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  • OpenScape Business


    Best Practice SDHC Card handling

    Version 1.3

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    About this Document

    Descriptions within this document refer to OpenScape Business V2R3 effective July 2017

    Disclaimer & Copyright

    The information provided in this document contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance

    which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of

    the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of

    contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.

    Unify, OpenScape, OpenStage and HiPath are registered trademarks of Unify Software and Solutions GmbH & Co. KG.

    All other company, brand, product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective


    All rights reserved.

    Copyright Unify Software and Solutions GmbH & Co. KG 2017

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Table of Contents

    Overview 5

    1. SDHC Card Health Status 6

    1.1. SDHC Filesystem Information 7

    1.1.1. Manufacturing Date and File System Creation Date 7

    1.2. Filesystem Checks 7

    1.2.1. Quick SDHC Check 7

    1.2.2. Full SDHC Check with System Restart 8

    1.3. Health Status Indication 8

    2. Recommended Actions 9

    2.1. Status Red 9

    2.2. Status Yellow 10

    2.3. Status Green 11

    2.4. Status Grey 11

    3. Detailed Descriptions 12

    3.1. System Backup / Restore 12

    3.2. Determine the exact SW version at the WBM home page. 12

    3.3. Determine Application Package 12

    3.4. Software Downloads 12

    3.4.1. OpenScape Business System SW image 12

    3.4.2. Card Manager SW. 12

    3.4.3. File Image Cloning Tool - Win32 Disk Imager 12

    3.4.4. Image File Re-Sizing Tool - IBEX File Size Changer 13

    3.5. Prepare New SDHC Card 13

    3.6. Create new SDHC Card 13

    3.6.1. Create SDHC card with Card Manager Tool 13

    3.6.2. Create SDHC Card with a Cloning Tool 13

    3.7. Replacement of SDHC Card 14

    3.8. Restore System Configuration 14

    4. SDHC Card Cloning Tools 15

    4.1. Win32 Disk Imager 15

    4.1.1. IBEX File Size Changer 16

    5. Backup Informationm Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

    5.1. SDHC card Size Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

    5.2. OSBiz SDHC Card file System information in general Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    5.1. Linux vs. MS Windows file system information Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

    5.1.1. CardManager under Linux Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

    5.1.2. GParted under Linux Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

    5.1.3. Mini Tool Partition Wizard under Windows Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

    6. Abbreviations 20

    Table of History

    Date Version Changes

    2017-07-15 1.0 Initial Creation

    2017-07-20 1.1 Enhancements Chapter 2.2. Status Yellow

    2017-07-26 1.2 Minor corrections

    2017-07-27 1.3 Enhancements Chapter 2.2. Status Yellow

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3



    OpenScape Business systems use SDHC memory cards to store the operating system SW and the system configuration

    data as well as call data records, UC journals, voicemails, traces, etc..

    SDHC cards support a limited number of write cycles per memory cell. A built-in memory controller with

    corresponding firmware ensures that all the memory cells of the card are evenly loaded, and that reserve cells are

    installed when the memory cells are defective. Despite all the built-in intelligence for optimum use of the memory, the

    life span of the SDHC card is finite.

    The SDHC card lifetime in OpenScape Business Systems, depends on system configuration and the use of embedded

    applications such as UC Smart and Smart Voicemail.

    OpenScape Business checks from SW version V2R3, the status of the SDHC card and displays it to the system

    administrator. Depending on the status, it is recommended to replace the SDHC card.

    This document describes the necessary steps and preconditions to be observed when changing the SDHC card.

    The SDHC cards for OpenScape Business have been specially selected and tested for operation on Linux operating

    systems. The card-specific firmware, the controller and the used memory cells of the SDHC card have been registered

    with the manufacturer in order to ensure the required operating parameters for all SDHC cards. Other SDHC cards

    should not be used (even from the same manufacturer) because the operating parameters required for OpenScape

    Business may not be met and malfunctions may occur in the systems.

    SDHC cards for OpenScape Business can be ordered under order number L30251-U600-A935.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    1. SDHC Card Health Status

    SDHC cards offer only very few information to determine its health status. In case that corresponding data are stored

    on the SDHC card, they can often be read and evaluated only with manufacturer-specific software tools. Standardized

    information and access mechanisms are not available for this purpose.

    OpenScape Business evaluates the SDHC card health status on base of the following parameters:

    Prorated life span of the SDHC card that was determined before by tests in the lab.

    Read / write errors during operation of the system

    The currently determined SDHC card health status is displayed at the home page of the OpenScape Business Assistant


    Figure 1 SDHC Health Status at the WBM Home Page

    Click on the link to branch to the SDHC Health Check page within the WBM and display details on the status.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Figure 2 SDHC Health Check page within the WBM Expert Mode

    1.1. SDHC Filesystem Information

    On system startup OpenScape Business generates several log files that include information about the SDHC card such


    SDHC card manufacturing date

    SDHC card vendor

    File system creation date

    Last file system check

    Next file system check

    Manufacturing Date and Filesystem Creation Date

    The manufacturing date is written by the card manufacturer and is not changed when the card is partitioned and

    formatted. The filesystem creation date is written each time when the card is formatted. Therefore the manufacturing

    date is used to determine the life span of a card.


    SDHC cards should not be stored too long in stock before they are used in OpenScape Business.

    1.2. Filesystem Checks

    Filesystem errors indicate clearly that a SDHC card is faulty and has to be replaced.

    Quick SDHC Check

    OpenScape Business logs permanently SDHC card read / writes errors and uses these information to determine SDHC

    card health status.

    At the time, when a system administrator logs into the WBM OpenScape Business checks automatically the log files for

    filesystem errors. It does not execute an explicate filesystem check at this moment.

    The SDCH card is determined as faulty under following conditions.

    Filesystem state is not "clean"

    Device (mmcblk0) errors found

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    EXT3-file system error found

    Full SDHC Check with System Restart

    System administrator can trigger an immediate or a scheduled full SDHC card file system check. In this case system

    restarts and executes the full filesystem check and also the log files check.

    The full filesystem checks can only be done on unmounted devices therefore a system restart is necessary.

    The SDHC card is determined as faulty under following conditions.

    Filesystem state is not "clean"

    Device (mmcblk0) errors found

    EXT3-file system error found

    1.3. Health Status Indication

    The SDHC card health status is implemented as a traffic light. Recommended actions are displayed together with the


    Status Recommended action

    Green No action required

    Yellow The estimated lifetime of the SDHC card has been reached.

    Backup your data to an external storage media and perform the SDHC card Health check. In

    case of no errors, schedule SDHC card replacement. In case of errors replace SDHC card


    Red The system has determined SDHC card errors during normal system operation.

    Backup your data on an external storage and replace SDHC card immediately

    Grey Card not supported or not possible to retrieve card information. Replace SDHC card by a

    supported type

    Table 1 Summary health status indication

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    2. Recommended Actions

    Within the following the required tasks are described step by step. Depending on the SDHC card status, the card has to

    be replaced by a new one. Before a new card can be inserted the appropriate SW version has to be copied to the SDHC


    For preparation of a new SDHC card following prerequisites are required:


    o PC or Laptop with MS Windows OS, LAN, CD drive, USB interface.

    o USB SDHC card reader/writer.

    o Access to the Software Download server (SWS) of Unify

    o SW uncompressing tool like WinZip or 7Zip

    o New, suitable SDHC card

    o Card manager tool on CD

    o OpenScape Business backup file

    o OpenScape Business SW image file


    o SDHC card clone tool

    o File image re-sizing tool

    2.1. Status Red

    In this case the SDHC card is defect!

    Do not shut down or restart the system at this stage. Do not perform a full SDHC card file check as a restart might fail.

    The following main actions have to be done immediately:

    Tasks Description (in chapter)

    Determine the exact SW version 3.2

    Determine the application package that is active within the system. 3.3

    Backup system configuration to an external storage device (PC). 3.1

    Retrieve System SW image from Software download server 3.4

    Use the Card Manager tool to copy system SW to a new SDHC card 0

    Shutdown the system

    Remove old SDHC card and insert the new one 3.7

    Restart the System with new SDHC card.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Restore system configuration 3.8

    Table 2 Recommended Actions for Status Red


    Do not re-use cards that show file system errors after being in operation since years. Such cards have reached

    definitely end of life and are not reliable any longer.

    2.2. Status Yellow

    In this case the estimated life span of the SDHC card is exceeded. The card is not defect!

    No file system errors have been detected. It is recommended to replace the SDHC card by a new one at this status.

    New SDHC cards can be either created by the Card manager tool or by a SDHC card cloning tool.

    The efforts using a SDHC card cloning tool are much lower than using the card manager tool. But the cloning tool

    copies all information 1:1 to the new card. This includes also the log files which are checked for file system error entries

    as well as the file system creation date. Card cloning may lead to the effect, that the filesystem creation date can be

    older than the card manufacturing date.

    The following main actions have to be done if a SDHC card cloning tool is used:

    Task Description

    Determine the exact SW version. 3.2

    Determine the application package that is active within the system. 3.3

    Backup system configuration to an external storage device (PC). 3.1

    Shutdown the system

    Remove old SDHC card

    Use a SDHC card cloning tool to copy the SDHC card image to a MS Windows PC 0

    Option 1 (in case that system outage time has to be kept short)

    Insert old SDHC card and restart the system

    Re-size SDHC card image if necessary

    Write SDHC card image to the new SDHC card

    Shutdown system

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Replace old SDHC card by the new one

    Option 2 (in case that system outage time can be longer)

    Re-size SDHC card image if necessary

    Write SDHC card image to the new SDHC card

    Insert the new SDHC card into the system

    Restart the System with new SDHC card

    Table 3 Recommended Action for Status Yellow using a cloning tool

    2.3. Status Green

    In this case the estimated lifetime of the SDHC card is not yet reached and no file system errors have been detected.

    No further actions are required.

    2.4. Status Grey

    The SDHC card vendor cannot be determined or is not known. No estimated life span data are available in this case.

    The card should be replaced by a Unify certificated SDHC card. The same action as for status red, see chapter 2.1 should

    be performed.


    Status Red is also shown for unknown cards in case that read/write errors are detected.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    3. Detailed Descriptions

    3.1. System Backup / Restore

    Make full system configuration backup to external PC using HTTP. Do not store the backup file within the system on

    SDHC card. The description how to backup and restore system Configuration is described within OpenScape Business

    Administration Manual Chapter 24.2.3.

    3.2. Determine the exact SW version at the WBM home page.

    The system SW version can be found at the WBM home page. In addition it has also to be determined if a UC Booster

    Card (OCAB) is operated within the system this is also stated at the home page.

    It has to be ensured that exactly this SW version is used for SDHC card restoring; otherwise the configuration backup

    set might not work properly after restoration.

    3.3. Determine Application Package

    The application package can be determined within the WBM Expert Mode under the Application Application


    This information is essential in case that a UC Booster card or server is present within the system.

    3.4. Software Downloads

    The OpenScape Business system SW and the Card Manager tool SW can be downloaded from the SW Download Server

    (SWS) of Unify. Access to the SWS requires a valid account for the Unify Partner Portal.

    The SDHC card cloning tool, the File Image Re-sizing tool and the Linux Filesystem Reader tool have to be downloaded

    from manufacturer sites within the Internet.


    The license terms of the SW have to be considered.

    OpenScape Business System SW image

    The appropriate SW image for the target system has to be chosen and downloaded from the SWS. Before the SW can be

    used by the Card Manager tool it has to be uncompressed from tgz to tar file format by using uncompressing tools

    like WinZip or 7Zip.

    It is recommended to copy the system SW file into an easy accessible directory of the PC or Laptop in order to facilitate

    access by the Linux based Card Manager tool.

    Card Manager SW.

    The Card Manager tool can be downloaded from the SWS either as a single Java file that is executed on an existing

    Linux system or as an ISO Image that can be used to create a bootable Linux CD (Knoppix) including the Card Manager.

    File Image Cloning Tool - Win32 Disk Imager

    The Win32 Disk Imager SW is under the GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2) and can be downloaded from

    the link:

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Image File Re-Sizing Tool - IBEX File Size Changer

    The IBEX File Size Changer can be downloaded from the link:

    This software was designed by IBEX UK Ltd, an electronic product design company in South East England, and is

    released under the free use MIT License. For further information read the full About Me text within the program.

    Linux Ext3 Filesystem Reader

    Sometime it is required to read log files directly from the SDHC card.

    The Freeware Linux Reader for Windows provides read-only access to Linux filesystems under Windows OS. Apart

    from this the application gives the opportunity to use common Windows Explorer for extracting data.

    This software is provided by the manufacturer as Freeware and can be download from the link:

    3.5. Prepare New SDHC Card

    A new SDHC cards for OpenScape Business can be ordered with the feature number L30251-U600-A935. Only these

    card guarantees the same specification as the original SDHC card.

    The system SW has to be copied to the SDHC card by using Unifys Card Manager tool.

    The Card Manager tool as well as the OpenScape Business system SW can be downloaded from Unifys Software

    Download Server (SWS). It has to be ensured that exactly the previously determined SW version is used. The small SW

    image is sufficient for SDHC card restauration.

    3.6. Create new SDHC Card

    OpenScape Business SDHC cards cannot be simply copied by Windows or Linux operating system means or by

    commercial or free partition managers. Some very specific issues have to be considered, which are not supported by

    most of the tools. Depending on the health status of the SDHC card following tools can be used .

    Card Manager Tool in case of status red or yellow

    Card Cloning tool in case of status yellow only

    Create SDHC Card with Card Manager Tool

    The Card Manager is used to copy OpenScape Business system SW packages which have been downloaded from the

    SW Download Server to an SDHC card. The tool can process only system SW package in tar format. The handling of

    the Card Manager tool is described within the OpenScape Business Administration Manual chapter24.8.9.


    The Card Manager tools supports only USB based SDHC card readers. Built in card readers of Laptop PC etc. are not


    Sometimes USB card readers are not recognized by the Card Manager tool as the either the USB controller within the

    PC or card reader itself is not supported by the Linux driver. In this case try either another USB card reader or another

    PC HW or the Java file on an actual Linux OS distribution instead of the Knoppix image.

    Create SDHC Card with a Cloning Tool

    The cloning of an SDHC card offers following advantages:

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    The whole content of the SDHC card is copied 1:1 to the new card

    No system SW specific image file is required.

    System configuration need not to be restored.

    The recommended tool operates under MS Windows OS

    But there are also some disadvantages to consider:

    SDHC card cloning can only be used for SDHC cards without file system errors.

    System log files and the filesystem creation date are also copied 1:1

    Depending on the source and destination SDHC card the image file has to be re-sized eventually.

    The need of image file re-sizing is caused by the fact that SDHC cards provide different number of sectors depending on

    manufacturer and card type. Even if the cards are labelled with the same capacity. Therefore the capacity of the target

    card has to be checked before cloning an OSBiz SDHC card Image.

    Within chapter 4 of this document an example is shown how to clone an OpenScape Business SDHC card using MS

    Windows based tools.


    The example is for demonstration purpose only. It comes without guarantee of the functionality within every

    HW/SW environment and availability of the used tools.

    3.7. Replacement of SDHC Card

    The SDHC card of OpenScape Business must not be removed while the OpenScape Business X system is in operation.

    The card is mounted as device mmcblk0 within the Linux file system. It must be unmounted from the file system

    before it can be removed without impacts to the system operation. Following steps are required.

    Shutdown the OpenScape Business system via WBM

    Switch off (power off) the system

    Remove SDHC card and insert the new one.

    Switch on and start the system by power on.

    3.8. Restore System Configuration

    After a restart with a new SDHC card that has been created by the Card Manager tool the system is in factory default

    status. Connect administration PC to the Admin LAN port, use the default IP address and default login credentials to

    login into the Assistant (WBM).

    Check / Set system date and time.

    Set the application package according to the previously noted package

    Restore the system configuration using the previously saved backup file.

    After backup restart the system.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    4. SDHC Card Cloning Tools

    4.1. Win32 Disk Imager

    The program operates with MS Windows operating system and is designed to write a raw disk image to a removable

    device or to back up a removable device to a raw image file.

    The handling of the program is mostly self-explaining. After execution of the setup program the source SDHC card

    (device) can be chosen and can be copied to the PC (Read). The name of the image file can be entered and the path

    within the file system can be chosen. The image file is written to the users download directory if no other path is

    selected. A progress indicator informs about the copy status.

    Figure 3 Win32DiskImage -Read SDHC

    Figure 4 Win32DiskImage Image File Location

    The image file can be copied afterwards to a new SDHC card. The new SDHC card must have the same or a bigger

    memory size than the source card.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Figure 5 Win32DiskImage Write SDHC card

    After successful writing a success message is displayed, which has to be confirmed.

    In case that the Image file does not fit to the new SDHC card following message is appears.

    Figure 6 Win32DiskImage Image File Location

    In case that the image file does not fit to the new SDHC card as the capacity of the new SDHC card is slightly smaller

    than the size of the source card, the image can be re-sized by an appropriate tool as long as the OpenScape Business

    relevant partition (OCSME) itself is not affected.

    The OCSME partition requires at least 15,349,092 (15,349,091+1) sectors with 512 Bytes memory space. Therefore the

    minimum image file size is:

    Bytes kBytes MBytes GBytes

    7,858,735,104 7,674,546 7,494.67 7.32

    Table 4 OSBiz SDHC card required memory space

    IBEX File Size Changer

    The IBEX File Size Changer tool does the re-sizing job perfectly within MS Windows OS environment. The re-sized

    image can be written afterwards to the new SDHC card using Win32DiskImager. After installation and start the

    program prompts with the start screen:

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Figure 7 IBEX file size changer

    The source file can opened by browsing through the file system after clicking the button Open File. Now the file size

    in Bytes is shown and the new file size in Bytes can be entered.

    A check for identical byte content within at the end of file can be chosen before the file is re-sized. This option need to

    be handled with care as it can mislead the user. The check is not necessarily required as long as the minimum OCSME

    partition size is not undercut.


    The program replaces the source image file by the re-sized image file without indication to the user. It is recommended

    to back up the source file before re-sizing is performed.

    Re-sizing example:

    In this example the file SDHCImageTooBig is processed

    Figure 8 Image File size in MS Windows Explorer

    Loading the file into the IBEX file size changer displays the file size of 8,068,792,320 bytes.

    Figure 9 IBEX file size changer Loading Source File

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    The new file size should be 7,858,735,104 Bytes. This value is entered into the new file size field. A click to Change The

    File Size opens the confirmation dialog.

    Figure 10 IBEX file size changer Confirmation Re-sizing

    Click to button Ok performs the required action.

    Figure 11 IBEX file size changer Success Message

    The new file size can be checked either within the explorer or by loading the file again into the tool.

    Figure 12 Windows Explorer Check File Size

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    Figure 13 IBEX file size changer Check File Size

    After the image is re-sized it can be written to the source SDHC card using the Win32Image Writer.

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    5. Abbreviations

    SW Software

    SDHC Secure Disc High Capacity

    EXT3 Linux file system format

    HTTP Hyper Text Transmission Protocol

    WBM Web Based management (Administrations Portal)

    OCAB UC Booster Card

    SWS Software Download Server

    ISO International Standard organization (Image according to ISO 9660)

    MS Microsoft

    HW Hardware

  • OpenScape Business Best Practice SDHC Card handling V1.3


    6. Literature

    Unify Software and Solutions. (02/2017). OpenScape Business V2 Administratior-Dokumentation. Unify.

  • Copyright Unify Software and Solutions GmbH & Co. KG 2015

    Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 6, 80807 Munich/Germany

    All rights reserved.

    The information provided in this document contains merely general descriptions or

    characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as

    described or which may change as a result of further development of the products.

    An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in

    the terms of contract.

    Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.

    Unify, OpenScape, OpenStage and HiPath are registered trademarks of Unify Software and

    Solutions GmbH & Co. KG. All other company, brand, product and service names are

    trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.