
We look at shaping tomorrow’s society and building a Britain with Jesus at the centre. THE BRITAIN OF TOMORROW WWW.NEWGENERATION.CO.UK

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DESCRIPTION We look at shaping tomorrow’s society and building a Britain with Jesus at the centre.


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We look at shaping tomorrow’s society and building a Britain with Jesus at the centre.


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WELCoME To THE NG MAGAZINEThe NG magazine is here to help you make the most of your time in school, or if you’re no longer studying, help you come alongside those that are. It has inspiration, tips and ideas that we hope will help you set up and run an effective Christian school group, and together with our online login area NG+, the magazine is a resource to help you be a light for Jesus and make a real difference in your school, college or university.

WANT TO TALK TO US?We’re really friendly and we love to talk. Just give us a call on 01217060884, or drop us an email at [email protected]

The NG magazine...because nobody likes a boring day at school.

contentSPage 4-7: We tell you how to start a group in your school. Page 12-13: We introduce you to the NG Team. Page 9, 16, 19, 22: Members of the NG Family share their stories. Page 20-21: Feature Article - Shaping the Britain of TomorrowPage 23: Our Teams share some fundraising tips and ideas. Page 25: We explain how you can change a school for a fiver.

the teaMPAge

the grouP


the church


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what iS new generation?New Generation is a cross-denominational movement of young Christians meeting in peer-led groups with an aim to see the Christian message of love demonstrated both in word and action in schools, colleges and universities. Some put up posters, give away cakes or organ-ise theme days. Others clean up their schools, give Bibles to friends or speak at assemblies. All of them aim to contribute to a positive environ-ment and make the message of Jesus available to their generation through prayer and creative outreach.

PraYer Prayer is the starting point for any lasting change, in all areas of life, including school. If we’re going to see British teenagers turn to Jesus, it’s going to take some prayer. The great thing is prayer is something everyone can do: alone, in pairs, or as a group. Whether we pray loudly, softly, from a book or list, or just impro-vise, we can all pray. In the same way people have different accents and ways of talking, people also have different ways of praying, and that’s totally fine. The important thing to remem-ber is that when we pray God has promised to hear us, and remember that praying specific prayers gives specific answers.

outreach Outreach is about making Jesus available. Whether it’s through one-to-one friendships, evangelistic projects or social action, outreach is really about finding creative ways to spread the life and love of Jesus. No one can (or should) be forced to believe, but everyone has the right to hear and make up their own mind. That's where school groups come in, and our dream is to see a group in every schools, and see every young person in Britain given the chance to hear the Christian message at least once a year. For some it'll be through a Bible or a gospel presentation, for others it'll be through an ordinary everyday conversation. Whatever you do, don’t leave it to chance...make sure YOU give YOUR classmates the chance to make up their minds about Jesus.

We think you’re the best possible people to communicate the Christian message to your peers, and that setting up cross-denominational groups that pray and reach out in school is a great way to do that. We believe in a generation dedicated to living not just for themselves, but living for others. We are the New Generation.

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the worLD’S BeSt MiSSion FieLD We love overseas missions, but we realise most teenag-ers are pretty limited when it comes to travelling the world. At the same time, our schools are places full of people from other social, economic and cultural backgrounds, and like our unreached friends outside of Britain, many of them don’t know a thing about Jesus. So, they’re close by, but they also speak the same language, have the same interests, and study the same things in school. What’s more, you don’t need a passport or any of those nasty jabs to go and see them, and you’ve got months and years together to share your faith and rub off on them. Yep, schools are probably the world’s best mission field.


For New Generation, school is the most important place in the

world. A place where we aim to see the Christian message of love demonstrated both in word and in action. By starting a New Generation group, you’re making sure there’s an active Christian presence in your school that can contribute to a better school environment.

MY SchooL, MY reSPonSiBiLitY If school is a “mission field”, that makes YOU “missionar-ies”. No, we don’t just mean the youth leaders, chaplains or schoolsworkers reading this, but all of you in school. If we all start living like missionar-ies and we take responsibility for making the Christian mes-sage available in OUR schools, then together we can actu-ally change our school at a time, one group at a time, and one person at a time.

no cu Yet? we’LL heLP You Start. If you think starting a group sounds difficult, you’re not sure it’ll work in your school, or you just don’t know how to get started, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll give you access to online resources and even come to visit your school and help you get started...all completely free of charge. Yep, free of charge. Over the next few pages, we’ve got some tips on how to get going, so hopefully it’ll be easier than you think.

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5 SiMPLe StePS to get You StarteD

1. First off, you’ll get an email with your login details for NG+. When you do,

we encourage you to log on and have a look around. There’s lots of good resources there for the taking, so just click away and get busy downloading. You’ll also get a call from us to set up your first visit. We normally come by your school 3 or 4 times a year to see how you’re do-ing and give you a hand, and it’s always good to book the first visit nice and early in the year. All you need to do is pick up the phone when we call you to set up a time, and if (for some strange reason!) you don’t hear from us, just look up your regional Team here in the magazine or on the website and give them a call. They’ll get you booked in and come to visit you in school.

2. This is the scary bit. Before you do any-thing more, it’s a good idea to go to your

head teacher and tell them you’re about to start a group and that you’d love to have access to a room where you can meet. Most head teachers like it when young people actually want to do something positive, so your chances are good. Just ask nicely, okay?!

Right. You’ve made a decision to do something in your school, registered your group, and been given a magazine or a Start Pack. What happens now?

3. Advertise. Promoting your group includes tracking down and telling all the other

Christians in the school (assuming there are some) and putting up as many posters as you can get permission for telling everyone when and where you’re going to meet. Visibility is the key.

4. Your first meeting! This is where you get together with everyone else you’ve

managed to recruit and start to plan your first outreaches and praying. This is the perfect time to have the NG Team come and visit your school, because they’re really good at the whole Christian school group thing, and they’ll be able to help. (See Step 1)

5. Now you’re ready to go and do some-thing. So...go and do something, and then

start all over at Step 3 i.e. promoting, followed by Step 4 i.e. planning and praying, followed by Step 5...well, you get the picture.


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Warm-Up Game: M&M’s Get-to-Know-You Have each person take a handful of M&Ms, tak-ing as many as they want. Once everyone’s got a few, each person gets to tell the group one thing about themselves for each M&M in their hand. Different colours represent different topics e.g. red = favourite films, yellow = favourite hobbies, green = favourite foods etc.



Here’s a sample from our NG+ MEETING OUTLINES perfect for your first meeting.

Prayer Idea: Pray for new mem-bers & favour in the school.

Pray for a good start to the year. Pray for your new group/CU and each of the members. Also pray for new members to join the group, and don’t forget to also say a prayer for your headmaster/mistress to be open to your CU and give you favour with everything that God has planned for your school over the coming year.

Outreach Idea: Here We Are

Bake mini-muffins or donuts and hand them out around your school. Make a small card for each one with a Bible verse and some info about the NG group. You could use a verse like Matthew 7:7 (Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.) Add some information about where and when you meet, and put up some of our “Wanted: Chris-tians” posters (available on NG+) in your school with information on where your group meets. foR MoRE MEETING oUTLINES, CHECk oUT NG+ AT


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BACK TO SCHOOL PACKWhy not stop by our webshop and stock up on pencils, erasers, badges and Bibles for your first weeks back at school? Right now, we have a Back to School Pack deal, with over £24 worth of items for just £16.

The Back to School Pack includes: 4 I’M A CHRISTIAN, ASK ME WHY pencils 2 BE COOL, LOVE YOUR SCHOOL erasers 10 NG badges (various designs) 5 Bibles

To order your pack today, or any other products for that matter, log on to

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unitY at trinitY

A while ago young people from Catholic, Angli-can, and Pentecostal churches started coming together each week at Trinity School in Not-tingham to pray for their peers and reach out to their classmates and friends.

The story started when 3 girls registered a group with us, but struggled to get things going when they couldn’t seem to find any other be-lievers. Unfortunately nothing really happened, but what they didn’t know was that there was another group of girls meeting to pray before school too. For about a year these two groups were running independently, unaware of each other, but then the girls all met at a joint youth event and discovered there were more of them than they’d realised.

They decided to team up and chip in £5 to go towards buying 1000 Easter eggs with Bible


the BoYS FroM BoLton

Here’s a slice from an email that came through a while ago from Richard and Joel in Bolton.

Hi New Generation, It’s Richard from the CU at Canon Slade in Bolton. Last friday me and my mate Joel held another large Christian meeting. 160 turned up, it was awesome, and God was at the heart of it all. I spoke the gospel and 30 responded. God is truly great!

The group continues to hold assemblies and meetings regularly and more and more young people are showing interest in finding out more about the Christian life.

Go Bolton!

verses. The response was hugely positive, and one teacher was so impressed they were asked to take the liturgy during the school assembly, which went really well and drew lots of great feedback. The group then went on to do a Valentine’s outreach the following year, handing out more than 300 cakes and putting posters and hearts all over their school.

We see hope for the schools of Britain when we see what God has been doing through the group at Trinity, and they’re a great reminder that we can achieve so much more together than we ever can alone.

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Want us to come to your school? Well, that’s what we’re here for! Just contact your regional Team and they’ll book you in for a visit and come fully loaded with inspiration, ideas, resources and advice to help you make the most of your time in school. Contact info for the Team in your region can be found here in the magazine and on our website.

WHAT THE TEAM DoNew generation has 3 regional Teams: North, Central and South. Based in Manchester, Birmingham and Bristol, they travel all over their regions to support existing school groups, help get new groups run-ning, and visit churches to take part in youth meetings and events and inspire young people to do some-thing in school.

Each regional Team has a number of full-time volunteers we like to call Teamers. Throughout the year the Teamers in each area keep in touch with and visit all the New Generation groups in their region. They also commit to praying for each school and each group, and are a great re-source when you need tips and advice, or help planning outreach events, handing out Bibles, putting on concerts, organising theme days…and just about anything related to prayer and outreach in school.


So, to get in touch with your regional Team, find out what's going on in your area, set up a school visit, or just have a chat, contact the Team clos-est to you using the email address for that Team.

Not sure which Team to contact? Just drop us a line at [email protected] and we'll point you in the right direction.

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Base: Manchester

Base: Birmingham

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Leader: Amos Koch

Leader: Lennart Groehn

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gaP Year, PerhaPS? we’D LoVe to haVe You.

If you’re interested in a gap year and you’re passionate about working with young people, why not come and join us? Every year we have young people from all over the world intern with us, and we'd love to have you too. As part

of the New Generation Team you get to be part of a creative and innovative working environment where you can be trained and developed in your area or interest at the same time as doing some-thing meaningful and helping the next generation.

Base: Bristol

Email: [email protected]

Leader: Jenny Carlsson

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Theme: The Backpack

Explain to the listener that during our lives it’s just like we’re car-rying a backpack. Inside the backpack we carry everything that’s gone wrong in our lives. All the bad things we’ve done, said or been exposed to are stuffed into the backpack, and it feels like we’ve forgotten it all for ever. The truth is that we carry our backpack for our whole lives, whether we want to or not, and one day when our life here is over, it’ll be opened and everything will be exposed. The Bible says that we’ll be judged for everything we’ve done wrong during our lives, but that’s not what God wants. Jesus is walking next to you and He wants to take your backpack from you. He died so that you wouldn’t have to be punished for all the wrong things you’ve done during your life. He wants to empty the backpack for you, so that you can be rescued. The thing is, you have to choose whether you’re going to let Him or not. (Then summarise how you can be-come a Christian by praying to Jesus.)



For More outreach DeVotionaL outLineS...YeP, You gueSSeD it! JuSt go to ng+ 

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Long eaton haS hoPe

Yaz from Long Eaton always called herself a Christian, but she started getting into trouble and was eventually expelled and forced to move to another school. It was obviously difficult, but it also gave her the chance to start afresh, and decided to use the change as an opportunity to start taking her faith more seriously.

Shortly after starting at the new school, she met Hope, who wasn’t from a Christian family and knew very little about God. At 15, Hope’s life had changed dramatically when what should have been a simple operation went horribly wrong. Her doctors gave her an overdose of morphine, and her heart stopped, leaving her dead for several minutes before the doctors


arrow VaLe Q&a

The Christian Union at Arrow Vale High in Matchborough usually meet once a week to hang out, eat pizza and pray for their school, but recently they decided to add another ingredient to their regular meetings. It all started when Jacinta’s class was asked to write personal statements about how they spend their time. One of the girls in Jacinta’s class noticed that Jacinta was writing about her Chris-tian faith. She then told Jacinta about a dream she had a couple of nights earlier...she'd dreamt that she had walked into the 6th form building to see Jacinta and some of the other Christians sitting in the common area answering people’s questions about faith. The girl said that the atmosphere was relaxed and that people were just sitting there ask-ing questions.“So I thought you should start doing that”, the girl said to Jacinta!!!

That’s how ‘Question-Time’ at Arrow Vale begun, and it’s become a regular event where people from the CU take turns answering questions. “It’s great, because we can help each other...”, says Jacinta, “...we can share our faith from so many different angles. One guy is very intellectual, and people respect his opinion when it comes to subjects like science, while other people share in different ways that speak to other people. It’s been a lot of fun and we look forward to advertising the QT’s more so even more people can come!”

Why not organise a “Question Time” or “Grill-a-Christian” slot in your school?

were able to revive her. Through the experi-ence, Hope found herself struck by an over-whelming feeling that God had saved her, and even though she hadn’t thought about God before, she suddenly felt she needed to know Him more.

Hope told Yaz about the experience and asked her what she thought, and only then did Yaz tell her that her youth group had been praying dur-ing the operation. She invited her to come to the group, and after checking it out, Hope decided to become a Christian. Amazing.

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ngtV cLiPS uk newS anD teStiMonieS

weBShoPinternationaL newS

ng+ Login area

...and more.

TV News: Int

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Wired is a training day tailored for anyone involved in running a Christian group in school, college or university. It’s all about bringing young leaders together to be inspired, trained and resourced to be more effective in run-ning a group. 

This year’s theme is Faith, Hope & School, and the day will include sessions on:- setting up and running a Christian group- training up leaders to take over from you when you leave- getting the most out of New Generation’s resources & projects- learning how to pray, organise outreaches, fundraise, and do social action

You’ll also meet loads of like-minded young people from all over your region, making it the perfect place to make new friends and connect with the NG Family.

We believe in young leaders and we believe in you, so it doesn't matter if you're new to running

a school group or you're a veteran group leader, there's something for everyone. So don't miss the training event of the year for young people wanting to put some faith and hope back into school!

Faith, Hope & School days are held all over the country between January and March, so check out our website for details and look out for one in a city near you.

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i agree with SwannY

The CU at Rawlins Community College in Loughborough decided to vary things a little to keep their group interesting and come up with new ways of making their faith visible in their school.

Initially starting with 5, the group quickly grew to 25 after using sweets as a point-of-contact in starting conversations with fellow classmates and promoting the group. The sweets didn’t just attract Christians either, with a group of the tougher kids in school choosing to make the place where the CU met their new hangout. CU leaders Anya and Emma started praying for the leaders of the “gang”. After a presentation in RE one day, one of them came and asked Anya about her faith, and the CU started to hear that people in their school were interested in their faith.

Planning to take an assembly, the CU had a brainstorm and talked about what people were into in their school and what kinds of things they’d be interested in, settling on the topic tattoos. They invited a local tattoo artist, Swanny,


Baking and Making MoneyDuncan had a cake sale last year

to raise money for his easter

outreach. In one day he made £40,

which was much more than he’d

imagined! He’s planning to do more

baking for future outreaches.

Abbey Bagged a BibleAbbey said god had taken her out

of her comfort-zone and asked her

to give a New generation Bible to

a guy in school. She really didn’t

want to confront him, but she did

put a Bible in his school bag. The

following day, he asked if she was

the one who had given him the Bible, which then led to one of many

conversations about god. Now he’s actually read the whole New Testa-

ment and Abbey often texts him good verses he can read.

An email from Jessica“My friend gloria and I wanted

to set up a Christian Union at our

school. Then we found out about

New generation at my youth

group, and signed up; we then

met a Teamer who gave us really

good advice on leading a CU. It

was great to have someone who knew a lot about Christian Unions,

and very encouraging. We’ve had two meetings now and we’ve had an

excellent turn-out. We hope to keep meeting weekly so we can reach

a lot of people, have a lot of fun, and most importantly, bring many to

god! / Jessica”

who’d become a Christian, and had him come and share his testimony, using tattoos as a point-of contact with the young people. The CU had advertised the event with creative posters saying “I like what Swanny has to say” and “I agree with Swanny”, which got the whole school talking before the guy even arrived. “120 pupils came to hear the testimony and the whole school was buzzing afterwards”, said group leader Emma after the event.

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Young PerSon? Don’t Forget church!If you’re young, you’re involved in NG, and you’re not already part of a local church, we want to encourage you to find one where you can plug in and get involved. If you’re not sure where to go to youth, and you don’t know many other Christians in your school who can rec-ommend good churches with an active youth group, just contact your local New Generation


+ CHURCHAt New generation we love the Church! Our passion is to help young people in school to live out their faith through prayer, social action and crea-tive outreach, but when the school day is over, so is New generation. We believe that it’s vital for every young person to be engaged in local church, and we’d love to see them bringing their school mates along too.

Team. We’ll make sure to put you in touch with a number of churches in your area and help point you in the right direction. We work with youth groups of all different sizes, styles and denomi-nations, so there’s a good chance we’ll be able to help you find one that suits you. For more help with this, go to the Team pages to find the contact details for the NG Team in your area, and/or drop us an email at [email protected]

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Youth LeaDer? Let’S work together!If you’re a church/youth leader then we’d love to connect with you and talk about how we can work together to help your youth run effective Christian groups in school, and how New Gen-eration can serve you and your church. We’re passionate about seeing young people engaged in church life and in youth ministry, and we love to work together with youth leaders, pastors and priests from all different traditions and backgrounds. As a church, there’s a number of ways you can partner with us to make a positive impact on the nation’s schools. One of the best ways to do that is to invite us to a youth meeting, event or camp to either do a talk, hold a workshop or run a Wired training day. This can help get your young people thinking about their schools as a place where they can live out their faith and give them some ideas to get them started.For those of you keen to connect with us longer

term and have regular input from New Gen-eration in your youth ministry, we’re currently developing an all-new Church Pack. The pack will include a series of 4 youth meetings hosted in your church and run by the NG Team over the course of 4-6 months. The Team will also come to a Sunday morning service to help give your young people in schools some profile and en-courage the rest of the congregation to support them as they stand up for their faith in school. The Church Pack also includes a package with videos, presentations and school-oriented sermon and study material. The cost is just £300, including travel costs, multimedia and resources for each meeting/session.For more information on this and how your church can link in with New Generation, check out the You & NG and Events sections here on our website, and/or drop us an email at [email protected]

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I t’s no secret that changing the world has become fashionable again and that it’s highly trendy to live for a cause in our culture. Every other day new

campaigns are launched and promoted in our magazines and on our screens, and everyone from the volunteer at the local charity shop to the celebrity on stage can been seen sporting endorsement t-shirts for some sort of idealistic initiative.

Some see it as a marketing stunt...some sort of sneaky strategy to help gain popularity; espe-cially in politics and the entertainment industry. Whether that’s true or not, I’d like to take the position that having so many people promote things like social justice, sound stewardship and good deeds has to be a good thing, no matter what the motive. Having said that, I don’t believe for a minute that


all of our good deed-doing is enough to save the world. It may change it, and it may make it better, but it won’t save it, and it will never save us. The Bible is pretty clear about the fact that there’s only one road to salvation, and that’s through the man that says “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”! Only Jesus can rescue us and lift us out of our downward spiral, and only He can secure our future for good. That’s why we’re so passionate about spreading

the message of Jesus here at New Generation, and why we’ve made it our goal to ensure that every young person in this nation has the gospel presented to them relevantly and clearly at least once a year. It’s the reason why we want to see a Christian group praying and reaching out in every single school in Britain. But why just the schools? Well, we believe that schools are the best place to shape the society of tomorrow. Everyone’s there, from the future version of that charity shop volunteer to the lead singer of the headlining band on stage at Glastonbury 10 years from now. They’re all in school. Statistics also show that young people

Only Jesus can rescue us and lift us out of our downward spiral, and only He can secure our future for good.

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are more open to change, and that most deci-sions to become a Christian are made before 21. So, if we’re going to start somewhere, we may as well start with them. We want to challenge you to do the same. This is the part where many of you will be think-ing: “Good point, I need to get in touch with my local schoolsworker and get him to come and speak at some assemblies.” You’re thinking to yourself that you’re just an ordinary 9th-grader, youth leader or parent, and that it’s got to be better to have someone with a fancy title come and do the job. That’s where we’d like to challenge you, and re-mind you that it’s not just about the “profession-als”. In the same way that we need the likes of Bono, Leonardo and Al Gore to raise awareness and do some campaigning “at the top”, we need schools workers, Christian teachers, pastors and parents to engage with young people in school and campaign for them. But, at the same time, we all know that until ordinary people are living out those campaigns in everyday life, the impact will be limited, and it’s the same for us.

I’m encouraged when I see someone ditching the plastic bag at Tesco in favour of a reusable fabric version, and making sure the bananas that go in it are Fair Trade. I’m hopeful when I

see people switching lights off, riding bikes, helping the homeless and buying The Big Issue; and I’m hopeful when I see young Christians handing out Bibles, praying for classmates, speaking up in RE and bringing school friends to church. It’s when the everyday people get ahold of it and make it part of day-to-day life that we can really have a large scale impact and reshape our world.

So, let’s join forces where we can and cheer each other on, and start a campaign to change the course of the Britain of tomorrow by impact-ing it’s schools today. It’ll require everyone’s commitment, from parent to youth leader, and teacher to chaplain...and not least, all of you young people!



[email protected]

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chuPa chuP outreach Letter

During a workshop at an info day we ran in Manchester together with The Message Trust, we let our groups formulate a letter they could send to a company asking for sponsorship for an outreach project in their school. A week later, we got a Facebook message from 12-year old Emma Belfield saying: “HEY GUYS!!!! :) I’m just letting you know that I contacted Chupa Chups, the famous lollipop brand, about my outreach on the 2nd of June and they said they would love to help! I’m so happy! I’ll fill you guys in with my preparations! :)”. Very cool.

Nandi and her group combined the concert with raising money for charity, since her school was partnering with “Friends of Tafu” to raise £5000 towards building a girl’s school in a village in Ghana. £4700 had already been collected throughout the year through all kinds of initia-tives such as hair-braiding, anti-bullying weeks, talent shows and non-uniform days.

Now it was time for New Generation’s Concert Team to join the group and play their part. A total of 260 young girls from different years and backgrounds came to the show, each paying a

50p door charge, that generated £130 towards the project.

Not only did the concert help charity and give the girls an opportunity to let loose for a while - enjoying a mix of music, dance and multimedia - but the show also brought home the message of Jesus, and gave Nandi an opportunity to adver-tise the CU and invite those interested in faith.

This is a great example of what you can do in your school. Why not invite a local band and do a fundraiser for charity in your school?

“Amazing. Unbelievable. Just great!” That’s what Nandi Mkushi, leader of the CU at Sutton Coldfield grammar School for girls, had to say after the Ng Concert Team performed in her school.

Sutton girLS hoSt charitY concert

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fUNDRAISING TIPS foR GRoUPS DoING oUTREACHWe realise that most of you have fairly limited resources when it comes to financing outreaches, and we know they can cost money, so we decided to list a few fundraising tips from the Team here to get you started.

Whatever you do, don’t let finances limit you and money be the deciding factor. We want to encourage you to believe God for big things this year. If you’ve handed out Bibles to your class, maybe it’s time to stretch to the whole, year? Why not?! Count the cost, then do what

you can to play your part and raise money, and pray along the way that God will do the rest. And don’t forget, if you get stuck, we’re here to help, so feel free to give us a call, or check out our NG+ section for more tips and ideas.

Give some of your personal pocket money or savings Ask your local churches if they’d be interested in supporting your projects Contact local businesses for sponsorship (this could be money or products) Sell cakes in your church coffee shop Get an extra part-time job for a while Apply to local trust funds/charities in your area Auction off old clothes Organise a car boot sale Bag up shopping in supermarkets & ask for donations Run sponsored fundraising events such as sporting challenges, marathons and fasts Wash cars in your street or at the local shops Sell your old Nintendo on eBay

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hi, we'reSuPPorterS

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So, what do we do with the £5? It provides one peer-led group with:

3 magazines a year full of inspiration, tips & ideas.Access to downloadable resources including posters, presentations, devotionals and videos.Regular school visits from our trained volunteers providing encourage- ment, support and prayer for the group.

New generation already has hundreds of groups praying and reaching out in schools, colleges and universities across the UK, and we’re seeing lives changed all the time, but there’s so many more who need help. For £5 a month, we can resource and support one Christian school group, and reach hundreds more young people every day with the message of Jesus.

Our dream is to see a Christian presence in every school in the country, and to make sure every young person has the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel at least once a year.

As a Supporter you can be part of making that happen, because your help will put us one school closer to that goal. So, please think about joining us in changing Britain, one school at a time.


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The sad news is that bit by bit the Word of God has been taken out of society and taken out of schools, and in a time when God’s message of love, forgive-ness and peace is probably more relevant than ever before, the Bible is out of reach for so many.

That’s why we’ve put together a colourful, pocket-sized New Testament specially designed for handing out in school. At just £3 each, it doesn’t take much to get involved, and there’s even discounts for bulk handouts to your class, year or whole school.

In just 5 years we’ve seen 250 000 of these babies handed out in 10 coun-tries across the world; all from classmate to classmate and friend to friend. They’re great for Christmas, Valentine’s, Easter, World Book Day, the first day back...or just plain ordinary Mondays. Get yours now at, and saw it coming...don’t forget to SPREAD THE WORD.


We probably don’t need to tell you how important the Bible is and how good it would be if everyone had ac-cess to it, so we’ll keep that part short and sweet. It’s the most-read book in the world. It’s the Word of god. And it’s not only able to change your life, but your eternity too. There.

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Bible story, it’s’s not the kind with fluffy little men and a feltboard. 

The group at Castle 6th Form decided they wanted to hand out Bibles to all the year 13s and went to 3 different churches to raise money for the project. They managed to scrape together enough cash for a total of 255 NTs, which was more than enough to cover the year group. What was interesting was that their deputy head said they couldn’t go ahead with handing them out, which got the group praying for permission whilst putting the project on hold for a while. When they asked the teacher again, they were given a yes, as long as they were covert about it. They decided that a good way to do that would be to wrap each Bible in paper and put a mes-sage on them, turning them into personal leav-ers’ presents rather than generic handouts. They even put individual names on each Bible, and after all their hard work and prayers, they were able to give the Word of God to every single person in their year, i.e. happy ending!

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