online dating pursuit of love online

Online Dating: Pursuit of Love Online In my latest e-book, Upside Down In Love, I’m exploring the concept of actually falling in love online with a stranger. Crazy? Not really. Whether you've swiped right or left, pinched, poked, dm'd, or browse through your friend list for your next fling. Dating online is not that uncommon nowadays. I, for one am proud to say I've visited, deleted, and rejoined a few online dating websites. No, Prince Charming here. Lol! As a modern-day woman, my days are filled with work, homework, doctor appointments, family drama, and whatever else that left on my to do list running into the next day. Dating online is super convenient for my lifestyle. Who wants to get all dressed up for a blind date and you haven't browsed his Facebook page? I don't. Technology allows us a small window into our beloved’s personal thoughts and special moments. Trust me, it helps when you're looking to settle down soon. In the 21st century we can request rides from a stranger, publish books overnight, GPS direction, and

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Online Dating Pursuit of Love Online

Online Dating: Pursuit of Love Online

In my latest e-book, Upside Down In Love, I’m exploring the concept of

actually falling in love online with a stranger. Crazy? Not really. Whether you've

swiped right or left, pinched, poked, dm'd, or browse through your friend list for

your next fling. Dating online is not that uncommon nowadays. I, for one am proud

to say I've visited, deleted, and rejoined a few online dating websites. No, Prince

Charming here. Lol! As a modern-day woman, my days are filled with work,

homework, doctor appointments, family drama, and whatever else that left on my

to do list running into the next day. Dating online is super convenient for my

lifestyle. Who wants to get all dressed up for a blind date and you haven't browsed

his Facebook page? I don't. Technology allows us a small window into our

beloved’s personal thoughts and special moments. Trust me, it helps when you're

looking to settle down soon. In the 21st century we can request rides from a

stranger, publish books overnight, GPS direction, and start our cars with a push of

the button. To say dating online is crazy is kind of farfetched. Now, just because

the various dating websites advertise finding love and romance online doesn't

guarantee happily ever after. Hey, there's a little work involved.

Whether you're looking for something casual, a relationship, or something in

between there is a lane just for you online. So, the question falling in

love online possible? In Upside Down In Love, main character, Malia James, is a

thirty something successful bakery owner fed up with the Netflix and Chill

syndrome, failed first dates, and I'm just not that into relationships that expire after

two weeks. While browsing online one night she connects with a handsome

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stranger mile away. There's nothing wrong with having fun online. However, when

sweet nothings turn into virtual dates and late night phone calls, a girl can only

follow her heart into relationshipville. Although Malia doesn't have a problem

meeting men on a regular basis there something special about her online love that

she can't seem to let go. If you're dating in the 21st century especially as an African

American woman our dating pool is shallow and almost extinct. Don't get me

wrong! There are a few gems out there among all the rhinestones. Trust me, they

are hard to find, snatched up, or not looking to settle down any time soon. Well, as

my main character Malia learns love and life waits for no one. Although, Malia

doesn't have a small family at home. She endures the challenges of finding

someone to love and support her in her endeavors. Sorry ladies, we can't pull up to

the drive through and order a man...not yet anyway. My focus with this character is

to allow her to be free and vulnerable online to the point where she feels safe, sexy,

and confident enough to allow love to enter her life on her terms.

Following your heart and making logical sense are on two different pages.

Following your heart makes you vulnerable and open to heart break. Heartbreak is

something that we all have experienced at least once or twice in our lifetime. You

go into a new relationship hoping for the best and six or ten months down the line

you're starting over with someone new. Ouch! Despite how brutal the heartache

may be, we all jump back into the driver’s seat of love and go along for the next

joyride. Why? Because love is something we all innately desire and search for

throughout our entire lifetime. No one wants to spend special moments alone.

Having someone to share a laugh, a secret, a hug, or even a kiss is worth the

dilemma or possibility of happily ever after.

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My sister is by far the most logical and analytical person I know on the entire

planet. It drives me nuts!! Of course, logic always or at least almost out ways

impulse. Logic says meet someone organically like your parents or grandparents

did before technology invaded our lives. Logic and stats agree that the person

sitting behind their computer screen could possibly be a murder or the love of your

life. You never really know. Logic helps us to see clearly when our minds hearts

become a little entangled in our emotions. So, logic serves a purpose.

After you read Upside Down In Love, I hope you take the positive message overall

from the book : Love is possible for all of us. Sure, it may be a bit strange to fall in

love with someone behind a computer screen or imagine the sound of someone

voice through a text message. But, the reality is these are times we live in, no don't

have to allow technology to supersede a natural connection with someone.

However, life's too short not to take a risk online and see what happens. Proceed

with caution. Lead with an open mind and heart. Allow the love you desire to come

into your life when you least expect it. Trust is out there!