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1 1 Operation management of healthcare delivery Xiaolan Xie Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering 2 Chapter 1. Healthcare delivery and its operation 3 Goal present quantitative techniques from the perspective of health care organisations’ delivery of care, rather than their traditional manufacturing applications. 4 Context and trends Rising health expenditures (17.6% in USA, 11.6% in France for 2009) 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Average 7,8 7,9 7,7 7,8 8 7,9 8,2 8,6 Medium 3,4 3,9 4,2 4,8 5 5,1 5,6 5,7 Maximum 13,3 13,2 13 13 13 13,1 13,9 14,6 Health expenditure as %GDP of 30 OECD countries 5 Context and trends Increasing demand due to demographic change and aging population. Shift from offer-driven to patient-centered health care with more active role of patients in health care and better informed patients Growing concern of health care safety and quality -> Need of traceability of health care delivery Arrivals of new ICT technologies (delivery robots, RFID, telemedicine, HIS, PDA, e-prescription, POS, EDI, online appointment, eVisit, …) Hospitals are bigger and bigger and more complex (CHU-StE 2000 beds – 7259 employes, Ruijin Hospital – 2000 beds + 12000 outpatients/day, Huaxi hospital – 4000+ beds, Zhengzuo hospital 10000+ beds 6 French situations Mostly public hospitals Culture change on going. Words (clients, productivity, efficiency, service level, competition) better understood. Government responses: New healthcare financing: T2A, new governance, referee physician New health Info. Syst: carte vitale, personal health record Diversification of healthcare organizations to meet the diversity of healthcare demand (CHU, mid-size hospitals, clinics, home care, …) Better regional regulation by ARS Hospital responses : merging, reorganization, lean health care, Integrated Hospital Information Systems everywhere

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Operation management of healthcare delivery

Xiaolan XieCenter for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering


Chapter 1. Healthcare delivery and its operation



present quantitative techniques from the perspective of health care organisations’ delivery of care, rather than their traditional manufacturing applications.


Context and trends

Rising health expenditures (17.6% in USA, 11.6% in France for 2009)

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002Average 7,8 7,9 7,7 7,8 8 7,9 8,2 8,6Medium 3,4 3,9 4,2 4,8 5 5,1 5,6 5,7

Maximum 13,3 13,2 13 13 13 13,1 13,9 14,6

Health expenditure as %GDP of 30 OECD countries


Context and trends

• Increasing demand due to demographic change and agingpopulation.

• Shift from offer-driven to patient-centered health care with more active role of patients in health care and better informed patients

• Growing concern of health care safety and quality -> Need of traceability of health care delivery

• Arrivals of new ICT technologies (delivery robots, RFID, telemedicine, HIS, PDA, e-prescription, POS, EDI, online appointment, eVisit, …)

• Hospitals are bigger and bigger and more complex(CHU-StE 2000 beds – 7259 employes, Ruijin Hospital –2000 beds + 12000 outpatients/day, Huaxi hospital – 4000+ beds, Zhengzuo hospital 10000+ beds


French situations

• Mostly public hospitals

• Culture change on going. Words (clients, productivity, efficiency, service level, competition) better understood.

• Government responses:

• New healthcare financing: T2A, new governance, referee physician

• New health Info. Syst: carte vitale, personal health record

• Diversification of healthcare organizations to meet the diversity of healthcare demand (CHU, mid-size hospitals, clinics, home care, …)

• Better regional regulation by ARS

• Hospital responses :

• merging, reorganization,

• lean health care,

• Integrated Hospital Information Systems everywhere

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French situations

• Many obstacles to change.

• Healthcare costs hardly known,

• Increasing bigger hospitals with people used to work in isolated isles

• Lack of system thinking and spaghetti-like organization

• poor management skills and incentives of health professionals

• A labor-intensive industry facing quality human resourcesshortage

• about 10% of jobs in France and 40% in hospitals,

• feminisation and aging health professionals,

• working time regulation,

• Increasing importance of working conditions, …


Context and trends

The bad side

• large waiting list,

• large overtime,

• poor resourceutilization,

• ...

Wild demand fluctuation

Extra-beds at ED, 2013.07 Outpatient queue, 6h AM,11/15/2011

Poor demand-supply match Poor quality of services


Perspectives and evolution of French hospitals

• Montaigne report (2004),

l’hôpital de demain sera polymorphe et il n’y aura pas un modèle unique d’hôpital mais une variété d’établissements, recouvrant des organisations diversifiées, assurant des missions variées en fonction du contexte dans lequel ils se situent:

• des établissements parties prenantes de réseaux, en liaison étroite avec la médecine de ville,

• des hôpitaux sans murs ou quasiment, pour gérer l’hospitalisation à domicile,

• des établissements organisés autour d’un plateau technique très spécialisé,

• d’autres centrés sur l’hébergement et la dispensation de soins à des personnes âgées dépendantes,

• des établissements privilégiant l’urgence et les soins de premiers recours.


Perspectives and evolution of French hospitals

Six important trends:

• Health expenditure regulation and healthcare cost transparency

• Increasing productivity by optimization of healthcare deliveryorganization and management.

• Developing better relations with upstream and downstream parties in the healthcare value chain

• Adapting the healthcare offers

• Transforming healthcare delivery and hospital organization by new medical, technological and scientific progresses (new healthcaremodes: HAD, SAD, ...)

• Increasing regional control of healthcare offers.

But also, informatization of hospitals and the importance of ICT as drivers for healthcare delivery improvement.


Distinctive characteristics of health care services

•Patient participation : interaction between the health care organisation and patient throughout the delivery of care

•Simultaneous production and consumption : product cannot be inspected and challenge for quality control

•Perisable capacity : operating rooms, physicians, ...

•Intangible nature of health care outputs : cannot be tested or handled before deciding on it.

•High levels of judgement and heterogeneous nature of health care: However, standardization (diagnosis and treatment process, T2A) is in process.


A Four-level model of health care system

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A healthcare delivery system: function

Healthcare services or modes

• Medical cares

•Elective surgery

•Emergency surgery

•Day surgery

•Surgery at home

•Hospitalisation at home



Healthcare delivery system


evironnementregulation, insurance,




A healthcare delivery system: human resources

A hospital is a lot of highly skilled human resources :



Nurses - Infirmier Anesthésiste Diplômé d’Etat (IADE)

Nurses - Infirmier de Bloc Opératoire Diplômé d’Etat (IBODE)

Nurses - Infirmier diplômé d’état (IDE)

Caregivers - Aides soignants

Stretchers - Brancardiers

Hospital attendants - Agents de Service Hospitalier (ASH)

Also: radiologists, biologists, technicians, secretaries, ...

CHU-St Etienne = 7000+ employees


A healthcare delivery system: material resources

• Expensive technical facilities (Plateaux Techniques Medicaux):

• Operating theatres (operating rooms, induction rooms, recovery rooms)

• ICU, NICU (Intensive Care Units)

• Imaging equipment (MRI, CT scan, X-rays, …)

• Biology laboratories

• Pharmacies

• Sterilization facilities

• Hospitalization beds

• Consultation rooms

• ...


A healthcare delivery system: material resources


A healthcare delivery system: organisation

• Wards

• Medical services or units

• Specialties (Medecine, Surgery, Obstetrics)

• Clusters of competencies

• Hospitals

• Healthcare networks

• Logistic units

• Technical centers

• Administration

Usually with a funtional organisation.


French health authorities

•Haute autorité de la santé (HAS)Elle est chargée d’évaluer l'utilité médicale de l'ensemble des actes, prestations et produits de santé pris en charge par l'assurance maladie, de mettre en oeuvre la certification des établissements de santé et de promouvoir les bonnes pratiques et le bon usage des soins auprès des professionnels de la santé et du grand public.

• La Direction de l’Hospitalisation et de l’Organisation des Soins (DHOS), exerce une mission générale d’organisation de l’offre de soins à la fois en ville et en établissement. Son rôle est principalement de décliner les priorités de santé publique en les traduisant en priorités pour le secteur hospitalier.

•Les Agences Régionales de l’Hospitalisation (ARH), traduisent ensuite les priorités nationales données par la DHOS pour le secteur hospitalier au niveau régional. L’ARH dispose du Programme deMédicalisation du Système d’Information (PMSI) et des Schémas Régionaux d’Organisation Sanitaire (SROS).

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French healthcare performance improvement agency

MeaH: Mission Nationale d’Expertise et d’Audits Hospitaliers

www.meah.sante.gouv.fr (devenu ANAP)

• Une des trois missions opérationnelles créées dans le cadre de la Loi de financement de la sécurité sociale de 2003 et du plan hôpital 2007

• Objectifs :

– Faire émerger une meilleure organisation des activités hospitalières en conciliant :

• Service rendu au patient

• Efficience économique

• Conditions de travail satisfaisantes pour le personnel

• Exemples de chantier menés par la MEAHGestion des organisation des blocs opératoires, Circuit du médicament, Radiothérapie, Restauration, Temps médical


Six Quality Aims for the 21st Century Health Care System

• Safe—avoiding injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them.

• Effective—providing services based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit and refraining from providing services to those not likely to benefit (avoiding underuse and overuse, respectively).

• Patient-centered—providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.

• Timely—reducing waits and sometimes harmful delays for both those who receive and those who give care.

• Efficient—avoiding waste, including waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy.

• Equitable—providing care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, eographic location, and socioeconomic status.


Six key healthcare performance dimensions OMS Europe- projet PATH

Clinical effectivenes Qualité technique, organisation et pratiques basées sur la preuve, gain en santé, résultat (individuel et global)

Patient centeredness Réactivité envers les patients: orientation du patient (rapidité de prise en charge, accès aux moyens d’aide sociale, qualité de l’accueil), satisfaction du patient

Efficiency Ressources, financière (syst. Financiers, continuité, gaspillage de ressources), taux d’encadrement, expérience (dignité, confidentialité, autonomie, communication)

safety Patient et soignants, environnement, structure, utilisation des technologies nécessaires à l’éfficience clinique

staff orientation Santé, bien être, satisfaction, développement (taux de renouvellement, emploi, absentéisme)

responsive governance Orientation vers la communauté (réponse au besoins et demandes), accessiblité, continuité des soins, promotion de la santé, équité, capacité d’adaptation à l’évolution de la demande de la population


Health Operation Management

Rough decisions:

The planning and control of the processes that transform inputs intooutputs


(Individua doctor/patient consultation. Input = a patient with a request for healthcare, output = patient diagnosed or cared or cured. Resource to be managed: their time, diagnositic or therapeutic services needed


Individual doctor -> individual provider (a hospital dept, a hospital, a network of hospitals, …)

Scale and scope of the resources to be planned increase and the complexity of OM


Health Operation Management

A meta-model of healthcare delivery system


PATIENT DEMAND(perceived need)

Other hospi & providers• Number• Specialty• Teaching• reputation




CLINICAL PROCESSES• Treatment modality• Treatment protocol• Provider-patient


MANAGEMENT PROCESSES• Infrastructure• Structure• Provider-patient















Health Operation Management

Health OM can be defined as the analysis, design, planning

and control of the steps necessary to provide a service for a


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Health Operation Management

General OM decision:

The planning and control of the processes that transform inputs intooutputs


(Individua doctor/patient consultation. Input = a patient with a request for healthcare, output = patient diagnosed or cared or cured. Resource to be managed: their time, diagnositic or therapeutic services needed


Individual doctor -> individual provider (a hospital dept, a hospital, a network of hospitals, …)

Scale and scope of the resources to be planned increase and the complexity of OM


Decision Layers

Strategic decisions:

Decisions having long term impacts on the hospital

Horizon: year or multiple years

Made by top management

On hospital-wide long-term vision, types of services and directions on material and human resources investments (hospital strategic plan -projet d’établissement, contrat d’objectif et de moyens, organisation de l’établissement, ...)

Major decisions:

Services: catchment areas, target groups/markets, specialities & product ranges

Investment: new hospital construction, new specialties, expansion

Partnership: shared resources, outsourcing, collaboration

Organisaton: units merging, mutualisation, polyvalence, working time regulation


Decision Layers

Tactical decisions:

Decisions taken at mid term

Horizon: trimestre or year

Ensure the right match between available resources and activitiesof the strategic plan

Without profound changes of the structure and organisation


Surgery time allocation to specialties,

Bed allocations



Decision Layers

Operational decisions:

Short term decisions

Horizon: day, week or month

Made by each operational unit.

Ensure the smooth execution of the all activities


Surgery planning/scheduling, Admission/discharging control, nurse scheduling, inventory control, supplier relation management, …

Decision frameworkVissers, Bertrand, De Vries (2001). A framework for production control in health care organizations.

STRATEGIC PLANNING(range of services, long-term resource requirement, shared resources, annual patient volumes, service & efficiency levels)

patient flows resources2-5 years

PATIENT VOLUME PLANNING AND CONTROL(available annual capacity per specialty, resource use regulation)

patient flows resources1-2 years

RESOURCE PLANNING AND CONTROL(time-phased resource allocation (specialist time, # of patients per period)

patient flows resources3 months - 1 year

PATIENT GROUP PLANNING AND CONTROL(service requirement and planning guidelines per patient group))

patient flows resourcesWeeks – 3 months

PATIENT PLANNING AND CONTROL(scheduling individual patients)

patient flows resourcesDays - weeks

restrictions restrictions


Decision framework

Key resources

• Operating rooms

• Beds

• Diagnostic equipments

• Specialist time


Patient groups

• By specialty (orthioaedic patients, general surgery, trauma, oncology, internal medicine, diabetics)

• By ages (services for older people, …)

• By DRG (diagnostic related groups)

• By health resources groups

• …

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STRATEGIC PLANNINGpatient flowsSpecialties & production range

Patient groups as business units

ResourcesCollaboration & outsourcing

Shared resources2-5 years


patient flowsVolume contracts (insurance)# patients per patient group

Service levels

ResourcesRough-cut capacity checkTarget occupancy levels1-2 years


3 months - 1 year


Weeks – 3 months


Days - weeks

Restrictions on types of patients Restrictions on types of resources

patient flowsExpected patient # per group

Capacity requirement per group

ResourcesAllocation of leading resources

Batching rules for shared resources

patient flowsProject patient # per period

ResourcesAvailability of specialist capacity

patient flowsScheduling of patients for visits,

admission, exam

ResourcesAllocation of capacity to individual


Restrictions on total patient vol Restrictions on amount of resources

Restrictions on detailed patient vol Restrictions on resource availability

Restrictions on timing of patient flows Restrictions on timing of resources


A Wider Decision framework

Hans, Van Houdenhoven, Hulshof, A Framework for Health Care Planning and Control, 2012


Major operation management issues

Demand forecast (care types – geography – time)

Facility location

Facility layout

Planning / scheduling

Capacity planning

Supply chain and inventory management

Quality control

Project management


Major operation management issues


Tools: enterprise modelling, SADT, IDEF, Petri nets,

Performance assessment and diagnostic

Tools: simulation, queueing theory, Markov chains, statistics, Excel, ...

Design or re-engineering

Tools: simulation, optimisation, ...

Planning and control

Tools: planning, scheduling, optimisation, linear programing, heuristics, statistics,...


Major operation management issues

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Chaptre 2. Facility Layout1. Introduction2. Product layout3. Process layout4. Fixed position layout5. Facility layout supplement



Facility layout design is necessary when building a new facility or renovating an existing one in order to improve process flow and minimize waste space.

Facility layout largely depends on the shape and size of the building.


Facility layout is important

The overall layout of a facility will last for long time and only minor changes are possible after the building or renovation.

Layout has enormous effect on daily operations.

Layout dictate the distance a patient or staff member travels

Layout influences the interations and communications of the staff members.


Goals of Facility layout


• Placing heavily interated departments together

• Placing apart departments that should not be close

• Ensuring space and form requirements

• Facilitating communication

Cost savings:

• Reduction of travel times

• Reduce overall space requirement

• Enabling for reduced staffing by placing similar job functions together


Three basic types of Facility layout

Product Layout

Process Layout

Fixed position layout

Can be used to either a single department or an entire facility.

But also:

Retail store layout

Warehousing and storage layout (relation of unloading and loading areas)


Types of manufacturing systems

• Job-Shop production

• Process layout, functionally similar machines are grouped

• Flow-shop production

•Product layout, machines are arranged along the manufacturing processes of a product

•Celluaire manufacturing systems

•Hybrid layout, similar parts and corresponding machines are grouped

• Project shop

•Product is fixed, personnel and equipment brought to it

• Continuous-flow process

•Chemical plants and flood industry

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Organisation dans les hôpitaux

• Principalement une organisation fonctionnelle en unités de soins, plateaux techniques auxquels on associés tous les ressources humaines/matérielles de chaque fonction

• un patient passe d’une unité à l’autre en fonction des soins nécessaires

• mais aussi des ressources humaines/matérielles mutualisées, et des ressources humaines détachées à d’autres unités, ...


Layout of an emergency department



E.R. triage room Emergency room admissions


E.R. beds Pharmacy Billing/exit

Patient A

Patient B

Patient A (broken leg) proceeds to ER triage, radiology, surgery, bed, pharmacy, billing. Patient B (pacemaker rpoblem): ER triage, surgery, pharmacy, lab, bed, billing.


Chaptre 2. Facility Layout1. Introduction2. Product layout3. Process layout4. Fixed position layout


Product Layout

The product layout arranges equipment (departments) in the order of production process flow.

Generally used in mass production such as automobile assembly where the processes are standardized and there is little variation.

Product layout is generally less flexible and requires higher initial equipment costs.

But it minimizes the process cycle time and increases equipment utilisation.

Examples: hospital cafeteria, standardized biological tests.


Product Layout


Product Layout

Product layout, known as assembly line balancing problem, is generally determined by the product or service itself.

Most decisions concern

• assignment of basic operations to different workstations

• in order to balance the workloads

• such that each station has approximately the same cycle time, i.e. the time for one item to pass through that workstation (Why)

Two types of problems:

• Using a minimum number of workstations to achieve a given cycle time

• Minimizing the cycle time given the nb of workstations

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Product Layout









5c j





8e k


An example of 3 stations and cycle time 70.

Waste time = ?, workstation cycle time = ?


Product layout

• Since variability is inherent in health care, the product layout is rarely used in health care other than for supporting activities

• Although the health care process is similar for a patient group with similar diagnosis, the amount of time that patients spend in each process varies greatly. Line balancing is impossible.


Chaptre 2. Facility Layout1. Introduction2. Product layout3. Process layout4. Fixed position layout


Process layout

The process layout, known as layout by functionality, groups different types of process (departments, equipments) together to provide the maximum flexibility.

Hospital groups together functions such as intensive care, surgery, emergency medecine, and radiology as separate departments

The flexibility allows accomodate the variability of patient flows and times while preserving high utilisation of resources

The downside of a process layout is the large travel time, and high material handling costs. A good layout will reduce this negative impact.


Process layout


Process layout

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Closeness-based method

Identify the desireness and undesireness of closeness by closeness rating chart.

Codes for desired closeness:

A – absolute necessary

E – very important

I – important

O – ordinary important

U – unimportant

X – undesirable.


Closeness-based method

Closeness rating charting














1. Nurses’ station

2. Ambulance entrance

3. Patient Room Area

4. Laundry

5. Main entrance

6. Dietary Department







area in m Department


Closeness-based method

Using a heuristic rule to design layout.

Step 1. Assign departments to available spaces according desired closeness relationships identified as absolutely necessary or undesirable, i.e. A and X, by starting with the most frequent department in either relationship.

A graph representation of A and X closeness can be built.

Step 2. Consider other departments with relationships E, I, O, U.


Closeness-based method

Ambulance entrance


Patientroom area

Main entrance







A and X closeness representation


Closeness-based method

2 Ambulance entrance

1 Nurses’Station

3 Patientroom area

5 Main entrance

4 Laundry

6 DietaryDepartment





A and X closeness representation


Closeness-based method

Final layout

5. mainentrance


4. L







1 nurses’station

3. Patient Room area

400 m

200 m

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Distance and cost-based method

This method tries to minimize the costs or repetitive distances traveled by patients and staff.

Data representing such traffic are represented in a from-to chartwhich represents the nb of trips or flows between departments.

Once the traffic information is identified, departments with most frequent traffics are assigned to adjacent locations.

Informations such as department space requirement, fixed locations, ... can be taken into account.

The problem is highly combinatorial when the nb of department is large and software tools such as CRAFT are necessary.


Distance measures


Distance and cost-based method

Formall, the objective is to

Minimize total cost TC = ij Dij Wij Cij


W =[Wij] is the From-To traffic matrix

D =[Dij] is the distance matrix (Manhattan distance or Euclidean distance, why)

C =[Cij] is the unit traffic cost


Distance and cost-based method


Consider a small hospital of 3 departments A, B, C. Three locations 1, 2, 3 of identical size are available.

Assume that a nurse can walk 100 feet in 30 seconds and earn $48 per hour.

Unit traffic cost Cij = 0.004$ / foot walk




100 feet 100 feet


Distance and cost-based method

Distance matrix (in feet)


From/To 1 2 3

1 - 100 200

2 100 - 100

3 200 100 -

Condensed traffic matrix


From/To A B C

A - 3300 1400

B - 200

C -

Traffic matrix (in trips)


From/To A B C

A - 1000 300

B 2300 - 100

C 1100 100 -


Distance and cost-based method

locationconfiguration 1 2 3 TC

1 A B C 2520$2 A C B 3280$3 B A C 2040$4 B C A 3280$5 C A B 2040$6 C B A 2520$




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Distance and cost-based method : example 2

The Walters Company’s management wants to arrange the 6 departments of its hospital in a way that will minimise interdepartmental material handling costs. They make an initial assumption (to simplify the problem) that each department is 20x20 feet and that the building is 60 feet long and 40 feet wide. The process layout procedure that they follow involves 6 steps.


Distance and cost-based method : example 2

Step 1. Construct a « from-to-matrix » showing the flow of patients or personnals from department to department.

50 100 0 0 20

30 50 10 0

20 0 100

50 0



Distance and cost-based method : example 2

Step 2. Determine the space requirements of each department.













room1 room2 room3

room4 room5 room6

Building dimensions and a possible department layout


Distance and cost-based method : example 2

Step 3. Develop an intial schematic diagram (qualitative RELationDiagram) showing the sequence of departments through whichpatients will have to move. Try to place departments of heavy flow next to one antoher.

1 2 3



50 30




10 20100



Distance and cost-based method : example 2

Step 4. Determine the cost of this layout with traffic cost of 1€between adjacent departments and 2€ between non adjacent departments.

Cost = 570 €.

1 2 3



50 30




10 20100



Distance and cost-based method : example 2

Step 5. Try to improve this layout by trial and error to establish a reasonable good arrangement.

Switch departments 1-2 as there is a heavy traffic between dept. 1-3. Cost = 480 €.













room1 room2 room3

room4 room5 room6

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Distance and cost-based method : example 2

Step 6. Prepare a detailed plan (Space Rel. Diagram) consideringspace or size requirements of each department; that is, arrange the departments to fit the shape of the building and obstables.













Rel. Diagram Space Rel. Diagram


Quadratic Assignment Approach for identical dept.

Problem: Locate N identical departments on N locations in order to minimize total traffic cost.

QAP model (Quadratic Assignment Approach)

Decision variable : Xij = 1 if dept. i is located at location j

Minimize TC = ijkl cijkl Xik Xjl

Subject to

j Xij = i Xij =1

where cijkl = ijwijdkl

ij = unit moving cost, wij = inter-department flow,

dkl = inter-location distance


Quadratic Assignment Approach for identical dept.


Quadratic Assignment Approach for identical dept.


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)

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Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)

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Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)


Chaptre 2. Facility Layout1. Introduction2. Product layout3. Process layout4. Fixed position layout


Fixed position layout

The fixed-position layout consists of the fixed service positions where personnel and materials come together to perform the service.

Generally used in industry when the product is either too large or too delicate to more such as airplane assembly.

In inpatient hospital rooms (especially in an intensive care unit), the service position is the patien bed.

The operating table in an operating room is another example.


Fixed position layout

Designing a fixed position layout entails positiioning several service positions withing a given area, each of which may require an adjacent but separate support area.

Conflicts about space constraints and timing have to be resolved (suspended x-ray machine and overhead lighting)


Chaptre 2. Facility Layout1. Introduction2. Product layout3. Process layout4. Fixed position layout5. Facility layout supplement

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Fixed position layout

Designing a fixed position layout entails positiioning several service positions withing a given area, each of which may require an adjacent but separate support area.

Conflicts about space constraints and timing have to be resolved (suspended x-ray machine and overhead lighting)


Fixed position layout

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Renovation of Mercy Family Health Center

Haji Maryam, Wang Lei, Wong Yuet, Darabi Houshang

University of Illinois at Chicago Mechanical and Industrial Department

842 W. Taylor St. Chicago, IL, 60607, USA

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: The design of healthcare facilities has to provide a comfortable environment for the patient as well as acceptable waiting and processing times to serve the patient. In this paper, we redesign the layout of a real world healthcare facility (Mercy Family Health Center) to explicitly reduce the back and forth flows of the patients in the existing area and consequently reduce the patient’s waiting time. We propose two different alternatives. We use mixed integer programming (MIP) as the basis of our design. Keywords: Facility Layout, forecast Method, MIP algorithm.

1. INTRODUCTION In mid-1990’s a few high-profile medical errors brought healthcare quality and patient safety to the fore. Using engineering tools for advance studies in transportation and financial service areas and the success of these studies bring the healthcare experts starting to take notice that engineering tools have proven effective in the service sector. Thus, the uses of engineering tools-which have long proven useful in the other service industries-, seem to be a good solution for some of the health systems’ problems. Some of these problems are related to the structure of the healthcare systems. Therefore, hospital and healthcare facility design must be sensitive and responsive to the marketplace changes. “Failure to anticipate or respond to the market spells disaster” by Miller, et al. (2002). The need for flexibility is intensified by the technological nature of the healthcare industry. Healthcare facilities must adapt to changing patient populations and changing patient needs. In Janet R. Carpmans’ addressed by Miller, et al. (2002), she calls a dynamic design “a socially responsible health facility design”. The design

approach is positive responses from the users on physical, intellectual, and emotional levels. One of the most important problems that some of the healthcare systems are facing to, is the unnecessary flows of the patient that exist in the healthcare facilities which are mostly related to the inefficient layout design of the facility. In this study, we address this type of problem and by using engineering techniques such as operation research tools, we obtain a solution. Mixed integer programming (MIP) is used to model the problem. The lessons learned from this project can be applied to other real world healthcare facilities. The audience of this paper could be the healthcare administrators and operational managers who have experienced similar problems in their facilities. The organization of this paper is as follows. In section 2, we describe our case study facility, its problems and the solutions that were generated to solve these problems. Two alternatives will be developed and evaluated. In section 3, we conclude the paper.


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2.1 Mercy Family Health Center Mercy Family Health center is an outpatient clinic serving with compassion, accountability, respect, excellence and quality services. It is located in Chicago and is the first chartered hospital in the state of Illinois. Its vision is to serve the sick and uneducated people in need with quality healthcare regardless of their ability to pay. Its mission is to foster an environment of healing, providing access and needed care with compassion and excellence to the diverse communities it serves. The clinic provides a wide array of primary care services including: Adult Medicine, Women Health Services, Pediatric and Genetic Counseling, and Specialties (allergy, rheumatology, cardiology, etc.). 25% of the residents near the south side of Chicago who need hospitals care come to Mercy Hospital for various medical needs. 2.2 Problem and Causes Mercy Family Health Center has a typical traditional layout (Figure 1). The east side of the building consists of the administrative offices, the pharmacy, and the Pediatrics department with its own receptions’ area and waiting area. The west side of the building consists of the Continuity Medical Clinics (General Practices), OB/GYN, and Specialties Practices with one waiting area and receptions’ area in the middle. This study concentrates on the west side of the building.

Figure 1: The original layout of the Facility The centrally located waiting area is the major problem. Although the clinic is divided into various departments, patients are not classified separately in the waiting area. This causes an uncomfortable situation for the patients who are waiting to be served. Access to the examination

rooms brings a lot of flow in the area which is absolutely unnecessary. Therefore, the patient is served more slowly and the waiting time for the patients is increased. Many patients who come to Mercy for general health care carry contagious disease, i.e. fever, flu. The packed waiting area can be the best place to spread these diseases. It is highly recommended by physicians that Obstetrics patients do not sit among others with contagious diseases since they might be more vulnerable to some viruses. Currently the departments that are closely related are located far away from each other. For example, the eye examination room is set diagonally on the opposite side of the Specialties practice area, which includes Ophthalmology. An eye patient is first served at Specialties area, and then walks across the waiting area to the eye exam room, again back to the Specialties area. It unnecessarily increases the process time and the flow over the area. While other specialties patients have to wait for a longer time to be served. Some of the spaces that are related to the other parts of the hospital facility are unnecessarily located in this area which again increases the flow in the whole clinic area. The administrative personnel of the health care center are aware that old structures not only merely fail to serve the patients adequately but fail in what even the most reluctant healthcare providers have come to recognize as a medical marketplace. The most obvious product in the medical marketplace is excellence in healthcare, and a facility’s reputation for excellence is a strong incentive to healthcare consumers to select that institution over another. The most important factors that influence the potential consumers are the design of the facility and the patient amenities that the design offers. 2.3 Solutions Our first step is to maximize the space in order to enhance flexibility and the capability of handling more patients. This can be reached by removing redundant departments. It also eliminates the unnecessary flows in the clinic area. The second step is to reorganize all the departments. Each department will have its own exam rooms and waiting area. The reason for breaking the waiting area into smaller units is to reduce the patients’ flows and therefore make the clinic operations more efficient. Also, if the related areas become closer, the physicians’ travel time between units

O.B. Specialty


Waiting area

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will be shorter and this will improve the service. A modern healthcare facility is no longer a warehouse for the sick. According to the location of each practice area, separate waiting areas are created for each. Since the patients should stay in the waiting area as brief as possible, the waiting area should be comfortable and cheerful. In this layout, patients are classified and directed to the corresponding waiting area. This is especially desired for the obstetrics clinic to provide patients with privacy and direct attention. Besides decreasing the flow of patients from the waiting area to the exam rooms, this creates a small private healthcare atmosphere. Comfort level increases. Small waiting areas are more accessible for clinicians. It is as if the healthcare center was several private practices combined. Patients are more likely to choose up-to-date with stat-of-the-art clinics over the traditional clinics. The new design emphasizes on creating a friendly, non-threatening, yet functional hospital environment. The new facility layout will be de-institutionalized. According to the relationship between departments and the importance of their closeness a from-to-chart for the flow of the patient (Table 1) was generated. Departments are defined by the following numbers in the chart.

1. COPO room 2. Nursing room 3. O.B. department 4. Specialty department 5. Dummy area 6. Eye exam room 7. E.R. 8. Hallway I 9. Reception area 10. Waiting area for O.B. department 11. Bathroom 12. Waiting area for Specialty department 13. Hallway II 14. C.M.C department I 15. Waiting area for C.M.C 16. C.M.C department II

Flows can be measured quantitatively in terms of the amount of the patients moved between departments. The chart most often used to record these flows is a from-to-chart (Tompkins, et al. 2003). The from-to-chart is a square matrix which lists all departments down the row and across the column following the overall flow pattern. The numbers in table 1 show the average number of the patients between departments per day. This average is calculated regarding to

available information of the number of visitors per day in one year.

Table 1: From-to-Chart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 0 30 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 30 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 30 30 0 30 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 719 719 719 240 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 476 476 0 159 476 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1195 719 1195 476 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 719 5 476 759 0 759 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 180 0 180 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75916 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2.4 Alternative I The first alternative is focused on the renovation of the existing facility in terms of existing number of patients in recent year assuming that the number of the patient will not change over years (fixed number of visits in future). Based on the number of the patients who visits each department in one working day, a value is allocated to the area of their waiting area. It is assumed that each waiting area has to be close to their related department because of their strong relationships. All the operation areas that have interaction with each other should be close enough. Due to the management restrictions, some of the current areas are fixed and cannot be moved. Considering this as assumption, to an MIP model is generated (Tompkins, et al. 2003) to redesign the layout of the clinic. The objective is to minimize the patients’ movements between departments. Layout algorithms can be classified according to their objective functions. There are two basic objectives: one aims at minimizing the sum of flows times distances while the other aims at maximizing an adjacency score. Generally speaking, the former, that is, the “distance-based” objective is more suitable when the input data is expressed as a from-to-chart. In this study, we consider the distance-based objective. Mathematically, the objective function can be written as





jij dcfz ∑∑

= =

=1 1

min (1)

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Where m denotes the number of departments,

ijf denotes the flow from department i to

department j (expressed in average number of

patients moved per day between departments),

ijd is the distance from department i to j . In

the MIP model distance is measured rectilinearly between the centers of department i and j , and

ijc denotes the relative weight of a unit of

patient moved from department i to department j . We assume that in this specific

problem ijc =1 which means the weights of the

flows between the departments are equal. Therefore, the objective function minimizes the total flow of the patients between departments in the facility. Since it is assumed that all the departments of this problem are rectangular, a mixed integer programming (MIP) can be used for solving the addressed problems in this paper. Treating the department dimensions as decision variables, the layout problem can be formulated as follows. The decision variables and the parameters that are used in this model are: Decision variables

i α : The x-coordinate of the center of

department i

i β : The y-coordinate of the center of

department i

ix ′ : The x-coordinate of the left (or west) side of

department i

ix ′′ : The x-coordinate of the right (or east) side

of department i

iy ′ : The y-coordinate of the bottom (or south)

side of department i

iy ′′ : The y-coordinate of the top (or north) side

of department i xijz =1: If department i strictly to the east of

department j (zero otherwise). yijz =1: If department i strictly to the north of

department j (zero otherwise) +

ijα : If x-coordinate of the center of department

i is in the east of department j

− ijα : If x-coordinate of the center of department

i is in the west of department j +

ijβ : If y-coordinate of the center of department

i is in the north of department j −

ijβ : If y-coordinate of the center of department

i is in the south of department j


xB : The building length (measured along x-


yB : The building width (measured along y-

coordinate) M : A large number

liL : The lower limit on the length of department

i uiL : The upper limit on the length of department

i l

iW : The lower limit on the width of department

i u

iW : The upper limit on the width of

department i The above parameter and variable definitions lead to the following model:

)( −+−+ +++=∑∑ ijijijijiji j

ijcfzMin ββαα (2)

Subject to:



li LxxL ≤′−′′≤ for all i (3)



li WyyW ≤′−′′≤ for all i (4)



li PyyxxP ≤′−′′+′−′′≤ for all i (5)

xii Bxx ≤′′≤′≤0 for all i (6)

yii Byy ≤′′≤′≤0 for all i (7)

iii xx ′′+′= 5.0 5.0α for all i (8)

iii yy ′′+′= 5.0 5.0β for all i (9) −+ −=− ijijji αααα for all ji ≠ (10)

−+ −=− ijijji ββββ for all ji ≠ (11)

)1( xijij zMxx −+′≤′′ for all ji ≠ (12)

)1( yijij zMyy −+′≤′′ for all ji ≠ (13)

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1≥+++ yji



xij zzzz for all ji < (14)

0, ≥ii βα for all i (15)

0 , , , ≥′′′′′′ iiii yyxx for all i (16)

0 , , , ≥−+−+ijijijij ββαα for all ji ≠ (17)

, yij

xij zz 0/1 integer for all ji ≠ (18)

In this model, we assumed 6 out of 16 departments (Hallway I, Hallway II, Nursing room, COPO, Reception area, and E.R.) are fixed and can not be moved. The objective function includes 148 variables and the constraints are more than 1000 (exactly 1088). It

is also assumed that xijz and y

ijz variables must

be an integer and binary number. The result for the objective function value (the optimal amount of patient flow) in this model is equal to 876,806.2. The produced layout is shown in figure 2.


eye exam rm

Reception BathroomWaiting area for Specialty

Waiting area for O.B.

Waiting area for C.M.C

C.M.C 2C.M.C 1



SpecialtyO.B.Nursing rm


Figure 2: New layout result for alternative I 2.5 Alternative II The second alternative is based on the number of the patients that are going to visit the Mercy Family Health Center in the future. The number of the visitors to this center in the future can be calculated based on one of the forecasting methods. Statistical studies in the previous years shows that the number of the visitors of this healthcare clinic behaves as a linear trend. Therefore based on the linear behavior of the flow, double exponential smoothing method (Holts’ Method) (Nahmias, et al. 2005) is used as a forecast method. Table 2 shows the increase in the number of the visitors in general based on the calculated forecast (Table 2).

Table 2: Total number of forecasted future patients visits

Year Demand Forecast 2000 8372 8130 2001 7914 7946 2002 6956 7860 2003 7335 7849 2004 7951 7953 2005 8058 2006 8162 2007 8267 2008 8685

The other three tables show the increases in the number of the visitors in each main department (O.B. Department (Table 3), Specialty Department (Table 4), and C.M.C department (Table 5)). Table 3: Forecasted future Patient visits of O.B.


Year Demand Forecast 2000 5317 5223 2001 5027 5102 2002 4418 5029 2003 4659 5007 2004 5050 5060 2005 5116 2006 5172 2007 5228 2008 5451

Table 4: Forecasted future Patient visits of

Specialties Department

Year Demand Forecast 2000 5037 5079 2001 4762 4945 2002 4185 4846 2003 4413 4799 2004 4784 4829 2005 4868 2006 4907 2007 4947 2008 5104

Table 5: Forecasted future patient visits of

C.M.C. Department

Year Demand Forecast 2000 3335 3355 2001 3152 3267 2002 2771 3203 2003 2922 3174 2004 3167 3195 2005 3222 2006 3249 2007 3276 2008 3383

Based on the forecast numbers of future visits, new space requirements were defined for the areas of different departments and their corresponding waiting areas. All other assumptions are similar to those of Alternative I. Accordingly a new MIP model is generated and solved. The definition of the decision variables and the parameters are similar to those of the first model. The model minimizes the objective function to find the optimal solution for the total flow of the

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patients moving between the depatments. Objective function for this alternative includes 144 variables and the constraints are more than 1000 (exactly 1084). The result for the objective function value in this model is equal to 725,473.5. The layout is shown in figure 3.


POO.B.Waiting area for O.B.

C.M.C. 1



g ar

ea f





Nursing rm

BathroomWaiting area for C.M.C





Eye exam rm

SpecialtyC.M.C 2

Figure 3: New layout result for alternative II


In this Study, some of the existing problems in the Mercy Family Health Center are addressed (the large and disorganized waiting area, far distance between the departments that are strongly related and have strong relationships with each other, and finally utilizing the unused space). All these problems increase the flow of the patients between the departments. Therefore, process and waiting time for each patient increase. Consequently, the clinic space becomes an uncomfortable place for patients who are suffering from illness. As we know patient discontent is against the hospital beliefs and policies. To solve the problem, MIP model is used as a tool to redesign the layout of the clinic. Explicitly, we used the objective of minimizing the patient flow. In the first alternative the current flow of the visitors in the recent year is used and based on that the new layout is generated which gives the optimal solution related to the assumptions. In the second alternative, the forecast data is used and with the same assumptions as of the first alternative, another layout is generated with corresponding optimal solution for the total flow of the patient. The result of the first alternative satisfies the hospital request comparing to the budget that they have allocated to renovation of the clinic. Both alternatives explicitly minimize the total flow of the patients as well as implicitly decrease the waiting and service time. In this way the physicians are more available to give service to the patients. However the result of the first alternative satisfied the hospital request,

with a comparison of the two alternatives, we suggested them to use the second alternative instead of the first one. The reason is that the second alternative result can be used in long term and will be less as it considers the growth in the future number of patients.

4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank Barbara Townsend-Vice President of Business Development, Katherine Freidl-Director of Mercy Family Health Center, and Daniel Vicencio, M.D.-Medical Director of Mercy Family Health Center, for their collaboration with this research study. We appreciate their valuable guidance and helpful suggestions.

REFERENCES Dettenkofer M., Seegers S., Antes G., Motschall E., Schumacher M., and F.D. Daschner, “Does the architecture of hospital facilities influence nosocomial infection rates? A systematic review”, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 25 (1), 21-25, Jan 2004 Douglas C.H., and M.R. Douglas, “Patient-friendly hospital environments: exploring the patients’ perspective”, Health Expectations, 7 (1), 61-73, Mar 2004. Douglas C.H., and M.R. Douglas, “Patient-centered improvements in healthcare built environments: perspectives and design indicators”, Health Expectations, 8 (3), 264-276, Sep 2005. HicK J.L., Hanfling D., Burstein J.L., DeAtley C., Barbisch D., Bogdan G.M., and S. Cantrill, “Healthcare facility and community strategies for patient care surge”, Annals of emergency Medicine, 44 (3), 253-261, Sep 2004. Mercy Hospital and medical Center, http://www.mercy-chicago.org/ Miller R.L., E.S. Swensson, “Hospital and Healthcare Facility Design”, Second Edition, 2002, W.W. Norton and Company, Inc Nahmias S., “Production and Operations Analysis”, Fifth Edition, 2005, McGraw-Hill Irwin Stevenson W.J., “Operation Management”, Eighth Edition, 2005, McGraw-Hill Irwin Tompkins J.A. White, Y.A. Bozer, and J.M.A. Tanchoco, “Facilities Planning”, Third Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, Inc

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Chapter 3Healthcare human resource


230 septembre 2015




Resource dimensionning or staffing

330 septembre 2015




Incentives for better healthcare cost control


Increade healthcare demandAging population

Needs to rethink the models and organisations

Quality of care, reduced costs, improved working condition

Merging to benefit from the scale economy

An envisioned strategy

430 septembre 2015


Plateau Médico-Technique (PMT)Center of technical facilities



nal radiology



10+ % of hospital budget

Aim of a regional research

project HRP²

Mutualisation of human resources

530 septembre 2015

Sharing human resources



Servicede chirurgie



Unités d’hospitalisa-


Salles d’intervention




Bloc d’orthopédie

Salles d’intervention


de chirurgie digestive

Unités d’hospitalisa-


Bloc de chirurgie digestive

Bloc d’ORL

Salles d’intervention


Salles d’intervention


Chirurgie ambulatoir


Services de


Urgences chirurgicale

s Unités d’hospitalisatio


Soins intensifs


Plateau médico-technique

Retour au domicile

• ORL• Orthopédie• Ophtalmologie

• Urologie• Obstétrique • …

Services de


• Radiologie• Gastro-entérologie• …

Salles d’intervention


Chirurgie ambulatoir


Services de


Urgences chirurgicale

s Unités d’hospitalisatio


Soins intensifs


Plateau médico-technique

Retour au domicile

• ORL• Orthopédie• Ophtalmologie

• Urologie• Obstétrique • …

Services de


• Radiologie• Gastro-entérologie• …

630 septembre 2015

Sharing human resources


Monodisciplinary organization Integrated multidisciplinaryorganization

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730 septembre 2015


Generation of

simulation model

Simulation with Infinite capacity

Characteristicsof PMT

of Processesof organisations

Data collection


Workload profileFor each resource

Performance evaluation

Proposition of improvement


Ajustment of simulationparameters

Dimensioning Human Resources (workforce per time

slot, working time, start time)

Simulation with Finite capacity

Modifying the model

Decision-aid for resource dimensioning and organization

830 septembre 2015


Mutualisation of human resources


Accompagner la conception de la nouvelle organisation:

• Dimensionner les ressources humaines

• Objectiver les choix d’organisation



Aider à la gestion des pools de personnel mutualisés

• Piloter la performance

• Aider à la planification des ressources


930 septembre 2015




Resource dimensionning or staffing

1030 septembre 2015

Dimensioning human resources

Workforce requirement

Time slots

Workload coverage


Workload profile

Phase 1

Evaluate workforce requirement by the

workload profile

Phase 2

Determine a set of shifts covering the workload


1130 septembre 2015

Phase 1: Deriving workload profilePhase 1

Evaluate workforce requirement by the

workload profile

Prepare the treatment of demand

Forecast demand arrivals

Simulate the system with infinite capacity

Modélisation des processus

Valueing the processes

Organisation des ressources

Workload profile

Modélisation des processus

Organisation des ressources

Generic model

Level of mutualisation

1230 septembre 2015

Phase 1: Deriving workload profile


llllll llllll



1st consulation

2nd consulation

Examples of process models

Emergency department

Birth deliveryStep 1. Birth delivery in an Operating Room by an obstetric physicianStep 2.1 Recovery in a ward for the womanStep 2.2 If type-2 patient, neonatal care for the newbornStep 2.3 If type-3 patient, NICU and then neonatal care for the newborn

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1330 septembre 2015

Phase 1: Deriving workload profile

Deriving human resource requirement with a determinstic model


llllll llllll



1st consulation

2nd consulation

Emergency department1. Activities for each ED patient5 min (triage nurse)15 min (ED physician)0.5 to 2h later5 min with proba. 20% (ED physician)2. Average physician workload per ED patient15 + 5*20% min = 16 min3. Determine arrival rate8h-9h : on average 1112-13 : on average 64. Determine workload profile 8h-9h : 176 min12-13 : 96 min

5 min

15 min

5 min


30 min – 2h

5. Workforce requirement8h-9h : 3 physicians12-13 : 2 physicians

Issues not captured by the simple model1. Uncertainty, 2. Queueing effect

Patients arriving 8-9 are likely to waitmuch longer and even beyond 9h

1430 septembre 2015

Organisation of the resources

Vertical polyvalence

horizontal polyvalence

… … …

Patient of

OR 1Patient of

OR 2Patient of

OR 3





Duty of a personal

1530 septembre 2015

Phase 2: Shift constructionPhase 2

Determine a set of shifts covering the

workload profile

Explicit approach

Énumération des vacations

Sélection des vacations

Multiple approachs are available [Partouche, 1998]

Enumerate all shifts

Selection of shifts

Enumeration algorithm of shift patterns

Set covering model

[Dantzig, 1954]

aij {0,1}

1630 septembre 2015

Shift pattern enumeration

Determine the set of shift patterns fulfilling all labor regulation constraints:

• min and max duration of the shift

•Earlist and latest starting time of the shift

•Duration of a break

•Time window of the break

•Number of hours before and after the break

1730 septembre 2015

Shift pattern enumeration

•Min and max duration (7-8h)

• Earlist and latest date of the start (7-11h)

•Duration of the break (1h)

•Time window of the break (11-14h)

•Number of hours before the break (2h) and after (1h)

avj 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 211 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 023 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

1830 septembre 2015

Set covering model

P = 100% P = 80%

Integer linear programming model

Coverage contraintsCoverage contraints

Number of employees of shift i

Cost of an employee working shift i

Mean number of employees needed for period j

Min % of the workload to cover

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1930 septembre 2015

A hybrid approach

Observations: The workload of the personals is random Covering the mean workload does not garantee the

avoidance of:• Under-capacity due to arrivals greater than average• Over-capacity due to arrivals less than average

Interest of a hybrid approach: Evaluating the real coverage by simulation Integration of two types of costs:

• Personal cost Overtime cost

Determine the right value of P

2030 septembre 2015

Principle of the hybrid approach

Model parameters

Simulation model

Definition of the workload profile

Evaluation of the shifts

Optimization model

PerformanceModification of the

workload profile

Workload coverage optimisation model

1st P-workload profile

Set of optimal shifts

Modified P-

workload profile





2130 septembre 2015








60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%

P (in %)

Total cost (in K€)

Iteration n°1

Iteration n°2

Iteration n°3

Cost of the solution of the optimisation model with

P = 100 %

Cost of the hybrid approach with

P = 82,5 %

Cost saving 21%

Cleaning personal

CHU de Saint Etienne

2230 septembre 2015



Planning human resources

Dimensioning human resources

2330 septembre 2015

Planning shared resourcesHuman resources

Better HR planning

Better operations PMT

Personal satisfaction

Planning Anaesthesia nursesIADE - Infirmiers Anesthésistes






Planning Anaesthesists MAR - Médecins Anesthésistes

Planning pharmacy personals

2430 septembre 2015


Problems of hospital personal planning

Staff planning

Determine working days & working time

Meet contraints

Repeat the same weekly or monthly sift pattern

Easy implementation

Rigid & weak adaptabily to changes

New planning for each period


Time consuming

Noncyclic PlanningCyclic planning

Cost Soft constraints violated Equity

[Blöchliger, 2004]

[Valouxis, 2000]


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2530 septembre 2015

Planning anaesthesia nurses IADE

Day-regular (DR)

Day-urgent ( DU)

Night-urgent (NU)

Supervision recovery (SR)

8 H – 16 H

8 H – 20 H

20 H – 8 H

9 H – 17 H

Demand coverage

Working time regulation

Work on night & weekend

Succession of activities


Assign IADE to all day and night activities of a week

Maximise the equity among employees

Shared ressources In operating rooms In recovery rooms

Both urgent and elective surgeries Work of the day and night Polyvalent personal running on all duties

CH de Valence

2630 septembre 2015

Planning anaesthesia nurses

Criteria Meet working time regulation and personal preferences

(vacations, ...)

Maximise the equity.

Penality score (pénibilité or arduousness perceived by staff):

Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Sam DimDay regular 1 1 1 1 1Day Urgency 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4

Ning Urgency 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6Recovery 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6


Minimise the total penality score deviation

max minZ P P Minimise

2730 septembre 2015

Planning anaesthesia nurses


C1: Nb IADE needed per time slot C2: working time per day less than 12h C3: weekly working time around 38h but less than 48h C4: no more than 3 nights per employee per week.

Soft C5: Saturday DU (resp. NU) implies Sunday DU (resp. NU) and no

work on Monday and Tuesday. C6: shift succession constraints to ensure at least 11h rest per day :

• NU during the week implies no working the next day • DU during the week implies NU or no working the next day (due to twice more

DU shift demand than NU)


2830 septembre 2015

Planning anaesthesia nurses

VariablesXijk = 1 if nurse i assign to shift k on day j

Contraints C1: # of nurses per shift

per day

C2: daily working time less than 12h

C3: weekly working time less than 48h

C4: no more than 3 nights a week.



( )7 6


ij NUj w








ijk jki

X b


max7 6 1

max( 48 , 1, )

w K

k ijk ij w k


n X T R

T h R regime

2930 septembre 2015

Planning anaesthesia nurses


C5: Sat. DU (resp. NU) implies Sun. DU (resp. NU) and no work on Mon. and Tue.

C6 Shift succession

DU-NU followed by no working

DU followed by NU

(7 )( ) (7 )( ) (7 1) (7 2)1


i w JU i w NU i w k i w kk



(7 1) (7 ) 0i w k i w kX X

( ) ( ) ( 1)1


ij JU ij NU i j kk


( ) 1 ( ) 0ij JU i j NUX X

3030 septembre 2015

Planning anaesthesia nurses



max min

max1 1

min1 1


J Kk ijk

j k i

J Kk ijk

j k i


p XP


p XP


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3130 septembre 2015

Planning anaesthesia nurses IADE

JR = Day RegularJU = Day UrgencyNU = Night UrgencySS = Supervision Recovery

3230 septembre 2015

Contraintes obligatoires

Contraintes souples

Planning anaesthesists MAR MAR

Assign MAR to activities and half-day of a week

Pre-operation: Consultation

Per-operation: Anesthesia

Post-operation: Visit

Minimum demand coverage

Daily and weekly working time regulation

No working post-duty

No isolated half day working


Minimise the number of soft constraints violated

An integer programming model

Extension of the scope: Activitiess pre, per and post operations

Assignment by half-day Need to take into account the competencies

Competency requirment of demands

Maximum demande coverage

Continuity of post-operation visits

3330 septembre 2015

Objective MAR

# MAR assignment outside their specialty

# of isolated half working day

# of post-visit continuity violated

Deviation from the maximum demand coverage


Weighting factors

3430 septembre 2015

Experimentation: CH de Valence

Resolution of 5 problems, over 7, 14 and 28 days

By two solvers CPLEX GLPK

5 « specialties »: 4 specialist groups

1 covering all other specialties

Demands: Pre-operation: min and max

Per-operation: according to the surgery planning (rule: one MAR for 2 operating rooms)

Post-operation: fixed according to the workload profile

List of duties


Weights λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4

Problem 1 1 1 1 1

Problem 2 1 2 1 1

Problem 3 2 2 1 1

Problem 4 1 1 1 2

Problem 5 1 4 1 1

3530 septembre 2015

Example of results: Problem 1

Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Lun Mar Mer Jeu VenSpécialité MAR am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Spécialité MAR am pm am pm am pm am pm am pmSpécialité 1 2 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spécialité 5 1 pre 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

post 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0Chirurgie 3 per 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Toutes 2 pre 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0viscérale post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 spécialités per 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0et urologie 4 per 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 pre 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0

post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 pre 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

post 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Spécialité 2 6 per 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 pre 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

post 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Orthopédie et 7 per 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 pre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0neurochirugie post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

8 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 pre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

Spécialité 3 10 per 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 pre 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0post 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 per 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

ORL, 11 per 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 pre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1Ophtalmologie post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0et chir. Ambu 12 per 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 pre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0Spécialité 4 4 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 pre 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1Maternité 8 per 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 pre 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0gynécologie post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0obstétrique 11 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 pre 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0et pédiatrie post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 per 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 14 pre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0post 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

14 per 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 per 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1post 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Objective = 21


3630 septembre 2015

Planning pharmacy personal

Motivated by the restructuring of CH Villefranche (2 times bigger)

Need of a decision aid tool to generate pharmacy personal planning

Personals: 21 employees (4 pharmacists, 7 pharmacy assistants for preparation)

Various duties : • gestion, appro et distribution des médicaments

(armoires informatisées ou non)• Guichet• Préparation chimio• Gestion de gaz médicaux

Objectives: robust planning, reactivity to perturbations, equity between personals (rotation on all duties)

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3730 septembre 2015

Planning pharmacy personal

A set of n tasks on a H days horizon Parameters of a task:

Task duration pi Frequency Ti Contraints of the days Date of execution ti (if fixed) Earliest Date ri Latest Date di Min delay between two executions

A set of m resources of different competencies Bij = 1 if resource j can execute task i Soft contraints: breaks, workload balancing Decisions :

Assign tasks to resources Planning the execution scheduling (day-date)

3830 septembre 2015

Planning pharmacy personal

Example of data

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Chapter 3

Workforce scheduling

- 2 -


• Introduction

• Days-off scheduling

• Shift scheduling

• Cyclic staffing probme

• Crew scheduling

- 3 -


• Workforce allocation & personnel scheduling deal with the arrangement of work schedules and the assignment of personnel to shits to cover the demand for resources that vary over time.

• In service environments the operations are often prolonged and irregular, and the staff requirements fluctuate over time.

• The schedules are typically subject to various constraints dictated by equipment requirements, union rules, ...

- 4 -

Days-off scheduling

An elementary personnel assignment problem.

The problem is to find the minimum number of employees to cover a 7-days-a-week operation so that the following constraints are satisfied:

1. The demand per day, nj, j = 1, ..., 7 (Sunday to Saturday), is met

2. Each employee is given k1 out of every k2 weekends off

3. Each employee works exactly 5 out of 7 days (Sunday to Saturday)

4. Each employee works no more than 6 consecutive days.

Days j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Requirement 1 0 3 3 3 3 2 k1/k2 = 1/3

- 5 -

Days-off scheduling : lower bounds

Weekend constraint

(k2 – k1)W >= k2 max(n1, n7)

Where W is the minimum size of the workforce

Total demand constraint:

5W >= nj

Maximum daily demand constraint:

W >= max (n1, ..., n7)

Days j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Requirement 1 0 3 3 3 3 2

2 1 7

2 1

max ,k n nW

k k

k1/k2 = 1/3




W n

- 6 -

Days-off scheduling : Algorithm

W = min workforce, n = max(n1, n7)

Step1. (Schedule the weekends off)

Assign the 1st weekend off to the first W-n employees

Assign the 2nd weekend off to the second W-n employees

This process is continued cyclically.

S S M M T W T F S S M M T W T F S S M M T W T F S1 x x x2 x x3 x x

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- 7 -

Days-off scheduling : Algorithm

uj = W- nj, j= 2, ..., 6, uj = n – nj, j = 1, 7

Step2. (Determine the additional off-day pairs)

Construct a list of n pairs of off days, numbered 1 to n.

Choose day k such that uk = max(u1, ..., u7)

Choose day l (l k), such that ul > 0; if ul = 0 for all l k, set l = k

Add the pair (k, l) to the list and decrease uk and ul by 1.

Repeat the process n times.

Days j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

uj 1 3 0 0 0 0 0

(2, 1), Sunday-Monday

(2, 2), Monday-Monday (non distinct pairs)

- 8 -

Days-off scheduling : Algorithm

Set i = 1

Step3. (Categorize emplyees in week i)

Type T1 : weekend i off, no days needed during week i, weekend i+1 off

Type T2 : weekend i off, 1 off day needed during week i, weekend i+1 on

Type T3 : weekend i on, 1 off day needed during week i, weekend i+1 off

Type T4 : weekend i on, 2 off days needed during week i, weekend i+1 on

|T3| + |T4| = n, |T2| + |T4| = n (as n people working each weekend)

Pair Each employee of T2 with one of T3

Step 4 (Assign off-day pairs in week i)

Assign the n pairs of days, starting from the top off the list as follows:

First assign pairs of days to the employees of T4

Then, to each employee of T3 and his companion of T2, assign the one of T3 the earliest day of the pair.

Set i = i+1 and return to step 3.

- 9 -

Days-off scheduling : Algorithm

S S M M T W T F S S M M T W T F S S M M T W T F S1 x x x2 x x3 x x

Week 1 : T2 = 1, T3 = 2, T4 = 3

Week 2 : T2 = 2, T3 = 3, T4 = 1

Week 3 : T2 = 3, T3 = 1, T4 = 2

S S M M T W T F S S M M T W T F S S M M T W T F S1 x x x x x x x2 x x x x x x3 x x x x x x

The schedule generated by the days-off scheduling algorithm is always feasible.

- 10 -

Shift scheduling

A cycle (one day, one or several weeks) is fixed.

Each work assignment pattern over a cycle has its own cost.


m time intervals/periods in the predetermined cycle

bi personnel are required for period i

b different shift patterns, and each employee is assigned to one and only one pattern

(a1j, a2j, ..., amj) = shift pattern j with aij = 1 if period i is a work period.

cj = cost of patern j

Determine the number of employees of each pattern in order to minimise the total cost.

- 11 -

Shift scheduling

1 1 2 2

1 1 2 2

minimise ...

subject to

... , 1,...,


n n

i i in n i


c x c x c x

a x a x a x b i m


- 12 -

Shift scheduling

Pattern Hours of Work Total Hours Cost1 10 AM to 6PM 8 50 €2 1pm tp9pm 8 60 €3 12pm to 6pm 6 30 €4 10am to 1pm 3 15 €

Hours Staffing requirement10am-11am 311am-12am 412am-1pm 61pm - 2 pm 42 pm - 3pm 73pm-4pm 84pm-5pm 75pm-6pm 66pm-7pm 47pm-8pm 78pm-9pm 8

What if overtime is allowed?

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- 13 -

Shift scheduling

• The integer programming formulation of the general personnel scheduling problem (with arbitrary 0-1 A matrix) is NP-hard

• The special case with each column containing a contiguous set of ones is easy and the solution of the LP-relaxation is always integer.

- 14 -

Cyclic staffing problem

The objective is to minimise the cost of

assigning people to an m-period cyclic schedule

so that

sufficient workers are present during time period i, in order to meet requirement bi,

and each person works a shift of k consecutive periods and is free the other m-k periods.

1 0 0 1 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1 1 1

1 1 1 0 0 1 1

, min /1 1 1 1 0 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 0 0

0 1 1 1 1 1 0

0 0 1 1 1 1 1


(5,7) cyclic staffing

Each column is a possible shift

- 15 -

Cyclic staffing problem : algorithm

Step 1. Solve the linear relaxation of the problem to obtain xi’

If (xi’) are integer, STOP

Step 2. Form two linear programs LP’ and LP’’ from the relaxation of the original problem by adding respectively the constraints:

1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2

... ' ' ... '

... ' ' ... ' ¨.

n n

n n

x x x x x x


x x x x x x

LP’’ has an optimal solution that is integer

If LP’ does not have a feaible solution, then the solution of LP’’ is the optimal solution

If LP’ has a feasible solution, then it has an optimal solution that is integer and the best of LP’ and LP’’ solutions is the optimal solution.

- 16 -

Cyclic staffing problem : algorithm

31 0 0 1 1

41 1 0 0 1

, 61 1 1 0 0

40 1 1 1 0

70 0 1 1 1

3.6, 4.8,5.5,3.7,5.2


A b



- 17 -


• Crew scheduling problems are very important in transportation especially in airline industry

• Consider a set of m jobs, or flight legs.

• A flight leg is characterized by a point of departure and a point of arrival, as well as an approximate time interval during which the flight has to take place.

• There is a set of n feasible and permissible combinations of flight legs that one crew can handle, round trips or tours.

• Each round trip j, has a cost cj.

• Crew schedule determines round trips to select in order to minimize the total cost under the constraint that each flight leg iscovered exactly once by one and only one round trip.

- 18 -


• Each column in the A matrix is a round trip, and each row is a flight leg that must be covered exactly once by one round trip.

• Set partitioning problem.

1 1 2 2

1 1 2 2

minimise ...

subject to

... , 1,...,


n n

i i in n i


c x c x c x

a x a x a x b i m


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- 19 -


2 1


3 5




3 4


2 12

Truck routing network

route 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

cj 8 10 4 4 2 14 10 8 8 10 11 12 6 6 5

1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1

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Chapter 4Queueing models for capacity



• Introduction to Markov chains

• Queueing models and key results

• Application to hospital capacity planning

• A Queuing Approximation Method for Capacity Planning of Emergency Department with Time-Varying Demand


Stochastic processes



N(t) : nb of customersin the queue

Customer arrival

A stochastic process {Xt, t T} : a random variable defined on the same state space E and evolving as time t goes on.

Example: the queue length N(t) at time t


Stochastic process

Discrete events

Continuous event

Discrete time

Continuous time


A CTMC is a continuous time and memoryless discrete event stochastic process.

Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC)


Key conditions for memoryless

Memoryless times

• All times (activity times, repair times, lifetimes, …) are exponentially distributed.

• X = EXP(m) : P(X x) = 1 – e-x/m, E[X] = m, Var[X] = m2

Memoryless events

• All events (arrivals, machine failures, …) occur according to a POISSON process

• A POISSON event e of frequency (also called event rate)

time between occurrences of e = EXP(1/ )


A single server queue

Exponential service time at



N(t) : nb of customersin the queue

Poisson customer arrival at rate

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Markov chain representation





12Freq. of event e12

13Freq. of event e13

41Freq. of event e41


A single server queue

Exponential service time at



N(t) : nb of customersin the queue

Poisson customer arrival at rate

0 1 2 3


Steady-state distribution

Steady-state distribution = probability distribution afterinfinite time

i = probability of being in state i in steady-state

Alternative definition (under ergodicity condition)

i = percentage of time of state i over infinite time


Determination of the steady-state distribution





12Probability flow

13Probability flow

41Probability flow

Probability flow of event eij=12=frequency of event eij

Flow balance equation

Total flow in = Total flow out

Holds for any state or subset of states

Normalisation equationi i = 1

41 = 12 + 13


A single server queue

0 1 2 3

Flow balance equation

Total flow in = Total flow out

Normalisation equationi i = 1

Online derivation


• Introduction to Markov chains

• Queueing models and key results

• Application to hospital capacity planning

• A Queuing Approximation Method for Capacity Planning of Emergency Department with Time-Varying Demand

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Definition of a queueing system

Customer arrivals

Departure of impatient customers

Departure of served customers

• A queueing system can be described as follows:"customers arrive for a given service, wait if the service cannot start

immediately and leave after being served"

• The term "customer" can be men, products, machines, ...


Notation of Kendall

Kendall notation of queueing systems


– T: probability distribution of inter-arrival times– X: probability distribution of service times– C: Number of servers– K: Queue capacity– P: Size of the population– Z: service discipline

In this course,– K = : unlimited queue capacity– P = : infinity population– Z = FIFO: First In First Out service


Notation of Kendall

T/X/C– T: probability distribution of inter-arrival times– X: probability distribution of service times– C: Number of servers

•T or X can take the following values:

– M : markovian (i.e. exponential)– G : general distribution– D : deterministic

M/M/1 = Markovian arrival & service single server queueM/M/n = Markovian arrival & service n-servers queue


Little’s Laws

For any stable system,

L = TH×W(Number = Throughput Delay)

where• L : average number of customers in the system• W : average response time• TH : average throughput rate

Queueing system




M/M/1 queue

Stationary distribution:

n = n(1-), n≥0

where = / is called traffic intensity.

Ls = Number of customers in the system = ) = /()

Ws = Sojourn time in the system = ) = 1/()

Lq = queue length = 2/() Ls

Wq = average waiting time in the queue = /() Ws

= departure rate =

Server utilization ratio =

Server idle ratio = P0 = 1 -

P{n > k} = Probability of more than k customers = k+1


M/M/c queue – Erlang C system

N(t) is a birth and death process with

• The birth rate .

• The deadth rate is not constant and is equal to N(t) if N(t) C and Cif N(t) > C.

Stability condition : < c.

N(t) : number of customers in the system

Exponentially distributed service tim

Poisson arrivals

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0 1 2 3


00 ! ! 1

n cc


a a

n c

, 0n

n c ca


Stationary probability distribution:a offered load c a/c traffic intensityn = an/n! 0, 0 < n c

M/M/c queue – Erlang C system




Ls = Number of customers in the system= Lq + a

Ws = Sojourn time in the system= Wq + 1/

Lq = Average queue length=

Wq = Average waiting time= Lq /

= Average number of busy server, = a

M/M/c queue – Erlang C system


C(c,a) = Waiting probability of an incoming customer= c + c+1 + ...

wq = random waiting time of a customer (Moment generating funct)

T = Waiting time target

(T) = Service level= P(wq ≤ T)



! 1,


! ! 1


cn cc



cC c a

a a

n c

0, with probability 1 ,

, with probability ,q

C c aw

EXP c C c a

1 , c TT C c a e

Erlang C formula

M/M/c queue – Erlang C system


M/M/c with impatient customers –Erlang B

0 1 2

• Similar to M/M/C queue except the loss of customerswhich arrive when all servers are busy.

Markov chain of M/M/2 queue with impatient customers


M/M/c with impatient customers –Erlang B

Steady state distribution :a offered load c traffic intensityn = an/n! 0, 0 < n c

Percentage of lost customers = C

Server utilization ratio = (1 – C) /C

Insensitivity to service time distribution:n depends on the distribution of service time T onlythrough its mean, i.e. with = E[T]


00 !






M/M/c with impatient customers –Erlang B





c c nn

a cB c a

a n

1 ,a B c a

Erlag loss function or Erlang B formula= Percentage of lost customers or overflow probability

Accepted load

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Normal approximation for staffing Erlang Loss systems

Condition: high offered load (a > 4) and high targeted service level

N(t) = number of patients : approximately normally distributed

E[N(t)] a

In M/M/∞ system, N(t) =d POISSON(a), i.e. E[N(t)] = a, Var[N(t)] = a

Square-Root-Staffing-Formula for a delay probability

c a a

1N a c a

P Delay P N t c Pa a

Where is the cdf of the standard normal distribution

M/M/c with impatient customers –Erlang B






c nn

a cB c a

a n

Computation issues of Erlang B and C formula



! 1,

! ! 1


n cc



cC c a

a a

n c

, 1 / , : the reciprocalR c a B c a

1,, 1

cR c aR c a



1 1, 1C c a

B c a


1 1,

B c aB c a

B c a

0, 1B a

0, 1C a

!!! recursion for the same offered load !!!


• Introduction to Markov chains

• Queueing models and key results

• Application to hospital capacity planning

• A Queuing Approximation Method for Capacity Planning of Emergency Department with Time-Varying Demand


An introductory example

A hospital is exploring the level of staffing needed for a booth in the local mall, where they would test and provide information on the diabetes. Previous experience has shown that, on average, every 6.67 minutes a new person approaches the booth. A nurse can complete testing and answering questions, on average, in twelve minutes.

Assuming s = 2, 3, 4 nurses, a hourly cost of 40€ per nurse and a customer waiting cost of 75€ per hour in the system.

Determine the following: patient arrival rate, service rate, overall system utilisation, nb of patients in the system (Ls), the average queue length (Lq), average time spent in the system (Ws), average waiting time (Wq), probability of no patient, probability of waiting, total system costs.


Patien arrival rate 9 9 9service rate 5 5 5Overall system utilisation 90% 60% 45%L (system) 9,47 2,33 1,91Lq 7,67 0,53 0,11w (system) - in hours 1,05 0,26 0,21Wq - in hours 0,85 0,06 0,01no patient probability (idle) 0,05% 14,60% 16,16%patient waiting proba 85,26% 35,50% 12,85%Total system cost € per hour 790 205 303

An introductory example


Target occupancy level

Consider obsterics units in hospitals. Obsterics is generally operatedindependently of other services, so its capacity needs can be determinedwithout regard to other services. It is also one for which the use of a standard M/M/s queueing model is quite good. Most obsterics patients are unscheduled and the assumption of Poisson arrivals has been shownto be a ggod one in studies of unscheduled hospital admissions. In addition, the coefficient of variation (CV) of the length of stay (LOS), which is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, istypically very close to 1 satisfying the service time assumption of the M/M/s model.

Bed capacity of maternity services

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Since obsterics patients are considered emergent, the American College of Obsterics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends that occupancy levels of obsterics units not exceeding 75%. Many hospitals have obsterics units operating below this level. However, some have eliminated beds to reduce « excess » capacity and costs and 20% of NY hospitals had obsterics units that would be considered over-utilized by this standard.

Assuming the target occupancy level of 75%, what is the probability of delay for lack of beds for a hospital with s = 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200 beds.

Lesson :

For the same occupancy level, the probability of delay decreases with the size of the service.

Bed capacity of maternity services


Evaluation of capacity based on a delay target leads to very important conclusion. Though there is no standard delay target, it has been suggested that the probability of delay for an obsterics bed should not exceed 1%.

What is the size of an obsterics unit (nb of beds) necessary to achieve a probability of delay not exceeding 1% while keeping the target occupancy level of 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%?

Lesson :

Achieving high occupancy level while having small probability of delay is only possible for obsterics unit of large hospitals.

Capacity cut should be made with clear understanding of the impact. Simple and naive analysis based on average could lead to bad decisions.

Bed capacity of maternity services


Impact of seasonality

Consider an obsterics unit with 56 beds which experiences a significant degree of seasonality with occupancy level varying from a low of 68% in January to about 88% in July.

What is the probability of delay in January and in July?

If, as is likely, there are several days when actual arrivals exceed the month average by 10%, what is the probability of delay for these days in July?

Lesson :

Capacity planning should not be based only on the yearly average. Extra bed capacity should be planned for predictable demand increase during

peak times.

Bed capacity and seasonality


Impact of clinical organisation

Consider the possiblity of combining cardiac and thoracic surgery patients as thoracic patients are relatively few and require similar nursing skills as cardiac patients.

The average arrival rate of cardiac patients is 1,91 bed requests per day and that of thoracic patients is 0,42. No additional information is available on the arrival pattern and we assume Poisson arrivals. The average LOS (Length Of Stay) is 7,7 days for cardiac patients and 3,8 days for thoracic patients.

What is the number of beds for cardiac patients and thoracic patients in order to have average patient waiting time for a bed E(D) not exceeding 0,5, 1, 2, 3 days? What is the number of beds if all patients are treated in the same nursing unit?

Delay in this case measures the time a patient coming out of surgery spends waiting in a recovery unit or ICU until a bed in the nursing unit is available. Long delays cause backups in operating rooms/emergency rooms, surgery cancellation and ambulance diversion.

Bed capacity reducing through merging


Lesson :

Personal and equipment flexibility and service pooling can achieve higher occupancy level and reduction of beds.

However, priority given to one patient group could significantly degrade the waiting time of other patients if all treated in the same nursing unit.

Bed capacity reducing through merging


Staffing Emergency Department under Service Level Constraints

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 4 10 10 8 4 8 6 6 4 6 10 15 8 6 4 2 0,5 0,5

You are asked to help improving the nurse planning of an Emergency

Department (ED). From the historic data, you are able to obtain the

following demand forecast on the number arrivals at the ED:

From the statistics, 60% of the ED patients are regular patients and

need only 15 minutes of the nursing care. However 40% of the ED

patients are true emergency patients and require about 1h nursing

care at ED before transfer to the wards.

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1 6 11 16 21

Patient arrivals

Staffing Emergency Department under Service Level Constraints

Goal 1: Planning shifts to meet loss probability target (<5%, 1%) (Erlang B)

Preliminary goals :

• Derive the workload profile of a typical day.

• Enumerate all possible shift patterns. Shifts of 8h start either 7h-9h

(20€/h), or 15h-17h (22€/h), or 23-01h (25€/h). Shifts of 12h start

either 7h-9h (21€/h) or 19h-21h (23€/h).

Goal 2: Planning shifts to meet waiting time targets (Erlang C)

1: less than 20 minutes for at least 80% of patients

2: less than 1h for at least 95% of patients

Staffing Emergency Department under Service Level Constraints


• Introduction to Markov chains

• Queueing models and key results

• Application to hospital capacity planning

• A Queuing Approximation Method for Capacity Planning of Emergency Department with Time-Varying Demand

A Queuing Approximation Method for Capacity

Planning of Emergency Department with Time-

Varying Demand

Qiang LIU, Xiaolan XIE, Ran LIU


Background Problem description and solution Evaluating model Scheduling model Conclusions and future work


Emergency department has to provide timely medical service 24 hours round .

At least one physician in ED at anytime.

Patient arrival rate fluctuates significantly during a day









1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23



of p





hour of dayArrival rates from the emergency

department in Ruijin hospital

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Current capacity plan does not take into account fluctuation of patient arrival.

Crowding during peak hours;

Low human resource utilization during low arrival periods;

A more efficient plan could be made if we set the starting working time and shift length flexible.
















of p




arrival rate


Background Problem description and solution Evaluating model Scheduling model Conclusions and future work

Problem description and solution

Time-varying patient arrival rate

Flexible working time and shift length of physicians.

Reduce patient waiting time

Relief the crowding in ED

Improve staff utilization

Mathematical Modeling

Capacity Schedule

Key Point:Since the patient arrival rate fluctuates and the number of doctors is also time-dependent, the system cannot reach any steady state.

Results of classic queuing theory do not apply directly to evaluate patient waiting time.


Background Problem description and solution Evaluation model Scheduling model Conclusions and future work

Evaluation model

△t Length of each period

λt # of patients arrived in period,

ut # of patients served in period

pt # of physicians in period

qt # of patients overflowed

Flow balance equation qt = qt-1 + t - ut

Waiting time of served patientsW(ut, pt) = steady-state waiting time of M/M/C model with arrival

rate ut and pt servers.

Similar to existing Pointwise Stationary Approximation (PSA)

Waiting time of overflowed patients t


Evaluation model

,t t t t tw u W u p q

1t t t tq q u






t tu p


Solved by linearization of the non-linear function.

*t tp p

# of patients served not exceeding physician service rate

The given schedule

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Result of evaluation model

The current capacity plan is to be evaluated

Number of patients served in each period Waiting time in each period


Background Problem description and solution Evaluating model Scheduling model Conclusions and future work

Scheduling model

Shift decision variables:

st = number of physicians starting their shift in period t

et = number of physicians completing their shift in period t

Scheduling model

,t t t t tw u W u p q

1t t t tq q u





t tu p



t tts e



t i iip s e p

mod( , 1) mod( 1, 1)

1 1

t L T t U T

i t ii t i te p e

1t tp s



tts N

Shift length [L, U]

Shifts will overlap each other

N physicians in total

# of physicians and shifts

All shifts start and finish in a day

Evaluation model

Numerical Experiments• N =10 physicians

• Shift length [5h, 8h]

• Service rate m = 5.9113

• Hourly periods

• Arrival rate collected from hospital history data









1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23



of p





hour of day

Numerical ExperimentsNew vs actual schedules

# of patients served and delayedActual schedule

# of patients served and delayedNew schedule

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Background Problem description and solution Evaluating model Scheduling model Conclusions and future work


An evaluation model for a given shift schedule that combines steady-state performance and controlled overflow.

A shift optimization model based on the evaluation model.

Resulting staffing schedule better matches the fluctuating patient arrival.

Future research

Improve the accuracy of the evaluation model, especially when the congestion level is not very high.

Design fast solution techniques for solving the evaluation and shift optimization models.

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Chapter 5

Surgery planning

- 2 -


• Introduction

• Operating theatre

• Surgery planning

• Open scheduling

• Bloc scheduling

• Modified Bloc scheduling

• Surgery scheduling

- 3 -


• Surgery interventions are organised around some expensive technical facilities (plateau médico-technique) : operating theatres (operating rooms, recovery rooms), imaging services, biology labs, sterilization facilities.

• The central part is the operating theatre where the efficiency in terms of Cost-Quality-Delay is a must.

• Mutation from a monospecialty with ad hoc organization to a multi-specialities with better organisation due to budget constraints and more strict safety regulations.

• Operating theatre consumes about 10% of hospital budget and constitutes a melting pot between different systems and different actors with different visions of its operation.

• The reforms of French health system imposes operating theatres to meet some criteria of efficient management that the actors are not prepared to.

- 4 -


The operating theatre is the heart of a hospital:

Consultations of surgeons, anaesthesists, medical units, imaging facilities, biology labs, stretchers, sterilization, emergercy departments, …

A flexible and rigorous organization

A management of « patient flow »

- 5 -


Patient arrivals



Leave the hospital

Surgery & Recovery

- 6 -


Five-level planning framework(Vissers et al. 2001. A framework for production control in health care

organizations. Production planning & control, 12(6), 591-604)

o Strategic planning (2-5 years)

o Patient volumes planning & control (1-2 years)

o Resources planning & control (3 months - 1 year)

o Patient group planning & control (weeks - 3 months)

o Patient planning & control (days - weeks)

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- 7 -


Hospital: a profit maximizer or a cost minimizer

o Department

Surgeon group: surgeons, pathologies

Ward: a fixed number of beds, accommodating its patients for recovery

o Surgical center

Operating rooms: shared by all surgeon groups in a time-phased pattern

Operating block: the smallest time unit for which an operating room can be assigned to a

surgeon group for performing surgeries

o Patient: elective inpatients

Patient grouping: an iso-process grouping procedure

pathology, surgeon group, surgery duration, the length of stay (LOS), rewards, etc.

Patient case mix:

the number of patients of every patient group that can be treated annually

- 8 -


Case mix planning problem

S: surgeon groupP: patient groupORs: operating rooms

How many beds areallocated to each ward?

How ORs are assigned tovarious surgeon groups?

How many patients fromeach patient group can be treated annually?

- 9 -


Master Surgery Scheduling

- 10 -


Master Surgery Scheduling

- 11 -

..h ..

17h 00

16h 00

15h 00

14h 00

13h 00

12h 00

11h 00

10h 00

9h 00Monday

Patient 7

OR 1

Patient 4

Patient 11

Patient 3

Patient 1

Patient 5

Patient 19

Patient 2

Patient 20

Patient 17

Patient 8

Patient 15

Patient 6

Patient 12

Tuesday Wednesday

OR 2OR 1 OR 2

Surgery planning and scheduling


- 12 -


• Introduction

• Operating theatre

• Surgery planning

• Open scheduling

• Bloc scheduling

• Modified Bloc scheduling

• Surgery scheduling

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- 13 -

Operating theatre : macros processes

• Capacity Planning/Allocation consists in determining (over a semestre to 1 year):

• Number of surgery blocs per surgeon,• OR sessions of the operating rooms,• Modes of control for periods of over- or under- capacity

• Surgery Programming includes:• Determination of a preliminary surgey program,• Determination of the modes of anaesthesia,• Management of the operating rooms, equipments, materials and

ancillaries,• Assignment of personals,• Management of surgery program changes till day D-1,• Determine the « final » surgery program

• Regulation consists in managing the adjustments during the day D concerning the over-usages and the exchanges of surgery blocs, personal assignment, allocation of material resources.

- 14 -

• Registration allows to record the set of interventions performed a day D (name of the operators, durations of the interventions, natures of the incidences, … ).

• Feedback loop a deux objectifs :• réajuster la planification en fonction de l'activité constatée, des files

d'attente estimées, des capacités des unités de soins, des effectifs non médicaux disponibles, …,

• réévaluer les durées d'intervention par praticien et type d'intervention (nécessaires à la programmation)

Operating theatre : macros processes

- 15 -

Allocation programming supervision

D-7 / D-1Year NSemestre S




Feedback loop

Year N+1Semestre S+1


Mission : superviser les différentes catégories intervenants pour optimiser et sécuriser la prise en chargeFréquence : quotidienne

Mission : adaptation des processus et rappels formalisés pour le respect des processus validésFréquence : Mensuelle


« operating theatreboard »

« Commission des utilisateurs

du bloc »Mission : adaptation des vacationsFréquence : Annuelle (voire semestriel)

« Supervision cell »

« Coordonnateur »

Missions : arbitrer les priorités médicale relatives à la prise en charge immédiate (= du jour)

« Chef du bloc »

Missions : veiller à l’application des règles, contribuer à l’évolution des règles pour améliorer l’efficience, la sécurité et les conditions de travail.

Operating theatre : macros processes

- 16 -

Operating theatre: Components

Operating theatres (mono disciplinary or shared)

ED operating theatres

Recovery rooms

Induction rooms

Endoscopia operating rooms

Obstetric operating theatre


Obstetric labor rooms

Interventional radiology ORs




Two scopes:

- 17 -

WardsOperating theatre






Operating theatre: trajectory

- 18 -

WardOperating theatre





Operating theatre: trajectory


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- 19 -

WardsOperating theatre






Operating theatre: trajectory

- 20 -

Operating theatre: some observations

Turn dedicated operating rooms (OR) into shared polyvalent ones improves the economic efficiency.

Induction outside the OR (in an induction room) improves the OR usage

Keep the right balance between the surgery volume target and all human and material resources.

SFAR recommendation: 1.5-2 recovery beds per OR

- 21 -

Operating theatre: performance indicators

Three types of patients concerning the surgery programming:

• Elective patients programmed at D-8 : elective surgery patients of week W are known the week W-1 (in general, before Thursday noon) to allow the validation of the surgery program of the operating roomsand the personal planning,

• Semi-urgent patients programmed at D-1: patients known the daybefore their intervention

• Patients not yet known at the beginning of D.

A good surgery program depends directly on the capacity to anticipate the demands of different operators. This anticipation requires the knowledgeof the patients to be operated at least one week before.

Health professionals agree that a ratio of 80 to 85% of patients known at D-8 is signal of efficient surgery programming.

Of course, one has to take into account emergency surgeries and the catchment area and target market of the hospital.

- 22 -

Operating Room time usage:

• Hospital OR time provision - « temps de mise à disposition » (TMD), a decision of hospital management based on the openingtimes of each room – OR sessions,

• OR timed used - « temps réel d'occupation des salles » (TROS), part of the TMD actualy used for an intervention, i.e. interval frompatient arrival in the room to end of cleaning of the room

• Conventional OR time « temps conventionnel MeaH », base OR times defined by Agency MeaH to benchmark different hospitals. For each OR :

• Conventional Day OR time of 10 hours (08h30 -18h30)• Conventional «continuity of care duty » of 14 hours (18h30 - 08h30)

Operating theatre: performance indicators

- 23 -

Ratio 1 (allocation) : Hospital OR time provision / MeaH convention68 - 90% with one at 111%.

Ratio 2 (programing & regulation) : Time used / Time programmed45% - 77%, mean 62%. National objective (CTN) : 75 - 80%.

Ratio 3 (productivity) : Timed used / MeaH convention31% - 63%.

Operating theatre: performance indicators

- 24 -

Surgery occupation time - TROS :• T1 patient preparation time : patient arrival to induction,• T2 induction time: induction to incision,• T3 surgery intervention time,• T4 duration of bandage,• T5 : cleaning.TUC = time needing a medical specialist (operator and anaesthestist).

Operating theatre: performance indicators

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- 25 -

For each « Day » conventional surgery:

• T1 – close to mean12mn.• T2 - 3 hospital groups: < 20mn [3], mean (20mn) [4], >30mn [1]• T3 - 3 hospital groups: < 50mn [3], mean (55mn) [4], >100mn [1]• T4 - 3 hospital groups: < 11mn [4], mean (11mn) [3], 18mn [1]• T5 - 3 hospital groups: < 10mn [1], mean (14mn) [4], >14mn [3]

• Total TROS - 3 hospital groups : 1h15 - 1h30 [3], 1h30 - 2h [4], 3h [1]

• Time with medical personal TUC (T2+T3) =66% TROS• Time with surgeon T3 = 48% TROS

This explains the general feeling of « waste time » of the operators and their wish to operate in 2 ORs simultaneously.

Operating theatre: performance indicators

- 26 -

OR time provision (TMD) and overtime

Ratio of overtime is a significant capacity regulation issue.

General agreement (CTN), 2% overtime seems unavoidable

Most hospitals visited by MeaH found ways to improve their overtime ratio and hence reducing overtime cost.

Operating theatre: performance indicators

- 27 -

OR time allocated to physicians - Temps de vacation (TVO)• TVO = arrival of the first patient to departure of the last patient• TVO does not include OR closing (at the end of the day) or bio cleaning

between morning and afternoon surgery sessions.• This concept is « surgeon oriented » and corresponds to time during which

his/her activities are possible

Allocated OR time usage - Temps réel d’occupation des vacations (TROV)TROV = actual TVO used + standard bio cleaning after each intervention

Operating theatre: performance indicators

- 28 -

Analysis of OR staff occupancy (not including physicians)

Time in hospital of a personal : Temps de Présence d'un Professionnel (TPP)


Time in OR (TTPS : Temps de Présence du Personnel en Salle)

+ waiting between interventions

+ working on other tasks (administrative, storing devices, checking materials, …).

Profession agreed goal : TTPS = 80% TTP

Operating theatre: performance indicators

- 29 -

Human resources: • Operators (surgeons) assurant l'acte opératoire (leur nombre est un

indicateur de la complexité de la planification et de la programmation),

• anaesthesia by anaesthesists and anaesthesia nurses (IADE)• Bandage, instrumentist and operation attendance by specialised

nurses of operating rooms (IBODE),• Cleaning and patient transportation by hospital attendants and

stretchers,• Team supervision, programming regulation and secretary by lead


Personal Efficiency or productivity : • Staff time in OR or in the hospital per 100h of TROS

• Number of staff hours during T2+T3 of TROS with respect to standard mean useful time.

Operating theatre: performance indicators

- 30 -

analyse en fonction du type de programmation

analyse en fonction de la période (semaine, week-end, de chaque

jour de la semaine)

Taux d’occupation moyen sur la période observée des salles par

quart d’heureTemps Réel d’Occupation de

la Salle (= temps pris en compte dans la T2A)

Operating theatre: performance indicators

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- 31 -


• Introduction

• Operating theatre

• Surgery planning

• Open scheduling

• Bloc scheduling

• Modified Bloc scheduling

• Surgery scheduling

- 32 -

Surgery programming models

• Surgery programming is an efficient tool of operating theatre management.

• It consists in building a « provisional » planning of surgery interventions to be realised during a period based on surgery demand forecast.

• It determines the activities of the operating theatre (surgeons, anaesthesists, nurses IADE – IBODE), and also the wards, ICUs, pharmacy, radiology, etc.

- 33 -

• Surgery program built various ways: (i) in chronologic order as information arrives, (ii) periodically by allowing rescheduling of earlier decisions.

• Open scheduling is always centralized and is simple to organise.

• Cons: dysfunction such as under-usage of resources, overtimes, and surgery cancelations if it is realised in an inappropriate way.

• Open scheduling in two phases: intervention planning and scheduling.

Surgery programming models

Open scheduling model : propose for each period (week or month) a surgery program that is completely independent of previous decisions, i.e. starts from an empty sheet.

..h ..

17h 00

16h 00

15h 00

14h 00

13h 00

12h 00

11h 00

10h 00

9h 00


Patient 7

Salle 1

Patient 4

Patient 11

Patient 3

Patient 1

Patient 5

Patient 19

Patient 2

Patient 20

Patient 17

Patient 8

Patient 15

Patient 6

Patient 12

Mardi Mercredi

Salle 2Salle 1 Salle 2

- 34 -

• Widely used especially in North America

• Efficiency strongly depends on the design of a good surgery program pattern, in order to adapt to actual activities.

• Pro: no need of centralised information.

• Head of the operating theatre can fill the pattern with its planning and does not manage the detailed scheduling.

• Caution: difficulty of building a good surgery program pattern.

Surgery programming models

..h ..

17h 00

16h 00

15h 00

14h 00

13h 00

12h 00

11h 00

10h 00

9h 00


Salle 1


Salle 1


Dr. Dupont





Groupe chirurgical

DR. Durant

Dr. Martin

Service ORL

Block scheduling model :

relies on a fixed surgery program pattern to allocate OR-blocks (time slots of an Operating Room) to surgeon groups or specialties.

Each surgeon group places its interventions within its OR-blocks.

A weekly pattern

- 35 -

Modified Block scheduling similar to block scheduling but withadaptation mechanisms.

• The concept of OR-blocks becomes elastic with the possibility of lengthening and shortening.

• It allows greater flexibility in surgery programming.

• Based on the evolution of the surgery program, the head of the operating theatre has the possiblity to adjust the lengths of OR-blocks or to allow general access to some OR-blocks.

Surgery programming models

- 36 -

Surgery programming strategies

• Fixed hours system, aims at optimizing the resource usage. Interventions are programmed if they finish before the fixed closing time, leading to potential under-utilization and intervention postponement or cancelation.

• Any workday. It focuses on the satisfaction of patients and surgeons and allows them to choose the date of intervention, leading to potential over-utilisation of the operating rooms.

• Reasonnable time system, allows higher occupation of operating rooms with reasonable surgery intervention delays. The programming is realised by the head nurse in order to minimise the waiting times of interventions.

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- 37 -

Key decision phases

• Trajectory of a surgery patient : pre-operation, per-operation, post-operation.

• During the pre-operation phase, after the surgery and anaesthesia consultations, a hospitalization date is given to the patient.

• Depending on the strategy, this date can be changeable or not.

- 38 -

Key decision phases

• During the per-operation phase,

• Decisions concerning the organization of the operating theatre are to be made: (i) assignment of each invention to an OR and a time slot, (ii) organization of relevant logistics (stretchers, recovery beds, sterilized medical devises, consumables, …).

• These decisions are under the responsibility of the head nurse of the operating theatre.

• She is in charge of

• planning the surgery activities over several weeks by partitioning the interventions in order to minimise the deviationof intervention dates;

• daily scheduling of patient flows by proposing detailedschedules for each operating room, recovery beds and relevant logistics.

- 39 -

Key decision phases

• During the post-operation phase,

• Only decisions on booking resources for cares during the stay, according to the evolution of the health condition.

• In most cases, these decisions do not need to be planned.

• Among the three phases, the per-operation phase has the greatest potential of performance improvement.

• The two others are more or less hotel-like activities.

- 40 -


• Introduction

• Operating theatre

• Surgery planning

• Open scheduling

• Bloc scheduling

• Modified Bloc scheduling

• Surgery scheduling

- 41 -

Open scheduling

• Open scheduling consists in proposing, for each period, a surgery planning without any pre-assignment.

• To reduce complexity of open planning, most hospitals (i) pre-assign operating rooms (OR) to surgery specialties, and (ii) forces the surgeons to realise their interventions of a day in the same OR.

• Pros: more flexible adaptable to perturbations ad it does not fix a priori the dates, hours and the number of interventions.

• Cons: (i) efficiency strongly depends to the expertise of the head nurse and her ability to negotiate with surgeons; (ii) heavy workload of the head nurse for surgery program consolidation, coordination of different specialties, and decision-making of difficult situations.

• Condition: Software tools to aid surgery programming of a large operating theatre.

- 42 -

Open scheduling

• The problem arises after the surgery and anaesthesia consultation. The nurse proposes a hospitalisiation date or take note of patient’s preferences.

• Based on patient’s preferences and the availability of the surgeon, a date of intervention is proposed later on.

• Determination of surgery intervention dates should take into acount the following constraints:

Patients is admitted the day before their intervention and a bed is needed during the whole Length of Stay (LoS)

Each patient needs a time slot in an OR for her intervention

Each intervention should be performed in a given time window

Surgeons are not always available and can perform a limited number of intervention per day.

Patients might also have availability constraint.

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- 43 -

Mathematical model for open scheduling

Decision variable :

Xisj = 1 if intervention i planned in room s on day j

Xisj = 0 if not.

Criterion (minimisation of deviation from most preferred date) :

1 1 1


isj isji j s

Minimise Z C X

• Cisj = number of days in advance or after patient’s preferred date if Xisj = 1.

- 44 -


1) Realise all interventions

1 1

1, 1,...,T S

isjj s

X i N

2) Capacity Rcapsj of OR s on day j



i isj sji

Dur X Rcap

Mathematical model for open scheduling

- 45 -

3) Capacity Maxjm of surgeon m on day j

with Surgi = the set of surgeries of surgeon m.

5) Bed capacity Bcapj on day j


1 1 1

, 1,..., 1i

jN S

isk ji s k j LoS

X Bcap j T



i isj jmi Surg s

Dur X Max

with LoSi = Length of Stay of patient i

Mathematical model for open scheduling

- 46 -

6) Time window [DMINi, DMAXi] of intervention i

Xisj = 0, if j < DMINi or j > DMAXi

7) Integrity constraints

0,1 , , ,isjX i s j

Mathematical model for open scheduling

- 47 -

Xisj = 0, if j < DMINi or j > DMAXi

0,1 , , ,isjX i s j


1 1 1

, 1,..., 1i

jN S

isj ji s k j LoS

X Bcap j T



i isj jmi Surg s

Dur X Max

1 1

1, 1,...,T S

isjj s

X i N



i ipj sji

Dur X Rcap

1 1 1


isj isji j s

Minimise Z C X

Mathematical model for open scheduling

- 48 -

Mathematical model = Integer Linear Programming


by commercial solvers such as CPLEX, XPRESS


by heuristic methods

• Bin-packing-based heuristics (First fit, best fit, worst fit, decreasing fit)

• Local optimization (pairwise echange, patient relocation, OR room rescheduling).

Mathematical model for open scheduling

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- 49 -


• Introduction

• Operating theatre

• Surgery planning

• Open scheduling

• Bloc scheduling

• Modified Bloc scheduling

• Surgery scheduling

- 50 -

Bloc scheduling model

• Il assigns OR-blocks to surgeon groups (SP).

• A SP can be a surgeon or several surgeons of the same specialty or not which share the same OR-blocks.

• Block scheduling consists in building a weekly surgery program pattern for regular periods or for particular periods such as holiday seasons.

• Each SP places its interventions within its OR-blocks at their convenience.

• This model relies on knowledge of detailed demand forecast of each SP in order to allocate enough OR times decomposed into OR blocks of consistent length with respect to the SP’s intervention durations.

• The surgery program pattern, reminiscent of the master schedule of MRP in production control, is called Master Surgery Schedule.

- 51 -

Bloc scheduling

..h ..

17h 00

16h 00

15h 00

14h 00

13h 00

12h 00

11h 00

10h 00

9h 00Lundi

Salle 1


Salle 1


Dr. Dupont





Groupe chirurgical

DR. Durant

Dr. Martin

Service ORL

- 52 -

Bloc scheduling

• Pros: simplicity of implementation.

• Cons:

• Extreme difficulty for building a good MSS as over-dimensionning OR-blocks leads to low productivity and under-dimensionning OR-blocks leads to tensions among surgeons and intervention delay/cancelation.

• Rigid surgery programming imposing surgeons a constant and regular activity volume at fixed dates.

- 53 -

Case mix planning

To advance the resource efficiency

o Approach Matching the patient demand and the resource provision

Coordinating the resource allocation within the whole hospital

To maximize the overall financial contribution of given resources

o Long-term decision making Patient case mix that can be treated annually

Resource capacity allocation to each specialty

o Solution method Integer linear program modeling

Branch-and-price algorithms (Ma et al. 2009)

- 54 -

Case mix planning

Major demand data

Demand range per patient group

Resource requirement per group-p patient

• OR capacity: durp

• Bed requirement

LoSp represented by

Apd = set of hospitalization days if operated on day d

LOS Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

3 S

3 S

3 S

10 S

10 S

hospitalization days

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- 55 -

Case mix planning

• Integer linear programming (ILP) model

o the number of patients of group p that receive surgery on day a

o the number of beds allocated to ward w

o the number of blocks assigned to surgeon group s on day a

o Cycle: one week

. .

, ,


, ,


, , , , , ,

w p d


ww W

p a wp P a A

s as S

p p a s ap P

p p a pa A

p a w s a

s t y B E D S

x y w W d D

z B L O C K S a A

d u r x z L E N G T H s S a A

L B x U B p P

x y z w W s S p P a A

max p pap P a A

r x

bed capacity


admission range

OR blocks




Objective: to maximize the overall financial contribution

Constraint: resource capacity

- 56 -

Case mix planning

To improve the resource utilization

o Variability: e.g., the variable LOS the bed shortage phenomenon

o Approach Adjusting the resource capacity allocation

Building balanced master surgery schedules

To coordinate the capacity utilization of various resources at each specialty

o Decision-making Long-term: the bed capacity allocation

Medium-term: (seasonal) balanced master surgery schedules

o Solution method Mixed integer programming models

- 57 -

Master Surgery Scheduling

• Master Surgery Scheduling model

o the number of patients of group p that receive surgery on day a

o the number of beds allocated to ward w

o the number of blocks assigned to surgeon group s on day a

o Cycle: one week

. .


, ,


, , , , , ,


ww W

s as S

p p a s ap P

p a pa A

p a w s a

s t y B E D S

z B L O C K S a A

d u r x z L E N G T H s S a A

x T H R p P

x y z w W s S p P a A

min ww W


b e d c a p a c i ty


Planned case mix

OR blocks




Objective: to minimize the Total Expected Bed Shortage (TEBS)

- 58 -

Master Surgery Scheduling


2, ,


2 2



(1 )

. .


, , ,

, , , ,



ww W

wd pa p kT d ap P a A k

wd pa p kT d a p kT d ap P a A k

wd w wd wd

wd w wd w


x prob

x prob prob

y w


W d

w W d




2min w wd w w w ww W d D

Building a balanced

cyclic MSS:

bed occupancy

on each ward-day

OR assignments

patient admission


, , ,

, , ,s

sark k ars S k K

p pa sark kp P r R k K

z Length ORday a A r R

dur x z Length s S a A

, ,

, , 0,1 , 0, , , , , , , .

pa pa A

pa w sark wd

x THR p P

x y z p s w a d r k

daily bed deficit

bed surplus bed demands variance

Approach: balancing the daily bed occupancy of each wardto minimize the total expected bed shortages (TEBSs)

- 59 -


• Introduction

• Operating theatre

• Surgery planning

• Open scheduling

• Bloc scheduling

• Modified Bloc scheduling

• Surgery scheduling

- 60 -

Modified Bloc scheduling

Improving the Block Scheduling model by the following:

• OR-blocks of elastic length. The length can vary according to an accepted ratio as a percentage deviation from a nominal length

• Insertion of unassigned OR-blocks in the surgery program pattern

• Possiblity of the lead nurse to adjust the length of or remove some OR blocks that are poorly filled or abandonned.

Unassigned blocks allow absorbing occasional demand surges of surgeon groups SP.

Block release time:

• This practice monitors the fill rate of OR-blocks. If it is below some threshold of economic breakeven, the OR-block is adjusted or turned unassigned.

• The adjustment occurs at block release time usually 120 to 48h before the validation of the surgery program. The lead nurse then invites SP to plan new interventions to improve the efficiency.

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- 61 -

Modified Bloc scheduling

..h ..

17h 00

16h 00

15h 00

14h 00

13h 00

12h 00

11h 00

10h 00

9h 00Lundi

Salle 1


Salle 1

SurgeonDr. Dupont


General surgery

Surgeon GroupDr. DurantDr. Dupont

Service ORL

Demand of surgeons

Drs. Dupont & Durant




General surgery

..h ..

17h 00

16h 00

15h 00

14h 00

13h 00

12h 00

11h 00

10h 00

9h 00Lundi

Salle 1


Salle 1

SurgeonDr. Dupont


General surgery

Surgeon GroupDr. DurantDr. Dupont


2 mois - 120 or 48 h During 120 or 48 h

- 62 -


• Introduction

• Operating theatre

• Surgery planning

• Open scheduling

• Bloc scheduling

• Modified Bloc scheduling

• Surgery scheduling

- 63 -

Daily operation management of an operating theatre

1. Schedule the most critical resources: operating rooms OR (daily surgery scheduling) .

2. Schedule the working time of all relevant surgery team members

3. Schedule the logistics of patients and the working time of stretchers

4. Schedule the logistics of all consumables and medical devices

- 64 -

Daily surgery scheduling

Assignment and sequencing of

surgery interventions of the day



- 65 -

Bin Packing Equivalence

Daily surgery scheduling Bin Packing

Surgery interventions objectsSurgery duration Size of an object

ORs or OR-blocks BinOR session or block length Bin capacity

Closing time of the operating theatre Maximal bin capacity

- 66 -

A mathematical model




1, if patient i assigned to OR m

0, if not.

Minimise Cmax

subject to:

Cmax ,


0,1 .



i im





Dur X m

X i


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- 67 -

Bin Packing Equivalence

Daily surgery scheduling Bin Packing

Surgery interventions objectsSurgery duration Size of an object

ORs or OR-blocks BinOR session or block length Bin capacity

Nb of ORs to open Nb of Bins to usePlacing an intervention in an OR Placing an object in a bin

Equivalence also with the parallel machine scheduling problem

- 68 -

Dynamic Bin Packing Rules

First Fit

• Insert the next object in the first bin (without exceeding the max bin capacity if given)

Best Fit

• Insert the next object in bin with the least remaining capacity(without exceeding the max bin capacity if given)

Worst Fit

• Insert the next object in bin with the largest remaining capacity(without exceeding the max bin capacity if given)

Objects are known dynamically at their arrival

Observations: methods easily extendable to include complicated features such as non identical ORs, patient/surgeon preferences/constraints, …

- 69 -

Static Bin Packing Rules

Step 1: Sort the objects using one of the priority rule.

• FIFO : First Come First Serve (First In First Out)

• LPT: Longest Processing Time First (good for workload balancing)

• SPT: Shortest Process Time First (good for waiting time)

• EDD: Earliest Due Date first (good for meeting due date)

Step 2: Apply one of the dynamic Bin-Packing rules

Special combinations:

First Fit Decreasing = LPT + First Fit First Fit Increasing = SPT + First Fit

Best Fit Decreasing = LPT + Best Fit Best Fit Increasing = SPT + Best Fit

Worst Fit Decreasing = LPT + Worst Fit Worst Fit Increasing = SPT + Worst Fit

- 70 -

Worst-case performances

Minimise the number of bins for a given capacity

• First Fit Decreasing, Best Fit Decreasing : B <= 11/9OPT + 1

• First Fit : B <= 17/10OPT + 2

where B = nb of bins by rules, OPT = minimal nb

Minimise the maximal bin capacity for a given number B of bins

• Best Fit Decreasing : Cmax/Cmax* <= 4/3 – 1/3B

The case of a given number B of bins can be solved exactly by a pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming algorithm.

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Dynamic Daily Surgery Scheduling

Department of Healthcare Engineering

Centre for Health Engineering

Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, France

[email protected]

Centre for Healthcare Engineering

Dept. Industrial Engr. & Management

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

[email protected]

Xiaolan XIE

- 2 -

Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital

Top 1 hospital in Shanghai

+12000 outpatient visits / day

An integrated operating theatre of 21 OR and a second one under construction

60-70 elective surgery interventions + 10 emergency surgeries / day

- 3 -

Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital

No integrated surgery planning but each surgery speciality is given an amount of total OR time

Each speciality decides the surgeries to perform the next day

The operating theatre (OT) is responsible for daily OR assignment and the OR program execution.

- 4 -

Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital

Special features of the Ruijin Hospital

Queue of elective patients never empty

Availability of patients to be operated in short notice

Availability of surgeons to operate each day

Large variety of surgeons : top surgeons, senior surgeons, ordinary surgeons

Strong demand to operate at the OT opening in the morning to avoid endless waiting

Strong concern of OT personal overtime

- 5 -

Field observation of the operating theatre of Ruijin Hospital

Issues addressed

Promising surgery starting times to meet surgeon's demand for reliable surgery starting

Surgery scheduling/rescheduling to balance between the number of OR team working overtime and the total overtime

- 6 -

Related work

Static scheduling for a single OR

Surgeon appointment scheduling (AS):

Two surgeries: AS solved by a newsvendor model (Weiss, 1990)

A fixed sequence of surgeries: stochastic linear program solved by SAA

and L-shape algo to determine the allowance of each surgery, or

equivalently, the arrival time (Denton 2003).

Others: discrete appointment (Begen et al, 2011), robust appointment

(Kong et al, 2011)

Sequence scheduling: The problem is to jointly determine the position and

arrival time of each surgery (Denton 2007; Mancilla 2012).

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- 7 -

Related work

Dynamic scheduling for a single OR

Arrival scheduling: The demand of surgeries is uncertain, surgeries are

processed as FCFS rule. The problem is to dynamically determine the

arrival time upon each application(Erdogan 2011).

Sequence scheduling: The demand of surgeries is also uncertain. The

problem is to jointly determine the position and arrival time of each

surgery upon each application (Erdogan 2012).

• S. Erdogan and B. Denton, "Dynamic Appointment Scheduling of a Stochastic Server with Uncertain Demand," INFORMS Journal on Computing, pp. 1-17, 2011.

• S, Erdogan, A. Gose and B. Denton “On-line Appointment Sequencing and Scheduling”, working paper, Stanford.

- 8 -

Our focus

Multi-OR setting

- 9 -

Our focus

Multi-OR setting



A1 A2 A3 An

A1/A2 A3 A4 An

No OR assignment

Dynamic OR assignment

- 10 -

Our focus

Two raised problems:

• Determining surgeon arrival times by taking into account OR capacities

and random surgery durations.

• Dynamic surgeon-to-OR assignment of during the course of a day as

surgeries progress by taking into account planned surgeon arrival


- 11 -

Assumptions of our work

Assumption 1: Emergency surgeries are assigned to dedicated ORs and hence neglected.

Assumption 2: ORs are all identical and each surgery intervention can be assigned to any OR.

Assumption 3: Each surgeon has at most one surgery intervention each day.

Assumption 4(Starting time planning or proactive problem): At the end of each day, each surgeon of the next day is given a promised surgery starting time or surgeon arrival time.

Assumption 5: Surgeons not available before the promised times.

Assumption 6(Dynamic sugery assignment or scheduling): During the course of the day, at the completion of any surgery, a new surgery is selected as the next surgery on the OR.

- 12 -

Dilemma of promising surgery starting time

Promise too early

Surgery 1

promised start of surgeon 2

Surgery 2

Surgery 1

promised start of surgeon 2

Surgery 2

Promise too late

surgeon waiting

OR idleOR overtime

Easy if known OR time but OR times are uncerain

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- 13 -


J set of surgery interventions or surgeons

N number of identical ORs

T length of OR session

pi() random OR time of surgery i in scenario

bi unit time waiting cost of surgeon i

c1 unit OR idle time cost

c2 unit OR overtime cost

- 14 -

Dynamic Surgery Assignment of Multiple Operating Rooms with Planned Surgeon Arrival Times

Zheng Zhang, Xiaolan Xie, Na Geng

In IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering

- 15 -


Promising surgery starting times

Real time OR assignment strategies

Some numerical results

Conclusion and perspective

- 16 -

Decision variables

si promised surgery starting time of surgeon i

xir = 1/0 assignment of surgery i to OR r

yij = 1 if surgery i precedes j in the same OR

= 0 if not

Auxilliary random variables

Cir() completion time of surgery i on OR r

Ir() idle time of OR r

Or() overtime of OR r

Wi() waiting time of surgeon i

- 17 -

Model for promising surgery starting times

Assign each surgery to an OR ∑r xir = 1

Relation between assignment & sequencing yij + yji ≥ xir + xjr -1

Promised start before the end of the session si ≤ T

Scenario-dependent completion time xir pi() ≤ Cir ()

Cir () ≤ M xir

Cjr () Cir () + pj() - M (1- yij) - M(2- xir - xjr )

Scenario-dependent OR idle time Cir () ≤ Ir () + iJ xir pi()

Scenario-dependent OR overtime Or () Cir () - T

Scenario-dependent surgeon waiting time rE Cir() = si + Wi() + pi()

OR idle costOR overtime


waiting cost

min E{c1 ∑r Ir() + c2 ∑r Or() + ∑i biIi()}

- 18 -

Proposed solution

1. Convertion into mixed-integer linear programming model by Sample Average Approximation by using a given number of randomly generated samples

2. Heuristic for large size problem based on

a) Local search for surgery-to-OR assignment optimization

b) Surgery sequencing rule based on optimal sequencing of the two-surgery case

c) Optimal promised start time by SAA and MIP

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- 19 -


Promising surgery starting times

Real time OR assignment strategies

Some numerical results

Conclusion and perspective

- 20 -

Dynamic surgery assignment optimization

At time 0, start surgeries planned at time 0

At the completion time t* of a surgery in OR r*,

select a surgery i* to be the next surgery in OR r*

among all remaining ones J*

Surgery i* starts at time max{ t*, si* } in OR r* after the arrival of the surgeon at time si*

An Event-Based Framework

- 21 -

Dynamic surgery assignment optimization

Surgery i* is selected in order to minimize E[ TC(t*, i*, J*)]


E[ TC(t*, i*, J*)] is the minimal total cost similar to promised time planning model

by conditioning on all completed surgeries and ages of all on-going surgeries

by scheduling i* as the next surgery on OR r*

- 22 -

Two-stage stochastic programming approximation

• At k-th surgery completion event at time tk

where J\J(k-1) is the set of remaining surgeries

• The first stage cost is the OR-idle

or surgeon waiting cost induced by surgery l

• lk is the second stage cost, i.e. the total cost induced by

remaining surgeries plus OR overtimes.

\ 1mink lk

l J J klkV g

ˆlk l k l k ls t t sg

- 23 -

The second stage cost

\ 1 \minlk jlk

j J J k l

where• jlk is the expected stage cost induced by surgery j

• if surgery l is selected at event k and surgery j at event k+1

Jensen's inequality is used to speedup the OPLA rule.

One-period look-ahead (OPLA) approximation

- 24 -

The second stage cost (cont'd)

Min. cost of two dynamic assignment rules:

• Rule 1: Remaining surgeries assigned in the scenario-independent order of minimal expected first stage cost, i.e. the surgery in selected at event n > k minimizes the stage n cost induced by in.

• Rule 2: Remaining surgeries are selected in non-decreasing order of their surgeon arrival times si

Jensen's inequality and another valide inequality are used to speedup the MPLA rule.

Multi-period look-ahead (MPLA) approximation

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- 25 -

Lower bound of the dynamic surgery assignment

• Based on perfect information, i.e. all surgery duration realizations 

pj() are known at the beginning of the day 

• The lower bound problem is similar to the proactive problem but 


o given promised surgery start times

o scenario‐dependent surgery assignment xir() and sequencing 


- 26 -

Dynamic surgery assignment policies

Policy Static:

No real time rescheduling

OR assignment / sequencing decisions of promised time planning model are followed

Policy FIFO:

Dynamic surgery assignment in FIFO order of surgeon arrival times

Policy I:

Dynamic surgery assignment optimization with OPLA

Policy II:

Dynamic surgery assignment optimization with MPLA

- 27 -


Background and motivation

Problem setting

Promising surgery starting times

Real time OR assignment strategies

Some numerical results

Conclusion and perspective

- 28 -

Optimality gap


• Optimality gap is relatively small

• High surgery duration variation degrades the optimality gap

• High workload reduces the optimality gap

• MPLA better than OPLA

GAP = (costX- LB) / LB

(,)GAPI(%) GAPII(%)

Ave. Min. Max. Ave. Min. Max.(0.3,0.75) 7.4 0.1 14.7 6.3 0.1 12.8(0.7,0.75) 8.5 5.1 14.8 7.7 3.8 18.4(0.3,1.25) 5.6 1.3 11.2 4.1 1.0 8.3(0.7,1.25) 7.8 1.9 17.3 6.0 1.6 9.6

(80 3-OR instances)

- 29 -

Value of dynamic scheduling

OR# (,)VDS (%)

Ave. Min. Max.

3 (0.3,75) 10.6 2.6 22.9

(0.7,75) 14.8 5.5 26.9

(0.3,125) 7.4 3.9 14.1

(0.7,125) 11.1 5.7 15.5

Ave. 11.0 4.4 19.9

6 (0.3,75) 25.4 18.7 31.6

(0.7,75) 29.2 24.7 39.9

(0.3,125) 11.1 7.1 15.5

(0.7,125) 19.1 12.8 24.1

Ave. 21.2 15.8 27.8

12 (0.3,75) 33.6 30.1 37.9

(0.7,75) 36.0 28.9 42.1

(0.3,125) 18.6 17.2 20.4

(0.7,125) 26.1 23.9 30.1

Ave. 28.6 25.0 32.6


• Dynamic surgery scheduling always helps.

• The benefit is more important for larger OT.

• Dynamic surgery scheduling is able to cope efficiently with surgery uncertainties.

• VDS decreases as the workload of OT increases.

: variation parameter of surgery time: workload

VDS = (costStatic - costDyna) / costStatic

- 30 -

Value of dynamic scheduling optimization


• VOS increases as OR# increases.

• VOS increases as increases, i.e. the variance of surgery durations increases.

• VOS decreases as increases, i.e. the workload of OT increases.

OR# (,)VOS (%)

Ave. Min. Max.

3 (0.3,75) 2.8 0.0 14.4

(0.7,75) 5.4 0.0 26.5

(0.3,125) 2.3 0.0 7.0

(0.7,125) 3.1 0.0 10.2

Ave. 3.4 0.0 14.5

6 (0.3,75) 5.4 -0.1 13.6

(0.7,75) 6.0 -0.1 11.3

(0.3,125) 2.9 0.0 5.0

(0.7,125) 5.0 0.6 8.7

Ave. 4.8 0.1 9.6

12 (0.3,75) 7.0 5.8 7.8

(0.7,75) 9.3 6.1 11.8

(0.3,125) 5.0 3.4 6.8

(0.7,125) 6.4 4.7 9.2

Ave. 6.9 5.0 8.9

: variation parameter of surgery time: workload

VOS = (costFIFO - costDynaOpt) / costFIFO

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- 31 -

Value of proactive decisions


• Proactive decision is very important to dynamic assignment scheduling.

• The arrival times that optimize the proactive model may not be adjustable to the dynamic assignment scheduling.

• Joint optimization of promised start times and dynamic assignment policies is an open research issue.

VOS = (costX - costX) / costX

where costX is the average cost of the strategy X but with promised start times determined with deterministic surgery duration.

(,)VPSI(%) VPSII(%)

Ave. Min. Max. Ave. Min. Max.(0.3,0.75) 7.2 -15.2 23.3 7.0 -20.9 22.6(0.7,0.75) 6.8 -11.1 20.4 6.4 -14.4 20.4(0.3,1.25) 9.8 1.1 23.1 10.0 0.9 21.6(0.7,1.25) 10.1 1.1 19.2 10.1 3.2 17.9

- 32 -


Promising surgery starting times

Real time OR assignment strategies

Some numerical results

Conclusion and perspective

- 33 -

Optimal surgery promised starting times for a given OR assignment / sequencing?

Features of surgeries planned to start at OR opening?

Time slacks in promised times vs surgery OR time and waiting cost?

Design of efficient optimization algorithms for promised time planning and real time rescheduling?

Promising time planning under starting time reliability constraints?

Open issues

- 34 -

Simulation-based Optimization of Surgery Appointment Scheduling

Zheng Zhang, Xiaolan Xie

To appear in IIE Transactions

- 35 -








- 36 -

Our focus

Example : the first released OR is allocated to surgeon 3, the second

released OR is allocated to surgeon 4 and so forth.


A1/A2 A3 r1An

FCFS assignment

r2 A4

Surgeon appointment optimization for a given sequence of

surgeries assigned to ORs on a FIFO basis.

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- 37 -








- 38 -


• Parameters

n surgeries\surgeons and m ORs with capacity T for each OR

pi(): surgery duration with known distribution

/ /i: unit OR idling cost / overtime cost / surgeon waiting cost

• Decisions

Ai: surgeon arrival time with Ai = 0 for i=1,…,m and Ai ≤ Ai+1

- 39 -


• Sample path cost function

ri(): the i-th OR releasing time.

ri() is a dependent variable of A and and can be solved using a simple recursion.


1 0

( , )n m

i i m i i i m n pi m p

f A r A A r r T

Waiting cost Idling cost Overtime cost

- 40 -


• Expected cost function

• Objective

( ) ,g A E f A


min ( )

0, 1, ...,

, , ..., 1



i i

g A

A i mA

A A i m n

- 41 -








- 42 -

Sample path analysis

LEMMA 1. The sample path cost function f(A,) is differentiableon with probability 1.

PROOF: The non-differentiable points exist at

1.Ai = ri-m()

2.ri()= Ai+m + pi+m() = ri+1()

As pi is in continuous distribution, the probability of pi() = a or pi() -pj() = a is

zero where a is a given constant.

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- 43 -

Sample path analysis

LEMMA 2. If Ai has an increment of ∆, the OR releasing time rj() has an increment

at most ∆ for j > i-m. (Lipshitz continuity of OR release times)

PROOF: Ri() = ri() for j ≤ i-m. Let ci() / Ci() to be the old / new completion time.

For ∆ ≥ 0, we have ci() ≤ Ci() ≤ ci()+ ∆,

1.For j = i-m+1, rj() ≤ Rj() ≤ rj()+∆,

2.If 1 holds, rj() ≤ Rj() ≤ rj()+∆ holds for any j = j+1 by induction.

Similarly, Lemma 2 holds for ∆ < 0.

- 44 -

Sample path analysis

LEMMA 3. The sample path cost function f(A,) is Lipschitz-continuousthroughout and the Lipschitz constant K is finite.

PROOF: Rewrite f(A,) as

Leading to


1 1

1 0 0 1

( , )n m m n

i i m i n p n p ii m p p i

f A r A r T r p


max , 1n

m ii m

K m

1 2 1 2 1 2( , ) ( , ) , ,f A f A K A A A A

- 45 -

Sample path analysis

THEOREM 1 (unbiasednes of sample path gradient). The

objective function g(A) is continuously differentiable on ,and the

gradient of g(A) exists for all A∈ with

, ,A AE f A E f A

- 46 -

Sample path analysis : partial derivative at interior point

\{ }

\{ }

\{ }



C: 1

D: 1





jj BP i

ji j BP i

jj BP i




i BP2(i) j




Ai waiting

i BP2(i) BP3(i)C.


i BP2(i) BP3(i)D.



waiting waiting

waiting waiting overtime




[i-m] BP4(i)


= unit OR idling cost

overtime cost

i = surgeon waiting cost

Busy Period approach

- 47 -

Sample path analysis : directional derivative at boundary point

- 48 -

Sample path analysis : improving direction

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- 49 -








- 50 -

Stochastic approximation

- 51 -








- 52 -

Convergence of stochastic approximation

THEOREM 2. There exist sample paths on which the sample path cost function is not


DATA: p() = {9, 4, 4, 1}; m=2 ORs with capacity T=10; Idle time penalty is 1; No

overtime penalty; Unit waiting penalty with 3=1, 4=3.

Two sets of arrival times: x=(4, 7.5); y=(6, 8.5).

f(x,) = 1.5, f(y,) = 3.5, f(0.5x+0.5y,) = 4

- 53 -

Convergence of stochastic approximation

By randomly perturbing p around {9, 4, 4, 1}, we implement the stochastic

approximation algorithm.

Evolution of arrival times visited by the stochastic approximation algorithm in

Example 1, when applying it over 200 sample paths.

- 54 -

Convergence of stochastic approximation

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- 55 -

Convergence of stochastic approximation

- 56 -

Convergence of stochastic approximation: numerical evidence

Log normal distribution Uniform distribution

var, wkload 0.3,0.75 0.7,0.75 0.3,1.25 0.7,1.25 0.3,0.75 0.7,0.75 0.3,1.25 0.7,1.25

Initial dispersion

3-OR 5.0 4.9 6.5 7.0 5.4 4.8 6.6 6.8

6-OR 6.5 6.7 8.5 9.5 6.5 6.6 10.3 9.8

9-OR 8.0 7.4 11.2 10.5 7.9 7.7 10.5 10.5

Final dispersion

3-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

6-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

9-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Final grad

3-OR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

6-OR 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1

9-OR 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3

- 57 -

Allowances of Multi-OR vs single OR settings

- 58 -

Allowances of Multi-OR vs single OR settings

Optimal allowance shapedome shape in 1-OR, zigzag shape in 2-OR

2-OR vs 1-ORsmaller allowances, half total allowance, highly uneven

Increasing surgery duration variabilitysmoothing 2-OR allowances, increasing 1-OR allowance variability

Higher waiting costlarger allowances in both settings but rather insensitive in the 2-OR setting

- 59 -

Allowances vs OR#

- 60 -

Allowances vs OR#

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- 61 -

Value of dynamic assignment and proactive solution

Three strategies

Strategy I : no dynamic surgery-to-OR assignment

Strategy II : same surgeon appointment times, FIFO surgery-to-OR assignment

Strategy III : same surgeon arrival sequence, FIFO surgery-to-OR assignment, simulation-based optimized appointment times

Value of dynamic assignment (VDA)percentage improvement of strategy II over strategy I

Value of proactive anticipation and dynamic assignment (VPD)percentage improvement of strategy III over strategy I

- 62 -

Value of dynamic assignment and proactive solution

VDA > 0, VPD > 0 , VPD > VDA : dynamic assignment and the proactive anticipation of dynamic assignments always pay

Higher OR number : increasing VDA and VPD due to scale effect and benefit of well planned arrivals.

Higher duration variability: increasing VDA and VPD implying the importance of careful appointment planning and dynamic scheduling.

Higher waiting costs: higher VPD but smaller VDA implying the importance of appointment time optimization.

Higher workload: smaller VPD and VDA due to unimprovability of overloaded system.

Impact of case-mix: • larger VPD when surgeries are identical due to their interchangeability. • smaller VDA when surgeries are identical due to suboptimal appointment times

- 63 -








- 64 -


A more realistic model of AS which has m servers; patients are served

in a pre-determined order but are flexible to any server.

Our aim is to proactively optimize the arrival times under the FCFS

dynamic assignment strategy.

We formulate a simulation-based optimization model to smooth integer

assignments, and derivate a continuous and differentiable cost function.

The proposed stochastic approximation algorithm is able to solve

realistic-sized instances and significantly improve the initial solution.

- 65 -

What next?

Joint optimization of surgery sequence and surgeon

appointment times.

simulation-based discrete optimization + stochastic approximation

Chance constraints of surgery starts

Dynamic control of overtime allocation

Surgeon behavior

Joint scheduling of inpatient and day surgeries

- 66 -

Relevant previous work

Planning operating theatres with both elective and emergency


M. Lamiri, X.-L. Xie, A. Dolgui and F. Grimaud. "A stochastic model for operating room

planning with elective and emergency surgery demands", European Journal of Operational

Research, Volume 185, Issue 3, 16 March 2008, Pages 1026-1037

Mehdi Lamiri, Xiaolan Xie and Shuguang Zhang, "Column generation for operating theatre

planning with elective and emergency patients," IIE Transactions, 40(9): 838 – 852, 2008

M. Lamiri, F. Grimaud, and X. Xie. “Optimization methods for a stochastic surgery planning

problem,” International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2): 400-410, 2009

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- 67 -

Healthcare engineering lab



- 68 -

Mission statement

Develop quantitative methods for modeling, simulation and

optimization of health care systems & health services

Explore the integration of medical knowledge and patient

health information in operations management of health care


in close collaboration with hospitals

Stochastic modeling and optimization in the face of random events and changing system dynamics

- 69 -

Theme I : Engineering health care systems & services

To develop scientific methods for performance evaluation and designof health care delivery systems and new health services.

Examples of work done :

• Performance analysis of patient flows with UML and Petri nets• Simulation and capacity planning of Emergency departments

• Process improvement of hospital supply chains by RFID• Health care logistics with mobile service robots

• Designing home healthcare networks• Design and operations of perinatal care networks

• Permance evaluation of Hospital Information Systems• Blood collection optimization

- 70 -

Dynamic perinatal network reconfiguration

Context• 3 types of neonatal cares (OB = obstetrics care,

Neo = basic Neonatal Care, NICU)• 3 types of maternity services (OB, OB+Neo,

OB+Neo+NICU)• Demographic evolution• Immediate admission of random arrivals

Dynamic capacity planning and location of hierarchical service networks under service level constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2014.

Perinatal Network of North Hauts-de-Seine


H. Louis Mourier

H. Beaujon




CH Neuilly(Type-2)

H. Franco Britan


H. Nanterre(Type-1)

Challenge: • Determine optimum reconfiguration of perinatal

networks to meet demographic changes and equal service level of care

Solution & results:

• Erlang loss-queueing model for admission probability evaluation;

• Original hierarchical service network with nested hierarchy of patients and maternity services

• Network reconfiguration by opening/closing services, capacity transfers, hiring/firing

• Large-scale nonlinear optimization models solved with original linearization techniques

• 5% increase of admissions at the 1st choice hospital.

- 71 -

Traceability in biobanks

Research questions

Performance evaluation of traceability technologies

Design supply chains of drugs and medical devices with RFID

New operation management problems (re-warehousing of bio-banks, skill/quality monitoring, ...)


InventoryerrorCurrent situation

Samples stored in nitrogen tanks (77°K)

“Cold Chain” constraints Resistance of the tags?

Hand-made inventories, data-base updates, cryotube numbering or label edition…

Problems: Error probabilities(Hand-copy, inventory, picking, computerization…)

Impacts of Radio-Identification on Cryo-Conservation Centers, TOMACS, 2011.

- 72 -

Engineering health care : Design blood collection systems

Research questions

Human resource capacity planning

Donor appointment scheduling

Annual planning mobile collections


Increasing demand for blood products

Dilemma of donor quality of service & efficiency of blood collection systems

Uncertain and dynamic donor arrivals

Goal: decision aid tools for design of blood collection systems

Modeling and simulation of blood collection systems, HCMS, 2012.


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- 73 -

Theme II: Planning and logistics of health care delivery

To develop optimization methods for operations management ofhealthcare delivery and its supply chains.

Example of work :

• Planning and scheduling operating theatres subject to uncertainties• Capacity planning control MRI examinations of stroke patients• Stochastic optimization for hospital bed allocation

• Inpatient admission control• Dynamic outpatient appointment scheduling

• Operation management of outpatient chemotherapry• Capacity planning and patient admission for radiotherapy

• Robust home healthcare planning• Home healthcare admission planning&control

• Management of winter epidemics (flu, bronchitis, gastroenteritis)• Long-term care planning & scheduling

- 74 -

Optimization of outpatient chemotherapy

ICL Loire Cancer Institute

Major challenges of further research: • Integration of decisions different levels and different time scales

(medical planning, patient assignment, appointment scheduling)• Modeling treatment protocols with rich medical knowledge• Modeling the dynamics of health conditions based on rich patient data• High uncertainties of patient flow and patient's health care requirement

Large variation in bed capacity requirement in actual planning

20% reduction of peak bed requirement in the optimized planning

bed requirement

Planning oncologists of ambulatory care units. Decision Support Systems. (To appear)

- 75 -

Capacity planning of diagnostic equipment (MRI)

MRI examination of stroke patients

Expensive (over 1 million $) -> high utilization

Demand uncertainties and demand diversity (both elective and emergency)

Goal: Reduce waiting time for stroke patients without degrading MRI utilization

Actual waiting times of 30-40 days for MRI examination

2 - 10 days with the optimized reservation and control strategy。

Monte Carlo optimization and dynamic programming approach for managing MRI examinations of stroke patients. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2011

- 76 -

Some projects

• Management of winter epidemics (flu, bronchitis, gastroenteritis) (ANR-TECSAN project HOST)

• Engineering home health care logistics

• Planning home health care admissions (ARC2, Rhone-alps region)

• Planning home health care activities (Labex IMOBS 3)

• Planning home health care logistics (Labex IMOBS3)

• Performance modeling & evaluation of HIS (DGOS-PREPS e-SIS)

• CIFRE-Heva : Patient pathway mining with national database

• Care pathway optimization of elderly people

• CLARA – Procan : Cancer care delivery & chemotherapy at home. 2008-

• FP6-IST6-IWARD on mobile & reconfigurable robots for hospital logistics. 2007-2010 (1 thesis)

- 77 -

Planning and optimisation of hospital resources

5-year project funded by National Science Foundation of China (2012-2016)

Consortium: IE, B. School, Ruijin hospital all from SJTU

Four major research tasks:

Planning / scheduling of key clinical resources (human + beds)

Capacity planning / preventive maintenance of diagnostic & treatment equipment

Coordination / cooperation mechanism design

Modelling / simulation of hospital emergency responses

- 78 -

Process Mining of patient pathways

PhD thesis funded by HEVA company(2014-2016)


extract the process model with what patients actuallyendured instead what is recommended.

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- 79 -

Process Mining (1/3)


concept : - Business Process Management- Based on knowlege extracted from an event log (national hospital care data base)

Example: 3 patients Consultation appointment application.

Data Mining

Business Process

Process Mining

1 2

Données BrutesDonnées mises en forme

Découverte du processus sous-jacent

- 80 -

Process Mining + PMSI (2/3)


PMSI Process MiningPathway



01/01/2006 (15j)

Patient- ID = 73

- Age = 45 ans

Heart failure28/03/2006 (4j)

Device infection03/06/2006 (8j)

CHU d’Amiens

Clinique privé d’Amiens

Clinique privé d’Amiens

ID = 98, 101, 106, …

- 81 -

Process Mining + PMSI (3/3)

Brut data : 16,931 hospital stays from 2006 - 2013

Diagramme spaghetti


Complication post- opératoire

Suivi régulier




Sortiedu PMSI

- 82 -

Event clustering +process mining

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Exercices Layout

1. Using the flow data in the table below, measure the flow dominace and estimate complexity of the facility layout problem.

From-To-Matrix A B C D E F A - 10 12 0 40 0 B 34 - 59 0 0 12 C 0 10 - 25 0 0 D 0 23 12 - 21 0 E 9 14 0 0 - 32 F 0 27 14 0 0 - Develop a corresponding Flow Graph and try to create a reasonable layout by locating ressources with high flow close to each other.

2. Using the flow data of Exercise 1, and the added information that department C and E must be separated, create a REL chart. Solve the facility location problem for this chart, assuming those departments have equal size.

3. Consider the REL chart below and assume that all departments are similar in size.

Using quantitative method based on Total Closeness Rating, create initial layout and try to improve it by pair-wise exchange.

4. The data for four-department layout problem are given below. cost 1 2 3 4 Flow 1 2 3 4 Distance 1 2 3 4

1 5 5 10 1 10 20 5 1 10 20 52 5 20 20 2 10 15 20 2 10 15 203 5 20 10 3 20 12 10 3 20 12 104 10 10 10 4 5 20 10 4 5 20 10

1. Setup the quadratic assignment problem to find the optimal layout. 2. Estimate an initial lower bound for total location cost. 3. Improve the solution by exchanging positions of the departments.




















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4. The Snow-Bird Hospital is a small emergency-oriented facility located in a popular ski resort area. Its new administrator, Mary Lord, decides to reorganise the hospital, using the process-layout method. The current layout is shown below.

The only physical restriction is the need to keep the entrance and initial processing room in its current location. All other departments or room (each of 10 feet square) can be moved. Mary’s first step is to analyse records in order to determine the number of trips made by patients between departments in an average month. The data are shown below. The objective Ms. Lord decides is to layout the rooms so as to minimise the total distance walked by patients who enter for treatment.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100 100 1. entrance 50 20 2. exam. 1 30 30 3. Exam. 2 20 20 4. X-ray 20 10 5. Lab 30 6. Op. room 7. Rec. Room 8. Cast-setting

Given the above information, redo the layout of Snow-Bird Hospital to improve its efficiency in terms of patient flow.

Entrance/ initial


Exam Room 1

Exam Room 2


Lab tests/ EKG

Operating room

Recovery room

Cast-setting room




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Exo Human resources 1 (Day-off scheduling). Consider the days-off scheduling problem with the following daily requirements : Day j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat requirement 3 5 5 5 7 7 3 1 weekends off over 3. 2. Consider a (5, 7)-cyclic staffing problem with b = (4, 9, 8, 8, 8, 9, 4) and c = (6, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7). 3. (Employee schedule) After faithfully serving the OR profession for 50 years, you decide to retire and open a restaurant. Among the hundreds of details with opening a restaurant, you need to hire and schedule employees. Based on the foot traffic of other restaurants in the area, you expect that you will need the following number of employees each day: Day j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Employees needed 4 5 5 10 12 12 2 Your employees will work four consecutive days and then have three days off. They will be paid 100€ for each day they work. In your rush to get the restaurant started, you haphazardly hire 17 employees. Five will start on Monday, five will start on Thursday and seven will start on Friday. This schedule satisfies the above work requirements, but you have no idea how optimal this is. Questions:

1) How much money would you save each week from your current schedule if you optimized your workforce?

2) How much additional money would you save or lose each week if you switched your employees to a “five days on, two days off” schedule at 80€ per day?

4. (Planning nurse shifts) You are asked to help improving the nurse planning of an Emergency Department (ED). From the historic data, you are able to obtain the following demand forecast on the number arrivals at the ED: period (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

arrivals 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 4 10 10 8 4 8 6 6 4 6 10 15 8 6 4 2 0,5 0,5 From the statistics, 60% of the ED patients are regular patients and need only 15 minutes of the nursing care. However 40% of the ED patients are true emergency patients and require about 1h nursing care at ED before transfer to the wards. You are asked to :

a) Derive the workload profile of a typical day. b) Enumerate all possible shift patterns. Shifts of 8h start either 7h-9h (20€/h), or 15h-17h

(22€/h), or 23-01h (25€/h). Shifts of 12h start either 7h-9h (21€/h) or 19h-21h (23€/h). c) Determine the optimal shifts with a coverage P = 100%, 80%, et 120%. What do you think of

the solutions ? How to know which one is the best ?

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9 (Staffing : number of nurses) A hospital is exploring the level of staffing needed for a booth in the local mall, where they would test and provide information on the diabetes. Previous experience has shown that, on average, every 6.67 minutes a new person approaches the booth. A nurse can complete testing and answering questions, on average, in twelve minutes. Assuming s = 2, 3, 4 nurses, a hourly cost of 40€ per nurse and a customer waiting cost of 75€ per hour. DDeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg:: ppaattiieenntt aarrrriivvaall rraattee,, sseerrvviiccee rraattee,, oovveerraallll ssyysstteemm uuttiilliizzaattiioonn,, nnbb ooff ppaattiieennttss iinn tthhee ssyysstteemm ((LLss)),, tthhee aavveerraaggee qquueeuuee lleennggtthh ((LLqq)),, aavveerraaggee ttiimmee ssppeenntt iinn tthhee ssyysstteemm ((WWss)),, aavveerraaggee wwaaiittiinngg ttiimmee ((WWqq)),, pprroobbaabbiilliittyy ooff nnoo ppaattiieenntt ((PP00)),, pprroobbaabbiilliittyy ooff wwaaiittiinngg ((PPww)),, ttoottaall ssyysstteemm ccoossttss.. 10. (Dimensioning the number of beds : Target occupancy level) CCoonnssiiddeerr oobbsstteerriiccss uunniittss iinn hhoossppiittaallss.. OObbsstteerriiccss iiss ggeenneerraallllyy ooppeerraatteedd iinnddeeppeennddeennttllyy ooff ootthheerr sseerrvviicceess,, ssoo iittss ccaappaacciittyy nneeeeddss ccaann bbee ddeetteerrmmiinneedd wwiitthhoouutt rreeggaarrdd ttoo ootthheerr sseerrvviicceess.. IItt iiss aallssoo oonnee ffoorr wwhhiicchh tthhee uussee ooff aa ssttaannddaarrdd MM//MM//ss qquueeuueeiinngg mmooddeell iiss qquuiittee ggoooodd.. MMoosstt oobbsstteerriiccss ppaattiieennttss aarree uunnsscchheedduulleedd aanndd tthhee aassssuummppttiioonn ooff PPooiissssoonn aarrrriivvaallss hhaass bbeeeenn sshhoowwnn ttoo bbee aa ggoooodd oonnee iinn ssttuuddiieess ooff uunnsscchheedduulleedd hhoossppiittaall aaddmmiissssiioonnss.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, tthhee ccooeeffffiicciieenntt ooff vvaarriiaattiioonn ((CCVV)) ooff tthhee lleennggtthh ooff ssttaayy ((LLOOSS)),, wwhhiicchh iiss ddeeffiinneedd aass tthhee rraattiioo ooff tthhee ssttaannddaarrdd ddeevviiaattiioonn ttoo tthhee mmeeaann,, iiss ttyyppiiccaallllyy vveerryy cclloossee ttoo 11 ssaattiissffyyiinngg tthhee sseerrvviiccee ttiimmee aassssuummppttiioonn ooff tthhee MM//MM//ss mmooddeell.. Since obsterics patients are considered emergent, the American College of Obsterics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends that occupancy levels of obsterics units not exceeding 75%. Many hospitals have obsterics units operating below this level. However, some have eliminated beds to reduce « excess » capacity and costs and 20% of NY hospitals had obsterics units that would be considered over-utilized by this standard. Assuming the target occupancy level of 75%, what is the probability of delay for lack of beds for a hospital with s = 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200 beds. 11 (Dimensioning the number of beds) Evaluation of capacity based on a delay target leads to very important conclusion. Though there is no standard delay target, it has been suggested that the probability of delay for an obsterics bed should not exceed 1%. What is the size of an obsterics unit (nb of beds) necessary to achieve a probability of delay not exceeding 1% while keeping the target occupancy level of 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%? 12. (Dimensioning the number of beds: Impact of seasonality) Consider an obsterics unit with 56 beds which experiences a significant degree of seasonality with occupancy level varying from a low of 68% in January to about 88% in July. What is the probability of delay in January and in July? If, as is likely, there are several days when actual arrivals exceed the month average by 10%, what is the probability of delay for these days in July? 13 (Dimensioning the number of beds : Impact of clinical organization) Consider the possiblity of combining cardiac and thoracic surgery patients as thoracic patients are relatively few and require similar nursing skills as cardiac patients. The average arrival rate of cardiac patients is 1,91 bed requests per day and that of thoracic patients is 0,42. No additional information is available on the arrival pattern and we assume Poisson arrivals. The average LOS (Length Of Stay) is 7,7 days for cardiac patients and 3,8 days for thoracic patients. What is the number of beds for cardiac patients and thoracic patients in order to have average patient waiting time for a bed E(D) not exceeding 0,5, 1, 2, 3 days? What is the number of beds if all patients are treated in the same nursing unit? Delay in this case measures the time a patient coming out of surgery spends waiting in a recovery unit or ICU until a bed in the nursing unit is available. Long delays cause backups in operating rooms/emergency rooms, surgery cancellation and ambulance diversion. 14. (Planning nurse shifts) You are asked to help improving the nurse planning of an Emergency Department (ED). From the historic data, you are able to obtain the following demand forecast on the number arrivals at the ED: period (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

arrivals 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 4 10 10 8 4 8 6 6 4 6 10 15 8 6 4 2 0,5 0,5 From the statistics, 60% of the ED patients are regular patients and need only 15 minutes of the nursing care. However 40% of the ED patients are true emergency patients and require about 1h nursing care at ED before transfer to the wards.

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Assume that the ED patients arrive according to a Poisson process with time slot dependent rate and the service time of each patient is exponentially distributed with mean equal to the previous average. You are asked to :

d) Derive the workload profile of a typical day. e) Enumerate all possible shift patterns. Shifts of 8h start either 7h-9h (20€/h), or 15h-17h

(22€/h), or 23-01h (25€/h). Shifts of 12h start either 7h-9h (21€/h) or 19h-21h (23€/h). f) Determine the optimal shifts meeting the waiting time target WT with probabilty % (WT =

30 min – = 90%, WT = 1h – = 90%, WT = 30 min – = 80%). What do you think of the solutions ? How to know which one is the best ?

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Operating theatre planning/scheduling 1 (surgery planning). Vous êtes chargé de planifier un bloc opératoire. Le bloc opératoire dispose de 8h par jour sur une semaine de 5 jours. Les opérations suivantes ont été inscrites:

Case  OR time (in 10 min)  Pre‐assigned date (ri) 

1  5  3 

2  22  5 

3  21  5 

4  21  4 

5  23  3 

6  22  5 

7  5  2 

8  15  3 

9  7  1 

10  9  2 

11  4  5 

12  9  4 

13  13  2 

14  16  2 

15  15  1 

16  3  1 

17  11  4 

18  16  5 

19  13  2 

20  17  2  On vous demande de: 1/ vérifier si la capacité du bloc opératoire est suffisante 2/ trouver un planning permettant d'opérer un nombre maximal de patients (préciser la méthode utilisée) 3/ formuler comme un problème de programmation linéaire le problème de planification afin de minimiser le coût total sous les conditions suivantes : (i) chaque jour dispose de 2h supplémentaire au coût de 300€/h; (ii) un jour de retard coûte 500€ par patient; (iii) la non planification d'un patient i coûte (5-ri+3)*500 . 4) proposer une méthode heuristique au problème 3/.

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2/ (Affectation des salles) Les patients suivants sont planifiés pour être opérés lundi dans les trois salles de votre bloc opératoire.

Case  OR time (in 10 min)  Spécialité 

1  11  3 

2  6  2 

3  18  3 

4  12  2 

5  3  1 

6  13  2 

7  13  1 

8  5  1 

9  12  1 

10  9  2 

11  8  2 

12  5  3 

13  6  1 

14  24  2 

15  3  3  a/ déterminer une affectation afin de minimiser la durée d'ouverture du bloc opératoire. Expliquer votre méthode; b/ proposer une formulation mathématique afin de minimiser le coût total sous les conditions suivantes : (i) l'ouverture du bloc coûte 500 euros par heure; (ii) une salle est associée à chaque spécialité; (iii) opérer un patient dans une salle qui n'est pas de la spécialité correspondante coûte C avec C = 100€, 200€, 300€, 400€. c) proposer une méthode pour résoudre le problème b/. d) proposer une formulation mathématique et une méthode garantissant à 95% de chance la fermeture d’une salle après 8h et minimisant la somme des heures supplémentaires de autres salles. Pour cette question, chaque OR time a un écart-type de % de sa moyenne avec ( = 10%, 50%) 3/ (Ordonnancement) Les patients suivants doivent être affectés et ordonnancés dans un bloc opératoire de 2 salles d'opération et 3 lits de réveil:

Case  OR time (in 10 min)  Recovery time (in 10 min)

1  11  14 

2  6  7 

3  18  23 

4  12  15 

5  3  3 

6  13  16 

7  13  16 

8  5  6 

9  12  15 

10  9  11  Deux cas doivent être considérés: (i) chaque patient doit être transféré dans un lit de réveil à la fin de l'opération; (ii) un patient peut commencer le réveil dans une salle d'opération en attendant la libération d'un lit de réveil. a/ proposer un affectation des salles afin de minimiser l'ouverture des salles; b/ déterminer un ordonnancement des patients dans les salles d'opération et les lits de réveil c/ proposer et tester d'autres règles d'ordonnancement.

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Case mix and Master Surgery Scheduling Without loss of generality, it is assumed that each department has three surgeon groups with each handling 3 pathologies in the testing instances. Moreover, for each patient group, the lower bound on the number of admitted patients per cycle is set as one, while the upper bound is generated randomly from a discrete uniform probability distribution within the interval [3, 6]. Similarly, other data parameters are also generated from discrete uniform distribution functions. Specifically, the average LOS per pathology is distributed in the interval [4, 10], the expected surgery duration is distributed in the interval [60, 240], and the mean treatment reward is distributed in the interval [12, 30]. In addition, the total number of beds and the number of operating rooms are fixed as different amounts in various instances.

min  1  3  4  60  12  480 

max  1  6  10  240  30  480 

DRG group  Lp  Up  LOSp  DURp  rp  LENGTH 

1  1  3  4  236  14  480 

2  1  4  5  106  13  480 

3  1  4  5  122  27  480 

4  1  4  9  157  15  480 

5  1  4  5  223  20  480 

6  1  3  6  227  12  480 

7  1  4  8  69  28  480 

8  1  3  9  217  29  480 

9  1  6  5  220  17  480 

10  1  5  7  224  26  480 

11  1  4  7  152  21  480 

12  1  6  9  66  21  480 

13  1  6  7  130  12  480 

14  1  4  5  125  26  480 

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15  1  6  7  167  15  480 

16  1  5  4  137  19  480 

17  1  6  9  193  24  480 

18  1  3  6  151  20  480 

19  1  3  8  112  28  480 

20  1  3  5  127  19  480 

21  1  4  4  125  20  480 

22  1  5  10  96  16  480 

23  1  4  7  157  16  480 

24  1  4  10  238  18  480 

25  1  5  10  100  28  480 

26  1  3  6  227  28  480 

27  1  6  5  203  20  480 

28  1  4  5  156  13  480 

29  1  6  5  127  15  480 

30  1  3  7  111  16  480 

31  1  3  9  96  14  480 

32  1  5  4  65  17  480 

33  1  3  10  129  29  480 

34  1  3  8  186  14  480 

35  1  3  6  119  17  480 

36  1  5  8  232  23  480 

37  1  6  8  122  12  480 

38  1  4  5  68  22  480 

39  1  4  4  116  25  480 

40  1  5  4  75  22  480 

41  1  6  9  217  26  480 

42  1  3  8  147  18  480 

43  1  5  9  98  29  480 

44  1  3  5  112  22  480 

45  1  6  4  82  26  480 

46  1  3  10  175  21  480 

47  1  3  8  117  21  480 

48  1  3  7  68  12  480 

49  1  4  7  119  13  480 

50  1  6  5  159  12  480 

51  1  4  5  60  28  480 

52  1  5  7  163  25  480 

53  1  3  5  216  26  480 

54  1  6  8  225  19  480 

55  1  6  9  114  22  480 

56  1  5  7  223  12  480 

57  1  3  5  101  24  480 

58  1  3  7  183  14  480 

59  1  6  8  157  19  480 

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60  1  3  10  228  22  480 

61  1  6  7  60  22  480 

62  1  5  8  84  24  480 

63  1  6  7  109  26  480 

64  1  5  6  104  25  480 

65  1  5  9  81  22  480 

66  1  5  10  127  21  480 

67  1  5  10  196  19  480 

68  1  5  6  120  22  480 

69  1  3  8  208  25  480 

70  1  4  4  101  22  480 

71  1  3  4  184  20  480 

72  1  5  6  240  30  480 

73  1  6  4  214  14  480 

74  1  4  6  141  18  480 

75  1  5  8  130  16  480 

76  1  4  5  225  20  480 

77  1  4  5  129  22  480 

78  1  3  6  187  29  480 

79  1  3  6  87  14  480 

80  1  5  4  197  29  480 

81  1  4  9  219  14  480 

82  1  5  7  173  20  480 

83  1  3  5  77  13  480 

84  1  5  8  86  24  480 

85  1  6  9  145  24  480 

86  1  4  4  139  23  480 

87  1  3  4  122  13  480 

88  1  4  8  133  20  480 

89  1  5  4  209  23  480 

90  1  5  6  86  13  480 

91  1  6  9  205  17  480 

92  1  6  5  168  20  480 

93  1  6  6  141  25  480 

94  1  6  9  149  22  480 

95  1  4  5  110  21  480 

96  1  4  10  128  16  480 

97  1  3  8  90  18  480 

98  1  4  6  167  20  480 

99  1  5  5  78  20  480 

100  1  6  10  67  26  480 

101  1  5  6  100  13  480 

102  1  3  6  218  18  480 

103  1  4  7  81  28  480 

104  1  6  4  95  20  480 

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105  1  3  7  90  25  480 

106  1  3  4  165  21  480 

107  1  5  6  68  20  480 

108  1  3  6  199  19  480 

109  1  3  9  93  21  480 

110  1  3  9  154  22  480 

111  1  3  9  220  18  480 

112  1  5  5  174  14  480 

113  1  4  5  90  30  480 

114  1  6  8  233  21  480 

115  1  5  6  163  27  480 

116  1  6  5  60  19  480 

117  1  6  6  220  29  480 

118  1  6  10  163  13  480 

119  1  3  9  186  29  480 

120  1  6  7  190  19  480 

121  1  5  5  137  23  480 

122  1  4  8  174  22  480 

123  1  3  8  74  15  480 

124  1  4  7  92  17  480 

125  1  5  6  101  13  480 

126  1  4  10  110  27  480 

127  1  3  4  199  22  480 

128  1  4  10  123  19  480 

129  1  5  5  100  14  480 

130  1  3  4  131  23  480 

131  1  3  4  220  22  480 

132  1  6  7  95  21  480 

133  1  5  10  213  27  480 

134  1  6  7  213  14  480 

135  1  4  6  221  14  480 

136  1  3  10  234  15  480 

137  1  4  5  231  24  480 

138  1  5  5  205  14  480 

139  1  5  10  173  22  480 

140  1  6  6  171  19  480 

141  1  6  10  79  19  480 

142  1  4  10  163  24  480 

143  1  5  7  97  13  480 

144  1  6  9  160  29  480 

145  1  4  5  206  21  480 

146  1  3  6  124  21  480 

147  1  3  7  103  18  480 

148  1  4  4  219  29  480 

149  1  4  10  190  26  480 

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150  1  3  7  126  23  480 

151  1  3  8  147  28  480 

152  1  4  6  146  15  480 

153  1  5  8  238  28  480 

154  1  6  7  188  25  480 

155  1  5  4  161  21  480 

156  1  4  4  194  19  480 

157  1  3  7  61  27  480 

158  1  6  9  150  17  480 

159  1  4  5  98  21  480 

160  1  4  8  165  12  480 

161  1  3  7  148  20  480 

162  1  5  5  93  26  480 

163  1  4  8  184  20  480 

164  1  3  8  154  12  480 

165  1  3  6  236  18  480 

166  1  4  5  201  18  480 

167  1  3  8  168  19  480 

168  1  4  10  239  30  480 

169  1  3  9  86  25  480 

170  1  5  10  133  15  480 

171  1  6  4  131  21  480 

172  1  5  9  123  24  480 

173  1  6  9  133  16  480 

174  1  5  7  109  18  480 

175  1  4  9  193  26  480 

176  1  3  7  92  14  480 

177  1  5  9  125  12  480 

178  1  4  7  67  30  480 

179  1  4  4  80  13  480 

180  1  6  4  192  14  480 

181  1  4  8  176  21  480 

182  1  3  4  137  19  480 

183  1  4  7  229  25  480 

184  1  6  8  91  16  480 

185  1  5  4  77  27  480 

186  1  5  10  220  21  480 

187  1  5  9  170  29  480 

188  1  5  7  77  25  480 

189  1  6  10  208  29  480 

190  1  6  7  67  14  480 

191  1  6  9  140  14  480 

192  1  4  6  63  28  480 

193  1  4  5  170  19  480 

194  1  4  8  191  13  480 

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195  1  5  10  176  28  480 

196  1  4  4  71  18  480 

197  1  5  7  183  12  480 

198  1  4  5  101  13  480 

199  1  6  10  237  18  480 

200  1  3  8  66  19  480 

201  1  3  10  221  26  480 

202  1  6  5  168  16  480 

203  1  6  7  102  15  480 

204  1  3  9  74  22  480 

205  1  6  9  226  23  480 

206  1  4  6  178  18  480 

207  1  5  7  190  27  480 

208  1  4  4  71  26  480 

209  1  6  9  80  23  480 

210  1  6  10  136  17  480 

211  1  4  9  128  23  480 

212  1  6  6  143  27  480 

213  1  5  7  70  25  480 

214  1  5  7  171  20  480 

215  1  4  9  223  23  480 

216  1  3  8  83  30  480 

217  1  4  10  189  27  480 

218  1  4  6  160  13  480 

219  1  4  4  146  23  480 

220  1  4  6  189  29  480 

221  1  4  9  163  29  480 

222  1  5  4  219  24  480 

223  1  5  7  142  19  480 

224  1  4  10  170  14  480 

225  1  5  6  177  29  480