on december 17, 2010, an unemployed tunisian man, mohamed bouazizi, aged 26, from sidi bouzid, in...

Warm Up: 1/31/14 On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid , in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against joblessness, sparking a popular uprising against the government. Two more suicides followed, spurring protests across several other Tunisian cities. The social movement - initiated by lawyers, journalists, and labor unions – demanded more work opportunities and reform of the government of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali . Clashes between protesters and security forces lasted for nearly a month. According to government counts, 23 Tunisians were killed by police and security forces, while numerous more were injured. On January 13, President Ben Ali gave a speech in which he promised to step down in 2014. The president also guaranteed reforms, including an end to restrictions on the media and Internet. Shortly after the speech, the country's pervasive Internet censors were turned off . Despite Ben Ali's promises, however, the unrest continued throughout the night and into the next day, at which point emergency law was enacted . Shortly thereafter, the president closed Tunisian airspace, fired the parliament, and promised governmental elections within six months. Protesters continued to gather outside of interior ministry, however, demanding Ben Ali's resignation. Shortly thereafter, Ben Ali fled the country, and Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi took over , citing Chapter 56 of the Tunisian constitution as the article by which he was taking power, a move which some in the country called unconstitutional. On January 15, the country's constitutional court appointed parliament speaker Fouad Mebazaa as interim president. Mebazaa has 60 days to organize elections, according to article 57 of the Tunisian constitution. 1) Write a question for accuracy 2) Write a question for precision

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Page 1: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Warm Up: 1/31/14 On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from

Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against joblessness, sparking a popular uprising against the government. Two more suicides followed, spurring protests across several other Tunisian cities. The social movement - initiated by lawyers, journalists, and labor unions – demanded more work opportunities and reform of the government of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Clashes between protesters and security forces lasted for nearly a month. According to government counts, 23 Tunisians were killed by police and security forces, while numerous more were injured. On January 13, President Ben Ali gave a speech in which he promised to step down in 2014. The president also guaranteed reforms, including an end to restrictions on the media and Internet. Shortly after the speech, the country's pervasive Internet censors were turned off.

Despite Ben Ali's promises, however, the unrest continued throughout the night and into the next day, at which point emergency law was enacted. Shortly thereafter, the president closed Tunisian airspace, fired the parliament, and promised governmental elections within six months. Protesters continued to gather outside of interior ministry, however, demanding Ben Ali's resignation.

Shortly thereafter, Ben Ali fled the country, and Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi took over, citing Chapter 56 of the Tunisian constitution as the article by which he was taking power, a move which some in the country called unconstitutional. On January 15, the country's constitutional court appointed parliament speaker Fouad Mebazaa as interim president. Mebazaa has 60 days to organize elections, according to article 57 of the Tunisian constitution.

1) Write a question for accuracy 2) Write a question for precision 3) Write a question for depth

Page 2: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Review: Social Media

What role has social media played in the Arab Spring?

Why is social media so important to the spread of ideas? How is it so easy?

How successful do you think these revolutions would be if social media never existed?

Page 3: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against


1. Which African country began the Arab Spring? A. Egypt B. Libya C. Algeria D. Tunisia

2. Who was the dictator of Tunisia during the revolution? A. Maummar Qadaffi B. Ben Ali C. Anwar Sadat Saddam Hussein

3. Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the Tunisian Revolution? A. High unemployment B. Dictator with unjust rule C. Loss of freedom of speech D. Ben Ali elected 5 times

4. Constructed Response: In your opinion, was the

Tunisian Revolution a successes or a failure? Justify your response with three pieces of evidence.

Page 4: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Critical Thinking

Was the Tunisian revolution successful?

Page 5: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Today OBJ: SWBAT identify characteristics of the

Egyptian and Libyan revolutions and evaluate the impact of social media on them.

Relevance: Today we are learning about the Arab Spring because this series of recent revolutions continues to impact international political relations.

DOL: Notes Title: Arab Spring: Egypt

Page 6: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Egypt and Libya Today we are going to

continue to talk about the Arab Spring.

We will discuss how it spread from Tunisia to Egypt and Libya.

We will also discuss what is currently going on with this movement.

CFU: Think/Write/Share:What do you remember about the Tunisian Revolution from yesterday? List as many facts as you can.

Page 7: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Chain Reaction Theory

0-5: What is a chain reaction?

when one country falls into civil unrest and potential revolution, then others in similar political environments will also fall into civil unrest.

This caused civil unrest to spread from one nation to the surrounding countries.

CFU: Think/Write/ShareDo you agree with this theory? Why or why not? Provide two examples that support your opinion.

Page 8: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against


1. What did the interim government pledge to the Tunisian people?

2. How many days did it take to topple the regime of Ben Ali?

Page 9: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

The Arab Spring Spreads to Egypt

After the fall of Ben Ali in Tunisia, the Arab Spring spread east across North Africa to Egypt.

Egypt is a primarily Muslim nation and was controlled at this time by President Hosni Mubarak.

CFU: Think/Write/Share:What is the purpose of this political cartoon? How does it relate to the spread of the Arab Spring to Egypt?

Page 10: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Warm Up: 2/4

1. What is the purpose of revolutions?

2. What is an implication of revolutions?

3. What are concepts about revolutions?

4. What may be some underlying assumptions about revolutions?

*Folder Quiz Tomorrow

Page 11: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Review:1. What started Arab Spring?2. What is a chain reaction theory?3. Where did the revolution spread after Tunisia?

do you have questions from yesterday?

Page 12: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against


1. How were the Egyptians being oppressed under the Mubarak regime?

2. Describe what happened to the young blogger in Egypt. What impact did this event have?

3. How did Mubarak underestimate the power of the internet?

Page 13: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Egypt On January 25th , 2011, wide

spread protests broke out in Egypt. People were protesting the

government of Hosni Mubarak Protests were aimed at the

corruption and oppression of the Egyptian government.

On January 26th the government started to limit access to the internet.

They began censoring all types of media that the people had access to in Egypt.

CFU – Think /Write/ Share:Why would the government of Hosni Mubarak try to limit access to the internet? Do you think this plan was successful?

Page 14: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against


1. How many people in Egypt had access to the internet? 2. How did protest organizers in Egypt spread the word about the 25th?

3. How did protest organizers trick the police? Was it effective?

Page 15: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Warm Up: 2/5

1. We’ve seen many revolutionaries throughout Tunisia and Egypt chanting phrases such as “We will sacrifice our lives.” What message is this sending to the government?

2. If you were a dictator of a country in Arab Spring, what would you do to stop the protests?

Page 16: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Folder QuizOn a half sheet of paper, answer the following:1. Warm up 1/13: What were 2 facts you

wrote down?2. In your notes on 1/15, we made a T-chart.

What is one argument you wrote for “yes,” and one argument for “no.”

3. In the notes on 1/18, we analyzed a political cartoon. What did you write for “picture 1” and “picture 2”

4. Warm up 1/23: What is your answer for #1?

5. Warm Up 1/31: What is your answer for #2?

Bonus: Warm up 2/4: Answer to #4?

Page 17: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Revolution January 28th-February 6th

more people joined the cause. Tens of thousands of people

marched on Tahrir Square ▪ The main square in the Egyptian

capital Cairo.

Police began spraying water cannons and attempting to disperse the crowd using force.

The crowd continued to grow larger throughout the week.

CFU: Show on your hand the stage of the cycle of revolution this represents.

Page 18: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

The Aftermath February 11th , 2011,

President Mubarak, the president of Egypt was forced to resign.

Mubarak was sentenced to life imprisonment and control of the nation was immediately transferred to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

846 Egyptian citizens were confirmed dead from the riots and protests.

CFU: Think/Write/Share:Make a prediction: What do you think is happening in Egypt today 2 years later?

Page 19: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

3 Years Later After Mubarak resigned the Armed forces controlled

Egypt until elections could be held in 2012.

On 24 June, Islamist Mohammed Morsi won the presidential election. Government dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Currently, many people in Egypt are protesting the lack of change provided by their new government and the political future of the nation is still very much up in the air.

CFU: Think/Write/Share: In your opinion was the Egyptian Revolution a success? Justify.

Page 20: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Close Reading

Read and annotate the text Number paragraphs Circle key terms – No more than 5 per

chunk Chunk as you go to group paragraphs of

similar content Left column is a one sentence summary per

chunk Right column is a question per chunk (could

be confusion or higher-level)

Page 21: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Essay Writing

Finish your essay from Monday: Using evidence from the article, What role did social media play in the Arab Spring?

Page 22: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Libya Libya was ruled by a brutal

dictator who controlled the country for almost 40 years. Muammar Qaddafi.

He saw what happened to the neighboring dictators and feared an uprising.

Protests began in Libya on February 15, 2011.

Unlike Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt, Qaddafi refused to step down from power and began using his own security forces to fight the demonstrators.

CFU: Think/Write/Share:What do you think happened next? Justify your response.

Page 23: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Civil War Muammar Qaddafi began

using anti-aircraft machine guns to stop the protests. Firing on his own people.

The brutal violence against Libyan civilians transformed the Libyan Revolution into the Libyan Civil War.

Rebel forces fought with Qaddafi loyalists in increasingly bloody conflicts.

CFU: Think/Write/Share: How do you think people around the world reacted to violence taking place in Libya? Do you think anything was done by the international community?

Page 24: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against


1. What did the United States and the international community do to Libya?

2. According to the President, why does this matter to us?

Page 25: On December 17, 2010, an unemployed Tunisian man, Mohamed Bouazizi, aged 26, from Sidi Bouzid, in southern Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest against

Qaddafi Falls Qaddafi did not stop his attacks

and 2 days after Obama’s speech, the U.S. sent 116 Tomahawk missiles into Libya.

It took five months but Qaddafi and his government were eventually defeated.

Two months later he was found in a gutter and was killed. The execution was public and very


Libya is still recovering from this Civil War today.

CFU: Think/Write/Share:Do you think the Libyans were justified in killing Qaddafi? Explain.