on the banks of plum creek lesson 6


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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6
Page 2: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6

If someone is responsible, that person can be trusted to do a job on their own.

Which would make you feel more responsible,

doing an important job or playing a game? Why?

Page 3: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6

An animal that darted moved suddenly and quickly in a particular direction.

What would you do if a cat darted in front of

your bicycle?

Page 4: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6

If the people in a crowd push or knock against you, they are jostling you.

Would you want to be part of a jostling crowd?

Page 5: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6

If a car swerved, it turned suddenly to avoid hitting something.

If a car swerved, was it because of a deer on the

road or a new coat of paint?

Page 6: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6

If someone is attentive, that person is carefully listening to or watching something.

Why is it important to be attentive in class?

Page 7: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6

A person or animal that pounced on something jumped on it eagerly in order to take it.

What is another way of saying that a cat pounced

on a mouse?

Page 8: On the Banks of Plum Creek Lesson 6

Contradicting someone is saying that what the person has said is wrong.

Is contradicting a person the same as agreeing with

the person? Explain.