open government camp

13 Open Government Camp Street Mekka, Copenhagen September 25. 2012 Maybe we can discover better solutions when we invite citizens, NGOs, public institutions and private companies to work together? This question was the starting point of the Open Government Camp organized by the Danish Agency for Digitisation on September 25. 2012 The purpose of the camp was to strengthen the cooperation between the public sector and the civil society - and to find new approaches to public solutions Central Denmark Region took part in the Camp facilitating three different workshops

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The Central Denmark Region workshops


Page 1: Open Government Camp

Open Government CampStreet Mekka, Copenhagen

September 25. 2012

Maybe we can discover better solutions when we invite citizens, NGOs, public institutions and private companies to work together?

This question was the starting point of the Open Government Camp organized by the Danish Agency for Digitisation on September 25. 2012

The purpose of the camp was to strengthen the cooperation between the public sector and the civil society - and to find new approaches to public solutions

Central Denmark Region took part in the Camp facilitating three different workshops

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Central Denmark Region consultant Anders Voigt Lund – getting ready for his workshop ”Data – the New Oil”

The workshop focussed on data mining and the huge untapped potential in the Danish Civil Registration System

”Data – the New Oil”

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Data – the New Oil

”Access to data and distribution of it is not a problem. We just have to decide what to do with it – and how to do it in an ethical way”

An abbreviated version of one of the main conclusions in the worskshop”Data – the New Oil” Want to know more about the workshop and the participants?

Please contact Anders Voigt Lund:[email protected]

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Conversations around the Central Denmark Region logo

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The Governance Lab Workshop

Henrik Hjortdal, Director of Communications at the research project SLIP, Strategic Leadership in the Public Sector

- busy organizing post its at the workshop

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The governance lab creates short, effective and binding processes with the cooperation of central participants and decision makers

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The Governance Lab - the main conclusions

”Let´s find new ways to cooperate with socio-economic businesses

- and let´s create one digital entrance to all public benefits”

in short, the main conclusions from the Governance Lab worskshop

Want to know more about the workshop and the participants?

Please contact Peter Astrup:[email protected]

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Two participants enjoying a coffe break in between workshops

- beneath the hoops on the basketball court in Street Mekka

Latte beneath the hoops

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“Making Mommy and Daddy feel More Secure “

Head nurse at the Children’s Department at the Regional Hospital in Herning, Dagny Kloster and Central Denmark Region consultant Ulla Grøn (no. 2 and 3 from left) at the workshop

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The purpose of the workshop was to find new ways of making parents of sick, hospitalized children feel more secure.

The starting point of the workshop was an ongoing project at the regional hospital in Herning

Among the participants in the workshop wereparents of sick, hospitalized children, citizens and health care professionals

”Making Mommy and Daddy feel More Secure”

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“Making Mommy and Daddy feel More Secure “ - final conclusions

”Let´s ask the parents to help us educate the new parents in the department”

”Let´s help the parents navigate in the loads of information about their child´s illness that can be found on the web”

”Let´s ask parents to help us become better – when something has gone wrong we want to talk to them and learn”

Want to know more about the workshop and the participants?

Please contact Dagny Kloster:[email protected]

or Ulla Grøn: [email protected]

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Free chapters from the two books:

”We are on our way – Public Innovation 2.0”

”Hospital Management - Organizational Phenomena & Professional Discpline”

Go ahead - grab a chapter!

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Want to know more about the Central Denmark Region workshops at the

camp? Give us a call: +0045 7841 0840