opal beach, week 3, king

Opal Beach, Week 3 Toyonaga/King

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Opal Beach: Week 3King


Page 1: Opal Beach, Week 3, King

Opal Beach, Week 3


Page 2: Opal Beach, Week 3, King

Hey everyone! Welcome back to my Build a City Challenge in Opal Beach. We're on rotation three at this point, and this chapter officially marks the first update for our second family, the Toyonoga/King's! I can't tell you who our lovely Christy Toyonoga marries just yet, so we'll just get on with the chapter. Thanks for reading!

Page 3: Opal Beach, Week 3, King

Marie: So....how did you end up in Opal Beach? I thought you lived in the next town with the rest of us.Christy: That's easy...I, err... am best friends with Joe Carson! Marie: The famous Joe Carson, the man who is 'supposed' to turn this town around?Christy: Yep, that Joe Carson. He decided it was a bit lonely over here in Opal Beach, so he asked me to move in next door to him. He said he might do that with all his new friends, depending on who is willing to live a life a bit rougher around the edges. It's kind of weird, actually.Marie: That's cool. Maybe I'll move in one day too...Christy: Sure, why not? Or maybe you'll marry in. You never know what fate has in store for you, do ya? I never imagined coming back here either.

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Marie: Why did you come back anyway? I know your new neighbor asked you to, but you could of stayed in town with us, you know.Christy: Err...I guess I was just ready to give this place a second chance, that's all! It's not as bad as it was, you know.Marie: I'll take your word for it, I suppose.Christy: Yeah, you should! The quietness of this place is growing on me, honestly. It's even nicer than Sim State, and that's saying something.Marie: I'm sure it is... Hey, I gotta go if I want to get to work on time. Thanks for the makeover!

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After Marie had gone, Christy checked the paper for any available job openings. Ever since she had moved to Opal Beach, Christy wasn't allowed to work in anywhere but the abandoned town. Unfortunately, the job market was still tightly restricted, which didn't really allow Christy to take advantage of her Sim State degree. It was kind of sad, if you thought about it...it meant she wouldn't be able to become a police officer until after the crime scene had picked up a bit. Still, she couldn't be too upset about it. She had the opportunity to become a police officer when she was living outside of Sim City, she just never took it and instead settled for the life of a dish washer. It was her own fault really.

Despite her down-trodden hopes of ever landing her dream career, Christy couldn't help but confront a man dressed a little suspiciously over at Kay Bakery. His name was Gordon King, and she remembered him as the guy who had gotten into a little brush with the law by breaking into her friend's house.

Christy: Oi! What are you doing here? Come to steal from those of us who have nothing?Gordon: Steal? Oh...you're from back home, aren't you? No, dear, I'm not here to steal. That was a moment of desperation that I regret deeply....

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Christy: Regret? How could a lowly criminal regret anything? I thought you people liked crime.Gordon: While I'll admit that it does get the blood pumping and the heart racing, it's not really about liking crime so much as having to commit it. I was broke, you see...and starving to death. If I didn't steal from that woman, I wouldn't be alive today.Christy: A likely story! Why didn't you just get a job?Gordon: I wasn't allowed to...it's hard to explain...Christy: I have time, now tell me or I'll be forced to arrest you! Gordon: That's funny, you don't look like much of a police officer to me. But I'll try my best...hmm, let's see...Oh yeah. Christy, take a look at yourself. What are you? Do you own a house, can you get a job if a job was available, will you grow old and die?Christy: ...yes?Gordon: Then you're playable. You're allowed all these things because you're special. There are three types of people in this world, Christy. People like you – playables if you will, who live in homes, drive cars, earn money, and die. There are people like Brandi over there, called townies, who live on the streets but have jobs and money. They don't age and they don't die. And...there are people like me. Non-playables who are forced to do the unknown god's bidding as a lowly servant. We don't die...but we don't get paid either.

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Gordon: Does that answer your question?Christy: Do you mean that we are all controlled by...something. Is that why this town was wiped out and rebuilt with such tight restrictions? Gordon: It looks like it... I don't know what this town has done to anger the gods so badly. Most towns I have been to were fine: no job restrictions, no expansion restrictions, nothing! It's kind of terrifying actually. Christy: That's horrible! And you're just stuck here as a lowly criminal? Oh, you poor dear. I'm sorry I judged you before.Gordon: Don't worry about it... in fact, I know just the way you could make it up to me.Christy: What's that?

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Gordon: PILLOW FIGHT!!!!Laughing with her new found friend, Christy pulled out the pillow she conveniently stuffed in her back pocket for just such occasions and hit him with it. They played until they were both too sore to move their arms and then they fell over laughing.

Christy: That was fun! We need to do that again sometime!

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Gordon: That sounds good to me. Will I see you again soon?Christy: I hope so...how about tomorrow?Gordon: Okay...I'll see you then.Christy: Oh...and Gordon?Gordon: Yes?Christy: I like your hat.Gordon: I...I...thanks.

For a moment, Christy got just close enough to him to look into his gray eyes, then she turned away and left the business without a second glance at the flustered man behind her.

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The next morning, Christy checked the computer for job listings again, but was unable to find any jobs in the Opal Beach area. She sighed for a moment and imagined her life as a police officer...catching criminals and then figuring out which of them were cursed. Those she would free...bringing them to Opal Beach to start their lives anew. The rest she would lock up – if they willingly chose to hurt innocent people, then they deserved to rot in jail for a while. Not their whole lives, mind you, but enough time that they would get the picture. You don't mess with Officer Toyonoga and get away with it.

Deciding she had enough lamenting on the things that may never be, Christy pushed herself from the desk, got up, and went to call Gordon. The morning didn't have to be dreary if he was around! She liked talking to him, he was interesting and incredibly insightful.

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Christy: You made it!

She shouted as she jumped into his arms. Gordon laughed and then caught her, swinging her about as if she was as light as a feather.

Gordon: Well I wasn't about to leave you all alone, was I?

He put her down and let his eyes sweep over her outfit.

Gordon: You look nice. What's the big occasion?Christy: No occasion, I just felt like dressing up for some reason.Gordon: Oh, well I like it. It really fits you. You should dress like that more often.

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Christy: Thanks! Pillow fight?

Gordon laughed then whipped out his trusty pillow again.

Gordon: Sure! But you're gonna lose!Christy: In your dreams, buster! Now watch me pummel your butt into the ground with my manly strength.Gordon: I'll believe it when I see it! Catch me if you can!

With that, Gordon ran as fast as he could from his lovely new friend, all the while swinging his pillow about him crazily in an attempt to scare her off. It didn't work, and soon the two found each other chasing each other around the yard.

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Christy: I caught you!

She yelled, throwing her arms around him after they had stashed their pillows away.

Gordon: It appears you have. I'm sorry, your highness, but I am no match for your...machoness. You have to admit, though, I put up a good fight. Christy: You do, but that will never be enough if you want to escape the criminal life. You're going to have to fight harder to get what you want.Gordon: What if I just want to be here, wrapped in your arms?

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Christy: That could be arranged if you like.

She kissed his hand, causing Gordon to throw his head back in happy surprise.

Gordon: Oh, I like, I like.

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After that, the two were practically inseparable, sneaking kisses in the kitchen, and slow dances in the dark. It wasn't long before Christy asked him to move in with her, and it wasn't long after moving in that the two were engaged. Gordon popped the question one day while the two were eating dinner. Christy, of course, said yes, and they arranged for a wedding the next morning. In times like this, you couldn't afford to wait for the grass to grow. There was a sense of urgency everywhere. What if the gods rained their wrath down again? Christy wanted a family before that happened.

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When the big morning arrived, the couple once again found themselves alone. Christy: You know... it's tradition not to see the bride on the day of the wedding.

Christy explained teasingly. She honestly didn't care what they did, they were about as non-traditional as it got. She wanted to be a police officer, and he was an ex-criminal. In Sim City, that sort of pairing was practically unheard of!

Gordon: I know...I don't care. I just wanted to see you. Christy: Oh. What's up, babe?Gordon: I just want to thank you again for freeing me from that curse. I don't know what I would have done without you.Christy: It was no problem, Gordon. I'm sure you would have done the same for me.

Gordon didn't answer. Instead, he gazed into her eyes and ran his hand across her face. They stared at each other for a moment, neither knowing what the other was thinking, and then they went outside to get the party started.

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After all... the guests were arriving! Christy chose to invite her friends Marie and Leo, and her neighbors Joe and Kaylynn Carson. She was thankful to see that Joe and Kaylynn had sent their young son, Stanley, to school that day. He seemed nice, but Christy didn't want him getting in the way and distracting the guests. There was plenty of time for that some other day at some other party.

By the way, I would like to give a shout out to raebeth47 from over at Boolprop. Leo Wilkie was featured in her own Build a City Challenge as the spouse of her founder. You can find it under the name of “Willow Valley, a BACC”. She's a lot farther than I am, and her story is quite a good read. I won't usually interrupt the story like this, I just want to honor her because she was one of my very first readers. :) Hi, raebeth!

Page 18: Opal Beach, Week 3, King

Gordon: Christy, when I saw you for the first time, I knew you were special. Most playable people are too snobby to even look at a former low-life like me, yet there you were, staring me down like I was a lost puppy or something. As soon as you spoke, even if it was just to confront me, I knew you were so different than the rest of them...and I liked you right away. After you heard my story, and you still didn't try to arrest me, I was convinced that you were the person that could turn this world around. I love you, Christy Toyonoga.Christy: Oh, Gordon. I couldn't have resisted you if I tried. To be honest, part of the reason I confronted you was because I was curious why there wasn't any criminal activity in Opal Beach yet. I knew shady characters were shuffling around the stores at night, and I thought by talking to you I would finally understand the criminal's mind. I was surprised when I found out that you were just like me, lost and confused and hoping to make a new name for yourself. For that reason, and for many others, I love you. Will you, Gordon King, do the honor of becoming my husband?Gordon: I do. Will you do the honor of becoming my wife?Christy: I do.

With their vows made, the couple kissed for the first time as man and wife, Christy and Gordon King.

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Once the ceremony ended, the party started with full force. Joe and Kaylynn Carson weren't afraid to boogie down on the patch of grass laid out for dancing. The sounds of their childish laughter could be heard for the next few hours as they were lost in their own little world. Christy liked the couple a lot... they weren't afraid to just be in love. She hoped to have that sort of love with Gordon too.

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She didn't have much time to ponder this fact though, as her husband was thoroughly distracted by cake.

Gordon: Hey you, stop staring and eat this!Christy: Huh? Mmraaghh. Oh, yeah, wedding.

All distractions were forgotten as the two took turns feeding each other bite by bite.

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Afterwards, the two joined their guests in the locally known dance called the smustle. Christy didn't know much about it, only that it originated in the dorm rooms before the town exploded, and seemed to be spreading and growing in popularity everywhere. Either way, everybody seemed to know it, so she watched Leo and imitated his every move.

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When the guests had all gone home, the two settled down on the bed to celebrate their nuptials. Gordon had somehow found time to change into his pajamas during the party, saying something about needing to be comfortable. Christy let it go and then let herself get lost in the moment. They were married after all!

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The next morning, as the couple was eating their breakfast, Gordon asked a surprising question.

Gordon: So Christy, do you think your ready for kids?Christy: Kids? I suppose I could be...why do you ask?Gordon: No reason really...I was just wondering when we were going to have a family.Christy: I guess when fate decides to send a kid our way then we'll have a kid. If not, then we'll wait. I don't think we should rush into anything.Gordon: Oh, okay. I just...okay.Christy: You just what?Gordon: Well, I was hoping we could have a kid soon. It's hard to explain why...I think I'd just be more confident that this life we built is secure if we welcomed in the next generation...maybe I'm just being paranoid.Christy: No, that makes sense. Have patience, honey. We'll have kids soon enough.

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Little did Christy know that fate had decided to reward her after all. When she threw up that morning, she brushed it off to be badly made pancakes and moved on. When the same thing happened that night though, she began to grow a bit suspicious. Was she pregnant?

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It turned out that she was indeed, very pregnant with their first child. Christy was shocked when she found out, but happy nonetheless. They had the room and the money for the kid, so why not just have it? Besides, she had recently secured a job at Kay Bakery as a Cashier. It wasn't much, but it was a nice starting income. The Carson's could afford her salary too, with all the money they were raking in. Still, she was grateful to be employed especially if it meant she could support her new family.

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Gordon spent a lot of time at the telescope each night. Sometimes he would be out there so long that he forgot to come to bed. Other times, he would pull himself from some deep sleep at 3am in the morning to stay outside and stargaze. Christy didn't know what he was looking for, but she was grateful for his nocturnal habits. Someone had to stay up when the baby arrived...

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Christy found that her pregnancy was moving on very quickly...in fact, she felt as big as a house. She knew it was probably just a trick her mind was playing on her, but she felt as if she was going to burst open any day.

(and no, in case you were wondering, she is not actually that big!)

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Finally, one, cold winter night, her water broke right in the kitchen! Christy screamed for her husband, but he was asleep all the way across the house and didn't hear her.

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After a long, but relatively easy delivery, Christy held her new baby girl in her arms.

Christy: What should I name you, sweetie?

The baby just looked at her and gurgled. Christy smiled as she gazed down at the being that she and Gordon had made together.

Christy: You are the greatest desire of Gordon's and my heart, so I shall you call you Desiree. Hello, Miss Desiree King. Welcome home.

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When Gordon woke up at his usual 3am, he rolled over to find his wife missing. Curious to her whearabouts, he got out of bed to search the house. Within a couple of minutes, the man found Christy sprawled out on the couch, exhausted. For a second, he just stood there confused before the light in the nursery caught his eye. He got up and followed the light to the source, before stopping in the door. There she was, in all her new, shiny glory, his daughter.

Gordon quickly swept into the room and picked her up.

Gordon: Hello, little one. Did your mommy deliver you last night while I was sleeping?

Desiree, obviously, didn't answer, and instead looked up at him with her little chocolate eyes.

Gordon: I love you, little one. You're my precious daughter...our precious daughter.

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Well, that's all for this update, folks! Once again, I would like to thank you for reading. Feel free to comment at boolprop or on livejournal, I love reading them. :) Next update will be of the Carsons, and then we'll add yet another family to the mix. Thanks again for reading!! See you soon :)

Page 32: Opal Beach, Week 3, King


Sims: 6Households: 2Owned lots: 3Sim Multiplier: 2

Population: 12

Burglaries: 1Fires: 1

CAS Sims Available: 0 of 1

All Careers: LOCKED

Businesses:Kay Bakery – Level 1

A/N: Does anyone have any tips on running businesses? I'm horrible at keeping my customers happy! Thanks :)