online questionnaire survey 44


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Online questionnaire survey 44



Page 2: Online questionnaire survey 44

This was our final online questionnaire results. We used SurveyMonkey to distribute the questionnaires, this is because it was easier to collect and analyse the data. We messaged people in the age bracket of both of our audiences to complete the questionnaires.

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Nearly everyone chose low key lighting, this is because it is a convention of horror films, also it connotes the personality of the antagonist and how toxic the characters relationship is. It gives the audience visceral pleasure as they do not know what is coming or what to expect. Moreover, it symbolises that it is a disequilibrium, this is because it’s dark and dull, it has an eerie feel to it.

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Quick cut came out with the highest percentage for edits so therefore we shall use multiple quick cuts to make the audience feel visceral pleasure also this connotes fear and stress. The quick cuts appeal to our primary audience as they are fox thinkers and cannot concentrate for a long time, therefore the quick cuts allows them to stay concentrated and keep them intrigued.

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The people who completed it decided that a close up was the best shot to do, this is because it shows how the character is feeling, maybe scared, and may make the audience feel emotional pleasure. Also it is a conventional for the genre, therefore we are going to include multiple close ups.

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Most people said that they would want a female protagonist, this is a stereotype and to make out opening sequence different and sophisticated we are going to make the male character the protagonist. This subverts the stereotype and makes the male look vulnerable. A Binary opposition we could apply is dead vs alive. We are being hegemonic by using a powerful female but insisting she has to be evil - as if a powerful female isn’t ‘normal’. However, we are challenging hegemonic ideologies by saying that because the antagonist is female she can support herself and doesn’t need a man therefore she is strong.

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Due to our opening sequence subverting the stereotype of a man being brave and saving the woman, our antagonist will be a female just like the survey says. This makes it more sophisticated for our niche secondary audience. Furthermore, this subverts Propp’s character types as instead of the woman being the princess the man becomes the princess as he needs saving.

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Orchestral music came out with the highest percentage, this is what we were going to use as it is different because it is not a conventional for a horror. Also it attracts our secondary audience because orchestral music is more sophisticated just like our niche secondary audience. Also it will make the audience feel visceral pleasure. Orchestral music connotes that the character is feeling upset or depressed, moreover it connotes the disequilibrium of the plot.

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Our third scene is in a house so our survey results collaborate with that, also a house is the conventional setting for a horror so the audience can have intellectual pleasure as they might be able to try and solve an enigma. The stereotypical representation of a house being safe is subverted by horror happening in it because the house is then not safe. A haunted house is conventional for a horror and the audience can relate to this as it gives them personal identity.

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Due to our settings and the narrative we decided that smart clothing would be best suitable due to a funeral taking place, however this contradicts the survey as the audience think that casual clothing would be best. This is because they can get personal identity from it and they may feel a more emotional and visceral pleasure.

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Our survey analysis says that the audience would prefer our actors to be age 21-25. We will follow this through as our narrative is sophisticated and it wouldn’t make sense to have a young actor as it wouldn’t fit. This is because it is about a couple who is married, therefore a young actor wouldn’t suit as it is rare for people below the age of 21 to be married.

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Most people want dialogue in our opening sequence, however we feel like this will take away the tension and suspension that will build. Therefore we are not going to include it. Also no dialogue connotes how the protagonist feels, such as happy, distraught and scared. Our primary audience may feel the need for dialogue as they are less sophisticated and many not be able to understand it.