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Open Windows Poetry and Stories by Donna Knott

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Poetry and Short Stories


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Open Windows

Poetry and Stories

by Donna Knott

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If you do not Dream,

There is nothing for you to hope for.

If you do not Hope,

There is nothing for you to succeed in.

If you do not Succeed,

There is nothing for you to do...

but Dream.

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The Gift

From you comes.... a glance,

and I soar with the eagle; a smile,

and I am filled with joy; a word,

and I float with the clouds; a touch,

and I tremble with wonder; a kiss,

and my heart overflows with Love

Love It comes in on a snowflake

flitting here and there. It makes the heart quake,

happy, without a care. Now it is here... Now it is gone.

The pieces of her heart scattered with the dawn.

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Season’s Song The breezes whisper in my ear,

“Spring is here, Spring is here.” Flowers burst forth bringing cheer, “Spring is here, Spring is here.”

Birds, in happy song, sing out, “Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice,” they shout. New born creatures are wobbling about,

“Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice,” they shout. Breezes whisper in my ear....

Summer is Coming!!!

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I soar with the falcon over treetops and hamlets. I run through meadows of heather and play with the fawns.

I swim in lakes and oceans singing with the mermaids their sirens song. I walk through a silent, fragrant glade with a man and know his heart.

I know of love and of peace. I know of joy and of sorrow. I can be hatred and jealousy.

I can be conscience and concern. My name is Imagine.

What do I know of You?

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The light of the crystal lamps cast a flame-like shadow on

the wall. My thoughts gave way to the rustic, old-country charm

of my room. I closed my eyes to ponder the mood. When I

opened them, the room seemed darker and the lamps appeared to

be flickering, making their shadows dance on the wall. It was

as if.... they were gas lamps! I stood to look closer. As I walked

toward the lamp I glanced into the mirror and was startled to see

a rather odd reflection. I stepped closer to look into the face that

stared back at me. It barely resembled my own. The girl in the

mirror wore a beautiful gown of pale yellow with white lace which

hugged her slim shoulders. A gold locket hung low, offsetting

the deep cut of the bodice. I looked down at my own body only to

see what I expected, jeans and a tee-shirt. Her dark auburn hair

was pulled away from her face and cascaded down her back in

large curls. As I moved forward to look closer, the girl in the

mirror moved as well. I raised my hand to touch my hair. She

raised her hand to do the same. Her eyes were large and deep

green, rimmed with curly lashes which matched her hair.... the

same as mine. Even her gaze was questioning as my own. I

reached out hesitantly. We touched for an instant but in that

instant we knew the loneliness in the others heart. I felt a

measure of comfort in that touch through glass and time. I felt I

had touched a part of my past, a part of myself. I drew strength

from it, knowing that I could now face the future with courage.

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Majestic and tall he stood overlooking the valley,

his valley.

His flesh showed the marks of battles fought against beasts and ....

Man, the worst beast of all.

His eyes flared then thinking of the man. He could almost smell the acrid scent

of the Man-beast.

The weapons which shot balls of fire angered him. His ears still heard their


He was old now. He could no longer protect his herd. His own tusks, yellowed

with age and use, were a burden.

Yet defiance flashed in his eyes as he trumpeted his rage at finding his domain

invaded again.

He charged down the mountain to meet his final challenge with courage and

hatred spurring him on.

He met the man-beast head on. Thunder, fire, and pain surround him.

His vision blurred with red hot anger. He tore at the air with his tusks as he went


He lay there... waiting,; he remembered a time past in his valley...

Rivers ran, flowers grew, birds filled the air with song.

Animals lived as nature intended... Untouched in rugged beauty.

There was peace then.

Finally the great beast closed his eyes and sighed his last breath, surrendering

to his memories and to Peace and Freedom.

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Walking With God

The Lord and I walked together today. He said,

“I really missed you while you were away.

I called and called but your heart was closed tight.

The sign on the door said ‘Please, call again.

I’ve gone for tonight.’

I knocked again and your door opened slightly. But when you saw who it was

you slammed it tightly.

‘I love you my child please, let me come in.’ You said, ‘How can you love me for I have sinned.’

I smiled and said, ‘Come out and let’s talk. Come take my hand and lets take a walk.’

We walked through the trees

painted gold and red.

He showed me his hands, for me he had bled.

I fell to my knees and began to pray.

He lifted my chin and brushed my tears away.

“I love you, my child, and never forget,

I died for you. I paid for your debt”

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A Prayer

Raise up your heads O’ people of God

And shout your praises to Him.

Sing your song of love and faith

And He shall reward you with strength.

Sing quietly now your prayers of devotion

And Angels will stop to listen.

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I Give Up to You So many times I take to you my burdens.

I lay them down at your feet, only to gather them up when I go.

You say, “My child, let go.”

I say, “Why are you so slow?”

You say, “I love you.”

Up to you I give all that’s in my heart...

the pain, hurt, and doubt.

These things I hold tight to as though I, alone, can resolve them.

My heart and soul I want to open to you.

I hide behind the things I’ve done hoping you wont see,

yet you know my every thought.

You see into my soul and act according to your wisdom.

Why do I try to pretend with you?

You say, “I love you.”

Up to you I give all that’s in my heart,

the pain, hurt, and doubt.

These things I hold tight to as though I, alone, can resolve them.

My heart and soul I need to open to you.

You knock at my door. I hear and open to you.

You come in ready to clean. I say, “Wait, not there. that’s no place for you.”

You say, “I love you. I forgive you. Have faith in me and I will pull you through.”

Up to you I give all that’s in my heart,

the pain, hurt, and doubt.

These things I no longer hold.

I realize that I, alone, Cannot resolve them.

My heart and soul I open completely to you.

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The night is a time of quiet reflection. My mind drifts through the darkness, remembering the light yet welcoming the stillness

which envelopes me. God is here in the quiet, humming a peaceful lullaby and lovingly stroking my hair as a

parent often does with a sleeping child. No matter that the child lives within an adult body.

The innocence is still there, etched in the soft skin of my face. He calls an angel to watch over my sleep and to take up His lullaby.

God’s Song Sleep well, my child, I love thee always.

Close thine eyes and let My angel carry thee away

Into the stars Where dreams await thee.

Sleep well, my child, And know that I will be near to thee.

My heart is within thee And serves to light thy way through the darkness.

Know this and be comforted. Sleep well, my child,

For I love thee always.

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Silence billows around me as a dark, forbidding cloud.

In the distance lightening flashes brightly

one, two, three a soft rumble follows.

The wind is strangely still and the sun has taken refuge in the thick ,dark gray sky, casting an

eerie glow on the earth below.

No sound from beast or fowl screams a warning

which falls on deaf ears.

Seemingly from nowhere comes a torrent of large raindrops, quickly followed by deafening

claps of thunder.

Bolts of lightning rip through the sky.

The trees bend and strain against the winds strong breath.

Some succumb to it and fall to the earth,


over thunder’s booming laughter and rain’s quiet applause.

Night falls, barely noticed, as the storm’s anger rages on.

But soon the wind and thunder are placated and lightening is satisfied with her fiery display.

They retreat to regions unknown

to await the time to strike again.

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Mountains Majestic, Powerful, Awesome,

high peaks, jagged rocks,

Beautiful, Peaceful, Serene,

warm sun, cold wind,

Old, Wise, Noble,

safety, aged knowledge.

I feel safe resting on you.

The radiance of the sun warms your surface.

Your warm me and protect me from the wind’s cold fingers.

I am sure of myself in your presence...

at peace to think or to dream.

As I look down at all of your colorful finery,

I know I am on top of the world.

I look upward to Heaven and know your Creator.

I praise Him for creating one such as you.

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The cool summer breeze in the evening blows.

The waves crash, bringing foam to the surf.

Here I dream the sirens song.

Its soothing melody wraps itself around me.

The intricate, silken threads weave a harmonious cocoon.

Inside I am safe, relaxed and peaceful.

The song weaves on; I am changing, transforming.

My anger and fear melt away as a dream before dawn.

My sadness and melancholy dissipate as a morning mist.

I am free to float or fly or sing.

I open my eyes, the sun is setting.

The cool summer breeze still blows.

The foamy surf continues to crash.

I stand to go inside, knowing that I will sleep with a peaceful

heart and wake to a glorious new day.

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Secret Places The cool September wind fills the sail,

dusk falls over land and sea.

The sun performs her daily exit with a dazzling display

which colors the rippling water

shades of pink, orange, and red.

The boat sways lazily with the winds gentle caresses.

The hull skims through the waves effortlessly as though it were gliding on glass.

Peace wraps me in its soft folds

as I contemplate the simple pleasures of life.

Some one knocks at the door and I am forced back to the reality of my small, cramped

dorm room, but I know that boat is just a moment away, behind closed eyelids.

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Sea Glass

The sun peeks through my window in the early morning, playfully

demanding me to come outside and give him a proper greeting. As I slip out of

bed, I feel the warm breeze tugging my white cotton gown, hurrying me along. I

dash out and climb the dune and stretch my arms out wide then gather all the

sunbeams I can, hugging them close to me.

Mom calls me to breakfast so I race the rising sun back down and yell “I

win” as I reach the door before he is completely over the dunes. My mom smiles

and shakes her head as she hands me my raspberries, buttery bagel and milk. I

sit out on the deck watching the pelicans glide over the sea - just barely

skimming the waves.

After breakfast I snatch my still-damp bathing suit off the line and run to

my room to change. I race my brother over the dunes and down to the beach

where we spread out a much-used blanket. We sit and wait for the dolphins to

come and play in the surf. Finally they appear and we watch, barely breathing,

while they jump, dive and frolic just beyond the breakers. They chatter happily

to each other and to us. Then with a flip of a tail and splash of a flipper they say

goodbye. My brother goes off to find Billy to play beach volleyball and I go in

search of the perfect piece of sea glass to add to my collection.

The rays of the sun beat down on me as I half walk, half crawl along the

sand. Soon my stomach reminds me that it’s time for lunch. I turn around

and hurry slowly back home watching the ground to make sure I haven't missed


After lunch I curl up in the rope swing on the shady side of the house and

read my favorite book for the tenth time. I close my eyes after a while and

breathe deeply the salty sea air. I smell the earthy freshness of the sea grass

mixed with the sticky sweetness of tanning oil and the slightly rotten smell of

dead fish and crabs washed up on the shore. It smells wonderful!

Late afternoon arrives with its deepening colors and quiet as I help mom with

dinner...grilled swordfish that dad caught, Yum! We sit around the picnic table

and talk about our day. It’s my brother’s turn to do the dishes so I scoot out the

back door before he can try to bribe me to do them for him.

I continue my search for sea glass until dusk turns everything shades of

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blue and it’s time to turn back. I meet my family on the beach. We sit and

watch ships pass so far out that all we see are tiny blinking lights.

The stars begin to come out as the soft, dark blue velvet night surrounds us

like a well worn blanket. We point out our favorite constellations and tell stories

we’ve made up about them. Mom begins to sing in her creamy, smooth voice and

soon dad joins in with his strong deep one. I lean my head against my dad’s

shoulder and he pulls me against him and wraps his arms around me. I’m

really too old to be rocked to sleep in my dad’s lap, but I don’t think anyone will

laugh if I do. I drift off to surrounded by people who love me and dream of

finding the perfect piece of sea glass.

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The Sea

The swells of the sea are swiftly tilting me

As the albatross cries, “shall I wait for thee?”

I want to soar through the clouds,

to fly and be free.

Yet far below the swelling sea

A dazzling darkness waits to comfort me.

A dolphin appears singing with glee.

Happily offering to dance with me.

He speaks of the sea with glorious wonder,

Far away from man’s furious thunder.

We flow through the waves

and down through the sea.

I hear whales in the distance singing to me.

In darkness and shadow of evil we call.

On whom can we cling to break our fall.

From dark ocean depths to green mountain peaks,

Our answers lie in the questions we seek.

Heavenly light from stars above

Sing alleluias of God’s powerful love.

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Nature’s Way

The bleak grayness intrudes into the pristine domain of


As the angry sea assaults the defenseless shore.

Yet farther out the foam seems to dance

Joyfully from wave to wave as though finally freed

From some unknown prison.

And far below, oblivious to the tempest above,

Whales sing with eerie abandon.

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Joyful Souls

When the soft mist rises from the shining waters

So too does my own soul rise.

The new sun is born with soft gentle lights

and colors then suddenly bursts

into bright and brilliant

rays of purest


The water reflects all things in beautiful ripples and waves.

Trees, swans, clouds and people all washed in

sparkling loveliness.

My soul is cleansed by the morning mist and strengthened

by the birth, each day, of the sun.

For all eternity there will be

mist and sun,

light and reflections.

Weary Souls, Take Heart!

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Torn Man A lonely, old man made his way down the damp and dark


I stopped to watch him.

He slowed, momentarily, at the overflowing trash cans to

rummage for discarded treasures.

I moved a little closer and saw in his face deep scars of

sadness, of hard times and age.

His hands, calloused from long years of work.

His clothing, torn and mangled from endless use.

As he came out of the alley onto the street, he saw a group of

children playing.

For a moment the sadness and age disappeared from his face

and a crooked smile appeared.

He was happy as he remembered times past.

Then the smile faded into wistful memory as he returned to his

dark and grim reality.