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Open Online University @ Noosphere Healing Arts International * The Summer Solstice SOLARIUS* NOÕSPHÉRE Holistic Education @Noosphere Publishing Press

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Open Online University @ Noosphere Healing Arts International

* The Summer Solstice SOLARIUS*

NOÕSPHÉRE Holistic Education

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Open Online University @ Noosphere Healing Arts International




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The Summer Time Cosmic Connection ......................................4 The Mystery of the Sacred Sites. ................................................7 Transformational Travel ..............................................................7 The Ancient Tea Culture Traditions in Modern Days ...............12 The Ancient Hawaiian Spiritual Practice HO’OPONOPONO . 16 The Quantum Access to Universal Light Formulas…………….18 The Ritual of PURRIFICATION……………………………….20 The Magical Pathway…………………………………………..21 Enchanted KINGDOMS……………………………………….. 24 The Mystic Árts Publishing Press’.........................................25 Starry Nights. Stonehenge Temple………………………………26 Awesome Cosmic Art by Jane Small…………………………….31 The Mystery of Enchanted KINGDOMS………………………..35 HOLISTIC MEDICAL CARE…………………………………..44 HYMALAYAN CRYSTALS SALT-LAMPS……………………..51 NATURAL LIVING EXPO 2020………………………………...53 SPIRI-VIE FORMATIÕN 2020………………………………….56

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“…Art is an Eternal Dimension of Inner Beauty, which everyone of us is able to present to this world… “

Sacramentos Divinity… Jane Small, the Artist…


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The Summer Time Cosmic Connection

Transmitted by Stella Õmaris ~ Author and Quantum Healer ___________________________________________________

The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the light of a New Season, transformation of natural forces into Supramental Illuminous Siddhi - Magical Powers : All Humans Ascending into high vibrational ‘dimansions’ and becoming the Representatives of Devian’s Kingdoms: Angels, Elves, Fairies, Wizards , Magius +

At the spring equinox, when the Nature Spirits celebrating the Day of Universal Equilibrium: when the Day EQUAL to the Night: both Light and Dark (Night Starry) Forces - sharing the United FEAST - symbilizing the New Cycle of Life. @ Following this, the Summer Sols t ice symbolizes the Return/ Ascension into the Great Enlightened MIND - Super Creative and Charging Powers - connecting us with the Universal Domain of Life Force Energy Fields…It is a Great Time for a true Magical Celebrations in UK, and many other countries…

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It is a time to celebrate the triumph of Natural Healing Powers, connecting us with Original Herbal Medicine, ‘Yogi-Zen’ Life- Force-Living, with Organic Vegan LifeStyle and Secure Medical Care for Our Inner Balance!!! Returning back to wholeness, in which the SUN (Cosmic SOLARIUS) becoming the Cosmic Source of Prana - Life Force Energy , i n Connec t ion wi th Ancient Spiritual Practice like: Healing Medicine QiGONG, Thai Chi, Zen Meditations and Wizarding Magical Art CREATIONS…

“…The Ancient Druidic Clans of Cosmic Wizarding Worlds, considered the SUN as a Spiritual Deity - Divine LUMINOUS - SPIRITUS, the True Transmitter of Healing Photonic Energy from the Center of our ‘ M o t h e r - G a l a x y ’ a n d H e r ‘ C e l e s t i a l Dimensions’…” ( Cosmic Siddhi SAGAS)

Our Solar Deity - ‘RA’ - SOLARIUS’ - is a Pure ‘Reflection’ of the Universal ‘SIDDHI-MIND’ - Supramental Consciousness: the ‘Light inside the Deep Darkness- Womb’ — resurrecting ‘Twice’ to rejuvenate and sustain Natural Powers… “the Reflector of Inner Light, hidden inside the Deep Darkness-Starry Nights,’ - rising TWICE , in its Magical Powers…”

Light IS ~ Spiritual in its Natúre, and so the Sun ( Celestial HELIOS - in Ancient Greek), and the Night Stars - Cosmic Stellar Systems have their Own Cosmic Significance… Originating from higher dimensions — they descending on ‘physical plane’ as True Illuminators of Universal Creations.

“…Wizarding Worlds never stopped to exist : they Shine Their Light Brightly only for the Ones, who Ascended into Their Magical Dimensions, and Gained Super-Powerful VISION…” ( Wizarding Worlds, COSMIC SIDDHI SAGAS ) @ Highlighting the Above: Summer Solstice, therefore, is a Magical ’Wond’ for a Highly Spiritual Time - Illuminating the Worlds with Extra-Decore and Inner Transformation…


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The Mystery of the Sacred Sites.

Transformational Travel By Martin Gray, Author, Quantum Healer

Create on Your iPad with ArtStudio!!!

Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, the Pyramids, Hawaii Islands, Bali Holy Land, Banaras and Mt. Fuji. . . . Since prehistoric times, these and other sacred places have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of people around the world.

What is the key to the Mystery of the Sacred Sites and how are we to explain their power? Why do millions of people flock to these holy and magical places every year? Seeking answers to these questions, I have traveled extensively in more than 80 countries to visit, study, and photograph nearly 1000 sacred places. On this rambling, global pilgrimage, I have discovered many fascinating things about the holy sites, their spiritual magnetism, and their legendary powers.


Ancient legends and modern-day reports tell of extraordinary experiences that people have had while visiting these magical places. Different Sacred Sites have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind, increase creativity, develop psychic abilities and awaken the soul to a knowing of its true purpose in life. These power places are found all across the planet in the form of sacred mountains, healing springs, enchanted caves, and sites of divine apparitions.

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Seeking an explanation for the vast popularity of the sites, scientists have suggested the momentum of religious tradition and, more recently, international tourism. But while it is certainly true that religion and tourism result in great numbers of people visiting the Sacred Sites, a fundamental question remains unanswered: How are we to account for the initial development of the ancient pilgrimage traditions themselves? What started them? Why did human beings originally come to and venerate certain places on the Earth?

My Journey Began with Visions

My own search for answers to these questions began in the autumn months of 1983 in a most unexpected way.

It is a curious fact that while Sacred Sites represent the most visited category of places on the Earth (as contrasted to cities where people live full-time), there has been little scholarly study of the sites or the great pilgrimages to them. Only recently have cultural geographers, social anthropologists and religious historians begun to study the ancient and enduring phenomena of people making pilgrimages to Sacred Sites.

After spending twelve years in a highly disciplined practice of Hindu and Buddhist meditation techniques, I had begun to have unusual visionary experiences in which I was directed to travel to Easter Island, in the remote southern Pacific Ocean. Visiting Easter Island, and also the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu, I had two more visions that directed me to follow the pilgrimage routes of the ancient religions — and to begin these travels in Japan.

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So powerful where these visions that I left my successful business in the United States and journeyed to Japan. Bicycling around the country for eight months, I visited and photographed dozens of sacred mountains and ancient temples. Near the end of my pilgrimage, at the Shinto Sacred Site of Izumo Taisha, I had another vision. During this extraordinary experience of revelation and enlightenment, I was directed to continue my explorations of Sacred Sites all around the world.

There were several reasons given for this long journey. One had to do with gathering information and photographs of the Sacred Sites, material that I would later share with people through books and public presentations…

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The Ancient Tea Culture Traditions in Modern Days By Michelle Bruné, The Master of Spiritual Arts


The Spiritual Journey to the Sacred Temple of KUANYIN’, Ancient TAO Traditions, China.

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The Ancient Tea Culture Traditions are coming to us from the Time Memorial, from the most Ancient TAO Spiritual Arts…

It always was a symbol of Unity with the Divine Within, the True Inner DOW ( Divine One Within)…

Tea Ceremonies were considered as Spiritual Arts, performed exclusively by Illuminators of this Sacred Action…

“…Tea - is a Dimension of Pure Stillness, Pure Spirit of Mysterious Arts, rooted deeply inside, giving the Power of Its Essence to everyone who is attuned to commune with Its Divine Blessings…” - The Ancient TAO Teachings…

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Performing the Act of Spiritual Tea Ceremony, we’re becoming the Co-Creators of Deep Inner Peace and Harmony, re-calibrating the energies of the Space and Time, harmonising our Own Self with the Highest Supreme Dimensions of ART and Spiritual BEAUTÉ, neutralising the negative (karmic) energies in the energy-field of our own life and in the field of Planetary Consciousness…

The True Home-Based Tea Ceremonies are very Welcome together with meditative music or any other peaceful background, as well as, adding the saturating Aroma-Sticks and Spa Candles will be a Great BENEFIT for Your Sacramental Performance…

The Traditional Ancient Tea Culture House, China…

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Inspirational Read on the Sacred Home Altar


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The Ancient Hawaiian Spiritual Practice HO’OPONOPONO



I’m Sorry! Please, Forgive Me! I LOVE YOU! Thank You!

@ Aloha Love Tea*

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“…Ho’oponopono Tourné or a magical journey to the Island of Maui…” - so you can name our annual trip to Hawaii in the season when humpback whales ‘coming for a visit’…

Ho’oponopono Spiritual Traditions have very deep roots and connection with this Sacred Land of Hawaiian Islands, where you can enjoy rainbows several times a day, stunning tropical nature and overall Mystical Lemuria.

Maui, in general, is a fabulous place and the biggest iron monolith on the planet, there is a very high magnetism and incredible vegetation. Total on Maui 17 climatic zones, and therefore, comfortable weather and natural landscape can be matched to the mood of every day, by your own choice…and we actively use it in our mystical journeys …)))

The neighbouring island is Hawaii itself, and it is the largest mountain in the world, hidden in the depth of the ocean, (if to look on it via the millions of years, presented to us by many previous civilizations…)

You are very Welcome to MAUI Island and Feel Free to Join Our Spiritual Community HO’OPONOPONO!!!…@ On Maui, we are ready to organize the correct ‘magic move’ in the format of training and practice The Ho'oponopono ancient traditions for a small company or a large group, including the memorable meeting with the "keepers of secrets" or Hawaiian Kahuna, who have long been working in this ancient traditions in their own sacred land, and have already received deep recognition in the world…

Welcome to Join the Paradise Dimension of Ancient Tropical Beauty on the Sacred Land…

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@ Aloha LOVE TEA

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The Luminous Healing Hologram of Universal Consciousness


The Quantum ACCESS to Universal Light Formulas by ERIKA PATERSON


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The Magic Pathway

James Coleman, Artist.

“…Deeply Inside, everyone of us,there is Its Own Dimension of Beauty and Peace, we just need to discovery it…”

“The Magical Temple of theFOREST is Waiting for You to

Celebrate This New SEASONALFEST ~ in Time-Sphere of Summer SOLSTICE, together with DEVIAN ANGELIC FOREST NYMPHS and

FAIRIES” - Josephine Wall


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My mind is clear and I see things in their true light! I participate in the Planetary Mystery of Transformation and Rejuvenation. I deeply revitalized and Harmonized by the Light Within.

All is Well and live in Prosperity. Every living being in my life is connected with the Divine Source of Light and Wisdom. I'm in the loving hands of the Mother-Universe and She cares for everyone of us.

Let the Blessings and Deep Inner Peace be with every living Soul forever and ever!!!

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I realize my Spiritual Connection with the Universal Source of Light! Deeply inside I know that I always protected and safe by the Cosmic Consciousness of All That Is. My pulse is beating in unison with the Great Universal Balance…xoxoxo

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“….Enchanted Kingdoms ~ is a Truly Universal Magical Pathway into New Everlasting dimensions of Beauty, Style

and Decore, Connecting Us with the reality of Inter-Dimensional Emergy-Field Science’ and Beyond That, what

people name ‘Fiction’, or just ‘Fantasy Worlds’ ~ True Surrealistic REALMS with ‘Extra-Celestial Spirits’ of

Quinto-Sensual Elements of Alchemy …”

This series of fiction weaves in some of the aboriginal dreamtime legends while offering insights on past lives and

future lives; perfect love and profound love plus parallel worlds….( Jasmuheen , the Embassy of Peace)

Devian Forest Nympths

~Charming and Soothing Your New Updated VISION, with

extracts of herbal drinks …


The Magical FairyFest is Welcoming AllProfessional Wizards

and Healers to Join New Summer Solstice

Avenue 2020

ELYSIUM of ARTS Mermaids Kingdoms


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