oncology ad guy whitepaper

INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE? PLEASE CONTACT MARVIN BOWE @ [email protected] What are some increasing advertising/marketing trends in the area of oncology? By Marvin Bowe In the oncology market, similar to many other markets like diabetes, female health and HIV, pharma companies and ad agencies have been pioneering new approaches to leverage the cornucopia of technologies we have at our fingertips. And I believe the main reason why many of the technologies have been positioned as a fad is because they were not widely understood by clinicians or always seen as the right approach to reach the elderly patient. Today, hundreds of physicians are taking the plunge into communications technology. And every year, a younger, techno- savvy person is closer to becoming the next elderly patient. According to recent studies, oncologists compared to other specialists are most engaged with digital media, and baby boomers are the fastest growing online user. That said, there are three communication platforms I think we will see more of in the near future: smart phone applications, online-rep detailing, and virtual conferences. And two that I think we will see much less: journal advertising and print sales-aids. Each year marks another year of experience with digital technology for both oncologists and patients. In general, most treating oncologists are approximately 45-55 years of age which means they have been utilizing computers, Internet and other techno-devices throughout their entire careers. Just two years ago, the idea of mobile apps were off the radar, now there are thousands of educational, assessment and reference tools, all tailored to making the healthcare experience more effective and efficient, not only for the patient but also the clinician. A level number of oncologists and an increase in baby boomer patients in the future means less time for sales reps, particularly during prime time. However, the demand for new information about the latest therapies continues to rise. This is a perfect storm for online-rep details. Each year web-conferencing technologies are becoming more compatible and intuitive for all of us to use more readily. With all the new developments in digital communication platforms, marketers can expect a shift in media resources. I believe the most vulnerable is journal advertising. To be effective with journal advertising, the media spend has to be significant, at least in comparison to on-line advertising. Online advertising can be more efficient because ads can be targeted and linked to specific articles and topics, unlike In general, most treating oncologists are approximately 45-55 years of age which means they have been utilizing computers, Internet and other techno- devices throughout their entire careers. ONCOLOGY AD-GUY September 15, 2010

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Post on 26-Jun-2015



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Originally a submission to MedAd News for the article Simplify and Fortify, this white paper captures my complete perspective regarding three key questions they asked: What are some increasing trends in oncology advertising/marketing? What are client needs? And, how is new media altering advertising approaches?


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What are some increasing advertising/marketing trends in the area of oncology?By Marvin Bowe

In the oncology market, similar to many other markets like diabetes, female health and HIV, pharma companies and ad agencies have been pioneering new approaches to leverage the cornucopia of technologies we have at our fingertips. And I believe the main reason why many of the technologies have been positioned as a fad is because they were not widely understood by clinicians or always seen as the right approach to reach the elderly patient. Today, hundreds of physicians are taking the plunge into communications technology. And every year, a younger, techno-savvy person is closer to becoming the next elderly patient. According to recent studies, oncologists compared to other specialists are most engaged with digital media, and baby boomers are the fastest growing online user. That said, there are three communication platforms I think

we will see more of in the near future: smart phone applications, online-rep detailing, and virtual conferences. And two that I think we will see much less: journal advertising and print sales-aids.

Each year marks another year of experience with digital technology for both oncologists and patients. In general, most treating oncologists are approximately 45-55 years of age which means they have been utilizing computers, Internet and other techno-devices throughout their entire careers.

Just two years ago, the idea of mobile apps were off the radar, now there are thousands of educational, assessment and reference tools, all tailored to making the healthcare experience more effective and efficient, not only for the patient but also the clinician.

A level number of oncologists and an increase in baby boomer patients in the future means less time for sales reps, particularly during prime time. However, the demand for new information about the latest therapies continues to rise. This is a perfect storm for online-rep details. Each year web-conferencing technologies are becoming more compatible and intuitive for all of us to use more readily.

With all the new developments in digital communication platforms, marketers can expect a shift in media resources. I believe the most vulnerable is journal advertising. To be effective with journal advertising, the media spend has to be significant, at least in comparison to on-line advertising. Online advertising can be more efficient because ads can be targeted and linked to specific articles and topics, unlike

In general, most

treating oncologists

are approximately

45-55 years of age

which means they

have been utilizing

computers, Internet

and other techno-

devices throughout

their entire careers.





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being in the beginning or end of a print journal. I believe there are just better, more efficient ways to reach the audience in today’s world.

Lastly, print sales-aids have seen better days. In oncology, as with other specialties, the major flaw with print collateral, even clinical reprints is the fact that they are static whereas a sales conversation is dynamic. Being able to link materials together quickly and seamlessly as the conversation shifts demands a medium that can rapidly shift and stay on track with the conversation. Tablet PCs are being increasingly used, however those devices were plagued with problems, start up times, battery life, processing speeds, etc. New digital devices like an HP Slate or iPad should be able provide a more usable flow of information.

What are clients needs

and how are agencies meeting those needs (or how has the agency

done this in the past)?

Client needs are similar today as to what they were in recent past. They include increasing brand awareness, differentiating products from the competition and establishing a brand’s value. But the rules are always changing; the regulatory environment is much more restrictive. Also, new products are being launched with niche indications. Because we need to work within the confines of a product label, we leverage the strength of disease-state communication in addition to branded promotion. By painting the picture of the ongoing unmet medical need, the differences in molecular targets and mechanisms of various therapies we are helping the clinician make a more informed decision when selecting a treatment approach.

How is the use of new

technology/online trends altering advertising and branding approaches in

oncology/oncology brands?

As you can imagine, technology is and will continue to alter our approaches quite significantly. The fact of the matter is that most patients with cancer aging 60-75 have had some experience with computers. But, more importantly, physicians have been leveraging online information for decades. Trends have shown oncologists making a shift from reading review articles in magazines to using online sources. This shift may reduce the amount of journal advertising spend. On the flip side, online media allows for advertising to be more efficient and dynamic. Now a skyscraper ad can be placed at a lesser cost and have more relevance. In addition, the Internet has allowed for “brand on-demand” detailing. Every day another sales rep gets turned away due to the physician’s lack of time. Through video conferencing, they can reconnect when it is more convenient. Smart phones, pico-projectors and the new slate devices are all making selling aids more dynamic, mimicking the flow of a natural conversation. For years sales reps have struggled with lugging around the right detail aids for the call. . Even laptops, as cool as they were in the nineties were never practical for a day of detailing. Boot-ups, processing issues and battery life all plagued the devices making print documents the preference. Now these more nibble devices give reps the flexibility of a dynamic conversation with the ease of print selling tools.











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Online communities

like Sermo and

custom digital radio

programs such as

Reach MD, and other

new media available

today provide

oncology brands the

reach of mass media

without the cost.

Marvin Bowe

Marvin leads the new media development for

Navicor, focusing on Internet linking strategies;

engaging physicians, patients, and caregivers

through online social community dialogue; tracking

online trends and enhancing SEO by maximizing

user-generated content for client’s brands.