on the role of multiply sectioned bayesian networks to cooperative multiagent systems

On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems Presented By: Yasser EL- Manzalawy

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On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems. Presented By: Yasser EL-Manzalawy. Reference. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

On the Role of Multiply Sectioned BayesianNetworks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Presented By: Yasser EL-Manzalawy

Page 2: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems


• Y. Xiang and V. Lesser, On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A, Vol.33, No.4, 489-501, 2003

Page 3: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Structure of the presentation

• Motivation

• Introduction of the background knowledge

• Detail information about the constraints

• A small set of high level choices

• How those choices logically imply all the constraints

Page 4: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems


• What’s an agent?– Program that takes sensory input from the

environment, and produces output actions that affect it.

– If the agent works in uncertain environment, then the agent can represent its believes about the environment as a Bayesian Network.

Page 5: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems


• What’s a Multi-Agent System (MAS)?– Multi-Agent System is a set of agents and the

environment they interact.







Page 6: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems


• In MAS, each agent can only observe and reason about a subdomain.

• Agents are assumed to cooperate in order to achieve a common global goal.

• For uncertain domains, agent believes can be represented as a BN (subnet).

Several Issues Arise!

Page 7: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems


• How should the domain be partitioned into subdomains? • How should each agent represent its knowledge about a

subdomain?• How should the knowledge of each agent relate to that of

others? • How should the agents be organized in their activities?• What information should they exchange and how, in order

to accomplish their task with a limited amount of communication?

• Can they achieve the same level of accuracy in estimating the state of the domain as that of a single centralized agent?

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• MSBN provides a solution to these issues.

• Applying MSBN implies some technical constraints.

Are these constraints necessary?

Page 9: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems


Page 10: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• Definition: A Bayesian Network is a triplet (V,G,P) where V is a set of domain variables, G is a DAG whose nodes are labeled by elements of V , and P is a joint probability distribution (jpd) over V, specified in terms of a distribution for each variable conditioned on the parents

of in G.



Page 11: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• Definition: Let G = (V,E) be a connected graph sectioned into subgraphs . Let the subgraphs be organized into an undirected tree

where each node is uniquely labeled by a and each link between and is labeled by the non-empty interface such that for each

and , is contained in each subgraph on the path between and in . Then is a hypertree over G. Each is a hypernode and each interface is a hyperlink.

)},({ iii EVG


kG mG

mk VV

ji VV i j

iGjG iG

Page 12: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

Page 13: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

a, b



Page 14: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• Definition: Let G be a directed graph such that a hypertree over G exists. A node contained in more than one subgraph with its parents in G is a d-sepnode if there exists at least one subgraph that contains . An interface is a d-sepset if every is a d-sepnode.





Page 15: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• Definition: A hypertree MSDAG , where each is a DAG, is a connected DAG such that (1) there exists a hypertree over , and (2) each hyperlink in is a d-sepset.

ii GG


Page 16: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• Note: DAGs in MSDAG tree may be multiply connected.

Page 17: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• A potential over a set of variables is an non-negative distribution of at least one positive parameter.

• One can always convert a potential into a conditional probability by dividing each potential value with a proper sum: an operation termed normalization.

• A uniform potential is one with all its potential values being 1.

Page 18: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

Page 19: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• Definition: An MSBN is a triplet (V,G,P). is the domain where each is a set of variables. (a hypertree MSDAG) is the structure where nodes of each DAG are labeled by elements of . Let be a variable and be all the parents of in G. For each , exactly one of its occurrences (in a containing ) is assigned , and each occurrence in other DAGs is assigned a uniform potential. is the jpd, where each is the product of the potentials associated with nodes in . A triplet is called a subnet of M. Two subnets and are said to be adjacent if and are adjacent on the hypertree MSDAG


ii GG









iS jS



))(/( xxP

)(}{ xx

ii PP

x x

),,( iii PGV

Page 20: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background

• Communication Graph

• Cluster Graph

• Junction Graph

• Junction Tree

Page 21: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Background



Page 22: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Introduction and Backgroundd,e









(a) Strong Degenerate Loop









(b) Weak Degenerate Loop









(c) Strong Nondegenerate Loop









(d) Week Nondegenerate Loop

Page 23: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

High Level Choices (Basic Commitments)

• BC1: Each agent’s belief is represented by Bayesian probability

• BC2: Ai and Aj can communicate directly only with their intersecting variables

• BC3: A simpler agent organization, i.e., tree, is preferred when degenerate loops exist in the CG

• BC4: A DAG is used to structure each individual agent’s knowledge

• BC5: Within each agent’s subdomain, the JPD is consistent with the agent’s belief. For shared nodes, the JPD supplements each agent’s knowledge with others’

Page 24: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Seven Constraints

1. Each agent’s belief is represented by Bayesian probability

2. The domain is decomposed into subdomains3. Subdomains are organized into a hyptertree

structure4. The dependency structure of each subdomain is

represented by a DAG5. The union of DAGs for all subdomains is a

connected DAG6. Each hyperlink is a d-sepset7. The JPD can be expressed as in definition of


Page 25: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

• Lemma 9: Let s be a strictly positive initial state of Mas3. There exists an infinite set S. Each element s’ S is an initial state of Mas3 ∈identical to s in P(a), P(b|a), P(c|a) but distinct in P(d|b,c) such that the message P2(b|d=d0) produced from s’ is identical to that produced from s, and so is the message P2(c|d=d0)

a,b a,c



b c




Figure 1

Mas3: a multiagent system of 3 agents.


b c


Page 26: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Proof: Denote P2(b=b0|d=d0) from state s by P2(b0|d0), P2’(b=b0|d=d0) from state s’ by P2’(b0|d0). P2(b0|d0) can be expanded as:






































For P2(b|d0)=P2’(b|d0), we have:

Similarly, )d,c(P










Because P2’(d|b,c) has 4 independent parameters but is constrained by only two equations, it has infinitely many solutions.

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Lemma 10: Let P and P’ be strictly positive probability distributions over the DAG of Figure 1 such that they are identical in P(a), P(b|a) and P(c|a) but distinct in P(d|b,c). Then P(a|d=d0) is distinct from P’(a|d=d0) in general

Proof: The following can be obtained from P and P’:



































If P(b,c|d0) ≠ P’(b,c|d0), then in general P(a|d0) ≠P’(a|d0)

Because P(d|b,c) ≠P’(d|b,c), in general, it is the case that P(b,c|d0) ≠P’(b,c|d0).

Do you agree???








Page 28: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Theorem 11 : Message passing in Mas3 cannot be coherent in general, no matter how it is performed

Proof: 1. By Lemma 9, P2(b|d=d0) and P2(c|d=d0) are insensitive to the initial

states and hence the posteriors P0(a|d=d0) computed from the messages can not be sensitive to the initial states either

2. However, by Lemma 10, the posterior should be different in general given different initial states

Hence, correct belief updating cannot be achieved in Mas3

a,b a,c



b c




Figure 1

Correct inference requires P(b,c|d0) However, nondegenerate loop results

in the passing of the marginals of P(b,c|d0), i.e., P(b|d=d0) and P(c|d=d0)


Page 29: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

• We can generalize this analysis to an arbitrary, strong nondegenerate loop of length 3

• Further generalize this analysis to an arbitrary, strong nondegenerate loop of length K ≥ 3

Conclusion Corollary 12: Message passing in a cluster graph with nondegenerate loops cannot be coherent in general, no matter how it is performed

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•Another conclusion without proof: A cluster graph with only degenerate loops can always be treated by first breaking the loops at appropriate separators. The resultant is a cluster tree

Therefore, we have: Proposition 13: Let a multiagent system be one that observes BC 1 through BC 3. Then a tree organization of agents should be used

Page 31: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Seven Constraints1. Each agent’s belief is

represented by Bayesian probability

2. The domain is decomposed into subdomains with RIP

3. Subdomains are organized into a hyptertree structure

4. The dependency structure of each subdomain is represented by a DAG

5. The union of DAGs for all subdomains is a connected DAG

6. Each hyperlink is a d-sepset

7. The JPD can be expressed as in definition of MSBN

Five Basic Commitments

BC1: Each agent’s belief is represented by Bayesian probability

BC2: Ai and Aj can communicate directly only with their intersecting variables

BC3: A simpler agent organization, i.e., tree, is preferred when degenerate loops exist in the CG

BC4: A DAG is used to structure each individual agent’s knowledge

BC5: Within each agent’s subdomain, the JPD is consistent with the agent’s belief. For shared nodes, the JPD supplements each agent’s knowledge with others’

Page 32: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Seven Constraints1. Each agent’s belief is represented by

Bayesian probability

2. The domain is decomposed into subdomains with RIP

3. Subdomains are organized into a hyptertree structure

4. The dependency structure of each subdomain is represented by a DAG

5. The union of DAGs for all subdomains is a connected DAG

6. Each hyperlink is a d-sepset

7. The JPD can be expressed as in definition of MSBN

Five Basic Commitments

BC1: Each agent’s belief is represented by Bayesian probability

BC2: Ai and Aj can communicate directly only with their intersecting variables

BC3: A simpler agent organization, i.e., tree, is preferred when degenerate loops exist in the CG

BC4: A DAG is used to structure each individual agent’s knowledge

BC5: Within each agent’s subdomain, the JPD is consistent with the agent’s belief. For shared nodes, the JPD supplements each agent’s knowledge with others’

Page 33: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

• Proposition 17: Let a multiagent system over V be constructed following BC 1 through BC 4. Then each subdomain Vi is structured as a DAG over Vi and the union of these DAGs is a connected DAG over V

• Proof:

• The connectedness is implied by Proposition 6

• If the union of subdomain DAGs is not a DAG, then it has a directed loop. This contradicts the acyclic interpretation of dependence in individual DAG models

Page 34: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Seven Constraints1. Each agent’s belief is represented by

Bayesian probability

2. The domain is decomposed into subdomains with RIP

3. Subdomains are organized into a hyptertree structure

4. The dependency structure of each subdomain is represented by a DAG

5. The union of DAGs for all subdomains is a connected DAG

6. Each hyperlink is a d-sepset

7. The JPD can be expressed as in definition of MSBN

Five Basic Commitments

BC1: Each agent’s belief is represented by Bayesian probability

BC2: Ai and Aj can communicate directly only with their intersecting variables

BC3: A simpler agent organization, i.e., tree, is preferred when degenerate loops exist in the CG

BC4: A DAG is used to structure each individual agent’s knowledge

BC5: Within each agent’s subdomain, the JPD is consistent with the agent’s belief. For shared nodes, the JPD supplements each agent’s knowledge with others’

Page 35: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

• Theorem 18: Let Ψ be a hypertree over a directed graph G=(V, E). For each hyperlink I which splits Ψ into 2 subtrees over U V and W V respectively, U \ I and W \ I are d-separated by I iff each hyperlink in Ψ is a d-sepset

• Proposition 14: Let a multiagent system be one that observes BC 1 through BC 3. Then a junction tree organization of agents must be used

• Proposition 19: Let a multiagent system be constructed following BC 1 through BC 4. Then it must be structured as a hypertree MSDAG

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Proof of Proposition 19:

From BC 1 through BC 4, it follows that each subdomain should be structured as a DAG and the entire domain should be structured as a connected DAG (Proposition 17). The DAGs should be organized into a hypertree (Proposition 14). The interface between adjacent DAGs on the hypertree should be a d-sepset (Theorem 18). Hence, the multiagent system should be structured as a hypertree MSDAG (Definition 3)

Page 37: On the Role of Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks to Cooperative Multiagent Systems

Seven Constraints1. Each agent’s belief is represented by

Bayesian probability

2. The domain is decomposed into subdomains with RIP

3. Subdomains are organized into a hyptertree structure

4. The dependency structure of each subdomain is represented by a DAG

5. The union of DAGs for all subdomains is a connected DAG

6. Each hyperlink is a d-sepset

7. The JPD can be expressed as in definition of MSBN

Five Basic Commitments

BC1: Each agent’s belief is represented by Bayesian probability

BC2: Ai and Aj can communicate directly only with their intersecting variables

BC3: A simpler agent organization, i.e., tree, is preferred when degenerate loops exist in the CG

BC4: A DAG is used to structure each individual agent’s knowledge

BC5: Within each agent’s subdomain, the JPD is consistent with the agent’s belief. For shared nodes, the JPD supplements each agent’s knowledge with others’

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Theorem 22: Let a multiagent system be constructed following BC 1 through BC 5. Then it must be represented as a MSBN or some equivalent.