once for wales

Once for Wales Approach By Shane Allen

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Once for Wales

Once for Wales ApproachBy

Shane Allen

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• The responsibility for health and social care in Wales was devolved to the National Assembly for Wales (Welsh Government) in 1999.

• Central planning of services has remained and the internal market and the provider/purchase split no longer operates.

• Since then Wales has set its own distinctive approach to health and care provision.. Integration and co-operation between health organisations is a key tenet of healthcare policy, along with a commitment to avoid duplication and ‘do things once for Wales’.

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• As an outcome of this approach, a national organisation was established in 2010 with responsibility for the development and support of the health and care technology used throughout Wales – the NHS Wales Informatics Service.

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• Enable the development of modern, standardised clinical systems as a single solution for the future of NHS Wales.

• Visibility of patient data across Wales via a single clinical system will allow for seamless movement of patients and staff regardless of location or speciality.

• Common set of core training standards across NHS Wales.

• Improved quality and cost effectiveness of training delivery.

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• Elimination of unnecessary repeat training.

• Compliance visibility and transparency for regulating monitoring and compliance with minimum standards.

• Phase roll-out enables mistakes to be learnt from and rectified.

• Greater savings and efficiencies through standardisation.

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• Significant installation implications across Wales – how long would a phased roll-out take to complete?

• Significant training implications across Wales.

• Contingency in the event of system failure across Wales – robust back-up plan required to maintain service.

• Risks and complexities of change may prohibit progress.

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