open source gis powered by osgeo source gis powered by osgeo. arnulf christl, ... 3.osgeo in a...

Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) Athens 19 th June 2009 1 Greek OSGeo Local Chapter Greek National Open Source Developers Conference Open Source GIS Powered by OSGeo

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Page 1: Open Source GIS Powered by OSGeo Source GIS Powered by OSGeo. Arnulf Christl, ... 3.OSGeo in a Nutshell 4.The Software Projects ... Athens 19th June 2009 6

Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 1

Greek OSGeo Local Chapter

Greek National Open SourceDevelopers Conference

Open Source GIS

Powered by OSGeo

Page 2: Open Source GIS Powered by OSGeo Source GIS Powered by OSGeo. Arnulf Christl, ... 3.OSGeo in a Nutshell 4.The Software Projects ... Athens 19th June 2009 6

Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 2


1.Introduce the Concepts behind Free Software and Open Source

2.The Inner Functioning of Open Source Communities

3.OSGeo in a Nutshell

4.The Software Projects

5.Case Study: The German Online Pollution and Transfer Registry

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 3

● Open Source is a development methodology that aims at making all processes transparent.

● The central paradigm is to "Publish Early and Release Often". This will help to "build"[1] a community of high interaction.

● Development is coordinated through roles. Roles must be managed by a clear governance model.

● Good Open Source projects are highly organized and trunk commit access is restricted to well known developers.

● Public code repositories, bug and issue trackers, mailing lists, etc. are essential to "grow"[1] professional communities.[1] communities cannot be "built", "managed" or "grown". They need to grow by themselves. Open Source project management can only facilitate and enable communities.

Open Source Development

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 4

Free Software Licensing

● Free Software describes a software licensing model● Open Source code is a precondition to Free Software● There are several types of Open Source Software licenses, some more restrictive some more relaxed

● Common to all Open Source licenses are the user's rights to:

1. run any number of copies of the software

2. pass on copies of the software including the license and copyright notice

3. look into the code, understand it and modify it to suit one's needs

4. pass on modified versions of the code

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 5

Copyright, Licenses and the Copyleft Myth

FOSS licenses protect software from becoming proprietary. The legal background of the strong protection of the GNG is straight forward:

"To copyleft a program, we first state that it is copyrighted; then we add distribution terms, which are a legal instrument that gives everyone the rights to use, modify, and redistribute the program's code or any program derived from it but only if the distribution terms are unchanged. Thus, the code and the freedoms become legally inseparable." [1]

Copyleft is not a virus but a vaccination.[1] from:

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 6

Understanding Open Source

● Free Software is not anti-business.

-> Instead it is a business enabler by making code and software widely available.

● Free Software is not unlicensed software. -> Instead it is a licensing model.

● Open Source does not mean code-anarchy. -> Instead there is transparent governance processes and consens on strategy.

● Open Source is not insecure.-> instead it allows for highest security due to code and process transparency.

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 7

Adopting Open Source

● Free Software needs customization.

-> ...just as any proprietary spatial system.

● Free Software is not incomplete. -> not confuse Open Source with Freeware or Vaporware.

● Open Source is not unstable. -> Instead you can choose between stable and bleeding edge yourself.

● Open Source is not as good as...-> Open Source is better than...

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 8

StopThis type of discussion does

not get uns anywhere

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 9

Open Source Software Communities

● Every Open Source Community and project is special and unique.

● Open Source software development follows complex social and technical processes.Read Karl Fogel's Producing OSS (

● Publishing early is good but can also confuse users.

● High responsiveness results in many releases making production more difficult

● The distinction between user and developer blurs.

● The antagonism between vendor and buyer dissolves.

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 10

Every software project is a unique

social network

Page 11: Open Source GIS Powered by OSGeo Source GIS Powered by OSGeo. Arnulf Christl, ... 3.OSGeo in a Nutshell 4.The Software Projects ... Athens 19th June 2009 6

Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 11

Communication Economics

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 12

Ecosystem of Software Communities

SoftwareProject Software










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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 13


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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 14

The Reality of Open Source Adoption

Open Source has been embraced by all major enterprises with many differnet business models. Some Examples:

● IBM● Microsoft● Sun Microsystems● Oracle

•Autodesk•E.S.R.I.•WhereGroup•Frank Warmerdam

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 15

The Reality of Open Source Adoption

Biodiversity is goodfor the environment!

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 16

The Need for a Legal Entity

● Professional users and enterprises alike need organized legal entities that they can trust to secure investments.

● In 1999 the Apache Foundation emerged from a group of developers who started working on the Apache Server in 1995.

● Similarly, in 2006 the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) was founded as a legal entity by a diverse community of software developers and users.

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 17

Our Mission is to bring orderinto Chaos

(Seven of Nine, Borg, Star Trek Voyager)

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 18

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation

● OSGeo is a non-profit organizations dedicated at promoting and furthering Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Technology and Users

● OSGeo provides for organizational, legal and financial support in a long term perspective

● OSGeo is global and transparently governed ● OSGeo is a Community of Communities:

➢ Software Projects➢ Spatial Data Projects➢ Education and Research

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 19

OSGeo is a Community of Communities

SoftwareProject Software















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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 20

OSGeo's Organizational Map

Find our Sponsors at

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 21

OSGeo Membership and Governance

● Millions of end users and web developers● Several million $ investment core software● 10000+ active GIS professionals● 1000+ active OSGeo members● 250+ developers ● 73 Charter Members● 16 Software Projects● 9 Directors● 1 employed CEO● 1 President

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 22

Licenses and Implementation Cost

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 23

Securing Investment: Incubation

● Software Projects can apply for Incubation to become an OSGeo Project.

● The Incubation process is accompanied by an OSGeo officer who acts as mentor to provide guidance and oversight to the process:✔ Thorough code provenance review✔ Transparent and open governance model,

documents and practice✔ Functioning and open community model✔ Quality of development process and technology

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 24

Your OSGeo Potential

● OSGeo has a process to evaluate legal, governance and quality of software projects.

● OSGeo has users, developer and service provider communities.

● OSGeo organizes FOSS4G world conference and many local conferences and meetings.

● OSGeo has software that is used to implement SDIs and follow INSPIRE.

● OSGeo organizes software sprints and reference implementations of OGC standards.

● OSGeo operates Open Source Parks, for example at the Intergeo trade show.

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 25


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Conference & Workshop, Athens 26

The Software Projects

Free and Open Source Software Projects make up the operational core of OSGeo

Page 27: Open Source GIS Powered by OSGeo Source GIS Powered by OSGeo. Arnulf Christl, ... 3.OSGeo in a Nutshell 4.The Software Projects ... Athens 19th June 2009 6

Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Conference & Workshop, Athens 27

GDAL/OGRis a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. The related OGR library (which lives within the GDAL source tree) provides a similar capability for simple features vector data.

Master Page:

Outdated, pleasego to web site at:

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Conference & Workshop, Athens 28

GeoTools is an open source (LGPL) Java code library which provides standards compliant methods for the manipulation of geospatial data, for example to implement Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The GeoTools library implements Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications as they are developed, in close collaboration with the GeoAPI and GeoWidgets projects.

Geotools is used by a number of projects including Web Feature Servers, Web Map Servers, and desktop applications

Page 29: Open Source GIS Powered by OSGeo Source GIS Powered by OSGeo. Arnulf Christl, ... 3.OSGeo in a Nutshell 4.The Software Projects ... Athens 19th June 2009 6

Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Conference & Workshop, Athens 29

GRASSThe Geographic Resources Analysis Support System is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings around the world, as well as by many governmental agencies and environmental consulting companies.

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Conference & Workshop, Athens 30

OSSIM – Awesome image processingThe OSSIM project provides cross platform, high performance image and remote sensing processing for the OSGeo community. Included with the distribution are a number of command line and GUI applications that provide complex geo-spatial processing, ortho-rectification, precision terrain correction, mosaicking, and cross sensor fusions. The core distribution is written in C++ and includes a library, and ImageLinker. ImageLinker can be used as a production and prototyping tool.

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Conference & Workshop, Athens 31

MapServerMapServer is an Open Source development environment for building spatially-enabled internet applications. MapServer excels at rendering spatial data (maps, images, and vector data) for the web.

MapServer is operated as productive engine in all parts of the world (Examples from UNEP, Brazil, Minnesota)

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Conference & Workshop, Athens 32

MapbenderMapbender is a geoportal frame-work to build applications on the web using spatial data infra-structures. The software is implemented in PHP, JavaScript, XML and SQL. It provides web based administration to manage maps, functionality and user accounts. It can display, navigate, query and edit maps and features from any software that implements the OGC standards WMS and WFS.

Mapbender has user management, security proxy and moinitoring services. It is used to build geo-portals for enterprise spatial data infrastructures at global, national, regional and municipal level, inclu-ding city map services and any kind of interactive maps.

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Conference & Workshop, Athens 33

MapGuide Open SourceMapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables users to quickly develop and deploy web mapping applications and geo-spatial web services. MapGuide features an interactive viewer, XML database for managing content, and supports most popular geospatial file formats, databases, and standards.

MapGuide can be deployed on Linux or Windows, supports Apache and IIS web servers, and offers extensive PHP, .NET, Java, and JavaScript APIs for application development. MapGuide Open Source is licensed under the LGPL.

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Conference & Workshop, Athens 34

Case Study

Find many more Case Studies in the OSGeo Wiki at:

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Arnulf Christl, President OSGeo

Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

Athens 19th June 2009 35

Case Study

The German Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt; UBA) operates an SDI with several map services. Recently the Pollutant Release and Transfer Registry (PRTR) portal has been launched.

It allows to search and query for industrial pollutants in Germany. One component of the portal is an OSGeo SDI Stack with the usual suspects Mapbender application, MapServer, Postgres, PostGIS.

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36 Arnulf Christl, President OSGeoConference & Workshop, Athens

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Presentation sponsored by: WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG


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