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  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    O N L Y

    A F I L M T R E A T M E N T B Y

    T A K A S H I D O S C H E R

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    Jumping between the past and the present, an independent young woman and her

    caring boyfriend must cope with a mysterious plague that threatens to kill all

    females on the planet. Their relationship is put to the ultimate test as they

    try to survive the disease and the dangerous poachers that want to capture the

    O N L Ywoman on earth.

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    S U M M A R Y

    After a mysterious comet passes by earth and dark ash begins to fall from the

    sky, women all over the world start to get sick and die. O N L Yis the story o

    a young woman named Eva and her boyfriend Will, who attempt to survive this

    plague with their lives and their love. Forced to quarantine their apartment

    to prevent the disease from spreading to Eva, they must learn to cope with

    these extreme circumstances and avoid capture by the many dangerous men who

    now want to find the few remaining women on Earth.

    This story is told through two inter-woven story lines: the PRESENT and six

    months previously, in the PAST.

    PRESENT: The film begins with Eva and Will in their apartment. Dark ash rains

    down outside their window. They look haggard, even unkempt. Eva swabs her

    cheek and places it in a clear solution - a mysterious medical test to show

    whether or not she is infected. The test turns purple, indicating that she ispositive. She has the disease. Will's temper flares at this result - almost as

    if he blames her for being sick.

    While Will sulks, Eva begins to pack. She tosses Will a hiking backpack,

    before disguising herself in a beanie, sunglasses and anorak. They leave the

    apartment in Wills car, driving through the deserted city streets.

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  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    PAST: Back in their apartment, Eva decides to stay home from work to spend

    another day with Will. They discuss plans for a backpacking adventure through

    the Appalachian mountains - a trip Eva has always wanted to take. Their plans

    are interrupted when they notice something strange outside. Dark ash has begun

    to fall like snow outside their window. As they ponder what it could be, Evas

    roommate, Cici, returns from work. Covered in dark ash, Cicis nose begins to

    bleed and she collapses to the ground.

    PRESENT: It is a multi-day trek

    through heavily wooded mountains,

    and both characters begin to

    soften. Far from the grim and

    dangerous society that has

    developed in the city, nature

    still holds beauty and peace. Eva

    is shown to be a capable woodsmen

    and is also able to remove the

    painful binds around her breasts.

    Out here she is free to be

    herself. Though Will is tempted by

    her beauty, Eva resists his

    passes, still not ready to re-

    engage with him physically. Will

    plays his harmonica alone by the

    fire, while Eva sleeps in their

    tent alone.

    PAST: At the hospital, Eva andWill nervously wait to hear about

    Cici, who is receiving medical

    attention. In the waiting room,

    they notice as more and more wome

    are rushed in the ER. Will

    receives a call from his former

    roommate, a med student in DC, wh

    tells him that they need to get

    home and to keep Eva away from th

    ash. While Eva protests leavingCici, Will is eventually able to convince her. Stealing two Hazmat suits, they

    are able to safely make it back to their apartment, where they proceed to

    block out doors, windows, and air vents, to prevent ash from getting in.

    The next morning they are told to start boiling water and eating canned goods

    That afternoon Eva receives the phone call that Cici has died. As Eva

    collapses in grief, Will checks the news. Women around the world are dying in

    record numbers.

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    PRESENT: On the trail, they have discovered a swimming hole. They swim and

    play, enjoying the beautiful day. They begin to rekindle their attraction over

    some whiskey. Will teaches her how to shoot his gun. She enjoys the power and

    force, as each shot echoes through the trees. Back at the trailhead, however,

    dusty pickup truck parks besides Wills car. Two men exit the truck - the same

    men from the diner. They remove rifles from the truck and begin to hike the

    trail in pursuit. As night falls, Will and Eva drunkenly rekindle their love.

    Clothes are removed as theirpassion overtakes them, but

    suddenly Eva begins to seize - a

    progressive sign of the disease.

    Will holds her close, tears in his

    eyes, as Evas violent seizure

    ends. She falls asleep in his


    PAST: Months have passed while Eva

    remains quarantined in the

    apartment. Everyday is the same.

    Boredom has long since set in.

    Besides for Will, her only outside

    interaction is with a secret

    online chat room of other

    anonymous women survivors - though

    the number of people chatting

    dwindles everyday. While she

    daydreams about leaving the

    apartment, Will is outside picking

    up more food. On his way home, he

    witnesses a violent murder on the

    streets and is inspired to stop

    into a gun store for his own


    When he arrives home, he reveals

    to Eva that he picked up some

    medical tests - these will tell

    you if you are infected or not. He

    explains that the tests are not

    for her but for him. It is revealed that they have not been intimate with each

    other for fear that Will is a carrier. As Will is about to take the test,

    sirens blast outside. Police are here to look for any women survivors - it is

    now illegal to harbor any female. They must all be reported. Eva and Will rush

    her behind a fake wall in the back of their closet.

    She waits in fear.

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  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    PAST: Although she escaped capture by the police, Eva is devastated by the

    news that Will is a carrier and that they will never be able to be intimate

    again. At her breaking point, she lashes out at him, unfairly blaming him for

    keeping her trapped in the tiny apartment. Will counters as his own temper

    flares. Their fight escalates until Eva tells Will to leave. Will storms out

    the door, leaving Eva crying and alone.

    The film climaxes as our two story-lines collide. Flashing between both the

    PAST and the PRESENT, we finally learn how Eva became infected, and finally

    see their love fully realized.

    In the PAST, faced with the hopeless life that lay ahead of her, Eva decides

    to take matters into her own hands. Dressed in her Hazmat suit, she leaves the

    apartment and begins climbing the stairs to the roof of the building. As the

    sun sets, she decides that she will undo the hood of her suit and purposefully

    infect herself. Will gets there just in time to see the ash fall around her,

    infecting her with disease and sealing her fate.

    In the PRESENT, overcome with emotion at reaching their goal, Will and Eva

    finally consummate their love. In this moment, Eva has never been happier. The

    next morning, Will wakes up to the grim reality that Eva had died in the

    night. The last image we see is Will walking out of the forest by himself.

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    V I S I O N

    O N L Y represents a deeply personal and intimate story. Yes, it is about the

    end of the world. Yes, it is about the last woman on earth. Yes, it is

    Americana and a journey film, woven into a non-traditional narrative. But my

    hope is to explore love and raise fundamental questions of gender roles. The

    film is part autobiographical, and therefore, I seek to raise many of the

    questions me and partner faced on our 5 week journey across America. In many

    ways, she felt like the last woman

    on earth to me, and I want to

    capture the messy, complex

    partnership that existed due to our

    isolation and preconception. It is

    not perfect. Its sloppy. Its

    painful. And yet it is full of hope

    and love. The characters in O N L Y

    represent this experience in a

    science fiction pressure cooker.

    One of the fundamental challenges i

    to create a female character who

    possesses the complexities and

    contradictions of a modern young

    woman. I have become increasingly

    frustrated with the representation

    of female characters in cinema, and

    it is my hope to portray a characte

    with three-dimensional honesty in a

    way that seldom occurs. At the risk

    of over-romanticizing, in many ways

    Eva represents my own partner. A

    strong independent woman, who also

    wants companionship and love. A

    woman who is emotional, and

    intelligent. Open and private.

    Confident and self-conscious.

    As a man, I have also been interested in the representation of gender roles

    in modern cinema. I feel like many aspects of feminism have greatly affected

    the perception of masculinity in western culture. Men are required to be

    simultaneously macho and sensitive, crude and intellectual, impulsive and

    thoughtful. Given the unique circumstances presented in the story, I hope to

    explore the complex power shifts between Will and Eva, and the many roles they

    must play for each other to survive. Will feels contradicting emotions for

    Eva. In his eyes, she goes from strong and private, to open and fragile, and

    finally to special and coveted. This undoubtedly changes their relationship

    and the many needs they fulfill for one another.

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    Thematically, this film discusses several issues. The first and most obvious

    theme reflects on Nature vs. Society. Our main characters flee to the untamed

    wilderness to reconnect with each other and the joys in life. Our hunters

    represent the encroachment of society as well as another theme: The Darkness

    Within. They represent the evil that is capable within us all when desperation

    and scarcity threaten survival.

    However, the most powerful themes

    represented in this story are

    unquestionably those of Love and

    Life. I hope this film challenges

    our simplistic views of love -

    revealing both its strengths and

    its messy complexities. I also hope

    this film challenges many western

    views on life on how it should be

    lived. Eva makes the difficult yet

    poignant decision to regain

    ownership of her own life.

    Ultimately, she decides to

    celebrate a more fulfilling yet

    shortened life, rather than a long

    but miserable one. She decides to

    sacrifice longevity for quality. In

    many ways, she makes the ultimate

    sacrifice for their love and


    Every creative decision must serve

    two ideals- intimacy and

    authenticity. The camera will be

    hand-held. The lighting will be

    soft and naturally motivated. I

    want to take an almost voyeuristic

    approach to the shot selection and framing - as if we are peering into this

    relationship and situation.

    The music composition and sound design will be an exercise in understatement.

    We should feel the eery quiet of this new world, while trying to subtly

    underscore the emotion already present in the scene.

    As critical as the screenplay is, the dialogue is malleable and must adapt to

    each actor. Given the suspension of disbelief required, this is a film that

    must feel painfully authentic.

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    C H A R A C T E R S

    E V A(female, 22-30) - Independent, spontaneous and free-spirited, this

    beautiful young woman will have to learn to deal with a dangerous new world

    that seeks to capture and control one of the few remaining women on the planetHowever, as outside pressures threaten her freedom and her relationship, she

    will have to make the ultimate choice in order to try and recapture her love

    and happiness. At first glance, her beauty and slim frame might be read as

    vulnerability but there is a fire, intensity, and strength in her eyes.

    W I L L(male, 22-30) - Logical, mathematical, yet hopelessly in love, this young

    man will be forced to confront his own fears and insecurities as his role

    shifts from caring-partner to masculine care-taker. He must strike a balance

    between protecting the love

    of his life without suffocating her in the process-

    a difficult challenge in this new world that values power and force above all

    else. Will's gruff appearance communicates strength and confidence, but his

    dark, soft eyes betray sensitivity and compassion.

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    The following is a transcript of a pre-recorded conversation held before the

    events depicted in this story.

    When did you first notice Will?

    I first noticed his eyes, or maybe it was his drawings. He was on the quiet

    side, but his dark eyes had this force this energy. He can sometimes seem

    drab on the surface, but he has such

    a powerful energy underneath. Its

    intense, sometimes dark, but I truly

    admire his spirit. The truth is, I

    dont know where I would be without

    him. We are different, almost

    opposites, but it works. He balances

    me, and I think I balance him. I can

    be too wild, too crazy, too

    impulsive. I also make sure that he

    sees something besides his

    architecture studio.

    I love him deeply. He can frustrate

    me, yes. He can make me angrier than

    any person I have ever met. But

    thats how I know its real. There is

    passion. I can feel it. I would be

    lucky to have his steady presence

    with me. His protective balance. I

    feel safe with him. Can that safety

    cross into over-protectiveness?

    Maybe, but it hasn't yet. He makes

    me feel safe without feeling


    We both have a profound love for

    nature. Maybe it comes fromdifferent places - he is a man of science, and there is magic in that to him

    - even if he will never understand all of it. I love nature because I can

    feel a different spirit within it. I dont know if there is a higher power,

    but there is something else going on if we can tap into it be present.

    I hate my job. A bunch of whiny pseudo-artists demanding that they got

    Aquafina instead of Fiji on their press tour. Its soul crushing, never

    ending, and I would quit the second I get a chance. I want to paint. Travel.

    Explore. Adventure.

    C O N V E R S A T I O N S

    E V A

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    What was your family life like?

    What family life? I traveled around a lot. My mom was out of the picture and

    my father was my world. He taught me many things, and I think I inherited my

    creativity from him. And sense of adventure. He was they type of man who

    couldnt stay in one place very long. He was a man of many skills and could

    always seem to bounce back and get by. Amazingly talented at a number of

    instruments, he was the type of guy who could pick things up and just play.

    Eventually, however, this pseudo grifter life caught up to him. He passed

    away from cancer, but I think he lived life just the way he wanted to. He

    passed away when I was in college. I took a year off from school and

    traveled after that happened. When I got back, I met Will.

    How did you and Eva meet?

    We met in college. I remember

    seeing her in a drafting class. I

    was studying architecture, but I

    suck at drawing. She was always the

    artist. In class was where I first

    noticed her, but it was out at a

    bar when we started talking. She

    was wild, crazy, had this energy

    and this glow about her. She was

    fast talking, impulsive, and such a

    free spirit. She was different than


    Although I can have that side too,

    its much much harder for me to tap

    into that. Maybe thats why I am a

    good architect. I am logical.

    Precise. Responsible.

    I secretly believe that maybe she

    won't be with me forever. Maybe she

    never was really meant to be with

    anyone forever. Perhaps, I am justa brief stop, as she floats on the

    breeze. I hope not, I desperately

    hope not, but I will be happy that

    I got a glimpse of it. And maybe,

    if I am lucky, she will agree to be with me and I can make her mine.

    I am a bit of a workaholic. I spend long hours in the studio. This seems to

    suit her pretty well. She hates her job, and I know that, but I dont make

    shit as an architects intern. We both have a lot of working left to do.

    W I L L

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    I just finished grad school, and this was the best job I could get in Atlanta

    in this economy. As much as I would not like to think about it, I will never b

    a transformational architect. I never will be. I am too logical, too

    structural, and while it allows for a great deal of precision I think I limit

    my own thinking. Thats what Eva tells me anyway.

    Eva works a job for a PR firm. On the surface, this would seem like the perfec

    fit for her, but I know that she was meant to be the creative not the support

    for the creatives.

    I am crazy about her. Now that I have graduated grad school, Ive bought a

    ring. But I dont know when to ask her. I think she would laugh me off right

    now. I think she probably would also hate the ring. I designed it myself, but

    maybe its too cold, too clinical. Shit I designed the damn thing in Autocad.

    What about your family?

    By all accounts on the outside, I had a normal upbringing. A stable one. My

    parents provided me and my little brother with a very stable upbringing.

    Although, I can see now, how loveless their marriage is. They are business

    partners for each other, but nothing more.

    My brother and I have a rather estranged relationship. He was older and left

    very early. I did not see him very much. I think he is in Europe, or Tibet. I

    don't know. Are we done here?


  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


    C R E A T O R

    T A K A S H I D O S C H E R

    W R I T E R / D I R E C T O R

    T A K A S H I D O S C H E Ris a writer/director from Atlanta

    GA. In 2010, he became the youngest director to sell afilm to ESPN when he sold his feature doc, A Fighting

    Chance, at the age of 22. In a 2-week sneak preview, the

    film launched as the #1 Film and #1 Doc on Hulu.

    Since then, he has written and directed short films,

    advertisements, and music videos that have been featured

    on the front page of Vimeo, USA Today, and MTV Hive.

    Takashi is currently working on several feature

    screenplays, two of which were selected as finalists in

    the 2013 and 2014 Sundance Writer's Labs.

    Takashis work often depicts the conflict between

    science and the human condition - a reflection of his

    educational background in Physics and English.


    latest screenplay,a romantic drama about the last woman

    on Earth, is currently in development. This film,

    currently titled ONLY,will be his writing and directing

    feature film debut.

    A L E X C R E A S I A

    V O L . U N L I M I T E D





    [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment


  • 8/10/2019 ONLY - Treatment
