on chip power amplifier design

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  • 8/2/2019 On Chip Power Amplifier Design





    November 14



  • 8/2/2019 On Chip Power Amplifier Design



    I. Introduction

    II. Requirements of on chip power Amplifier

    III. Power amplifier fundamentals

    IV. On chip power amplifier design challenges

    V. Choice of power amplifier

    VI. Power amplifier implementation technology

    VII. Conclusion

    VIII. References

  • 8/2/2019 On Chip Power Amplifier Design



    Anindita Dash

    Kalinga Institute Of Industrial technology University, Bhubaneswar

    School Of Electronics Engineering, 751024, India.


    The tremendous growth of the wireless device is demanding Very LargeScale Integrated (VLSI) circuits with increasing functionality and performance

    at reduced cost. VLSI circuits are being aggressively scaled to meet this


    Hence the long term vision for wireless transceivers is to merge as

    many components as possible to a single die in an inexpensive technology.

    Therefore there is a growing interest in utilizing CMOS technologies for RF

    power amplifiers. Because of supply voltage reduction due to CMOS

    technology scaling and on chip passive losses due to the conductive substrateused in the CMOS process, on chip power amplifier is still among the most

    difficult challenges for achieving a truly single chip radio system in CMOS. Todate, there has been relatively little research on the design of a CMOS PA

    targeting good average efficiency. Linearity, efficiency are the key factors to

    achieve cmos power amplifier (On Chip).

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    As technologies advance, todays savvy consumers demand wireless

    systems that are low-cost, power efficient, reliable and have a small form-

    factor. High level integration has been proven in practice to be an effective

    way to reduce cost and achieve compactness simultaneously for high volume

    applications. Hence the long term goal for wireless transceivers is to merge as

    many components as possible, if not all, on to a single die using an

    inexpensive technology. CMOS was first invented purely for digital integrated

    circuits. Gradually CMOS became the predominant technology in digital

    integrated circuits since its invention. This trend is essentially because

    manufacturing cost, energy efficiency, operating speed and occupied area

    have benefited and will continue to benefit from the dimension scaling of

    CMOS devices that comes with every new technology generation. All the

    features mentioned above have allowed for integration density not possible for

    other technologies such as silicon bipolar technology. Besides, radio frequency

    (RF) and microwave integrated circuits implemented in CMOS are making a

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    strong appearance in the chip industry. It is believed that CMOS technology is

    probably the only viable vehicle at present time to fulfill the dream of an

    entire system on a single die at the present time.

    II.Requirements of on chip power Amplifier

    Driven by the demands from customers, continuing efforts have been taken to

    look into fully integrated linear CMOS RF power amplifiers. Although there are

    some previous publications on fully integrated RF PAs, they were implemented

    with LDMOS transistors on a SOI substrate or with SiGe HBT transistors in a

    SiGe BiCMOS technology and other exotic technologies. Without using power

    combining techniques, reported fully integrated CMOS power amplifier with

    55% drain efficiency could only achieve 85-mW power at 900-MHz or could

    transmitter 150-mW at -1-dB compression point at 5-GHz but only with 13%

    power added efficiency. If we could combine power from several efficient,

    small power amplifiers, medium-to-high output power could be achieved with

    good power efficiency.

    Various methods have been used to split and combine RF signals. Among

    them, transformers have been widely used as means for combining RF power.

    However, one serious problem associated with conventional on-chip

    transformers in CMOS technologies is high insertion loss which directlytranslates into loss in power efficiency. Therefore, this approach has only been

    adopted to implement inter-stage matching. Circular geometry distributive

    active transformer, known as DAT, was proposed to overcome high insertion

    loss problem in on-chip transformers. It functions as an eight-way power

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    combiner with good efficiency at peak output power, implemented with 0.35

    m CMOS transistors. Despite many advantages of this approach, the circuit

    geometry DAT still has some problems inherently from its structure.

    Besides integration, there is another serious issue associated with PA design

    which is inherent to conventional PA. It is well known that a PA can only

    achieve maximum efficiency at peak output power. As output power

    decreases, efficiency drops rapidly. However, the need to conserve battery

    power and to mitigate interference to other users necessitates the

    transmission of power levels well below the peak output power of the

    transmitter. Moreover, since spectrum is a scarce commodity, modern

    transmitters for wireless communications employ spectrally efficient digital

    modulations with time varying envelope. Because of these reasons, the PA

    transmits much lower than peak output power under typical operating


    III. Power amplifier fundamentals

    The real world is analog in nature. PAs are used, ideally, to

    amplify signals without compromising signal integrity, so that information

    could be transmitted into the media and recovered by the recipient. PAs may

    be categorized in several ways, depending on different criteria. Usually they

    are classified according to their circuit configuration and operation conditions

    into different classes, from class A to Class S.

    An overview of classifications and specifications of PAs

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    1.1 A, AB, B, and C power amplifiers

    Figure 1.1: A generic topology for class-A, AB, B, and C power


    These four types of power amplifiers have similar circuit configuration,

    distinguished primarily by biasing conditions (Figure 2.1). A class-A power

    amplifier, in principle, works as a small-signal amplifier. It is probably the only

    true linear amplifier, since it amplifies over the entire input cycle such that

    the output is an exact 16 scaled-up replica of the input without clipping. This

    true linearity is obtained at the expense of wasting power. To improve

    efficiency without sacrificing too much linearity, the concept of reduced

    conduction angle was proposed. The idea is to bias the active devices5 with

    low quiescent current and let the input RF signal to turn on active devices for

    part of the cycle. As the conduction angle shrinks, the amplifier is biased from

    class-AB, to class-B and eventually class-C. Regardless of conduction angle,

    active devices are used as current sources. Therefore, they are often referred

    to as transconductance PAs.

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    Class-D power amplifiers

    Figure 1.2: A voltage switching class-D amplifier

    A class D amplifier is composed of a voltage controlled switch and a

    filtering tank. Figure 1.2 shows a voltage switching class D amplifier. The

    output tuned network is tuned to the fundamental frequency. It will thus

    have negligible impedance at fundamental frequency and high impedance at

    harmonic frequencies. The analysis of such an amplifier is very

    straightforward due to the simple drain voltage waveform. In an ideal

    situation, the drain efficiency of a class-D amplifier reaches 100% as other

    switching type PAs.

    1.3 Class-E power amplifiers

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    Figure 1.3: A simple class-E amplifier

    Class-E PA stands out from other highly efficient switching PAs

    because parasitic capacitances of active devices may be absorbed into wave-

    shaping/matching networks. A simplest form of class-E PAs is shown in Figure

    1.3. During operation, the waveforms of drain current and voltage are shaped

    such that they do not overlap. Furthermore, the voltage will decrease

    gradually to zero before the active device turns on. This avoids

    charging/discharging capacitors at the drain, thus improve efficiency.

    However, the class-E PA has its disadvantage in terms of peak voltage.

    1) Eff i c iency of PAs

    One of the most important metrics for a power amplifier is its power

    efficiency. It is a measure of how well a device converts one energy source

    to another. What does not get converted is dissipated into heat which is

    almost universally a bad product of energy conversion. In RF circuit design,

    power amplifier efficiency is calculated in three ways with wide acceptance.

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    The first one is drain efficiency, usually denoted as D. This is defined as the

    ratio of output power POUT to DC power consumed from supply PSUPPLY.

    Power added efficiency (PAE), denoted as PAE, is the most common used

    measure which takes input power into account. It is calculated as the ratio of

    the difference between output power POUT and input power PIN to DC power

    consumed from supply PSUPPLY.

    Total efficiency, denoted as TOTAL. It is calculated as the ratio of output

    power POUT to the sum of input power PIN and DC power consumed from

    supply PSUPPLY.

    2) Linear ity of PAs

    Besides efficiency, another inherent problem of power amplifiers is

    linearity. All radio systems are required to induce the minimum possible

    interference to other users. Hence, they must keep their transmissions within

    the bandwidth allocated and maintain negligible energy leakage outside of the

    band. If signals are distorted due to nonlinearities, unwanted distortion

    products present to other users as interference. Furthermore, good linearity is

    mandated in order to preserve the integrity of the information in transmitted

    signals. Therefore, modulated signals could be recovered at the receiver end.

    Because of the stringent requirement on linearity and the

    desire to increase battery time, several linearization techniques have been

    developed to enable linear systems with more efficient, but nonlinear or less

    linear power amplifiers. As wireless communication evolve, it seems that a

    standalone linear power amplifier cannot meet linearity requirements posed

    by the next generation wireless systems. Therefore, some degree of

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    linearization around the amplifier is necessary even if the amplifier itself is

    linear. Feedback is probably the most obvious method to reduce distortion of

    power amplifiers. The improvement on linearity is dependent on the loop gain

    which could be quite expensive to obtain at RF frequencies. And stability is

    also a concern because time-delay is not negligible at RF frequencies.

    Cartesian loop and polar loop are two most popular feedback techniques.

    To avoid problems with feedback at RF frequencies, feed forward

    techniques have been proposed for linear power amplifiers. The input signal is

    split into two paths, and then combined after amplification, such that wanted

    signal are in-phase and distortions cancel out.

    Predistortion is conceivably the simplest linearization technique, since it

    is open-loop in nature. Nonlinearities of power amplifiers can be corrected at

    the input of the amplifier by predistortion. The predistortion, in theory, will be

    cancelled out by distortions of power amplifiers. An overall linear transfer

    characteristic can thus be obtained. This technique was mainly used for base-

    station because it was power hungry. With the scaling of CMOS, it becomes

    practical to implement this technique on portable devices.

    IV.On chip power amplifier design challenges

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    A generic Power Amplifier MODEL

    RF input signal drives the active device and causes it to modulate the load

    network with periodic excitation.

    This process draws energy from the power supply and delivers it to the load in

    the form of an RF signal.

    One of the most critical concerns in power amplifier delivers most of the

    energy drawn from the supply to the load, where as an inefficient one

    dissipates much energy as heat in the active device or in the lossy component

    within the matching network.

    Matching Network

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    i. Impedance Transformation

    To understand the significance of the impedance matching network, lets

    consider a hypothetical but realistic situation in which a PA has to deliver a 1-

    W sinusoidal signal into a 50W load. The peak voltage swing across the load in

    this case will be 15

    vout= Pout 2RL =10V

    If the load were connected directly to the drain of the active device, then the

    device drain would need to be biased at 10V supply. Since the transistor

    output is inductively load and swings above supply, the device in this case will

    have to withstand a peak voltage of 20V. This arrangement presents two

    problems first, 10V supply voltage is rarely available in battery powered

    consumer wireless devices; second and more importantly, the active device

    may not even survive the high voltage without catastrophic breakdown

    the breakdown limit for 0.35um CMOS, for example, is less than 6V, and it

    gets even lower with more advanced CMOS technologies. The matching

    network is therefore an essential component to deliver high output power

    with limited voltage swing. Consisting of only reactive components, a

    matching network is ideally lossless, and it transforms the load impedance to

    a level manageable by the active device. This matching circuit is formed by a

    simple L-C network and can match the load impedance RL down to an

    impedance level equals to RL/ M, where M= (1 +RL2/X2 ) , Mis the matching


    With a lossless matching network, the input power equals to the power

    delivered to the actual load impedance. However, the voltage swing at the

    input port is now reduced by a factor of M due to the lowered input

    impedance. In our previous example, if we choose M=16 , then the maximum

    voltage appearing at the drain of the active device is reduced from 20V to 5V.

    Notice that the maximum current conducted by the active

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    device is also increased by a factor ofM, but this increased current handling

    requirement can be easily overcome by using M devices in parallel. In

    essence,impedance transformation allows us to trade off the voltage handling

    capability of the device (which does not scale with device size) with its current

    handling capability, and therefore extends the power delivering capacity of the

    given device technology. However, the amount of extension will be eventually

    limited by parasitic effects. Returning to the prior example where the

    impedance presented to the active device is reduced from 50W to

    50/16=3.125W. Such low impedance allows high power to be delivered with

    low voltage swing, but it also increases the amplifiers sensitivity to parasitics.

    Consider if a parasitic resistance ofRp is present at the amplifier output due

    to on-chip metal routing and wire-bonding contact resistance, then the

    amplifier efficiency will be reduced by a factor Rp/(Rp+Ri). In this case, ifRp=

    0.5W ( a realistic value in practice), the loss due to Rp will increase 140-folds

    from 0.1% to 14% when Riis transformed from 50W to 3.125W.

    ii. Waveform Shaping and Filtering

    Besides the primary function of impedance transformation, matching

    networking can also enhance PA efficiency by properly shaping the current

    and voltage waveforms at the drain of the active device. This is the key-

    concept embraced in all switch-mode power amplifiers when the active

    device is hard-driven, strong harmonics are present at multiples of the

    fundamental frequency. Since the impedance looking into the matching

    network is frequency dependent, it can be designed to provide proper

    terminations at the various harmonic frequencies so as to achieve a desirable

    voltage/current waveform at the drain. The usual goal is to minimize the

    conduction of transistor current when the drain voltage is high, as minimizing

    such overlap can greatly enhance the PA efficiency. Although harmonics can

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    be exploited at the drain node to optimize PA efficiency, they are generally

    undesirable at the output of the PA where they may interfere with other

    wireless systems. When properly designed, the matching

    network can attenuate most of the harmonic components at the PA output and

    in some cases even eliminate the need of additional band-pass filter between

    the PA and the antenna.

    V.Choice of power amplifier

    Table 1.Comparison of different class of power amplifiers

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    Table 2.Comparison of different class of power amplifiers

    VI. Power amplifier implementation technology

    Fig-6. Summary of comparison of different technology


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    Explosive growth in wireless communication market has led to consumer

    demand for low-cost, small form factor, low power terminals. It has been

    proven in practice that high level of integration is the most effective way to

    provide such a solution. The VLSI capabilities of CMOS make itself a well-

    suited vehicle for high integration. Although it was certainly a non-trivial task

    to realize system-on-chip (SoC), engineers from industry together with

    researches from universities have figured out ways to integrate almost an

    entire system on a single chip. Yet there is still one piece missing on the

    integration chart, the power amplifiers. Two major hurdles associated with the

    design of fully integrated CMOS power amplifiers are low transistor breakdown

    voltage/high threshold voltage, and high loss impedance transformation

    network consisting of lossy on-chip passives. To overcome those two hurdles,

    highly efficient power combining can be used to generate enough power with

    good overall efficiency. Besides integration, there is another serious issue

    associated with PA design which is inherent to conventional PA. It is well

    known that a PA can only achieve maximum efficiency at peak output power.

    As output power decreases, efficiency drops rapidly. Till today on chip power

    amplifier is the center of research of engineers and researchers.


    1. Fully Integrated CMOS Power Amplifier Design Using the

    Distributed Active Transformer Architecture-Ichiro Aoki,student

    Member,IEEE,Scott D.Kee,David B.Rutledge,Fellow,IEEE,and AliHajimiri,Member,IEEE

    2. Fully Integrated CMOS Power Amplifier With Efficiency

    Enhancement at Power Back-Off-Gang Liu,Peter Haldi,Tsu-Jae King

    Liu,Fellow,IEEE,and Ali M.Niknejad,Member,IEEE

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    3. A 1.9-GHz,1-W CMOS Class-E Power Amplifier for Wireless

    Communications-King-Chun Tsai,Student Member,IEEE,and Paul


    4. A900-MHz Fully Integrated SOI Power Amplifier for Single-

    Chip Wireless Transceiver Applications-Yue Tan,Mahendra

    Kumar,Member,IEEE,Johnny K.O. Sin,Senior

    Member,IEEE,Longxing Shi,and Jack Lau,Member,IEEE.

    5. A Monolithic 2.5V,1W Silicon Bipolar Power Amplifier With

    55% PAE At 1.9GHZ.-Werner Simburger,Alexander Heinz,Hans-

    Dieter Wohlmuth,Josef Bock,Klaus Aufinger,Mirjana Rest.