opensap hana1 week 02 database tasks loading modeling

Week 2 Unit 1: Database Schemas and Database Tables

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Week 2 Unit 1: Database Schemasand Database Tables

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Database Schemas and Database TablesThe SAP HANA Repository

Object management, versioning,and transport

Software component deliveryand patching

Built-in support for translatabletexts

Support for server-baseddevelopment

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Database Schemas and Database TablesThe SAP HANA Repository

Presentation logic

Control flow logic

Calculation logic


Data Data artifacts

Control flow artifacts

Presentation artifacts


Manage all artifacts in onerepository

Presentation (UI)

Control flow (Application)

Data persistence:TablesViewsSchemas…

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Database Schemas and Database TablesData Persistence in SAP HANA

Data persistence objects



SQL views



Sticky Note
= Parent Object Grouping Mechanism; Authorization Mechanism

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Database Schemas and Database TablesDatabase Schemas for SAP HANA

Database object


Contains logical groups:TablesViewsProceduresSequences…

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Database Schemas and Database TablesDesign-time Schemas for SAP HANA

Design-time object


Plain text file

Mandatory file suffix(.hdbschema)

Repository activationcreates runtime object inthe catalog

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Database Schemas and Database TablesDesign-time Schemas: Configuration Syntax (.hdbschema)

Mandatory syntax(.hdbschema)

Schema name keyword

Schema name


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Database Schemas and Database TablesDatabase Tables for SAP HANA

Database object<package.path>::<TableName>

A set of data elements


Metadata:Constraints on tableConstraints on values in particularcolumns…

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Database Schemas and Database TablesDesign-time Tables for SAP HANA

Design-time object


Plain text file

Mandatory file suffix(.hdbtable)

Repository activationcreates runtime object inthe catalog

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Database Schemas and Database TablesDesign-time Tables: Configuration Syntax (.hdbtable)

Mandatory syntax(.hdbtable)

Schema name

Table typeColumn/Row…

Table columnsName, SQL type, length…


Primary key

Week 2 Unit 2: Sequences andSQL Views

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Sequences and SQL ViewsDatabase Sequences for SAP HANA

Database object<package.path>::<SequenceName>

Generates an incremented list ofnumeric values

Ascending/descending order

Used by applications to:Reference sequence objectsGenerate primary key valuesIdentify table columns/rowsCoordinate keys across rows/tables

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Sequences and SQL ViewsDesign-Time Sequences for SAP HANA

Design-time object


Plain text file

Mandatory file suffix(.hdbsequence)

Repository activationcreates runtime object inthe catalog

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Sequences and SQL ViewsDesign-Time Sequences: Configuration Syntax (.hdbsequence)

Mandatory syntax.hdbsequence


Usage:SQL Insert (NEXTVAL)

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Sequences and SQL ViewsSQL Views for SAP HANA

Database object<package.path>::<ViewName>

SQL statements/queries

Join data from different tables

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Sequences and SQL ViewsDesign-Time SQL Views for SAP HANA

Design-time object


Plain text file

Mandatory file suffix(.hdbview)

Repository activationcreates runtime object inthe catalog

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Sequences and SQL ViewsDesign-Time SQL Views: Configuration Syntax (.hdbview)

Mandatory syntax

Schema name

SQL query:JSON notation (\”Name\”)Select fromleft outer join onorder bydepends_on_table/view

Joined table names:<package.path>::header<package.path>::item

Week 2 Unit 3: Authorizations

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AuthorizationsAvailable Active Roles: Overview


Imported Roles:<PackagePath>::<RoleName>sap.hana.xs.admin::administratorsap.hana.xs.admin::viewersap.hana.ui5.db::SITE_DESIGNERsap.hana.ui5.db::SITE_USER

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AuthorizationsBuilding Repository Roles: Create

Design-time object


Plain text file

Mandatory file suffix (.hdbrole)

Repository activation creates runtimeobject in the catalog

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AuthorizationsBuilding Repository Roles: Define

Role name

Extends another role

Privileges:SchemaSELECT, INSERT, UPDATE,DELETE, DROP…Application:ADMIN (EXECUTE, SAVE…)– System– SQL objects– Packages– Analytic


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AuthorizationsBuilding Repository Roles: Grant Activated Role to a User

Grant role with_SYS_REPO procedure:


Grant parameters’ROLENAME’’USERNAME’

SQL procedure call

Week 2 Unit 4: EPM Demo Schema

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EPM Demo SchemaAvailable EPM Demo Data

The EPM demo data includes thefollowing catalog objects:





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EPM Demo SchemaEPM Demo Data: Tables

A table is a set of data elements thatare organized using columns androws.

EPM Tables:AddressesBusiness partnersEmployeesProductsSales orders…

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EPM Demo SchemaEPM Demo Data: Views

A view is a virtual table based on thedynamic results returned in responseto an SQL statement.

EPM ViewsPurchaseOrderHeaderExt

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EPM Demo SchemaEPM Demo Data: Sequences

A sequence is a database object thatgenerates an automaticallyincremented list of numeric values toidentify tables, columns, or rows.

EPM Sequences:Address IDEmployee IDPartner IDPurchase Order IDSales Order IDText ID

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EPM Demo SchemaEPM Demo Data: Synonyms

A synonym is an alternative name fora database table.


Week 2 Unit 5: Single File DataLoad of CSVs

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Single File Data Load of CSVsAutomatic Table Data Load: Required Files

CSV fileHolds data, separated bycommas, to load into target table

Table Import ModelDefines target DB table for loadMandatory file suffix (.hdbtim)

Table Import DataConnects CSV file to data loadmodel file (.hdbtim )Mandatory file suffix (.hdbtid)

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Single File Data Load of CSVsAutomatic Table Data Load: Source File

Data source file

Transportable, design-timeobject

Contains the values to loadinto the database table

Values separated by commas

Number of columns in CSVfile/ target table must match

Data types in target table/CSVcolumns must match

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Single File Data Load of CSVsAutomatic Table Data Load: Import Model

Table import model file

Design-time object


Mandatory file suffix(.hdbtim)

Specifies source file type

Defines the target table inthe database (“item”)

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Single File Data Load of CSVsAutomatic Table Data Load: Import Data

Table import data file

Design-time object


Mandatory file suffix (.hdbtid)

Connects the CSV source file tothe data load model file

Specifies the source CSV file

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Single File Data Load of CSVsAutomatic Table Data Load: SQL Query to View Results


FROMSchema nameWORKSHOPX_00Namespaceworkshop.sessionx.00.dataObject delimiterdouble colon (::)Table nameitem

Week 2 Unit 6: Attribute Views

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Attribute ViewsOverview

Attribute views:Model an entity based uponrelationships of multiple sourcetables

Can contain:ColumnsCalculated columnsHierarchies

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Attribute ViewsDefining Sources and Relationships

Define an attribute view:

SourcesThe main components of anattribute view are tables.

RelationshipsJoin fields in tables to get aconsistent definition of theoverall entity.

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Attribute ViewsDefining the Output Structure

Example:Tables often contain alarge number ofcolumns.Add only the columnsyou really need in theoutput structure.

Output structureField selection

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Attribute ViewsDefining Field and Column Properties

The properties of a view columnaffect the overall usage:

Key AttributeDrilldown-EnabledHidden

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Attribute ViewsDefining Calculated Output Fields 1

To define a new calculatedoutput field that is based onexisting fields in the view,you can use:

Other output fields


Conversion (unit of measureand currency)

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Attribute ViewsDefining Calculated Output Fields 2

To define a new calculatedoutput field, you must specify:

The data type

The field width

The scale

The rule definition

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Attribute ViewsData Preview

Preview the datadisplayed by the view

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Attribute ViewsData Preview with Analysis

Week 2 Unit 7: Analytic Views

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Analytic ViewsOverview

Analytic Views:Leverage the computing power ofSAP HANA to calculate aggregatedataContain two types of columns– Attributes– Measures

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Analytic ViewsSet Parameters

Assign a unique name forthe technical name of theanalytic view

Change the view type toAnalytic View

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Analytic ViewsDefinition of Data Foundation and Logical Joins

Explanation of terms:

Data Foundation:Represents the tables used for defining thefact table of the view

Logical Join:Represents the relationship between theselected table fields (fact table) andattribute views

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Analytic ViewsData Foundation View

The Data Foundation viewshows all the fields that canbe incorporated into thefinal model.

These fields are marked asoutput fields

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Analytic ViewsLogical Join

The Logical Join viewdisplays only thosefields you have chosento include in this model,as well as the restrictedand calculatedmeasures that havebeen defined.

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Analytic ViewsSemantics View

In the Semantics view,you can classify thecolumns andcalculated columns asattributes andmeasures.

You can also createvariables/inputparameters andhierarchies andassign variables to thecolumns.

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Analytic ViewsCalculated Columns

There are many options for defining acalculated measure:

Aggregation, such as sum, minimum,maximum, and countData types, such as decimals, numbers,and so onExpressions or operatorsString, date math, conversion, and so on

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Analytic ViewsRestricted Columns

The restriction for a measure is basedon an attribute value.

In the example, the measureRC_PRODUCT_CAT_NOTEBOOKSshows only Gross Amount valuesfrom the Product Category‘Notebooks’.

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Analytic ViewsData Preview

The same options existhere as exist for theattributes view:

Raw dataDistinct valuesAnalysis

Week 2 Unit 8: Calculation Views

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Analytic View

View or Table


Calculation ViewsTwo Types

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Calculation ViewsView Creation Wizard

Assign a unique name must bealphanumeric (A-Z; 0-9; _)

Select Graphic or SQLScript

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Calculation ViewsSelecting Components

Select any tables,attributes, or analyticviews to add to theCalculation view.

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You can add projection nodes to addextra fields. For example, adding thecurrency converted amount field

Calculation ViewsSelecting Components

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Choose the fieldsthat should beavailable for thenext level

Calculation ViewsOutput Definition

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Calculation ViewsCalculated Column

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Calculation ViewsDefine Union

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Calculation ViewsScripted Views Overview

DB Layer


Traditional:“Data to Code”

New Model:“Code to Data”

Massive datacopies create


Transferminimumresult set

Application LayerApplication Layer

DB LayerCode

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Calculation ViewsDefine Output Structure, Define Function and SQLScript

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Calculation ViewsDefine Which Columns are Attributes or Measures

You need to selectthe attributes andmeasures for theoutput node.

Week 2 Unit 9: Analytic Privileges

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Analytic PrivilegesTypes of Privileges

When you access the SAP HANA database, ensure that any access to data isbacked by corresponding privileges. Different schemas are implemented.


SQL PrivilegePrivilege SQL statementtype (for example,SELECT, UPDATE, andCALL ...)

Analytic PrivilegeAnalytic Privileges areused to provide row-level authorizationViews.

System PrivilegeUsed for administrativetasks.Sytem Privileges areassigned to users androles.

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Analytic PrivilegesConcept

Analytic privileges control access to SAP HANA data models.

You can implement row-level security with analytic privileges. However, youcan restrict access in a given data container to selected attribute values,such as:

Field from Attribute viewField from Attribute view used in Analytic viewPrivate dimension of Analytic viewAttribute field in Calculation viewCombinations of the aboveSingle value, range, IN-list

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Analytic PrivilegesCreation

Define Name and Description

Choose the package

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Analytic PrivilegesSelect Information Models

Select applicable InformationModels

Views have two functions inAnalytic Privileges– Views to which you want to grant


– View from which you want to selectfields for restrictions

You can add further views tothe privilege later

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Analytic PrivilegesSelect Views

Restrictions apply to all views inlist of “Reference Models”

Choose “Add” in “Reference Models”section– Pick any appropriate view from any


Do not use the “Applicable to AllContent Models” option

Reason:– Can have surprising side effects– You give away control over model access

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Analytic PrivilegesDefine Concrete Restrictions

You may implementvalue restrictions for allselected fields

If no value restrictionimplemented norestrictions (wildcard)Otherwise: user will onlybe allowed to see listedvalues

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Analytic PrivilegesDynamic Analytic Privileges

Dynamic analytic privileges provide a more flexible approach. The actual filterconditions are obtained at runtime from a stored procedure, which cancontain complex logic.

This enables you to:Reuse the same analytic privilege for several usersChange the filter condition in the underlying tables and views without having to change theanalytic privilege itself

Example:The stored procedure in theanalytic privilege queriesthe user‘s businessdepartment from an orgtable, and checks inanother table whether theuser has manager status.

Attribute Views

Analytic Views

Calculation Views

User3 restrictions

User2 restrictions

User1 restrictionsDynamicAnalyticPrivilege

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Analytic PrivilegesIn a Role

The last step is toassign the differentprivileges to anauthorization role

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