open evening thursday 26 th september 2013 presentation: 6:00pm & 8:00pm rob howard headteacher

Open Evening Open Evening Thursday 26 th September 2013 Presentation: 6:00pm & 8:00pm Rob Howard Headteacher

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Page 1: Open Evening Thursday 26 th September 2013 Presentation: 6:00pm & 8:00pm Rob Howard Headteacher

Open EveningOpen Evening Thursday 26th September 2013

Presentation: 6:00pm & 8:00pm

Rob Howard Headteacher

Page 2: Open Evening Thursday 26 th September 2013 Presentation: 6:00pm & 8:00pm Rob Howard Headteacher

Why Choose Heanor Gate?Why Choose Heanor Gate?

‘Excellence in a Caring Community’

Page 3: Open Evening Thursday 26 th September 2013 Presentation: 6:00pm & 8:00pm Rob Howard Headteacher

‘This weekend we took our son to start his university education at Birmingham City university where he will be studying visual communication and specializing in animation.

We could not have been more pleased with his A level results after gaining 3 A* and an A in his chosen subjects. He would not have achieved this without the help and superb education he received at Heanor Gate Science College.

The school did not just educate William and prepare him for his next step in his life but it helped him cope with his own personal challenges thrown up by his medical condition. This included the allocation of a support worker, providing work at short notice during hospital stays and even changing exam dates to allow them to be sat once out of hospital.’

‘‘Excellence in a Caring Community’Excellence in a Caring Community’

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‘My daughter is now in Y11 and I have always been completely happy with the school, as I stressed in the parent questionnaire. I have worked in education for over 20 years and have never met so many dedicated staff that go the extra mile than those working at your school. Chloe has developed so much, both academically and personally during her time there, so much so that she hopes to be accepted in to Sixth Form next year.’

‘My experience with Heanor Gate over the last five years has been exceptional. Both my son and daughter have gained so much whilst attending the school.

The support my son has received for his dyslexia has been second to none - that comes from a parent who used to pay £50 for an hour and a half private lesson per week. My daughter is exceeding her targets and growing into a more confident young lady full of potential.

You are all doing a fantastic job!’

‘‘Excellence in a Caring Community’Excellence in a Caring Community’

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Examination Results - 2013Examination Results - 2013

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Some stunning individual results: Eddie Xie – Distinction*, A*, A* and A Will Marler – A*, A*, A* and A Sophie Gordon – A*, A* and A* Rosie Blount – A*, A and A Ashleigh Watson – Distinction*, Distinction*, A* and A

•Pass rate 99.4% (above national average)•APS per entry 221 (13 points better than 2012)•% A*A grades 26.6% (above national average)•%A* to B grades 49.4% (10% higher than 2012)•Virtually all students achieved their first choice University grades

Examination Results: Post 16Examination Results: Post 16

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Sixth Form Open EveningSixth Form Open Evening

Thursday 7th November

6:00pm to 8:00pm

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Excellent Individual results

Examination Results: Key Stage 4Examination Results: Key Stage 4

Surname Forename GenderA* and A at GCSE

A* and A GCSE and BTEC

Brown Daniel M 9 15

Acikgoz Yasemin F 10 14

Blount Hannah F 9 14

Allen Sophie F 9 13

Wood Emma F 10 13

Woolis Shannon F 10 13

Hussain Zoya F 11 12

Halliwell Chris M 9 11

Cameron Georgie-Ann F 10 11

Robinson Emma F 10 10

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• 5+ GCSEs % equivalent grade A* - C – 95% (2nd highest in Derbyshire!)

• 5+ GCSEs grade A* - C with English and mathematics – 51% 8% down on 2012 2014 Prediction is 67%

• APS per student 513 19 points higher than 2012

• Students achieving 2 Grade A* - C in Science – 85%• Students achieving a Grade A* - C in mathematics – 72%

• Students achieving a Grade A* - C in English – 56% Female - 74% (brilliant!) Males - 39% (not so good!)

Examination Results: Key Stage 4Examination Results: Key Stage 4

Page 10: Open Evening Thursday 26 th September 2013 Presentation: 6:00pm & 8:00pm Rob Howard Headteacher

Ofsted 2011Ofsted 2011 ‘Heanor Gate Science College provides

an outstanding all-round education for its students’

Leaders and managers of the school are exceptional in the way they have introduced a ‘can do’ culture of

improvement and a strong sense of purpose that is raising the aspirations of students and their parents and carers.

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Ofsted 2014Ofsted 2014•New Revised Framework from 1 September 2013New Revised Framework from 1 September 2013

•4 Key Areas:4 Key Areas:





•VERY specific judgement criteriaVERY specific judgement criteria

•Domino effect if one area inadequateDomino effect if one area inadequate

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Achievement is likely to be inadequate if ANY of the following apply.

• From their different starting points, the proportions of pupils making expected progress, and the proportions exceeding expected progress, in English or in mathematics are consistently below national figures and show little or no improvement.

• For pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support, the proportions making and exceeding expected progress from the different starting points in English or in mathematics are consistently well below those of other pupils and show little or no improvement.

• Pupils’ learning and progress in any key subject or key stage, including the sixth form or the Early Years Foundation Stage, indicate they are underachieving.

• Groups of pupils, particularly disabled pupils and/or those who have special educational needs and/or those for whom the pupil premium provides support, and/or the most able, are underachieving.

• Pupils’ communication skills (including reading and/or writing) or proficiency in mathematics are not sufficiently strong for them to succeed in the next stage of education, training or employment.

• Attainment is consistently below floor standards or is in decline and shows little, fragile or inconsistent improvement.

• There are wide gaps in the attainment and/or the learning and progress of different groups.

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Our Self - AssessmentOur Self - Assessment‘Heanor Gate is a good school with some outstanding features and provides a good all-round education for its students’

‘There are areas that need some improvement, of which the school is fully aware, and is taking appropriate action to address’

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What makes us unique?What makes us unique?• A DfE Academy

• Science College

• Vocational opportunities

• Strong partnerships

• Thriving Sixth Form

• Staff , Governors, PTFA

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The CurriculumThe Curriculum

• Personalised

• Flexible Learning Pathways

• Wide range of subjects

• Themed Weeks


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Guidance & SupportGuidance & Support

• Form Tutor

• Key Stage Achievement Leaders

• Pastoral Managers

• Student Support Team

• Careers & Personal Development Advisor

• Specialist Support Staff

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Personal DevelopmentPersonal Development

• Personal, Social & Emotional

• Healthy Lifestyles

• Citizenship

• Student Voice

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Beyond the ClassroomBeyond the Classroom

• House System

• Clubs & Activities

• Educational Visits

• International Links

• Working with the Community

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Building ProgrammeBuilding Programme

Refurbished Science Block £1.2m

New SEN building £0.75m

Extended Sixth Form £0.4m

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Rolls-Royce Outward Bound Course London Olympics 2012 Trip

Junior Sports Leaders (JSL) China Exchange

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Borneo Community Projects


Supporting Disabled Adults

Steel Pan Tour to Italy

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House Rowing Competition Community Cohesion

Design Competition Yr8 Outdoor Adventure trip to France

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Kayaking in Club Corezze Rolls-Royce Design and Wake

Yr7 Pioneer Centre Expedition to Snowdon

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Helping in the Community

Raised over £7000 doing a sponsored 24 hour Boxathon

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Next year we are celebrating 50 years of Heanor Gate School. So in celebration, we’re putting together a show about the past events of the school.We are hoping to incorporate anecdotes, pictures and favourite times of past students.So, if you have been a student at Heanor Gate (some time since 1964!) we would like your input!

What was your favourite music/band/group at the time?

What was the school uniform like?

What subjects did you study?

Do you have any memories/anecdotes you would liketo share?

Email us at:[email protected]

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Students in Years 8-12 are taking part in this year’s entry into the Festival. We are producing ‘Romeo and Juliet’The performance will be at the Guildhall Theatre on Wednesday 23 October at 7.00 pmTickets are available from the theatre NOW!Please see the display in the corridor