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  • 7/30/2019 OMGT2085 G01 PineApple TeamReport 2013a




    PANASONIC Practical Team Report

    Lecturer: Axel Marrocco

    Team: Pipe Apple_Group 1

    Nguyen Thanh Lan S3343934

    Doan Van Ben - -S3310034

    Tran Trong Nha - S3344172

    Truong Minh Xuan Thao - S3324484

  • 7/30/2019 OMGT2085 G01 PineApple TeamReport 2013a


    Practical Team Report 2013

    RMIT International University VietnamBachelor of Commerce Program

    Assignment Cover Page

    Subject Code: OMGT2085

    Subject Name: Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain


    Location & Campus (SGS or HN) where

    you study:

    RMIT Vietnam SGS

    Student name: Nguyen Thanh Lan

    Doan Van Ben

    Tran Trong NhanTruong Minh Xuan Thao

    Student Number: S3343934




    Teachers Name: Axel Marrocco

    Group Number: Group 1

    Assignment due date: 29 April 2013

    Date of Submission: 28 April 2013

    Number of pages including this one: 24

    Word Count: 3.395

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    Practical Team Report 2013

    Table of Contents

    Supply Chain Overview: .................................................................................................................. 4

    1. Customer Service Value:....................................................................................................... 4

    2. Key Players ........................................................................................................................... 4

    3. Channel Map: ....................................................................................................................... 6

    Impacting Logistics Activities .......................................................................................................... 7

    1. Warehouse Management: ................................................................................................... 7

    2. Transportation Management: ............................................................................................. 9

    3. Demand Forecasting: ......................................................................................................... 12

    Recommendation:......................................................................................................................... 14

    Reference: ..................................................................................................................................... 16

    Appendix: ...................................................................................................................................... 19

    Appendix 1: illustration of the channel map ............................................................................. 19

    Appendix 2: Value chain analysis 1 (Warehouse Management) ............................................. 20

    Appendix 3: Value chain analysis 2 (Transportation Management) ........................................ 21

    Appendix 4: Value chain analysis 3 (Demand Forecasting)...................................................... 21

    Appendix 5: MCDM Analysis: .................................................................................................... 22

    Appendix 6: Argument Map: ..................................................................................................... 25

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    Supply Chain Overview:


    Accentures Global Consumer Research 2011states that only 20% of consumers say theyfeel loyal to their current electronics company and 66% of consumers have switched electronic

    providers due largely to what they observe as poor customer service. Moreover, According to

    Gunawardane (2004), in term of competitive environment, Reliability is a very important

    customer service value for every single company in order to keep current customers, expand the

    market as it is to attract new customers and also help to achieve higher level of customers

    satisfaction and loyalty as well as building the long term relationship.

    Therefore, in order to gain competitive advantage, Panasonic decided to create and deliver thereliability value to their customers through supply chain players. "Reliability" value refers to

    the delivery of right product in the right condition, right quantity, at the right cost, right place

    and right time to the final customers (Chain Store Age, 2004).

    All of Panasonic players in supply chain closely collaborate together and contribute to the value

    creation of Reliability

    Here, our group will mention about 3 key players in the Supply Chain that appreciably helpPanasonic to offer "Reliability" value to the final customers:

    a. Manufacturer:

    According to Hollaender, (1999), manufacturer take an important role in a whole supply

    chain, it helps the company to offer products that are tailored to customer needs with the best


    Right quality:

    Overall, almost the manufacturers have to outsource a number of inputs including labor,

    raw material and components to produce the finished. Thus, manufacturer can help

    Panasonic to offer the reliability value to final customer by selecting the good and

    reliable raw material suppliers over the world in order to product the qualitative products.

    1.Customer Service Value:

    2.Key Players

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    Time Utility:

    With the accurate demand forecasting, the manufacturer can produce right amount of

    product (not too much or too less), so it can help Panasonic to offer the reliability value

    by ensuring product always enough and available for customers.b. Warehouse:

    Warehouse is a place that the company can potentially handle, hold and store goods or

    services for future distributing these products to downstream supply chain partners or the

    company can ship directly from warehouse to final consumers or from firm to wholesalers,

    retailers (Warehouse Logistic n.d) and (Stuart 2005).

    In order to create reliability customer value for our product, there are some critical roles that

    warehouse must meet: Convenient locations also contribute to create reliability customers value. It means that

    the ability of the firm to fulfill the customer demand quickly by working closely with our

    supply chain partners. Therefore, we have two biggest warehouses in Vietnam which are

    located in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh with better transportation channel to replenishment

    our retailers demand throughout country with most easy way.

    Primary packaging can help to protect products. Assembling and suitable instruction will

    add value to customer by matching customers states and references.

    Safety storage (transit packaging) can minimize the damage caused by storing a large

    amount of goods and handling it easily in order to add value to customer and minimize

    reverse logistic. These roles can add value to warehouse management and create

    reliability to customers.

    c. 3PL (Transportation): TTC Express Company

    According to Materials management and distribution (2004), in a survey of Fortune 500

    corporations' chief logistics executives, there are 85% reported that using 3PL had a positive

    or significant positive impact on logistics service levels, and 65% said that it had a significant

    effect on customer satisfaction.

    Panasonic: by outsourcing 3PL (TTC Express Company who has distribution network in

    over 64 cities across Vietnam which 10 trucks (10 tons) and 50 trucks (1.5 tons) (Nam,

    2009)) for transportation activity from local Warehouse/distributors to local retailers, it

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    allows Panasonics distributors (Panasonic Appliances Vietnam ) to deliver frequently to

    2,555 electronic outlets in Vietnam (Euromonitor International, 2011). Specifically, TTC

    Express Company helps Panasonic to offer Reliability value through:

    Time Utility: with effective 3PL, it allows the effective communication and informationsharing immediately to Distributor. As a result, Panasonic Appliances Vietnam can

    make adjustment in time and control the delivery time more effectively.

    3.Channel Map:

    (See Channel Map Description at Appendix 1)

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    Impacting Logistics Activities

    a. Definition:

    Warehouse generally is distribution facility where the company can hold, store and handle goods

    or services for future distribution to downstream players in order to satisfy customer need.

    Today, distribution facility management takes a really important role in the whole logistic and

    supply chain management, because warehouse management can add value to customers and

    other logistic activities.

    b. Roles of Warehousing:

    (Coyle, Langley, Gibson, Novack and Bardi 2008) Storage Internet order fulfillment

    Primary packaging on order to protect products, assemble and instruction to match with

    customer tastes and references

    Transit packaging like pallet to minimize damage of the products and handle easily

    Distribution facility provides a value add fulfillment function in the supplychainc. Customer value:

    Help managers or firms to keep accurate record of the flow of products like from firm to

    downstream players: from manufacturer to retailers and local store, from retailers to final

    consumers. Inventory control: this can supervise the company for production plan.

    Safety and secure storage space providing(Gunasekaran, Marri and Mencci 1999)

    Minimize damage or defect of the products in the process of material handling

    Be flexible to deal with uncertainty supply and demand such as special season or holiday

    d. Focus value: Be flexible to deal with uncertainty supply and demand

    This value can contribute to the company success by avoiding stock out, because for some

    special season like christmas and Tet holiday customer demand for a lot of products, otherwise

    customers do not really need to buy our products after those seasons. Therefore, this value can

    assist managers to schedule their inventory management plan and the quantity they need to

    produce in order to ensure that product always available for customers (Coyle, Langley, Gibson,

    Novack and Bardi 2008)

    e. Problem/Issue:

    1.Warehouse Management:

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    Cisco Eagle company (Stone 2012) this company has faced similarly problem with our

    Panasonic company of picking error in the warehouse system progress at a local level. It is

    because there are many products with similar packaging, but different barcode, they store in the

    same area. For example, Panasonic Vietnam not only store one product in their warehouse, butthey offer and store various products like microwaves, fridges, air conditioner and hot water

    machines. Therefore, there are two main problems lead to picking errors which are wide range of

    products available and labor intensive progress.

    Firstly, Cisco Eagles warehouse and Panasonics warehouse receives a huge number of finished

    products and a large quantity of items with a similar packaging passing every daily day.

    Therefore, the picking errors have occurred more frequently in the warehouse (Riccardo,

    Riccardo and Marco 2012).

    Secondly, too many staff and intensive of papers work can also lead to error makings. It is

    because many orders papers usually pass from one to another staff and employees have to keep

    record or rewrite the all of the information into their computers before passing to others.

    f. Strategy: ASRS

    ASRS stands for Automatic Storage and Retrieval System and consists of a variety of

    computer controlled methods for automatically placing and retrieving loads from specific storage

    locations (Daifuku Webb n.d and Philippe, Jacques and Angel 2012)

    How ASRS solves the problem:SRM can move loads on 3 directions: vertical, horizontal in the aisle and later to store the load in

    the space storage location.

    Automated Storage and Retrieval System can be various in sophistication from relatively simple,

    control manually from order picking machines and it operate in storage structure. Hence, the

    computer control system will be integrated into manufacturer complexity and distribution

    processes. Therefore, Sorting and picking system will be able to workers to communicate with

    electronic equipment regarding to the location and quantity of goods to be distributed or placed.

    For example, according to Daifuku (n.d) light are lit at particular points on the shelving system

    indicating the location of the item to be picked and a number is displayed by providing direction

    of the quantity specified on order.


    Reduce labor cost

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    ASRS can reduce paper work in process and prevent reverse from picking and shipping

    wrong items in warehouse logistic.

    Tracking where products are stocked

    Modeling and managing the logical of physical storage facility (Wikipedia 2009) Disadvantage:

    Relatively high costs to install ASRS system and it will cost a lot of money for maintaining this


    g. KPI (Key performance indicators to evaluate the effect of ASRS to solve the problem):


    ( )In order to check the performance of working process in the warehouse system, we can take

    the number of picking error per 100 shipments in the current month compared with the

    number of picking error per 100 shipments in the previous month

    According to Albright (2009), Transportation management does not take part in one role, but

    rather plays various roles that drive the performance of a whole supply chain. And by

    understanding of how transportation management influences all areas of a business, it

    allows transportation managers to build up a supply chain that drives customer service value.

    Link to the Panasonic case, at the different levels of supply chain (See appendix 3),

    transportation offers different customer service value. In this report I just focus on transportation

    between local distribution (Panasonic Appliances Vietnam) and local retailers in order to have

    to a good and deep insight about at retail transportation.

    a) How transportation can create customer service value at the retail level?

    Time Utility: According to Surti (2009), retailers usually hold a little amount of inventory so the

    on time delivery is very important for the company to satisfy customers. Moreover, according to

    2. Transportation Management:


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    Euromonitor International (2011), during 2010, there are 2,555 electronic outlets in Vietnam. It

    means Panasonic Appliances Vietnam has to transport and deliver frequently to so many

    individual retailers around Vietnam. Therefore, with the effective transportation management, it

    helps Panasonic Appliances Vietnam to satisfy the customers as well as achieve competitiveadvantages by allows customers to get products immediately when they need in the right

    quantity and at the right place.

    b) Problems:

    Crate and Barrel is a really big house wares and furniture retailer; it has extended the

    operations to over 160 stores and more than 7,000 associates serving customers in 29 markets.

    Therefore, to complete annual deliveries of 300,000, Crate and Barrel has 80 to 85 delivery

    trucks on the road each day. And almost these trucks and delivery are performed by third party

    logistics providers.

    Problem: because of 3PL based, they are lack of real time visibility and management into the

    status of its deliveries.(Crate and Barrel case study)

    Link to Panasonic Appliances Vietnam case, with 2,555 electronic retailers in Vietnam

    (Euromonitor 2011), it requires the distributor deliver frequently and effectively to so many

    individual outlets. Thus, in order to reduce trucks investment cost and also ensure that customers

    can get product when they need, Panasonic Appliances Vietnamdecided to work in partnership

    with 3PL (third party player logistics).

    However, according to Vietnam Supplychain Insight (2012), almost 3PL in Vietnam is lack of

    IT software application lead to lack of data sharing between company and 3 PL.

    Problems: because of 3PL based and lack of information sharing, Panasonic

    Appliances Vietnam could not manage the route, the time of the delivery as well as

    the product quality.

    c. Logistics strategy: Approved vendor List

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    According to Mahmood et al. (2011), approved vendor list is the process of evaluating

    potential supplier by quantitative assessment; next the company can list out the number of

    vendors that fitting with companys requirements, and then going to select the most suitable one.

    How it work:

    For Panasonic Appliances Vietnam, they still have to work with 3PL but instead of working with

    the 3PL that do not apply transportation software, they can select another 3PL that have

    transportation management system (TMS) already.

    Selection Process:


    By choosing the 3PL that already have TMS, it is automatically allow EDI (Electronic Data

    Interchange) between Panasonic distributors and 3PL Company. Its mean, distributors and 3PL

    can share delivery data immediately with each other through computer to computer. To illustrate,

    when 3 PL Company type the information about the time when driver starting to deliver on their

    computer, Panasonic Appliances Vietnamwill get this information immediately. As the result,

    Panasonic AppliancesVietnamcan know where the trucks are in order to make adjustments in

    time to manage and ensure that customers can get products on time.

    Benefits and costs of strategy:

    1. Identify thecompany needs

    and requirements

    2. Research anddevelop the 3PL


    3. Evaluate 3 PLcapability and

    reliability4. 3PL Selection

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    d. KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

    As the problem ofPanasonic Appliances Vietnam is could not manage the route and delivery

    time, so in order to measure the approved vendor list strategy, we should compare the percentage

    of not on time deliveries before and after applying the strategy.

    Firstly, we assume that the number of delivery per month is remain stable. And here we have a


    By taking the number of late delivery divide by the total of order per month, we will have the

    percentages of order that not delivery on time. And then, we can compare this number with last

    month numbers in order to identify the approved vendor list strategy is effective or not.

    a) DefinitionAccording to Coyle at el (2009), Demand forecasting is estimation of the amount of specificgoods that will be bought by consumers in the future. As a result, demand forecast will certainlybe utilized in making pricing decisions, capacity needed and a good way to enter the market.

    b) Role of demand forecastingAccording to Wisner et al (2012), there are some remarkable roles of Demand Forecasting

    Lower inventories Reduced stock outs

    Benefit: speedy, efficient, and

    accurate means of electronicallyexchanging transportation data,

    delivery time and routingbetween distributors and 3PL


    Cost: take time andcost for finding,evaluation and

    selection of the 3 PLProvider.

    3. Demand Forecasting:

    (Lee and Lee, 2010) (Beil, 2009)

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    Smoother production plans Reduced operating costs Improved customer service

    c) Value:

    Time utility: According to Smart, C. N. (2002), demand forecast plays an important role inimproving customer service to increase customer satisfaction. Indeed, demand forecasting is

    definitely important since the basic operations process, raw materials were delivered from

    suppliers to the end customers, takes time. Panasonic cannot only wait for customers demands

    and react to it. They definitely need to predict the future demand and make demand planning. As

    a result, they can be able to react immediately when customers demand. It means that

    Panasonics manufacturer needs to make to stock rather than make to order through planning

    before manufacturing and deploying inventories into warehouses to ship to distributors and

    retailers. Therefore, when there is a customer order, he/she can get products immediately.


    One of the significant issue that leads to this forecast error is weak communication and

    collaboration among players in a supply chain system to get accurate demands data from

    customers that results in bullwhip effect (xuancuong, 2011)

    One obvious example is Procter & Gamble Company headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. It

    is an American multinational consumer goods company focus on selling personal care products.

    According to Lee et al (1997), While the executive of the company check the order patterns for

    the popular product - Pampers, they discovered that the order swings were magnified from one

    end of the supply chain to the other .Similarly in Panasonic Company, upstream players like

    manufacturer in the supply chain system need to rely on the orders from the next downstream

    resellers to make demand forecasts. Hence, during selling season, order quantities probably vary

    that leads to under and over stock.

    d) Strategy:

    CPFR Model (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment)It include many business processes that contain players in the supply chain system and consumer

    .All players together with support from Internet base technology can have a better collaboration

    There are 4 significant states in this Model:

    Analyzing data collected from previous reports.

    Players cooperate together to make a collaborated planning

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    Base on the historical data, making a demand planning that will be shared with each other

    among players

    After that, cooperating together to execute the plan

    (Kamalapurkar, D., 2011)

    e) The Benefit and Problem of CPFR Model:

    According to Wisner et al (2012), CPFR model will significantly recover the forecasting

    problems of the company, which will lead to less stock outs and lower inventory cost.

    Nevertheless, Bowersox et al (2007) argues that the implementation cost of this model is

    expensive, because it required multifaceted tools and systems such as MRP and ERP system

    f) KPI (Key Performance Indicators)


    By taking the number of Forecast Demand in a month divide by the Actual Sale in the same

    month, we will have the percentages of forecast error. And then, we can compare this number

    with last month numbers in order to identify the CPRF strategy is effective or not.


    After analyzing MCDM (See Appendix 5) and making argument map (See Appendix 6), we

    recommend that Panasonic should apply AVL strategy (Approved Vendor List). Following are

    the evidences that supporting for our recommendation.

    First of all, AVL can help the company to solve the uncontrollable delivery time problem. In

    fact, at the retail level, because of 3PL based Panasonic Appliances Vietnamcannot manage the

    delivery time due to lacking of information sharing. Here, AVP can help the company to solve

    this problem by selecting the 3PL that fit to Panasonic Appliances Vietnams requirement. To

    illustrate, by choosing the 3PL that already have TMS, it is automatically allow EDI (Electronic

    Data Interchange) between the distributor and 3PL Company. Its mean, distributor and 3PL can

    share delivery data immediately with each other through computer to computer. For instance,

    when 3 PL Company typing the information about the time of driver starting to deliver on their


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    computer, Panasonic Appliances Vietnamwill get this information immediately. As the result,

    Panasonic Appliances Vietnam can make adjustment in time in order to ensure that their

    customers can get product on time.

    At the first time, AVL was previous recommended to solve uncontrollable delivery time

    problem, however if AVL is applied in Panasonic supply chain, it can solve under stock and

    overstock problems as well. As the problem under demand forecasting errors is lack of

    communication and information sharing between distributors/retailers and manufacturer, by

    listing and selecting the distributors that has EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) already, the

    selling information and demand forecasting information are shared immediately from

    distributors/retailers to manufacturer. As a consequent, Panasonic can solve under/overstock

    problem due to accurate demand forecasting.

    Furthermore, another reason for we to use AVL is because ASRS and CPFR strategies either

    more complicated to implement or have less benefits than AVL. Specifically, about ASRS

    (Automated Storage and Retrieval System), it is a really effective strategy to solve the picking

    error, however it is cost a huge amount of money for install and maintenance of system; and it

    also not really feasible for local warehouse (Haslam et al. 2002,). For instance, according to

    Jewels (2003), ASRS is a fully automatically system so the numerous of the control software

    being required for the system to run effectively such as A graphical user interface (GUI), a

    database to accumulate information of transactions and "product mover" (PM). Therefore, it is

    very complicated, costly and unsuitable for a local warehouse like Panasonic to be applied

    ASRS. In case of CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment) strategy, it

    helps the company to solve only one problem is under tock and overstock, while it is more

    expensive and complicated to apply than AVL. The evidence show that the establishment cost of

    this model is expensive, because it required complex communication systems and tools such as

    MRP and ERP. Besides that, CPFR system is very difficult and complicated to implement due to

    requirement of all supply chain member working closely together with effective communication

    (Bowersox et al 2007)

    Finally, AVL help Panasonic to improve customer service value (Reliability). In fact, with AVL,

    Panasonic can solve not on time delivery and under/overstock problems so it allow finished

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    goods always available for customer and they can get products when they need. Therefore, it can

    satisfy the customer as well as achieve the customer loyalty (as I mention above, loyalty is the

    most important factor in electric market). Even though it is take time for researching, evaluating

    and selecting the 3PL that has TMS as well as Distributors that has EDI already, AVL brings abig efficiency and benefits to Panasonic.

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    Practical Team Report 2013


    Wong, CY, Arlbjrn, JS, Johansen J 2005, Supply chain management practices in toysupply chains, Supply Chain Management, vol. 10, issue 5, pp. 367-378, viewed 5thMarch 2013, ProQuest Central database.

    Xuancuong89 2011, Qun tr chui cung ng ti u: thch thc no cho cc DNVN,

    Saga, 26th

    February, viewed 5th

    March 2013,.


    Appendix 1: illustration of the channel map

    According to Bowersox and Closs (1996, p. 90), channel map can be defined as a

    structure of intercompany units and extra company agents and dealers, wholesaler and retailer,

    through which a commodity, product, or service is marketed. Moreover, it is limited in a value

    chain in terms of organizations upstream and downstream logistics flows (Porter, 1985). From

    the information that we researched for our product (Panasonics microwave), inbound logistics

    includes 2 players: suppliers and manufacturer. In particular, raw materials (stainless steel, glass)

    are purchased from suppliers and shifted to Panasonic Corporations raw materials testing and

    warehousing department where raw materials will be put on a quality testing process to make

    sure that the sources are reliable and stored here to keep them safe until they are delivered to

    Panasonic Corporation factory to go through a manufacturing process to make finished goods..

    In addition, Panasonic Vietnam, 3PL Distributors and retailers players in the supply chain

    belong to outbound logistics. After being produced, finished goods are shifted to Panasonic

    Appliances Vietnam Company in Vietnam by boats in order to be packaged and labeled. The

    lead time for this process is probably 14 days. Next, all of products will be transported to 2 main

    retailers, distributors in Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi by 3PL (TTC Express Company) and the

    lead time is 7 days. Here, products are sorted and stored before they are delivered to different

    retailers (supermarket, electronic store) with the leading time from 1 days to 10 days (Nguyen

    Kim, n.d).REVERSE FLOW:

    Sometimes, when the product is damaged or unfit to customers order the damage goods

    may deliver from the final consumers back to distributors and manufacturer to fix or recall

    defective goods.

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    Practical Team Report 2013


    Appendix 2: Value chain analysis 1 (Warehouse Management)


    Purchasing raw materials

    Factory in Japan

    (working in process inventories )

    Transport Unfinished goods

    Panasonic Vietnamese

    Warehouse (WIP)

    (Labeling and add instruction )

    Finished goods and ready for sale


    Point of Sale

    Value of Warehouse Management

    (Coyle, Langley, Gibson, Novack and

    Bardi 2008)

    * Help managers or firms to keep

    accurate record of the inventory in

    Panasonic Vietnam warehouse

    * Inventory control

    * Safety and secure storage space

    providing(Gunasekaran, Marri and

    Mencci 1999)

    * Minimize damage or defect of the


    * Be flexible to deal with uncertainty

    supply and demand

    Adds value to firms products

    creating time utility for raw

    material, industrial goods

    and finished goods

    Allows firms to use

    customer service as a

    dynamic value-adding

    competitive tool

    Products Flow Problem/Issue

    Cisco Eagle Company

    (Stone 2012)

    Problem: Picking errors (Riccardo,

    Riccardo and Marco 2012) Brought

    about by:

    Wide range of items available

    Labor intensive process

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    Practical Team Report 2013


    Appendix 3: Value chain analysis 2 (Transportation Management)

    Appendix 4: Value chain analysis 3 (Demand Forecasting)

    Purchasing raw materials

    Factory in Japan

    (Working in process inventories)


    Transport unfinished goods


    Value of Demand Forecasting

    Lower inventories - Reducing cost of

    storing and warehousing

    Reduced stock outs - Avoiding

    decrease in revenue and gain

    customer satisfaction

    Smoother production plans -

    Reducing risks in manufacturing

    process and avoid wasting time

    Improved customer service-

    Improving relationship with

    customer and gain customer loyalty

    (Wisner et al, 2012)

    Adds customer loyalty

    through avoiding waiting

    time because of inaccurate

    demand forecast

    Gain customer satisfaction

    through making demand

    planning to ensure

    customers get products

    immediately at the time they


    (Smart, C. N. 2002)

    Products Flow Problem/Issue

    Procter & Gamble Company

    Problem: Poor collaboration and

    communication among levels of suppchain to get accurate consumption d

    (xuancuong89, 2011)

    Upstream players (manufacturer) in t

    supply chain system have to rely on t

    orders from the next downstream

    resellers to make forecasts.

    Order quantities vary

    dramatically => over or under-stock.

    (Lee et al. 1997)

    Local distributors

    Point of Sales

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    Practical Team Report 2013


    Appendix 5: MCDM Analysis:

    Balance cost and value considerations:

    Considerations Criteria Weight Reason

    Desire to

    Create Value

    Picking errors 10% By picking errors, the

    company may deliver

    wrong product to the

    wrong customer.

    Cannot control the

    delivery time

    30% When the company

    may not control

    delivery time =>

    customers cannot get

    product when they

    need => affect a lot on

    reliability value.

    Lack of inventory

    information sharingamong levels of

    supply chain =>

    over/under stock

    15% Because of stock out,

    product is notavailable at the time

    customer need.

    Concern aboutComplexity of the


    20% At the local and retail

    level, there is limited

    on knowledge and


    Desire to

    Create Value

    Concern about


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    Practical Team Report 2013


    Table 2:





    control the

    delivery time

    Lack of inventory

    information sharing

    among levels of supply

    chain => over/under


    Complexity of


    Cost of



    8 1 0 3 2


    vendor List1 8 4 6 7

    CPFR 1 2 8 2 5

    Difficulties ability to implementstrategies

    Cost of the


    25% At the local market,

    cost is a really big

    concern factors for the

    company when

    deciding to apply the


    Total: 100%


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    Practical Team Report 2013


    A rating from 1 (the worst) to 10 (the best) is given to each strategy based on

    solving each issue






    Lack of inventory

    informationsharing among

    levels of supply

    chain leads to

    over/under stock


    of theimplementati


    Cost of the



    (x) Weighand



    10% 30% 15% 20% 25%


    orage andetrieval


    8 1 0 3 2



    endor List

    3 8 4 6 7




    orecasting and


    1 2 8 2 5


    0.8 0.3 0 0.7 0.5



    0.3 2.4

    0.6 1.2 1.75

    0.1 0.6 1.2 0.4 1.25

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    Practical Team Report 2013

    Appendix 6: Argument Map: