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Online Turkish Airline strategy Balian Victor MBA 2B Professor: E-Craig

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Online Turkish Airline strategy

Balian VictorMBA 2B

Professor: E-Craig

Digital marketing element

You tube (the most efficient way to reach group target around the world) Social media

Selfie are most of time share on social account (Facebook, pinterest, instagram…) You tube enjoys a young audience that want to travel and discover perfect match

for an airlines company High share ability from “You Tube” Allow story telling through selfie that is actually real life

Various digital tactics

• Create an advertising campain link to the most searched word on internet : SELPHIE• Use celebrities that have great influence on the targeted customer (Lionel Messi and

Kobe Bryant are 2 superstar in the sport world sensitive to young people)• Viral advertising (using viewer to spread the advertising)

Various digital tactics Use digital marketing tools to create relationship with audience (You Tube, Google +…) Identify through these tools the right audience and the right message to deliver

Various digital tactics

Use digital marketing tools to create relationship with audience (You Tube, Google +…)

Encourage viewer to engage conversation or comment by offering reward (free trip)

Digital Universe Map

Influence on marketing channel on purchasing decision

1st step “Display click”: Gain awareness of you brand, product and services2nd step “Social”: Boost interest for the content and increase buzz on internet3rd step “Referral” : Viewers use digital and social media to speak about your product or ad4th step “Direct”: Conquete new clients by advertising and increase loyalty on your current


Business objectives

Increase Turkish Airline’s brand awareness around the world and specifically in important market

Reach a new customer audience Increase company turnover Be associated with celebrities with high influence power

(MESSI, KOBE, DROGBA) Take advantage from a worldwide attitude: SELFIE Increase brand presence on social media Have positive opinion about the company from the audience

Campaign Result

The video reach 77 million views in one week, making it YouTube’s fastest spreading commercial

136 millions view on one spot

The video was liked by 90 % of people who have seen it

Repeatedly share and commented by viewers

Company’s You Tube search increase by 209%

Global company’s Google search increase by 16%

Brand awareness increase by 9 point

Touch point effectiveness

“Social”: The most important touch point in this case study. This is the one that make the buzz on internet and increase tremendously awareness of the brand in people mind

“Display click”: It help to be aware of the brand but not as much as social media but will help to communicate on the brand product and service

“Email”: not very relevant in this situation, it will be more present once the potential customer will be part of the clientele

“Generic Paid Research”: to collect more data about customer but not very effective in this case, indeed, viewer give information about themselves on social media

“Referral” : Viewers use digital and social media to speak about your product or ad and again increase and boost awareness about the company

Brand paid search: effective touch point regarding the money invested in the advertising campaign and the ROI

“Direct”: Conquete new clients by advertising and increase loyalty on your current customer. Effective once the customer is sensitive to the advertising

Apply this digital strategy to an independent hotel

Use “You Tube” to create a special video in the different space of your hotel

Try to include famous people in your video Include unusual content in it (thing you never thought to do in

an hotel) Include your hotel’s service and product in you advertising Share the video on the hotel’s social media account Try to engage interaction by comment and possible reward Repeat the operation with new content

Additional mobile steps

Why not create a App that could allow customer to imitate celebrities video’s posture on a photo

Explanation: you put specific photo of celebrities, in this case Kobe with basketball on the plane or Messi with a football on the plane.

Then you create an App that could replace the celebrities by yourself on the photo, then you can publish it (of course with the company environment in the background)