omb watch annual report 2010

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The paper-free 2010 OMB Watch Annual Report


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2010 Annual Report



OMB Watch 1742 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009

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1742 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20009


[email protected]@ombwatch




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Pursuing a more open and accountable

fairness and equitygovernment that promotes

2010 Annual ReportOMB Watch

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It was with great pleasure and pride that I served as Chair of the Board of Directors of OMB Watch in 2010. 2010 marked my fourth year serving in the position, and I continue to be impressed by the organization’s capacity for coalition building, policy analysis, advocacy, and, above all, its commitment to equity, improving our government, and enhancing our democracy.

OMB Watch’s efforts to build a better government in 2010 resulted in a series of accomplishments. Some were major, such as the development of open government plans by specific federal agencies. Others reminded us that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Our success in having subrecipients (in addition to first-tier recipients) of federal awards report on, for example, may at first glance seem minimal. However, this advancement in transparency will prove invaluable to journalists, analysts, and citizens who need accurate, thorough, and useful data in order to see the full picture of government spending.

Despite such progress, 2010 was also a year of heightened anti-government rhetoric. It seems that every year, the tone of politics in Washington gets worse. It becomes increasingly less about governing and more about party politics. Yet 2010 seemed particularly harsh because of attacks on federal spending and public protections, particularly on health care and financial reform. Those who attacked the role of government manipulated the legitimate frustration that people felt as a result of persistently high unemployment.

As someone who has spent my entire professional career, spanning almost five decades, protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities, I understand the importance of a federal government that addresses civil rights and provides support to people in need. I also realize that without government support this past year, such as through the Recovery Act, state finances and unemployment would have been much worse.

I assure you that OMB Watch will do everything within our power to counteract ongoing attacks on government. Government needs to be more open and accountable, to improve performance, and to better channel resources for long-term investments. However, the fact that government needs such improvements should not be an excuse to attack its role.

As 2010 ended, our founding executive director, Gary Bass, announced that he will be leaving OMB Watch in 2011, and we are greatly indebted to him for building OMB Watch into a pre-eminent research and advocacy organization over the past 28 years. Because of the hard work and careful planning by Gary, the board, and staff, we are well-positioned to take OMB Watch to the next level and to be even more effective in the future.

I thank each and every one of you for your continued interest and investment in our work and in a cause that I so deeply believe in.

From the Chairman of the Board

Paul MarchandChairman of the Board

Yours truly,

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2010 began on a high note for OMB Watch. We worked diligently to continue the pattern of success we had in 2009, and our efforts paid off. By working with the Obama administration and good government groups, we made immense progress toward our long-term goal of promoting government transparency and accountability.

Early in the year, we helped assess agency Open Government Plans, encouraging federal agencies to make more information available to the public. Many agencies made significant improvements to their plans as a result, and we praised them for their steps forward. In November, the president released a new executive order on controlled unclassified information that we helped shape. We praised this move, as it represented an important step forward in addressing the culture of government secrecy that has been far too pervasive for far too long.

Yet we know agencies can do a better job disclosing information. There are inconsistencies in what agencies provide; some agencies offer up boat-loads of data but little in the way of high-priority information. Furthermore, the increase in use of technology solutions has not been joined by an increase in the quality of information being released. We caucused with advocates and journalists in 2010 to develop standards for high-quality information related to accountability that all agencies need to consistently and voluntarily provide in searchable formats. We’ll advocate for the adoption of these Open Government Standards in 2011.

Throughout 2010, we spoke loudly on how a lack of public protections – along with weak enforcement – contributed to disasters like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the explosion at the Massey Energy mine in West Virginia, and the Wall Street financial collapse. We continued to advocate for the development of strong safeguards and pushed back against those who falsely claim that regulations kill jobs.

The past year also witnessed a change in leadership on Capitol Hill. The new Congress elected at the end of 2010 has put us back on the defensive, and we’ll be quick to rebuke those who don’t have the public’s best interests at heart. At OMB Watch, we envision a government that is open, transparent, and accountable to the public and that puts justice and the needs of its people first. Together, we can build this better government — a government that all Americans deserve.

Just as the political landscape is changing, so is OMB Watch. After nearly three decades, I will be moving on in 2011. Thanks to careful planning, our savvy staff, a dedicated board, and committed donors, OMB Watch will not miss a beat. We’ll continue to advocate for new progressive policies, to create transparency tools that empower citizens, and to speak out against anti-government rhetoric that runs counter to our mission. Together with you, we’ll continue our pursuit of a more open and accountable government that promotes fairness and equity for all.

From the Executive Director

Gary D. Bass Executive Director

Yours truly,

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Our MissionOMB Watch exists to increase government transparency and accountability;

to ensure sound, equitable regulatory and budgetary processes and policies;

and to protect and promote active citizen participation in our democracy.

OMB Watch envisons a more just and democratic society, one in which an

open, responsive government protects people’s health, safety, and well-being;

safeguards the environment; honors the public’s right to information; values an

engaged citizenry; and adequately invests in the common good.

Our Vision

Our StrategyAnalyze






government actions

for progressive social change

information tools to hold the government accountable

government limits on nonprofit and public engagement

daily with our stakeholders about our issues

strong local, state, and national coalitions


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OMB WatchAboutIn 1983, Executive Director Gary D. Bass formed OMB Watch in order to lift the veil of secrecy shrouding the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which oversees federal regulation, the budget, information collection and dissemination, proposed legislation, testimony by agencies, and much more. While OMB’s actions were having an enormous impact on agency operations and the pursuit of social justice, it remained largely behind the scenes — unaccountable and little understood by the public and public interest groups. By explaining governmental processes and monitoring OMB, OMB Watch helped bring sunshine to this powerful and secretive agency.

From the start, we worked in a coalition to stop attacks on nonprofit speech rights. OMB Watch truly believes that an engaged citizenry is a critical element for creating social change. This is why we are dedicated to providing citizens and activists with the information, tools, and opportunities they need in order to participate in the policymaking that directly affects their lives and communities.

Our issue portfolio has expanded over the last 28 years, growing to include advocacy work we saw missing elsewhere. In 1989 we created RTK Net, a searchable database that allows the public to search for toxic and chemical exposures in their communities. In 1995, we played a leadership role in stopping the passage of a balanced budget amendment that would have had disastrous implications for the equitable federal spending priorities we advocate for. In 2006, we launched, a free website that allowed users to search through previously unavailable information on government spending. In 2007, it became the model for Throughout it all, we’ve remained ardent supporters of strong, smart public protections that value the environment, promote workers’ rights, and protect the health of our citizens.

Today, we work in three issue areas:

3At the national level, OMB Watch is deeply engaged in policy debate and formulation and is well known for convening diverse coalitions comprised of nonprofits that deal with environmental, low-income, health, education, consumer, labor, religious, and other public interest issues.

In all our work, OMB Watch is committed to creating and promoting long-term, proactive initiatives that will advance progressive causes and will change the lives of all Americans for the better.

2Budget, Taxation and Government Performance1 Regulatory

Policy and Nonprofit Speech Rights

Information and Access


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Websites Resourcesand

Our main website provides users with access to our research, commentary, and analysis. It is also the home of our blog, The Fine Print.

Created by OMB Watch in 2006, continues to provide journalists, citizens, and activists with access to a searchable database of federal spending and contract information.

Since 1989, OMB Watch’s Right-to-Know Network has provided free access to the Toxics Release Inventory and other databases of environmental information.

Right-to-Know Network

A project of OMB Watch, the Charity and Security Network seeks to protect U.S. and international nonprofit organizations that fight poverty, provide essential services in underserved communities, and promote human rights and peace.

Charity and Security


Regulatory Resource Center

Designed to provide citizens with avenues for participating in the regulatory process, the Regulatory Resource Center also serves as a library of information about the rulemaking process.

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OMB Watch

in the NewsExperts

Curious about patterns of regulatory failure?

Struggling to track chemical exposures in your

community? OMB Watch experts spoke to the

press throughout 2010, helping to navigate the

complicated policy terrain we analyze every day.

** Ed O’Keefe, “Obama to Review Mine Safety Rules After West Virginia Blast Killed 25 Miners,” The Washington Post, April 9, 2010.

“That is one of the big side effects of transparency -- not that it catches impropriety, but that it

actually deters it in the first place.”

* Sophia Yan, “U.S. Government Database Reveals Details on Subcontractors,” Bloomberg News, October 28, 2010.

The WatcherExpert Analysis your inboxLooking for more OMB Watch expertise? Want to be the first to receive our policy analysis?


– Craig Jennings, Director of Federal Fiscal Policy, in Bloomberg News *

Sign up to receive The Watcher, our biweekly e-newsletter. It features in-depth coverage of all our issues and is available free of charge.

Register online

On the Benefits of Transparency

On the Need for Smart Regulations"It's typical in that a lot of people, including Congress, tend to only pay attention to it [regulatory

failure] after some disaster has happened … We see a lot of parallels with food safety and the

Food and Drug Administration only coming under scrutiny after a food-borne illness. Or lead paint

in toys. Then the Consumer Product Safety Commission draws attention."

– Matt Madia, Regulatory Policy Analyst, in The Washington Post **

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When citizens, activists, and analysts have access to government information, they have the power to hold their government accountable.

At OMB Watch, we believe that information is power.

In December 2009, the Obama administration released its landmark Open Government Directive (OGD). The OGD ordered both government agencies and the White House to produce solid proposals, called Open Government Plans, to outline methods by which they intend to expand their transparency. Much of the OGD reflected the transparency recommendations included in our 2008 report, Moving Toward a 21st Century Right-to-Know Agenda, and we were pleased to see the administration taking action on a number of our key proposals.

OMB Watch played a central role in developing and assessing the OGD, as well as in evaluating the subsequent Open Government Plans as they were released. In early April, we worked collaboratively with several other public interest groups to evaluate these plans, even providing guidance to some agencies on how to improve their plans. At the end of the process, we saw several agencies with greatly improved openness initiatives and felt encouraged by their commitment to improving the public’s access to information.

OMB Watch has been working for the past several years to reform the muddled and burdensome controlled unclassified information (CUI) handling system. In 2010, we saw our hard work rewarded when the Obama administration released a presidential executive order (E.O.) on CUI that created a public registry of all CUI categories and their definitions, along with their justification in statue, regulation, or government-wide policy. OMB Watch praised the new E.O., as did several other open government groups, and congratulated the administration on creating a fair and open process for initiating the reform of the unclassified information system.

In our 28 years of advocating for expanded access to information, we’ve seen high points and low points. Sometimes, all the government needs is guidance. While they have the information collected and are willing to distribute it, they don’t always know how to do so in a meaningful or accessible fashion. Under these circumstances, OMB Watch has played the role of collaborator. At other times, however, we’ve faced unwillingness on the part of government to make transparent the information it should. During these times, we’ve played the role of advocate. We’ve demanded greater access and fought back against infringements on our civil liberties.

2010 was a productive year for our Information Policy program. Working with the open government community and the Obama administration, our team not only expanded access to information, but also laid the groundwork for new initiatives and upcoming projects.

Working with the Open Government Directive

Reforming Controlled Unclassified Information

Information Policy

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Our Environmental Information Initiative project was spurred by our belief that citizens and environmental advocates have a right to full access to environmental information in order to promote and protect the health of our familes, our communities, and our planet. In order to create this access, we started a project to build a proactive agenda for policy and information reform.

The project began in January 2010 when — on behalf of the Bauman Foundation, Open Society Institute, CS Fund, and the Stewart R. Mott Foundation — we convened a group of advocates and representatives from local, state, and national governments to formulate a plan of action. Following the project's launch, OMB Watch staff worked throughout 2010 with individuals and organizations nationwide to discuss their information access needs and to create specific policy recommendations.

On Nov. 11-13, at a conference in Washington, D.C., nearly 90 participants from across the country met to discuss and build upon the 80 recommendations our staff drafted for discussion. The participants came together to share their expertise, as well as their vision for a more open government that disseminates the environmental information its citizens need. Once the recommendations are finalized, we will be hard at work to see them implemented.

Expanding Access to Environmental Information

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Because of this, we advocate for a deliberate plan for federal spending that meets the needs of all Americans. Furthermore, we push for transparency in federal spending. When citizens, journalists, and activists have access to spending information, they have the power to hold the government accountable.

OMB Watch has a solid track record of creating access to government spending information. Our budget data experts have worked independently and through coalitions to build the tools necessary to create this access, and our work has transformed the landscape of federal spending information.

Budget, Taxation Government Performanceand

Federal spending is reflective of our national priorities.

A major part of our work to bring government information to the public includes building the tools necessary to do so. In 2006, we developed and launched so citizens could access information regarding government spending.

During 2010, we built upon that concept through our E-GAP project. By using data from, the project will create an online tool for users to overlay government spending information with performance and community needs information. The project will encourage data-driven public policy advocacy in addressing transportation equity issues.

By using this interactive website, users will be able to visualize geographically where government money has gone and compare that with community needs. Additionally, they will be able to explore how effective these programs have been in meeting the needs of specific communities. The tool is scheduled to be fully functional in 2011.

Equity in Government Accountability and Performance (E-GAP)


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Strengthening Federal Spending TransparencyBuilding upon our track record of collaborative advocacy, OMB Watch continued its efforts in 2010 to expand federal spending transparency by working with other open government groups. In May 2010, OMB Watch co-hosted a daylong conference to discuss the specifics of spending disclosure, including issues with data quality and methods for linking spending information to government performance measures.

The conference, titled Strengthening Federal Spending Transparency: A Working Conference to Develop a Plan of Action, brought together approximately 70 budget, technology, and performance experts along with congressional staffers and open government advocates to discuss and debate these critical aspects of federal spending transparency.

Following the conference, OMB Watch organized the many creative ideas into a single report that will be presented to the Obama administration as a springboard for formulating its vision of long-range federal spending transparency.

Reforming Government Contracting ProcessesOur work in 2010 also included efforts to expand access to government contracting information. By doing so, we hope to build a clearer picture of how much work the federal government outsources to contractors.

In March 2010, the administration issued a proposed policy letter that would refine the definition of “inherently governmental.” OMB Watch was glad to see the administration tackle the thorny issue of what exactly constitutes an inherently governmental function, or a task that only a government employee should perform, as the definition has immense consequences for contracting policies.

We worked with CREDO Action to create a public petition so citizens could make their voices heard on the matter. This resulted in the submission of nearly 30,000 comments to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). We also offered detailed comments of our own, which advocated for greater public access to information on government contracting, among other suggestions aimed at encouraging greater oversight.

Additionally, we worked throughout 2010 to improve contracting databases. We submitted comments encouraging OMB to make a new accountability database for federal contractors, called FAPIIS, available to the public. In August 2010, President Obama signed legislation into law that would make most of the information in FAPIIS publicly available. This was an important advancement in transparency and contracting policy.


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Regulatory Policy

Furthermore, we believe that it is the government’s responsibility to create and enforce safeguards that protect workers, the environment, and the American people.

Oftentimes, we pay little attention to the importance of public safeguards until disaster strikes and it’s too late. For this reason, OMB Watch supports proactive efforts to create and enforce laws, rules, and regulations to ensure the safety of our workplaces, the health of our environment, and the quality of our food.

OMB Watch is one of a few organizations nationwide with advanced expertise in the regulatory process. As a part of our strategy, we seek to educate the public and policymakers about the overwhleming benefits of strong public protections – both economic and otherwise.

Advocating for Public Protections2010 was rife with examples of the types of disasters that occur when industry goes unregulated or when existing regulations are not effectively enforced. OMB Watch played a major role in analyzing these regulatory and market failures, including the Upper Big Branch mine explosion in West Virginia that killed 29 workers in April and the BP oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that began the same month. We monitored and reported on the investigations and changes at the Mine Safety and Health Administration, especially the enforcement failures that allowed Massey Energy, the owner of the Upper Big Branch mine, to evade government oversight and continue operating unsafely.

We also investigated the waiver processes within the Department of the Interior that allowed the former Minerals Management Service to ignore a variety of environmental assessments when approving drilling permits.

As part of the assessment of the Obama administration’s regulatory effectiveness, we also tracked efforts in individual agencies as they began to change their use of science in regulatory decision making, improve their efforts to include public input in policy decisions, and make their enforcement efforts more effective than in the past.

OMB Watch supports strong, smart public protections.

and Nonprofit Speech Rights

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Evaluating the Obama Administration’s Regulatory ProgressIn the latter half of 2010, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the Obama administration and its progress in advancing a regulatory agenda. The Obama Approach to Public Protections: Rulemaking, the first of three reports that resulted from this work, addressed the rulemaking activities at federal agencies from January 2009 through August 2010. The report concluded that agencies under Obama have been far more active in carrying out their missions than they were under the Bush administration. The second report in the series was released in December and focused on enforcement efforts at the Food and Drug Administration, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency, and the third report looked at White House efforts and the regulatory process.

Leveling the Playing Field and Safeguarding Nonprofit AdvocacyOur regulatory program is committed to educating and informing the public about the benefits of responsible and smart public protections. This is because we truly believe that an engaged and informed citizenry is the best tool for creating change. In past years, OMB Watch had an entire program area devoted to promoting nonprofit speech rights. In 2010, our work shifted, and the Regulatory Policy program absorbed most of this work.

As a part of our efforts to promote nonprofit speech rights, we supported disclosure of corporate campaign spending and electoral activities in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Additionally, we will continue to work with nonprofit organizations to help clarify the standard for prohibited partisan intervention and maximize the potential for nonprofit advocacy.


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In late 2010, I announced that I will be stepping down as executive director of OMB Watch in the middle of 2011. As my departure date moves ever closer, I wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on my time at OMB Watch, the experiences I’ve had, and the wonderful people who have made this an excellent place to work.

If my 28 years at OMB Watch have taught me anything, it’s humility. I remember thinking, back in the 1980s, that I had made it to the big time when the National Journal did a full-page story about my work at OMB Watch, accompanied by a big picture of me. I was riding high until conservative commentator Jude Wanniski, in his 1988 Media Guide, described the piece as “a boring article about a boring person doing a boring job.”

Conservatives have tried repeatedly to silence the advocacy voice of nonprofit federal grantees. They tried it in the early 1980s, again in the 1990s, and here in the 21st century. I’m so proud of OMB Watch’s leadership that has, by working hand-in-hand with other groups, been successful in stopping these attacks. A vibrant democracy calls for an active nonprofit sector that lobbies, engages in rulemakings, litigates, promotes voter engagement, and plays a central role in public policy advocacy.

Since then, some things have changed while others persist. That OMB official is long gone, but OMB Watch is still going strong (though we never did buy a mimeograph machine). Today, some describe OMB Watch as a leader in the open government community. They say we’re a group that gets enormous bang for the buck — and I agree. Unfortunately, many of the key policy concerns that existed at our founding remain today.

A Letter from Departing Executive Director Gary D. Bass


Public Policyin

When we started OMB Watch in 1983, we were just “three guys and a goddamn mimeograph machine,” according to an official from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) who was quoted in a Washington Post article. The OMB official was right that during our first year, it was just “three guys,” but to the chagrin of the office machines salesperson who came to our door the day after

That reality check served as an important lesson. The work we all do at OMB Watch is not about personal accolades or being the center of attention; it is about crafting better public policy, about fostering positive social change and helping those in need, and about building a better government. Persistence, teamwork, and preparation are the qualities of an effective advocate. They are the ones I hope I leave as a legacy at OMB Watch.

From Left: David Plocher, Gary D. Bass, Shannon Ferguson, 1984

the article appeared, we didn’t own a mimeograph machine and we couldn’t afford to buy one.

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On the innovation side of things, I have always looked at new information technologies as tools to empower the public, level the playing field (especially against powerful special interests), and hold government accountable. In the late 1980s, we started RTK NET as a dial-up, searchable bulletin board to access information about toxic chemicals being released in communities across the country. It was groundbreaking back then and became even more so when we moved it to the Internet. We still operate RTK NET today as a service to community activists.

Many of the policy debates over the past three decades have called on a small band of Davids (including OMB Watch) to fight the Goliaths of industry. For example, “regulatory reform” became corporate code in the 1980s and 1990s for deregulation and for reducing enforcement to a wink and a nod. We warned during the George W. Bush years about the dangers of relaxing public protections, and we’ve seen the consequences of such shortsighted decisions: the BP oil disaster, the Massey Energy mine collapse in West Virginia, the Wall Street meltdown, frequent food safety crises, lead in children’s toys, and more. Despite these disasters, the same “reform” agenda is alive again. Now more than ever, collaborative advocacy is needed to once again push back against the Goliaths.

In the mid-1990s, when we did briefings around the country on policy issues, we ended them with trainings on how to use e-mail because we saw the potential for breaking out of top-down communications, and for creating the multi-directional policy dialogue that today we take for granted. In 2006, we launched, a searchable database of most federal spending, and a few years later, the Los Angeles Times said the site started the modern-day transparency revolution.

While there have been episodes of harsh criticism, intimidation, and even intentionally destructive policy proposals, those periods pale in comparison to the wonderful times I’ve had at OMB Watch for nearly three decades. I can’t remember a day when I didn’t look forward to coming to work. I love the people I have worked with and the issues we have tackled. Through it all, we used humor to lighten things up. (I’ll admit here I was the one who leaked to a reporter that we beat OMB in softball some years ago. The next time we played, a food fight between our two teams ended those softball games. We never played OMB again.)

Jude Wanniski may have been right that the work I’ve done at OMB Watch is “boring,” but if that’s the case, then I only wish there were more “boring” people doing more “boring” work. For me, this work has always been rewarding. What I’ve learned is that, individually, our small accomplishments may seem insignificant, but when added together over time, they build a better government and a better life for each and every American. If this is “boring,” then I hope “boring” becomes the new “cool.”

Original OMB Watchers, May 2008

These are great accomplishments but should be viewed as the tip of the iceberg for harnessing the power of the Internet and social media to improve our democracy. Additionally, as advocates for progressive social change, we needthough valuable, these are only tools. It is the users of these tools who will find the true solutions by harnessing the energy and commitment needed to make change happen in the offline world.

to keep in mind that,

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Board of DirectorsCurrent

Julio C. Abreu Mental Health America

Nancy AmideiThe Civic Engagement Project

Gary D. BassOMB Watch

Ross EisenbreyEconomic Policy Institute

Pamela GilbertCuneo, Gilbert & LaDuca, LLP

Edward Hailes, Jr.Advancement Project

Edwin S. Jayne Vice-Chair, SecretaryAFSCME

Sylvia E. JohnsonUnited Auto Workers

William C. KamelaMicrosoft Corporation

Mary M. LassenCenter for Community Change

Robert Lawrence TreasurerConsultant

Paul Marchand ChairConsultant

Ellen MillerSunlight Foundation/Sunlight Network

Linda NguyenAlliance for Children and Families

Mark RosenmanCaring to Change

Margaret SeminarioAFL-CIO

James D. WeillFood Research and Action Center

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Gavin Baker Federal Information Policy Analyst

Gary D. BassExecutive Director

Joseph CoxFederal Information Policy and Fiscal Policy Fellow

Hal GordonFederal Regulatory Policy Fellow

Brian Gumm Communications Director

Mahajaben IslamStaff Assistant

Craig Jennings Director, Federal Fiscal Policy

Sam KimStaff Associate

Cassandra Lovejoy Federal Regulatory Policy Fellow

Matt MadiaFederal Regulatory Policy Analyst

Rick Melberth Director, Federal Regulatory Policy

Denise MooreDatabase Administrator/Programmer

Sam Rosen-AmyFederal Fiscal Policy Analyst

Paula ShoecraftDevelopment Director

Gary Therkildsen Federal Fiscal Policy Analyst

Barbara WesternDirector of Operations

Charity and Security Network Staff

Kay GuinaneDirector

Suraj Sazawal Communications and Research Coordinator

Nathaniel TurnerCommunications Intern Staff

Patrice McDermottDirector

Amy BennettProgram Associate

Former Staff, Fellows, and Interns

Amanda Adams, Sahar Aziz, Chris George, Yuanyuan Li, Lee Mason, Jaqueline Mathis, Jaymes Sanford, Rachel Sauter, Roger Strother, Brian Turnbaugh, Samantha Weiss, and Lateefah Williams

Sean Moulton Director, Federal Information Policy

Delaney ParrishDevelopment and Communications Associate

Doug Percival Technology Coordinator

Rich PuchalskyRTK Net Director and Programmer

Jessica RandallFederal Regulatory Policy Analyst

OMB Watch Staff

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Financial Statements

Revenue 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2010

Expenses by Program7/1/2008 – 6/30/2010

Grants and Contributions Contributions and Donated Services and Facilities Professional Fees Reimbursements Investment Income



5,140,679Total Revenue


Revenue 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2010

Net Assets, 6/30/2010



Total Assets Total Liabilities


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Expenses by Program7/1/2008 – 6/30/2010

Total Expenses 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2010

Support Services Management and General Development



Total Expenses 4,951,082

Total Support Services

Program Services Federal Fiscal Policy and Government Performance Federal Regulatory Policy Federal Information Policy Nonprofit Speech Rights



Total Program Services 4,341,218

Expenses 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2010


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Thank YouYour contributions and support in 2010 made our work possible.

$100,000 and above


Up to $9,999Anonymous Joseph AbelonJames W. AbernathyJulio AbreuAlan and Paulette AdamsAmanda AdamsRobert C. Adams Family Trust U/A/DTerry AgeeDarryl AlexanderNancy AmideiDouglas Amy and Susan Rosen David Arons

Anonymous The Bauman Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York The Ford Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Open Society Institute Sunlight Foundation

Anonymous American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees The Batir Foundation C.S. Fund Cordaid The Nathan Cummings Foundation Stewart R. Mott Foundation National Security and Human Rights Pooled Fund, a project of the Proteus Fund Pacific Life Rockefeller Brothers Fund The Scherman Foundation, Inc. Surdna Foundation, Inc.

Michael AshPatrick BakerFlorence BaradGary Bass and Suzanne FeurtAstrid BerksonKeith BernhardLeslie BodenRobert BookElizabeth T. BorisThomas BowenSandra BramanDanielle Brian Francis and Victoria BuckleyMaureen CadoretteKathryn A. CalderDiane CanovaLee CapkinWin CarsonElizabeth ChampneyCatherine ChangDr. Mary M. ClevelandDavid CohenStanley CollenderRob and Diane CollierRoyanna CommissoRoger CookSteven CroleyCuneo, Gilbert & LaDuca, LLP Peter Curia and Cheri Van SantMary Rose Curtis Shirley DavisMichael DefreitasPablo EisenbergRoss EisenbreyMichael Ellsworth Al Espenchied Daniel Feinstein

to our donors

Page 23: OMB Watch Annual Report 2010


Leslie FriedMeredith FuchsBarbara FullertonRichard GaibJohn GlennJoseph GoldmanDavid GoldstonEmily GoodsteinBrian GummErika HagensenMarlene and Samuel Halperin

Michael HalpernJohnie HammondRichard and Joyce HavenJake HawkesDiane HeminwayJames HemmLowell HerbrandsonHildegard HixNatalie HoughtonAdam HughesJoanne Hutton and Sally Raymond Flora IngenhouszChristopher IsenseeJonathan JacobsEd JayneSylvia E. JohnsonBill Kamela JJ KangJohn KatonaRaymond KeelingSam KimJohn F. KleinLeona KlererLawrence KrantzPaula KuttnerJ.W. and Eleanor Lang Mary M. LassenRobert Lawrence and Elizabeth Engberg Vivian LaytonRichard and Sylvia LiroffChristopher Lish Catherine Lockyer

P B RuleHugh and Barbara SanbornNicholas SandersBuzz SawyerWilliam J. SchallertCynthia SchneiderRichard and Sharon SchoechHoward SchoenfeldMargaret SeminarioFrances J. SeymourPeter ShaneWilliam SharfmanDaniel ShivelyPaula ShoecraftPeter SillsDavid SkaggsBenjamine SladeJonathan SmallRobert and Barbara SmuckerAlan SobelCarl SpierDavid StrausJohn Stuckey Mary TaylorMarie-Claude ThompsonJauna ToddJim TozziAlene ValkanasKathy Van DameBarbara VanHankenDavid VladeckJim WeillDorothy WeissJames WellmanMark WendletonBarbara Western and Bryan BaxterRobert WesterveltBetty J. WillhoiteWilliam K. Worlie

Greg LoflinRonald and Judith MadiaMichael MadiasPaul MarchandJan MasaokaJacqueline MathisJ. Michael McCloskeyCharles R. McClureThomas and Cathleen McGarityMichael McGillivrayAlthea McLuckieRick MelberthLori MetcalfDavid Michaels and Gail DratchEllen MillerNancy MillerArt MontzDenise MooreAnita NagerCharles NeidichStephen NicolaiHoward NizewitzAnne and Jamie O’ConnellJoseph OnekChris PabonLeslie ParrishJanine PerlmanBarbara Petersen Kathleen PierceDavid Plocher and Mary C. Brittingham John and Wanda PottsLaura PunnettRandy RabinowitzBeryl Radin Carolyn RaffenspergerJudith RandalLynn Rhinehart Bruce Richman Christine Roane Donald and Mary Robinson Peter RogersBeth RosenbergMark Rosenman and Mary Lee Stein Mattie Rudinow

Charitable Trust

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OMB Watch1742 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009 202-234-8494

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Special thanks to Sam Rosen-Amy for providing photos for this report