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Omnigram, Inc. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 © 2015 Omnigram, Inc. 1 INVESTOR PRESENTATION The Safe Social Cloud for Kids & Families Around the World George Sidman, CEO [email protected] +1. 831.601.1776

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Omnigram, Inc. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 © 2015 Omnigram, Inc. 1


The Safe Social Cloud for Kids & Families Around the World

George Sidman, CEO

[email protected] +1. 831.601.1776

Omnigram, Inc. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 © 2015 Omnigram, Inc. 2

Responding to the recent explosive adoption of tablets and smartphones worldwide by 500+ million children below the age of 13 - Omnigram will provide a safe and secure messaging and media network to kids, parents and trusted kids’ content providers.

A safe Social Cloud for kids and families online - Omnigram will be the parent-trusted alternative to unsafe social media sites and mobile texting - curated for clean language and content, translated between cultures and open sourced to all trusted kids’ sites and apps.

“Private Facebook for Families” – “Safe Twitter for Kids.”

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Contents . . .

4 - Market Opportunity 5 - State of the Market 6 - Omnigram Market Positioning 7 - Messaging Services for Kids & Parents 8 - The Omnigram Messaging Cloud 9 - Safe Twitter for Kids 10 - Competition – Partnering Opportunities

11 - Management Team 12 - Business Model 13 - Subscriber Revenues 14 - Company / Investment

Supporting Slides 16 - Omnigram Messaging Architecture 17 - Pen Pal Kids Club – the former company

18 - How the Internet Changed the World’s Communication Models 19 - COPPA - Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

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Market Opportunity - Kids under the age of 14 . . .

• 26 + million Internet-connected kids in US. • 500 + million Internet-connected kids worldwide.

Plus their parents & grandparents with credit cards.

• Trends predict ~ 600 million connected kids by 2016.

• Kid’s mobile adoption has doubled in past year.

• More than 50% online by the age of ten.

• Kids now spend more time on mobile devices than in front of computers and TV.

• 7.5 million underage kids on Facebook. • 20,000 underage users expelled by Facebook every day.

Omnigram, Inc. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 © 2015 Omnigram, Inc.

State of the Market. . .


• Millions of kids using unsafe social media sites, texting, tweeting, etc. • Dangerous & Non-COPPA compliant.

• Content mined for marketing purposes.

• Zero parental oversight.

• Dozens of kid’s web sites online. • Games, educational, fashion, pets …

• Kid’s messaging is weak, scripted or not offered.

• None offer safe curated messaging –

parents desired alternative for their kids.

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Omnigram Market Positioning

• No safe & curated kids’ social network exists.

• Unsafe social media sites dominate kids’ messaging.

• Kids’ web sites are mostly games, videos, music …

• Omnigram is a safe messaging network that compliments existing kids’ sites – unifying the kids’ world online for safe sharing, learning, and growth.

• Omnigram will be the technology leader & curated messaging standard across the kids’ online industry.



Technology Leader with First Mover Advantage

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Messaging Services for Kids & Parents . . .

• Curated services for content analysis & parental controls. Traps profanity, personal information, geolocation, predators, etc.

• Jifigram Messages Free service to build market presence.

• O-Gram text messaging Safe alternative to unsafe text/data plans.

• Curated Twitter interface Rides Omnigram & Twitter backbone.

Open Omnigram API interface For trusted kid site connectivity.

• Private Family Cloud for safe photos, videos, music …

• All message types translated (text & spoken) in both directions across dozens of languages.

Omnigram, Inc. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 © 2015 Omnigram, Inc.



The Omnigram Messaging Network

Omnigram Cloud

• Omnigram Web Site

• iPhone/iPad Apps • Android App

Twitter Open Interface

• Twitter Services • Twitter Users

Jifigram Postcards



Omnigram Private Network • AWS Secure Cloud Services

• Unified Messaging Engine • Curated Content Analysis • Parental Controls & Reporting • Private Family Cloud • Safe-link Catalog • Translations • Accounting • Encryption

Parental Tracking

Partner Opportunities

• Moshi Monsters • Club Penguin • NatGeo Kids • Poptropica • PBS Kids • Many more . . .

Omnigram Twitter API

Omnigram Subscribers

• Children age 2-13 • Parents • Schools • Kid’s Clubs/Org’s.

Omnigram Web API

The Messaging Standard for the kids’ online industry.

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Safe Twitter for Kids . . .

Subscribers • Kids age 2-13

Twitter Open Interface • Twitter Site Streams

Omnigram /Twitter API


Messaging Engine • Content Analysis • Parental Controls

Public Twitter Users • Omnigram intervenes to protect kids on Twitter • Standard Twitter UI for Omnigram apps.

• All tweets pass thru Omnigram Curation Services.

• Twitter sites & apps localized to 30+ languages. • (Twitter does not translate message content.)

• Omnigram extends Twitter value for kids & parents thru content curation & message translations

• Possible powerful Twitter/Omnigram alliance. • Twitter reaches kids’ market safely thru Omnigram.

• Omnigram delivers COPPA compliance to Twitter.

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Competition ( Actually, many Omnigram partner opportunities )

Social Networks – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr …

Major competitors, but all non-COPPA compliant.

Nabi tablets – best parental controls and family software. No messaging (1.2 million tablets sold in 2013)

Verizon, ATT, others – parental control of kids’ mobile use.

Restrictive email, texting & web access controls.

Kids’ legacy web sites – games, videos, music, hobbies … Weak or no messaging, limited parental controls.

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Management Team . . .

• George Sidman, CEO Experienced hi-tech serial entrepreneur.

Numerous startups. Skilled software architect. Security & privacy expert.

• Shelley Aliotti, VP Artistic Director Original Pen Pal Kids Club co-founder with husband, John Aliotti. Graphics designer & artist. Published kid’s book & created many kid’s products.

• Mark Gibson, VP Marketing Many years of international marketing & sales experience. Messaging & sales training expert. Head of global marketing at WittyParrot.

• Robin Russell, Director, Educational Outreach Education & communications marketing leader. Academic & public arts advocate. Community affairs & fundraising background.

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Business Model . . .

• Phase 1 - Free Jifigram messages to build customer base. Includes mobile apps, content curation, parental controls, Family Cloud, Safe-link index, English speaking demographic.

Phase 2 – Add premium services - Texting & Twitter interfaces & select non-English language demographics & translations … ~ $5.00+ mo./child & other chargeable services … Affiliate revenues from partner sites, clicks, ads …

• Continued Growth – Expand to international markets. Extend network to more affiliate web sites, click revenues, partner programs & merchandize opportunities.

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Subscriber Revenues . . .

Additional revenue sources: Affiliate programs, clicks, ads, promotions, merchandize …

Premium Services - Monthly subscriber revenues only

* Internet-connected kids below the age of 14.

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Supporting Slides . . .

16 Omnigram Messaging Architecture 17 Pen Pal Kids Club – the former company

18 How the Internet has Changed Communications Models. 19 COPPA – Children’s online Privacy Protection Act

Omnigram, Inc. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 © 2015 Omnigram, Inc.


Messaging Architecture

All inbound and outbound messages of any text type go through the messaging engine, where they are curated for clean language, personal information, geolocators, predators, etc.

Translations are then provided if required.

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Pen Pal Kids Club – the former company

• PPKC Founded late-2010. • Raised $675,000 equity round.

• Went live online Summer, 2011. • COPPA compliant w/ TRUSTe seal.

• In 2 months drew ~ 2,000 kids from ~ 100 countries.

• Many favorable reviews and articles. • ~ 5,000 likes on Facebook.

• Taken off line early, 2013. • PPKC is being recast as Omnigram to respond

to kid’s explosive adoption of mobile devices.

PPKC at Times Square June, 2011

Omnigram, Inc. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 © 2015 Omnigram, Inc.

Over the past 20 years - the Internet redefined social and business communications.

In the past 5 years - social networking has exploded - gone mobile on the worldwide adoption of tablets and smartphones.

Before the Internet – For 100 + years the postal service and telephone dominated social and business communications

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Percentage of Americans using the Internet

In the past 10 years - social networking and social media have introduced new models - redefining again the manner in which the world communicates.


WWW & Email SMS & IM Facebook YouTube Instagram Snapchat Google+

How the Internet dramatically changed the world’s communications models


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COPPA - Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

The children’s online space is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) under the Federal COPPA Regulations. COPPA requires the protection and parental consent for the collection and use of personal information for any child online under the age of 13.

• None of the popular social media sites and very few of present childrens’ web sites are COPPA compliant.

• The FTC has announced that stricter enforcement of COPPA on social media & kids’ sites will begin soon.

• All Omnigram’s offerings will meet or exceed COPPA requirements.