open source cyber weaponry

Open Source Cyber Weaponry

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Open Source Cyber Weaponry HD Moore, Rapid7/Metasploit


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Open Source

Cyber Weaponry

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Chief Security


Founder & Chief


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Perspective• 15 years of software development

• 12 years of penetration testing

• Involved in OSS since 1995

• Ex-USAF contractor

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Military contracting circa 1999• Ultra-secretive and ultra-competitive

• Teams furiously reinventing wheels

• Open source was still “sketchy”

• Little code sharing

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Security tools circa 1999• Vulnerability scanning was still edgy

• Penetration testing 100% manual

• Offensive tools in their infancy

• No comprehensive exploit toolkits

• Teams hoarded modified public code

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“Cyber Weapons” circa 1999• Shatter-your-drive-remotely stuff

• Scary words and half-truths

• Focused on DE, EMPs, etc

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Military contracting today• Still ultra-secretive and ultra-competitive

• Still reinventing well-defined wheels

• Offense is becoming acceptable

• More use of open-source code

• Better informed customers

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Security tools today• Vulnerability scanning is well understood

• Penetration test automation is growing

• Tons of commercial and OSS tools

• Exploit code has been productized

• Wide array of niche tools

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“Cyber Weapons” today• Term usually reserved for offensive tools

• Tons of contractors working on these

• Similar requirements to commercial

• No longer far from reality

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cyber weapons

Offensive cyber tools• Common goals

• Permissions and accountability

• Usable by lightly-trained staff

• Great attack visualization

• Multiple tool integration

• Modular design

• Non-commercial projects exist (NETT)

• Integration with defense is important

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cyber weapons

Offensive components• Reconnaissance

• Attack Vectors

• Payloads

• Control

• Data

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cyber weapons

The “cyber” sniff test• How portable is the target-facing software?

• How do they add new exploit vectors?

• How much is written in Java?

• How big is their exploit team?

• How big is their payload team?

• How do they handle stealth?

• Who are their security experts?

• Does it work on real networks?

• What targets are supported?

• What OSS does it use?

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cyber weapons

The Open Source requirement• Costs scale poorly with commercial deps

• OSS security tools adapt faster

• OSS provides transparency

• OSS tools set a minimum bar

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cyber weapons

Open Source components• Nmap for host & service detection

• Snort or Suricata for traffic analysis

• Metasploit for exploits and payloads

• DRADIS for notes and reporting

• Linux, PostgreSQL, Apache

• Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP

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The Metasploit Framework• Created in the summer of 2003

• An exploit development platform

• Licensed under New BSD

• Popular and gigantic• Over 450,000 lines of code

• Over 100,000 users/mo

• ~600 exploit modules

• ~200 payloads

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metasploit architecture


MSF Core

MSF Base

Payloads Exploits Encoders Nops Aux








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Lego, for network attacks• Choose a specific exploit module

• Choose a compatible payload

• Configure options

• Launch!

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=[ metasploit v3.4.2-dev [core:3.4 api:1.0]

+ -- --=[ 578 exploits - 296 auxiliary

+ -- --=[ 212 payloads - 27 encoders - 8 nops

=[ svn r9949 updated today (2010.08.03)

msf >

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Advantages of a modular design• Extend framework with proprietary modules

• Use your payloads with our exploits

• Use our payloads with your exploits

• Split work by classification level

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Automation with Metasploit• Create resource scripts with embedded Ruby

• Create console plugins to add commands

• Create new modules to drive a process

• Call Ruby directly from the console prompt

• Talk to the builtin XMLRPC daemon

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Platform requirements• Any recent Windows, BSD, or Linux

• Ruby 1.8.7+ (including 1.9.x)

• OpenSSL

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Exploit coverage• Linux (x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC)

• Windows (x86, x64)

• OS X (ARM, PowerPC, x86)

• Solaris (x86, SPARC)

• AIX (PowerPC)


• Java


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Payload features• The Meterpreter (Win32, PHP, Java)

• Encrypted control channels

• Extensible at runtime

• Full OS control

• Scriptable

• Staged and unstaged command shells

• Ruby-based C / ASM compiler

• Post-exploitation scripting

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Additional modules• Over 200 modules for information gathering

• Scan large networks for data leaks

• Exploit logic bugs for access

• Capture data from clients

• Find new flaws

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Database support• Automatically store all gathered data

• Track all events (commands, sessions)

• Easily build reports from this data

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metasploit capabilities

Stealth and evasion• Exploits and payloads are randomized

• Exploits use custom protocol stacks• Low-level SMB, HTTP, RPC control

• Timing and fragment evasion

• Payloads never write to the disk

• Limited forensic footprint

• Simple to control

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metasploit capabilities

Full support for IPv6• Complete socket support and payloads

• Great for compromising link-local Ips

• Works great with real IPv6 links

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metasploit capabilities

Infinitely customizable• Ruby lends to a flexible object model

• Modify any code via loadable plugins

• Override specific libraries

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metasploit capabilities

Instant remote desktop hijack• Use the “vncinject” payload with any exploit

• Instantly gain desktop access to the target

• Even on logged-off systems

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metasploit capabilities

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metasploit capabilities

Relay attacks through targets• Use the “meterpreter” payload type

• Launch the exploit, gain a session

• Set a route for the target’s network

• Launch exploits from the first target

• Working with Windows, PHP, Java

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metasploit capabilities

Dump and pass Windows hashes• Dump the hashes from a Win32 target

• Use any hash as the SMB password

• Provides “psexec” to other targets

• Uses our custom SMB protocol stack

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metasploit capabilities

Search for and acquire evidence• Meterpreter scripts for find & download

• Gather passwords and sensitive docs

• Works for all Meterpreter platforms

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metasploit capabilities

Interact with targeted users• Determine whether the user is idle

• Install a hotkey hook inside of Winlogon

• Force lock the user’s desktop

• Read the captured password

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metasploit express

Metasploit Express• Commercial product from Rapid7

• Not a fork, but a direct extension

• Built by the same core team

• Pays for OSS development

• Uses the open APIs

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metasploit examples

Mined the public NTP servers• Discovered over 21m NTP client systems

• Resulted in a great map of infrastructure

• Identified a potential 20Gbps DDoS risk

• A single Metasploit module + console

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metasploit examples

Scanned 3.1 billion IPs• Identifying vulnerable VxWorks devices

• Resulted in a 100+ vendor CERT advisory

• Also, a single Metasploit module

• Took 3 days and $19

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Cyber is what you make of it• Most of the parts exist in OSS

• Metasploit is easy to build on

• Free to use, free to extend

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[email protected]