
Online certificate course on E- teaching from

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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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This course is meant for those teacher/faculty who would like to become an expert in using technology for delivering education programs


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Online certificate course on E-teaching from

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Benefits of doing this course

• Skills acquired through this course can be utilizied to generate best returns for your intellectual capital

• Attract new generation learners who are looking to learn away from their regular class room environment

• Adpat yourselves to teach in technology environment

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Course Objective

• To impart following skills to e-teachero To handle various content generation formatso To manage course content through Moodleo To adminster assignents and activities onlineo To conduct online web-sessionso To manage student enrollments

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Course Details

• Topics coveredo Guidelines for launching your e-courseo Understanding formats and gaining skills in creating content in

various e-learning formatso Understanding Learning Management systems and gaining

skills in using learning Management systemo Creating assignments and activities to monitor and track

learners performanceo Gaining skills to use Web-conference tools to conduct online

classeso How to reach out to audience to your venueo Enrolling students for your course

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Course Details .. contd

• Course Assessmento After each session you will be carrying out of set of

activities which will be evaluated by experts, and you will be graded on each of the activity performed.

o Cumulative Grade will be awarded at the end of the course

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Course Details ...contd

• Award of certificationo Grade “A” : Certificate of Excellenceo Grade “B” : Certificate of Appreciationo Grade “C” “ Certificate of Merit

• Certificate will be issued online within 30 days completion of evaluation

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Course Details .. contd

• Course Durationo Flexibleo Maximum of 3 months (The course access will be

available for 3 months from the date of enrollment)• Delivery format

o Self study • Course Fee

o Nil

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How to enroll ?

• Visit • On the home page click on search for the right

courseo Select – Corporate Program --> Education services --

> Technical Skills--> Teacher Training programs o Select :'s “Online certificate course in E-

Teaching”o Click enroll to completeo Registrations open daily