olnet: fostering open educational practices

olnet.org Fostering Open Educational Practices Patrick McAndrew, Associate Director (Learning & Teaching) Institute of Educational Technology The Open University, UK

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Post on 11-Nov-2014




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Presentation on Open Educational Practices and the focus areas of OLnet (slides first presented at IITE Conference St Petersburg 16 November 2010 by Patrick McAndrew). CC-BY Video embedded version on Vimeo at: http://www.vimeo.com/17498110


  • 1. olnet.org Fostering Open Educational Practices Patrick McAndrew , Associate Director (Learning & Teaching) Institute of Educational Technology The Open University, UK
  • 2. Experience
  • 3. http://www.flickr.com/photos/bartelomeus/4184705426/ OLnet aims to search out the evidence for useand reuse of open educational resources olnet.org Research
  • 4. www.open.ac.uk Understanding openness
  • 5.
    • Enhance OU reputation
    • Extending reach
    • Widening participation
    • Experiment with courses
    • Accelerate technologies
    • Catalyst for collaboration
    • Research base
    • Recruitment of students
    http://oro.open.ac.uk/17513 /
  • 6. Investment in OER olnet.org Funding of OER projects (m$) 2001-2010 McAndrew, P. and Cropper, K. (2010). Open Learning Network: the evidence of OER impact. In: Open Ed 2010: The Seventh Annual Open Education Conference , November 2-4, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. http://kn.open.ac.uk/public/document.cfm?docid=13221
  • 7. The Open Educational Practice cube model
    • THE DIMENSION: What?
      • Strategies and Policies
      • Barriers and Success Factors
      • Tools and Tool Practices
      • Skills Development and Support
    • THE CONTEXT: Where?
      • Macro level (society)
      • Meso level (organisation)
      • Micro level (individuals)
    • MATURITY: How well is it established?
      • Initial (not yet started)
      • Managed
      • Defined
      • Optimizing (embedded / advanced)
  • 8. OER factors olnet.org Infrastructure/tools Attraction/use Desig n Adoption Policy Contexts
  • 9. Tools for sharing
  • 10. OER Content as an attractor
    • Attracts:
    • Quality
    • Unique
    • Fresh
    • Fast
    • Small
    • Relevant
  • 11. Design for openness
  • 12. Ways to use OER
  • 13. OER is a catalyst for Deeper Learning Barbara Chow, Hewlett Foundation Jim Fruchterman http://www.flickr.com/photos/jrandomf/4506044752 Open Policy
  • 14. olnet.org OER in different contexts
  • 15. http://www.flickr.com/photos/scissorhands33/3430164569/ olnet.org Fellowships for researchers and practitioners who wish to contribute to the understanding of the OER design and use worldwide
  • 16. Fellowships olnet.org
  • 17. olnet.org Open Future?
    • Embrace openness: operation, teaching & research
    • OER as the catalyst for change
    • Work across boundaries
    • Open research as a new approach
    McAndrew, P., Scanlon, E., Clow, D. (2010) An Open Future for Higher Education Educause Quarterly, http://oro.open.ac.uk/21894/
  • 18. Patrick McAndrew The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
    • o lnet.org