oliver laest audition pack - simply theatre laest... ·...

1 Dear Academy Members, Simply Theatre Academy is delighted to announce details of their Academy production for Spring 2014: “Oliver”. Oliver! is a British musical, with music and lyrics by Lionel Bart. The musical is based upon the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Our production will take place at the Casino Theatre, 42 Rue De Carouge, 1205 Geneva on Saturday 1 st March at 18.30, Sunday 2 nd March at 11.00 and 15.00, Friday 7 th March at 19.30, Saturday 8 th March at 14.30 and 18.30 and Sunday 9 th March at 11.00 and 15.00. Want to audition? If you are an Academy member aged between 8 and 18 you can book your audition time on our website at www.simplytheatre.com Want to be involved behind the scenes? We are seeking older students (15+) and parents / siblings to help backstage. You would need to be able to commit to all show dates as well as attend a weekend technical theatre workshop at our Studios. We are also extremely interested to hear from people who would be available during the daytimes in production week (24 th Feb onwards). Places are limited and we sadly will not be able to accept everyone that applies, however if you are interested please email [email protected]. Audition dates Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd of November 2013, with callback auditions on Monday 4 th November. If you want to audition but cannot make these dates please let us know and we may be able to help. Attached is your audition pack containing all relevant information regarding the auditions. Please contact the Simply Theatre office on 022 860 05 18 or alternatively email [email protected] if you have any further questions. Best Wishes & ‘Break a leg!’ Your Simply Theatre Academy Team

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Dear  Academy  Members,    Simply  Theatre  Academy  is  delighted  to  announce  details  of  their  Academy  production  for  Spring  2014:  “Oliver”.        Oliver!   is   a   British  musical,  with  music   and   lyrics   by   Lionel   Bart.   The  musical   is   based  upon  the  novel  Oliver  Twist  by  Charles  Dickens.    Our  production  will  take  place  at  the  Casino  Theatre,  42  Rue  De  Carouge,  1205  Geneva  

on  Saturday  1st  March  at  18.30,  Sunday  2nd  March  at  11.00  and  15.00,  Friday  7th  March  at  19.30,  Saturday  8th  March  at  14.30  and  18.30  and  Sunday  9th  March  at  11.00  and  15.00.    Want  to  audition?  If  you  are  an  Academy  member  aged  between  8  and  18  you  can  book  your  audition  time  on  our  website  at  www.simplytheatre.com    Want  to  be  involved  behind  the  scenes?  We  are  seeking  older  students  (15+)  and  parents  /  siblings  to  help  backstage.  You  would  need  to  be  able   to  commit   to  all   show  dates  as  well  as  attend  a  weekend  technical  theatre   workshop   at   our   Studios.   We   are   also   extremely   interested   to   hear   from   people   who   would   be  available  during  the  daytimes  in  production  week  (24th  Feb  onwards).  Places  are  limited  and  we  sadly  will  not  be   able   to   accept   everyone   that   applies,   however   if   you   are   interested   please   email  [email protected].    Audition  dates  -­‐  Sat  2nd  &  Sun  3rd  of  November  2013,  with  callback  auditions  on  Monday  4th  November.    If  you  want  to  audition  but  cannot  make  these  dates  please  let  us  know  and  we  may  be  able  to  help.      Attached  is  your  audition  pack  containing  all  relevant  information  regarding  the  auditions.  Please  contact  the  Simply  Theatre  office  on  022  860  05  18  or  alternatively  email  [email protected]  if  you  have  any  further  questions.    Best  Wishes  &  ‘Break  a  leg!’  Your  Simply  Theatre  Academy  Team                                


AUDITION  DETAILS    Auditions  for  “Oliver”  will  take  place  on  Sat  2nd  &  Sun  3rd  of  November  2013.          Audition  times  on  Saturday  2nd  November  are:    Session  1:  13:00-­‐14:00,  Session  2:  13:45-­‐14:45,  Session  3:  15:00-­‐16:00  Session  4:  15:45-­‐16:45,  Session  5:  17:00-­‐18:00,  Session  6:  17:45-­‐18:45    Audition  times  on  Sunday  3rd  November  are:  Session  7:  12:30-­‐13:30,  Session  8:  13:15-­‐14:15,  Session  9:  14:30-­‐15:30,  Session  10:  15:15-­‐16:15  Session  11:  16:30-­‐17:30,  Session  12:  17:15-­‐18:15    Recall  auditions  will  take  place  on  Monday  4th  November  after  5pm.  You  will  be  notified  by  midnight  on  Sunday  3rd  November  as  to  whether  you  will  be  required  for  this  session.      The  audition  will  take  the  form  of  two  parts.  You  will  have  a  private/small  group  audition  where  you  will  be  asked  to  perform  one  prepared  monologue  and  song  for  the  production  team.  The  second  part  will  be  a  group  dance/movement  audition  with  the  choreographer.    For  the  acting  part,  there  are  several  monologues  attached  for  you  to  choose  from.  You  may  feel  free  to  choose  any  of  the  monologues  for  your  audition,  as  no  matter  what  you  perform  at  audition  you  will  still  be  considered  for  all  parts.  This  said,  if  you  are  particularly  keen  on  playing  a  specific  part  and  this  character  is  offered  as  an  audition  monologue,  then  it  would  be  a  good  idea  to  prepare  the  appropriate  one  for  audition.  We  encourage  you  to  learn  your  monologue  off  by  heart,  as  it  will  increase  you  chance  of  performing  well  in  audition.    For  the  singing  part,  you  will  be  required  to  sing  one  song  of  your  choice.  This  can  be  a  song  you  have  learnt  in  class,  a  favorite  song  that  you  know  or  a  new  song  that  you  learn  for  your  audition.  Think  about  a  song  that  best  shows  off  the  range  and  style  of  your  voice.  Please  speak  to  us  if  you  have  any  questions  about  this  as  we  may  be  able  to  help  with  song  suggestions.  You  will  need  to  bring  the  backing  track  along  with  you  on  an  MP3  player,  iphone  or  ipad  for  your  audition.  Unfortunately  you  will  not  be  able  to  use  a  CD.  Please  note  that  you  may  be  stopped  part  way  through  your  song.      Please  ensure  that  you  wear  comfortable  clothing  to  the  audition  so  that  you  can  move  freely.  Please  also  bring  a  bottle  of  water  with  you.    For  more  information  on  preparing  for  audition,  please  see  the  attached  ‘Audition  Hints  and  Tips’  document.                      


   PRODUCTION  DETAILS    Full  scripts  for  the  show  will  be  provided  following  the  completion  of  a  successful  audition.  If  you  are  successful  and  gain  a  part  in  the  production,  we  ask  each  participant  to  pay  a  small  fee  to  help  towards  production  costs.      The  fee  for  Academy  students  enrolled  on  weekly  academy  courses  is  a  one  off  payment  of  190chf.  Students  who  are  members  of  the  Academy  via  weekend  /  summer  workshops  etc.  but  not  weekly  students  will  be  asked  to  pay  a  fee  of  500chf.    Please  be  aware  that  being  involved  in  this  production  is  a  definite  commitment.  Each  cast  member  must  be  present  for  all  rehearsals  when  he  or  she  is  required.  The  only  exception  to  this  is  if  we  have  been  notified  of  an  absence  at  the  time  of  audition.  A  full  rehearsal  schedule  for  the  production  will  be  issued  to  all  of  the  cast  members  when  the  full  cast  list  is  in  place,  however  as  a  rough  guide  to  help  you  to  plan,  the  scheduled  rehearsal  dates  are  listed  below.  Please  note  that  Saturday  rehearsals  run  from  1pm  –  6pm  and  Sunday  rehearsals  run  from  10am  –  6pm    Sat  11,  Sun  12  Jan  Sat  18  Sun  19  Jan  Sat  25,  Sun  26  Jan  Sat  1,  Sun  2  Feb  Sat  8,  Sun  9  Feb  Sat  15,  Sun  16  Feb    Sat  22,  Sun  23  Feb  Production  Week:  Mon  24,  Tues  25,  Wed  26,  Thurs  27,  Fri  28  Feb    (NO  absences  will  be  allowed  during  this  week)    Rehearsals  will  take  place  in  our  Versoix  studios.  Production  week  will  take  place  at  The  Casino  Theatre.  Those  who  are  selected  for  the  production  will  only  need  to  be  present  at  rehearsals  when  specifically  called  for.                                




The  musical  opens  in  the  workhouse,  as  the  half-­‐starved  orphan  boys  are  entering  the  enormous  dining  room  for  dinner  ("Food  Glorious  Food").  They  are  fed  only  gruel.  Oliver  gathers  up  the  courage  to  ask  for  more.  He  is  immediately  apprehended  and  is  told  to  gather  his  belongings  by  Mr.  Bumble  and  the  Widow  Corney,  the  heartless  and  greedy  caretakers  of  the  workhouse  ("Oliver!").  Mr.  Bumble  and  Widow  Corney  are  left  alone,  and  Mr.  Bumble  begins  to  make  amorous  advances.  Mrs.  Corney  pretends  to  resent  his  attentions  ("I  Shall  Scream!"),  but  ends  up  on  Mr.  Bumble's  lap.  Oliver  comes  back  and  is  sold  ("Boy  for  Sale")  and  apprenticed  to  an  undertaker,  Mr.  Sowerberry.  He  and  his  wife  taunt  Oliver  and  Mr.  Bumble  ("That's  Your  Funeral"),  causing  Mr.  Bumble  to  become  angry  and  storm  out.  Oliver  is  sent  to  sleep  in  the  basement  with  the  coffins  ("Where  is  Love?").  

The  next  morning  Noah  Claypole,  another  employee  of  Sowerberry,  insults  Oliver's  dead  mother,  whereupon  Oliver  begins  pummeling  him.  Mrs.  Sowerberry  and  her  maid,  Charlotte  run  in,  and  Mr.  Bumble  is  sent  for.  He  and  the  Sowerberrys  lock  Oliver  in  a  coffin,  but  during  all  the  commotion  Oliver  escapes.  After  a  week  on  the  run,  he  ends  up  in  the  city  of  London  and  meets  the  Artful  Dodger,  who  beckons  Oliver  to  join  him  ("Consider  Yourself").  Dodger  is,  unknown  to  Oliver,  a  boy  pickpocket,  and  he  invites  Oliver  to  come  and  live  in  Fagin's  lair.  Fagin  is  a  criminal,  and  he  is  in  the  business  of  teaching  young  boys  to  pick  pockets.  Oliver  is  completely  unaware  of  any  criminality,  and  believes  that  the  boys  make  handkerchiefs  rather  than  steal  them.  Oliver  is  introduced  to  Fagin  and  his  boys,  and  is  taught  their  ways  ("You've  Got  to  Pick  a  Pocket  or  Two").  

The  next  day,  Oliver  meets  Nancy,  the  live-­‐in  girlfriend  of  the  terrifying  Bill  Sikes,  a  burglar  whose  abuse  she  endures  because  she  loves  him.  Nancy,  along  with  her  younger  sister  Bet  and  the  boys,  sing  about  how  they  don't  mind  a  bit  of  danger  ("It's  a  Fine  Life").  Oliver  bows  deeply  to  Nancy  and  Bet,  trying  to  be  polite.  All  the  boys  laugh  and  mimic  Oliver.  Nancy  singles  out  Dodger  to  demonstrate  the  way  the  rich  people  treat  each  other  ("I'd  Do  Anything").  Nancy  and  Bet  leave  and  Oliver  is  sent  out  with  the  other  boys  on  his  first  pickpocketing  job  ("Be  Back  Soon").  Dodger,  another  boy  named  Charley  Bates,  and  Oliver  decide  to  stick  together,  and  when  Dodger  and  Charley  rob  Mr.  Brownlow,  a  wealthy  old  man,  they  run  off,  leaving  Oliver  to  be  arrested  for  the  crime  ("The  Robbery").  


In  the  Three  Cripples  pub,  Nancy  sings  an  old  tavern  song  ("Oom  Pah  Pah").  Bill  Sikes  makes  his  first  appearance,  and  disperses  the  crowd  ("My  Name").  Dodger  runs  in  and  tells  Fagin  about  Oliver's  capture  and  removal  to  the  Brownlow  household.  Fagin  and  Bill  decide  to  kidnap  Oliver  to  protect  themselves.  Nancy  at  first  refuses  to  help,  but  Bill  physically  abuses  her  and  forces  her  into  obedience.  In  spite  of  this,  Nancy  still  loves  Bill,  and  believes  he  loves  her  too  ("As  Long  As  He  Needs  Me").  

The  next  morning,  at  Mr.  Brownlow's  house  in  Bloomsbury,  Mrs.  Bedwin  the  housekeeper  sings  to  Oliver  ("Where  Is  Love?  [Reprise]"),  and  Oliver  wakes  up.  Mr.  Brownlow  and  Dr.  Grimwig  discuss  Oliver's  condition.  They  decide  that  he  is  well  enough  to  go  outside,  and  so  Brownlow  sends  Oliver  to  return  some  books  to  the  


library.  Oliver  sees  a  group  of  street  vendors  and  joins  them  in  song  ("Who  Will  Buy?").  As  the  vendors  leave,  Nancy  and  Bill  appear  and  grab  Oliver.  They  bring  him  back  to  Fagin's  den,  where  Nancy  saves  Oliver  from  a  beating  from  Sikes  after  the  boy  tries  to  flee.  Nancy  remorsefully  reviews  their  dreadful  life,  but  Bill  maintains  that  any  living  is  better  than  none.  Fagin  tries  to  act  as  an  intermediary  ("It's  A  Fine  Life  [Reprise]").  Left  alone,  Fagin  wonders  what  his  life  might  be  like  if  he  left  London  and  began  an  honest  life  ("Reviewing  the  Situation"),  however,  after  thinking  of  various  excuses,  he  elects  to  remain  a  thief.  

Back  at  the  workhouse,  Mr.  Bumble  and  the  Widow  Corney,  now  unhappily  married,  meet  the  dying  pauper  Old  Sally  and  another  old  lady,  who  tell  them  that  Oliver's  mother,  Agnes,  left  a  gold  locket  when  she  died  in  childbirth.  Old  Sally  stole  the  locket,  which  she  gives  to  the  Widow  Corney.  Mr.  Bumble  and  Widow  Corney,  realizing  that  Oliver  may  have  wealthy  relatives,  visit  Mr.  Brownlow,  hoping  to  profit  from  any  reward  given  for  information  of  him  ("Oliver!  [Reprise]").  He  throws  them  out,  but  recognizes  the  picture  inside  the  locket  as  a  picture  of  his  niece,  and  realizes  that  Oliver  is  actually  his  great  nephew.  

Nancy  visits  Brownlow  and  promises  to  deliver  Oliver  to  him  safely  that  night  on  London  Bridge.  She  ponders  again  about  Bill  ("As  Long  As  He  Needs  Me  [Reprise]").  Suspecting  that  Nancy  is  up  to  something,  Bill  follows  her  as  she  sneaks  Oliver  out.  At  London  Bridge,  he  confronts  them,  knocks  Oliver  unconscious,  and  clubs  Nancy  to  death.  He  then  grabs  Oliver  and  runs  off.  Mr.  Brownlow  arrives  and  discovers  Nancy's  body.  A  large  crowd  forms,  among  them  the  distraught  Bet.  Bullseye,  Bill's  terrier,  returns  to  the  scene  of  the  crime  and  the  crowd  prepares  to  follow  him  to  the  hideout.  Fagin  and  his  boys  leave  their  hideout  in  panic.  Not  finding  Bill  at  the  hideout,  the  crowd  returns  to  the  Thames  Embankment.  Bill  appears  at  the  top  of  the  bridge,  holding  Oliver  as  hostage  and  threatening  to  kill  him.  Two  policemen  sneak  up  on  him.  One  of  them  shoots  Bill  and  the  other  grabs  Oliver.  Oliver  is  reunited  with  Mr.  Brownlow.  The  mob  disperses  offstage  in  order  to  track  down  Fagin.  He  appears  and  decides  that  the  time  has  never  looked  better  for  him  to  straighten  out  his  life  ("Reviewing  the  Situation  [Reprise]").  



CAST    Please  note  that  your  playing  age  is  not  your  chronological  age,  but  the  age  you  appear  to  be  on  the  stage.  For  example,  you  may  be  18  years  old  but  may  appear  to  be  14  or  15  on  stage.   Oliver  Twist  (playing  age  8  -­‐13)    The  protagonist  of  the  story  ,  he  is  a  lonely  orphan  boy  born  in  the  workhouse.  Looks  around  10  years  old  and  fairish.  He  is  vulnerable  but  tough  and  feisty  and  should  have  a  strong  ability  to  convey  real  emotions.  British  (not  cockney  accent)  Unchanged  Voice  (Boy  Soprano)    Fagin    A  conniving  career  criminal  whose  charm  hides  a  cold  heart.  He  takes  in  homeless  boys  and  teaches  them  to  pick  pockets  for  him.  Perhaps  could  be  described  as  an  old  thespian,  a  man  of  many  dimensions  ,  a  leader,  a  vagrant,  a  father,  a  teacher,  a  lost  soul  and  eccentric.  (Cockney  accent  required.)  Baritone    Artful  Dodger  (playing  age  10  –  14)  A  troubled  youth  who  is  the  cleverest  of  Fagin’s  pick  pockets  and  introduces  Fagin  to  Oliver.  The  Artful  Dodger  is  over  confident,  struts  around  like  he  owns  the  place,  obnoxious  but  likeable.  Excellent  song  and  dance  skills.  This  actor  must  have  dynamic  stage  presence.  (Cockney  accent  required)  Unchanged  Voice  (Boy  Soprano)    Nancy  A  cockney  girl  with  a  warm  hearty,  Nancy  is  a  career  thief  and  former  child  pick  pocket.  A  sensitive  side,  noble  and  likeable  but  hardened  and  streetwise  beyond  her  years.  She  lives  with  and  loves  Bill  Sykes,  pretty,  intelligent  and  longs  for  a  better  life.  (Cockney  accent  required)  Alto/Mezzo    Bill  Sykes    A  villain  and  Nancy’s  brutal  boyfriend.  The  most  evil  man  you  could  ever  meet  whom  strikes  fear  into  anyone  he  sees.  (Cockney  accent  required)  Baritone    Mr  Bumble    The  pompous  self  –  appointed  beadle,  Mr  Bumble  overseas  the  operations  of  the  work  house  where  Oliver  lives  as  a  child.  He  preaches  Christian  morality,  but  behaves  without  compassion  towards  the  paupers  in  his  care.  Strong  character,  pompous.    (Cockney  accent  required)  Baritone/  Tenor          


Widow  Corney      The  domineering  workhouse  mistress.  Widow  Corney  is  an  old  maid,  has  been  left  on  the  shelf,  would  do  anything  to  get  Mr.  Bumbles  attention    (Cockney  accent  required) Soprano   Mr Sowerberry The Undertaker , a classic Dickensian character tall/thin precise and a bit slimy. (Cockney accent required) Baritone Mrs Sowberry A loud lady, very bubbly personality, nicest person you could meet, unless you are Oliver. (Cockney accent required) Soprano Mr Brownlow A kind and wealthy older gentleman Oliver’s long lost relative. British(Not Cockney accent) Bet (Supporting Role) Nancy’s loyal friend who is one of Fagin’s former pickpockets. (Cockney accent required) Alto/Mezzo Charlotte Mr sowerberrys daughter. Desperate and dateless who has her eyes on Noah. (Cockney accent required) Noah Claypole A nasty piece of work who is Mr Sowberrys pimply apprentice. Thinks everybody was put on the earth to serve him. (Cockney accent required) Mrs Bedwin Mr Brownlow’s kind- hearted motherly housekeeper. British (not cockney) accent. Soprano Dr Grimwig( British (Not cockney accent) Old Sally Charley Bates Part of Fagin’s gang. The eldest boy (Cockney accent required) Fagin’s Gang and Workhouse Children (playing age 8 – 14)


Many boys and girls are needed who are bright and personable. All individuals cast will do both workhouse and Fagin’s gang. Ensemble Workers in the workhouse, thieves, London Merchants, street vendors, bar keepers, policeman etc. All cast must be able to sing, take direction and move in time to music. Included in this are the featured soloists: The rose seller ( mezzo) Strwberry Seller(Soprano) Milk Maid( Soprano) Knife Grinder( Baritone) Long song seller( Tenor)                                                                    


AUDITION  EXTRACTS    OLIVER  TWIST  The  following  extract  is  between  Dodger  and  Oliver.  This  is  the  first  time  they  meet.  The  director  will  read  in  for  Oliver  during  audition.    (Oliver  has  been  running  he  finds  a  safe  place  to  sit  and  begins  to  undo  his  bundle  and  eat  his  bread.  After  a  while  Oliver  notices  he  is  being  watched.)    Dodger:  What  you  starin  at?  Aint  you  never  seen  a  gent?  Oliver:  No  I  haven’t.  Dodger  :  Tired?  Oliver:  I’ve  been  running  hard.  Dodger:  You  must  have  been  running  away  from  the  beak?  Oliver:  Isn’t  a  beak  what  a  birds  got?    (  Pause,  Shovels  in  his  last  bit  of  bread)    Oliver:  I’m  starving.  Dodger:  Got  no  mother?  Oliver:  No  Dodger:  Got  no  father?  Oliver:  No  Dodger:  Got  any  lodgings?  Oliver:  No  Dodger:  Money?  Oliver:  Not  a  farthing.  Do  you  live  in  London?  Dodger:  When  I’m  at  home.  I  suppose  you  want  some  place  to  sleep  tonight,  don’t  you.  Are  you  accommodated?  Oliver:  No,  I  don’t  think  so…..  Dodger:  Then  accommodated  you  shall  be,  me  old  mate.  There’s  a  certain  house  and  a  respectable  old  gentleman  I  know….  Oliver:  Who  is  this  respectable  old  gentleman?  Is  he  a  charity  gentleman?  Dodger:  Well  I  wouldn’t  exactly  say  that…..  Oliver:  My  name  is  Oliver  –  Oliver  Twist.  Dodger:  And  my  name’s  Jack  Dawkins.  Oliver:  Pleased  to  meet  you  Mr  Dawkins.  Dodger:  Me  old  pork  sausage,  you’re  coming  with  me?  Oliver:  Are  you  sure  Mr  Fagin  won’t  mind?          


ARTFUL  DODGER  The  following  extract  is  between  Dodger  and  Oliver.  The  director  will  read  in  for  Oliver  during  audition.    Dodger  :  I  suppose  you  want  some  place  to  sleep  tonight,  don’t  you?  Are  you  accommodated?  Oliver:  No,  I  don’t  think  so..  Dodger:  Then  accommodated  you  shall  be,  me  old  mate.  there’s  a  certain  house-­‐  and  I  know  a  respectable  old  gentleman  lives  there,  wot’ll  give  you  lodgin’s  for  nothink,  and  never  ask  for  the  change-­‐  this  is  –  and  that  is,  if  any  other  gentleman  wot  he  knows  introduces  yer.  And  does  he  know  me?  I  should  say  he  does!  Not  ‘arf  he  don’t  –  and  some!  Oliver:  Who  is  this  respectable  old  gentleman?  Is  he  a  charity  gentleman?  Dodger:  Well,  I  wouldn’t  eggxzackley  say  that  –  not  eggzackley.  But  if  I  interduces  someone  its  alright,  on  account  of    I  happen  ter  be  a  pertickler  favourite  of  Mister  Fagin…that’s  his  name-­‐  Mister  Fagin.  By  the  way  if  I’m  interducing  you  to  Fagin,  I  better  know  who  you  are  –  me  old  china  plate.  Oliver:  My  names  Oliver-­‐  Oliver  Twist.  Dodger:  And  my  name’s  Jack  Dawkins  –  better  known  among  me  more  hintimate  friends  as  the  Artful  dodger.    FAGIN  (  Fagin  boils  some  coffee  in  a  saucepan.  Once  he  is  satisfied  that  everyone  is  asleep  he  takes  a  small  box  and  opens  it)  Fagin:  I’m  a  real  miser  y  know.  But  can  I  help  it?  I  just  like  to  look  at  it!  This  is  my  little  pleasure  –  a  cup  of  coffee  –  and  a  quick  count  up.  I  mean,  whos  gonna  look  after  me  in  me  old  age?(To  the  bird)  Will  you  birdie?  (His  eyes  wonder  over  to  where  Oliver  is)  Will….YOU…..You…Why  are  you  awake?  What  have  you  seen?  Quick  –  quick  Speak!  I  want  to  hear  every  detail  you  saw!  (Oliver:  I  didn’t  see  anything….)  Fagin:  Be  sure…be  sure….  (Oliver:  Ok  Im  sure.)  Fagin:  (Resuming  his  old  manner)  Alright  then…if  youre  sure,  Im  sure.  Of  course  I  knew  all  along,  my  dear.  I  was  only  trying  to  frighten  you.  Youre  a  brave  boy,  Oliver.  A  brave  boy.  (He  glances  uneasily  at  the  box)  Did  you  see  any  of  my  pretty  things  ,  my  dear?    NANCY  Lord  help  me,  I  am  and  I  wish  I’d  of    been  struck  down  dead  before  I  lent  a  hand  in  bringing  him  back  here.  Cause  after  tonight  e’s  a  liar  and  a  theif  and  all  that’s  bad.  Aint  that  enough  for  you,  without  beating  him  to  death?  (Fagin:  Come,  come  Nancy,  civil  words.  Civil  words  eh  Bill?)  Nancy:  Civil  words!  You  deserve  them  from  me,  don’t  you!  Cause  I  was  out  on  the  streets  for  you  when  I  was  a  child  half  his  age,  and  Ive  been  in  the  same  trade,  and  the  same  service  for  fifteen  years  and  don’t  you  forget  it!        


BILL  SYKES  (Spotting  the  money)  Hullo,  what’s  that?  That’s  mine  Fagin.  If  that  ain’t  mine  –  mine  and  Nancy’s  that  is  –  I’ll  take  the  boy  back  again!  (Fagin  stops  in  his  tracks)  Come  on,  ‘and  over.Hand  over  I  tell  you!  –  hardly  fair,  is  it  Nancy?  Do  you  think  Nancy  and  me  ‘as  got  nothing  else  to  do  with  your  precious  time  but  to  spend  it  chasing  after  young  kids?  Give  it  ‘ere,  you  avaricious  old  skeleton,  give  it  ‘ere!  (Sykes  plucks  the  note  from  between  Fagin’s  fingers.)  That’s  for  our  share  of  the  trouble,  and  not  half  enough  neither.    MR  BUMBLE  Mr.  Bumble:  Yes,  you’re  quire  right  Mrs.  Corny.  We  must  get  rid  of  this  canker  in  our  midst.  That  boy  was  born  to  be  hung,  Mrs.  Corney.  I’ve  never  been  so  shocked  in  all  my  days.  It’s  nice  to  be  appreciated,  Mrs  Corney.  These  her  paupers  in  this  here  parish  don’t  appreciate  me.  Anti-­‐parochial  they  are  ma’am  anti-­‐parochial.  We  have  given  away  a  matter  of  twenty  loaves  and  a  cheese  and  a  half  this  very  blessed  afternoon  and  still  them  papulers  is  not  contented.    MR  SOWERBERRY  Mrs.  Sowerberry!  Will  you  have  the  goodness  to  come  here  a  moment,  my  dear?  (Mrs.  Sowerberry  enters.)  Mr  dear,  I  have  told  Mr.  Bumble  that  we  may  consider  taking  this  boy  to  help  in  the  shop.  There’s  an  expression  of  melancholy  on  his  face,  my  dear,  which  is  very  interesting.  He  could  make  a  delightful  coffin  follower.I  don’t  mean  a  regular  coffin  follower  to  follow  grown-­‐ups,  but  only  for  the  children’s  practice.  It  would  be  very  nice  to  have  a  follower  in  proportion,  my  sweet.  A  superb  effect  the  more  I  think  about  it!    MRS  SOWERBERRY  Dear,  dear.  (To  Oliver)  Well,  Oliver  Twist,  do  you  think  you  could  look  like  that  gentleman  up  there?  (Points  to  picture  on  wall)  OLIVER   :  Maybe  if  I  had  a  black  hat…  MRS.  S:  The  boy  is  quite  right.  Get  the  boy  a  top  hat.  These  things  must  be  done  proper  and  correct.  Stand  there,  under  the  picture,  boy.  (Oliver  stands  under  the  picture.  Sowerberry  gets  the  hat)Henry,  give  us  the  top  hat.  Henry,  really.  It  takes  you  twice  as  long  to  do  anything  as  anyone  else.  Yes…yes.  For  once  Henry,  you’ve  had  a  good  idea.  Can  you  keep  that  expression  for  a  long  time  boy,  with  a  crowd  watching  you?                        


Audition  Tips  &  What  to  Expect!          

• Be  confident  and  try  to  enjoy  the  audition  as  much  as  possible-­‐  remember  the  team  will  be  there  to  help  and  support  you,  not  to  judge  you!  

• Arrive  with  plenty  of  time  to  spare  so  that  you  do  not  add  to  your  nerves.  • Warm  yourself  up  in  advance  both  physically  and  vocally  using  exercises  you  will  have  

used  in  Academy  classes  to  help  warm  up  the  voice  and  body.  If  you  are  short  on  time,  you  can  easily  do  vocal  warm-­‐ups  in  the  car  on  the  way  there!  

• Good  preparation  in  advance  of  your  audition  is  key  to  helping  you  feel  calm  and  confident  on  the  day.  Giving  you  the  best  chance  of  showing  yourself  off  to  the  best  of  your  ability.  

• It  is  advisable  to  learn  the  pieces  of  script  if  possible,  again  to  be  able  to  perform  it  fully  and  confidently.  

• Arrive  in  comfortable  clothing  (no  skirts  as  they  hinder  movement)  that  is  easy  to  move  around  in  for  the  dance  audition.  No  jewelry  please.  

• Students  with  long  hair  should  ensure  they  have  their  hair  tied  back.  • Try  to  enjoy  the  audition  and  use  it  as  a  fun,  learning  experience.  • Do  not  make  the  mistake  of  believing  that  you  have  a  part  before  you  do!  Building  

yourself  up  too  much  can  lead  to  disappointment.  • Go  into  the  audition  with  an  open  mind,  looking  at  it  as  an  opportunity  and  new  

experience  from  which  you  will  learn.  • Do  not  worry  if  something  goes  wrong  in  the  audition.  The  audition  team  is  there  to  see  

the  potential  not  to  see  a  finished,  polished  routine.  • Presentation  is  important.  Ensure  that  even  if  you  feel  nervous  and  everything  goes  

wrong,  you  smile,  project  your  voice  and  try  to  come  across  as  enthusiastically  and  confidently  as  possible.  

 We  will  be  looking  for  several  different  things  in  the  audition,  these  include;  enthusiasm,  talent,  the  ability  to  perform  and  present  yourself  confidently  to  an  audience,  the  ability  to  be  both  independent  and  work  with  others  as  part  of  a  team.  We  will  also  be  looking  for  the  following  skills  in  candidates;  the  ability  to  focus,  listen,  react  and  take  direction  from  the  directing  team.   Good  Luck!  


‘OLIVER’   AUDITION  FORM  (1  page)  

                     To  be  completed  and  returned  at  your  audition    Students  Full  Name       ________________________________________________    Age  at  time  of  audition       ________________________________________________    Course  attended         ________________________________________________    Gender           Male     Female    Student’s  Email         ________________________________________________    Parent/Guardian’s  Details    Full  Name         ________________________________________________    Email  (for  production  notices)     ________________________________________________    Home  Phone   ________________________________   Mobile  ____________________________    If  you  are  unable  to  make  any  potential  weekend  rehearsals  as  indicated  in  this  audition  pack  please  state  them  here:      Any  other  relevant  information:    Terms  and  Conditions  • All  students  must  have  the  permission  of  a  parent/guardian  in  order  to  audition  and  participate.  • If  successful,  on  gaining  a  part,  students  must  agree  to  pay  the  show  fee  of  190chf/500chf  for  non-­‐members  in  full,  

in  advance  of  the  rehearsal  start  date.  • On  accepting  a  role,  each  cast  member  agrees  to  attend  all  relevant  rehearsals  unless  previously  agreed  with  the  

director.  • Simply  Theatre  Academy  reserves  the  right  to  withdraw  a  cast  member  from  the  show  if  their  behaviour  is  

detrimental  to  the  enjoyment  of  the  other  participants,  even  once  rehearsals  have  commenced.  • No  refunds  will  be  given  once  rehearsals  have  commenced.    • Occasionally  photographs  may  be  taken  of  students  during  Simply  Theatre  Academy  shows  /  rehearsals  for  

promotional  purposes.  Simply  Theatre  Academy  reserves  the  rights  to  use  these  photos.  If  a  parent  does  not  wish  their  child’s  photo  to  be  used  then  they  should  notify  the  Academy  office.  

 I  agree  to  the  terms  and  conditions  above  and  give  my  permission.    Signature  of  parent/guardian  named  above:   _____________________________________  Date:  _____    Signature  of  student  named  above:       _____________________________________  Date:  _____