old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 11/dansville ny...ag moose, painting and paperhanging. 39...

i ram Star Theatre DANSVILLE BREEZE, DANSVILLE, N i H, ft-, 'PttVtfft J" , ' ,i ' , . '. i .,i « ; , •s- W March 22 ami 23 The Wonder Picture of tht Age THE LOST WORLD Iff : romanea and adventure la a newly* discovered world of a> Suite animals. The cast Includes] Schlrmer. l^a^^^^^fc^l i n j j IfAtne ^r naes^*e v o u i i g uvuw i The Protective* Social Club will moot tomorrow afternoon (Wed- nesday) at 2:10 In the club rooms. Miss Esther Sebirmer' of Syre- cuse spent the week end with her parents Mr. and M m Ferdinand ease the pain :••••- ; •:7z-ziH£i?££-Zzza YORK TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1927 JfS asms ••.•Sa-S-aaagai: : • ••£55 s-ggSBjy Nothing brings such com* lOCCUafl r ^ l i e i AS CTI^ oriffixuu Lewis Stone,Besise Lore and Wal- lace Berry. It's nothing abort of shows—7:30 and 9:00 Admisison 10c and 30c tf ! you apply it. CAM The monthly-Board of Review for the advancement of Boy OATTWT» Scouta will be held la the Library •SlSMsW next Monday evening. - Miss Grace Bttcox of ML Pleas- ant. Mich., who is the Held secre- tary of the Woaaaaa Home Mission Society will apeak in the Metho- dist church tonight at 7:30. Residents of Seneca street in Messenger Service Ag Moose, Painting and Paperhanging. 39 Perine streeL marlStlOpd A- ———— Robert i. Lajrorce. funeral di- reetor and licenced emhalmcr. IS Health StreeL Phone 1. ju>17J OROVER'S FUNERAL BOMS j Mata street Phone We W. D. Grover, Undertaker Ba Ball Graver, Lady Assist** Theodore Acomb, Embalmer Caps and Saucers 15c Cape Only 10c At QtXINN'S Grocery mar22t5 For Real 811k Service call IfIW at It Chestnut avenue. A D. Chat- eUe, Representativa. marlttf NOTICE Will the members of the Pas- tors Aid Society who have aprons ready for the sale please leave them at the A. A P. store by Mar 14T. marlltl GOOD HOME A T A MODERATE PRIGS % Wo have for sale the home for- merly occupied by J. 0. Dennlston on Health street with " April ML . There are 3 sleeping porch. Bath room and closets, kitchen and pantry, din tag room, living room and recep- tion room. Hardwood doors in all bat two rooms. Basement ia ce- meated and fitted for laundry.Fur- nace. Electric lights, good garage. Breeze Real Estate Agency. FOR IMMEDIATE PURCHASE House and barn and about If acres of lead on or near Improved road. If party has such a property a sale may be arranged by com municatlng with BREEZE REAL ESTATE AGENCY M . FOOD SALE WB At Gibson's Shoe Store Saturday, March 26 Under Auspices Troop 40 Bop* Scouts Sandwiches T HE sandwich Is always popnlai and wakes an Important part ef many a meal. The*following be nsed for various occasions night lunches, picnics m Hornell are puszled over gas com- ing front a snot bole la a telphone pole. The gaa la issuing sufficient quantity to be lighted and give a steady flame. So far the gas com- * w*^^ ^si w*^ ^•^•^^ %#A a «es s>asweaaaas# Jerome Cheney of Corning ia rowing on the vanity crew of the University of Pennsylvania. Cheney was rowing on the second boat at No. 4 position, but recent- ly was promoted to No. 6 en the varetty. Me la a graduate of Corn- tag Free Academy, Class of 23. While la the academy he played tackle oa the football team and also played on the baseball outfit. He rowed on the froah crew at Penn. Irving Bacon, 53, prominent Au- burn attorney and referee in bank- ruptcy for the past sixteen years, died at the Auburn city hospital yesterday, following an attack of pneumoniae Mr. Bacon was bora ia the town of victory, -April 7, 1873.He attended Fairhaven Acad- emy aad after graduating taaght school for one year, before enter- ing Colgate university. He' gradu- ated from Colgate with the class of ISM. Darlag his time there.Mr. Bacon was active la athletics aad played oa the vanity football team. Male Seahorse Does Work of Incubator incubators known la nature is that of the small seahorse, the water creature that sets its name from its remarkable resemblance to the "horse'* used as a knight la tab game of chess, both resembling the head aad shoulders of the horse. The seahorse "father somehow 'opens up a little pouch somewhat like that of the kangaroo, aad the female lays her eggs in' that pouch. Sana the old man seahorse trav- Us around with these eggs at the stilt e%# K i n H/t/iv till Kan atpaJlai rrtswW ^^^ws> wa .^•sissr swjp^ttgy' e * s * ••^p «a«»*ssBf •••w^ Then the old fellow pouch and oat corns dred little seahorses, perfectly formed, yet so small that they can *^^* ™^"**s v s s i j w 11 n L*SC a i u " i ca anenafp m I 4P^*4l w\ cW 4vl n e* Ml Nova Scotia's First Name W W W f l W W i SBF WPaWWrW^^* ^w iv ' W w*!W' W w WWf*W Nova Scotia was' earned Mark- land by the first discoverers, but received Its present name from Scottish immigrants to offset Nou ville. France, and New England FOR SALE The Horace A. Burdick house on Ban fcstreet. Large lot, good garage, all modern improvements.Possession April 1st. Liberal terms. 2 ' Enquire of ROBERT PRATT . > •• Dansvil'e, N. Y. i Buffalo City Hospital PupiJNursesWantcd Legion Theatre Nothing like clean, bright and sparkling Furniture to make your home much . 1f24 Dodge Sedan 1926 Dodge Coupe i v a i l I/Uviyc ***U M po 1f26 Ford Sedan 1921 Ford Coupe 1926 Nash Sedan 1921 Ford Light Delivery 1923 Ford Touring, like new Stewart 1-Ton Truck 1S23 Dodge 1 1-2 Ten Truck 1925 Graham 1 1-2 Ton Stake e a a^nfnae jp C. C. Bateman Dansville, N. Y. 462 GRIDES ST., BUFFALO, N.Y. 863 beds for the reception of every known disease. SIX DISPENSARIES IN CONNECTION Affiliated with tbe University of Buffalo Medical aad Dental Schools and District Nurs- ing Association. 8 year registered course, fitting Wayland, N. Y. i *Pw 4 : Daily Showings ..7:15 and f p.m. Sunday'Showing 8:45 p. m. Prices 10 and 25 cents i NEW CLASS NOW FORMING LOST or FOUND LOST—A light brown handbag with small sum of money and key. Pbone 109-J. mar22tf USED CAR BARGAINS I MON. & TUES., MARCH 21 4 22 Here's "The Flaming Forest" with Antonio Moreno, Renee Adoree —It's James Oliver Curwood's greatest story of the Northwest pupils for BedBide.Public Health] Mounted Police. Shouldn't such and Administrative Nursing. a combination fill the bill? 670 hours devoted to classes, rec- Comedy-^Wild Bill." Itations, demonstrations and lab- Reel No. 22 International News, oratory work In Dietetics, Home Economics, Bacteriology, Chem- istry, Physiology and General Nursing subjects. ' Opportunities for selected gradu- ates to fill paid exxecotlve posi- tions or pursue special study A < courses. THE EXPERIENCE WE OFFER EQUALS A THREE TEAR COLLEGE COURSE Entrance requirements: 1 year New York State High School or Its equivalent Salary, $15.00 a month. Food, lodg- ing, uniforms, laundry and books furnished free. Straight eight hour duty. No split watches. One whole day off every seven days. A well-conducted nursing course if a fine preparation for wifehood and a splendid opportunity to cultivate the habit of right liv- ing. Buy at Bossier $ WHAT TO DO? First Aid If someone in your household were sudden- ly burned what should you do? First of all.call your doctor. Second.ap- ply the proper healing, antiseptic salves that not only alleviate pain but absorb the deadly toxin *ith which the burned tissues would otherwise poison the blood. It is only fair to your family and - your- self to be supplied. Allow us to advise you on the best supplies for First Aid in case of burns, cuts, etc. BRESSLER'S PHARMACY Phone 8 FOR REftT FOB BBNT-^latafe lor .^ car. Possession after AprlT Ota. Also storage ropm.v28 Washing- ton street marlltf . ' '" "«-' l i' 11 '*! , . • * — FOR RENT—Office. Enquire P. H. Wttley. SUrlltf FOR RENT—House .Five rooms. Enquire Oieary*i Garage. marSftS FOR RENT—House with splen- did lot two miles from village, 1-2 mile off state road. A fine place to live at reasonable rent. Maroney Bros. Nursery Co. Inc., phone 2S6 during day. phone 144 after 5 p. m. mar?2t6 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with all conveniences. 52 Perine street. marl7tf V ' Beginning April 1st we will run our business on a strictly C. O. D. basis. All old accounts are now due. THE HOME LAUNDRY Chaa. M. Ryan, Prop. ea. FOR RENT—Three room furn- ished apartment with all conven- iences at corner of Perine aad Elizabeth streets. Enquire N. J. Rauber, care Rauber Brothers. _ 14tf FOR RENT—Storage. 20 West Ave. Phone 369R. maMtf % 1026 Dodge Sedan, nearly new. Oakland Sedan, slightly used. 1926 Ford Sedan. Ford Coupe. Ford Touring Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Tourings Overland Touring Oakland Touring Bulck Touring Nash 7-Paas. Sedan Nash 5-Pass. Sedan. We have r)eal bargains, ff "•*•• prices from $25.00 up. Most any make, any kind. / .* All cars guaranteed as rep- resented, with privilege of ex- changing if not satisfied- . Come in and see what we have. - 1 KLINK MOTOR CAR CO. 213 Main St. Phone 404 FOR RENT—Garage aad storage room. 18 South streetPhone 100W. raar7tf FOR RENT—Store on Mala street. Poaseastoa April 1st En- quire Breeze office. " auurlftf FOR RENT—Furnished room on first floor. Outside entrance, f Knox street. marl7-lf-22pd FOR RBNT-r-My place ia Cum- mtnsvtlft. 11 room house, barn aad garage aad about six acres of land. Enquire Rowe A Company. Livonia,.N. Y. Sarah Bartlett # r marl Ot 12 — • I I W l III •» •Ill , i i ^ , • • , , M l , •/FOR RENT—Houses aad fiats. All conveniences. P. H. Willey. marStf m FOR SALE FOR SALE—Two glass cases at Quinn's Grocery. show- FOR SALE—Six room cottage at Cottonwood PoiatCooeeus lake. Inside finish of hard pine varnish- ed. Electric lights. Sanitary toilet Garage. Good beach. Golf course adjacent B. H. Knapp, Dansville. N. Y, marlltf FOR SALE—A few colonies of bees; also some empty hives and supera.| Ernest Sample. R. F. D. 4. marl* 22 24 29pd FOR SALE—Seven room house oa William streetAn conveniences except furnace. Phoat, f2J. marltf FOR SALE—Bedroom set, kit- chen cabinet extension table, side board, writing desk, gas plate, clothes basket. Bargain for quick sale. Emma C. Sanger, 22 Fulton street mar21t3pd FOR SALE—Team of sorrel, eight-year-old horses, weight 2400. Sound and true. Harness nearly aew. Harold Linzy, phone 803F22. aeewwSjfpw#B>e» gfU rnerf gas *«. Jsf For all stomach and intestinal troubles and disturbances due to teething, there is nothing better than a sale Infantf* and Children's Laxative*, s ^ ^ ^ FOR RENT—Three rooms with conveniences. Phone No. 3. marftf VVAIMTtD WANTED—Married man for general farm work. By year or month. Modern house aad all privileges. CLAIR SHAFER. Mae. WiHftotra S YRUP war '-"* ., *, mar22t3 FOR SALE—Four burner gas range and hot water gas heater in first class condition. 34 Elizabeth street mar21t3 FOR SALE—Three-piece gray, taupe living room suite. Genuine mahogany never been nsed. Rea- sonable price. For further Inform ation can at 81 Liberty street or 234M. mar22U —— *~ - - di FOR SALE—8 griddle a«d Cross *Popular combination cook store, burns coal, wood or gas; has nlckle trimmings aad white front This stove has been ased but vwy little, gas burners have never been used. Price very reasonable. Leon M. Towner, Nunda, N. T. msrvtf FOR SALE—Comfortably fare- lahed cottage, No. 201 North Shore Cottonwood Point Coneeus lake. Golf links and hotel convenient. Five rooms, cellar, porch, Inside sanitary disposal toilet fireplace, garage, bath house, electric lights, running water, 80 foot lot Price 88,000, convenient tet/ms. If us- sold on June 1st will be rested for season. Enquire of Helen L Snyder, 8 Perine street Dansville. N. T. Phone 133. mar22-25-29-31 robe. Enquire 12 Mrs. A. J. Craig. Spread thin slices of white breed with mayonnaise dressing. Cover half the slices with thinly sliced sprinkle with salt aad Dip crisp lettuce Into French and lay on the onion; with tbe renaming slices of Press edges, trim off the crust sad edgee with triangles and sprinkle lightly with mince*! aaW Deviled Sandwiches.—Toast Irately twe-tatrda capful of finely enough almonds In Jest to prevent burning, stirring constantly. Chop fine. Mix two tableeneoafittla of fine olives, oof tsMeapooafal of chopped sweet pickles, one table- fajragwfjaawaaw vfes ^rWaewafsa»gWa "^*^^f^ unssatSsfPawsffff^ SUss Oa> ^wOi vyfij18*,fMf) \ffjf ftaatlO^* t'liw^ fourth teaspoonful of salt aad S flaw grains of cayenne; add- al- monds and i cook three lalaataa, stirring conatantl). Add thick cream to ejae cupful of cottage sat, add one tablespooufal ef IfS SMsW^titfaaaidlbHB! 1 ' •« jelb8 ar^ssa ' aa^s^si^stf^BM sssMtSAsi ef bread with mayonnaise. Pal together la pairs, cat into any de- sired shape. Serve with Egg. Mam and Mash and rub the yolks of' betted esrgs through s sieve; finely eaea the wattes ot the eggs. Add barf the quantity of finely minced, lean, cooked ham, one capful ef finely chopped watercrea Wtttt s a l t cayenhe, and wtla salad dressing. Use aa ea slice* of rye lean append with mustard Serve with coffee. Roast* Beef San* fare roust beef through the chopper twW. using a fhw fitting knife for tU- second . : Sea- eoa with sort and pepper, eeifiy salt tomato catsup, aaaee aad grated moisten with inaroeaalae, a SIHag far white bread With ssaatard baiter. WANTED—To rent 8 or 8 room house with all conveniences. En- quire 50 Liberty street. mar22t2pd' i /.FOR SALE—Two 9x12 rags aad — — — oar email rag, 6x9; oae aew FOR SALE—New modern eqaip feather bed, white baby's ward- ped seven room house. Call at €7 Sophia street. mar22t3eod WANTED—Housework. Enquire at this office. . aiarlftfpd WANTED—Man to wp oa shares. Enquire F. Franklin street between 8:00 a. n and 6:00 p. m. Possession April 1. marl7tSpd WANTED^To rent a house with improvements. Good refer- ee. Phone 143R. marl6tSeod •4 4e# WANTED—Girl or womaa to care for three-year-old child.Phone 251-J. mar22t6pd ild Your Own Home-Save Rent Brick home in Perine street. All imprvoe- ments except furnace. Sold subject to year's •S House aiid 2 acres.) 10 room house,in^V Modern home in up- of land, bam and good ffuit. Price $1200. One of the best r Tf* homes in Dansville. Modern home and i Location very desira 1 acre of land in good location. Abundance of fruit. Good home in Morey avenue. Four bedrooms, sleeping porch, fireplace and all improvements. ble. Valuable piece of property for a great deal less than cost of construction. House and lot in Clay street. Double garage. Possession I April 1st. i r' upper Main street. All conveniences, large lot, garage. oMMMsesssm New Home, bungalo type, in Williams St. Hard wood floors and all modern. Owners have priced for quick sale. »! Large home in Healtji street. Suitable for double house. per Main street on west side of street. Large lot. Party ^ie- seires to ^ell at once and will make it an object. i 10 room house in"' Chestnut avenue. All improvements. Pro- perty 'worth good money, but owner will accept any reasonably offer. fBOjrM*. marteodtf WANTED—Gentlemen roomers. 44 Main street * marl7tf WANTED—Witt pay cash for good second hand Ford roadster. Call at Poet Office. Daaa Randall. \ mar21t3 FOR SALE—Horse. Cheap. En- quire 818F21. marl8t4 FOR SALE—Fordsoa tractor and one ton Ford truck. Both re- cently overhauled. Also MoHne tractor. Groveland Garage at Groveland, N. T. marlUtepd FOR SALE—12 room house one mile from Dansville on Dansville Hornell road (Junction of two state roads.) House has eight old fashioned fireplaces and large bail room. The property is located on a corner with 200 feet frontage and 600 feet depth. Restrictions placed on balance of property u sold. Ideal location for a Tourist Home.Breese Real Estate ^ *, ^yum»mimHiiUift)^ui<nnHwnjiii j ^ii:,;;);: ^', ,M .n A GOOD WILL OAKLAND USED CAR MEANS SAT. 1SFACTION GUAR- ANTEED i ire Use ea Breeze Peal Estate Agency S We Have for Sale: 1925 FORD FORDOR SEDAN fully equipped including Ru^ks- tell Axle. 1924 Fordor Sedan fully equipp- ed including Ruckstell Axle. 1925 Ford Coupe, like new. 1924 Ford.Touring (winter top.) in fine running order. Ford Tudor Sedan, good shape. Dodge Special A-Sedan. Blake & Robertson Ookland-Pontiac Dealers * 46 Osuan St. Dansville, N. Y. HnniwiwfiiiiiuiiiiHiHiiiniiniiiiiniHiiii'iiim/ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 11/Dansville NY...Ag Moose, Painting and Paperhanging. 39 Perine streeL marlStlOpd • A- ———— Robert i. Lajrorce. funeral di-reetor

i ram

Star Theatre

DANSVILLE BREEZE, DANSVILLE, N i H, ft-, 'PttVtfft J" , ' ,i ' , . '. i .,i «;, •s-

W March 22 ami 23

The Wonder Picture of tht Age THE LOST WORLD

Iff : romanea and adventure la a newly* discovered world of a> S u i t e animals. The cast Includes] Schlrmer.

l^a^^^^^fc^l i n j j I f A t n e ^r naes^*e v o u i i g u v u w i

The Protective* Social Club will moot tomorrow afternoon (Wed­nesday) at 2:10 In the club rooms.

Miss Esther Sebirmer' of Syre­cuse spent the week end with her parents Mr. and M m Ferdinand

ease the pain

: • • • • - ; •:7z-ziH£i?££-Zzza

YORK TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1927 JfS asms

••.•Sa-S-aaagai: : • • • £ 5 5 s-ggSBjy

Nothing brings such com* lOCCUafl r^ l ie i AS CTI^ oriffixuu

Lewis Stone,Besise Lore and Wal­lace Berry. It's nothing abort of

shows—7:30 and 9:00 Admisison 10c and 30c


! you apply it.


The monthly-Board of Review for the advancement of Boy O A T T W T » Scouta will be held la the Library • • S l S M s W next Monday evening. -

Miss Grace Bttcox of ML Pleas­ant. Mich., who is the Held secre­tary of the Woaaaaa Home Mission Society will apeak in the Metho­dist church tonight at 7:30.

Residents of Seneca street in

Messenger Service Ag Moose, Painting and

Paperhanging. 39 Perine streeL marlStlOpd

• A- ————

Robert i. Lajrorce. funeral di-reetor and licenced emhalmcr. IS Health StreeL Phone 1. ju>17J

OROVER'S FUNERAL BOMS j Mata street Phone We

W. D. Grover, Undertaker Ba Ball Graver, Lady Assist**

Theodore Acomb, Embalmer

Caps and Saucers 15c Cape Only 10c

At QtXINN'S Grocery mar22t5

For Real 811k Service call IfIW at I t Chestnut avenue. A D. Chat-eUe, Representativa. marlttf

• NOTICE Will the members of the Pas­

tors Aid Society who have aprons ready for the sale please leave them at the A. A P. store by Mar 14T. marllt l


Wo have for sale the home for­merly occupied by J. 0 . Dennlston on Health street with " April ML .

There are 3 sleeping porch. Bath room and closets, kitchen and pantry, din tag room, living room and recep­tion room. Hardwood doors in all bat two rooms. Basement ia ce-meated and fitted for laundry.Fur­nace. Electric lights, good garage. Breeze Real Estate Agency.

FOR IMMEDIATE PURCHASE House and barn and about If

acres of lead on or near Improved road. If party has such a property a sale may be arranged by com municatlng with



At Gibson's Shoe Store Saturday, March 26

Under Auspices Troop 40 Bop* Scouts


THE sandwich Is always popnlai and wakes an Important part

ef many a meal. The*following be nsed for various occasions

night lunches, picnics m

Hornell are puszled over gas com­ing front a snot bole la a telphone pole. The gaa la issuing sufficient quantity to be lighted and give a steady flame. So far the gas com-

* w*^^ ^si w*^ ^•^•^^ %#A a «es s>asweaaaas#

Jerome Cheney of Corning ia rowing on the vanity crew of the

University of Pennsylvania. Cheney was rowing on the second boat at No. 4 position, but recent­ly was promoted to No. 6 en the varetty. Me la a graduate of Corn-tag Free Academy, Class of 23. While la the academy he played tackle oa the football team and also played on the baseball outfit. He rowed on the froah crew at Penn.

Irving Bacon, 53, prominent Au­burn attorney and referee in bank­ruptcy for the past sixteen years, died at the Auburn city hospital yesterday, following an attack of pneumoniae Mr. Bacon was bora ia the town of victory, -April 7, 1873.He attended Fairhaven Acad­emy aad after graduating taaght school for one year, before enter­ing Colgate university. He' gradu­ated from Colgate with the class of ISM. Darlag his time there.Mr. Bacon was active la athletics aad played oa the vanity football team.

Male Seahorse Does Work of Incubator

incubators known la nature is that of the small seahorse, the water creature that sets its name from its remarkable resemblance to the "horse'* used as a knight la tab game of chess, both resembling the head aad shoulders of the horse.

The seahorse "father somehow 'opens up a little pouch somewhat like that of the kangaroo, aad the female lays her eggs in' that pouch.

Sana the old man seahorse trav-Us around with these eggs at the s t i l t e%# K i n H / t / i v t i l l Kan atpaJlai rrtswW ^ ws> w a . •sissr swjp ttgy' e*s* ••^p «a«»*ssBf • • • w ^

Then the old fellow pouch and oat corns dred little seahorses, perfectly formed, yet so small that they can * * ™ "**s v s s i j w 11 n L*SC a i u " i ca anenafp m I 4P^*4l w\ cW 4 v l n e* Ml

Nova Scotia's First Name WW W f l W W i SBF WPaWWrW^^* ^w iv ' W w*!W' W w W W f * W

Nova Scotia was' earned Mark-land by the first discoverers, but received Its present name from Scottish immigrants to offset Nou ville. France, and New England

FOR SALE The Horace A. Burdick house on

Ban fcstreet. Large lot, good garage, all modern improvements.Possession April 1st. Liberal terms.

2 ' • • •

Enquire of

ROBERT PRATT . • • > ••

Dansvil'e, N. Y.

— i —

Buffalo City Hospital PupiJNursesWantcd Legion Theatre

N o t h i n g l i k e c l ean , br ight and sparkling Furniture to m a k e y o u r home much


1f24 Dodge Sedan

1926 Dodge Coupe

i v a i l I / U v i y c ***U M p o

1f26 Ford Sedan 1921 Ford Coupe 1926 Nash Sedan 1921 Ford Light Delivery 1923 Ford Touring, like new Stewart 1-Ton Truck 1S23 Dodge 1 1-2 Ten Truck 1925 Graham 1 1-2 Ton Stake

e a a^nf nae jp

C. C. Bateman Dansville, N. Y.

462 GRIDES ST., BUFFALO, N.Y. 863 beds for the reception of every

known disease. SIX DISPENSARIES IN

CONNECTION Affiliated with tbe University of

Buffalo Medical aad Dental Schools and District Nurs­

ing Association. 8 year registered course, fitting

Wayland, N. Y. i*Pw4:

Daily Showings ..7:15 and f p . m . Sunday'Showing 8:45 p. m. Prices 10 and 25 cents




LOST—A light brown handbag with small sum of money and key. Pbone 109-J. mar22tf


MON. & TUES., MARCH 21 4 22 Here's "The Flaming Forest" with

Antonio Moreno, Renee Adoree —It's James Oliver Curwood's greatest story of the Northwest

pupils for BedBide.Public Health] Mounted Police. Shouldn't such and Administrative Nursing. a combination fill the bill?

670 hours devoted to classes, rec- Comedy-^Wild Bill." Itations, demonstrations and lab- Reel No. 22 International News, oratory work In Dietetics, Home Economics, Bacteriology, Chem­istry, Physiology and General Nursing subjects. '

Opportunities for selected gradu­ates to fill paid exxecotlve posi­tions or pursue special study

A < courses.


COLLEGE COURSE Entrance requirements: 1 year

New York State High School or Its equivalent

Salary, $15.00 a month. Food, lodg­ing, uniforms, laundry and books furnished free.

Straight eight hour duty. No split watches. One whole day off every seven days.

A well-conducted nursing course if a fine preparation for wifehood and a splendid opportunity to cultivate the habit of right liv­ing.

Buy at Bossier $ WHAT TO DO?

First Aid If someone in your

household were sudden­ly burned what should you do? First of all.call your doctor. Second.ap-ply the proper healing, antiseptic salves that not only alleviate pain but absorb the deadly toxin *ith which the burned tissues would otherwise poison the blood. It is only fair to your family and - your­self to be supplied.

Allow us to advise you on the best supplies for First Aid in case of burns, cuts, etc.


Phone 8


FOB BBNT-^latafe lor .^ car. Possession after AprlT Ota. Also storage ropm.v28 Washing­ton street marlltf

— • . ' '" " « - ' l i'11'*! , . • * —

FOR RENT—Office. Enquire P. H. Wttley. SUrlltf

FOR RENT— House .Five rooms. Enquire Oieary*i Garage. marSftS

FOR RENT—House with splen­did lot two miles from village, 1-2 mile off state road. A fine place to live at reasonable rent. Maroney Bros. Nursery Co. Inc., phone 2S6 during day. phone 144 after 5 p. m. mar?2t6

FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with all conveniences. 52 Perine street. marl7tf



Beginning April 1st we will

run our business on a strictly

C. O. D. basis. All old accounts

are now due.


Chaa. M. Ryan, Prop.

ea .

FOR RENT—Three room furn­ished apartment with all conven­iences at corner of Perine aad Elizabeth streets. Enquire N. J. Rauber, care Rauber Brothers. _


FOR RENT—Storage. 20 West Ave. Phone 369R. maMtf


1026 Dodge Sedan, nearly new. Oakland Sedan, slightly used. 1926 Ford Sedan. Ford Coupe. Ford Touring Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Tourings Overland Touring Oakland Touring Bulck Touring Nash 7-Paas. Sedan Nash 5-Pass. Sedan.

We have r)eal bargains, f f "•*•• prices from $25.00 up. Most any make, any kind. / .*

All cars guaranteed as rep­resented, with privilege of ex­changing if not satisfied-

. Come in and see what we have. - 1


213 Main St. Phone 404

FOR RENT—Garage aad storage room. 18 South streetPhone 100W.


FOR RENT—Store on Mala street. Poaseastoa April 1 s t En­quire Breeze office. " auurlftf

FOR RENT—Furnished room on first floor. Outside entrance, f Knox street. marl7-lf-22pd

FOR RBNT-r-My place ia Cum-mtnsvtlft. 11 room house, barn aad garage aad about six acres of land. Enquire Rowe A Company. Livonia,.N. Y. Sarah Bartlett

# r marl Ot 12 — • I I — — W l III • » — — • I l l , i i ^ , • • , , M l ,

•/FOR RENT—Houses aad fiats. All conveniences. P. H. Willey.

marStf • m


FOR SALE—Two glass cases at Quinn's Grocery.


FOR SALE—Six room cottage at Cottonwood PoiatCooeeus lake. Inside finish of hard pine varnish­ed. Electric lights. Sanitary toilet Garage. Good beach. Golf course adjacent B. H. Knapp, Dansville. N. Y, marlltf

FOR SALE—A few colonies of bees; also some empty hives and supera.| Ernest Sample. R. F. D. 4.

marl* 22 24 29pd

FOR SALE—Seven room house oa William streetAn conveniences except furnace. Phoat, f2J. marltf

FOR SALE—Bedroom set, kit­chen cabinet extension table, side board, writing desk, gas plate, clothes basket. Bargain for quick sale. Emma C. Sanger, 22 Fulton street mar21t3pd

FOR SALE—Team of sorrel, eight-year-old horses, weight 2400. Sound and true. Harness nearly aew. Harold Linzy, phone 803F22.

aeewwSjfpw#B>e» gfU

rnerf gas

*«. Jsf

For all stomach and intestinal troubles and disturbances due to teething, there i s nothing better than a sale Infantf* and Children's Laxative*, s ^ ^ ^

FOR RENT—Three rooms with conveniences. Phone No. 3. marftf


WANTED—Married man for general farm work. By year or month. Modern house aad all privileges. CLAIR SHAFER.

Mae. WiHftotra


war '-"*

. , * , mar22t3

FOR SALE—Four burner gas range and hot water gas heater in first class condition. 34 Elizabeth street mar21t3

FOR SALE—Three-piece gray, taupe living room suite. Genuine mahogany never been nsed. Rea­sonable price. For further Inform ation can at 81 Liberty street or 234M. mar22U —— *~ - - di

FOR SALE—8 griddle a«d Cross *Popular combination cook store, burns coal, wood or gas; has nlckle trimmings aad white front This stove has been ased but vwy little, gas burners have never been used. Price very reasonable. Leon M. Towner, Nunda, N. T.


FOR SALE—Comfortably fare-lahed cottage, No. 201 North Shore Cottonwood Point Coneeus lake. Golf links and hotel convenient. Five rooms, cellar, porch, Inside sanitary disposal toilet fireplace, garage, bath house, electric lights, running water, 80 foot lot Price 88,000, convenient tet/ms. If us-sold on June 1st will be rested for season. Enquire of Helen L Snyder, 8 Perine street Dansville. N. T. Phone 133. mar22-25-29-31

robe. Enquire 12 Mrs. A. J. Craig.

Spread thin slices of white breed with mayonnaise dressing. Cover half the slices with thinly sliced

sprinkle with salt aad Dip crisp lettuce Into French

and lay on the onion; with tbe renaming slices of

Press edges, trim off the crust sad edgee with triangles and sprinkle lightly with mince*! aaW

Deviled Sandwiches.—Toast Irately twe-tatrda capful of finely

enough almonds In Jest to prevent burning, stirring

constantly. Chop fine. Mix two tableeneoafittla of fine olives, oof tsMeapooafal of chopped sweet pickles, one table-fajragwfjaawaaw vfes rWaewafsa»gWa "^*^^f^ unssatSsfPawsffff^

SUss Oa> ^ w O i vyf i j18* , fMf ) \ffjf ftaatlO^* t ' l iw^

fourth teaspoonful of salt aad S flaw grains of cayenne; add- al­monds and i cook three lalaataa, stirring conatantl). Add thick cream to ejae cupful of cottage

sat, add one tablespooufal ef IfS SMsW titfaaaidlbHB!1' •« je lb8 ar^ssa ' aa s si stf BM sssMtSAsi

ef bread with mayonnaise. Pal together la pairs, cat into any de­sired shape. Serve with

Egg. Mam and Mash and rub the yolks of' betted esrgs through s sieve; finely eaea the wattes ot the eggs. Add barf the quantity of finely minced, lean, cooked ham, one capful ef finely chopped watercrea Wtttt salt cayenhe, and wtla salad dressing. Use aa ea slice* of rye lean append with mustard Serve with coffee.

Roast* Beef San* fare roust beef through the chopper twW. using a fhw fitting knife for tU- second . : Sea-eoa with sort and pepper, eeifiy salt tomato catsup, aaaee aad grated moisten with inaroeaalae, a SIHag far white bread With ssaatard baiter.

WANTED—To rent 8 or 8 room house with all conveniences. En­quire 50 Liberty street. mar22t2pd'

i /.FOR SALE—Two 9x12 rags aad — — — — o a r email rag, 6x9; oae aew FOR SALE—New modern eqaip feather bed, white baby's ward- ped seven room house. Call at €7

Sophia street. mar22t3eod

WANTED—Housework. Enquire at this office. . aiarlftfpd

WANTED—Man to wp oa shares. Enquire F.

Franklin street between 8:00 a. n and 6:00 p. m. Possession April 1.


WANTED^To rent a house with improvements. Good refer­

ee. Phone 143R. marl6tSeod

•4 4e#

WANTED—Girl or womaa to care for three-year-old child.Phone 251-J. mar22t6pd

ild Your Own Home-Save Rent Brick home in Perine

street. All imprvoe-ments except furnace. Sold subject to year's


House aiid 2 acres.) 10 room house,in^V Modern home in up-of land, bam and good ffuit. Price $1200.

One of the best r Tf*

homes in Dansville. Modern home and i Location very desira

1 acre of land in good location. Abundance of fruit. •

Good home in Morey avenue. Four bedrooms, sleeping porch, fireplace and all improvements.

ble. Valuable piece of property for a great deal less than cost of construction.

House and lot in Clay street. Double garage. Possession

I April 1st. i r '

upper Main street. All conveniences, large lot, garage.


New Home, bungalo type, in Williams St. Hard wood floors and all modern. Owners have priced for quick sale.


Large home in Healtji street. Suitable for double house.

per Main street on west side of street. Large lot. Party ^ie-seires to ell at once and will make it an

• object. i

10 room house in"' Chestnut avenue. All improvements. Pro­perty 'worth good money, but owner will accept any reasonably offer.



WANTED—Gentlemen roomers. 44 Main street * marl7tf

WANTED—Witt pay cash for good second hand Ford roadster. Call at Poet Office. Daaa Randall.

\ mar21t3

FOR SALE—Horse. Cheap. En­quire 818F21. marl8t4

FOR SALE—Fordsoa tractor and one ton Ford truck. Both re­cently overhauled. Also MoHne tractor. Groveland Garage at Groveland, N. T. marlUtepd

FOR SALE—12 room house one mile from Dansville on Dansville Hornell road (Junction of two state roads.) House has eight old fashioned fireplaces and large bail room. The property is located on a corner with 200 feet frontage and 600 fee t depth. Restrictions placed on balance of property u sold. Ideal location for a Tourist Home.Breese Real Estate

^ * ,

^yum»mimHiiUift)^ui<nnHwnjiiij^ii:,;;);: ', ,M .n





Use ea Breeze Peal Estate Agency

S We Have for Sale:

1925 FORD FORDOR SEDAN fully equipped including Ru^ks-tell Axle.

1924 Fordor Sedan fully equipp­ed including Ruckstell Axle. 1925 Ford Coupe, like new. 1924 Ford.Touring (winter top.) in fine running order.

Ford Tudor Sedan, good shape. Dodge Special A-Sedan.

Blake & Robertson Ookland-Pontiac Dealers


46 Osuan St. Dansville, N. Y.

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
