omt 100, chinese culture


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INTRODUCTION…. Chinese culture has many festivals likes Chinese New Year, Chap Goh Meh, Moon Cake Festival and others. Chinese cuisine like Bah Kut Teh, Char keow teow and other are the most popular Chinese food. Chinese dress is unique such as Cheongsam and others. From this assignment, we can know how better Chinese culture with their language, art, clothing, etiquette and all of their culture.

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From his head ascend two tall plumes, tracing in the air. Two feathers of a ho bird (a kind of pheasant good at fighting) symbolize a bold and warlike spirit, that of the ho. traditional Chinese clothing is not only an external expression of elegance, but also an inter symbolism.

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The three main types of traditional Chinese clothing are the pien-fu, the ch'ang-p'ao , or long robe, and the shen-i. The pien-fu is an ancient two-piece ceremonial costume, a tunic-like top extending to the knees and a skirt reaching to the ankles.

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The ch'i-p'ao is a traditional Manchu design still popular today. Women often wear the ch’i-pao, chinese long gown. But also got in short one.

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The word "jade" communicates a sense of mystery. "jade" (yu) refers to a fine. Beautiful stone with a warm color and rich luster, that is skillfully and delicately carved. Symbolizes nobility, perfection, constancy, and immortality.

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MARRIAGE…...Before married: Young people have to pay a formal visit to each other's parents. (BOY) When visiting - the boy has to bring with him the betrothal gifts in order to show sincerity. When the gift received - the boy and the girl are engaged. (GIRL) When visiting - the parents have to prepare a formal gift for the future daughter-in-law.

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WEDDING PROCEDURE- The bride has to prepare a dowry to be brought to the bridegroom's family. A dowry is things bought by the bride's family, which includes blackest, clothes, accessories, daily necessities and etc.

A wedding has to be held on a day which symbolizes goodness. People will choose the best day based on the Chinese Lunar calendar, or on any festival days.

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The young couple will have to greet the parents-in-law to be with a cup of tea each and the parents will return the daughter-in-law to be with a red packet of money inside. One very important procedure is the banquet. At the banquet, the newly wed has to drink half glass of wine for a pair of glasses linked by a ribbon by cross-hand and drink the other half of the wine.

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believed that the newly wed will love each other more dearly. The head, tail and the whole skeleton of the fish should be left untouched so as to symbolize a good start and end of a marriage.

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Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day called Lantern Day.

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The Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai; such as:* Lotus seed - signify having many male offspring * Ginkgo nut - represents silver ingots * Black moss seaweed - is a homonym for exceeding in wealth

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* Dried bean curd is another homonym for fulfillment of wealth and happiness * Bamboo shoots - is a term which sounds like "wishing that everything would be well"* Fresh bean curd or tofu is not included as it is white and unlucky for New Year as the color signifies death and misfortune.

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A whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance. A chicken for prosperity. The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.

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RITUAL FOR THE DEAD…... The family gives public notification by wailing, pasting up banners, and other acts. Family members don mourning attire of white cloth and hemp. They ritually bathe the corpse. They make food offerings and transfer to the dead (by burning) spirit money and various goods.

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They prepare and install an ancestral tablet at the domestic altar. They pay money to ritual specialists so that the corpse can be safely expelled from the community. They arrange for music to accompany movement of the corpse and to settle the spirit. They have the corpse sealed in an airtight coffin. They expel the coffin from the community in a procession to the gravesite and sets the stage for burial.

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Referred to in the west as yin and yang used to describe how polar or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent. symbolized by various forms of the Taijitu symbol.

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The first important event for the newly born baby is the one-month celebration.

On the morning of the baby's 30th day, sacrifices are offered to the God, so that the baby will be protected in his subsequent life.

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Relatives and friends receive gifts from the child's parents which is red eggs.

Symbol of changing process of life and their round shape is the symbol of harmonious and happy life.

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They are made red because red color is a sign of happiness in Chinese culture.

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CONCLUSION As a conclusions, the benefit that we can conclude based on the assignment as a Malaysian we should learn others festivals or religion for our knowledge and reference. As we know, Malaysian is multi- racial country different kinds of festivals celebrated throughout the year. Chinese culture and Chinese traditions are unique. The Chinese have a rich tradition and culture that gives importance to health, spirituality, food and eating habits. There are many Chinese culture like Chinese Festival, Chinese food, Chinese clothing and others. The culture made our nation more understanding about culture and religion and we will be celebrate together for all different culture.