open learning & citizenship learning

Open Learning & Citizenship Education Bryan Jackson

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Post on 18-Jun-2015




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A presentation developed by Bryan Jackson


Page 1: Open Learning & Citizenship Learning

Open Learning & Citizenship Education


Page 2: Open Learning & Citizenship Learning

‘Open’ as a way of


Developing Habits of


Knowledge as an

evolving, emergent


Principles of Pedagogy

Page 3: Open Learning & Citizenship Learning

The Project of Enlighten



Social Political


EpistemologicalKnowledge Building

Social Political Citizenship Education

Metaphysical Refection and expression of the Self

Philosophical Traditions

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“…knowledge is neither a representation of something more ‘real’ than itself, nor an ‘object’ that can be transferred from one place to the next. Knowledge is understood, rather, to ‘emerge’ as we, as human beings, participate in the world. Knowledge, in other words, does not exist in participatory actions.”

Gert Biesta & Debora Osberg

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“The struggle over politics and democracy is inextricably linked to creating public spheres where individuals can be educated as political agents equipped with the skills, capacities, and knowledge they need not only to actually perform as autonomous agents, but also to believe that such struggles are worth taking up.”

Daniel Schugurensky

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We know ourselves in our relationships with others.

New ways of knowing one another creates new ways of knowing ourselves.

New ways of knowing ourselves creates new conceptions of the self, and the possibility of the search for the self itself.

Image by Giulia Forsythe, quote paraphrased from Michael Wesch

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Epistemological Emergence

“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity to use one’s own understanding without guidance from another.”

Immanuel Kant

Metaphysical Expression

“…a philosophical life in which the critique of what we are is at one and the same time the historical analysis of the limits that are imposed on us and an experiment with the possibility of going beyond them.”

Michel Foucault

Political Execution “Through their continuing praxis, men and women simultaneously create history and become historical-social beings.”

Paulo Freire

The Project of Enlightenment

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“The public sphere consisted of organs of information and political debate such as newspapers and journals, as well as institutions of political discussion such as parliaments, political clubs, literary salons, public assemblies, pubs and coffeehouses, meeting halls, and other public spaces where socio-political discussion took place.”

“For the first time in history, individuals and groups could shape public opinion, giving direct expressions to their needs and interests while influencing political practice. The bourgeois public sphere made it possible to form a realm of public opinion that opposed state power and the powerful interests that were coming to shape bourgeois society.”

“Habermas, the Public Sphere & Democracy: A Critical Intervention”

Douglas Kellner

…and the Public Sphere

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The Transformation of the Public Sphere

“…the function of the media have […] been transformed from facilitating rational discourse and debate within the public sphere into shaping, constructing, and limiting public discourse to those themes validated and approved by media corporations […] transmuted into that of a realm of political information and spectacle, in which citizen-consumers ingest and absorb passively entertainment and information.”


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Education & Enlightenment in the 21st Century

Some of the things we hear when discussing “21st Century Skills” are:

• Collaboration• Creativity • Social Responsibility • Global & Cultural Understanding• Communication• Innovation• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Personalized Learning in BC Parents’ Guide

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“Young people learn at least as much about democracy and citizenship – including their own citizenship – through their participation in a range of different practices that make up their lives, as they learn from that which is officially prescribed and formally taught.”

Gert Biesta

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“The context in which a thing is learned frames the nature and purpose of that learning.”

Gardner Campbell on Gregory Bateson

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‘Open’ as a way of


Developing Habits of


Knowledge as an

evolving, emergent


Principles of Pedagogy

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Socially Documented Inquiry

Introductory Post

Project Goals

IEP Goals

Peer Feedback & Connections

Library Research Trip

Learning Intentions

Documents & Reflections

Storify as Aggregator

Summative Reflections


Google Form

TALONS Eminent Person Study

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Aggregation of Content

Yahoo Pipes to Syndicate Blog & Comment RSS

Feedly, Flipboard & other Readers to Subscribe

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“Learning more about Sally Ride will hopefully open me up to different writing opportunities, from a research perspective, and in narrative writing. One of my goals for this year is to find more time for writing on a daily basis, and I believe that this project will allow me to carry out this goal. In addition, as I learn more about Sallly Ride, I hope to find some personal connections with her and her passion for science and learning.”

Introducing Eminent People

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“I found myself fascinated, and feeling sonder quite prominently. It’s fascinating to stumble across the idea that every suit with a cup of Starbucks actually has a life behind it. In a place as large and as populated as Vancouver, there are plenty of people to base your internal epiphany upon, and I couldn’t think of the idea of sonder enough.”

Downtown Library Research Trip

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Summative Reflections

“I always get the most peculiar tickling sensation in my tummy after late nights with TALONS. I don’t know if it’s those shooting stars or the fact that these late nights are way past my bedtime, but it’s always a rather homey feeling that curls around my chest when we join hands, tired and warm from the long day.”

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“I spent a lot of time and effort drafting writing memorizing and rewriting only to do it over again. I didn’t stop editing my speech right up until I presented it an this way I feel it was genuine and fresh. I knew my speech backwards and forwards and thought that I presented my speech with great expression.”

Describe your process that led to the success highlighted in the above question.

Learning Analytics

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“In building […] personal cyberinfrastructure, students not only would acquire crucial technical skills for their digital lives but also would engage in work that provides richly teachable moments ranging from multi-modal writing to information science, knowledge management, bibliographic instruction, and social networking. Fascinating and important innovations would emerge as students are able to shape their own cognition, learning, expression and reflection in a digital age, in a digital medium.”

Gardner Campbell

Individual Blogs




Personal Social Media

Subject Wikispace


Personal Cyberinfrastructure

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Learning “of the web”

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Blended Learning Environment

Open Educational Resource

“Creating personalized & communal knowledge”

• For credit / Non credit • Face to Face / Online • Synchronous /


• Navigable pathways• Constructed out of individual

voices• Lasting record of process and


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“…set in motion a critical process of public communication through the very organizations that mediatize it.”

Jurgen Habermas

Reclaiming the Public Sphere

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Quiz courtesy of Dr. Gardner CampbellScore 0, 1 or 2 for each

1. Did you read material for today’s class meeting carefully?

2. Did you come to class today with questions or with items you’re eager to discuss?

3. Since we last met, did you talk at length to a classmate or classmates about either the last class meeting, or today’s meeting?

4. Since our last meeting, did you read any unassigned material related to this course of study?

5. Since our last meeting, how much time have you spent reflecting on this course of study and recent class meetings?

Philosophy Pop Quiz

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“Being intentional and persistent in developing habits for thinking and understanding [ourselves] as thinkers in this way and pursuing intellectual endeavors with delight, nurtured by [our] love of learning for the sake of learning.”

GNA Garcia (@drgarcia)

Habits of Mind

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“As my group discussed and as some people alluded to during the discussable object creation, knowledge only exists when you show it and are able to fully explain something to someone else. It is only when you demonstrate your knowledge that it truly exists. When you engage on the blog and in the comments you demonstrate and essentially create and show your knowledge, therefor making it exist.”

“Knowledge exists in our participatory actions.”

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Architecture, Aggregation & Organization

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“It can be argued that citizenship learning pervades all aspects of young people’s lives because, in principle, any aspect of their lives can be relevant for their growth as democratic citizens.”

Gert Biesta

Citizenship Education in Informal Learning Spaces

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DS106 Radio Distributed, free form live

web radio station Developed in conjunction

with Digital Storytelling 106 at the University of Mary Washington

Open platform for audio sharing, collaboration, and listening.


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“...generate public spaces of social interaction in which discourse is based on finding agreement, welcoming different points of view, identifying the common good in the myriad of competing self-interests, searching for synthesis and consensus, promoting solidarity, and ultimately improving community life.”

Daniel Schugurensky

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The Project of Enlighten


Open as a Way of


Habits of Mind

Knowledge as an

Emergent Event