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Making smart content, together! Semantic Content&Data Management with Ximdex CMS February 2014 V20140219:EN:MS

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Ximdex is a semantic web based Content Management System (CMS) for XML that allows a simultaneous generation of contents, data and services in different technologies (Django, RoR, PHP, J2EE, .NET, XML/XSLT, HTML5, ...) and for different channels (smartphones, tablets, web, DVB, ebooks, ...) Ximdex’s “in the cloud” architecture, allows for true independence of contents, data and services from final rendering technologies (web, mobile devices, digital tv, ...), improving the performance of systems, while easing automatic adaptation of information to any current or future format. Decoupled publishing of your content guarantees additional freedom, security and scalability, allowing you to transform it into final formats (jsp, xhtml, php, ...) or sync it to distant servers in the cloud.


  • 1. Semantic Content&Data Management with Ximdex CMS February 2014Making smart content, together!V20140219:EN:MS

2. OpenXimdexEvolution Developers of Ximdex, an open source & semantic web powered Web Content* Management System (CMS/WCM/ECM) docs & data & web appsSEVILLAMaking smart content, together!-2- 3. Working with content Huge diversity of contents* (doc/data/web app) Millions of documents, from diverse formats and sources Multiple languages, multiple final formats Complex structuration and sorting Multidimensional navigation spaceAlready working contents and services document recycling! design and style adaptation! business logic recycling ! limits to integration!Dynamic information elements Rigid and intrusive architectures ! bottlenecksPersonalization control and profiling Annotation, meta-info management, Making smart content, together!-3- 4. and with CMSs Content Management Systems (CMSs) already guarantee full separation between presentation and content ... but DO NOT offer a full separation between content and business logic.Very high technological dependance!Making smart content, together!-4-Low interoperability!CMSs are highly intrusive! 5. Information enhancement It does not represent information meaning. Only design and presentation!200420022000Normal Web (considering 2.0)2006i.e.:

Price: 240 Eur

201220102008Semantic Web The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given a well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation Tim Berners-Lee et al, The Semantic Web (2001)Making smart content, together!-5- 6. Towards the semantic web ~1993: Document level gopher, archie ~1994: Text level Web (html, url, )~2012: Data level Semantic web (RDFa, sparql, ) ! Linked Open Data Making smart content, together!-6- 7. Our roots 20082009WEB HTML20102011JOOMLAximdex.comOXE.comNombre: OXE XimdexDRUPALWeb: Making smart content, together!20132014SEMANTIC WEBXIMDEXALFRESCO2012-7- 8. Semantic technologies Semantic Web It associates a precise and shared meaning to the elements of information. Therefore modeled information can be used by persons, tools and systems.SemanticStructureSintax(meaning)(organization)(communication)RDF+ontologiesXMLRDF (Resource Description Framework) allows to describe relationships between elements of information. Ontologies provide a shared vocabulary (OWL).Making smart content, together!-8-Modelling allows making inferences! 9. Information management with Ximdex XIMDEX Structured documents + meaning + metadata Full access to information elements Free definition and use of XML schemes Use of standards (XML, XSLT, RNG)abstractionopen access+free structuremeaningWith Ximdex CMS, content, data and apps become fully independent from CMS technology! Independant selection of architecture, exploitation platforms (java, ruby, php, .net), application servers, connectors to systems, etc.scalable!Making smart content, together!-9-neutral!interoperable! 10. What is Ximdex CMS? A distributed environment for the management of contents, data, applications and services. It conveys them to different final formats (WEB, smart TV, smartphones, ...) in multiple technologies (J2EE, PHP, .NET, XML, JSON, XHTML, HTML5, ) even simultaneously. Acquisition, management, transformation and syndication of: contents, data and services (web, smartphones, DVB, smart TVs, ...) exploitation elements (java, php, RoR, json, jquery, html, django, ...) Allowing a distributed management of information elements: remote and cooperative via web From multiple sources Using diverse programming languages Taken into account structure & meaning For the publication as web portals of contents/data/services in diverse formats and channels, with full separation between content and presentation and business logic.Making smart content, together!- 10 -XIMDEX is the only CMS fully independent from business logic, allowing deployment of contents & data in any present or oncoming technology 11. Visual edition of XML with Ximdex WYSIWYG/M for XML during document edition ...XMLXSLT + RNGximdexAutomatic enhancement of written contentHTML, PDF, TDT, PHP, J2EE, RoR, Making smart content, together!- 11 - 12. automatic portal generation Structured documents are automatically transformed by templates to generate content, data and applications.XMLXSLT + RNGximdexHTML, PDF, TDT, PHP, J2EE, RoR, Transformation driven by the associated meaning! Making smart content, together!- 12 - 13. Decoupled publishing in the cloud XIMDEX cloud(semantic repository, recommender, ...)data&webapplications XIMDEXs users (editors, admins, supervisors, )XIMDEX cloud(editor, transformer, synchronizer, ...)video Final users of published info (semantic and web portals, linked open data, multichannel portals)Making smart content, together!- 13 - 14. Ximdexs architecture Semantic & XML repositoryComponent for static and dynamic content/data/apps synchronization into the cloudXML transformationXML rep.transform pipelinesSemantic storeRemote Exploitation Servers (in the cloud)ACpublisherDCweb & dataRDBSorchestratorweb server & API restxeditxowlControl Center: workflow, versioning, permissions, video Publishing on remote servers in the cloud helps to reduce technological dependence on the CMS!Modules: semantic recommendations, wysiwyg/m editor, ...Making smart content, together!applications- 14 - 15. XOWL module: automatic annotationsximdexAnnotations in Ximdex can be represented in any format or technology (RDFa, microformats, etc.) Making smart content, together!- 15 - 16. Module XTAGS: tags & annotations XTAGSXTAGS manages both structured (ontologies) and non structured tags.Making smart content, together!- 16 - 17. XLYRE module: Data Hub generationXLYREXimdex-Lyre module provides: Visual management of raw data, datasets, metadata, relationships, etc. Automatic transformation to new formats. Automatic generation of galleries, distributions, indexes, etc. applying filters (SPARQL, RDFa, ) Automatic rendering as Web Portals applying user defined templates and Dynamic Semantic Publishing techniques. Making smart content, together!- 17 - 18. XFIND module: search engine XFIND Configurable search engine that can simultaneously work with semantic documents (RDF), structured (XML) and non structured (html, pdf, images, ) documents. Searching non structured contents (html, pdf, doc, images, ...)Semantic search (RDFa) Searching structured documents (XML)Making smart content, together!- 18 - 19. Module XHAWK: IDS for contentXHAWKXimdex-Hawk module checks and monitors the integrity of the web portal in realtime. When an attack is detected, it warns the web administrator and automatically reverts the website to the last published version.Making smart content, together!- 19 - 20. Trust Ximdex Commercial projects: " " " " " " " " "Telefnica University of Seville (US) Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Business School: Escuela Organizacin Industrial (EOI) Spains Central Government (Ministerio de Presidencia) Royal household of Spain (100% uptime for +4 years) Reina Sofa Foundation ( R&D projects: Coordinator: CB-DOC (Secure Document Management combining Cryptography with Biometrics) http://cbdoc.ximdex.comIntegrators: Sopra group, SATEC, etc.Making smart content, together! Partners: IKS (EU FP7) CONSUMEDIA - 20 - 21. Ximdexs values and success cases Ximdexs values flexibility, security and scalability help our customers to: Adapt to new dynamic technologies for rendering content without upgrading: Creation of a new visual publishing channel in a few hours (i.e.: DVB). Migration of a web portal from XHTML to J2EE in a week. Help a business department to visually create smart content for a music portal. Remove scalability problems with big repositories (+1,5M docs, tenths of millions links) Aggregate automatically information from remote sources for an Open Data portal. Reach a 100% uptime of web portal for years. FlexibleSecureScalableMigration in hours to different simultaneous technologies!Detection of attacks in realtime with automatic warning and republishing.Repositories with over 1,5 million of linked documents.Making smart content, together!- 21 - 22. Contact usXimdex [email protected] smart content, together!- 22 -