olympic wealth fund marathon


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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Company history

Where Marathon invests

How Marathon invests

Pension schemes vs Marathon

Marathon’s special features

Access to your money

Risk management

Client goals & our standards

The future










Olympic Wealth Management Group was founded

in 2010 on the beautiful Caribbean island of

Barbados with the principle of effectively

managing the assets of Olympic Wealth Fund

SPC, which is regulated and domiciled in Grand

Cayman - one of the world’s largest investment

and banking destinations.

The Directors, Richard Baxter and Karen

McGouran have worked extensively in financial

services for over 40 years, in diverse places

internationally. Having backgrounds in

economics and finance respectively, they have

a wealth of knowledge in the investment

industry with a strong focus on fiscal prudence.

The sister company, International Broker

Consultants Group has successfully managed

the wealth of individuals, families and

corporations for nearly 15 years, supported by

an experienced and loyal stock broking team,

and is one of the Caribbean’s most well

respected entities.

COMPANY HISTORYIn the ancient battle between the Persians and Athenians, a young soldier ran

25 miles from the battlefield to Athens to inform the leaders of their victory.

Today we celebrate

that same feat

of endurance,

perseverance and

focus on long-term

goals with the launch

of our Marathon

Freedom Fund.

Our aim is to be

consistently profitable

for our clients over the

long-term while having

total conviction in

where and in what we

are investing.



WHERE MARATHON INVESTSThe Fund’s investment objective is to provide clients

with a high regular income, while striving for capital

growth. This will involve exposure to fixed-income

securities, government bonds, mutual funds and

common stocks preferably with stable dividends and

capital growth. Other investments will be considered

as the Fund Managers deem appropriate . Our Fund has

a global outlook and we shall invest in countries which

are economically and politically stable and in where we

believe we can find investments that will yield an

above average income while minimizing risk.


HOW MARATHON INVESTSFocus Investing is a process which approaches investing in equities

from the perspective of buying into a business which is well run, that has

a distinct marketing edge, and has long-term growth prospects. This process

also involves maintaining a concentrated portfolio that has a high probability

of outperforming the market over an extended period of time. As Focus

Investors, we think differently, compared to the majority of other investors.

Only after spending a significant amount of time and resources in researching

companies and the markets will we select the absolute best investments,

preferring quality over quantity.

Given the present economic climate of austerity, sovereign debt

and Wall Street unaccountability, the Directors turned to investment

principles and values which have been in existence since the 1930’s.

We adhere to the strategy of ‘Focus Investing’ which was codified

in Benjamin Graham’s book ‘Security Analysis’ in 1934. This still

resonates today - indeed the best known disciple of this stock

approach is Warren Buffet, one of the world’s most respected

and wealthiest men.




The benefits of our fund are:

- The annual charges will be a flat 2% p.a. deducted monthly at 0.166% -

(zero point one six six percent).

- The annual charge mentioned will not change even if you vary your contributions -

up or down.

- Our remuneration is approximately 90% cheaper than most pension plans, -

giving you a significant growth advantage in the long-term.

- We do not apply any future charges at all, should you decide -

to stop payments or surrender your account.

- You will have access to your money at any time from day one! All you need to do -

is tell us how much you want to withdraw and we will organize the rest.

- You can vary how much you pay, or even stop payments as and when you please, -

giving you complete flexibility. You decide how much and when you wish to invest,

putting you completely in the driving seat.

- Our account is completely open-ended, meaning that there is no specified term. -

You decide when to stop and receive the benefits.

The characteristics of most pension funds are:

- The annual charges are usually 3-4% per annum. -

- If you reduce your contributions the charges are still applied -

at the previous high point.

- The vast bulk of the money you pay in the first two to three years -

typically goes to the Advisor as commission.

- If you cancel your plan in the formative years you may receive very little money back, -

if anything at all, as they usually apply surrender charges from your fund value

for the remainder of your chosen term.

- It is difficult to get access to your money during the term of the contract (some force you -

to go through two to three years before they will allow you access to anything),

while ‘registered’ schemes may prohibit access to your money at all until retirement.

- You cannot vary your contributions month to month and so you may be stuck with -

a high ‘ball and chain’ contribution at a time when your cash flow goes down.

- You are usually tied into an extremely long-term account, sometimes for 25 years or more, -

which is coincidentally the maximum commission the agent may earn.


Fund SP’ (the Master Fund) and ‘Olympic WealthManagement Group, Marathon Freedom Fund’ (the FeederFund). If you have in excess of USD100,000 you caninvest directly into the Master Fund. Alternatively, shouldyou wish to subscribe less than USD100,000 simplyinvest directly into the Feeder Fund where we have anaccount opening balance of USD1,000 and from as low asUSD150 per month.

The second major feature is that of a ‘High Water Mark’which means that we need to continually beat theprevious all-time highest share price before we are ableto qualify for any performance fee, even if we havereturned well in excess of the hurdle rates!


Marathon is different from other types of investments, inthat we have to grow your funds beyond a ‘Hurdle Rate’before we are able to receive a ‘Performance Fee’ whichis split 75% to you and 25% to the Fund.

The hurdle rate is 3% or 5% p.a. depending on how much,and by what method, you invest. In other words, we needto grow your funds annually above and beyond thesehurdle rates before we are able to receive anyperformance fee at all! Thereafter 75% of any profit wemake is yours!

We operate a ‘Master-Feeder Fund’ system which has twoentities: ‘Olympic Wealth Fund SPC, Marathon Freedom

Marathon will seek to

bring to our investors

the opportunity

to benefit from

investment techniques

which are typically

exclusive to large

investment funds.




We realize that there are many

regular insurance and banking

products to choose from. Many of

these are substantially more costly

to operate (sometimes 3-4%p.a.)

and typically restrict access to a

large portion of your funds.

Usually you must also commit to

pay monthly contributions over

many years, and there may be

penalties if you stop paying.

Marathon has a flat annual fee of

2% deducted quarterly in arrears at

0.5% and that’s it! No hidden

charges! You have full access to

your money at any time and can

stop or start payments when you

like! With a low monthly minimum of

USD150 and no commitment to

continually making payments,

Marathon should be considered the

premier investment account. Once

you have in excess of USD20,000 in

our fund you can even elect to take

a regular income.


RISK MANAGEMENT Marathon is designed for high income and capital growth and as such we shall not be swayed

by short-term market fluctuations, as we have the fortitude to hold our investments and

compound the growth to be received from them over many, many years.

Our Fund will remain highly liquid to aid the smooth flow of money and allow us to take

advantage of market opportunities wherever and whenever they arise. This we feel, is a vital

component of fund management.

We constantly review daily market conditions, geopolitical issues and weekly analysis of our

Funds’ achievements, ensuring that our investment selections are performing and adhering to

our goals and benchmark targets


CLIENT GOALSIn addition to seeking an excellent return on capital, we firmly believe

that you desire a more informed connection to your investments.

Clients wish to understand the investment process and seek to have a belief that the

Directors of the fund and the Financial Advisors dealing with their investments have a

firm hand on their irreplaceable cash.

A highly client-centric service standard is an essential part of our success. We

continually disseminate intuitive, Insightful information to clients and their Financial

Advisors in a way which fosters a real sense of understanding and involvement.

We guarantee to return contact to clients within 48 hours on time sensitive issues

and the response aims to be friendly and accurate, answering all underlying questions.

We have deep pride in our organization and have a company-wide obsession in customer

satisfaction and their financial well-being. We have a “can do” approach and we focus

on how best we can help our clients in every interaction.


THE FUTUREWe are focused on building our brand in the major continents by giving you, the investor, the best experience

possible for decades to come. This will involve providing a profitable and sustainable suite of Funds married

to a great customer experience.

We shall be launching new, exciting, innovative funds in the coming months and years and we hope that

you will be with us on this journey for many, many years to come!


Olympic Wealth Fund SPC

c/o IBC

Suite 6

OMNI Corporate Centre


St. Peter


West Indies


+246 432 7020


+246 432 7017




[email protected]