open access, what’s next ? publishers and librarians working relationship maurice kwong...

Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

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Page 1: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Open Access, What’s Next ?Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship

Maurice KwongBioMedCentral, Asia

CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Page 2: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Realizing Open Access

• Institutional Repositories (IR)– Driven by Libraries– Management of IR– Green Route to Open Access

• Open Access Publishing – Driven by Publishers– Publisher version for IR– Immediate Open Access– Gold Route to Open Access

Page 3: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

What Does Open Access Mean to Everybody ?

“Medicine is the study for saving lives. Medical doctors should not claim any intellectual property rights on knowledge acquired at the risk of patients’ lives. Application of Medical knowledge that will save more lives should be disseminated free from any barriers immediately”,

Dr Zeng Zhaochong, Editor of BMC Cancer JournalMedical Radiologist,Fudan University

Page 4: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Advantages of Open Access Publishing

• Greater accesses to research results, especially readers in developing countries

• Faster dissemination of knowledge• Higher Author Visibility• Relatively early citation advantage for quality

articles against traditional channels (advantage diminishes when Open Access publishing becomes more popular or even main stream of publication)

• Enhancing and enlarging the research cycle

Page 5: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Barriers to Open Access

• OA Repositories Mandate and its execution• Authors’ Awareness on Open Access Publishing

– Choice of submission– Quality issues

• Authors’ Understanding of Open Access Repositories– Existence of IR– Deposit process, technical or human

• Publishers’ self archiving policies– Preprint– Postprint– Embargo

Page 6: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Copyright Issues in Institutional Repositories

Common situation• The authors own the copyrights of the research• In traditional scholarly publishing, the authors normally

transfer the copyrights to the publishers or learned societies

Complicated Copyright Issues in IR Policies Setting• Any IR policy should not influence authors’ choice of

where to submit for publication• If the affiliated institutions of the authors (or the research

funding bodies) have the policies of full rights over the research findings

• Whether or not the IR policies is mandatory • Which versions ?

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Copyright Issues in Institutional Repositories

Licensed to Use and Disseminate

• Has the copyright been transferred to third parties ?• When Open Access can be authorized (embargo) ?• Can the author authorize to disseminate by CC ?• Any contradiction to the Library’s IR policies ?• IR Findability• User Education and Promotion

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The Evolving Definition of Open Access Revisited

• Free at the point of use

• Archiving/Preservation

• Dissemination and sharing

• Reuse, recycle and remix• Enhancing new knowledge findings

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Reuse, Recycle and Remix with Creative Commons

Different Creative Commons Attributions




Or a combination of the above 

Page 10: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Publishers Policies on IR

522 (5%)

6440 (63%)

3226 (32%)

Journal titles (10,188 )

61 (12%)

194 (37%)

268 (51%)

Publishers (523)

Preprint Not allowedPostprint

Source : ROMEO, ROARMAP, As at August 22, 2010

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Global Growth of Mandatory IR Policies


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Global Growth of Institutional Repositories

Source : OpenDOAR, University of Nottingham, October 7, 2010

By October 7, 1,749 database worldwide

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Institutional Repositories in Asia

Source : OpenDOAR, University of Nottingham, October 7, 2010




Page 14: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Growth of Institutional Repositories in Taiwan

By October 7, 39 database in Taiwan

Source : OpenDOAR, University of Nottingham, October 7, 2010

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Global Growth of Pure OA Journals

Source : DOAJ, August 16, 2010 YTD Aug 16

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Subject Disciplines Distribution of Pure OA Journals

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Overlay Journals

An overlay journal is a collection or grouping of open access articles from institutional repositories or public domains.

– It can have its own editorial board and peer review process– It groups scattered resources into themed collection– It provides links to the original articles via its TOC– An example of Re-use in Open Access– Strictly speaking, it is not publishing but reorganizing free

intellectual resources until it develops its own original submissions from authors

– It works for newly emerged research areas and the collection can develop into a journal of original submissions after it is established

– Not popular in the STM publishing and learned society communities

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Springer – the Pioneer Publisher of Hybrid Journals

Springer initiated Open Choice, now commonly known as Hybrid model in Journal publishing.

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Experimental Cooperation with Academic Insitutions

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Pricing of Hybrid Journals

Over 30 Springer Open Choice journal titles reduces its subscription prices in 2011

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OA Option Taken Up Rates in 2008(Source : ALPSP/John Cox Associates 2008)

Total Sample size is 34 publishers with Hybrid business model
















0% 0 - 0.1% 0.1% - 0.5% 0.5% - 1% 1% - 5% 5% - 10% 10% - 20% 20% - 50% 50% - 100%









Predicted Ceiling

Take up Rate in

the Market is


53% 91%

OA Take up Rates in Hybrid Journals

Page 22: Open Access, What’s Next ? Publishers and Librarians Working Relationship Maurice Kwong BioMedCentral, Asia CONCERT, November 2010, Taipei

Peer Review in STM Publishing

• Not all STM journals are peer reviewed• Peer reviewed journals grow as the total number of published journals grow

2006Total 60,911 titles

~ 39%

peer reviewed

2009Total 65,817 titles

~ 39%

peer reviewed

Source : Ulrich’s and DOAJ

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Peer Review in Pure Open Access Journals

• From 2006 to 2009, pure OA journals grew by 50%• Peer reviewed pure OA journal only grew by 22%, from

1,901 to 2,313 titles

2006Total 2,690 titles

~ 71% (1,901)

peer reviewed

2009 Total 4,401 titles

~ 57% (2,313)

peer reviewed

Source : Ulrich’s and DOAJ

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Global Share of Articles Published in 2008/2009

OA Article Share 9.4% (~126,900)

Total annual article output

~1.35 million

Source : Outsell, An Open Access Primer , September 21, 2009

Global Market Share of OA articles

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Global Market Share of OA articles

According to the SOAP 2009/2011 interim Report presented on August 23, 2010 in Prague COASP meeting :

• There were 116,883 articles published in 2,838 OA journals

• Thereby projecting the market share of OA articles at 10%

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• Limited growth of Hybrid journals

• OA has been proved as a sustainable business model

• Growing number of publishers with green IR policy

• Further increase of market share of OA articles

• More and more pure OA publishers

• Rapid growth of OA journals

The New Landscape of STM Publishing

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Forecast of Market Share of OA articles

Year 2000


Year 2000


Year 2010


Year 2010


Year 2015

~ ?%

Year 2015

~ ?%

Assuming :

Annual Total Articles grow by 3.5%

Annual OA Articles grow by 20% 


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Forecast of Market Share of OA articles

Year 2000


Year 2000


Year 2010


Year 2010


Year ?


Year ?


Assuming :

Annual Total Articles grow by 3.5%

Annual OA Articles grow by 20% 

Year 2021

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Forecast of Market Share of OA articles







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Forecast of Market Share of OA articles

Where is the equilibrium ?

When will it come ?






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Publishers role in the evolving OA Definition

• Change of business model, authors pay• Birth of Hybrid Journals

• Archival policies for IR• IR framework agreement with libraries

• Marketing, platform and interface development

• Pure OA publishing business model• Develop OA publishing institutional membership

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And next …..

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Libraries Role in the Evolving OA Definition

• Collect, integrate and navigate

• Licensing in and build IR• IR framework agreement with publishers

• Licensing out and manage findability• Marketing and Access Promotion

• Engage in pure OA publishing• Join publisher as institutional members

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Are You already on the Gold Route to OA or Still Waiting ?

Evolving OA


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Publishers and Library Working Relationship in the Gold OA Route

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New Landscape in Academic Publishing and cooperation

Instead of confrontation, we can choose to cooperate, play new roles and grow together by participating in this sustainable publishing model

for highly effective scholarly communication.

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Thank you.