one word substitution-5

ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION-5 Lapidist = One who cuts precious stones Lavatory = Room with toilet facilities Legal = That which is lawful Legend = Stories of old time Gods and heroes Legible = Capable of being read clearly Legitimate = Responsible according to law Leonine = Of or like a lion Lexicographer = One who compiles dictionaries Lexicographer = One who compiles dictionary Lexicography = Science of writing and compiling a dictionary Libertarian = One who believes that one should have freedom of expression Licentious = Man of lax moral Limerick = A humorous short poem with five lines Literati = People with knowledge of literature Logo mania = Mania for talking Logophobia = Fear of words Loquacious = One who talks a lot Loquacious = One who talks continuously Lowbrow = One who has no interest in literature, art etc Lullaby = A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep Lygophobia = Fear of darkness Machete = A knife with a broad heavy blade Magnum Opus = A great work of art, particularly literary Maiden = First speech Maiden=The first speech made by a person Malapropism = Ridiculous use of words Malcontent = Person who is always dissatisfied Malediction = Evil, vicious speech Malingerer = One who pretends illness to escape duty Manual = A book giving information about how to work something Mariticide = Murdering of husband by his wife Martinet = A strict disciplinarian Martyr = One who sacrifices his life for country Masochist = One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself Masque = A dramatic performance Matin = Morning Prayer Matinee = A cinema show which is held in the afternoon Matricide = The murder of one’s mother Medieval=Belonging to the Middle Ages Mediocre = One who is neither intelligent nor dull Megalomania = The belief that one is extremely important Mercenary=One who can do anything for money Meticulous = One who is very careful and particular Misanthrope = One who hates Mankind Misogamist=A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage Misogynist=One who hates women Misologist = One who hates knowledge and learning Mobocracy=Rule by the mob Monarchy=A Government by a king or queen Monogamy=Practice of having one wife or husband

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Post on 10-Nov-2015




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One Word Substitution


  • ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION-5 Lapidist = One who cuts precious stones Lavatory = Room with toilet facilities Legal = That which is lawful Legend = Stories of old time Gods and heroes Legible = Capable of being read clearly Legitimate = Responsible according to law Leonine = Of or like a lion Lexicographer = One who compiles dictionaries Lexicographer = One who compiles dictionary Lexicography = Science of writing and compiling a dictionary Libertarian = One who believes that one should have freedom of expression Licentious = Man of lax moral Limerick = A humorous short poem with five lines Literati = People with knowledge of literature Logo mania = Mania for talking Logophobia = Fear of words Loquacious = One who talks a lot Loquacious = One who talks continuously Lowbrow = One who has no interest in literature, art etc Lullaby = A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep Lygophobia = Fear of darkness Machete = A knife with a broad heavy blade Magnum Opus = A great work of art, particularly literary Maiden = First speech Maiden=The first speech made by a person Malapropism = Ridiculous use of words Malcontent = Person who is always dissatisfied Malediction = Evil, vicious speech Malingerer = One who pretends illness to escape duty Manual = A book giving information about how to work something Mariticide = Murdering of husband by his wife Martinet = A strict disciplinarian Martyr = One who sacrifices his life for country Masochist = One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself Masque = A dramatic performance Matin = Morning Prayer Matinee = A cinema show which is held in the afternoon Matricide = The murder of ones mother Medieval=Belonging to the Middle Ages Mediocre = One who is neither intelligent nor dull Megalomania = The belief that one is extremely important Mercenary=One who can do anything for money Meticulous = One who is very careful and particular Misanthrope = One who hates Mankind Misogamist=A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage Misogynist=One who hates women Misologist = One who hates knowledge and learning Mobocracy=Rule by the mob Monarchy=A Government by a king or queen Monogamy=Practice of having one wife or husband

  • ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION-5 Monomaniac = Person obsessed with one idea or subject Namesake=Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or

    something else

    Nemesis = Just punishment for wrong doing Neophyte=One who is a newcomer Nepotism = Favouring own kith and kin Nicrophobia = Fear of death Noctiphobia = Fear of the night Noose = Loop of rope is called Numismatics=Science of coins or medals Nyctophobia = Fear of the dark Obstetrician = Physician who delivers babies Ochlophobia = Fear of crowd Oligarchy=A Government by the few Ombrophobia = Fear of rain Omnipotent = One who is the most powerful Omniscient=A person who knows everything Omnivorous = One who eats everything Omnivorous=An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food Ophodiophobia/Herpetophobia = Fear of reptiles Optimist = One who looks at the bright side of things Orthophobia = Fear of property Paediatrician = Doctor who treats children Pagan = Person who does not believe in any religion Palpable = Thing that cannot be touched of felt Panacea = Cure for all disease Pantomime = A dumb show Parable = To explain a spiritual truth Parasite=A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return Parody = Funny imitation of a poem Parvenu = One who has suddenly gained new wealth Pathophobia = Fear of disease Patricide = The murder of ones father Pauper=One who has no money Pedophobia = Fear of children Peer = Equal in rank Peniaphobia = Fear of poverty Pessimist = One who looks at the dark side of things Phalacrophobia = Fear of becoming bald Philanderer = Person who makes love for amusement Philanthropist = One who loves all and sundry Philatelists = One who collects stamps Philistine = One who does not care for literature Philogynist = A lover of women Philomath = A lover of learning Philomuse = A lover of property and art Philophobia = Fear of love Philotechnic = A lover of arts Philotheist = A lover of God Philozoic = A lover of animals

  • ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION-5 Phobophobia = Fear of phobias Piggyback = Ride on someone else back Pitch Curator = In=charge of museum Plagiarism = Borrow ideas and steal others words is called Plagiarist=One who copies from other writers Plagiarist=One who copies from other writers Plutocracy=A Government by the rich Podophobia = Fear of feet Polyandry = Custom of having many husbands Polygamy = Custom of having many wives Polygamy=The custom of having more than one wife at a time Polyglot = One who speaks many languages Postscript=A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature Potable=Water fit for drinking Predator=An animal who preys on other animals Prodigy = A remarkable talent Psephology=Systematic study of election trends Pseudonym=To write under a different name Pyromania = Mania for setting fires Pyrophobia = Fear of fire Rabble = People in rowdy scene Rebut = Opposing arguments Recluse = Person who lives alone and avoids other people Red-Tapism = Too much official formality Regicide=Murder of the king Renegade = One who forsakes religion Reticent=One who speaks less Reticule = A ladys purse Rustic = Person without manners Sacrilege=Violating the sanctity of a church Sadist = One who wants to see others unhappy Samaritan = One who helps needy people Samaritan=One who helps others Good Sanatorium = A place for the sick to recover health Scapegoat = Person who is made to bear the blame Scolionophobia = Fear of school Scullery = A place adjoining kitchen, for washing dishes secular = A government in which all religions are honoured Shuttle = Go back and forth Sinecure = An office with salary and without work Sinecure=An office with high salary but no work Somnambulist = One who walks while asleep Somniloquist = One who habitually talks while sleeping Soporific=A drug or other substance that induces sleep Sorocide = The murder of ones sister Stoic=One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain Stoicism = Indifference to pleasure or pain Stub = Short remaining end of cigarette Tachophobia = Fear of speed Tangible = Things that can be seen and touched

  • ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION-5 Tapism = Work which involves too much official formalities Red Teetotaler = One who totally abstain from alcohol Teetotaller = One who does not take any intoxicating drugs Thanatophobia/Necrophobia = Fear of death or dead things Theist=One who believes in God Theo mania = One who believes one is God Theocracy = Government by the Gods Toper / Sot = One who is habitual drunkard Topiary = Art of cutting tree and bushes into ornamental shape Triumvirate = A group of three powerful people Turncoat=One who changes sides Tyrannicide = Murdering of tyrant Unintelligible = Things that cannot be understood Usurer = One who lends money at high rate Uxoricide = The murder of ones wife Vacillation = Change ones mind too quickly Valetudinarian=One who always thinks himself to be ill Vandal=One who damages public property Venial = Fault that may be forgiven Ventriloquist=One who can throw his voice Verbatim = Word for word Verbose = To express something Windfall = Unexpected stroke of good luck Xenophobia = Fear of strangers or foreigners Zeusophobia = Fear of God Zoophobia = Fear of animals