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Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Operation ResearchGroup 5: Gandhi Clothing Company

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Tazifor, Rabiatou NgamliyaMaster Professionnel CGQ, ENSAI Supervised by Dr Siri K.Nukenine

April 30, 2012

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Plan1Introduction Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

2 3 4

Literature Review Methodology How to solve Gandhi's Linear Program? Analysis and Interpretation Variables Objective function Constraints Final LP



Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

Gandhi clothing company is an India company that deals with the production of shirt and pant;

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

Gandhi clothing company is an India company that deals with the production of shirt and pant; This company had its origin due to a conict between Indians and the British;

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

Gandhi clothing company is an India company that deals with the production of shirt and pant; This company had its origin due to a conict between Indians and the British; Gandhi who was a prominent gure at the time, wanted that the clothes produced by his company be worn by all Indians;

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

Gandhi clothing company is an India company that deals with the production of shirt and pant; This company had its origin due to a conict between Indians and the British; Gandhi who was a prominent gure at the time, wanted that the clothes produced by his company be worn by all Indians;

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives


This company has as objective to meet its demands on time within the next two months at a minimum cost;


This company operates by using 2sq yd and 3 sq yd of cloth to make a pair of pant and shirt respectively.


This company produces on demands and uses 2sq yd and 3 sq yd of cloth to make a pair of pant and shirt respectively.


In Gandhi company, labour can be done during regular time and overtime if need be.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

How to meet her demands for the next two months on time and at a minimum cost.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

How to meet her demands for the next two months on time and at a minimum cost.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

General Objectives


Be able to identify the decision variables

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

General Objectives


Be able to identify the decision variables Be able to form the objective function


Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

General Objectives


Be able to identify the decision variables Be able to form the objective function Be able to identify the constraints



Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

General Objectives


Be able to identify the decision variables Be able to form the objective function Be able to identify the constraints



Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

Specic Objectives


To formulate an LP that can be used by Gandhi clothing company to meet her demands for the next two months on time and at a minimum cost

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

Specic Objectives


To formulate an LP that can be used by Gandhi clothing company to meet her demands for the next two months on time and at a minimum cost


To show how the LP formulated above could be solved.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi Clothing Company Resume Excercise Problem Statement Objectives

Specic Objectives


To formulate an LP that can be used by Gandhi clothing company to meet her demands for the next two months on time and at a minimum cost


To show how the LP formulated above could be solved. In the course of our work, we shall show the steps used to formulate an LP that will aid Gandhi solve his problem.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi company's problem is one out of many muti-period problems faced by several companies.1

Sailco Corporation faced a similar demand scheduled problem. Her solution helped us to formulate our LP;


A similar demand schedule problem was faced by Bollinger Electronics Company (Louisiana U.S.A.). Whose solution guided us in formulation of our LP;


Moreover, Paynothing shoes also had a similar problem in 1983, where they faced a demand for pairs of shoes which must be met on time.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion How to solve Gandhi's Linear Program?

There are basically two main methods which can be use in solving all linear programming problems; The graphical Method; Simplex Algorithm Method.1

Gandhi's problem could be solved using the Big-M method or by using LINDO;


We chose LINDO because of the many variables involved.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Variables Objective function Constraints Final LP

Xpt = Pants producted with regular time per month(t = 1,2) Xst = Shirts producted with regular time per month(t = 1,2) Ypt = Pants producted with over time per month(t = 1,2) Yst = Shirts producted with over time per month(t = 1,2) Ipt = Inventory of pants at the end of month(t = 1,2) Ist = Inventory of shirts at the end of month(t = 1,2)

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Variables Objective function Constraints Final LP

Total Cost

Total Cost = [(Cost of production with regular time) * (Number of article produced in regular time)] + [(cost after production with over time) * (Number of articles producted in overtime)] + [(Holding cost) * (Inventory of production at the end of month (t))] MinZ = 4(Xp1 + Xp2 + Xs1 + Xs2) + 8(Yp1 + Yp2 + Ys1 + Ys2) + 3(Ip1 + Ip2 + Is1 + Is2)

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Variables Objective function Constraints Final LP



Inventory = Inventory at the end of month(t) + Month(t)production - Month(t)demands

Ip1 = (2 + Xp1 + Yp1) - 15 Ip2 = (Ip1 + Xp2 + Yp2) - 14 Is1 = (1 + Xs1 + Ys1) - 10 Is2 = (Is1 + Xs2 + Ys2) - 122

Articles constraints:

(Xp1 + Xs1) = 25 (Xp2 + Xs2) = 25

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Variables Objective function Constraints Final LP

Cloth Constraints

We need 2 sq yd to manifacture a short and 3 sq yd to manifacture a pant.1

In month(t=1), 90 sq yd are available

2(Xs1 + Ys2) + 3(Xp1 + Yp1) 902

In month(t=2), 60 sq yd are available

2(Xs2 + Ys2) + 3(Xp2 + Yp2) 60

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Variables Objective function Constraints Final LP

Sign Restriction

(Ipt 0, Ist 0)

0, Xs 1, 2 0, Xp 1, 2 0, Yp 1, 2 0, Ys 1, 2

where (t = 1, 2)

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Variables Objective function Constraints Final LP

Thus our LP can be writting like this:1

MinZ = 4(Xp1 + Xp2 + Xs1 + Xs2) + 8(Yp1 + Yp2 + Ys1 + Ys2) + 3(Ip1 + Ip2 + Is1 + Is2) Subject to:


Ip1 = (2 + Xp1 + Yp1) - 15 Ip2 = (Ip1 + Xp2 + Yp2) - 14 Is1 = (1 + Xs1 + Ys1) - 10 Is2 = (Is1 + Xs2 + Ys2) - 12 (Xp1 + Xs1) = 25 (Xp2 + Xs2) = 25 2(Xs1 + Ys2) + 3(Xp1 + Yp1) 90 2(Xs2 + Ys2) + 3(Xp2 + Yp2) 60 (Ipt 0, Ist Where (t = 1, 2)

0, Xs 1, 2 0, Xp 1, 2 0, Yp 1, 2 0, Ys 1, 2 0)

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Gandhi can use the LINDO software or the Big-method to solve the above formulated LP. The solution obtained will enable him meet his demands on time within the next two months at a minimum cost.

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion



They should use the LINDO software to solve the formulated LP it is faster and easier to come out with the solution; In solving this problem using LINDO, Gandhi must make sure he replaces all the alphabetic letters used as subscribes(Ipt, Ist, Xst...) to numbers; A policy of producing the amount demanded each month would eliminate the inventory holding-cost problem.



Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion


1 2

Dr. Siri,Operation Research Lecture notes, 2012 Winston, W.L operations Research, Application and Algorithms, 4th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2004, ISBN: 0-534-38058-1; (pages 100-105) www.google.ca/solutionstoinventoryproblems, 27/04/12, 5:00 PM www.bollingershipyards.com, 29/04/12, 10:00 AM



Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya

Introduction Literature Review Methodology Analysis and Interpretation Conclusion

Thanks for your kind attention...

Brice Kamgang, Honorine Tambong, Achile Zambo, Emmanuel Operation Research Tazifor, Rabiatou Ngamliya