on axial vector torsion in vacuum quadratic poincaré gauge field theory

Volume 145, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS A 26 March 1990 ON AXIAL VECTOR TORSION IN VACUUM QUADRATIC POINCARE GAUGE FIELD THEORY P. SINGH Department ofMathematical Sciences, The University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire LEJI 3TU, UK Received 27 November 1989; revised manuscript received 29 January 1990; accepted for publication 30 January 1990 Communicated by J.P. Vigier The vacuum field equations of the quadratic Poincaré gauge field theory (qpgft) are solved for a purely axial vector torsion. Expressing the contortion tensor for this case as ~ we prove that there are no solutions of vacuum qpgft when S~ is non-null. However, when S~’ is null, we prove that any solution of vacuum qpgft, whose V 4 part is also a solution of Einstein’s vacuum field equations with a cosmological constant, is necessarily of algebraic type N. This solution has an expansion-free, shear- free and twist-free autoparallel repeated principal null congruence. 1. Introduction ref. [1] must be used in conjunction with those given in ref. [81 in which the formalism of Newman and In a previous paper [1], the vacuum field equa- Penrose [9] had previously been extended to in- tions of the qpgft (see refs. [2—51and references cited dude space—times with torsion in any theory. therein) for the purely quadratic Lagrangian density The aim of this work is to use the technique given [61 in ref. [1] to obtain exact solutions of the vacuum field equations of the qpgft with axial vector torsion. e ~ F ,~ e F’ 4~F ‘~ (1) Thistechnique can produceaclass of exact solutions 4/2 V~ 4k U VP which would be impossible to obtain via the double have been expressed in the Newman—Penrose for- duality ansatz of refs. [4,5,7,10]. Such a class of so- malism involving spin coefficients. The two gauge lutions of algebraic type N with an expansion-free, field strengths F, 4~ 1 (torsion tensor) and F~~U (cur- shear-free and twist-free autoparallel repeated prin- vature tensor) along with the so-called modified tor- cipal null congruence is presented. sion tensor T~~’ and the quantities e, k and / are de- In order to obtain a new class of exact solutions of fined in ref. [11, as are the conventions and notation the vacuum field equations of qpgft, it first seems used in this paper. Argument sin favour of the choice necessary to impose some constraints on the form of given by eq. (1) for the Lagrangian density may be the contortion tensor. We first assume that the con- found in refs. [3] and [6], and will not be discussed tortion tensor is axial i.e. totally anti-symmetric. In here. The Lagrangian density above is essentially the this case we may describe it in terms of a vector S~ Lagrangian density given in ref. [71when the weights defined by of the irreducible pieces of the torsion and curvature take the following values (in the notation of ref. [7]), S’4 = (3) a 1=—1, a2=2, a3=—l, then x KPPK=’4p,aSA. (4) b~=b2=b3=b4=b5—b6=—l. (2) This requires that the individual components of the The vacuum field equations of the qpgft given in contortion tensor, in the notation of ref. [8], satisfy 0375-9601 /90/S 03.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) 7

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Page 1: On axial vector torsion in vacuum quadratic Poincaré gauge field theory

Volume 145, number1 PHYSICSLETTERSA 26 March 1990


P. SINGHDepartmentofMathematicalSciences,TheUniversityofTechnology,Loughborough,LeicestershireLEJI 3TU, UK

Received27 November1989;revisedmanuscriptreceived29 January1990;acceptedfor publication30 January1990CommunicatedbyJ.P.Vigier

Thevacuumfield equationsof thequadraticPoincarégaugefield theory (qpgft) aresolvedfor a purelyaxial vectortorsion.Expressingthecontortiontensorfor this caseas~ we provethatthereareno solutionsof vacuumqpgftwhenS~isnon-null. However,when S~’is null, weprovethat anysolutionof vacuumqpgft,whoseV

4 part is alsoa solutionof Einstein’svacuumfield equationswith acosmologicalconstant,is necessarilyofalgebraictypeN. Thissolutionhasanexpansion-free,shear-freeandtwist-freeautoparallelrepeatedprincipalnull congruence.

1. Introduction ref. [1] mustbeusedinconjunctionwith thosegivenin ref. [81 in which the formalism of Newmanand

In a previouspaper [1], the vacuumfield equa- Penrose[9] had previously beenextendedto in-tionsoftheqpgft (seerefs. [2—51andreferencescited dudespace—timeswith torsionin any theory.therein)for the purelyquadraticLagrangiandensity The aim of this work is to usethetechniquegiven[61 in ref. [1] to obtain exactsolutions of the vacuum

field equationsof theqpgftwith axial vectortorsion.e ~ F ,~ e F’

4~ F ‘~ (1) Thistechniquecanproduceaclassof exactsolutions— 4/2 V~ 4k U VP which would be impossibleto obtain via the double

havebeenexpressedin the Newman—Penrosefor- duality ansatzof refs. [4,5,7,10]. Sucha classof so-malism involving spin coefficients.The two gauge lutions of algebraictype N with an expansion-free,field strengthsF,

4~1(torsiontensor)andF~~U(cur- shear-freeandtwist-free autoparallelrepeatedprin-

vaturetensor)alongwith the so-calledmodifiedtor- cipal null congruenceis presented.sion tensorT~~’andthe quantitiese, k and/are de- In orderto obtaina newclassof exactsolutionsoffined in ref. [11, asaretheconventionsandnotation the vacuumfield equationsof qpgft, it first seemsusedin thispaper.Argumentsin favourofthechoice necessaryto imposesomeconstraintson theform ofgivenby eq. (1) for the Lagrangiandensitymaybe the contortiontensor.Wefirst assumethat thecon-foundin refs. [3] and[6], andwill notbediscussed tortion tensoris axial i.e. totally anti-symmetric.Inhere.TheLagrangiandensityaboveisessentiallythe thiscasewe maydescribeit in termsof a vectorS~Lagrangiandensitygiven in ref. [71whentheweights definedbyof the irreduciblepiecesof thetorsionandcurvaturetakethefollowing values(in thenotationofref. [7]), S’4= � (3)

a1=—1, a2=2, a3=—l, thenx KPPK=�’4p,aSA. (4)

b~=b2=b3=b4=b5—b6=—l. (2)Thisrequiresthat the individual componentsof the

The vacuumfield equationsof the qpgft givenin contortiontensor,in the notationof ref. [8], satisfy

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Volume 145,number 1 PHYSICSLETTERSA 26 March 1990

andthe contortioncanbe expressedin termsof theK1 0, Pi Pi’ a1 =0, ri =—2ã1,

singleimaginarycomponentj~.= —2a1, ,~ =0, ~ii = —j~, v1 =0, Apart from the initial constraintsimposedupon

theform ofthecontortiontensor,in this sectionsome�‘=—~p~,fli=c~1, yi=—Lui. (5)

constraintson the form of the curvaturetensorareThe torsion is thus completelydescribedby the also imposed.We assumethat the V4 parts of the

complexcomponenta1 andby the purelyimaginary curvaturetensoraresolutionsof Einstein’svacuumcomponents/2~andPi• field equationswith a cosmologicalconstant,A~,i.e.

A short calculationwill show that S’4 is givenbyR°~~— ~R°g~~=A~g’4~, (11)

S’4=i/211’4+2ia1 m’4—2iã1i~’4—ip1n’4. (6)whereA~=—6A°=— ~R°.Of courseit is a foregone

WhenS’4 is null we musthave conclusion that the Ricci identities and Bianchiidentitiesfor curvaturein V4 mustalso hold.

~IpI —4a1c~1=0, (7a) With this additional assumptionit can easily beandwhenS’4 is non-null we musthave provedthat:

/1iPi —4a

1t~1~0. (7b) Theorem.Any solution of the vacuumfield equa-

tions of qpgft with S’4 null whoseV4 part is also asolutionof Einstein’svacuumfield equationswith a

2. S” non-null cosmologicalconstantisnecessarilyof algebraictypeN, with an expansion-free,shear-freeandtwist-free

In this caseS’4 is a continuouslydefinednon-null autoparallelrepeatedprincipal null congruence.vector.Thenwithout loss of generalitywe mayalign(1’4±n’4) with S’4. With alternativesignsthiscovers The class of exact solutionssatisfying these as-the caseswhenS’4 is time-like andspace-like.This sumptionsis givenby the metricchoice for S’4 imposesthe additional constraintson

dS22 du (— Udu+dv+ Wdz+Wd~)

the componentsof the contortion tensor,namely,

a1=0, u1=Rp1. (8) —dzdZ, (12)

Now, if we considerequations(30d,30eand30h) wherethe metric functionP is a real function of zin ref. [1] it is easily shown that

and~only satisfying(9) 4P

2(log~P) AO (13)

i.e. the torsionvanishes.Thus,we haveshown that andthemetric functions U and Ware givenbysolutionsof vacuumqpgft with S’4 non-null belongin V

4. U=(P2Ø,~O,


W=O~v, (14)

3. S” null where 0=Ø( u, z, ~) = ~ and U°=U°(u, z, ~) = U0satisfy

In this caseS’4 is assumedto bea continuouslyde-fined null vector.Thisconditionis equivalentto as- 0,zz— ~ (0,z) 2 + O,z= 0,sumingthat the spin of the source field which gives

A°riseto thetorsionin space—timeis locallyalignedand ~ — — =null. It is then possibleto align the tetradvector l’4with S’4, andthis implies the conditions 0’U~

5+~p1=a1=0, /1~=—

2y~, /11=—U1, (10)

+(~Ø,~çb,5+A°/P2)U°=0. (15)


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Volume145, number1 PHYSICSLETTERSA 26March1990

Theonly non-zerocomponentsof thetorsiontensor The double duality ansatz (19), the secondfieldare equationof vacuumqpgft [1] andthe Bianchi iden-

tities for the curvature[1] give two possiblevalues/L~=im, y~= — him, (16) for y for non-vanishingtorsion, accompaniedbywhere m is an arbitraryreal function of u andthe constraintson the contortion tensorK,Jk, namelynon-zerospin-coefficientsare = ~, K1~kJ= 0 (21a)

a=1(PO,~+2P,2),fl=~(PØ~—2P5), and

— (P2O,~O,

5+A°)v+~ — kim,y=—l, KUk=K[Ukl. (2lb)

/2=im, v—P0~~v—2PU~—2PO,~U°, Furthermore,it is easily shown that thesetwo p05-

7t= ~P0,z, r=PO~. (17) sibleformsfor thegeneralizeddoubledualityansatz

The only non-zero componentsof the curvature areequivalentto the constraintstensorare WA 0, ~I~A 0, .�=0, A=k/81

2 (22a)

= 2P[2PU~2~+2(2P,~+P0,~)U~~+P(D.~)

2U°], and

= —m2, A=A°=—k/412, WA 0, ~A =0, E=0, A= —k/412, (22b)

612 = — mPØ~, respectively,in the notationof ref. [81.

622 = 2m (P2 O~O~+A°) v—~mØ,~— m~. (18) Theseconstraintsare considerablystrongerthanthoseconsideredin thepresentpaper.In particular,

The following specialcasesof this classof solu- the solutionsof section3, in general,have !P4 non-tions may also be noted. zeroandthegeneralizeddoubledualityansatzis not

(a) In thecasewhenW4 = 0, thesesolutionsreduce satisfied,exceptin the specialcasewhen W4 is zero.

to a generalizationof the conformallyflat solutions Recently,much attentionhasbeendevotedto thegivenby Lenzenin ref. [101: seealso section7, case HamiltonianstructureofPoincarégaugefield theory1 of ref. [lJ. [7,12,13]. Oneof the reasonsfor this is to help one

(b) Whenthetorsionvanishesthesesolutionsre- distinguishthe variablesin a theorywhich are dy-duceto the K(2) wavessolution of Diaz and Ple- namicalandphysically importantfrom thosewhichbañski [111. arenon-dynamicalandjustdescribegaugedegreesof

freedom.In the solutionsof section 3 m wasdeter-mined from the first field equationof the vacuum

4. Discussion qpgft (seeeqs.(30) in ref. [1]). Consequently,m

mustbe a dynamicalpieceof the Riemann—CartanIn view of eq. (11), onemay ask if the solutions connection,althoughit is arbitrary.

of the theoremobey the generalizeddoubleduality In conclusion,it canbe saidthat the advantageofansatzdiscussedat length in ref. [7]. The general- thespin coefficienttechniquegivenin ref. [1], overized doubleduality ansatzfor the purely quadratic the (generalized)double dualityansatz,in produc-Lagrangiandensityabovebecomes ing solutions of vacuumqpgft, lies in its ability to

F’4Mk/ = ~ *F*/4V,a — e

1,, ‘4e,1 ~, (19) producesolutionsof Petrovtypesotherthan0.

where ~ and ~‘ are dimensionlessconstants.This is Acknowledgementpreciselythe doubleduality ansatzof refs. [41and[5]. It canbeshown [41thatnon-vanishingtorsion Theauthorwishesto acknowledgetheawardof asolutionscanonly be obtainedfor researchscholarshipby the SERC, while this work

—1. (20) wascarriedout.He would alsolike to thankDr. J.B.


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Griffiths for his continuoussupportandencourage- [41P. Baelder,F.W. HehiandE.W. Mielke,in: Proc.2ndMarcel

ment andthe referee(s)for a numberof extremely GrossmannMeetingsin Generalrelativity, ed. R. Ruffini(North-Holland,Amsterdam,1982).helpful comments. [5] P. Baekler,F.W. HehIandH.-J.Lenzen,in: Proc.3rdMarcel

GrossmannMeeting in Generalrelativity, ed. Hu Ning(North-Holland,Amsteram,1983).

[6] F.W. Hehl, Y. Ne’eman,J. NitschandP. Von der Heyde,

References Phys.Lett.B78(1978)102.[71P. BaeklerandE.W. Mielke, Fortschr.Phys.36 (1988)549.[8] S. JogiaandJ.B. Griffiths, Gen.Rel. Gray. 12 (1980)597.

[1] P. SinghandJ.B. Griffiths, Gen. Rel. Gray. (1989),to be [9] E.T. NewmanandR.Penrose,J.Math.Phys.3 (1962) 566.published. [101H.-J.Lenzen,NuovoCimento82B (1984) 85.

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[3] F.W. HehI, in: Cosmologyand gravitation.Spin, torsion, (1988)607.rotationandsupergravity,eds.P.G. BergmannandV. De [13] E.W. Mielke and R.P. Wallner, Nuovo Cimento 1 02BSabbata(Plenum,NewYork, 1980). (1988)555.