online manual klic new - eathe klic monitoring software can run in any standard laptop or desktop pc...

Contract N° 2009-12007 Project Number – 505519-LLP-1-2009-GR-KA3-KA3MP Kicking Life into Classroom D3.3 Online Manual new KLiC software Project: 505519-LLP-1-2009-GR-KA3-KA3MP Work package: WP3 Scenarios Adaptation and Development PARTNER: EA, ANCO Authors: Markus Fuger, Christos Sideris, Angelos Lazoudis Document Type: On-line document Distribution: Public Status: Draft Document file: Online_Manual_KLiC_new.pdf Version: 1.1 Date: 22/02/12 Number of pages:

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Page 1: Online Manual KLiC new - eaThe KLiC monitoring software can run in any standard laptop or desktop PC under Windows XP (or higher) operating environment (32bit or 64bit version) and

Contract N° 2009-12007 Project Number – 505519-LLP-1-2009-GR-KA3-KA3MP

Kicking Life into Classroom

D3.3 Online Manual new KLiC software

Project: 505519-LLP-1-2009-GR-KA3-KA3MP

Work package: WP3 Scenarios Adaptation and Development


Authors: Markus Fuger, Christos Sideris, Angelos Lazoudis Document Type: On-line document Distribution: Public

Status: Draft Document file: Online_Manual_KLiC_new.pdf

Version: 1.1

Date: 22/02/12 Number of pages:

Page 2: Online Manual KLiC new - eaThe KLiC monitoring software can run in any standard laptop or desktop PC under Windows XP (or higher) operating environment (32bit or 64bit version) and

Project Number – 505519-LLP-1-2009-GR-KA3-KA3MP

D3.3 On-line Manual Page 2 of 20

0.1 About this document This document presents the online manual that has been developed for supporting support users of the KLiC system. All the appropriate information on the use of the service is available online and is presented here as part of a pdf document, namely the KLiC online manual deliverable.

0.2 Version

Version Date / Contributor Summary of Changes

0.1 20/03/2010

Christos Sideris draft



Christos Sideris,

Angelos Lazoudis

Complete version

Final (InLoT software)


Christos Sideris,

Angelos Lazoudis

The manual was updated in order to comply with the latest version 3.0.3 of the InLOT

system that was developed by ANCO in the Fall 2010.

1.1 22/02/2012

Markus Fuger

Software part of the old InLOT software has been replace with a description and how-to for

the newly developed software

Page 3: Online Manual KLiC new - eaThe KLiC monitoring software can run in any standard laptop or desktop PC under Windows XP (or higher) operating environment (32bit or 64bit version) and

Project Number – 505519-LLP-1-2009-GR-KA3-KA3MP

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0.3 Table of contents

0.1 About this document .................................................................... 2 

0.2 Version ............................................................................................. 2 

0.3 Table of contents .......................................................................... 3 

1.  Introduction ...................................................................................... 4 

1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................. 4 

2.  The KLiC system .............................................................................. 5 

2.1 KLiC System User Interface ............................................................................................ 6 

2.2 KLiC System Building Blocks .......................................................................................... 6 

3.  KLiC Application Installation ......................................................... 8 

4.  Executing the KLiC software .......................................................... 9 

4.1 First time usage and setup ........................................................................................................ 9 

4.2 Preparing the devices for running the experiments ......................................................... 11 

4.3 Starting a measurement and capturing data ...................................................................... 12 

4.4 Finishing a measurement and saving the captured data ............................................... 18 

4.5 Analysing the stored data ............................................................................................... 18 

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1. Introduction

1.1 Scope

In order to support the users of the KLiC service (InLOT system and educational material) the consortium has developed an online manual that is available on the project’s website in English.

This online manual contains a full description of the InLOT system (KLiC software and InLOT hardware) along with detailed instructions on how to:

Install the InLOT software Start and configure the application Prepare the devices for the experiments Run an experiment and collect data End an experiment and store data Analyze the stored data

The contents of this online manual (in English) are presented in the pages to follow.

Figure 1.1 General architecture of the system and its sensors

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2. The InLOT system The InLOT system is an innovative sensor data collection tool designed for use in the educational and sports environments, that provides the teacher or the trainer with the means to monitor the student or athlete performance during specific physical activities, take corrective actions and follow-up the progress of the student or athlete during a certain time period or a full season. The system makes use of the most advanced wireless communication technologies based on the ΙEEE 802.15.4 standard to acquire physiological data, such as heart rate (ECG), respiration rate, external body temperature and body acceleration as well as hand and/or leg acceleration information from up to six (6) students/athletes at the same time.

In order to widen the scope of physical activities, that can be monitored, a suitably modified ball with an embedded 3-dimensional acceleration sensor can also be incorporated into the InLOT system allowing for the study and analysis of more composite actions and movements, that readily take place in common sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc.

Figure 2.1 Wireless Communication Network used by the system

All sensor data acquired in the course of a physical activity are stored in the KLiC monitoring station, where they can be:

displayed and analyzed off-line. further processed to derive additional parameters characterizing the student/

athlete effort and performance level.

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Further to this, the KLiC monitoring station software allows the user to observe in real-time the values and associated waveforms from selected sensors of selected students/athletes or ball(s) participating into the physical activity under observation.

2.1 KLiC System User Interface

The user interface of the KLiC software is simple and intuitive. At the beginning of each measurement the user needs only to define the sensors to use.

Subsequently, after the students or athletes activate their sensors, the user initiates the data capturing process and selects the sensors to be displayed in real-time. At the end of the activity the user saves the captured data in a *.klic file, which can then load at any time to:

Zoom in at selected time sections of the data waveforms. Choose selected algorithms to calculate additional physical parameters related to

the specific activity. Create suitable forms to export graphs to other external applications

The KLiC monitoring software can run in any standard laptop or desktop PC under Windows XP (or higher) operating environment (32bit or 64bit version) and a minimum of 512MB RAM and 20GB HDD.

2.2 KLiC System Building Blocks

A full KLiC system consists of the following hardware and software components:

1. The Monitoring Station, which is a laptop or desktop PC with the system monitoring software.

2. The radio network Base Station, which connects wirelessly the monitoring station with the peripheral sensor units born by the students/athletes or the ball(s).

3. The SenseVest, that is a shirt without sleeves worn by the student/athlete, which incorporates three (3) embedded sensors for measurement of heart rate, respiration rate and external body temperature. An additional body acceleration sensor device (BoS) is contained into a special small pocket at the lower front of the SenseVest.

4. The Body Sensor device (BoS), that includes a 3-dimensional acceleration sensor for the movement of the student/athlete body and in conjunction with the embedded sensors in the SenseVest transmits to the Monitoring Station all student/athlete physiological data as well as his/her body acceleration values.

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5. The Arm/Leg Accelerometer (ALA), that is a 3-dimensional acceleration sensor worn on the wrist or the ankle of the monitored student/athlete with the aid of specially made straps, which provides for hand/leg acceleration values during the physical activity within a dynamic range of +/- 12g (g = nominal gravity acceleration equal to 9.8 m/sec² ).

6. The InLOT straps, that is dedicated straps for holding the ALA devices on the wrist or the ankle of the student/athlete. The straps consist of a special fabric fastened with Velcro bands with a waterproof pocket on the upper part. They are available in two sizes, one small and one large.

7. The Ball Accelerometer (BA), that is a 3-dimensional ball acceleration sensor, contained along with a pair of Li-Ion batteries inside a specially made plastic tube and the whole assembly fitted into a common FILA standard polo ball via a suitably cut and waterproof glued rubber tube surrounding the assembly.

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3. KLiC Application Installation Instructions

Please follow the installation instructions with the same order as depicted bellow. All the installation files should be executed as a system admin user or with administrative permissions. The KLiC programm is based on Python code, therefore one has to install the Python engine in advance:

Install Python 2.6.6 using the file: python-2.6.6.msi

Afterwards you will have to install the KLiC program by executing

KLiC_setup.exe This package will install all required Python addons, the device drivers as well as the KLiC software. You can then start the software by browsing in the start menu to Start KLiC (the folder) KLiC

Or by double clicking the batch file “KLiC.bat” within the chosen KLiC installation directory.

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4. Executing the KLiC software

4.1 First time usage and setup

In order to use the sensors for measurements they have to be configured first. This can be done by pressing the third icon at the top of the sofware (settings window).

At the first start one will see an empty table. By pressing the plus button on the lower right corner one can add as many sensors as there are available to the user.

For each sensor one has to define a unique ID (typically A1, A2, …). Furthermore each sensor has a MAC address which can be found on a label on the sensor. Please do fill out this hexadecimal number as well. Due to different generations of sensors one as well has to define the sensor type.

Typically an ordinary acceleration sensor will be of the type “Simple Sensor (new)”, whereas for the ball and the SensVest the types “Ball Sensor (old)” and “Vest Sensor (old)” should be chosen accordingly.

Afterwards the settings should be saved using the floppy disk symbol on the lower left corner of the table.

Figure 4.1: The settings window of the KLiC user interface

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In order to define a default path for storing the measurement files one can use the “Default Path” input line and specify an existing path.

To change the user interface language of the KLiC program you can chose your preferred language in the drop down list. Changing the language will require a restart of KLiC.

Once all the sensors are configured in the settings tab and the base station is connected to the laptop or workstation a measurement can be captured.

4.2 Preparing the devices for running the experiments

Setting up the system for capturing an experiment is a rather straight forward process.

First one has to change to the measurement window (using the second icon at the top of the KLiC application)

Afterwards one has to press the first symbol at the lower left of the window (the green gear icon). Doing this will load a list of the configured sensors to the left column (see Figure 4.2)

Figure 4.2: The measurement window of the KLiC user interface – initial phase

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Typically not all available sensors have to be used in a measurement. Therefore one has to check the sensors to use with the checkbox just in front of each sensor ID – MAC combination.

As next step all the sensors should be activated by pressing the small button on each sensor. The LED should indicate that it is able to connect by flashing quickly. Just after that one should as well press the second button on the left corner (2 arrows – the connection button). The sensors should then connect to the base station.

One can check the state of connection for each sensor by

seeing the sensor - LED flashing slowly

the changing color (from red to green) in the KLiC software (Figure 4.3)

Figure 4.3: The measurement window of the KLiC user interface – connection phase

If for some reason one of the sensors does not connect, please try to press the sensor button again or check the charging state of the sensor itself.

Once all sensors that should be captured connected to the base station one can start taking a measurement/experiment.

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4.3 Starting a measurement and capturing data

After at least one of the sensors was able to connect to the base station in the previous step, one will be able to start a measurement. The start of the experiment which as well is the start of capturing the data is initiated by pressing the third button on the lower left of the measurement window (the play icon).

At the moment the column on the left will change and for each connected sensor there will be 4 subitems (or 7 for SensVest sensors) (see figure 4.4). These items are the acceleration values in all 3 directions (x/y/z) and the overall acceleration g. The SensVest will have the body temperature (in degree Celscius), as well as the aspiration rate and the heart rate available.

To show the corresponding graph in the box on the right of the measurement window one has to check the box next to the desired value. Using the box next to the sensor ID itself will select or unselect all corresponding acceleration values for this sensor. Please keep in mind that displaying a large amount of sensor lines will require a lot of the system resources and in the worst case the KLiC application will crash. Therefore it is recommended not to display more than 10 lines at the same time (during the measurement typically showing the overall acceleration value for each sensor is sufficient).

Figure 4.4: The measurement window of the KLiC user interface – measurement phase

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Choosing one of the vital values of a SensVest sensor (namely the temperature, the aspiration rate or the heart rate) will open an additional window, which will update automatically each time the sensor sends new data.

4.4 Finishing a measurement and saving the captured data

Once the software user has made the experiment and collected the required data one can stop the measurement at any time.

This is done by pressing the stop button (fourth button on the lower left of the measurement window.

As next step another will open which will allow the user to specify some details to the just taken measurement (see figure 4.5)

This additional meta-information can be:

general information to measurement (such as measurement setup) which should be placed in the “Measurement Notes” field

additional information to each sensor and descriptive names

Figure 4.5: The save window

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4.5 Analysing the stored data

Each experiment will be stored in a *.klic file which contains the acceleration and vital data off all used sensors as well as the meta-information given in the save dialog after finishing the simulation.

To load a before taken measurement one has to use the first icon at the top of the KLiC application (the graph icon). Afterwards one can open a *.klic file by using the directory symbol on the left side and load the file. This step can be repeated if one wants to load several measurements for value comparison.

Figure 4.6: The analyzing window with a loaded measurement

The column on the left will then contain all the loaded measurements. The bold name will be the one of the measurement *.klic file and the items one level below will be the sensors captured in this experiment. In this view the given descriptive names specified in the saving dialog will be used instead of the IDs (e.g. A1, A2,…). The additional meta information can be seen as well in the left column by moving the mouse over the sensor or the measurement item itself as quickinfo (yellow box).

The two arrow icons will expand or collapse the tree level by level respectively. This a quick navigation is assured.

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To load the measurement data of a sensor to the graph window in the left part of the application one has to use the checkboxes next to the desired value (similar to the usage in the measurement window) as can be seen in figure 4.6.

The label for each graph can be seen in the upper right corner of the graph box.

Selecting a graph:

Activate the selection mode by pressing the following button:

Afterwards the user can select one of the visible graphs. For changing the appearance of this certain selected curve the user has to right click and use “Curve Customization”

Figure 4.7: Curve customization dialog box

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The dialog can be used to change the appearance to the requirements.

To unselect a curve the user just has to click in the white area.

Changing the appearance of the axis:

To change the font, size of the axis and the legend click right in the area of the qraph and chose “Axis Customization” use the dialog box to make the required changes.

Figure 4.8: Axis and legend customization dialog box

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Zooming into the data:

There are 2 ways to zoom to a specific section of the measured data

Use the following icon and draw a rectangle that contains the area to zoom

Use the CTRL key and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. The zoom center will always be at the position of the mouse cursor

In order to zoom out quickly and get to the initial data view one just has to click the


Panning in the graph window:

To change the position of the zoomed view the user has to press the wheel key on the mouse and move it. If the used machine does not have a mouse with a wheel key the only possibility to zoom to a different section is to first zoom out and then in again.

Choosing the analyzing boundaries:

The KliC application provides support for different mathematical instruments to analyze the data, as there are data fitting, integrating and Fourier transformation.

Due to the fact, that most likely the desired signal is only a small part of the complete measurement the user can specify the period of time to be used for these mathematical algorithms.

Using the range icon will change the mode to the “range” mode. In this mode you can just draw a rectangle within the graph window in order to specify the time interval (the y value of the rectangle will be ignored)

To update the interval the user can draw another rectangle to the graph plane as long as the “range” mode is active.

To delete a chosen interval use the following icon:

To get out of the “range” mode the user can switch to the “selection” mode with again.

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Choosing the initial position:

As integrating the acceleration values will lead to the velocity it is crucial to know at which state the sensor has been in rest. To specify this point there is a “zero-setting”

mode which will be accessed by clicking the icon . If the “zero-setting” mode is active each mouse click will define the point in time where the sensor should have been at rest.

A once chosen point can be deleted again by the user by clicking on

Exporting the graph window to a file:

The graph window can be exported to various graphic formats as they are PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, BMP. Exporting to PDF can be done by clicking right to the graph plane and selecting “Export PDF” whereas all the other formats can be exported by using “Export Image”.

Mathematical data manipulation:

The following state for all the mathematical algorithms:

The mathematical algorithm will be applied only the selected curve

or if no curve is selected it will be applied to all visible once

The data will be taken:

Only from the interval selected specified in the “range” mode

or if no interval is selected from the complete data set of the sensor

As offset value for integration:

the value of the curve at the point in time specified in the “zero-setting” mode

if the upper has not been specified than it will take the first value of the chosen interval

if no interval has been specified the first measurement value will be assumed to be the one of the sensor in rest

Each of the mathematical algorithms will open in an additional window and show the result of the chosen operation. This window itself can be used in the same way as the master graph window (apart from the mathematical operations)

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Figure 4.9: Result of the integration (equals a velocity) of the overall acceleration

Figure 4.10: Result of “integrate twice” (equals to a distance) of the overall acceleration

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Figure 4.11: Result of a cubic fit of the overall acceleration giving the measured points in red and the fitting curve in green. The legend of the fitting curve will give its formula