on the brink - garykah.orggarykah.org/garykah/on_the_brink_files/onthebrink.pdf · on the brink by...

On the Brink By Gary Kah This summer, when ISIS captured Mosul (Iraq’s second largest city, with over 1.5 million people), they offered the Christians an ominous choice: renounce Christ and convert to Islam, leave your homes and the city, or die. Thousands ran for their lives, leaving everything behind, yet were nonetheless pursued, captured and massacred. Some were actually crucified or beheaded. On June 15, no Christian services were conducted in Mosul for the first time in 1,600 years. 1 Emil Nona, the city’s archbishop, was interviewed shortly after fleeing Mosul. He warned the world: Our sufferings today are the prelude of those that you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future… Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever-growing number of Muslims… Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed into your home. 2 ISIS: A force of evil unleashed Describing the current horrendous conditions that ISIS has wrought in Iraq and Syria, Christian author/commentator Hal Lindsey writes, When you begin to focus on the sheer depths of the depravity, you enter a realm that can only be described as spiritual darkness… I believe that’s because we are not witnessing merely the rise of a political or ideological movement, or the carnage of a messy civil war, but we are seeing the emergence of a new manifestation of evil in the world… Folks, this is truly Satanic, demonic activity masquerading as sectarian violence. And don’t let the analysts – or the administration – mislead you. No matter what the U.S. State Department insists, ISIS does represent a religion: Islam. The chaos, mayhem, HopeForTheWorld.org

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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Page 1: On the Brink - garykah.orggarykah.org/GaryKah/On_the_Brink_files/OnTheBrink.pdf · On the Brink By Gary Kah ... In a letter to the Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini dated

On the BrinkBy Gary Kah

This summer, when ISIS captured Mosul (Iraq’s second largest city, with over 1.5 million people), they offered the Christians an ominous choice: renounce Christ and convert to Islam, leave your homes and the city, or die. Thousands ran for their lives, leaving everything behind, yet were nonetheless pursued, captured and massacred. Some were actually crucified or beheaded. On June 15, no Christian services were conducted in Mosul for the first time in 1,600 years.1 Emil Nona, the city’s archbishop, was interviewed shortly after fleeing Mosul. He warned the world:

Our sufferings today are the prelude of those that you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future… Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever-growing number of Muslims… Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed into your home.2

ISIS: A force of evil unleashed

Describing the current horrendous conditions that ISIS has wrought in Iraq and Syria, Christian author/commentator Hal Lindsey writes,

When you begin to focus on the sheer depths of the depravity, you enter a realm that can only be described as spiritual darkness… I believe that’s because we are not witnessing merely the rise of a political or ideological movement, or the carnage of a messy civil war, but we are seeing the emergence of a new manifestation of evil in the world… Folks, this is truly Satanic, demonic activity masquerading as sectarian violence. And don’t let the analysts – or the administration – mislead you. No matter what the U.S. State Department insists, ISIS does represent a religion: Islam. The chaos, mayhem,


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destruction, devastation, suffering, and grief are the products of that demented ideology followed to its purposed conclusion.3

Hal is correct in his assessment. The forces at work behind ISIS and other Islamic militant groups, such as Hamas and Hizbullah, are dedicated to Satan himself and have their origins in the demonic spirit realm. Paul described the nature of this battle in Ephesians 6:12, when he wrote:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

We know from Scripture that the enemy who wars against our souls will be emboldened and increase his earthly influence toward the end of this age, before Jesus Christ returns to stop him. (Matthew 24:4-31, 2 Thessalonians 2) For a period of time Satan’s vessel, the Antichrist, will gain power over the people of this planet by working through a global system of government to lure, and finally force, the deceived masses of all nations to worship him – all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life. (Revelation, chapters 13 & 14) As unbelievable as it may seem, incredibly sinister forces loyal to Satan have been planning and working toward the creation of such a “new world order” for many generations. One of the individuals who devoted his life to achieving this goal was Albert Pike, the leader of Scottish Rite Freemasonry from 1859 to 1891. He postulated that three major global conflicts would be needed to condition the masses to embrace a new system of government – worldwide in scope. Two of these have already been fought: WWI led to the forming of the League of Nations, the first public step toward a world government; WWII resulted in the establishing of the United Nations, which exists today in the form of a limited world government. In a letter to the Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini dated August 15, 1871, Pike described the third conflict, a distant final war, which he felt would be necessary to usher in the new order. According to Pike’s diabolical scheme, this massive conflict would be sparked by first igniting a crisis between Islam and Judaism which would be fanned into something much worse. He went on to write:

We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which, in all its horror, will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then, everywhere, the people, forced to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization; and the multitudes, disillusioned with Christianity whose deistic spirits will be from that moment on without direction and leadership, anxious for an ideal but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view; a manifestation which will result from a general


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reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.4

I personally believe the destabilization of the Middle East that began nearly four years ago – with help from the Obama Administration – led to the formation of ISIS and is setting the stage for the war which Pike envisioned. The entire Middle East is in disarray, and Russia is in a stand-off with NATO. Now the US is bombing ISIS positions inside Syria which has been Russia’s number one ally in the region for decades. In fact, Putin has highly-skilled Russian military personnel stationed at Syria’s naval base on the Mediterranean. Obama is playing with fire! Is this by design, with the intent of provoking an even bigger crisis? Thus far, everything Barack Obama has done in the Middle East has made the situation worse. It’s as if he is following a step-by-step recipe for disaster. He is taking us to the brink of World War Three!

How Events Could UnfoldAccording to a poll conducted in August and reported by several media outlets, including Fox News, approximately 2 percent of Americans surveyed are supportive of ISIS. (This represents approximately 6.5 million people!) Considering the fact that so many individuals living in the United States agree with the goals of ISIS, it is somewhat surprising that there haven’t been more acts of Islamic aggression committed inside the US thus far. I fear this is about to change. While I would like to be wrong on this, I believe the overt persecution of Christians (and Jews) is coming to America and is likely to begin soon. I envision a gradual increase in the number of terrorist incidents in the US over the coming months. I also expect a continued proliferation and expansion of the Mideast crisis. As hatred against the US simmers within the Islamic world, more and more violent acts will be carried out against Americans. The more involved Obama becomes in the Middle East, the worse the retribution will be. Jews, who are generally more sensitive to the rumblings of persecution, are getting the message and are beginning to exit the United States. According to Operation Exodus USA, a Christian organization dedicated to helping Jews return to Israel, the number of Jews making “Aliyah” to their homeland is up 26 percent from last year. In France, where anti-Jewish sentiment and actions have become more widespread, there has been a 70 percent increase in the number of Jews making Aliyah over the past year. According to the August poll mentioned earlier, 17 percent of the population of France supports ISIS. Some parts of that country are now completely dominated by radical Muslims. Marseilles especially has been overrun by Muslims. The city’s skyline has taken on the appearance of an Islamic center, with all of its mosques and minarets.


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England, Belgium, Germany and Spain are experiencing similar threats. The numbers of militant Islamists in these countries who are publicly voicing their hatred toward Israel and the US are growing exponentially. We are rapidly heading toward a crisis point – in Europe and the United States. As tensions continue to escalate in Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the Middle East, the Islamic violence in Western nations is certain to gain momentum. But where and how will it all come to a head? This is the million dollar question! I personally believe that powerful globalists – in collaboration with the demonic realm – view the US as their number one current target. Somehow, America has to be brought to its knees if it is to be forced into the coming order. Thus far, God, in His mercy, has not allowed this to occur. However, if the people of this country do not repent of their rebellious, immoral ways, I believe God will lift His protective covering from our midst. If He does, the enemy will quickly exploit our weakness and hit us hard when we least expect it. While smaller, seemingly random acts of terror can be expected over the course of the next few months, the stage is nearly set for a much more extreme attack. Only God knows the exact timetable for such an assault. If a measure of repentance occurs, we may still have a few years of relative freedom. However, if the current trend of lawlessness continues, all bets are off. In my opinion a mega-disaster, possibly in the form of a nuclear attack, could occur very soon. Only God’s continued mercy on our sinful nation can hold this back. Our adversary is smart, determined and cunning. America thinks she is strong but is in fact weak and exploitable. If God were to permit it, the enemy would probably hit the US when we are preoccupied with an internal crisis – perhaps in the form of a large scale racial uprising (possibly related to Ferguson, MO), responding to the Ebola pandemic, a sudden economic collapse, or even a major earthquake when our infrastructure has been weakened. When we are inwardly focused and outwardly distracted with military conflicts in other places, we would be especially vulnerable to a nuclear attack.

You may be wondering, “How can you make such an outrageous statement?” Here’s why. A number of years ago when I was still working for the government, I was recruited to join an organization involved in the US emergency management network. There were about 2,000 of us in this reserve. Today, it is all under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security. While I was in that organization, “strategy sessions” were held on several occasions during which national emergency scenarios were considered. In almost every case, the US had become embroiled in an unpopular Mideast conflict and was counter-attacked with a large-scale limited nuclear assault. Major US coastal cities


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were “taken out” – including New York. The uncanny thing was, these scenarios were presented with a degree of certainty – not if, but when such a crisis would occur. Yes, our Federal Government has been preparing their response to a specific nuclear scenario for a long time. Expect it!

The Role of IslamIn discussions among Christian scholars and researchers, there has been some debate over the specific role that Islam will play in these end-time events. One school of thought believes that Islam will be the global religion forced upon humanity by the Antichrist and his accomplice, the False Prophet. This would also imply that these two workers of iniquity would be the world’s most influential Muslims or loyalists of Islam. The other view holds that Islam will merely be used to instigate the world crisis (to create the overwhelming conditions necessary for the acceptance of a new order) but will be greatly diminished as a force when it is effectively pushed back and weakened by the rest of humanity which rises up against it (similar to the Allies defeating Nazi Germany). This scenario would suggest that the religion of the Antichrist will be something other than Islam, possibly involving a close alliance of the occult forces of eastern mysticism and the new age movement, along with the Roman Catholic hierarchy. However, even in this scenario, Islam would remain in the picture to some extent and would have to be dealt with, because whatever is left of that religion would have to be brought into the new world order. Islam today is active in most parts of the world and is the dominant religion in several dozen countries. It is unlikely that it could be completely eradicated. This means that in either scenario, the Antichrist would need to have a degree of influence over Muslims, if not be a Muslim himself. Time will tell. When Pike alluded to the “nihilists and atheists” in his infamous quote, I believe he was most likely referring to radical Islam and extreme Marxism. If these forces are “unleashed” to precipitate a catastrophic global crisis, the amount of destruction could be staggering. Humanity would tremble with fear believing that man is about to destroy himself. It would be a time of despair and mass confusion, unlike anything the world has known. Many would blame God for the devastation, not even considering the fact that it was man’s own wickedness and willingness to be deceived that brought it about. For one professing to hold the solutions, the time would be ripe. The stage for “the man of lawlessness” would be set.

Our Hope in ChristWhile we are getting closer to the forming of an occult-based world order, and even now are on the brink of what could become World War III, there is still hope. If you are currently reading this message, you are still in a position to take a stand for Jesus Christ. If you are a believer who is surrendered to Christ, He has work for you to do. He has a reason for you being alive at this moment in time. If you truly believe we are nearing the end of the age, which any mature and discerning Christian must believe – given the prophetic signs of the times, then you need to begin each day by


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committing yourself wholeheartedly to seeking and doing God’s will for that day. Your number one purpose should be to glorify God with all of your being. Allow the Lord to channel your sense of urgency toward loving and serving Him with your unique, God-given gifts and abilities. You might begin by fasting and praying for the salvation of unsaved loved ones; then follow up with creative steps displaying the love of Christ and communicating His truth to them. If every Christian did this and nothing more, the results both in the physical and spiritual realms would be astonishing. When persecution comes, which eventually it will, we will be able to rest in the Lord, knowing that we’ve been obedient and have done everything possible to reach others with His message of repentance and forgiveness. If society demands that we forsake our biblical values and accept its unrighteous edicts or suffer the consequences, God will give us the strength to stand firm in spite of the cost. We must never forget, our citizenship is not of this world; we are citizens of God’s heavenly kingdom. (Philippians 3:19-21, 1 Peter 2:11-12) Our lives on this earth are merely a preparation for eternity, which we will spend with the Lord and the saints who’ve gone before us, in a place of perfection awaiting us. Praise His name! If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you must believe that Jesus is who He says He is and that He paid the penalty for your sins with His death. Accept His free gift of eternal life that He purchased on your behalf. Then, with the help of His Holy Spirit, turn from your old ways of living (repent) and follow Him. Take a moment and tell the Lord that you wish to receive Him into your life and ask His Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you and lead you into all truth. Once you have settled this most important matter, be devoted in your relationship with the Lord. Spend time with Him by reading His Word (the Bible) and talking to Him (prayer) daily. As you grow in His grace, He will direct you and open doors showing you how best to serve Him in the time that remains. With God’s ever-present Spirit and help, you will be able to face the uncertain days and challenges ahead, and be victorious.
