old nsa srh idex

I /-,nrcny f_ Btrqr-o Er>i7)_e yJ,. e".oZ ;G;:i,;:.''[ r4e Pnrzres G+-,r ...r"^,*l^ut e raa*lLa,a D-e^;* /Cql ,\€x/rAfonJt ye t-+/s?o lli storicai Backcrciund of the 'siqnal Securitv Asencv 1917 ) , Vol II "I,lorld War f (19f 7-I919 ) " (353 pages ) Vo1, fIf "The Peace (1919-1939) " (Arc pages) of 6 at- 4aO tvA qPPI , 6t? h€€ FJar Secrets in'therEther, Wm, F. FIicke (312 pages) Infiuence of U.S.Cr\rptoloqic Orq'anlzations on the (38 pages) Six Lectures on Cryotologv, !}m. F, FrieCman, Apr 1963 - (I86 pages) Us_e__o_! (CXIMSS ULTM ) by th . Svnthesis. of Exper-iences-in t-h"^.-iiserof ULTRA Intell. of Operations (29 pages ) Staff Stu (Short Tit1e: SfGFOY) ]G-eeil 'Battle of the Atlantic, Vol, ff "U Boat Operations" ) (Alf pages) See SRH-024 and SR.H-025 for Vo1s. III and fv 'BattJe of the Atlantic, VoI. I, Allied Communication InteIligence, Dec L942 May 1945 (9q paEes) See SRH-024 and SIUI-025 f or VoIs, III and fV Histqrv of .ConvertelM-l25 (Short Title: SIGFOY) Project History, 1946 (48 pages) The Role of Communications IntelLiqence in Submarine I; VoI I Ig Nov VoI II 26 Nov 45i Vol IIf 29 Nov 45; Vo1 fV 10 Dec 45i . VoI V I Dec 45; Vo1 VI 11 Jan 46; VoI Vf f 15 Jan 46.; VoI VIII 28 Dec 4 5 . (Total Dages all volumes 2 t. 442) fhe Role of Radio- fntelliqen_ce in the Arnerican-Japanesel 941 to SeP 42 (2,L28 PFge See also SRH-036, SRI{-I35, SRH-I44. - History of U. S. Strategic AirrForce Furope vs German PinaI Reoort on the Radio Intelligence_ Sectign, Genera.l Staff Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces 1918 1919. I VoI. (55 oages) .. Notes on German Fuel joSltion , G-2 SHAEF, Idar Dept. Of thE ULTRA : evaluating the German fuel position, 3I Mar 1945 (44 r): SRH-004 flo^,-'.- .rl "''--- Uj.uJ- 005 -\ sRr{-007 sRH-008 sRH-009 SRH_O1O SRH-011 sRH-01_2 \' SRH-013 t: SRH-014 sR.tr-001 SzuI-O O 2 SRH-OO3 sRr{- 015

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This is an undated, but older version of a Special Research Histories Index produced by the NSA.


Page 1: OLD NSA SRH Idex

I/-,nrcny f_ Btrqr-o Er>i7)_e yJ,.e".oZ ;G;:i,;:.''[ r4e Pnrzres

G+-,r ...r"^,*l^ut e raa*lLa,aD-e^;* /Cql ,\€x/rAfonJt ye t-+/s?o

lli storicai Backcrciund of the 'siqnal Securitv Asencv

1917 ) , Vol II "I,lorld War f (19f 7-I919 ) " (353 pages )Vo1, fIf "The Peace (1919-1939) " (Arc pages)


6 at-



qPPI ,


FJar Secrets in'therEther, Wm, F. FIicke (312 pages)

Infiuence of U.S.Cr\rptoloqic Orq'anlzations on the(38 pages)

Six Lectures on Cryotologv, !}m. F, FrieCman, Apr 1963


(I86 pages)

Us_e__o_! (CXIMSS ULTM ) by th .

Svnthesis. of Exper-iences-in t-h"^.-iiserof ULTRA Intell.

of Operations (29 pages )

Staff Stu (Short Tit1e: SfGFOY)]G-eeil

'Battle of the Atlantic, Vol, ff "U Boat Operations") (Alf pages)

See SRH-024 and SR.H-025 for Vo1s. III and fv'BattJe of the Atlantic, VoI. I, Allied CommunicationInteIligence, Dec L942 May 1945 (9q paEes)See SRH-024 and SIUI-025 f or VoIs, III and fV

Histqrv of .ConvertelM-l25 (Short Title: SIGFOY)Project History, 1946 (48 pages)

The Role of Communications IntelLiqence in SubmarineI; VoI I Ig Nov

VoI II 26 Nov 45i Vol IIf 29 Nov 45; Vo1 fV 10 Dec 45i. VoI V I Dec 45; Vo1 VI 11 Jan 46; VoI Vf f 15 Jan 46.;VoI VIII 28 Dec 4 5 . (Total Dages all volumes 2 t. 442)

fhe Role of Radio- fntelliqen_ce in the Arnerican-Japanesel941 to SeP 42 (2,L28 PFge

See also SRH-036, SRI{-I35, SRH-I44.

- History of U. S. Strategic AirrForce Furope vs German

PinaI Reoort on the Radio Intelligence_ Sectign, Genera.lStaff Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces 19181919. I VoI. (55 oages)


Notes on German Fuel joSltion , G-2 SHAEF, Idar Dept.Of thE ULTRA :

evaluating the German fuel position, 3I Mar 1945 (44 r):

SRH-004 flo^,-'.-

.rl "''---

Uj.uJ- 005 -\











SzuI-O O 2


sRr{- 015

Page 2: OLD NSA SRH Idex

li. NotoY?l


The Need for New Leqislation Aqainst Unauthori ze6.,'

successes. during WWII and their impact, (Total pps 110)

AIlied Stralegic Air lor.ce T+rqet 9_lanning

Collection of Japanese Diplomatic l"leisgrges, L2 JuI 38les r gnq

Volume . (97 pages )

Blockade-n by

Narrative Combat Intelliqence Center Joint InteIIi-ages )

,1944 -

ULTRA and the U. S. Seventh Armv. Author: Donald9 45 . t7 pages )

SRH-022 Cancelled. Bussey Report Incorporated in SRII-023.

Reports. by..lJ. S. Ar$v uLJlrA_ &pl-esentatives Jvi_fh A{gyFIe Id- Conmands-f n the- nurdpean Theatre of operations 19 4 5

ffiswereprepaiedduring}1ay19a5.(PartI,65 pages) (Part Ir, I18 pages) . (Tota1 Pages 184)

Battle of the Atlantic, VoIs III & Iv. Author unknown.ff 69 Pages ) VoL IV

sRn- 017




sRH- 021

sRH- 022

€.rJil)e.rn%r-l;;ffi4r*)* 5(H-oa|-

SRH-024 andSRH-025

SRII- 026 .1.1a^..+t

SRII- 027 fl o^,*-

sRn- 028

SRI{-,02 9 llo"^''-


78 lrages) (Tota1 pages 147)See SRIi-008 and SRH-009 for Vols II and I.

M'arshall Letter to Eisenhower on the Use of ULTRA INtCl-Iiqgnce, Author: G. C- I"larshal1, 15 l"lar 44. ( 4 pages )

"MAGfC" Backqtound-of Pearl Harbor. Volumes I thru V,Total: S bound books )

Co{e a Siqnal Memolanga, Navy Department Code & Signal .

SeC-tIon, pivislon of Operations . Date 1917 . I book ' . "'ll.:"" ,(3S pages) .,,

A Brief Hist_orv of the Siqnal ,Intelliqg_nce_Service,t

4-.H.is!glv- gf tlrg. codg and siphgf Sectio!, during theF-Itst world-fiE;-E - Ma j oi H-eibE t- O: Vefdley . Date- 19I9 .

(12 pages)

Page 3: OLD NSA SRH Idex

'l*;:.tt" ,

lBO6s @- o,#"

tN gg

ffisRH-034 ll o'^'*

RA- 032


Trip Retrorts Concerning. Use of ULTRA in the t'lediter-ranean Theatre. I943-I g44. I

neporls bv- ]J. p . a{mv UISRA Fepjegentatives- witb, Fi?}9,Commands in the Southwest Paeific, Pacific Ocean and Cnrna

, 1944-1945; (87 Pages)

Historv of the Op=gretion? of=?peciai Security 9f ficersAttached to Field Co

Marshall Letter 'to l'lacArthur on the Use of ULTRArntEfTJqencg, dated 23 MaY )'944 . (20 pages

MIS, Inlar Department.History of the Special Brangh,Date, fg42-I944. (63 Pages)

Radio Intel liqence -il. I^Ig5l-d-llal: -IJ,T.?gticql aPefellonsffific ocean Areas. o s)


r^'rrtt. "rffiL}' sRE-135 and sRH-144'

- 16\r'% (--O\' - o A-u--

fE*fr:6fi:"i?&*1" R"potts Received by u. s: I'rar Dpt. on the use o! u-!r84'-€::-:::-/ es )

N ot aPPl'A Sqleq$on o! Papers Pertaining,.to HeIbeT! Q. Y-ard,Iey.

' eff,'\c.




Unit History , 2d Army Air Force Radio- Squadron -Mobile'Dates: April 1945 June 1946' (20 pages)

"MAGIC" Diplomatic Extracts. Date JuIy 1945. (80 PPs)

MIS Contribution to the Har. Ef f ort. Date Dec 194-5 .

Third Radio Intelliqence History in Cam iqn ofWestern EuTope.Teryasesf

SIS ' Third U. S . Arrny, Date: 6ct I945

l{ a^* , Statement for Record o! Pqqticlpalion 'of Bri . Gen. CarterW. Clarke ' GSCr. EFA -TFansmittal of Letters f rom Gen.George C.' I"lars to Gov Thomas E. DeweY, SeP 1944.( 14 pages )



I^lar Dpt. Sqqglatiols . Govefning- lhs Disse$ination andr94 3-

1945 (eg pages)

Rerliniqcences of Lf , Si9 Corps i Signalte 4 Aug 45 (SZ PPS)

Procedure-s f or Hen in the- ' China ' Burrna

'India Theater . Date : 22 Mar L9 44 - ( 13 Pages )tr-t0r{


Page 4: OLD NSA SRH Idex

D*qr D :

sRE- 047

sRH- 04 8


sRH- 0 6 0'


n'ffi2'"""Jff'.sRii- 05 2 \t- *]'j+-**v**

..-,"- ,'





Pli_t Histori, 3rd R?oio. Scrujrdrgn JoFile, U. S.Army AirCorps . Dates , April 1914 Aug 19 4 5. (155 pages )

Sumrrrarv of Operational Activitv of S iqnal Securitv De-Fac.h{ient ".? " , Izt.h A:rny Group , ETO. Dates , I Sep 44to L Apr 45: 177 pages)

Technical SiqnaL lntell-ioence Transmitted Dlrectlv to9:2, 12th Ar:ny Group, ETO. 'Dates: 14 Aug1945. (?18 pages )

f er €nce . 15 Aug 15. (233 rages)

944 7 Ma!

n'i!*i*i*::*'* N .tQsSH;-9s-9)'

--z**'*'-\@osRH- A52

**#\sRH-053 )




Riverbank Labo , from G. Fabyan,ate , 1919 . tlz pps )

,rtrrrl _Jdsrview 'with ltr. .Ralph T. Bf icqs , by the HistorianI"O(L\cl n I9l?. (1? Pages)

Esti@af.'!oca--ions.Da-u€S:JuJ.y43-Aug|15.\JJ.' pageS/pages )

SpeeiaL Report bv Joi nt. F-rnv - Naw Cornmittee on ihe. on.Date 23 June 1945. (4 pages)

Xffects of E-29 Operaticns in Supoort of Okrnawa Carrr-paiqn.. Dates: 18'I'iar 1i : 22 Jun 43. (16 pages)

Esti{r.q-!e{.UIit Locatrqns of_J_goanese Tavv qlri ArIr: Ai,fIorces . Date 2A Ju3.y iL-5. (4 0 pages )

Pre l-iminarv Report ',-o Pac i f i c Order of Bat''Ie Con-sRu- 0 55 I

-.} a??t' ' '

N 01 -'h rG--

"This is Our l{ar, }943 (200 -oages) "The LesendarvfRT:Cttr)^^^ fr.rnns oc-. 'r 1 tio pae$


SeLected Examples cf Co:rnrencat'ions and Related Corres-pondence Hr ghligh-'ing' -'be }-:rchievements of U . S. SignalIntelligence ouring irTtII, 10 Jan 46. (6? pages )

Notes on the Japanese Trrea-u€! Coori,inat'ion Sectlon,0 pps)

Allocation of Soecial Securitv Officers to Special3-

Historv of yril"itarv in'.-eLLicence Service, MIS' war bp..

Japqnes.e gurface a.-:i i.i: Opeia'",!on, ). Jan'12 G 3i Jar 12CI.IO. 2] Feb 45 lLi Pages)

JapaneFq-Subqa:ine_O_peiat.lons, 23 Jan 25 }tar 12, CNO.

28 l.iar 45 (33 pages)

Page 5: OLD NSA SRH Idex


SRE- O6 5

sRri- 0 ? 3

sRH- 07 4

sRH- 0 ?.6

sRIt- 07:]

sRil- o ? I



sRIt:0 8 0

( ..:.-.



J.ee_enesx F,ur{.acg and .}jLL Oeq5aTio*:, CNO, l Feb 42 -31 Mar 42, 5 Apr 45. (Sa, Pages)

Exampl.es of Intellioence Obtained from Crvptoanal s:.sAug 46. (11 pages)

ilk'll Japan as t'lediator in the Russo-Gerrna-n Coaf lict ' Pacif ic44. (2O pps)

dA{l Japanese Estimates of Ger:rranr" s Abilitv to Continue '.-hegfrucqle, 22 Jan 45' COhfNCE/CllO. (25 pages)

fhe Probl-em of the Prolonoation of "he

Soviet-JapaneseNeutrslijv_ Pggt_, orc 12 Feb 45 , COyINCE/CNO . (37 pages )

Notes on the Crimea (YaLta ) Conierence, 23 Mar 45,

Abrooation of the Soviei.-Ja"arese Ne'rtral-itv Paet,

Recent Poli.tical Develo:lmen"s ir Thailand, (Siam),

lrtlrile Rug-glaDs in Sanchgklo, 8 l,lar' 43, Pacif ic Strate-qicd

ID',€lligence Sect.!o:: CiNC Ug iiee-, ai:d CliO. (1] .pages )

t r:'

Japanese Sqrmese alfirtigrs, 9 }iay 15, Pacj.fic Straiegic/Cno. - (LT pages)

iapanese @ Gerroan DejSa! , 2! May 15, Pacif :-cINCH/Cr',*-O. ( 15 Pages )


€;gf{}rvo &rr.'{T

SRH- O7 2

i sRi:- 0? 5\.FR-:.-

o ilFtr)

Feb }tay 15. Pacific S--rE-ueqis lntelligence SectionCOMfNCHICNO. (1.3 pages)

Sino-9qEgt Re1aticDs, J-lrnq t-5,- Pacif ic StraiegicIntellegence Section eOylit]CElenO. (11 oages)

Russo-Japanese Relaiions, lE Jr:r 15'. Pacific StrategicIntelligence Secti oa COI,IINCE/CIiO. (14 pages )

Russo-Jaoanese ReIatlons, 2 iul L-5.. gacific StrateEicInte]ligence Sectlon, COMfliC=/CllO. (20 pages)

Col$rilai+.onJ>f IglglLieelce Dq-,-a, Ja_aarrese SubmarineForces, 9 Feb o-5! Capt. h'. R. Sined.berg, III. (3 pages)

Inf orma*,ion f rom Georce w. i.:nr , Caat, USIIR (Ret') 23 OctCapt Linn. (i5 pege-e )

Situation in ThaiLa.:ri (Ap:-ii::r 15) 9 JuI 13, Pacific9 pages )S"raiegic lD-'ellrgence Sec-,icn CO):.IliCE/CliO.



sRir- 0I2

Page 6: OLD NSA SRH Idex


sRH- O 84





sRH- 0I9


.qpH- n q qva\aa v J



sRir- 097


The Chqnq:Kinq-Yena!,Control/ersv, '10 May 45, PacificStrategic Intel,Iigence Section, COMINCIT/CNO. (18 pages)

Russo-Japanese Relations (1-12 Jul 45) , 14 Jul 45,Pacif ic Strategic Ln-.elligence Section COVINCts,/CNO. &1 pps)

Russo;Japanese R.ela-'igns (13-20 JuL 45 ) Pacif ic StraiegicSectisn , COUINCH/CNO. 21Ju14 5 . Q4 Pages )

RUS so-.JppeTre s_e _,Re l ation-s (2I-27 Jql 4 5 ) ? Aug 45 , Pacif icStrategic 'Intelligence Sec"ion , COMINCE/CNO Q2 pages )

Monbolian Indeoendence, 3 Aug 45, Pacific Strategic In--tElligence sect-f on-Eol,.,INcii/CNo. ( 14 pages )

Russo-Japanese Rel-ations , 28 Jul - 5 Aug 45, Pacif iceciion COMINCH/CNO. (20 pages)

qs*st;Pj-q) yo dF{'l

-.-M.Mr*>--*f sRH- o 91\

-*.---@ya ilA'"!

sRH- O9 3

llilitarv and Political. P1ans for the Southern PacificAreF. Fgrmulate_d b-r, iie Japjrts:se 'prior to 11 Aug 15 ,

24 Aug 45. (14 pages)

Japan's Sur5ender !'laneuvers,, 29 AuE 45 Pacif ic Strat.eEicIntelligence Section COI:INC;l,/Ct'tO. (18 pages )

The, Chungking-Yen an Con-,rover sI, Chronologi ca I Repo:" ,telligence Section CqY,INCF,z

CNO. (1'8 Pages ):

Japan (Reac'"ion to Def eat and Current Probiens ) ; 28 SepNCE/CNO:

37 oages )

Sino-JaDanese Rel6-,-1cis (Japan' s Chrna Policv) 2 Oct 15,Pacrfic Strategic J.nreliigence Section coyrINCB/cNo.(21 pages)

French-Indo-China (!ol-itical Situation), 11 Oet 45'Pacefic Strate.gicQq pages )

R ecent Fclitical

in:e.!ligexce Section COY:InNCII,/CNO'

DeveLcrnelts !n French..I

5 A r 45 , Pacif ic S-,rEt€Ei c intel-l-igence Sec"ion COIIINCIi/CNO. (19 pages )

Japanese Relations v-1t.n the Renainlng "Li ste4inc lbb-'s "-ffielligence sec-,ion courNcH/cNo. (J4 pages)

Proceedincs of Paciii c O:de: of Bat't'le Conference , 3- 19

Report of Paci.fic O=ie: cf Sett,Le Conference (GrouniPorc€s ) , 15- 18 Aug 15 , IliS ii'ar Departr,nent.


(353 oages)

Pacific Strategic lnteiligence Section COMINCH/CNO,

Page 7: OLD NSA SRH Idex

. Ddf; I D,: =*o@*rt

Eijlgn of the Inte1tigg}ce Grqup- .MIS (MID) W; D.'G'rapEic -PiEsentation of Intel

gence, 5 Sep 45., ,

I'ttS, I^lai DPt. ( l-55 pages ) ^/(The Aftermath of Japanese occupat'ion of Freneh d IeFina; ,1t'l-r-Ilay 45) , !1ay 1945, Pacif icgencE Section. ( 12 pages )


Estimated Disposition of Japanese Fl.eet Naval Aircraftand Merclrant Shipping, Seventh Fleet f,nteliigence Center13 Aug 44. ' (20 pages )


Identifications, Locations and Command Functions ofSiqni.ilcan-, JaeanpsF A:mv,z.tigyv_Pgfsolne,], CINCPAC,CINCPOA (I5 Feb I Aug 15). (40 pages)

Suiqide Attaqk Sola*dron 9rqan , QINCPAC ' CINCPOA

Eng]Trv_Co:nbat Shie i,opFes, CINCPAC , CfNCPOA I Aug 4 5.( l5 oages )

Japanese Swept Channels ani Surr-ken vessels as Iniica-'€d



sRIl- 101

sR3- 10 2




{"3ff:b\rrRteFCCFvFE\' j'



l-n ULTRA (!,lAPS ) ,

Specific Instructicns for

Aug 13 , CINCPAC , CIIiCPOA. t24 pps

the Iiand)"ing and Di ssei'nina-'ion, DA I UI\J , U>I\

lr=';/f-r---a\sRH- l.0 7):k;a*x-

ffilrobl,ems of the SSO Systen liorli llar IJ, Aug 52 , MIS,

Report on Assiqrunent. r^'ith Third United Sta*r-€s Ariny,Ma j Warrack lial"lace, USA. I8- Fates

Oroani zaiion and Operations of the Gernan Speciali'sts,MI S , irrar Dpt . Jul 15. (i2 pages

Oserrations gf the_vJIitary inlel]igence Service, WatrDpi, Londo;, . (57pps

yrF.GIC Reoorts for the At',ention of -'he PresideDt.r 1943-19 44 | I'iIS , h'ar Depari:nent . paoes

?ost MorLeIr _Il{i}il_cj; -gr _I:?gri.t:"ions of Ardennes 0f f en-

EJegljd Docu{ren!s Co- qqrj+rnc o. S . F, ocgra-,igns. in ..ii.sPg?.,MIS h'ar Dpt. 5 ,May - 13 iul 43 . (2'7 pages )

Chijr.S' s,-Posi',-ion T,ocav , COt.iI.t.*i; , CNO, 19 aug 4 5 . (2 5 pps )

Q.. Q . .Pr:nlv ._Inyegt+ caij. glq- into tbe iia.ndlrlrc qf Cgrtain14:

1,945, MIS. Idar Dpt'. (387 pages)

2 pages )

E.[mL'#-> /,4

Page 8: OLD NSA SRH Idex

.. DGf;ID: 3ff

of tjregrigin, Functions , arrd Problenr


lH*.,oot' $

,#U Fis!-orv Srf Sp€cial. 4rengh. l/:. r,r.S..,ttls September 1945 (11 pages)

June 1944 -'

, t)' S*9Ineidental Exbibits re Peaii Earbor- rnvestiga-Ineidental Exbibits re Pearl- Ea:

I'lilitarv Intel liqence Se:rrice !i'ar DepartrnentSpecial Securityr Of ficer anc O.-'re:r

sRtl- I1 9


Corre sponoencethe Pacific OceanRelating to Special lntelLigence in

Area (pages 92)

UtiLiza-"ion of .Fmerican lncians as CommunicationLlnqui s!,s (10 7 pages )

Jananese Ship List "Kno'* Ic:= I--,e:ilr,' 18 Dec L9 41SRH-I21

SRH- T22

sRiJ- 12 4

SRli- 12 5 t1 a" a-,

(3I pages )

-'he Scshi }laru anC theJapanese Messaqes CorceiniDcAh?A lYiaru - Decernber 1911 -,-h:u A'rEus: 1945. (i43 pages)

Brownell Committee Repcrt (2!2 rages )

Operational Flistorv of :.ire a49-.:- Sicnal In',-elLioence'Serr;ice, lvredrterranean ?hea--e= oi Cpera"io.ns r USA. (Z !.OPP-')

t1' ''r5'Kt!'obL

CortY** n.)

ffisRli- L}g

.4Appl, I


?J.} rp {1"

Cert ain Aspects of "ltas: c " :n t::e C:vptoloci ca1 Back-rounC of the Various O. i i c:af Ini'estlqa-'ions ln',-o the

Pearl Harbor At'"a ck , by i'h. ? - : ri ecrnan 0 q pages )

Hi,s-!.ofv and Orc-anizatica oi Pac:fic l'.,i1-itarv fntelli-Ian d

5 Sep 1944 L1 Aug l-91:. {55 :ages).:Use ani Di sserninatior cf L:]::a .n tbe9guthwpst Pacijic Area, 1913-r,9{5. 195 pages)

of PearL Harbo: Sea=iiss,Stucv !.:i l-:!-ary lntelligenceS--ajf , 'l-9ti (39 Pd,ges)


S e rvi ce , lt'ar Dep ari:nen', G e nE: a 'l

JaeangPg OTde-r qf_Qil.i.L.e, .3:li_e:,r-,s, Military In'"eIl-i-gence Service, Ivrarc.n iu-e \91!-. (171 pages)

Hist,orv of -"he Inteil.:ce:'tce G=olp, )1IS, yrID, hiDGS,Scientific Branch', !915 (EC, page-.)


Page 9: OLD NSA SRH Idex

i; ,.... ._.tE=f-.:Jz


cEffff3T\.-'q**s=ec.rrc'*EiEel'-l Ab- rrZ I Vtfflgv


Hi.storv of !.he- Inte llioence Group, l'1IS , WDGS ,llilitary Branch:

Part i, Research Unit Q7 Pages)

part II, Pacific Order of Batt1e Section, 1225 pages)

. Part III , Pacific Order of Battle Section, Continued( 217 pages )

Part IV, Pacific Oroer of Battle Section, Continued( 151 pages )

Part v, ltilitary Research Section (142 pages)

Part VI , Air Indus-rxiy Section (15 9 pages )

Hi s tory- oi thg-Spe cj! a-l Pr sr-r:-bu.!i ory -Branch ,

MI S , WDGS (7 pages )

RepOrt Of l'iission tO liar^'aii and !,larianas to S''udSeeuritv of . 2Is'" Bornber Coninan Comnunications ' YrIS,WDGS, Marcn 1945. (53 pages)

Expansion of the Siq'nal fr'uelliqence Service from 1930 -7 Decernber ' J 911 by win. ! . lriedman (29 Pages\

,*istorv-of -"he Seconi Sicnal- Servrce Satta-Ijs:t, ]g39-945. Army Security Agqncy, Dept. of Alrr)r_ (ig6 oages)

Radio In;,-6lIioence in l{or Id i,lar II , Tactical Operat,ionsrrr tne er 1942. (?07 oages)

- lln.Lt llrs-lgry. -]st Ba.di.o -scrljiirc-D,-.Mob}-le. u. s. Air. .Forcq. securlf v ,serrri ee . 1- 31 August ] 94 g - l-rraich -30 April 1950. QA pages )

TJnit Hi storv.. 2nC RF_{io sguairon-,_ l*,!g,bi_le ,uni.-,-s.d_StFtes'$I?F segurit., senrts.e. @ rgai to ir Jur.r,1949. (55 oages)

Oni_-u Historr,', 3rd Rai:.o So airon, !'lobr e TJnitec Sta-.

sR.Il- I3 3

S.RH- l- 3 4 ll e-a-

SRH- 13 5 "j+"-,*


sRJt- I 3 ?

sRH- l,3 I

ss,Ii- 13 g


Air Force ,securitv Se:n;-ice. I January''9 31 Decernber

1ffi-b A?P\' Hi Stof), Of the " Lansuase Li - i sor Group " ,2

(16 pages )

!'rri LitarySeprember 19 4'5 .


--rr,+, :.: ::." .

" " 7*t t-""

1y l)4te u Vrt?"'P-VI'- adu'


Part 1 and Fart 2 . F;,ee=s_ :ron tle persoral f j 1ssef$i ence 3ranch, i.tar bpt. (part I F 223 page'B;Part 2 - 347 pages. )


Page 10: OLD NSA SRH Idex


ULTRA and the cq+lcaigns Ag-qilrs.t the ]J:F,oa'F,s i.n


I{orld War II . (42 pages )

ULTRI_ ip t\g Batj]g_ of. Pritai.g: The ReaI Key toSuccess ? (7 Z pages )

Radio Intel]lqenc.e in Horld War II,_.Tactical Opsra$ionj;


in the Pacific Ocean Arqa, February 1943. (Part I and


Ha4-*Iinq-of. UTTRA within, lhe ,I,$Jitarv InteLliqenceFeryice. 1941 - 1945. .(7 pages)

Cgmmunicatlon Tntelliqence Sqnrnaries, I Novernber -'.5 December 194I, Commandant, I4th Nava1 Districtr'United States Navy. ( 44: pages )

Ggneqql Inf br$at_ip.n on Loc_a} ULTRA P,icture asBackground for Signal fntelligence Cgnference.6 t"larch 19 4 4 . ( I0 pages )

A Brief Hi:toTy ..o! C.olnqunica .in


the United States by Laurance F, Safford, Captain,USN , (Ret ) (22 pages )

Tt-rg sirthdav, of _the Ngv?.I Security Grogp ( 5 pages )

Military Study Communication Intelliqenee ResearchActivities , United States NarDr, 30 June 1937. PPS )

Pps )Historv Feview_, of 9P-:?t-9, United gtates Navt ( 13

llIS , !f ar Department Liaison Activities in the UK,1943 1945. (20 pages)

Fiqna1 lltelligeFce- DisjclosuTes i,n th.e.. Pep.rl H-qrborInvestiq.a,tiols. (47 . pages)

Intg-llioenj:e Summpries, .fapanese Shipping January -February 1943: (59 pages)

Weekly L!q.tinq.:_ of Merchant YesseIF Sunll in T,arEastern . blaters . 14 Dec.ember I94 4 tr4 March 194 5.


PSIS l2A-Z PSIS 120-14. (97 pages )


N -r-a?p\' See also SRH-OI2, SRa-036 and SRII-I36.

ffiJ;"€,(293 pages )

sRR- 14


SRH- t5 0

SRTI- 15].

sRH- 15 5


sRn-l,5 6


"o df*t'

| '-rEin=-.S.Bt\€S;l$,9>


SRH- L52


Page 11: OLD NSA SRH Idex

': D*f,rD I 3ffo6qRet


SRE- 15?

sRE-1,5 g

oI'lonthlv Listinq of Sirrlcj:ros of Japanese ShipsApril September 1945. PSIS 21-1 - 121-5 (56 pps)

A" T,is'F-p!, fgeatese Merihen!-$Iips,t

KIfU-URAKAZE M. (327 pps ) Part I IZyno I"1. (352 pps)

Second EditionI ABE M. to- Lai Hsing to

ffiffitf rep\'Prelimina on tfie Solution of


Hj,storry ef weather Uni_!- ( 33 pages)

Permanent Orqanization for Code ani Cipher fnvestiqation_ .. . , ' .. . - . - .iand Attack (P1ans f or M. I . 8 ) (8 pages )

ffi. ro=urt.u l,o",r.rrrno orn, to 1955. (13 pages)

JoiL!_Arlnv-I.tayv As s? s smen'., 9o:-nrni Lte e- J JANAC l _ l'li s cel l.pneoPF

Memoranda 1943 - 1947. (109 paEes )

Memoranda from COyTINCH (F20) to Joint Armv-Naw Assessment

l"lemoranda from Offiee of NavaI Communications to Jointd

III. (852 pages) 1

J_ginl *rT,vjNarry Assessnren-, Corur}]',-tsg l_J4!lC ) Ye3orgndato Office of NavaI Communicarions. September 1994agesi

Memoranda from Sional Corps to ioint Armv-NaAssessnent Committee (JANAC) , 1915 - 1945, ( 33 pages )

p.t 3?Pt'

f st*'l'1ffi>n",;p;


€ffi?.F |,[otat?\


sRn- 15 4

sRH- 16 5

sg.H- 15 5




Agenoa t{inutes/Assessments, Joint Arrnv-Na Asses smentCo.nT4_tte,e (JItriAC ) , Paris I thru iX, !"leetings]94t- 494'7 . (2, Boo pages)

Centralrzei Control of U. S. Armr' *Sicna1 LnLell-ioenceActiviiies. ( 91 pages )

Shie_pinq jrnd Scpno1ic Note-s , I"r:l]larv lntelLiqencg -SenticS,VJar Department . Part I - Inci ces . Part II thru' XIII ,

18 October 1944 28 Septenber ]915. (5,544 pages)

1 66,

lzffl*-*\ FPd'?'€38*.6f"*) 'l^

SRH- 17 O


Page 12: OLD NSA SRH Idex


sRB- t72


sRff- 17 3

SRH- T? 4

sRn- l.7 5

Ngyy D-epartnrg}9,-Office qf !!ief of Naval Oper-a$onsr

' OCSIGO, Sig'na1 Securitv lgqncv Jaqg.Ires,g Armt, OrderI ttrru

(f , 55I pages )


OCSf GO, Signal jgcuritv Bqenev-, Japanese Or.der of Battle .

s I and II. (775 pages)

OCSf GO, Siqla] Securitv .l,qencv, Japanese Order of Battle,ts f and II. (845 pages)

llgnal- SpsuritL A-oengyl Japanese Order of Battle,arls i ani II. (943 pages)

9CSIGO,.. .Siqla L Jecur,itv, Japanese Oroer of Batt1e, Fif thEdition, (I2 January 1915) ?arts I thru III . (921 pages)

Interroqation of Japanese Ccncerning Possible Broadcastgjf thq,,'i.w!nC.s.Executq " .I,lSssao,es (Oc',-Nov 1945 ) . (15 pages )

R,adio SFSuri tv Statjotr, llarine -De-!a

girgreJt , Peipi.ng , China ,19 2?- 19 35 . ( I pages )

R,aCio Securily SLati on , lourth liarineg4O , (50. pages )

RegimeDt, ' lhanghai,

U. S. Naval Pre-i,lor1d llar Ii R,acio lntelliqence Activi"ies

sRH- ] I l.

sRli- I g 2

sRlt- L 8 3

sRlt- ] 81

OCSIGO, SiqnaI Securitv Agenql_, Jap3nese Order of*), 'lar-,-s I thru v.

U. S . Nara]_QpnuT,urrlc_atj.o::s Sup2).qmqnL@,

in the Philliprne Islanis, 19 31-1942. (100 pages )

Batt1e,(1328 pps)

Vai togi ,

OCSf GO, Signal_S_ecurittlgenct', Loca'rion of Japanese I'tilitar-vgU . ( 31 Pages )

CNO Pacific S-'rat,eoic Jn;ellioence Section 3Ilieo Claimsand Enemy Confirmation o= Da;-nage to Japanese Ships (Januarylg!3-February 1945) Parts I --hru x. (2,909 pages)

{gr E>ree,fiEnce- qf Alfrec }lcCqTlna.ck. (83 pages)'l

U. S , Naval Supplementarv Raiio ,station , iwo Jina ,

U , S . Nava1 Supolementar:"' Ra.ii o Station , Palmyra Islano,Territory of Hawaii . (i pages )



SRH- 18 7


Page 13: OLD NSA SRH Idex

''..d T*f;rD:i.'

sRB-l8 I:'


.sRE-l9 g

sRH-19 0

sRB- t.91

sRl- l,g 2


sR,Ii- 1g 4

q?F-'l o q,y.ba

-J J


s F.E- 1,9 I


\-3fid'6EIl p


D. S. Na ,s)

. R . S . Naval Supplement.a:rrl Rad.io Station, Johnston Island ,ages )

U. S. I.ta ,944 '

( 6 Pages )

D. S. Na io Stair-on, Rwajalein Iagesj

U. S. Naval Suppl-etnen''a::r ]radi e StatioD, l"lalus Islanc,es)

U. S, n*aval, Raiio Dir€c-.ion 3j-de= Statiorr, !"lorotaiIslano , 21 january 3 3'e:ruarl' 1945. (13 pages)


U . L. )taval Sugelqnentan' 3,aij.o-S'L3tion,'Le1l',e 7 Phi!-ippineI.slancs, i6 JuIy L945 t? Se-ptein:rer l-945. (5 pages)

,Japanese Ground ior ces o:ce= cf gatrl e tuUEEIns-{7l-IAuglus'.-l-945). Pa=tsiancl:. (?99oages)

l:-r- i 1 -

ffi> Utt61"ot.= of the Acrivities of Dr. }iarshal

(23 pages )

U'' 9.. \'arnr , ggEgunicjti on.Int.e ]li_oencq _O_rq_anizatrol ,Liaisoi: anc coll,aboratior, i9 4i-]9 45. (39 p-gEs)

I+le._gf )'res.:gq,es Sxcha:reei u:iQ -U. S; lij.Lj.t+yv--*i.ssiogio !vtosco\.,t. (45 pages)

J aqine sq F-*rn_r_ Sh j,:r?rnc O:qani ? ati- on , L March I9 4 5 ,lliIiiary Lnt,ellr gence

j anuary

Se:rylc€ , i'lar Departrnent. (12]


page s )

"'tsRti- 2 01


-h-i -Aab.r(tt-.1 u I

e Collee-,ion of Geni,an E-3oat .i-c:ironi'.i on/gxperi enceMes,saores 194

Location of

-J'915 (oP-20-c) (208 pages)

Principai Co=:a-- Snips (Japanese)22 Sep-uerDer 29 Dec€.r.b- i911 (OP-20-c) (15 pages)

Page 14: OLD NSA SRH Idex


.,.5::{.r!e,- ^ -


SRH- 204

sRH- 205

SRH- 2 06

sRtr- 2ag

sRH- 209

E$ffiffiSRII- 2II



SRH- 2:'4

SRH- 215

sRH- 2t6{'

sRH- 2t7


General Headquarters, Southwest Pacifie Area, MilitaryInteIIi-

gence Bulletinsr Nr. I 390; 2 t{ay 1943 31 Uay 1944.Parts 1, , 2 and 3 . (923 pages )

A List o@I"lerc -20_G.

(599 pages )

run of AvailabLe Wor1d War II Italianr


U . - S ._ Npw -(OP- 20J Report on O_ra3qe Na\rv ' g . Reactignto_ Chanqkufenq . IngidenF : August 19 3 I . ( 16 pages )

Evqcuation of qEN CO}IfNt Personnel froq Corfgl4o:. in

tlTritgd Stale q- 1.1-ayy_, Sqbnqrine WEr f arq Mes Face Be_po-rts rcoMrNcH To Admiralty, 3 June L942-9 June 1945, serials4 58 , Parts I , II , III and fv. (495 pages )

OP?9-G Traffic .-a+.d. Dpcrvetiorl lntelliqence Chart,,s,(Japanese Navy) 20 January - 1 May L942. (249 pages)

,.r\m4 gIleclion of Pape-rs- Rel+.ted to the "wind-s Execute"Message, U. S. Nar1r 1945. (80 pages)

,=G,lguro- ao*To.t"u. r,a"rrlo"r,"" ,CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bulletin 5-4 5 , I Jan tgaS-..=(32;ages )

ElemEltarv Cipher So1uticn,. Naur Pepjrrt-qent, Of fice of-r::....-Chief of Naval Operations, 1930. (24 panes)

Of f icq gf Oqerati.gns Bul1e ti-ns , Of f ice of Chief of NavalfS ]941. (40pages).

EJ.e_,mentarv Course {rr_ C.nrptanalvsi s , Of f ice of Chief ofNaval Operations r Narry Department , CIRCA l,9 3 9 . $2 pages )

U. S.. Nq!ry r Corun]rnicqtion geeuri,ly Groqp TraiqinqPamphlet, No. 17 , Ciphers 1'9 37 . (49 pages )

E1e-m-g]}teli Cgurse in Crypt?nalysis of f ice of Chief off@ crRcA 1940. (?o pages)

USN Basis Course in E]_eJnenFa5r C{vpta_ga}vsis, l94l

lf lE Depa-rtment Eremeptarv cou{se in- crvptana'lysis ,1945.

: 1g


Page 15: OLD NSA SRH Idex

SRH-220 Messaqes between U; S ,,/?h'iLippine Guerill.a Forces andl BQ,

' tooge'- ,::,ttL rt -' (7,112 pages).(ro ttv" a

? CsS; f) SIS Activities of Cap'taih ltalrison and captain xoerner,r \iFo.-ip;.EF>

SRH -222

sRH -223

SRH- 224

sRH- 225

SRH- 226

sRlr- 227

-- . sRH- 229


SRH- 232


OP029 Rgp_grt on .Jgpanssg.-Gr'and F1eet. ll.aneuv_ejs (MayJune 1930). (211 pages)

Various Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet l"laneuvers tJune

Various Rep.?FFs gl- *apanese Grand Flegt ,Mane]:lre-rs (AugustOctober 1934). (I19 pages)

Various Reports on ,J (July

Japanese Naval Reser@ations Intelligsnce

Unit Historv, 125th Signal Ra,dic .TLtel:ligencg Company,.

I=tiilstqv= ?f. t_hs.. ]J 9th R.?diqjiecsrity- Detachment, 7 FebruaryL942 30 April 1948.

Thq -BoLe, of . CoMI.Nr in ,tlre Battle. ?F.Ii4yav.,,. (9 pages)

Japanese Reports on .


G llavvjoltrucg nadio rnteuis,engq . gppre.qia!@v

April 1945) (9 pages)
