 111 years of age. Tbe friend* of Tempersase and the public aeoerally are invited to attend.

It* , A. STORY, R - c Sec'y.

ZSBF 3. W. Dissaow, 4 Commorc*>*t Is the Agent for The Tribune at Nswark.

fST < ' M I H a ' » , , S u m m e r H a t s > conai*ting of pearl and white amooth and brush hats, Ate. Theae bat* are light and are trimmed )n aUch a manner BS to, preclude all poaal-. blltiy of being soiled by perspiration; and are pot in the least affected in shape or color by the rain, aa .most thin hats are; price only $< 50., A good assortment, of^Panama hats on band. ' . - . , • .

Gentle men who wish a neat and tasty Summer bat are requested to call and examine at " MILLS'S"

je6 2wis* 178 Broadway, Howard Hotel. .

BP~ A m l d o n ' s F a s h l o n a h l e S u m m e r H a t s , 1 7 7 Broadway, opposite Howard Hotel.—AMIDON'S cele­brated smooth Pearl and White Castor Hats, which have never been equaled by any other eatanliahment In thi* coun­try, are riow leproc'uced-wlih marked improvement-

The great superiority of theae Hat* over all others is that they retain their shape, elasticity and finish in all weatfaera ;. they are withal much the lightest and most comfortable' for general wear.

STRJIW.GOODS.—A choice assortment of Straw, Panama, Manilla acd Canton. Hat* for men.and boy*, finished la su- . perb atyle and at moderate price*. Gentlemen about mount­ing a Summer H»t are invited to look in at

| e 3 6ti* AMI DON'S, 177 Broadway.

B B ^ G e n l n ' s G o s s a m e r H a t s , weighing from 2J to S^ounce*. Price oniy $ i 50. It i» about two year* *ince the Gossamer Hat was first introduced by tbe subscriber to the notice of the New-York public, a* the lightest, the most de*lrable, and the most tasty article for Summer wear here­tofore In use. »."••••»••'•.-"•••

The astoni*hlng *ucce*« attending them, evinced by tbe extraordinary large amount of sales, and the popular ap­probation be8towedupon them by the many who have given them their patronage, have not been lost upon the subscri­ber, who, to show that he is ever anxious to excel In bis art, now present* for public patronage the Gossamer Hat much lighter and more pleasant than any other ever br-fore offer­ed. They are not liable,- like the Leghorn and Panama to lose either shape or color from exposure to the rain. They cannot be soiled by eliner'peraplralion or oil from the hair, •o commonly the case with other Hat*, for the much ad­mired *rylepf trimming*, originating with the proprietor, effecmaUy prevent* all thi*. Tfhi* i* a.decided advantage over all other Hala.

The public are Invited to call and »ee this article at J. N. GENIN'S Hat and Cap Store,

my26 lstf 214 Broadway, opposite S t Paul's Church.

XW K n o x ' s Summer etylo of Hats are now ready for inapectloa and sale at N a 128 Fulton-st (Sun Building*) consisting of Oregon Beaver, White and Blue Brush Hat* a large assortment of Gtmtlemen's Panama and Leghorn Hat*; al*o, .a,new*tyle of Boy*' Summer Hats. Gentle- . men can have their Hats made to order. my 14 lmlo*

I D A T 1 S 9 B R O O Y I E - S T — A alngle *en jau can be accommodated with a pleasant room and

good Bcferd, In a private family, by applying as above. Re­ference require i. s • je9 l w *

TO Li ET—Near Broadway, In Walker-st two very de­sirable apartments, furnlahrd or unfurnished, with or

without board. The family is private and will only take a few boarders to whom the comforts of a home will be ex­tended. References exchanged. Apply at No. 91 Walker-a f •-• - : Je9 7flltbl3tbl5thl7ihl9th20th

A R O O M W A N T E D without board by a Man and hi* Wife, unfurnished- Term* must be moderate.. Address

A. C. M. Tribune office, stating terms and location. N. B.—A b«*d room also wanted. je9 It*

A F i t W genteel boarders can be accoaimodited with pleasant rooms al 99 Chambers-st • Je9 Im"

W. H . G R A H A M ' S " D A I L Y B U L L E T I N O F

CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, Tribune Buildings, Nassau-street

Pictures from Italy by Chaa. Dickens; price 12J cts. The Confessions of a Pretty Woman, by Miss Pnrdoe,

author of the City of the Sultan; price £5 eta ' " Emilia Wyndnas*. by the author of T w o DhkMens'

Tales, a most interesting work; price 25 cts. ' 7">.— The Poems of Henry W. Lpngfellow; price 50 cts. Oir*s B^ek of Swimming, Illustrated ; price 124 ct*. , Farmer*' Library for June;.subscription $5 00,50 cts per

No. Graham's Magazine for June, a splendid number with

Paris Fashion*: aubscriptions $3 00, npr No. 25 cU. American Flora, No. 4; price ?5"cts. The French Cook, a most useful culinary assistant; price

25 eta,- I Henry Ruasell: or the Year Tw#> Thousand: price25ct*. LeouDu Calaver. an historical novel, by Dennis Hanni-

gan, author of the Oranee Girl of Venice; price 124 cia . The Artisan of Lyone; or Love'a Traces, a romauce by the

author.of Leon De Calaver, Orange Girl of Venice ; one of thi* author's b^st works > price 25 cts. ,J

The Matricide, by John K DuerJU.S N . ; price 12J eta. Tbe Tower of London, by Ain«worth, wltp4 illustrmions.

The Tower of London i s England's bisto-y; price 50 cts. • The Copper Mines of Lake Superior, with an excellent

map; price $1 00. ;. ' ' . An excellent map of Texas,' Oregon and Calafornla;

price 75 cts. Ramero, or the Prince and the Prisoner, by Professor ln-

graham; price 25 eta. ' Napoleon and bis Marshals, by Headley; 2 vols, p r i o

$2 50. , . ; All agen'ssiipplied at publishers' prices by t •

j»9 2tla W H. GRAHAM, Tribune Buildings', Nassau-st

N O W P U B L I S H E D . ICKENS'S N E W WORK—Pictures from Italy, by Ch'<rl<-u Dickens, in one elegantly printed 12mo. volume.

Price"37J cenis. This hook Is as full of matter as an egg of meat It Is

perhaps the most pictureique book of travel* ever publish­ed. A new Interest Is given to the most fBmlllar object* of the Italian tour. The description of Italian churches and of the ceremonies of the Holy Week comes nearer to sup­plying all that could be known by being actually present at, those scenes than any account w e have overseen A des­cription of an execution at Rome is very vivid, in-Dlckens's beat style. There are Innumerable touches, traita of hu­mor and character worthy of the author of Nlckleby and the Pickwick Papera. [Mornlng*News.

MAHAN'S N E W WORK. -A Treatise on Field Fortifications, containing Instructions

on the method* of laying out, constructing, defending and attacking lntrencbments, wltb the geaeral on Mines alao of the arrangement, tbe attack, and defei co of perma­nent fortifications, by D. H-" Mahan, auth.,.- of Military" and Civil Engineering in the United State* Military Acade­my, West Po int Second edition revl*ed, re-written and considerably enlarged; with 12 large steel plate*, la one neat 18mo. volume. Price $1.

"je9 2tl« W I L E Y At PUTNAM, 161 Broadway.


WM. TAYLOR At CO.'S. No. 2 Aator House.-Dlcken*'* new.work, 'Ptctures from Italy'—37j cts.

Confession* of a Pretty Woman, by Mis* Pardee, author of City of the Sultan—25 eta. ' . ' • - - . . •

No*. 81 and 82 Harper*'Illuatrated Shakapeare— 25 ct*. Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent, by Carleton, a well

told Irish tale—50 ct*. . ^ Longfellow's Poems, chnap edltMrn—50 cts. Twenty-four: Years In the Argenflfs Republic—$1. Napoleon and bis Marshals, by J. T. Headley—$1 25 • The Angler's Guide, with engraving*—50 ct*. The Art of Swimming do 12J clc. Emilia Wyndham—25 cts. The Chronicles of Clovernook— 25 cts. Ramtro, pr the*Prince and tbe Prisoner—25.cts.

. Harpers' Pictorial Bible, bound to order In all styles and price*. . - ' * . ' • . : • •

All the Review*. Quarterlies and Magazines for June for sale wholesale and retail by W M . TAYLOR Ac CO.

je9 2tis ^ (• „ 2 Astor House.

G E S E N I U S ' S H E B R E W L E X I C O N A N D

G.RAMMAR.—D. APPLETON k CO. have in preaa Bax­ter'* complete edition of Geseniua's'Hebrew and Cbal-

dee LexicoH to the Old Testament Scripture*,. translated with addition* and corrections, by Samuel P. Tregeilifs.

Geaenius's Hebrew Grammar, enlarged and improved,by E. Rodiger, D. D. Prof; of Oriental Literature, in the Uni­versity of Halle, translated by Benj. Dtvia, D D. of ihe University of Leipaic, with a Hebrew Reading Book by the tranalator. 1 vol. 8vo. , . - je8 21s

T O T H E M I L I T A R Y A N D S P O R T S M E N .

THIS D A Y PUBLISHED, a Treatise on ihe Rifle, Mus­ket. Pistol and(*FowliDg PleceJ embracthir Projectiles

and Sharpahootlng. Also themanfacture of Guns and the preparation of the materials suited to their construction. A new armament proposed—more efficient ornamental, and of leas we ight By N. Boa worth, civil aad military e n g i neer. One vol. 12mo. Price. $1.

This work Is recommended by Col. Bankhead and also by Gen. Sanford. For sale wholesale and retail by

j*G st ; . A * ;.:.:: J. S. REDFIELD.

Addreas by Philip S. White; of Pennsylvania, M. W . Treasurer. T

Singing—"A goodly thing it Is to meet," by the whole. Benediction; -. .

After the exercises the Procession will be dismissed. Friend* of tbe cause'of Temperance and the Order are

respectfully desired to furnish Water to the Members of ths Order in procession while in tbe line of march.

By order of THOMAS B. FLORENCE, M. W . Marshal.

Committee of Arrangements —John W . Oliver, SamlEll ls , Jamea Fleming, Nathan Seeling,1 Jr., A D. WIl*on.

Gansrol Aids —Alex. McCotter. C. F. Wilkinson, Dr.T. L. Murphy, A. F. Cuaalngham, Wm. WaUoa.

Special Aids.—Jc,hn 8tewart, Wm. Jones, F. W . GUley, Schureman Halsted, Walter 8. Cosine, Thomas H. Oakley, Alex. Young, W. J. C. Aaderaon, Jamea B. Wood. John F. Hoss, Cyrus F. Lee,Thorns* M. S Jenkins. Geo W. Dewev . G.-W. Batcheldor, J. R. Crocker, J. W . Appleton, W. J. Mullen, R. B. Parkinson.

New-York, June 2d. '846. . A \ . je« 3t* O R U L A R 8 ' JPA1R—Tbl* grand exhibition of School Products, including work* of nature and art, at 140

Grand-st will be open ibis week! day and evening. Admls-slon 12}cents; children6j. je9 2t*

AM E R I C A N mUstEUftl.—Maunlficent Perform­ance*thl* afternoon at 3 o'clock; and thl* evening at-

8 o'clock.. On' On! On to Victory! The Living Orang Outang! which ha* been visited by over !0,0t»0 since It* arrival In this country, will be] on exlbltton al all hour* during day and- evening. She 1* the most .wonderful creature in the whole animal kingdom—the connecting link between the human and brute creation.. One we*k more of those beautiful Mammoth Boys, the Scottish Highland Brothers, Charles and Alexander Stuart, of Royal descent,' and of tbe most enormous proportions—being only 9 and 7 year* old, and yet weighing, together, over five hundred pound*.

BY 4 A . U K S • « . t»»l l .aUK*c- *

TUESDAY.. Jurfe 9th, , A t 104 O'clock, at tbe atore No. 2 Liberty-at

BOOTS, SHOES AND SROGANS—1.000 cases Boot*,Shoes aad Brogana, confuting of every variety, suitable for Southern Western and Northern trade.% Sale positive. '

WEDNESDAY, June 10, At 10J o'clock, at ihe *tore of Chamberlain k Goldthwake

No. Sn^Peari-at • . ' BOOTS. SHOES AND BaocASs—500 case* fresh aad season­

able Boots-, Shoe* and Brogaa*. coaaistuig.of the usual va­riety for Southern. \Voaterp and city tra^e | > A ( X A J P l C T t ' R H * A T A U C T I O N — 1 8 Modern Aw .OH Painting*, by Huntingdon, Doughty, Birch, Da Franca, Richardson, MarslgUs. jQurford aad Megary, com-prlaleg the entire collection, of a gentleman goiax to Eu­rope. The Picture* are o{ undoubted paternity, havtos been purchased by lbs owner from the above artist*. The collection comprise* Landscape, Historical and Marine Subjects. Al*o, 22 Fine Oil Palatlog* by the old masters. Tbey will ail be ready for examination on Tueaday sad. Wedneaday, (8th and 10th la*t) from 8 A. M. to IP P. M-. at our new Picture Gallery, 304 BroadwaV, corner Duane-st. Sale on Thursday, 1 l'th [ln*l., at 10 o'clock A. M. Private entrance for ladle* on Duane-«c If preferred.

je8 4tl»



t J A N D S O r U E N E W and AucUeneer. t

|Second-hand Furnltuie-JLJL By H. E. Wlllard.—Thl*;Uay, Tueaday, June 9th,at 10

, 17 Witil-at- -Sof*», Chair*, Divan*.

o'clock, at the aalea room, NO. Rocker*. Tea, Dining, Card; iad Pier Table*, u i r « French oedateada, Carpets, Oil Cloth*, rich gilt aad *Uver Girandoles, Bureaux. Deaks, Cut Glaaa, China, k c

WKDNESOAY, June 10, At 10 o'clock, at tbe aalea room, a beautiful aaaortment of /

Siu/fed Bird*, alngly and in glaaa case* Of 1 to 20, packed at •mall expenae to K<> any diatanct*. , u*

Wti . a . JUtt t:«l AucuoueW. R O G A N » , ob Wedne*-

, at lhe store of J. D. , In-No. 222 Pearl-*t{ 2tW caaee, comprising a

ge aad desirable a**or;imeni H)f Boots, Shoe* and Hiiro-They hold their Leveqa and Soiree* Myatertouay| gana, *ultable for the Southern, Western and City dealers

BO O T S , S H O E S A N D day, June 1-7th, al lei o'clo<

geraoll k Co.

-day and evening, and at each performance appear on toe : Juat received. stage and give the most astounding developments In Mes­merism, ever witnessed in any age-or country. The Ana­tomical Vanus continue* to attract: tiiou*and* of tbe scien­tific and Intelligent It I* exhibited In a separate apart­ment, at an extra charge of only 25 cent*. It ahowa all the Internal organa of the hum an body, such as the brain,, heart lung*, liver, nerve*, Atc.j Alao engaged, the two beautiful and accomplished Miesea Jullen, only 8 and 10 years old, yet the most talented, and graceful Dancets on tbe American hoard*. Also engaged, the talented and popular Great Western. Yankee Comedian ; Barney Wil­liams, Delineator of Irish Character; Mrs. Hough. Popular Actreaa; Wm. Whlilock, Banjo Player and Ethiopean Melodlat; n e w and magnificent Chromatrope; ScrlptU'e and other Diasolvlng Views; Grand Comic Melange; Laughable Irlah O io; Mad. Rockwell, the famous Fortune Teller. Admission, 25 centa; children under 10, Ui cents.

je8-- • . . . . 1 '_.

( \ I B I . O ' S ( 3 A R D K N - T t i e a d a y evenintf, June 9ih, L\ 1816—The proprietor of thlia popular and faahlonable resort beg* to announce that/hi* Summer Season will com­mence on the above named date. He has also great pleasure In announcing the engagement b r the

W H O L E WONDER* Uli RAVEL FAMILY ! On T.u«aday,'Jurje 9th, the ent^rtainmenu will commence

With a popular Overture After which, GLIMPSES Otr T H E VATICAN IN ROME!

To conclude with the Comic Pantomime'of M. DECHALUMEAU! • .

• Doors open at 7 o'clock, to begin at 8 o'clock precisely. Ticket* 50 coot*. • [ Je9

Catalogues and goods' ready oa the day o i mhlOtrSm* the aale.

" M A N U F A C T U R I N G - E S T A B L l S H M E W T r

IN T H K City of New-York, for aale at aucitou at tbe Merehanu' Exchange, b y s N T H O N Y J. BLKECKER,

at 12 o'clock on Wednesday, the tenth dav of June Inst— The Steam Engine, Bollera, Shafting and Flx'urea, belong-Ing vo the leasee, in the Veaey Steam Mill*. No, 5*1 and 00 Veaey-at will ke*oid a* above, and the 'ease of the prem­ise* assigned tq the purchaser. The building* are fifty feet wide from aud rear, aixty feel deep, and four stories high, beside* tba hsaeineui, with two rear build lug*, aad a cart­way leading thereto. The location 1* probably ths beat in the.city—lhe Croton Water 1* introduced, lhe works are In operatioo, and In complete order, and^the eatablishment u well calculated for thoae who Have a'Manufacturing bUsI-m-asof their own, a* there ffia* bt» auffii'lent room now vacant lo accommodate them, and lhe apariment* reot*d produce over Sixty Dollar* a%week, payable weekly. The premlaea can be examined daily, and every lcfoimallon ••ivi-ri by T- LENT, who ha* charge of the eatabltatiment.

Also, will be sold at tbe saute time aad place, three Dash Wheela with gearluK complete, (now lying out of uee on said preuiisea) such «a are used in print works. je4 tills* - J- • a 3 ' ! ' • »-—!

MF U R SJAI^E—86th-au 5th-aVeuu*j—3, 6 or 10 valu­able Building Lot* ou 35tn-*t between the 5ih aad 6ib avenues, eacn ub by 100 feet One half can lie on-

mortgage for three year*at 6 per cent Apply to Je9 l w BLEECKER At VAN DYKE, No. 11 Wall-st

CA S T L E G A R D E N - A d j m l s a l o n 25 cenU-Monday and Tuesday evenings, 8th and 9th—Overture to La

Gazza Ladra; Mr. Roesael will | perform a grand Flute CH-vatlni; the Mi«a Valleea In a Paa de Deux; Overture to Bronze Horse; the 100 Cosmprcmas: La Prince de Horn-bourg; Beats there a Heart. La Bayadere, Mr. Holman ; A Grand Waltz Die Nachwandler; To conclude with the Over, ture Oneron. j jo8

GE O R G E H E N R Y D J E R W O R T , respectfully announces that at the request of many friend* he will

f ive-a Concert, at the Apollo Ksjloon, on Tuesday evening, : une 9, on which occasion the following eminent Artists •

have moat kindly volunteered-)—Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Ph. Ernst, Mr. A. Wollenhaupt, and Mr. Jacob!. On thl* oc- [ casion Mr. Derwort'* four Children, from 4 to 10 year* of i »ge, will appear for the first time in public—Miss Marian, j Vocal and Violin ; Miss Eliza, Piano Forte: Miss Caroline, | Piano Forie and Vocal; Master [William, Violin and Drum, j Mr. A. Wollenhaupt and G. H. Derwort will preside at the i. Piano Forte. Ticket*, fifty, cents, to be obtained at the uaual i places, and at, the residence of G«org*» Henry, Derwort, ! 427 Broadway. je 82t j

T H E M O S T D E J L I G H T F U L of ail j Excursions.—A sail across tho Hudson River to Hoboken, and 4hen a walk to the

Elysian Field*, along the exceedingly piciureaqueaborea of the place, will prove the moat easily accomplished and at­tractive of all) rural excursion* that can be made from the city. 0 i f ,

The grounds now present a charming aspect, the trees being in leaf, and the soil covered with a rich turf.

The Walks are in excellent order, having been consider­ably embellished the present Spring.

The Ferry Boats frtjtu Barclay,;Canal and Cbristopher-st are completely fitted up with Awning* and Seats.

Night boats run from Hoboken to Barclay-st until 11 ocl'k Ferriage 6$ ct*. I myl 4mieua

. , - , a

SRI T O JLET—The baaenjenl Stonf,39 Exchange Build-

•x*y 3SSC


HA N D S O M E L . Y furnished rooms board; apply 118 Cbamberg-at. N. Y.

to let without Jf9 Steod"

Bn^AK!>.'—Trttnsieut> and permanent- boarders can be I'ccommodttied with peasant rrJoma and tjcod board, at

No. 2ol Fulton, two minute*' walk from S t Paul's Church.— Term* moderate.. References exchanged.- je9 Iwj**

HO A R D — O n e or two Ladle* or Gentlemen: can be ac comiuodated with genteel board, With a amail private

family, where no other nonrdera wil l be taken, Tbe rooma are large, airy and well furnlahed—the comforts of a home realized, and a private table if desired. Addres* Private;, Tribune Office. . m t 2 5 lmla*

BOARD.—Gent lemen and.their w i v e s , or single Gen­tlemen will find it to their advantage by calling at No. 10.

Rose-st to view me room* and aatiafy themselves as to the location- Good beds and board can be obtained on reason­able terms. Day boarders, or by the single meal, ortran-slent can find a noma '•_ je4 lwis*

O A R D — A Gentleman and hi* wife, or a few single -geatiemen can be accommodated with pleasant room*

and good board'at moderate price*, by applying at 154 Ca-nal-St Je3 lwia*


G e n t l e m a n ' s S u m m e r H a t s . — B I R D , cor. of Pine and Na**au-au., invite* the attention of hi* customers and die public to his assortment of Summer H s u , consisting among others of white and pearl colored lUr bats, exceed-ibgiy light; Panama. Manilla. Canadian straw hats; also extra light black beaver and moleskin bats expressly adapted for the sammer season. _ , . -

my25 lmla* BIRD. cor. Pins and Nassau sta.

B s O A R D l N G in Cbamher»-*t—Two or three young O .Gentlemen can be accommodated with excellent board and rooms by applying at 76 Cbsmbers-st 1 door Wai t of Broadway. Reference* exchanged. my2T2wl*

AS S O C I A T I O N I S I T S havingany inclmauon to live In the combined order.'can be fully informed aa to tbe

progre** and prospect* of The Eclectic Phalanx of Gilmer County (late Lewia) Weatern Virginia, on application to John F. French, City Hall, or by note to Truaiee at thi* of­fice. . . y-9 It-

SA L . E O F C A M E J L I A S . — T b e great sale of Came-lnt», kc. belonging to the estate of the late Geo. F. Han­

son, Esq. will take place this day at 3 o'clock, P. M. at. the, G.-een-house* South *lde 43d-st between 8th and 9tb ave-, Dues. The Kmckerbocker^Stages will take passengers to 23d-at whence atage* proceed up the 8th-avenue,..paasiDg 43d-*t If the weaiher 1* unfavorable the aale wiil-taae ptac-. on the firet fair day after. Je9 I f

AM E R I C A N F A T K N T V I C E S , comer^Broad and Beaver.—Sherman, Atwater At Co. Agents for iheNPa-

tentee, ofier for aale a anperlor article of American Vice*,, aasoned pattern* and aize*. - • 3*f

G H E A P T O O L S . — A large' quantity of cheap tool*, •ome *llghtly damaged, are now offered for aale atMc-

Ciain'i tool *tore, 149 Sprmg-st Al*o, a full assortment of fir.i quality tools at reduced prices. j"9 Ivr"

FO R S A L . E — 2 5 T H S T . - O n e lot oa 25th s t near tne Third-avenue. Apply io

j e 9 1 w ^ BLE ECKER k VAN D Y K E , No: 11 Broad-st -Ooe lot on 30th s t near

D O L O R E S , N O . 3 , , ARRING.—The publication qf this work

reached its third number^ the foufta and last will soon follow: This novel illustrate* South American life ia all Its varieties, presenting a series of pictures and Incident*, original and truthful. Published by:

MARRENNER/.LOCKWOOD k CO. Je6 Stt»* No. 459 Broadway, <-or.- Grand-at1

. « . ' ' • ' j . ' - i ' ! . P R H E U M A T I S M

IS PERFECTLY CURED, tu from three to nine days, b y the use of Dr. Cummin's Internal Rheumatic • Remedy.

Upwards of seventy persons bave been cured since it was first made known to the public. Their ceriific«ies can be *eenand their residence* given'at the .office, by any"-on.e who will caJL The medicine Is taken Internally, and tbe effect I* almost invariably felt before 'he third dose bas been taken. So confident is the proprietor of it* extraordinary power*. that he <uarantiea to return the.money in every case where it fails. Sold a tone dollar per bottle; at the only agency in thla dty. 'No r84.NiHtp-avepuel '• • ' . . j t o l m l s '

WI J L L I A I r l S B U R t t H F I H . E Insurance Company. — WilUamburirh, June 5,1846.—The following gentle­

men were elected Directors of this.Company at the annual election on the 2d ia*t •••'/;


iUinrjuuj Bbabea.

G™ R 1 E E N W I C H - S T . WINDOW Shade D^pOt!— The subacrlbera have now oh hand a new and com­

plete atock of Window Shades, conatating of the very best and most fashionable styles now extant, which they witl aell at a great reduction from former prices. Country mer­chants,', dealers and furnishers arej invited to call and exam­ine for themselves previous to purchasing elsewhere. Re-membsr the names and number

• BERRIAN k GREASON, je9 ImlsPStW No. 247 Greenwich-at New-York

W I N D O W S H A D E D t t p j O T , 180 B o w ' r y . - W m . Be'rrian respectfully informs tbe ladies of New-York,

especially those residing in the upper part of the city, thai he has now on hand the most beautiful and select assortment of Window Shade* to be found ldithe city. Price* varying from $1 to $20 per pair. Alao, a, amall invoice of French Landscapes of lbs latest style, and most beautiful pattern*.

my23 I mis* «, | •' •

W I N D O W S H A D E S — W I N D O W S H A D E S I

2 C l l f ! PAIRS, Wholesale and Retail—consisting In j i i U l ' p a r t of Interior ViewsJ Ablxty Gothics, Roman

Arches, Full Landscapes, Desert Scene*. Scroll Patteras, k c all of which are painted by the most celebrated Italian, French and American artists, warranted waahable and per­fectly transparent! at a great red action from former prices.

E D W A R D W A N S L E Y , my 141ml* No. 20 Csthariue-sL near Chatbam-iquare.

G R E A T B A R G A I N ^ in Boots and.Sboe*.—In consequer.ee of tho recent' fire* at 73 Malden-Isae, the entire stock of French Calf and Patent Leather Boots, Gaiter*, Brogan*, kc- comprUlng the most

extensive assortment ever offered la tbe city, and wbicb were damaged by water—will be !oflared for aale this day by the package or single pair. Sales to. continue until the'

-is dii

3 entire stock is disposed Of. Je6 lwia*


Samuel H. Cutpp, Charles O. Handy, Samuel Wiileus, Jeremiah Johnson,

Wm. Laytln, 9r«d. W. Favre, Nicholas Wyckbff, A C. Benedict,

L<»m'l.Rlchard*on, Thoma* McElrath, A T. Van Soakers? Francis Dubois, Washington P o s t

At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the 4th ins t Lemuel Richardaon, Esq. resigned hi* office as Pre*> ldent,and WASHINGTON POST wa* elected to fill the vacancy occa*loned thereby. • . . :

Thi* Company continue to Insure against loss or damage by fire on reasonable terms. • •

Agency Office No. 74 Wall-«U New-York, my 11 lmis ~~, \ MECHANICS' BAWKIMC ASSOCIATION, )

New-York, June 5:h, 1846 ..)

F O R SAJLEr^A splendid upright sec­ond hand Plaao| Forte, generally called Harmonic It haa been very HtUe uaed,

_ and i* in perfect ordT. Also, a second­hand Horizontal, In good order, will be sold low. Just " lahed, a superior Rosewood 6 octave Piano.

I GEORGE F. HOLMES, J«3 lwl** .14 Third-avenue, nvnr Tompkin* Market

S P E R M O I L A N D ! C A N D L E S At very l o w price*.

T O. F O W L E R has just receiveji a lot of superior bleich-*' • ed Sperm OIL which he Is offerii Also a fine article of refined-whii do at 62i cts,' and Sperm Candles cents per lb,

Also—White, ye l low aad bro kinds constantly on hand aad for! sals at reasonable prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge.

J. O. FOWLER, je3 lwl**-; 250 and 428 Greenwich and 76 Veaey sta.

MO D E L . O F N E W - Y O R J r £ . - ^ T h e underrigned 1* now receiving order* for view* to be represented

upon the Csappy of his Model of New-York, which will be soon completed. These v iew* vary from 10 to 301nche«ln length, and are represented for a ;mod*»rate compensation.

ing, near tile corner-of Exchange-place and WUliam-• t ' Po**ea*lon given Immediately. The store 1* now

occupied a* a. book, and obeap publication, store. This Is one of tbe best stands for a boot and shoe store in t h e c l t y ; it waa formerly occupied for.lhal business. For farther par.. llcular* inquire, on the premlaea. of D. H, Croaby. Je8 ill**

MT O L.iLT—The dwelling part of HoV*e corner ot Tweniietb-at. and Ninth-avenue, (Cbeleea-aquere,) re­plete with every convenience for a boarding houso

or school; has sixteen rooms, Including bath room, water c loset range, and all the modern Croton water fixtures. Rent low l o o g o o d tenant iuquire of.

D. A. CUsHMANt No, 188 Pearl-st. myl9 istf or 9tu-avenue. between 20ih and 21at sts.

1 1 . . . . . ' L . . g •• - ' • • 1 1 p j [ i• i• mi.

' v '' NEW-VOKK ^ C A S H T A I L O R I N G E S T A B L I S H M E N T .

BEN J. W, BliiNdON, Draper aud Tailor, respectfully Inform* hi* patron* aad lhe public generally that ha

has removed to tae New-York Case Tailoring Establish-ment. No. 141 Fulton-at near Broadway, where can be found an extenaive assortment of Cloth*, Ca*slmere*. Vest­ing*, Ate. which will be made tor order in the most' fashions-. ble style for caah. , , • • f

Mr." A. S. Fiaher will bave charge of the cutting depart-l menu To thoae who know Mr.'F.'* unrivaled qualities lni thearilt i* unnecessary io say more thau to name him by connection with that d« partmeul of the business.

A choice and general assortment of gentlemen's fancy dreaa article* constantly on hard. •' my$ ifi*

J O S E P H B , C L O S E & OO. No. 12 Bow«sry.


FASHIONABLE CLOTHING at wholesale or retail, and the largest assortment In anyone Storeln the cltyl1 Call

and see. N. B. Purchaser* remrnlsg the' good* uniollod wlihia three days after purchased can have their niouey again. ,' ' *4 Sini«- .

S P R I N G G O O D S . - W M . T. J E N N I N G S At CO. Dra-£J per* and Tailors, Importer* of Cloth*, Caaalmere*. Vsst-

inga, Faacy Dreaa Articles, i t c 231 Broadway, yppoaite the Fountain, are prepared for the Spring Trade wlta Uie tuoai exien*lve.a**ortmeni of good* < they have ever .offered for inspection, comprising French and English Cloths, Cassl-mere* In various new styles; Veating* In great variety, which will be made up to order, through the aid of a* effi­cient a corp* of cutler* a* can be found la tbe country, at price* that have given a character -to the establishment for moderate charge*.

In reference io Pantaloons,In which so few cullers excel, we would observe thai the attention olrected thl* department must contitiUtf io offer inducement* to those who appreciate fit combinibg ease and elegance.

In addition to the uaual aaaortment of good* kept by the . trade, w e have alway* qn baud Dreaa aud Frock Costs, Veats, Business Coats and Fancy Dress Article*, Including Scarf*, Cravats, Handkerchief*, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Muslin Shirt*. Collars, bosoms, ice . my26 latf

CA S H D R A P E R S A N D T A I L O R S . 187 Broad­way.—J. C. Booth k. Co. having received additional

supplies of choice Goods, would reaped uily invite the at-ten turn of their customers and the public Their a toe*. Is " not only extensive, but comprise* the richeai qualities aad pattern* of Veating*, OMwimeres, Drillings, Ace. that are to be fouud In thl* or foreign markets.

Having unusual tacUiUa* In buying, tbey are enabled t o offer airoog Inducements to purchasers, though It should bo understood that their low price* have reference onw to the finest quality of malarisis and workmanship, and that gar­ment* produced at their aetabllshsnent are not axtrpassed, la any particular, by any bouse la the Union. ' ' .

The Cutting Department. U conducted by Mr. J. L e e , whoae simoaf Infallible skill In ths art la ths result of long experience andaludy, and who possesses tbe happy faculty o f accommodatiag fashion to form-, and of selecting atyle* ofdr^mn moat fitting and appropriate to the season. my21i*tf


. i •

1 ' . .

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' . ,

. :*



ering at 8 l per gallon.— Oil at 75 cts, white Solar f the best quality at 25

Sugars of all the various

Djy jgs f tSs&^Hw^

t O R S A L E - 3 0 T H S T ,

• j e 9 l w ^ . m E E C K j l R . k V A N D Y K E , N o . U W a l U t I V J O R T H E R N B A R I R O N , dec—200 tons North-L v e r n flat Iron. '

loCUins Northern Square Iron , : • 200 d o New-Je»*ey Bloom*, for sale by S H J L R M A N , A T W A T £ R k C a c Q r . B r o a u k Beaver sta.

six months, payable on and after the 10th Inst Until that date tbe transfer books will be closed.

i».fi4tia« - JOHN K. CORNELL..CasrrUr,

W ES'TERJr- ' lEL.D'S Newly ImproveQ Kitcnen j Range* —These celebrated two oven Ranges, econo-= !

mical in fuel, simple ia construction, and neat la appear- j ance, bave'grven general satisfaction, aad large numbers of \ citizen*' named can be glven :in their favor. Peraons wish- j Ing to purchase Range* would do well to call and examine the same, a* he ha* ju*t completed a new range auperlor to j any offered to the public All Range* put up by i ho sub- i acriber are warranted to give entire •atiafaxUon. Builders and Plumbers dealt with on reasonable terms. J

J. W E S T E R F I E L D . 742 Broadway, . my20 2awlml** aesxly oppo«lte Waverly-place.

C^ I T Y L O A N S — P e r s o n s desirous of Investing money ^ia the Bond* of the City of New-York, i**u«d ia antici­

pation of the collection of the Taxes, payable on> the 1st or 15th day of Feb. March, April, May, or June next, with in­terest ax 6 per cent par annum, can do, so in sums of $250 aad upwards, on application at this office.

JOHN E W E N , Comptroller. Comptroller's Office,' 5 Hall of Records. '

JuneJ2d,1846-_ . j je3 Iwi*

BEDBUGS: BED BUGS:—WATsoN'slBedBug Destroyer ia the most wonderful discovery e»er made

for immediately destroying these vermia, however aumer-ous, aad eternally banlahlng them from the premise* by one application. "Beware of worthless imitations. For sale only at Apothecaries' Hall, 36 Catherme-at, and in Brooklyn at Mrs. Hay ear's 139 Fulton-st Price 25 cent* per bottle.

je8 2w1s ,••;

Bualne**, Maaufactortes, Hotel i , Private ,"Kesldeaces, Steamboats, Packets, k c Ate A number of ibe first artlsu, both landscape and decorative painters, can find employ­ment by applying at the office; also several person* of in­genuity, and a number of agent* capable of tfan*acting bu*l-nei*. Office hour* from 2 to 6 P. M.

mv4 e^diatf E . PORTER B E L D E N . 360 Bro&tlway.

PA . T K N T « > K A T H E R » H < I K ^ ^ - C a l f D r e « * tfhoes, Nullifier*, Pump*, Brogan*. Slipper*. Aic k c cheap for;

cash. JOHN'L. WATKINS, je41miseod j 114 Fulton-st

DR E S S B O O Y S . - L a t e « t F r e n c h «tyle-from $250 to SS pe/ pair. For sale by JOHN L- W a T K I N S , *

^je4 lmi*ood ^ - [ - 114Fulton-t

G" K N T S G A I T E K . B O W ^ t - O f all kiad*—Latest French style, from $t ,75 io $3.50. For **le(by

'. j e s lmlseod '.-; JOHN L WATKINS. U4Falton-st.

N D R Y P I G I R O N ^ - 5 0 wna !PheoU No. 1, very trior, for saie by . J AS. N. OLNEY, 27 WestMtt. 3awtils i '

C A R P E T I N G , O I L C L O T H S , & 0 . No. 64 E A S T BROADWAY AWO 71 DiVisioN-St.

F A M I L I E S in want of Carpeting, Oil Clothe, Bugs Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, or any other article

fin the line, are Informed thau they will find, at GQion'* ex­tensive ware rooma; a splendid assortment of all tbe various articles connected with the trade. Purchasers will find' ;'• many choice natterns of Brussels, three-ply aad ingrain Carpeu, also Oil Cloth* thai are not to be obtained st other •tore*; all of which will be sold at prices lower than ever before offered. Tbe goods are all received direct from ths rnanufacturers. W . H. GUION, *

m9 iaeodtf No. 64 Eaat Broadway aad 7i Dlvtalon-*t'

CH E A P E S T C A R P E T E S T A B L . I S H J U E N T la toe United State*, No. 99 Bowery.—Hiram Andeison

ha* just received a large aad splendid assortment of super­fine English and American three ply, doable superfine In­grain aad Venetian Carpetiag, manufactured expre**Iy tot City trade, aad will be sold 25 per cent lower than say oth­er establishment Also just received • • ' > . .

20,000 yards common carpeting 2s. 6d. to.SS. 6d. -25,000 '* extra fine , do Ss .6d . to4s . 30;000 **:, double *uperfiae*i6s. ! I0,ot0 " three ply carpet 9s. '. 30,000 square yard* oil cloth 3*. 6d. to 4s. 10,000 yards Venetian stair carpet 2s. 6dL

* 5,000 large tufted hearth ruga 20a. each. - HIRAM ANDERSON, No. 99 B o w e r y , .

tbe first est&blUbment above Hester-st. P. S.—Carpeting sent w any part of the city, Brooklyn,

k c and cut to fit, free of expense, please notice the nam-beri 99 Bowery. f aS Smeodl»*8TatTh

VAN1I^L«A*7-Pure coocenurated*


• 1 1

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' 1 .

• - -


' •


1 •f


. -




' . *


GA R T S H E R R I E F I G I R O N ^ - 1 0 0 tons strictly NoTu imported from Olswgowdu-exx^^asJe by

\s • JAB. -N1 OLNEY, 27 W««t.*t IANKJ*PS F L . A T F O R J J I S C A J L E S . - F a i r -ic Co. have removed to No. 124 Water-st near

. . my4 lstf • a p A J B i P H B N B 1. > »t ISO htmiA-m*-

l i r » -WlJlhuaaVs


double refined for sals •WTIS itew*,

sals at The *rlb*n* Office.

i rolls of fitly each, for

. nyif lstf .

Extract of Vaailia, for flavoring Ice Cream, Custards, Syrup*, Sauce*, Jellies, Confectionery, k c This Extract possesses la ihe most concentrated form the delicious taste and much admired aromatic odor of the true Vanilla Bean, &od for all culinary purposes will be found the most con­venient and economical manner of communicating its flavor, price 25 cents.

Prepared and sold by H E N R Y JOHNSON, Chemist and Druggist, successor to A B. Sands k Co. 273 Brosdwsy, cor. Chambers-st Sold a l to at 100 Fulton-st and 77 East-Broadway. . * my9 2mi*eod ' f A X T K & C ' s ? O F L.fciHON—For flavoring Castsrds JEi lee Cream, Jellies, Syrup*. Ate Thi* 1* * pore Extract, containing the true fiavor of the fruit In bottles, 25 cents each. Prepared by H E N R Y JOHNSON, Chemist sad Druggist, 273 Broadway, cor. Chsnxbersst. Sold slsp at 100 Fuitoo-at and 77 East BroaulwaT. , « > » XmUSOd

•.firfr U N I O N J U N E of Packeu for UrarpooL—rmcXM S i a . of the 12th Juo*. The splendid new snd fast aail-• * • • ing packet ablp MARMiON, !£)<> tea* bnrtijea. Capt Edwards, will sail positively on *™l*y. Ju**J*£: her reaultr day- The ascomBtodstioos in this ms^ntnetht. Packetcsnnot be surpassed for elegance and comfort, both la cabin, second cabin aad steerage, being liajht and well ven­tilated snd in every way superior to moat other packet ships. Pewon* about vUiting tbe Old Country should make sarly application to secure the bestherths. either on hoard, foot of Peck-sllpror to W . k J . | P . TAPSCOTT,

js9 8« 8<wn--«t. 2d door below Burtlaf -slip.



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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
