online examination synopsis

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  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis






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    S hoo! o" Di#t$% e Edu $tio% & Le$'%i%(

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    "o' the $+$'d o" the de('ee

    M$#te' o" Com)ute' A))!i $tio% ,MCA-

    .e$' o" Submi##io% /0 1

    Supervisors Name : Students Name: HIRDAYENDRA KUMAR VERMA

    AMIT KUMARVYAS Enrolment No : !NU"#pr$de$%&$'&$'($')*+*

    JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITYSchool of Distance Education & Learning

    Jagatpura, Near New RTO, Agra B !pass Road Jaipur ! "#$#%


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    T7is is to /erti6 t7at t7e pro#e/t report entitled ON-LINE EXAMINATIONsu mitted to !aipur National Universit = !aipur in partial 6ul6illment o6 t7e

    reBuirement 6or t7e a@ard o6 t7e de;ree o6 MASTER 29 .2M0UTER

    A001I.ATI2N 4M.A5= is an aut7enti/ and ori;inal @orC /arried out M'4

    HIRDA.ENDRA 5UMAR 6ERMA @it7 enrolment no !NU"#pr$de$%&$'&$'($')*+*

    under m supervision and ;uidan/e

    T7e matter em odied in t7is pro#e/t is ;enuine @orC done t7e student and 7asnot een su mitted @7et7er to t7is Universit or to an ot7er Universit $ Institute

    6or t7e 6ul6illment o6 t7e reBuirements o6 an /ourse o6 stud

    Si;nature o6 t7e Student: Si;nature o6 t7e -uide

    Date: Date:

    Enrolment No : !NU"#pr$de$%&$'&$'($')*+*


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Title of the P!o#ect

    On!Line E1a2inationOn!Line E1a2ination

    S ste2S ste2


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Serial Topic (age% Title of the pro4ect 3$ *ntroduction !5

    " O64ecti7e 83 (urpose, Scope and Applica6ilit %#!%%9 Sur7e of technologies %$!%3: +ront End )ser %9

    Bac; End )ser %:5 Software and

  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Int!od ction $

    On Line E1a2ination itself represent the e1a2ination through the internet> This

    pro4ect will help the uni7ersit ? *nstitution to e7aluate the =uestion ha7e 2ultiple option

    with one correct answer> This pro4ect contains two t pes of =uestion 7i@> su64ecti7e and

    o64ecti7e> Students ha7e to write the descripti7e answer for the su64ecti7e =uestion will 6e

    rando2l generated> *t would 6e e7aluated auto2aticall i>e> 6 the s ste2>

    This pro4ect helps the 2anage2ent to conducting online e1a2ination and sa7e

    recourse> The uni7ersit ?*nstitution can conduct the online e1a2ination and announce the

    status or result in a few data> The e1a2ination depart2ent is responsi6le for the 2arinating

    of =uestion paper and it would 6e co2pletel secure>

    This is the era of co2puter and we are adopting fast 2echanis2 to sol7e an

    pro6le2> On line e1a2ination is also a wa to gi7e result as soon as we su62it our paper>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    &ac'"!o nd$-

    As the na2e of the pro4ect On!Line E1a2ination suggests, the s ste2?application

    has to 2anage the e1a2ination for 7arious depart2ent of an acade2 > So to ;eep the

    infor2ation correct and fast, it will 2anage the status?infor2ation of that e1a2ination of

    that e1a2ination so one can get the details of e1a2 as per their progra2>

    Earlier it was a 7er ti2e consu2ing and tedious process where 6oth students as

    well as uni7ersit used to perfor2 all tas;s 2anuall 6e it Student Registration, S=tting

    Cuestion (apers, Setting Schedules to finall declaring the result> *t was cu26erso2e since

    these details were now generated, 2anaged and ;ept in co2puters>*t was still not that 2uch

    si2pler Later the process 6eca2e a lot easier when co2puter s ste2 were introduced and

    all for students 6ecause the were stll e1pected to co2e in person to register, appear for

    e1a2 at e1a2 center and for all those for2alities>

    Now we are e1pected to de7elop an we6 application which con7erts all of these

    tas;s ato2i@ed as well as we6 ena6led> There are applications alread wor;ing in this area

    li;e .SE, ..NA which conducts their e1a2ination online>

    e, as a :th se2> student of B.A are 2a;ing this pro4ect 6 ta;ing help fro2

    theses alread wor;ing and tested applications as well as 2a;ing our own set of


    This application is coded in >Net> This Software pro4ect is 7er 2uch helpful to

    students, E1a2ination depart2ent and E1a2 controller> *t stores the infor2ation a6out

    Students, E1a2s, Report, Results, Student s details and +ee Status etc> As we ;now that

    this software pro4ect is coded in >Net progra22ing language, it is user friendl > That 2eans

  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    this software is eas to operate> E7en a person ha7ing less ;nowledge of co2puter can

    easil operate is, he will 6e guided throughout 6 the software to operate it> This Software

    is a 6est effort of changing in paper wor; to electronic wor;> This application is di7ided

    into 2an 2odule, and each 2odule is related to different part of code> This integration

    2a;es the pro4ect 7er user friendl > Another ad7antage of this software is the data6ase

    that is designed 7er strongl , the current and pre7ious infor2ation is stored in this

    data6ase and 2aintain the data6ase 7er easil >

    )ni7ersit used to ;eep all the details in files 2anuall >


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    The o(#ecti)e of the *!o#ect +On Line E,a ination. is to a'e e)al ation and

    cond ction of e,a ination assi)e ( t si *le/ cost effecti)e and faste!0 The1 a!e as

    follo2s $

    To pro7ide an interface through which student can appear for e1a2ination online

    for o64ecti7e as well as su64ecti7e t pe =uestions>

    To pro7ide registration for students done 6 the2sel7es>

    To not pro7ide facilit of cop and paste while atte2pting the Su64ecti7e =uestions

    on the we6 page>

    hen the student starts the e1a2 the ti2er will start auto2aticall and show the

    student how 2uch ti2e is left>

    The =uestions will 6e displa rando2l fro2 =uestion 6an;>

    O64ecti7e answers will 6e chec;ed auto2aticall 6 the s ste2 fro2 the data6ase

    +or su64ecti7e answer 2anuall chec;ing 6 e1a2 depart2ent will ta;e place>

    To pro7ided user na2e and password facilit and credentials should 6e chec;ed

    properl at the ti2e of login for student, e1pert, controller and E1a2 Dept Ad2in>

    To pro7ide an interface fro2 where controller will create new E1pert and Ad2in

    for E1a2 Dept>

    The authorit to 2odif the criteria is pro7ided to the controller of e1a2ination>

    To facilitate E1perts to send a collection of =uestions in Cuestion Ban;>

    The E1a2 Dept will 2anage the =uestion 6an; sent 6 e1perts>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    %> )ni7ersit will pro7ide each student a uni=ue student *d during enroll2ent ti2e>

    The purpose of this is so that no one can register on 6ehalf of an other student> and

    onl the student hi2self?herself can register for the e1a2ination using this id>

    $> Student login na2e will 6e generated auto2aticall 6 concatenating student first

    Na2e and Enroll2ent No>

    Li;e F Shwati has student id %"(

    So, Swati student login here will 6e SwatiG(%"

    "> E1pert login na2e will 6e generate sa2e as student login na2e 6ut with s2all


    li;e F E1pert Login H /E1pert +irst na2e I.ourse Na2e0

    The courses will 6e fed 6 hard!coding>

    Li itation F!

    %> *n the case of an t pe of pro6le2 in student 7erification no functionalit is

    defined in the s ste2 to correct it or inter!co22unication a2ong users are also not


    $> The +ees is ta;en 2anuall as there is not an 2odule for online pa 2ent>

    "> The Total 2ar;s is get 6 the student onl after so2e ti2e of e1a2, 6ecause in case

    of su64ecti7e paper, the e1a2 dept will e7aluate the answer and declare the result>

    Student can see his result on internet through his Login*d and ( D onl after that>

    A detail section for li2itation is de7oted at the end of docu2entation>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    To de)elo* this *ac'a"e diffe!ent t1*es of tools and data(ase a!e sed 2hich a!e as


    60 ASP0NET 7889

    70 3!a 2o!' 708

    :0 Mic!osoft-s;l se!)e! 788NET $##9 is a icrosoft technolog for 6uilding the we6 6ased application

    and ser7ices> A AS(>NET application consists of for2s ,controls,classes and procedures>

    +or2s are windows upon which ou 6uild our user interface are the 6uilding

    6loc;s of the user interface> .ontrols also called acti7e conrols, are interface tools , such

    as la6els ,te1t6o1 and co22and 6uttons, that ou use to displa infor2ation to the user,

    gather infor2ation fro2 the user, and respond to user actions> .lasses are te2plates fro2

    which ou can create our own o64ects at run ti2e>

    (rocedures are s2all routines ou write that are calla6le fro2 an where in our

    application> These routines will perfor2 a function for ou that ou write once 6ut can call

    2an ti2es>

    An application is 2ade up of for2s, 2odules and classes> A for2 is 2ade up of

    properties, e7ents and controls> .ontrols are also 2ade up of properties and e7ents


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    So e 3eat !es Of ASP0NET

    Language interopera6ilit F a one language code is to interact with other language>

    ED(/E7ent dri7en progra22ing language0F it is a E7ent Dri7en (rogra22ing

    language/i>e> we write code on its e7ent and dri7e the progra20>

    Rapid Application De7elop2ent/RA*D0>

    Allows the creation of .O co2ponents such as acti7e controls>

    *ncludes good de6ugging facilities>

    70 3!a 2o!' 708

    Dot net fra2ewor; is a platfor2 that is pro7ided 6 icrosoft technolog in which we can

    de7elop we6 6ased application, window 6ased application and console 6ase application

    with .K/c sharp0,-B and JK/J sharp0 and other $$ Language>

    :0 Mic!osoft-S>L Se!)e! 788L Se!)e! f lfills these !es*onsi(ilities $

    Red ction and !ed ndanc1 $

    .entrali@ed control of the DBA a7oids the unnecessar duplication of data and

    effecti7el Reduces the total a2ount of data storage re=uired> *t also eli2inates the

    e1tra processing and of the inconsistencies e>g> Sa2e for2at of grade card for all


    Sha!in" data $

    An nu26er of application progra2 of user s can share the sa2e data6ase >

    +or e1a2ple we can access the list of stud centers>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Data inte"!it1 $

    Data integrit 2eans that the data contains in the data6ase 6oth accurate and


    Data sec !it1 $

    *n this facilit the confidential data 2ust not 6e accessed 6 unauthori@ed person>

    Ra*idl1 Accessin" Data $

    SCL Ser7er pro7ides rapid access to data 6 utili@ing inde1es and storing fre=uentl

    accessed data in 2e2or >

    S>L Se!)e! Ente!*!ise Mana"e! $

    The Enterprise anager is the central console fro2 which 2ost SCL Ser7er

    data6ase!2anage2ent tas;s can 6e coordinated> SCL Enterprise anager pro7ides a

    single interface fro2 which all ser7ers in a co2pan can 6e 2anaged>

    =0 S>L Se!)e! Ente!*!ise Mana"e! $

    The Enterprise anager is the central console fro2 which 2ost SCL Ser7er

    data6ase!2anage2ent tas;s can 6e coordinated> SCL Enterprise anager pro7ides a

    single interface fro2 which all ser7ers in a co2pan can 6e 2anaged>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Front End User

    The 0Net Initiati)e

    icrosoft has introduced the >NET initiati7e with the intension of 6ridging the gap in

    interopera6ilit 6etween application> *t ai2s at integrating 7arious progra22ing .

    The >NET initiati7e offers a co2plete suite for de7eloping and

    deplo ing applications> This suits consists of >NET ser7ices, and the >NET fra2ewor;>

    0Net P!od cts $- icrosoft has alread introduced -isual Studio >Net, which

    *s tool for de7eloping >Net applications 6 using progra22ing languages such as

    -isual Basic, .K and -isual .II> To ensure interaction 6etween different

    applications, all >Net products use E1tensi6le ar;up Language / L0 for

    descri6ing and e1changing data 6etween application>

    0Net Se!)ices $- >Net deli7ers software as we6 ser7ices> Therefore, )ser can

    su6scri6e to a we6 ser7ice and use it as long as the need it, regardless of the

    hardware and software platfor2> icrosoft is co2ing up with its own set of we6

    ser7ices, ;nown as 2 ser7ices> These ser7ices are 6ased on the icrosoft (assport

    Authentication ser7ice, in addition to the we6 ser7ices pro7ided easil with the >Net


    The 0Net 3!a e2o!' $- it is the foundation on which us design, de7elop and

    deplo application> *ts consistent and si2plified progra22ing 2odel 2a;es easier

    to 6uilt applications>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Back End User

    This is the part of well ;nown software pac;age called as the icrosoft Office> *t is

    designed to 6uilt the 7arious data6ase, and to perfor2 other data wor;> SCL pro7ides

    an e1tre2el powerful, eas to use data6ase that will ser7e our needs when ou

    re=uired the power of full relational data6ase> SCL is also helpful create a 7ariet of

    data6ase as well as how to enter, edit and final data in e1isting data6ase>

    S>L $

    SCL ser7er $## utilities, such as 6ac;up and restore, run 2uch faster and ha7e less

    effect on ser7er operations> SCL Ser7er ># also includes a 7ariet of new features

    designed to support the underl ing data6ase architecture and to pro7ide 2ore fle1i6le

    s ste2 2anage2ent> SCL Ser7er also include a nu26er of new features designed to

    reduce data6ase 6ac;up and reco7er ti2es> A different 6ac;up captures onl those

    data pages that ha7e changed after the last data6ase 6ac;up> an ti2es differential

    6ac;up can eli2inates 2uch of the ti2e the ser7er spends rolling transaction forward>

    ith SCL Ser7er ># a portion of the data6ase can 6e restored or rolled forward to

    2ini2i@e reco7er ti2e in the e7ent of 2edia failure> Restoring a 6ac;up is eas

    6ecause the restore process auto2aticall creates the data6ase and all the necessar

    files> SCL ser7er ># supports 6ac;up to sa2e tape 2edia with other 6ac;up, such as

    those written 6 the icrosoft indows NT 6ac;up progra2>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Hardware & Software requirement specification

    Soft2a!e Re; i!e ents

    3o! de)elo* ent/ soft2a!e?s sed a!e $

    Operating S ste2 F indows! ( (rofessional

    -ersion $##$, ser7ice pac;!$,

    icrosoft **S 9>#?:>#

    (latfor2 F >Net

    Technolog F Asp>net

    Language F .K/. sharp0

    Bac;end F SCL ser7er $##

    Editor F icrosoft word processor $###

    +or De7elop2ent F 7isual studio >Net setup tools

    +or Design F Net $##9

    **S F .onfigured

    Bac;end F s=l ser7er $###


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    4a!d2a!e Re; i!e ents

    3o! De)elo* ent/ 4a!d2a!e?s sed a!e $

    %> (entiu2 *-/dual core processor operating at ">: ' 3#'B hard dis;

    "> %'B RA

    3o! De*lo1 ent/ 4a!d2a!e?s sed a!e $


    60 (entiu2 *** or 6etter processor

    70 %# 'B hard dis;

    :0 $9: B RA

    =0 %#!%## B(S of Networ; card

    Reco ended%> (entiu2 *-

    $> $#'B hard dis;

    "> %'B RA

    3> %##!9%$ B(S of networ; card


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    3easi(ilit1 St d1

    Int!od ction$

    The feasi6ilit stud of an s ste2 is 2ainl intended to

    stud and anal @e the proposed s ste2 and to decide whether the s ste2 under

    consideration will 6e 7ia6le or not after i2ple2entation> That is it deter2ines the usa6ilit

    of the pro4ect after deplo 2ent> To co2e to result a set of =uer is answered ;eeping the

    efficienc of the software and its i2pact on the do2ain for which it was de7eloped> *t 2ain

    e2phasis is on the following three =uestions elucidated 6elow asF

    hat are the user s re=uire2ents and how does a candidate s ste2 2eet the2

    hat resources are a7aila6le for the proposed s ste2s *s it worth sol7ing the pro6le2

    hat is the li;el i2pact of the proposed s ste2 on the organi@ation *>e> how does the

    proposed s ste2 fit with in the organi@ation

    Thus since the feasi6ilit stud 2a lead to co22it2ent of

    large resources, it 6eco2es necessar that it should 6e conducted co2petentl and no

    funda2ental errors of 4udg2ent are 2ade> Different t pes of feasi6ilit stud and the wa

    we perfor2ed on our pro4ect On Line E1a2ination . >

    Technical 3easi(ilit1$

    *n technical feasi6ilit , we stud all technical issues

    regarding the proposed s ste2> *t is 2ainl concerned with the specifications of the

    e=uip2ents and the software, which successfull satisfies the end!user s re=uire2ent> The

    technical needs of the s ste2 2a 7ar accordingl 6ut includeF

    The feasi6ilit to produce outputs in a gi7en ti2e>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Response ti2e under certain conditions>

    A6ilit to process a certain 7olu2e of the transaction at a particular speed>

    +acilit to co22unicate data>

    )nder this anal sis process =uestions li;e /i0 does the

    co2pati6le platfor2 e1ist within our do2ain or can we procure it /ii0 Does the proposed

    e=uip2ent ha7e the technical capacit to hold the data re=uired using the new s ste2 >

    Both at the de7elop2ent site and at ser7er where we will 6e hiring the space for the

    we6site, and also the data6ase would it 6e possi6le to upgrade the s ste2 after it is

    de7eloped and i2ple2ented, if necessar And would the reco22ended technolog

    guarantee the relia6ilit , accurac and data securit This anal sis process re=uires 2ore

    e2phasis on s ste2 configuration gi7en 2ore i2portance rather than the actual hardware


    > The configuration of the e1isting s ste2s isF

    (rocessor F (entiu2 ***, 9##

  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Econo ical 3easi(ilit1$-

    eaning F re there sufficient 6enefits in creating the s ste2 to 2a;e the accepta6le Or are

    the costs of not creating the s ste2 so great that it is ad7isa6le to underta;en the pro4ect>

    This will include three 2a4or costs as descri6ed 6elow F

    .ost of

    Bu ing a 6ac; and data6ase is the 2a4or part of hardware and Software cost>

    .o2parison 6etween the oracle data6ase high cost and 6etter features with the SCL

    ser7er low cost and 6etter support for the sa2e 7endor operating s ste2 2a;e this

    decision need oriented>

    Benefits in reduced cost, error and sa7ing will 6e 2ade 6 reduction of present s ste2

    e1penses, ti2e sa7ing and increased accurac >

    %ost A)oidance $

    +uture cost reduction in for2 of reduction in the nu26er of ad2inistrati7e staff needed and

    2anual records 2aintains in organi@ation>

    Rise in cost will 6e a7oided>

    O*e!ational 3easi(ilit1 $

    eaning F The s ste2 will 6e used if it is de7eloped well then 6e resistance fro2 users that

    under2ine the possi6le application 6enefits>

    %lients S **o!ts $


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    .lient and user support for present s ste2 is there, as the current procedure used ta;es

    2ore ti2e and effort than proposed s ste2>

    No 2a4or training and new s;ills are re=uired as it is 6ased on DB S 2odel>

    *t will help in the ti2e sa7ing and fast processing and dispersal of user re=uest and


    New product will pro7ide all the 6enefits of present s ste2 with 6etter perfor2ance such

    as i2pro7ed infor2ation, 6etter 2anage2ent and collection of the reports>

    Use! S **o!t $

    )ser in7ol7e2ent in the 6uilding of present s ste2 is sought to ;eep in 2ind the user

    specific re=uire2ent and needs>

    )ser will ha7e control o7er own infor2ation> *2portant infor2ation such as Test result can

    6e generated at the clic; of a 6utton>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    P!o(le Definition

    The pro6le2 here is to de7elop a we6 application which co2pletel auto2i@e the

    e1a2ination process for an uni7ersit >

    To perfor2 this the co2plete pro6le2 has 6een di7ided into fi7e su6!pro6le2s so that the

    can 6e sol7ed easil and after that can 6e integrated to 2a;e it an integrated wor;ing


    Online Registration ? Enroll2ent of Student

    Online Login

    Online Schedule

    Online anage the =uestion 6an;

    Online E1a2ination

    Online Result declaration

    Online displa rando2l =uestion>

    On-Line E,a ination


    E1a2 .ontrollerodule


    E1a2 Deptodule



  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    The =uestions will 6e displa rando2l fro2 =uestion 6an;>

    At the Login 2odule user na2e and password facilit and credentials should 6e chec;ed

    properl at the ti2e of login for student, e1pert, controller and E1a2 Dept Ad2in>

    *n the schedule odule send the e1a2 schedule to the student>

    *n =uestion 6an; 2odule for the e1a2ination could 6e changed d na2icall >

    Auto2atic chec;ing of o64ecti7e answers and 2anual chec;ing of descripti7e answers

    should 6e facilitated, if an >

    *n the O64ecti7e answers 2odule will 6e chec;ed auto2aticall 6 the s ste2 fro2 the

    data6ase and the su64ecti7e answer 2anuall chec;ing 6 e1a2 depart2ent will ta;e place>

    *n the e1a2 2odule hen the student starts the e1a2 the ti2er will start auto2aticall

    and show the student how 2uch ti2e is left>

    At result 2odule displa the result of each student and send 6 the e1a2> Dept>

    Re; i!e ent S*ecification

    On the 6asis of s ste2 stud perfor2ed in an organi@ation a6out all the functions that

    deals with Online e1a2ination following re=uire2ents are specified>

    3 nctional Re; i!e ents $

    The 3 nctional Re; i!e ents of the *!o#ect a!e as follo2s$

    To pro7ide the functionalit to students to appear for the e1a2 online>

    To pro7ide login interface through which onl authori@ed user can pass 6 >

    The ti2er facilit should 6e pro7ide once the student appears in the E1a2>

    The we6 application pro7ide =uestion to the student rando2l>

    The s ste2 should support AN so that e1a2 can gi7en fro2 an where>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    This s ste2 should handle 2ultiple e1a2 at the sa2e ti2e>

    To functionall ena6le E1a2 .ontroller to define criteria and create Ad2in and


    To functionall ena6le E1a2 Dept Ad2in to 2anage Cuestion Ban;

    To functionall ena6le E1a2 Dept Ad2in to declare schedule and Results>

    To functionall ena6le E1pert to send set of Cuestions>

    Non-3 nctional Re; i!e ents

    The Non-3 nctional Re; i!e ents of the *!o#ect a!e as follo2s$

    The s ste2 should 6e relia6le and ro6ust>

    The s ste2 should 6e )ser friendl >

    The s ste2 should 6e co2pletel .onsistent and Secure>

    Inte!face !e; i!e ents

    *nterface should 6e eas to follow,

    *nterface shouldn t ha7e 7er 2uch graphics,

    *nterface shouldn t ha7e hidden 6uttons, and

    *nterface should produce rele7ant error 2essage>

    *n a co2plete wa , we re e1pected to 6uild a we6 6ased application which

    acco22odates all functionalit of an organi@ation that deal with online



  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Plannin" and Sched lin"

    5antt cha!t $

    'antt chart are a pro4ect control techni=ue that can 6e used for se7eral purpose including

    scheduling and planning> 'antt chart is also ;nown 6ar chart with each 6o1 representing an

    acti7it >


    ee; % ee; $

    ee; "




    ee; ee;5

    Re=uire2ents 'athering

    SRS .reation

    Low Le7el Design

  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Pe!t cha!t $

    (ert stands for progra2 e7olution and re7iew techni=ue> A pert chart is a networ; of 6o1es

    and arrows> The 6o1es in the pert chart can 6e decorated with starting and ending dates for



    Da s 93!9:Da s 35!93

    Da s $"!35

    Da s %$!%:

    Da s 8!%$Da s %!: Da s :!8Re; i!e




    Lo2 Le)elDesi"n

    4i"h Le)el Desi"n@Inte!face/ Datadesi"n

    P!oced !alDesi"n

    I *le entation

    Testin" @Mod le andInte"!ated

    Da s %:!$"


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Entit1 Relationshi* dia"!a fo! On Line E,a ination



    % %

    % %









    *s'i7en aa


    Atte2 pt


    Atte2 pt












    .hec; Su64




    rNa2e and (wd

    )se rNa2e and ( wd

    (ro7 ide Sched ule

    Schedule St ored in

    Result Stored in

    . hec ; Su 64ecti7e Cu estio nAtte2 pted 6 S tudent

    *nfo> Acces s in

    . hec ;s the su6 4ecti7e =uestion

    ,a nage th e =uestion

  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    6-LEVEL D3D@3o! +St dent. Mod le















    Sends the Student *nfo>

    Enters )serNa2e and (wd

    Data Stored *n

    .he c;s )serN a2 e and (w d

    D at a A cc e s s i n

    Data A cce ss in

    Data Ac cess in

    Data Acce ss in

    Data Stored *n

    Data Stored *n

    Sends the Student *nfo>

    Sends the Result>

    Sends the Student *nfo>

  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Mod les and thei! Desc!i*tion

    &asic Mod les$

    *n Our (ro4ect with the help of Di7ide and .on=uer theor we can di7ide o7erall progra2

    in +i7e odules

    These fi7e 2odules areF

    Login odule

    Student odule

    E1a2> .ontroller odule

    E1a2 Dept odule

    E1pert odule

    Lo"in Mod le $

    This is the first 2odule in this pro4ect a an one who want to enter into this

    pro4ect?application > he?she 2ust ha7e pass through this 2odule, in other word we can sa

    that this is authentication 2odule 6ecause the user authentication with his?her> To pro7ided

    user na2e and password facilit and credentials should 6e chec;ed properl at the ti2e of

    login for student, e1pert, controller and E1a2 Dept Ad2in>

    St dent Lo"in 3o! $

    This is the for2 in this pro4ect a student who want to enter into this pro4ect

    application> he?she 2ust ha7e pass through this 2odule, in other word we can sa that this

    is authentication 2odule 6ecause the user authentication with his?her>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Re"ist!ation $

    *n this 2odule student can get his?her whole infor2ation li;e his na2e, address fees

    detail, progra2 and courses> the user can select onl one course

    at the ti2e> Our student ta6le will register the student> )ni7ersit will pro7ide each

    student a uni=ue student *d during enroll2ent ti2e> The purpose of this is so that no one

    can register on 6ehalf of an other student> and onl the student hi2self?herself can register

    for the e1a2ination using this id as password> Students onl su62it his?her docu2ents and

    fees after the registration>

    Vie2 Sched le $

    *n this schedule for2 student get his?her schedule according to his registration> The

    schedule is 2anaged 6 the e1a2 dept>

    E,a *!ocess

    hen the student starts the e1a2 the ti2er will start auto2aticall and show the

    student how 2uch ti2e is left>

    Sho2 Res lt $

    *n the result for2 will 2anage the result/Su64ecti7e and O64ecti7e =uestions0 and

    Status of the student> This ta6le contains the student id fro2 which we will help us in

    generating the result>

    E,a %ont!olle! Mod le $The controller has authorit to 2odif the criteria is pro7ided to the controller of

    e1a2ination and pro7ide an interface fro2 where controller will create new E1pert and

    Ad2in for E1a2 Dept>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Mana"e Ad in $

    *n this 2odule the controller will .reate, Delete and Edit ad2in for the e1a2 dept with all

    of there details>

    A Login na2e and password has 6een pro7ided through which the ad2in can later login to

    perfor2 all of there tas;s>

    Mana"e E,*e!t

    *n this 2odule the controller will .reate, Delete and Edit e1perts for the can later send

    =uestion sets for o64ecti7e as well as su64ecti7e =uestions which will 6e as;ed to sol7e to

    students under e1a2 process>

    Sane as anage Ad2in 2odule, A Login na2e and password has 6een pro7ided here too

    through which the e1pert can later login to send =uestions>

    E,a De*t Mod le $

    *n the e1a2 dept will 2anage the =uestion 6an; sent 6 e1perts> and 2a;e schedule and

    declare Result>


    *n this for2 the e1a2 dept> 2anaged the schedule and sends to the student with their e1a2


    +or this first he see all the details of registered students and allot the2 date accordingl >

    Mana"e> s&an' $

    his for2 2anage the su64ecti7e and o64ecti7e =uestion in the =uestion 6an; sent 6 the

    e1pert 2odule> The anage Cuestion Ban; 2anaged the =uestion will 6e displa

    rando2l fro2 =uestion 6an;>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    %hec'S (> s $

    This 2odule chec;s the su64ecti7e =uestion atte2pted 6 the student during the e1a2>

    su64ecti7e answer 2anuall chec;ing 6 e1a2 depart2ent will ta;e place

    Decla!e !es lt $

    in this for2 the e1a2 dept> 2anage the result and sends to the student when the

    co2plete their e1a2>

    E,*e!t Mod le $

    *n the e1pert 2odule the E1perts to send a collection of =uestions/o64ecti7e and

    su64ecti7e0 in Cuestion Ban;

    S (#ecti)e > estion $

    Su6Cus ta6le will contain Su64ecti7e =uestion and it s right answer> To not pro7ide facilit

    of cop and paste while atte2pting the Su64ecti7e =uestions on the we6 page>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Data St! ct !es

    Ta(le Na e $ %o !se

    %ol n Na e Data T1*e Len"th%o id PC Int =

    %o code cha! 68%o na e %ha! 98

    Ise este! %ha! 68I*!oid Int =

    Ta(le Na e $ O(#;atte *ted

    %ol n Na e Data T1*e Len"thiO(#>Aid PC Int =

    iSt Id Int =iO(#> sId Int =

    %hAns %ha! 68

    Ta(le Na e $ E,a De*t

    %ol n Na e Data T1*e Len"thE,a De*tId PC Int =

    Vlo"inna e Va!cha! =8V*ass2o!d Va!cha! =8

    Ta(le Na e $ E,*e!t

    %ol n Na e Data T1*e Len"thiE,Id PC Int =

    %fna e %ha! 78


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    %lna e %ha! 78

    %o !se %ha! 78Vlo"inna e Va!cha! =8

    V*ass2o!d Va!cha! =8

    Ta(le Na e $ O(#> s

    %ol n Na e Data T1*e Len"thiO(#; sId PC Int =

    iE,Id Int =tO(#> s Te,t 6

    co*tionA %ha! 68co*tion& %ha! 68

    %o*tion% %ha! 68

    %o*tionD %ha! 68

    cAns %ha! 68

    (Stat s &it 6

    Ta(le Na e $ P!o"!a

    %ol n Na e Data T1*e Len"thiP!o"Id PC Int =

    cP!o"na e %ha! 68

    %d !ation %ha! 68i3ess Int =

    Ta(le Na e $ Res lt


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    %ol n Na e Data T1*e Len"this (> sId PC Int =

    iE,id Int =t> s Te,t 6

    tAns Te,t 6iMa,Ma!'s Int =

    (Stat s &it 6

    Ta(le Desc!i*tion

    St dent $

    Our student ta6le will register the student> )ni7ersit will pro7ide each student a uni=ue

    student *d during enroll2ent ti2e> The purpose of this is so that no one can register on

    6ehalf of an other student> and onl the student hi2self?herself can register for the

    e1a2ination using this id and password> Students onl su62it his?her docu2ents and fees

    after the registration> *n this student ta6le store his?her whole infor2ation li;e his na2e,

    address fees detail, progra2 and courses> the user can select onl one course at the ti2e>

    S (#ecti)e > estion $

    Su6Cus ta6le will contain Su64ecti7e =uestion and it s right answer>

    O(#ecti)e > estion $

    O64Cus ta6le will contain o64ecti7e =uestion and four options and right answer>

    Res lt $


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Data Inte"!it1 Desi"n

    St dent

    (ri2ar ;e iStu*d

    Alternate ;e cENo, c+Na2e, cLNa2e, c(rogra2, iStud .en.ode, 7LoginNa2e,

    7(asswd+oreign ;e i.ou*d /for Student ta6le0

    %o !se

    (ri2ar ;e i.ou*d

    Alternate ;e .ou.ode, .ouNa2e, iSe2ester

    +oreign ;e i.ou*d/for .ourse ta6le0

    E,a De*t

    (ri2ar ;e i)ser*d

    Alternate ;e 7LoginNa2e, 7(asswde



  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    (ri2ar ;e iE1*d

    Alternate ;e c+Na2e, cLna2e, c.ourse, 7LoginNa2e, 7(asswd

    O(#>Atte *ted

    (ri2ar ;e iO64CA*d

    Alternate ;e cAns

    +oreign ;e iO64Cus*d /for O64CAtte2pted ta6le0

    O(#> s

    (ri2ar ;e iO64Cus*d

    Alternate ;e tO64Cus, cOptionA, cOptionB, cOption., cOptionD, cAns, .Status

    +oreign ;e iE1pert*d /for E1pert ta6le0


    (ri2ar ;e i(rog*d

    Alternate ;e c(rogNa2e, cDuration, i+ess

    Res lt

    (ri2ar ;e iResult*d

    Alternate ;e i ar;OfSu6, i ar;OfO64, 6Status

    +oreign ;e iStu*d/for result ta6le 0

    Sched le

    (ri2ar ;e iSch*d

    Alternate ;e dtSDate


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    +oreign ;e iStu*d/for Schedule ta6le0

    S (>Atte *ted

    (ri2ar ;e iSu6CA*d

    Alternate ;e tAns

    S (> s

    (ri2ar ;e iSu6Cus*d

    +oreign ;e iSu6Cus*d/for Su6CAtte2pted ta6le0

    Alternate ;e tCus,tAns, i a1 ar;s, cStatus

    +oreign ;e iE1pert*d/for Su6Cus ta6le0

    P!ocess Lo"ic

    Lo"in $

    )ser na2e


    T pe

    *f 7alid

    E,a De*t $-


    Loginain for2


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis




    %o !se

    couidcoucodecouna2eiSe2ester i(eriod

    .ourseO(#>atte *ted $




    O(#> s $-




    O 6 4Cuatte2



  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    6Status O64Cus


    i(rog*diStu*di ar;sofSu6i ar;sofO64chstaus


    Res lt $




    O 6






    O 6 4Cuatte2


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    St dent $-


    cEno.+na2e.Lna2e.(rogra2..ourseiStud .en.ode-LoginNa2e-(assword Student

    S (> s $

    isuCus*diE1*dtCustAnsi a1 ar;s










    6 4Cuatte2





    O 6 4Cuatte2


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    Sec !it1 Iss es

    Securit is an i2portant issue for 2odern *T s ste2> S ste2 ad2inistrator and

    securit ad2inistrator are responsi6le for safeguard s organi@ation data and co2puting


    Pass2o!d Enc!1*tion$ hate7er securit 2easures ta;en, in an case if an one with

    destructi7e or 2alicious 2ind gets access to the data6ase he can te2per the critical data> To

    restrict it we 7e used encr pting algorith2 facilitated to us 6 icrosoft AS(>Net >

    Two algorith2s are there


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    The answer lies in the fact that not all data are needed to 6e encr pted as long as we ;eep

    the critical data/li;e password encr pted and safe0> *t will onl increase the load on ser7er

    and networ; with no additional ad7antage> So we 7e not used this encr ption Algo on all

    data 6lindl >

    e ha7e i2ple2ented different approach related to securit issue for our pro4ect

    Online E1a2ination F

    A tho!i ation$

    Super Ad2in has authori@ed to gi7e per2ission to ad2in for the registration of the


    A thentication$

    Onl registered students can appear for the e1a2ination> E7er registered student

    has different and uni=ue )ser*d>

    Info! ation Inte"!it1$

    Onl Super ad2in has right in the 2odification of the infor2ation> There is no

    possi6ilit 6 the end user or unauthori@ed user of hac;ing the infor2ation>


    Super Ad2in will ha7e a 6an; up of the pro4ect> Also there is a co2ple1 and

    alphanu2eric password for ad2in and student> Super ad2in itself has a co2ple1 and

    alphanu2eric password> There is a option for changing the password 6 all the ad2in and

    itself after e7er 2onth>


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis


    3 t !e Sco*e of the P!o#ect

    The de7elop2ent of this pro4ect surel pro2pts 2an new areas of in7estigation>

    This pro4ect has wide scope to i2ple2ent it in an )ni7ersit ?*nstitution ha7ing 2ultiple

    paper there> This pro4ect co7ers all functionalities related to On!Line E1a2ination Though that was not the part of o64ecti7e of our

    pro4ect 6ut it would ha7e great to i2ple2ent that pro7ided we d enough ti2e>

    So e of the a!e all those 2hich a!e en e!ated in the li itation section li'e$

    Online (a 2ent

    A 2odule fro2 where entities can co22unicate

    And a faster process for su64ecti7e paper e7aluation


  • 8/12/2019 Online Examination Synopsis



    AS(>NET Blac; Boo;

    A (rogra22er s 'uide to ADO>NET in .K 6 ahesh .hand>

    icrosoft AS(>Net $># Step 6 Step 6 'eorge shepherd>

    Mi/roso6t S 1 Server &'''"Re e//a Riordan=Andre@ ! 3rust

    @@@ mi/roso6t /om (Officia l Site o6 Mi/roso6t5

    @@@ asp net

    Software Engineering, A Practitioners Approach Roger S. Pressman
