operational semantics of demos 2000

Operational Semantics of DEMOS 2000 Chris Tofts, Graham Birtwistle 1 Information Infostructure Laboratory HP Laboratories Bristol HPL-2001-263 October 26 th , 2001* E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] semantics, discrete event simulation, functional programming, correctness We take a process oriented simulation language, DEMOS 2000, and define its operational semantics. This achieves two goals: firstly, we can unambiguously define the behaviour of any DEMOS program; secondly, we can use the semantics to check the behaviour of any implementation of the language. An operational semantics has been given for the simple synchronization fragment of μDEMOS before (Birtwistle & Tofts, 1993, 1994), but that fragment lacked many features of a complete discrete event simulation language. DEMOS 2000 is a slight redesign of DEMOS that frees it from the underlying Simula. In this semantics we give an account of the complete language which includes features such as: parametric classes; value, resource, entity handling synchronisations; multi-way competing synchronisations; priority; conditional synchronisations; random number sampling; data dependent entities; data dependent work. * Internal Accession Date Only Approved for External Publication 1 School of Computer Studies, Leeds University, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, UK Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2001

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Page 1: Operational Semantics of DEMOS 2000

Operational Semantics of DEMOS 2000 Chris Tofts, Graham Birtwistle1

Information Infostructure Laboratory HP Laboratories Bristol HPL-2001-263 October 26th , 2001* E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] semantics, discrete event simulation, functional programming, correctness

We take a process oriented simulation language, DEMOS 2000, and define its operational semantics. This achieves two goals: firstly, we can unambiguously define the behaviour of any DEMOS program; secondly, we can use the semantics to check the behaviour of any implementation of the language. An operational semantics has been given for the simple synchronization fragment of µDEMOS before (Birtwistle & Tofts, 1993, 1994), but that fragment lacked many features of a complete discrete event simulation language. DEMOS 2000 is a slight redesign of DEMOS that frees it from the underlying Simula. In this semantics we give an account of the complete language which includes features such as: parametric classes; value, resource, entity handling synchronisations; multi-way competing synchronisations; priority; conditional synchronisations; random number sampling; data dependent entities; data dependent work.

* Internal Accession Date Only Approved for External Publication 1 School of Computer Studies, Leeds University, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, UK Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2001

Page 2: Operational Semantics of DEMOS 2000

Operational Semantics of DEMOS 2000.

Chris Tofts Graham BirtwistleHP Laboratories Bristol School of Computer StudiesFilton Road Leeds UniversityStoke Gifford Woodhouse LaneBristol Leedschris [email protected] [email protected]

October 10, 2001


We take a process oriented simulation laguage, DEMOS 2000, and define its operationalsemantics. This achieves two goals: firstly, we can unambiguously define the behaviour of anyDEMOS program; secondly, we can use the semantics to check the behaviour of any implemen-tation of the language. An operational semantics has been given for the simple synchronisationfragment of µDEMOS before [3, 4], but that fragment lacked many features of a complete dis-crete event simulation language. DEMOS 2000 is a slight redesign of DEMOS that frees it fromthe underlying Simula. In this semantics we give an account of the complete language whichincludes features such as: parametric classes; value, resource, entity handling synchronisations;multi-way competing synchronisations; priority; conditional synchronisations; random numbersampling; data dependent entities; data dependent work.

1 Introduction

One of the major problems of any programming activity is being certain that the program isbehaving correctly. Programming languages are largely defined by example and intent. That isexamples of code and its results are presented then the results of executing similar code in othersituations must be inferred by the programmer. If the results of the program have no value, anunlikely outcome given the effort to construct any non-trivial progam, then this would be of littleconsequence. However programs are often used to control potentially life threatening systems, andto support business threatening decisions.

When the program is of a conventional form, a simple variant of the lambda calculus (Imperative,Functional or Declarative) then one may assume that the program inherits its meaning from thatunderlying implicit formalism. Alternatively when the language is not in this class we have twoproblems, what mathematical entities does it represent, and how should we execute it correctly.However it is still the case that for a ’real’ programming language, even one based on a very clearmathematical underpinning, the effort of providing a semantics is a major undertaking [10].

One of the major activies of business (design) support is the use of simulation, often undertakenby computer using either extensions to general purpose programming languages or via a speciliasedlanguage. These languages have representations for interaction and other complex constructionsthat are presented by intent. Given the need for efficient programming languages for systemsmodelling to support decision making we attack the second of these problems by precisely defining


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the excution model of a simulation oriented programming language. In companion papers themathematical framework(s) within which this language should be understood are detailed[6, 5].

DEMOS 2000 is a modest extension of the DEMOS system [2] a simulation environment builtwithin the Simula [1] compiler. The aims of the extensions are:

• to remove the dependency on an underlying programming environment, and hence upon itssemantics;

• removing all programmer organized syncrhonisation points, no explicit queue maintenanceby the programmer;

• use a process algebra view to guide expressivity.

One of the most pleasant outcomes is that this requirements do not impose major changes oneither the syntax or the semantics of DEMOS. For further details of the DEMOS system underconstruction see w3.hpl.hp.com/demos/.

In this form we can regard DEMOS(2000) as a guarded command language (cf unity, Dijkstralike languages). All active commands test the current system state, if the condition they representcan be meet then they are executed otherwise they are blocked until such time as the condition canbe met. The major difference between process oriented simulation languages and guarded commandlanguages is that the conditions have side effects, the assignment of resource to the active entity.Hence change of state is mediated not only by assignment to variables, but by assignment andclaim of resource, and by entities becoming resources themselves.

One of the major changes from our semantic presentation of DEMOS is that we have exploitedthe observed normal form, that all guards are simple versions of a compound guard. Hence,the inclusion of the various atomic forms of the commands is syntactic sugar1. Consequently thedifficulty within the semantics, that is commands that cause more activity than trivial state update:is all located within two areas the satisfaction of case based compound requests; the unblockingeffects of a resource return or variable assignment.

Again we permit ourselves to summarize the natural deduction style presentation of the struc-tural operational semantics by using SML like functional presentation. This semantics is a general-isation of that presented in [3, 4]. We present the syntax in its unambiguous functional form. Theexternal input syntax is a more conventional form and as two examples: x:=e; is written Ass(x,e)and try req1 then bd1 etry req2 then bd2; is written Cond([(req1,bd1),(req2,bd2)]). However, sincethe mapping from the infix to the functional form of the language is trvial we omit these details.

2 Notational Preliminaries

2.1 Lists

There are many ordered structures we wish to maintain within the DEMOS system, such as events,blocked items, waiting entities and ordered queues. All of these structures can be maintained usinglists.

The empty list is denoted by [ ]. When we wish to display a nonempty list in full, we enumerateit. The process body below with three actions:

[ getR(fs "w", 1), hold 3, putR(fs "w", 1) ]

1strictly its absence of a syntactic wrapper


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is actually short for

getR(fs "w", 1)::hold 3::putR(fs "w", 1)::[]

where :: is the infix operator (usually called cons) used to glue atoms onto lists at their head. Mostof the time we wish to focus upon the first action in a process body, since that will be its nextaction to be carried out, For this we use the technique of pattern matching: if we write

b::Body = [ getR(fs "w", 1), hold 3, putR(fs "w", 1) ]

then in the ensuing text, b is matched to the head of the list getR("w", 1) and Body is matchedto its tail [ hold(3), putR("w", 1) ].

We define two higher order functions that can greatly simplify list manipulation:map f [] = []—map f h::t = f(h)::(map f t)

imap f [] L = Limap f h::t L = imap f t f(h,L)

the first applies a function over all of the elements of a list, the second applies a function to alist of elements accumulating the results of repeated application in a result list.

For more detail, see almost any text on a modern functional programming language.

2.2 Storage

We use storage to hold information about the states of resources, synchronizations class definitionsand the values of variables and constants. We leave the precise implementation details unstated,but assume that we have the following operations on storage.

Given a store S then the following operations are defined upon it.

Membership. (id, rt) ∈ S returns true if an entry for id of type rt lies in S, false if not. In thiscontext, the usual question we wish to resolve is whether an identifier is fresh (not found) ornot. notUnique id S returns false only if id is fresh with respect to the environment S. Someof the values stored are in the form of lists to maintain order. We augment standard storeoperations to manipulate the list

Lookup an entry. LOOKUP (id, rt) S returns rd when (id, rt, rd) ∈ S. The call is an error if(id,rt) 6∈ S.

Remove an entry. When (id, rt, rd) ∈ S, S — (id,rt) removes the entry for (id,rt) and returnsthe reduced store S’. The call is an error if (id,rt) 6∈ S.

Delete an entry. When (id, rt, rd) ∈ S, DELETE id S removes the entry for id and returns theentry and the reduced set S’ as a pair: (rd, S’). The call is an error if (id,rt) 6∈ S.

Update an item. If (id,rt) 6∈ S, UPDATE (id, rt, rd) S adds an entry (id, rt, rd) to S. If (id,rt)∈ S, then it overwrites the previous entry for (id,rt). If the update simply adds an item, wewill usually write S ++ (id,rt).

Add to a list If (id,rt) 6∈ S, ADDITEMS (id, rt, vL) S adds an entry (id, rt, vL) to S. If(id,rt,oldvL) ∈ S, then it replaces the previous entry for (id,rt) with (id,rt,oldvL@vL). Notethat we preserve the order in which the store is built up.


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Get from a list If (id,rt) 6∈ S, then raise an error, else GETITEMS (id, rt, amt) S returns apair consisting of a list if length amt from the list vL from the stored item (id,rt,vL) and thestored value becomes (id,rt,reduce(n,vL)). So we return (vL, S’). Where reduce(n,L) is thestandard list function that removes the first n items from a list.

store union Given two stores S ⊕ S’ forms a new store from the stores S and S’, if there is aclash of elements i.e (id,rt,v) ∈ S and (id,rt,v’) ∈ S’, then the first element takes precedence.This permits us to define local scope, by permitting the local values to take precendence overglobals.

make available Given a store convert availability of res, bin and sync record types to variables.mk av S given (id,ty,v) in S then (AV id,var,avail(v)) is constructed in a new store.

store overwrite Given two stores S → S’ for all triples it (id,ty,v) ∈ S perform UPDATE (id,ty,v)S’ returning the store formed by all of the operations.

Note we do not need an explicit size function for stored lists as length(LOOKUP (id,rt) S) withthe standard list length function will perform this task.

2.3 The event and blocked lists

The event list is an ordered list of the form PD(id, pri, Body,Attrs,evt) ranked by increasing timeevt and pri if the times are the same. We postpone the full explanation of process descriptors toSection 3.1.

Given that

EL= [ PD(id1, p1, b1, a1, t1), PD(id2, p2, b2, a2, t2), ..., PD(idn, pn, bn, an, tn) ]

then t1 ≤ t2 ≤ ... ≤ tn and further if tk =tk+1 then pk ≤pk+1. We posit two basic event list routinesand two auxiliaries: here are their explanations together with concrete FCFS list implementations.The first process in the event list is referred to as current. The simulation clock time is the eventtime of current.

evTime en (event notice en) returns the event time of en.

evTime PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt) = evt

pPri en (event notice en) returns the priority of en.

pPri PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt) = pr

future en time makes the event notice active at time and returns the new event notice:future PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt) time = if time<0

then PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt)else PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt + time)

pName en (event notice en) returns the identifier of en.

pName (PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt)) = id

ENTER en EL: enters the event notice en into the event list EL ranked in according to its eventtime and priority, using the priority to resolve the order for entities with the same time. It


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is entered after the last notice with an earlier time, and after all notices with the same timeand equal or higher priority.

ENTER en [] = [ en ]ENTER en1 (en2::EL) = if evTime en1 < evTime en2

then en1::en2::ELelseif evTime en1 = evTime en2then if pPri en1 ≥ pPri en2then en1::en2::ELelse en2::(ENTER en1 EL)

else en2::(ENTER en1 EL)

BENTER projF end EL: enters the event notice data end into the blocked list EL rankedin according to its priority. The projection function allows us to order event notices bypriority when the occur within complex data structures, such as the triples used to maintainsynchronisations. This is the dual of enter when it is used to maintain blocked lists. We usethe same data structure as this permits us to observe the amount of time an entity staysblocked for. Again at equality those objects already in the list take precedence. We pass in aprojection function so this function can be used on more complex data structures using eventnotices, for standard usage the function is simply pPri.

BENTER projF end [] = [ end ]BENTER projF end1 (end2::EL) = if pPri(projF end1) ≥ pPri(projF end2)

then end1::end2::ELelse end2::(BENTER projF end1 EL)

ADDPrITEM(id, rt, vL) projF S We maintain lists of prioritised objects within our stores.In particular there a situations where we need to add items to a list which contain pro-cess descriptors respecting priorites. In this instance we must provide a projection functionData→ evNote, so we can locate the event notice within the data structure. ADDPrITEM(id, rt, vL) S If (id,rt,oldvL) ∈ S, then it replaces the previous entry for (id,rt) with (id,rt,imap (BENTER proj3) oldvL vL).

2.4 Attributes

Every time an object releases a share in a resource or a synchronisation, we check that it did indeedown it at the time. It follows that, for each process object, we must keep track of resource seizuresas they are made. The simplest way of doing this is to maintain a store of current attributeslocal to each process object. A major source of error in concurrent systems is the ‘mislaying’ ofsemaphores. By ensuring that only resources that are actually held can be freed, we can observethese errors before they propogate through the system. Further for convenience a notion of localvariable greatly simplifies entity definitions, and these bindings will be stored as local attributes.

Attributes may be shares in resources, or synced processes. They are maintained in a storewith three types, resource, syncs and variables. The syncs are stored as a list of event notices. Weexploit the general store operations to maintain this type of store.

We define a couple of auxiliary functions to simplify the manipulation of attributes:getAttrs PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt) = AttrssetAttrs PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt) Attrs’ = PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs’,evt)


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These functions allow us to get the store within a process descriptor and to set it to a new store.

2.5 Expression evaluation

Define the semantic function EV S e, which given an expression e and a store S returns its value,straightforward recursion over the syntax. Letting N range over names, V range over values, Uopover unary operators, Bop over binary numerical values, and dis(̃(p)) over distributions taking aparameter vector (̃p) we obtain the following:

EV S V = VEV S N = let val nm=evalN S N in

if (nm,var) ∈ S then LOOKUP (nm,var) Selse if (nm,cons) ∈ S then EV S (LOOKUP (nm,cons) S)else error unknown variable

EV S Uop(ee) = Uop(EV S ee)EV S Bop(e1,e2) = Bop(EV S e1,EV S e2)EV S DisPtr(nm) = let val (dn(p̃),sd,sn)=(LOOKUP (nm, dist) S)

in UPDATE(seed,var,sd) Sin ret=sample(dn(map EV S (̃p)))in UPDATE(nm,dist,(de,LOOKUP (seed,var) S,sn+1)) Sin ret

The above is standard except for the fact that constants are stored as expressions, and conse-quently re-evaluated. This permits us to bind distributions to constants and consequently re-samplethem whenever the constant is re-evaluated. To allow us to sample distributions with well seper-ated seeds, each distribution expression is (essentially) conveted to a triple of the expression, itsprevious random drawing, and the number of times it has been sampled. We then set the seedto the previous draw for this distribution and then sample the distribution, as a side effect thisupdates seed as the mod-congruence generator defines. Subsequently we store the next draw valuesand the fact this distribution has been used one more time. See Section 11 for details of the samplefunctions used.

2.6 Expression conversion

Define the semantic function EC S e, which given an expression e and a store S returns the expres-sion with all of its fixed terms evaluated. This is used to minimize expressions within distributionsas they are stored.

EC S V = VEC S N = let val nm=evalN S N in

if (nm,var) ∈ S then LOOKUP (nm,var) Selse if (nm,cons) ∈ S then EV S (LOOKUP (nm,cons) S)else error unknown variable

EC S Uop(ee) = Uop(EC S ee)EC S Bop(e1,e2) = if isVal(e1) andalso isVal(e2)

then Bop(EC S e1, EC S e2)else Bop(e1,e2)

EC S Dis(p̃) = Dis(map EC S p̃)This function evaluates all of the subexpressions of a distribution expression and grounds them.

The predicate isVal checks to see if a term does not containd a reference to a distribution sampleand if so the expression can be evaluated.


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2.7 Boolean evaluation

Define the semantic function BV S b, which given a boolean expression b and a store S returnsits value, straightforward recursion over the syntax. Allowing Bp to range over binary booleanoperators, Up ranging over unary binary operators, Rop over relational operators then we candefine the function as follows:

BV S true = trueBV S false = falseBV S Up(be) = Up(BV S be)BV S Bp(b1,b2) = Bop(BV S b1, BV S b2)BV S Rop(e1,e2) = Rop(EV S e1, EV S e2)

2.8 Parametrised Names

We permit all of the names used for identifiers to have dependency on the system state. Essentiallywe have name arrays. The auxiliary function evalN takes an identifier and a store pair and returns afixed name based on the state. Here the first store takes precedence as it represents local definitions.Hence in a context where the variable i=3 then the identifier a[i] is the name a[3].

evalP S e = ”[” string(EV e S) ”]”evalN S(fs s) = sevalN S(ps (s,eL)) = s (map (evalP S ) el)

2.9 Let

We use the let notation let x = e in E to clarify the structure of complicated expressions, preferring,for example, to spell out

exec(cp’::EL, BL, S ++ (id, res,2))

in simple steps as

let S’ = S ++ (id, res, 2) inlet EL’ = cp’::EL in

exec(EL’, BL, S’)

The advantages are that state changes are reflected textually (EL and R have changed; BLhasnot), and the lets are meaningful in both the functional and imperative programming styles.

3 Semantics of DEMOS

We can define the state of a DEMOS program as the product of the states of all of its constituents,both active and blocked, and the state of the store containing all of the data viz: class definitions,resource, bin synchronization states, variable and constant values.

So the program state is represented by a 3-tuple (EL,BL,S) where:

EL is an event list which contains all the active (scheduled) processes, ranked according to thetime of their next scheduled event and their priority . Processes are entered into EL oncreation by Entity, rotated down EL by hold, and deleted from EL when their actions areexhausted. Within the process description the process that have been acquired through syncs


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Figure 1: The states of a DEMOS 2000 Entity.

are held, so whilst they are passive they are held either within the store waiting on a getS orwithin the process whilst being used, until reactivated with a putS. See figure 1

BL is an event list which contains all the waiting processes, ranked according to their priority .Processes are entered into BL when any request for resource they make cannot currently bemet, or a condition test fails. They are removed from the blocked list and returned to theevent list when a resource freeing event, putR, putB, putBS, sync or a variable assignmentoccurs which causes their blocking condition to become satisfiable.

S is a store in which the free amounts of resources, bins, and syncs are maintained, the values ofvariable and constants, as well as the class definitions.

3.1 Event notices

The event notice has the following form, PD(id,pr,Body,Attrs,evt), which can be understoodas follows:

id a name identifying the entity;

pr the current priority of this entity, can be changed with the priority command;


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Body the list of actions the entity wishes to engage in, the list providing the order over theactions;

Attrs a store contains three types res, sync and var. The res being the name and amount ofcurrently held resources. the sync a list of synced processes in the order in which they wereclaimed. The var is the values of local variables.

evt the time at which this notice should next be considered active.

3.2 Operational semantics

As each program command is executed the system will change from one state to another

(EL, BL, S) =⇒ (EL’, BL’, S’)

Execution is so framed that the next action to be executed is always the first action in the actionlist of the first object in the event list. Thus given the event list pattern-matching

EL = PD(c, pr ,b::Body, Attrs, evt)::...

— the next action must be b and the system time is said to be at the time of this action, evt.It is now straightforward to give a semantics as a case statement over the structure of DEMOS

commands, as sketched below:

1. an error arises if the event list becomes empty (the system should be shut down with a callon close).

exec ([], BL, S) =error

2. When a process has exhausted its actions, a check is made to see whether it still owns anyattributes. An error results if it does. If not, all is well. The object is deleted from the eventlist. The simulation proceeds from the next action of the new current.

exec (PD(c,pr,[],Attrs,evt)::EL, BL, S)= if Attrs = empty

then exec(EL, BL, S)else error

3. The normal case — we focus on PD(c, pr, b::Body, Attrs, evt) the object at the head ofthe event list, and execute its next action b. The names Body, Attrs, and evt are directlyaccessible in the case clause, as is cp’, the “expected next current process object”. We permitourselves to add some global information into the store at this point.

The cases are detailed each to its own subsection as indicated below.


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exec (PD(c,pr,b::Body,Attrs,evt)::EL, BL, S0)= let cp’ = PD(c,pr,Body, Attrs, evt)S= (UPDATE (DEMOS TIME,var,evt) mk av(S0)) → S0 in( case b of

Class(id, Pl, Body) section 4| Res (id, e)| Bin (id, e)| Entity (id, classId, Pl, dt, ResL, SynL)| Var (id, e)| LVar (id, e)| Sync(id)| Cons (id, e)

| hold dt section 7| priority e| do (ec, acL)| ido (n, acL)

| putB (id, m) section 5| putR (id, m)| putS (id, m)| putSv(id, eL)| putBS(id, eL)| ass(id, e)

| getB (id, m) section 6| getR (id, m)| getS (id, m)| getSv (id, bL, be)| getBv (id, bL, be)| Req(acqL)| Cond(caL)| while (acqL, aL)

| close section 8| seed| trace(s, eL)

| anything else =error)

4 Declarations

4.1 Class

Put the definition of a class into the store.Syntax: Class(n,pl,bd) - (parameters):

1. n is the name of the class possibly an array;


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2. pl is a formal parameter list, a simple string, for later substitution either by value or name;

3. bd is the body of the class.


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id,class) ∈ S ⇒ error| let EL’ = cp’::EL in

let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id,class,(pl,bd)) in(EL’, BL, S’)


1. (evalN id (Attrs⊕S),class) ∈ S: error if the class identifier is not fresh

2. Normal case

(a) let EL’ = cp’::EL: move past this instruction.

(b) let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, class, (pl,bd)) enter the new class declaration intothe environment with the parameter list for later instantiation

(c) return the new state (EL’, BL, S’)

4.2 Entity

Puts an entity whose actions are defined by a class into the event list, the entity is enabled atsome point in the future. Further, the class definition has name parameters which are instantiatedthroughout its body at this point.Syntax: Entity(eid,cn,pl,offset,reL,syL) - (parameters):

1. eid an extra identifier for use of the programmer, to distinguish entities from the same classif necessary;

2. cn the class to instantiate;

3. pl the parameter instantiations for the class;

4. offset the time after the current clock to start executing the entity;

5. reL a resource list [(rn,amt)] of resources claimed from the current entity to be passed to thisnew one;

6. syL a sync list [sync] of syncs claimed from the current entity to be passed to this new one,note [syncA,syncA] will hand over two instances of syncA;



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Entity(eid,cn,pl,offset,reL,syL)= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) cn,class) 6∈ S ⇒ error| let rcn = evalN (Attrs⊕S) cn in

let rid = evalN (Attrs⊕S) eid inlet rL = map evalR (Attrs⊕S) reL inlet sL = map evalN (Attrs⊕S) syL inlet pil = map (evalN S) pl inlet nbd = getBody(rcn,pil,state) inlet (cp”,scL) = removeSL(sl,cp’,[]) inlet act = evt + (EV Attrs⊕Soffset) inlet EL’ = (ENTER PD(rid-rcn,0,nbd,(rL⊕scL), act) removeRL(rL,cp”)::EL) in

(EL’, BL, S)Interpretation:

1. (evalN cn (Attrs⊕S),class) 6∈ S: error the class identifier does not exist;

2. Normal case

(a) let rcn = evalN (Attrs⊕S) cn: evaluate the class name to be used;

(b) let rid = evalN (Attrs⊕S) eid: evaluate the entities given name, so the programmercvan recognise the entity;

(c) let rL = map evalR (Attrs⊕S) reL: evaluate the resource names and amounts that arebeing handed to the entity;

(d) let sL = map evalN (Attrs⊕S) syL: evaluate the names of the syncs that are beingpassed to the entity;

(e) let pil = map (evalN S) pl : evaluate the name parameters to instantiate the classparameters into;

(f) let getBody(rcn,pil,state): get the entity body from the class store and perform thename substitution throughout.

(g) let (cp”,scL) = removeSL(sl,cp’,[]); remove the sync notices from the current entity andupdate its store, also return a store of the passed on sync notices;

(h) let act = evt + (EV Attrs⊕Soffset): compute the start time for this entity;

(i) let EL’ = (ENTER PD(rid-rcn,0,nbd,(rL⊕scL), act) removeRL(rL,cp”)::ELmove pastthis instruction and add the new event notice at the appropriate point in the event list,with the store formed from the passed over resources and syncs.

(j) return the new state (EL’, BL, S)

4.3 Res

Define a resource, similar to a multi value semaphore.Syntax: Res(n,amt) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the resource, possibly an array;

2. amt the amount of this resource, notice this maximum cannot be changed later;


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= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, res) ∈ S ⇒ error| let EL’ = cp’::EL in

let amt=EC S e inlet S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id,res,amt) in

(EL’, BL, S’)Interpretation:

1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, res) ∈ S: error if the resource identifier is not fresh

2. Normal case

(a) let EL’ = cp’::EL: move past this instruction.

(b) let amt=EC S e how much resource is specified

(c) let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, res, amt) enter the new resource declaration into thestore with the currently available amount of that resource;

(d) return the new state (EL’, BL, S’)

4.4 Bin

Define a new bin, similar to a queue or a place in a Petri netSyntax: Bin(n,amt) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the resource, possibly an array;

2. amt the initial amount in this bin.


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, bin) ∈ S ⇒ error| let EL’ = cp’::EL in

let amt=EC S e inlet S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, bin,amt) in

(EL’, BL, S’)Interpretation:

1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, bin) ∈ S: error if the resource identifier is not fresh

2. Normal case

(a) let EL’ = cp’::EL: move past this instruction.

(b) let amt=EC S e amount of the initial bin contents as specified

(c) let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, res, amt) enter the new resource declaration into thestore with the currently available amount of that resource;

(d) return the new state (EL’, BL, S’)


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4.5 Sync

Place the current process on the sync list indexed by the sync name.Syntax: Sync(n) - (parameter):

1. n the name of the sync.


let S’ = ADDPrITEM(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, sync, [([],[],PD(cn,pr,Body,Attrs,evt))] val3) S inpromote(Sync(evalN (Attrs⊕S)) id, EL, BL, S’)


1. let let S’ = ADDPrITEM(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, sync, [([],[],PD(cn,pr,Body,Attrs,evt)) val3])Sadd this entity to those queuing on the sync name id, if there is none then the name iscreated, val3 projects out the third value in a tuple. This is a trivial version of a value sync.The entity is inserted into those waiting on the sync in priority order followed by arrival order.

2. perform a promotion on the new state (EL, BL, S’) as some other process may now beunblocked. We need to take note of the new resource which has become available to correctlyunblock processes with potentially multiple requirements.

4.6 SyncV

Place the current process on the sync list indexed by the sync name, with output expressions andinput variable names.Syntax: SyncV(n, expL, vL) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the sync, possibly an array;

2. expL an expression list of output values, eg [i+j,3];

3. vL a local variable list for return values.


let evl = map (EV Attrs⊕S) exL inlet enl = map (evalN Attrs⊕S) vL inlet S’ = ADDPrITEM(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, sync, [(evl,enl,PD(cn,pr,Body,Attrs,evt))] val3) S in

promote(Sync(evalN (Attrs⊕S)) id, EL, BL, S’)


1. let evl = map (EV Attrs⊕S) eL: compute tha values bound to the value sync;

2. let enl = map (evalN Attrs⊕S) vL: compute the names of the variables to be bound on returnfrom the sync;

3. let S’ = ADDPrITEM(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, sync, [(evl,enl,PD(cn,pr,Body,Attrs,evt)) val3])Sadd this entity to those queuing on the sync name id, if there is none then the name iscreated, val3 projects out the third value in a tuple. As part of the store we keep lists of thevalues bound in the sync and the parameter names in which returned values are to be stored.The entity is inserted into those waitin on the sync in priority order followed by arrival order.


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4. perform a promotion on the new state (EL, BL, S’) as some other process may now beunblocked. We need to take note of the new resource which has become available to correctlyunblock processes with potentially multiple requirements.

4.7 Cons

Enter the definition of the constant into the store.Syntax: Cons(n,e) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the constant, possibly an array;

2. e an expression;


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, cons) ∈ S ⇒ error| let EL’ = cp’::EL in

let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, cons, DisC S(EC Se)) in(EL’, BL, S’)


1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, cons) ∈ S: error if the constant identifier is not fresh

2. Normal case

(a) let EL’ = cp’::EL: move past this instruction.

(b) let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, cons, DisC S(EC Se)) enter the new constant decla-ration into the store as a symbolic constant. This permits us to re-evaluate the constantwhen used. Hence bindings of the form Cons n=nege(10). Will have the expected effectof resampling the distribution each time they are used. Constants in Demos2000 arefixed bindings over a system run, not necessarily fixed values. The function DisC con-verts the distributions into a triple form of (de,cr,0) with de the distribution expression,cr the current seed for this distribution, and the 0 representing the number of times it hasbeen sampled. We use this to establish well seperated seeds for each of our distributions.

(c) return the new state (EL’, BL, S’)

4.8 Var

Enter the definition of the variable into the store.Syntax: Var(n,e) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the variable, possibly an array;

2. e an expression;


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars) ∈ S ⇒ error| let EL’ = cp’::EL in

let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars, EV (Attrs⊕S) e ) in(EL’, BL, S’)



Page 17: Operational Semantics of DEMOS 2000

1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars) ∈ S: error if the variable identifier is not fresh;

2. Normal case

(a) let EL’ = cp’::EL: move past this instruction.(b) let S’ = S++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars, EV (Attrs⊕S) e) enter the new variable decla-

ration into the store with its current value(c) return the new state (EL’, BL, S’)

4.9 LVar

Enter the definition of the local variable into the entity attributes.Syntax: Lvar(n,e) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the local variable, possibly an array;

2. e an expression;


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars) ∈ Attrs ⇒ error| let Attrs’ = Attrs ++ (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars, EV (Attrs⊕S) e in

let EL’ = PD(c,pr,Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL in(EL’, BL, S)


1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars) ∈ Attrs: error if the variable identifier is not fresh;

2. Normal case

(a) let Attrs’=Attrs++(evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars, EV (Attrs⊕S) e: add this variable defi-nition to the local store with its new value;

(b) let EL’ = PD(c,pr,Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL: move past this instruction.(c) return the new state (EL’, BL, S)

5 Assignments

5.1 Variables

Change the value of the variable. Syntax: Ass(x,e) - (parameters):

1. x the name of the constant, possibly an array;

2. e an expression;


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars) 6∈ S ⇒ error| let Name=evalN (Attrs⊕S) id in| let (Attrs’,S’)=Do assign(Name,EV Attrs⊕S e, Attrs,S in

let EL’ = PD(c,pr,Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL inpromote(Ass(Name,EV (Attrs⊕S) e), evt, EL’, BL, S’)



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1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, vars) 6∈ S: error if the variable identifier does not exist;

2. Normal case

(a) let Name=evalN (Attrs⊕S) id: evaluate and store the name for future use.

(b) let (Attrs’,S’)=Do assign(Name,EV (Attrs⊕S) e,Attrs,S) enter the new value for thevariable into the correct store, obviously only one of these will be changed;

(c) let EL’ = PD(c,pr,Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL: the local store may have changed so reconstructthe event list;

(d) use the semantic function promote(Ass(Name,EV (Attrs⊕S) e), evt, EL’, BL, S’) toenable any entities that may have become unblocked, see section 9.3 for details. Use theevaluated name and expression to save time, and avoid local name clashes.

5.2 putR

Return an amount of resource.Syntax: putR(n,e) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the resource, possibly an array;

2. e is the amount to return;


= (evalN id (Attrs⊕S), res) 6∈ S⇒ error| let n = evalN id (Attrs⊕S) in

let v=EV (Attrs⊕S) e inif pr=-15000 thenlet S’ = UPDATE(n, res, v + LOOKUP(n,res) S) S in

promote(putR(n,v), evt, EL, BL, S’)elselet EL’ = removeR(n, v, cp’)::EL inin (ENTER PD(cn,-15000,[putR(n,v)],(),evt) EL’,BL,S)


1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, res) 6∈ S: error if the resource identifier does not exist;

2. Normal case

(a) let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S) id: work out the resource name;

(b) let v=EV (Attrs⊕S) e: and the amount to return;

(c) if pr=-15000: then this is a delayed return so

(d) let S’ = UPDATE(n, res, v + LOOKUP(n,res) S) Sadd the resources back if theprevious function did not fail;

(e) use the semantic function promote(putR(n,v), evt, EL, BL, S’) to enable any entitiesthat may have become unblocked, see section 9.3 for details. Notice this must be a 1action entity so it immediately dies.

(f) otherwise


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(g) let EL’ = removeR(n, v, cp’)::EL: move past this instruction, and remove the resourcesdeallocated from the entities own store. If they are not held then this will generate theerror, see section 9.5;

(h) (ENTER PD(cn,-15000,[putR(n,v)],(),evt) EL’,BL,S): and enqueue the return at a pri-ority lower than that which can be assigned to any other entity, to ensure that this isthe last activity (other than other returns) undertaken at this clock instant.

5.3 putB

Add an amount to a bin. Syntax: putB(n,e) - (parameters):

1. n the name of the bin, possibly an array;

2. e is the amount to add;


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, bins) 6∈ S⇒ error| let n = evalN (Attrs,S) id in

let v=EV (Attrs⊕S) e inif pr=-15000 thenlet S’ = UPDATE(n, bins, v + LOOKUP(n,bins) S) S in

promote(putB(n,v), evt, EL’, BL, S’)elselet EL’ = cp’::EL inin (ENTER PD(cn,-15000,[putB(n,v)],(),evt) EL’,BL,S)


1. (evalN id (Attrs⊕S), bins) 6∈ S: error if the bin identifier does not exist;

2. Normal case

(a) let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S)id: work out the bin name;

(b) let v=EV (Attrs⊕S) e: and the amount to return;

(c) if pr=-15000 then: so we actually perform the return

(d) let S’ = UPDATE(n, bins, v + LOOKUP(n, bins) S) Sadd the items to the bin;

(e) use the semantic function promote(putB(n,v), evt, EL, BL, S’) to enable any entitiesthat may have become unblocked, see section 9.3 for details. Use evaluated forms tosave compute and then the current entity must die.

(f) else

(g) let EL’ = cp’::EL: move past this instruction;

(h) (ENTER PD(cn,-15000,[putB(n,v)],(),evt) EL’,BL,S): put in an entity to do the returnas the last activity at this instant.


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5.4 putS

Return a number of syncs.Syntax: putS(id,e) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the sync, possibly an array;

2. e is the number to return;


= let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S) id inlet v=EV (Attrs⊕S) e inlet (fp,cp”)=removeS(n,v,cp’) inlet EL’ = cp”::(imap ENTER fp EL) in

(EL’, BL, S)Interpretation:

1. let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S) id: work out the sync name;

2. let v=EV (Attrs⊕S) e: and the amount to return;

3. let (fp,cp”)=removeS(n,v,cp’): compute the new process descriptor for this process cp” givenby removing v of the entities synced on n from it, if held, returning a list of those freedprocesses, see section 9.6; otherwise raise error;

4. let EL’ = cp”::(map ENTER fp EL) use the new process descriptor for this entity and leaveit a the live entity, add the freed entities in the appropriate order into the remainder of theevent list;

5. let S’ = UPDATE(n, res, v + LOOKUP(n,res) S) Sadd the resources back if the previousfunction did not fail;

6. return the new state (EL’, BL, S), note unlike other assignments putS cannot cause any otherprocess to become unblocked. The unblocking causation on getS is the use of a sync to createa potential slave entity.

5.5 putSv

Return an entity synchronized passing in return values.Syntax: putSv(id,exL) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the sync, possibly an array;

2. exL is a return value list, e.g [i+k,2,5], which is bound to local variables in the freed entity;


= let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S) id inlet evL= map (EV (Attrs⊕S)) exL inlet (prp,cp”)=removeSv(n,v,cp’,S) inlet EL’ = cp”::(ENTER prp EL) in

(EL’, BL, S)Interpretation:


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1. let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S) id: work out the sync name;

2. let evL= map (EV (Attrs⊕S)) exL : and the values to return;

3. let (fp,cp”)=removeSv(n,evL,cp’,state): compute the new process descriptor for this processcp” given by removing an entity synced on n from it, if held; otherwise raise error, returnthe freed entity, see section 9.6. Note the internal bindings of the variables of the entity may(should) have been changed by the returning value list;

4. let EL’ = cp”::(ENTER prp EL) use the new process descriptor for this entity and leave it athe live entity, add the freed entities in the appropriate order into the remainder of the eventlist;

5. let S’ = UPDATE(n, res, v + LOOKUP(n,res) S) Sadd the resources back if the previousfunction did not fail;

6. return the new state (EL’, BL, S), note unlike other assignments putS cannot cause any otherprocess to become unblocked. The unblocking causation on getS is the use of a sync to createa potential slave entity.

5.6 putBS

Similar to syncV but can pass not only values but also resources and syncs. This permits entities tomove bound objects to other entities. Obviously to prevent errors these bindings must be tracked.For the resource and sync hanover see entity creation.Syntax: putBS(id,exL,reL,sL) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the bin, possibly an array;

2. exL an expression list evaluated to give values;

3. reL a resource list, see entity creation;

4. sL a sync list, also see entity creation;


= (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, bins) 6∈ S⇒ error| let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S) id in

let vL = map evalN (Attrs⊕S) exL inlet rL = map evalR (Attrs⊕S) reL inlet sL = map evalN (Attrs⊕S) sL inif pr=-15000 thenlet S’ = ADDITEM(n, bins, (vL,rL,syN)) S in

promote(putBS(n,eL,reL,sL), evt, EL, BL, S’)elselet (cp”,syN) = removeSL(sL,cp’,[]) inin (ENTER PD(cn,-15000,[putBS(n,vL,rL,syN)],(),evt) removeRL(rl,cp”)::EL, BL, S)


1. (evalN (Attrs⊕S) id, bins) 6∈ S: error if the bin identifier does not exist;

2. Normal case


Page 22: Operational Semantics of DEMOS 2000

(a) let n = evalN (Attrs⊕S) id : work out the resource name;

(b) let vL = map evalN (Attrs⊕S) exL: evaluate the expressions passed with the bin item;

(c) let rL = map evalR (Attrs⊕S) reL: evaluate the amounts of each resource passed alongwith the bin item;

(d) let sL = map evalN (Attrs⊕S) sL: and work out the ground sync names;

(e) if pr=-15000 then: we are actually doing the put;

i. let S’ = ADDITEM(n, bins, (vL,rL,syN)) Sput the parameterised bin item in thestore, with its associated values, resources and syncs;

ii. use the semantic function promote(putBS(n,eL,reL,sL), evt, EL, BL, S’) to enableany entities that may have become unblocked, see section 9.3 for details. Since theevaluated form has been stored in the state, we only use the name and hence haveno state overwrite problems. Note the current entity has only one action and hencewill die.

(f) else

(g) let (cp”,syN) = removeSL(sL,cp’,[]): remove the syncs from the current process notice,note may lead to an error if we pass on syncs we do not have;

(h) (ENTER PD(cn,-15000,[putBS(n,vL,rL,syN)],(),evt) removeRL(rl,cp”)::EL, BL, S): thenenqueue the actual return as the last activity at this clock instant.

6 Claims

6.1 getR

Attempt to claim an amount of a resource, if that is not available then wait it until it is. Waitingentities will be satisfied on a priority/FCFS basis:Syntax: getR(id,v) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the resource, possibly an array;

2. v is the amount to claim;


= exec(PD(c,pr,[Cond[([b],Body)]],Attrs,evt)::EL’, BL, S)Interpretation: we take advantage on the normalization observed in [5], and wrap the request upinto a conditional, and recall the state evaluation function. We must make sure that the nameand value are evaluated now, to fix the current context. If this is blocked then values may change,leading to an incorrect getR. Note b is the current atomic action.

6.2 getB

Attempt to claim an amount of a bin, if that is not available then wait it until it is. Waiting entitieswill be satisfied on a priority/FCFS basis:Syntax: getB(id,v) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the resource, possibly an array;

2. v is the amount to claim;


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= exec(PD(c,pr,[Cond[([b],Body)]],Attrs,evt)::EL’, BL, S’)Interpretation: see getR above.

6.3 getS

Attempt to claim an amount of a sync, if that is not available then wait it until it is. Waitingprocesses will be satisfied on a priority/FCFS basis:Syntax: getS(id,v) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the sync, possibly an array;

2. v is the number to claim;


= exec(PD(c,pr,[Cond[([b],Body)]],Attrs,evt)::EL’, BL, S)Interpretation: see getR above.

6.4 getSv

Attempt to claim a sync with values which when bound locally permits a condition (filter) to returntrue. If no satisfying sync is available then wait it until it is. Waiting processes will be satisfied ona priority/FCFS basis:Syntax: getSv(id,vL,cc) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the sync, possibly an array;

2. vL is a local variable list to bind its output values to;

3. cc is a boolean expression which when evaluated (possibly) using the local variables abovemust return true. Obviously getSv(id,vL,true) will take the first sync item and bind thevariables.


= exec(PD(c,pr,[Cond[([b],Body)]],Attrs,evt)::EL’, BL, S)Interpretation: see getR above.

6.5 getBv

Attempt to get a parameterised item from a bin such that when the local variables in a bindinglist are bound in order to its parameters a condition evaluates true. If there are many items inthe bin move down it until the first one that satisfies is found. In that case the local variables arenow bound to the values observed, otherwise wait until such an item becomes available. Waitingentities will be satisfied on a priority/FCFS basis. As a side effect any resources or syncs bound tothis bin item will be added to this entity. To disambiguate the values are used to indicate what, ifany, extra resources came with the bin item.Syntax: getBv(id,bL,be) - (parameters):

1. id the name of the sync, possibly an array;


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2. bL is a local variable list to bind its output values to;

3. be is a boolean expression which when evaluated (possibly) using the local variables abovemust return true. Obviously getBv(id,bL,true) will take the first sync item and bind thevariables.

Semantics:getBv(id, bl, be)

= exec(PD(c,pr,[Cond[([b],Body)]],Attrs,evt)::EL’, BL, S)Interpretation: see getR above.

6.6 Req

Only proceed when all of its claims can be meet simultaneously. This is the representation ofthe infamous waituntil. Notice we can use single acquisitions, and this permits boolean expressionsas an acquisition type.Syntax: Req(acqL)- (parameter):

1. acqL is a list of acqusisitions - getR, getB, getS, getSv, getBv, ck.


= exec(PD(c,pr,[Cond[([acqL],Body)]],Attrs,evt)::EL’, BL, S)Interpretation: see getR above.

6.7 Cond

This is similar to a case statement. The condL consists of pairs of claim lists and action lists. Wecheck each of the claim lists in order until one can be satisfied, we then proceed by executing thebody of that claim in the state resulting from performing all of the claims. If none of the claimlists can be satisfied then we wait. This is essentially non-determinism with a synchronous processalgebra [8, 12, 9] which is known to be an extremely expressive form [12].Syntax: Cond(condL)- (parameter):

1. condL is a list of pairs (acqL,bd) - where acqL is an acquisition list (see req) and bd a commandlist. Note that the pair ([],bd) will always satisfy and can be used to form non-blockingtests.


= if cBL(Cond(condL),BL,(Attrs,S))then (EL, BENTER(PD(c,pr,Cond(condL)::Body,Attrs,evt),BL), S)else let (fire, (Attrs’, S’), fiB)=doCond(evt,c,acqL,(Attrs,S)) in

if firethen let EL’=PD(c,pr,fiB@Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL in

(EL’,BL,S’)else let BL’=BENTER(PD(c,pr,Cond(L)::Body,Attrs,evt),Bl) in


1. if cBL(Cond(acqL),BL,S): we can cause starvation by permitting entities in the event list tohave implicit priority over those that are blocked, so if we depend on a claim that somethingin the blocked list is waiting on then we must not attempt a claim


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(a) true: then (EL, BENTER(PD(c,pr,Cond(L)::Body,Attrs,evt),BL), S) add this processto the blocked list and return the new state;

(b) false: else let (fire, (Attrs’,S’), fiB)=doCond(evt,c,condL,(Attrs, S)): attempt to find alist of acquisitions within the Cond list that can fire, return that in fire; if fire is truethen S’ is the store after the claims have been evaluated, Attrs’ is the change to thelocal attributes (added resources or syncs) and fiB is the action list that should now beexecuted. See section 9.2 for a detailed explanation;

(c) if fire: check to see if a condition can be satisfied;

i. true: then let EL’=(PD(c,pr,fiB@Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL and return the state (EL’,BL,S’):we reconstruct the current process descriptor adding the claimed items to its at-tribute list (Attrs), putting the action body to be executed in front of the remainderof the entity, and continuing using the updated store;

ii. false: else let BL’=BENTER(PD(c,pr,Cond(L)::Body,Attrs,evt),BL) and return(EL,BL’,S): none of the Conds acquisition choices can be satisfied, so block thisprocess in its current state adding it to the blocked list, and leave the store and theremainder of the event list unchanged.

Note we can construct non-blocking tests by using the following Cond([([test],[body]),([],[])]). Whichreturns true trivially if test fails and then continues.

6.8 While

As long as the claim list can be satisfied immediately then execute a body.Syntax: While(acqL,wB)- (parameters):

1. acqL is a list of acqusisitions - see req;

2. wB the command list to execute.


= if cBL(Cond([(acqL,wB)]),BL,(Attrs,S))then (cp’::EL,BL,S)else let (fire, (Attrs’, S’), fiB)=doCond(evt,c,[(acqL,wB)],(Attrs, S)) in

if firethen let EL’=PD(c,pr,fiB@While(acqL,wB)::Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL in

(EL’,BL,S’)else (cp’::EL,BL,S)


1. if cBL(Cond(acqL),BL,(Attrs,S)): as Cond we must not give implicit priority to ‘live’ entities:

(a) true: (cp’::EL,BL,S) carry on executing we cannot satisfy the while condition

(b) false: else let (fire, (Attrs’, S’), fiB)=doCond(evt,c,[(acqL,wB)],(Attrs, S)): as for CondSee section 9.2 for a detailed explanation;

(c) if fire: check to see if a condition can be satisfied;

i. true: then let EL’=(PD(c,pr,fiB@While(acqL,wB)::Body,Attrs’,evt)::EL and returnthe state (EL’,BL,S’): see Cond; we reconstruct the process descriptor and continuewith the new store state S’;


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ii. false: else (cp’::EL,BL,S): ignore the While if it cannot execute its condition.

Note endless repetition is achieved by While([],body).

7 Time and Priority

7.1 HOLD

This entity will wait until the system clock advances by a time. This is considered to be ‘active’waiting as opposed to passive waiting when the entity is blocked on some claim.Syntax: HOLD(e)- (parameter):

1. e the time to wait into the future, an offset not absolute.


= (ENTER (FUTURE cp’,(EV (Attrs⊕S) e) EL, BL, S)Interpretation: move the current process descriptor into the future by the current evaluation of e.Will return an error in e is negative.


Set the priority level of the current entity, used in resolving equality in event list, blocked list andsynchronisation lists.Syntax: PRIORITY(e)- (parameter):

1. e the level to set priority to -10000 to intMax.


= ( PD(c,lim(EV (Attrs⊕S) e), Body, Attrs, evt)::EL, BL, S)Interpretation: set the process priority to e evaluated in the current state, up to a limit of -10000imposed by the function lim. We need to create processes with lower priority to delay returns tothe completion of all activity in the current cycle.

7.3 DO

Repeat an action list a fixed number of times, a clearer form of for next loop, no ambiguity overvariable change during loop execution.Syntax: DO(e, acL)- (parameters):

1. e the number of times to execute the body, evaluated at the start;

2. acl the actions to execute.


= then exec(PD(c,pr,IDO(EV (Attrs⊕S) e,acL)@Body, Attrs, evt)::EL, BL, S)else exec(cp’::EL, BL, S)

Interpretation: evaluate the number of loops required and use the internal evaluated form.


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7.4 IDO

Internal form for evaluated version of above.Syntax: IDO(n, acL)- (parameters):

1. n a number of times to execute the body;

2. acl the actions to execute.


= if n>0then exec(PD(c,pr,acL@IDO(n-1,acL)@Body, Attrs, evt)::EL, BL, S)else exec(cp’::EL, BL, S)


1. if n>0: number of loops left to execute;

(a) true:exec(PD(c,pr,acL@Do(n-1,acL)@Body, Attrs, evt)::EL, BL, S) carry on executingthe body of the loop acL, then recheck the loop, then perform the rest of the entitiesactions;

(b) false: execute the next command.

8 Maintenance


Generate information about the state of the system. This has purely side effect in the form ofoutput, which is annotated with the current time, the supplied string and any parameters supplied.Syntax: TRACE(s, eL)- (parameters):

1. s a string with escapes. Currently has escape sequences:

(a) %v print out an expression from an expression list in order;

(b) %n print out current process name;

(c) %s print out current process syncs held;

(d) %r print out current process resources held;

2. el the expressions to evaluate for the %v substitutions in order.


= (cp’::EL, BL, S)Interpretation: do not change the state.

8.2 SEED

Set the main random number seed. Must be at the start, once random samplers are defined theyhave the own well seperated seeds generated from this one.Syntax: SEED(e)- (parameter):

1. e an expression which evaluates to a seed value.


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= let sv=EV (Attrs⊕S) e in| let S’)= UPDATE(seed,var,sv) S in

(EL’, BL, S’)Interpretation: set the random number seed to this value. Each time a randome number is neededfrom the system the following number generator is used

a = 16807.0m = 2147483647.0t := (a ∗ seed)

seed := t−m ∗ real(floor(t/m))

With seed having the new random value. By using this mod-congruence psuedo random se-quence generator and the standard log sample generators for the various supported theoretic dis-tributions it is possible to completely replicate the behaviour of the reference DEMOS-2000 imple-mentation in any other. Initially seed defaults to 120. In the section on sampling it is this functionthat is called to generate U. Slightly more formally

U S = cr:=LOOKUP (seed,var) St:=(a*cr)nr:=t -m * real(floor(t/m))UPDATE (seed,var,nr) Snr

So a call to the random function U ( we onit the S for brevity) has the side effect of advancingthe variable seed to the next number in the psuedo-random sequence. This is used to keep thesequences seperate for each distribution used within demos.


This simply stops execution elegantly. Formally it is an indication to the wrapper of the exec tostop. It has no effect on state and no parameters.

9 Auxiliary Semantic functions

To simplify the semantics many of the state maintenance functions were abstracted as they appearwithin more than one semantic rule.

9.1 Do assign

This function takes a name an value a local store and a global store if the name is a var in the localstore then it is updated else the global store is. Note an error will be returned if the name is foundin neither.

Do assign(n,v,Attrs,S) = if (n,vars) ∈ Attrs then (UPDATE(n,vars,v) Atrrs,S)else if (n,vars) ∈ S then (Attrs, UPDATE(n,vars,v) S)else error Unknown variable

9.2 doCond

We need to check a list of claim lists and action bodies in order to see if the claim can be met in thecurrent state. If it can then we need to know about resources and syncs that have been allocated


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to update the state of the calling process, otherwise we reach the end of the list and none of thecurrent claims can be met.

doCond(evt,pn,[], SP) = (false, SP, [])doCond(evt,pn,(fc,bd)::t,SP) = if checkL(fc,SP)

then let SP’=getResL(evt, pn, fc, SP)in (true, SP’, bd)

else doCond(evt,pn,t,SP)Explanation:

1. doCond(evt,pn,[],S)=(false, SP, []): reached the end of the list, no claim could be met, sostate is unchanged and no resources or syncs were allocated;

2. doCond(evt,pn,(fc,bd)::t,S): the current claim is bound to fc, and if it can be meet then weshould continue execution with bd;

3. if checkL(fc,S): can the current claim be met in the current state;

(a) true: let SP’ =getResL(evt, pn, fc, SP): work out the change to the state of making theclaims, return the new state, return (true, SP’, bd) denoting that firing was successful,the stores changed to SP’, and the action list to continue execution bd;

(b) false: try the next claim execution pair, doCond(evt,pn,t,SP) the store pair is un-changed.

checkL([],S) = truecheckL(h::t,S) = if checkReq(h,S) then checkL(t,S)

else falseExplanation: check that each request can be met, if any fail then the whole fails:

Predicate to test if an atomic claim can be met by a particular store state:checkReq(getR(n,e),(Attrs, S))

= LOOKUP(evalN (Attrs⊕S) n, res) S>=EV (Attrs⊕S) echeckReq(getB(n,e),(Attrs, S))

= length(LOOKUP(evalN (Attrs⊕S) n,bins) S)>= EV (Attrs⊕S) echeckReq(getBv(n,vL,cc),(Attrs, S))

= checkBVReq(LOOKUP(evalN(n,(Attrs,S)),bins) S), map (evalN (Attrs⊕S)) vL, cc,(Attrs,S))checkReq(getSv(n,vL,cc),(Attrs, S))

= checkSVReq(LOOKUP(evalN(n,(Attrs,S)),bins) S), map (evalN (Attrs⊕S)) vL,cc,(Attrs,S))checkReq(getS(n,e),(Attrs, S))

= length(LOOKUP(evalN (Attrs⊕S) n,syncs) S)>=EV (Attrs⊕S) echeckReq(be,(Attrs, S))

= BV (Attrs⊕S) becheckReq(anything else,S)

= error Non acquisition (getR, getB, getS, getBv ck(..) in testExplanation: for each of the claims use the store to compute if it can be met, in the case of theparameterised bins, get the current items waiting in the bin, compute the binding names for theparameters, and use a further predicate to examine whether any of the current entries can matchthe request.

Further predicate in the case of parameterised bins, basically see if we can find an item on whichthe check condition cc will evaluate true:

checkBVReq([],nvL,cc,(Attrs,S)) = falsecheckBVReq((bvl,rL,sL)::t,nvL,cc,(Atts,S)) = if BV bindL((Attrs,S),nvL,bvL) cc then true

else checkBVReq(t,nvL,cc,(Attrs,S));


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1. checkBVReq([],nvL,cc,(Attrs,S))=false: none of the bin items currently satisfy the predicate;

2. checkBVReq((bvl,sL,vL)::t,nvL,cc,(Attrs,S))=if BV bindL(Attrs⊕S,nvL,bvL) cc: extendthe store with the bindings implied by the bin claim, check the predicate:

3. then true: Ok found a satisfying bin item;

4. else checkBVReq(t,nvL,cc,(Attrs,S)): try the next item;

Extend a store with the bindings implied by the use of a parameterised bin:bindL(S,[],[]) = SbindL(S,vn::vt,bv::bt)=bindL(S++(vn,vars,bv),vt,bt)bindL(S,[],bv::bt) = errorbindL(S,vn::vt,[]) = error

Explanation: construct a new store using the variable and value lists to construct a sequence ofbindings.

Further predicate in the case of parameterised syncs, basically see if we can find an item onwhich the check condition cc will evaluate true:

checkSVReq([],nvL,cc,(Attrs,S)) = falsecheckSVReq((bvl, , )::t,nvL,cc,(Atts,S)) = if BV bindL((Attrs,S),nvL,bvL) cc then true

else checkSVReq(t,nvL,cc,(Attrs,S));Basically identical to checkBVReq except we need to project data out of a triple.

Given we have a condition that can be meet we need to update a store to reflect the changes,and also keep note of the resources and syncs that have been allocated in making this claim, sothey can be returned correctly at some later point. This semantic function essentially mirrors thecheck just performing the state changes:

getResL(evt,pn,[],SP) = SP’getResL(evt,pn,h::t,SP) = getResL(evt,pn,t,getReq(evt,pn,h,SP))

Explanation: do each of the atomic claims in turn, which cause the store to change, and resourcesor syncs to be allocated, accumulate all of the store changes and allocations and return them.

Performing an atomic resource allocation:


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getReq(evt,pn,getR(n,e),(Attrs,S))= let evn=evalN (Attrs⊕S) n

let v=EV (Attrs⊕S) ein (UPDATE(evn,res, LOOKUP(evn,res) Attrs +v) Attrs,

UPDATE(evn,res, LOOKUP(evn,res) S-v) S)getReq(evt,pn,getB(n,e),(Attrs,S))

= let evn=evalN (Attrs⊕S) nlet v=EV (Attrs⊕S) elet (bL,S’)=GETITEMS(env,bins,v) Sin (Attrs,S’)

getReq(evt,pn,getBv(n,vL,cc),(Attrs,S))= val evn=evalN (Attrs⊕S) n

val (aL, bvL, rL, sL, nBi)=getBVReq(LOOKUP(evn,bins) S, map evalN(Attrs⊕S) vL, cc, S, [])

(Attrs’, S’)=upDateBinV(evn, nBi, aL, rL, sL, (Attrs, S))in (Attrs’,S”)

getReq(evt,pn,getS(n,e),(Attrs,S))= let evn=evalN (Attrs⊕S) n

let v=EV (Attrs⊕S) elet val (syns,S’)=GETITEMS(evn,syncs,v) Slet val Attrs’=ADDITEMS(evn, syncs, v) Attrsin (Attrs’,S’)

getReq(evt,pn,getSv(n,vL,cc),(Attrs,S))= val evn=evalN (Attrs⊕S) n

val (syn,aL,nS)=getSVReq(LOOKUP(evn,syncs) S,map evalN(Attrs⊕S) vL,cc,S,[])S’ = UPDATE(evn,syncs,nS) S)(Attrs’, S”)=upDateSinV(evn,syn,nS,aL,(Attrs, S’))in (Attrs’,S”)

getReq(evt,pn,be,SP)= SP

getReq(evt,pn,others,SP)= error Non acquisition (getR, getB, getS, getBv ck(..) in get

Explanation: except for the parameterised gets, we update the store in the obvious fashion. Inthe case of the value bins, we use an auxiliary function to return the binding values and the binwithout the element which was captured. Similarly for the parametrised syncs.

Auxiliary function to get the bin bound values:getBVReq(bi::t,nvL,cc,bvl,Bi)

= if BV bindL((Attrs,S),nvL,bi) cc then (mkal(nvL,bi),Bi@t)else getBVReq(t,nvL,cc,bvl,Bi@[bi]));

Explanation: Search down the list of parameter bindings associated with the bin. There must bea satisfying match somewhere, when it is found, return the variables, the bind values and the binlist with this value set removed, but its order preserved.

Auxiliary function to get the sync bound values:getSVReq((h,bL,pd)::t,nvL,cc,bvl,S)

= if BV bindL((Attrs,S),nvL,h) cc then ((h,bL,pd),mkal(nvL,h),S@t)else getSVReq(t,nvL,cc,bvl,S@[(h,bL,pd)]));

Explanation: Search down the list of parameter bindings associated with the sync. There must be


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a satisfying match somewhere, when it is found, return the descriptor, variables, the bind valuesand the sync list with this value set removed, but its order preserved.

Auxiliary function to set the bin bound values:upDateBinV(bn, nBi,nAL, rL, sL,(Attrs, S))

= let val (Attrs’,S’)=putVarAL(nAL,(Attrs S))in ((map ADDITEMS sL (map ADDITEMS rL Attrs’)),(UPDATE (bn, nBi, bins) S)) end;

Explanation: Update the local and global state to reflect the changes imposed by the removing of avalue bin, and the bindings that the get requires. In particular add the passed syncs and resourcesto the current local attributes.

Auxiliary function to set bound values:putVarAL([],S) = SputVarAL((n,v)::t,S) = putVarAL(t,do assign(n,v,S))

Explanation: return the state obtained by performing a sequence of bindings. Auxiliary functionto set the bin bound values:

upDateSinV(sn,syn,nS,nAL,(Attrs, S))= let val (Attrs’,S’)=putVarAL(nAL,(Attrs S))

in ((UPDATE (sn,nS,syncs) S), UPDATE (sn,syn,SYNCS) Attrs’) end;Explanation: Update the local and global state to reflect the changes imposed by the removing ofa value bin, and the bindings that the get requires.

9.3 Promote

This is the auxiliary function that detects when a state change permits us to unblock an entitythat is waiting in the blocked list. We need to be careful about how we continue down the list inthe case that a claim still cannot be met. We can easily induce starvation if we do not take care.The basic point is that a blocked request for multiple resources should block all those for less thatwere blocked at a time after it started waiting. In the context of branches with differing requestswe stop if they overlap on any resource.

promote(b,evt,EL,BL,S) = val (PL, WL, S’)=first dep(b,evt,BL,[],S,[])in (map ENTER PL EL,WL,S’)

Explanation: the sub function first dep, returns a list of entities that have been reactivated PL,the resultant blocked list WL, and the new store S that has resulted from allowing the claims ofthe activated processes.

This function does the work, it scans the blocked list for the first waiting entity that couldbe reawakened by the assignment, checks to see if it can be awoken, and then checks if furtherexploration of the blocked list is necessary.


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first dep(b,evt,[],WL,S,PL) = (PL,WL,S)first dep(b,evt,PD(pn,pr,[],Attrs,et)::Bl,WL,S,PL)

= first dep(b,evt,Bl,WL@[PD(pn,pr,[],Attrs,et)],SP,PL)first dep(b,evt,PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,Attrs,et)::Bl,WL,S,PL)

= if depCond(b,Cond(l),(Attrs,S))then let (fire, (Attrs’,S’), fBody)=doCond(evt,pn,l,(Attrs,S))

in if firethen first dep(b, evt, Bl, WL, S’,

PL@[PD(pn,pr,fBody@Body,Attrs’,evt)])else if check(b)

then first dep(b, evt, Bl,WL@[PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,Attrs,et)], S,PL)

else (PL,WL@[PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,Attrs,et)]@Bl,S)else first dep(b,evt,Bl,

WL@[PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,Attrs,et)],S,PL)first dep(b,evt,PD(pn,pr,other::Body,aL,et)::Bl,WL,S,PL)

= error Blocked object has non leading cond actionExplanation:

1. first dep(b,evt,[],WL,S,PL)=(PL,WL,S): reached the end of the blocked list so return thecurrent promotion list, the remainder of the blocked list and the current store;

2. first dep(b,evt,PD(pn,pr,[],Attrs,et)::Bl,WL,S,PL): somehow an empty process descriptor hasgot here, so ignore it by returning first dep(b,evt,Bl,WL@[PD(pn,pr,[],Attrs,et)],S,PL), whichreinserts it at its current position in the blocked list;

3. first dep(b,evt,PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,Attrs,et)::Bl,WL,S,PL): we have a descriptor to checkwith a condition at its head;

4. if depCond(b,Cond(l),(Attrs,S)) does this blocked item depend on the assignment that hasjust taken place:

(a) true: let (fire, (Attrs’,S’), fBody)=doCond(evt,pn,l,(Attrs,S)) in if fire: as before wecheck if this conditional can fire and what are the consequences if it can

i. true: first dep(b, evt, Bl, WL, S’, PL@[PD(pn,pr,fBody@Body,Attrs,evt)]) continuechecking the blocked list to see if others can be fired, place this at the end of theenabled processes so we preserve order.

ii. false: else if check(b) we need to block if this was a return of resource, a Sync, or anormal bin, since a process dependent on that resource could not fire, so we mustwait for enough to accumulate, other wise it was a variable, or a failure of matchingon a bin value so we continue;A. true: first dep(b, evt, Bl, WL@[PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,Attrs,et)], S,PL) con-

tinue to attempt unblocking, note this process retains its position in the blockedlist;

B. false: (PL,WL@[PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,Attrs,et)]@Bl,S) stop checking nowand return the effects so far;

(b) false: first dep(b,evt,Bl, WL@[PD(pn,pr,Cond(l)::Body,aL,et)],S,PL) leave the currentitem where it is in the block list and try the next;


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5. error: normal form demands that blocked items start with a cond, so this cannot be here.

A sequence of predicates that inform as to whether a conditional is dependent of the assignmentthat has just taken place.

depCond(b,Cond([]), SP) = falsedepCond(b,Cond((reqr,rBd)::t), SP) = map deps b reqr SPorelse depCond(b,Cond(t),SP)depCond(b,other,s) = error Object has non leading cond action

Explanation: unwrap the claim body pairs so we can check if any of the claims is dependent onthis return.

deps putR(n,v) getR(m,w) SP = (n=evalN SP m)deps putB(n,v) getB(m,w) SP = (n=evalN SP m)deps putBS(n,v) getB(m,w) SP = (n=evalN SP m)deps putBS(n,v) getBv(m,pL,cc) SP = (n=evalN SP m)deps Sync(n) getS(m,v) SP = (n=evalN SP m)deps SyncV(n,exL,vL) getSv(m,vL,cc) SP = (n=evalN SP m)deps ass(v,ee) ck(e) SP = exp dep(e,v,SP)deps ass(v,ee) getBv(m,pL,cc) SP = exp dep(cc,vSP))deps ass(v,ee) getSv(m,pL,cc) SP = exp dep(cc,vSP))deps a1 a2 S = false

Explanation: check out the names, if they are the same, then true, otherwise false. The samerecursion is applied to boolean expressions and expressions, but omitted for brevity as it is standard.Note, the variable name in the assignment has been resolved to a fixed name before this point isreached.

9.4 cBL

This is essentially the same as the dependency check immediately above except that instead of beingan assignment we are matching against a claim list. A predicate that examines mutual dependencebetween a claim list and the blocked objects.

cBL(gcl,[],s) = falsecBL(gcl,PD( ,pr,b:: ,ls, )::t,(st,ilst)) = cdepFC(gcl,b,(st,ilst),(st,ls)) orelse cBL(gcl,t,(st,ilst))cBL(gcl,h::t,s) = error empty action list inside cond - unreachable

Explanation: check out the leading conditionals of each of the blocked entities in turn, note thelocal state may be needed to resolve names.

cdepFC(Cond([]), , SP,SP1) = falsecdepFC(Cond(h::t),Cond(Cl),SP,SP1) = checkCondL(filterConds(h::t),filterConds(Cl),SP,SP1)cdepFC( ,Cl,SP,SP1) = error(”Object has non leading cond action”)

Explanation: if none of the current requirements intersects with this blocked process then wecan continue. Check each in turn until none is left. Normal form demands that this must be aconditional action. Also a boolean test can never cause starvation by being evaluated so these arefiltered out.

checkCondL([], ,SP,SP1) = truecheckCondL(([], )::t, ,SP,SP1) = falsecheckCondL((rql, )::t,cl,SP,SP1) = if checkConds(rql,cl,SP,SP1)

then checkCondL(t,cl,SP,SP1)else false

Explanation: for each of the claims in the list see if it collides with the blocked list, all of them mustcollide with at least one of the competitor for this to block. Basically if their is one free branchthen that may fire, we cannot be starving the competitor if it does not compete with that branch.


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checkConds(rql,[],SP,SP1) = falsecheckConds(rql,(rql1, )::t,SP,SP1) = if csbL(rql,rql1,[],SP,SP1)

then true else checkConds(rql,t,SP,SP1)Explanation: check that there is at least one branch in the potential competitor for which ourrequirements are a strict subset. We can only starve something if we use less than they do!

csbL([],[],[],SP,SP1) = falsecsbL([],[],h::t,SP,SP1) = truecsbL(h::t,[], ,SP,SP1) = falsecsbL([],h::t, ,SP,SP1) = truecsbL(h::t,h1::t1,L1,SP,SP1) = if c deps(h,h1,SP,SP1)

then csbL(t,L1@t1,[],SP,SP1)else csbL(h::t,t1,h1::L1,SP,SP1)

If we manage to discharge all of the first requirements as competing against something in thesecond, and there are some requirements in the second that are not ’cancelled out’. Then we havea proper subset with all of the requirements competing.

c deps getR(n,v),getR(m,v1) SP SP1 = (evalN SP n=evalN SP1 m)c deps getB(n,v),getB(m,v1) SP SP1 = (evalN SP n=evalN SP1 m)c deps getBv(n,bl,cc),getB(m,v1)SP SP1 = (evalN SP n=evalN SP1 m)c deps getB(n,v1) getBv(m,bl,cc)SP SP1 = (evalN SP n=evalN SP1 m)c deps getS(n,v) getS(m,v1) SP SP1 = (evalN SP n=evalN SP1 m)c deps v be SP SP1 = falsec deps other other1 SP SP1 = false

Explanation: if names match then we are co-dependent, unless its an assignment. Note, that itemsfrom parameter bins and value syncs do not cause dependency. In order to check this we would needto resolve the side condition and check that it is overlapping. So we take the view that evaluationcarries on, as this will cause incorrect blockage if two entities are waiting on distinct value patterns.

filterConds([]) = []filterConds((reql,cl)::t) = (filterCond(reql),cl)::filterConds(t)

filterCond([]) = []filterCond(ck(e)::t)=filterCond(t)filterCond(a::t)=a::filterCond(t)

Explanation: if a requirement is a conditional then remove it as it cannot be the cause of starvation.

9.5 removeR

Update the store associated with an entity to remove resources.removeR(n,v,PD(pn,pr,body,attrs,evt))

= if not(MEMBER(n,res) attrs)then error Process pn does have any resource nlet v1=LOOKUP(n,res) attrsin if v>v1 then error Process pn does not own v of resource nPD(pn,pr,body,UPDATE(n,res,v1-v) attrs,evt)

Explanation: find out whether we know about this resource, or have enough to free the amount westate we can. If either are untrue then raise an error, otherwise update the store and return theamended process descriptor.

need to evaluate resource lists when we hand them over in bins:


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= (evalN Attrs ⊕Sn, floor(EV Attrs⊕S amt)::evalRL(t,(Attrs,S)and update the process notice to take account of handed on resources:removeRL([],cp)=cp—removeRL((id,v)::t,cp)

= removeRL(t,removeR(id,v,cp))

9.6 removeS

Update the store associated with an entity to remove syncsremoveS(n,v,PD(pn,pr,body,attrs,evt))

= if not(MEMBER(n,syncs) attrs)then error Process pn does have any sync nlet v1=length(LOOKUP(n,syncs) attrs)in if v>v1 then error Process pn does not own v of sync nlet (fp,attrs’)=GETITEMS(n,syncs,v) attrsin (map (makeTime evt) (map val3 fp),PD(pn,pr,body,attrs’,evt))

Explanation: find out whether we know about this sync, or have enough to free the amount westate we can. If either are untrue then raise an error, otherwise update the store and return thefreed entities and the amended process descriptor. As the sync descriptors are triples we mustproject out the process descriptor part.

Update the store associated with an entity to remove value syncsremoveSv(n,vals,PD(pn,pr,body,attrs,evt))

= if not(MEMBER(n,syncs) attrs)let val ([(vL,bL,prd)], attrs’)=GETITEMS(1,syncs,v) attrs inlet val prd’=putAttrs(putVarAL(mkal(bL,vals)) getAttrs prd)in (makeTime prd’ evt,PD(pn,pr,body,attrs’,evt))

Explanation: get the sync record and update the attributes in the current entity. Update the localvariables in the deslaved entity to reflect the binding implied by the return values. Finally, makethe current time of the promoted process the current event time, and return a pair consisting ofthe deslaved entity, and the current entity but with this sync element removed.

We may need to do a list of these when we hand a synced process on within a bin.removeSL([],cp,sl)=(cp,sL)—removeSL(nm::t,cp,sl)

= val ((rL,idL,sp),cp’)=remBSL(nm,cp)in removeSL(t,cp’,addSync(nm,rL,idL,sp,sl))

removing the body of a sync from a process notice:remBSL(n,PD(pn,pr,body(rL,sL,LV),evt))

= val (syn,sL’)=DremBSL(pn,n,sL)in (syn,PD(pn,pr,body,(rL,sL’,LV),evt))

and finally getting the sync from the sync list:DremBSL(pn,n,[]))=error ”pn doesn’t own any n”DremBSL(pn,n,(n1,pl)::t))

= if n=n1then if length(pl)¡1 error ”pn does not own enough n”else val rs::ral=pl in (rs,(n,ral)::t)else val (rs,rl)=DremBSL(pn,n,t) in (rs,(n1,pl)::rl)


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9.7 getBody

Basically this takes a class name, a list of parameter instantiations and a store. The idea is toget the formal parameter list from the class definition in the store and then replace the formalparameter name throughout.

getBody(cn,pil,S) = let (pl,bd)=LOOKUP(cn,class) Sin doSuB(bd,pl,pil,cn)end;

Explanation: get the parameter list and class body from the store form a substitution list of pairs,of names and replacements and then apply it throughout the body of the entity.

doSub(bd,[],[],cn) = bddoSub(bd,[],h:: ,cn) = error too few parameters in use of cndoSub(bd,h:: ,[],cn) = error too many parameters in use of cndoSub(bd,pn::pt,(fs ”s”)::pit,cn) = doSub(SubA(bd,pn,s,cn),pt,pit,cn)doSub(bd,pn::pt,(fixe vl)::pit,cn) = doSub(SubV(bd,pn,v,cn),pt,pit,cn)doSub(bd,pn::pt,(ps )::pit,cn) = error unevaluated paramter in cn (shouldn’t get here)

Explanation: take a parameter name and a replacement string and substitute the replacement forthe parameter throughout the body of a class defintion. We can define the effect of substitutionover the syntax of the DEMOS language as follows:


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subA(Class(nm,pl,bd),p,s) = Class(sub eN(nm,p,s),subsL(pl,p,s),subAL(bd,p,s))subA(Entity(enm,cnm,pl,det,rL,sL),p,s)

= Entity(sub eN(p,s) enm ,sub eN(p,s) cnm,map sub eN(p,s) pl,sub e(p,s) det, map sub R(p,s) rL,map sub eN sL)

subA(Res(N,e),p,s) = Res(sub eN(p,s) N,sub e(p,s) e)subA(Bin(N,e),p,s) = Bin(sub eN(p,s) N,sub e (p,s) e)subA(Sync(N),p,s) = Sync(sub eN(p,s) N)subA(Var(N,ee),p,s) = Var(sub eN(p,s) N,sub e (p,s) ee)subA(LVar(N,ee),p,s) = LVar(N,sub eN(p,s) ee)subA(Cons(N,ee),p,s) = Cons(sub eN(p,s) N,sub e(p,s) ee)subA(HOLD(dt),p,s) = HOLD(sub e(dt,p,s))subA(TRACE(s,eL),p,s) = TRACE(s,sub eL(eL,p,s))subA(PRIORITY(ee),p,s) = PRIORITY(sub eN(p,s) ee)subA(CLOSE,p,s) = CLOSEsubA(DO(e,L),p,s) = DO(sub eN(p,s) e,subAL(L,p,s))subA(DO(n,L),p,s) = DO(n,subAL(L,p,s))subA(While(L1,L2),p,s) = While(subAL(L1,p,s),subAL(L2,p,s))subA(getR(R,e),p,s) = getR(sub eN(p,s) R,sub e(p,s) e)subA(putR(R,e),p,s) = putR(sub eN(p,s) R,sub e(p,s) e)subA(getB(R,e),p,s) = getB(sub eN(p,s) R,sub e(p,s) e)subA(putB(R,e),p,s) = putB(sub eN(p,s) R,sub e(p,s) e)subA(getS(R,e),p,s) = getS(sub eN(p,s) R,sub e(p,s) e)subA(putS(R,e),p,s) = putS(sub eN(p,s) R,sub e(p,s) e)subA(getBv(R,idL,be),p,s) = getBv(sub eN(p,s) R,map sub eN(p,s) idL,sb b(be,p,s))subA(getSv(R,idL,be),p,s) = getSv(sub eN(p,s) R,map sub eN(p,s) idL,sb b(be,p,s))subA(putBS(R,eeL,rL,sL),p,s) = putBS(sub eN(p,s) R, map sub e(p,s) eeL,

map sub R(p,s) rL, map sub eN(p,s) sL)subA(putSv(R,eeL),p,s) = putSv(sub eN(p,s) R,map sub e(p,s) eeL)subA(be,p,s) = sb b(p,s) besubA(ass(V,e),p,s) = ass(sub eN(V,p,s),sub e(p,s) e)subA(Req(L),p,s) = Req(subAL(L,p,s))subA(Cond(L),p,s) = Cond(subCAL(L,p,s))subAL([],p,s) = []subAL(h::t,p,s) = subA(h,p,s)::subAL(t,p,s)subCAL([],p,s) = []subCAL((c,bdy)::t,p,s) = (subAL(c,p,s),subAL(body,p,s))::subCAL(t,p,s)

and defining substitution within names as follows:sub eN(p,s1) (fs s) = if p=s then fs s1 else fs ssub eN(p,s1) (ps (s,pl)) = if p=s then ps (s1 , map sub e (p,s) pl)

and in resource pairs sub R(p,s) (rn,ramt) = (sub eN(p,s) rn,sub e(p,s) ramt)for brevity we allow ourselves to use op to range over arbitrary operators in both the boolean

and the expression syntax. We use variables starting with e and b to distinguish expressions andboolean terms repsectively. Hence we can define the substitution functions with respect to justthose parts of the syntax dependant on variable names , distinguished by a Vi in the case ofexpressions and Boi for booleans denoting an expression type:


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sub e(p,s1) Vi( en ) = Vi(sub eN (p,s1) en)sub e(p,s1) op(e1,e2) = op(sub e(p,s1) e1,sub e(p,s1) e2)sub b(p,s1) op(e1) = op(sub e(p,s1) e1)sub b(p,s1) op(e1,e2) = op(sub e(p,s1) e1,sub e(p,s1) e2)sub b(p,s1) op(b1) = op(sub b(p,s1) b1)sub b(p,s1) op(b1,b2) = op(sub b(p,s1) b1,sub b(p,s1) b2)

Explanation: we recurse down the syntax until we hit an id, which is either a fixed string or a stringwith parameters, if the string matches a string in the substitution list it is replaced otherwise it isleft unchanged.Explanation: take a parameter name and a replacement value and substitute the replacement forthe parameter throughout the body of a class defintion. Notice this is only valid as replacement fora parameter in an expression, not in a name. So it must raise an error if the substitution occurs inan illegal position.

We can define the effect of substitution over the syntax of the DEMOS language as follows:


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subV(Class(nm,pl,bd),p,s) = Class(sub eVN(nm,p,s),subsL(pl,p,s),subVL(bd,p,s))subV(Entity(enm,cnm,pl,det),p,s)

= Entity(sub eVN(p,s) enm ,sub eVN(p,s) cnm, map sub eVN(p,s) pl,sub ve(p,s) det, map sub vR(p,s) rL,map sub eVN(p,s) sL)

subV(Res(N,e),p,s) = Res(sub eVN(p,s) N,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(Bin(N,e),p,s) = Bin(sub eVN(p,s) N,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(Sync(N),p,s) = Sync(sub eVN(p,s) N)subV(Var(N,ee),p,s) = Var(sub eVN(p,s) N,sub ve(p,s) ee)subV(LVar(N,ee),p,s) = LVar(N,sub eVN(p,s) ee)subV(Cons(N,ee),p,s) = Cons(sub eVN(p,s) N,sub ve(p,s) ee)subV(HOLD(dt),p,s) = HOLD(sub e(dt,p,s))subV(TRACE(s,eL),p,s) = TRACE(s,sub eL(eL,p,s))subV(PRIORITY(ee),p,s) = PRIORITY(sub eVN(p,s) ee)subV(CLOSE,p,s) = CLOSEsubV(DO(e,L),p,s) = DO(sub eVN(p,s) e,subVL(L,p,s))subV(DO(n,L),p,s) = DO(n,subVL(L,p,s))subV(While(L1,L2),p,s) = While(subVL(L1,p,s),subVL(L2,p,s))subV(getR(R,e),p,s) = getR(sub eVN(p,s) R,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(putR(R,e),p,s) = putR(sub eVN(p,s) R,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(getB(R,e),p,s) = getB(sub eVN(p,s) R,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(putB(R,e),p,s) = putB(sub eVN(p,s) R,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(getS(R,e),p,s) = getS(sub eVN(p,s) R,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(putS(R,e),p,s) = putS(sub eVN(p,s) R,sub ve(p,s) e)subV(getBv(R,idL,be),p,s) = getBv(sub eVN(p,s) R,map sub eVN(p,s) idL,sb vb(be,p,s))subV(getSv(R,idL,be),p,s) = getSv(sub eVN(p,s) R,map sub eVN(p,s) idL,sb vb(be,p,s))subV(putBS(R,eeL,rl,sL),p,s) = putBS(sub eVN(p,s) R, map sub ve(p,s) eeL,

map sub vR(p,s) rL, map sub eVN(p,s) sL)subV(putSv(R,eeL),p,s) = putSv(sub eVN(p,s) R,map sub ve(p,s) eeL)subV(be,p,s) = sb b(p,s) besubV(ass(V,e),p,s) = ass(sub eVN(V,p,s),sub ve(p,s) e)subV(Req(L),p,s) = Req(subVL(L,p,s))subV(Cond(L),p,s) = Cond(subCVL(L,p,s))subVL([],p,s) = []subVL(h::t,p,s) = subV(h,p,s)::subVL(t,p,s)subCVL([],p,s) = []subCVL((c,bdy)::t,p,s) = (subVL(c,p,s),subVL(body,p,s))::subCVL(t,p,s)

Check substitution in most names, can only change expressions, not names.sub eVN(p,s1) (fs s) = error trying to substitute expression for name ssub eVN(p,s1) (ps (s,pl)) = if p=s then error trying to substitute expression for name s

else ps (s , map sub ve (p,s) pl)sub eVN(p,s1) (fixe e) = fixe(sub ve (p,s) e)

and in resource pairssub vR(p,s) (rn,ramt) = (sub eVN(p,s) rn,sub ve(p,s) ramt)

For brevity we allow ourselves to use op to range over arbitrary operators in both the booleanand the expression syntax. We use variables starting with e and b to distinguish expressions andboolean terms repsectively. Hence we can define the substitution functions with respect to justthose parts of the syntax dependant on variable names , distinguished by a Vi in the case of


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expressions and Boi for booleans denoting an expression type:sub ve(p,s1) Vi( en ) = if sub veN(p,s1) en then s1 else sub eVN(p,s1) ensub ve(p,s1) op(e1,e2) = op(sub ve(p,s1) e1,sub ve(p,s1) e2)sub vb(p,s1) op(e1) = op(sub ve(p,s1) e1)sub vb(p,s1) op(e1,e2) = op(sub ve(p,s1) e1,sub ve(p,s1) e2)sub vb(p,s1) op(b1) = op(sub vb(p,s1) b1)sub vb(p,s1) op(b1,b2) = op(sub vb(p,s1) b1,sub vb(p,s1) b2)

Explanation: we recurse down the syntax until we hit an id, which is either a fixed string or astring with parameters. If we match the string in a variable name we can replace it by the givenexpression, otherwise we continue checking the parameters if the name term is of that form.

10 DisC

This function constructs the seperate seed for each distribution so that they are well seperated:DisC S (geo(e)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (geo(e)))DisC S (nege(e)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (nege(e)))DisC S (Poisson(e)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (Poisson(e)))DisC S (bin(e1,e2)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (bin(e1,e2)))DisC S (Normal(e1,e2)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (Normal(e1,e2)))DisC S (wei(e1,e2)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (wei(e1,e2)))DisC S (Erl(e1,e2)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (Erl(e1,e2)))DisC S (Uni(e1,e2)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (Uni(e1,e2)))DisC S (Puni(e1,e2)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (Puni(e1,e2)))DisC S (Pud(l)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (Pud(l)))DisC S (Cud(l)) = DisPtr(DisAdd S (Cud(l)))DisC S (fix(n)) = fix(n)DisC S (rfix(n)) = rfix(n)DisC S (rnd(e)) = rnd(DisC S (e))DisC S (plus(e1,e2)) = plus(DisC S (e1),DisC S (e2))DisC S (times(e1,e2)) = times(DisC S (e1),DisC S (e2))DisC S (minus(e1,e2)) = minus(DisC S (e1),DisC S (e2))DisC S (divide(e1,e2)) = divide(DisC S (e1),DisC S (e2))DisC S (Vi(n)) = Vi(DisNC S (n))DisC S (DisPtr(e)) = error (”distribution abstraction name” e)

This function puts in a pointer to the distribution into the expression, this allows us to storethe distrbution with its appropriate seed and sample count whilst still having standard expressions.Notice we use the issue number of the distribution as its reference name.

DisAdd S e = dn=LOOKUP (disNum,var) Sdo 10000 UUPDATE (dn,dist,(e,LOOKUP (seed,var) S ,0)) SUPDATE (disNum,var,dn+1) Sdn

Create a triple in the store of the distribution expression, its assigned random seed and the factit has not been sampled yet.

DisNC S (fs s) = fs sDisNC S (ps (s,pl)) = ps(s, map DisC S pl)DisNC S (fixp e) = fixp (DisC S e)

Convert parameters in the obvious fashion.


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11 Probability distributions

The function sample(dis(p̃)) simple redirects the evaluation to one of the probability distributionfunctions detailed below. These are all standard from the literature [7] but for completeness wepresent the algorithms here. All of them a based on a uniform psuedo random sample U ∈ [0, 1]

Geometric Distribution

The following computes a geometric sample from a U .Geo(mean) = floor(log(U)/log(1-1/mean))

Negative Exponential Distribution

The following computes a negative exponential sample from a U .nege(mean) = -mean*log(U)

Erlang Distribution

The following computes an Erlang using an internal function.Erli(0,mean,k) = 0Erli(k,mean,t) = nege(mean/t)+Erl(k-1,mean,t)Erl(k,mean) = Erli(k,mean,k)

Normal Distribution

The following computes a normal from U via an internal function. It is slightly less efficient thanit may be, but avoids imperative features.

nbs() = let val (V1,V2)=(2U-1,2U-1)let val S=V12 + V22

in if S>1 then nbs() else (V1,S)and we can generate a normal sample using the above.normal(mean,sigma) = let val (V,S)=nbs()

let val X=V(-2*log(s)/s)1/2

in sigma*X + mu

Poisson Distribution

The following computes a poisson using the negative exponential:poisi(itr,total,mu) = let val nt=total+nexp(1/mu)

in if nt≥ 1 then itr-1 else poisi(itr+1,nt,mu)poisson(mu) = poisi(0,0,mu)

Binomial Distribution

The following computes a binomial distribution:bern(p) = if U≤p then 1 else 0bin(n,p) = bern(p) + bin(n-1,p)


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Weibull Distribution

The following computes a geometric from a U .Wei(a,b) = b*log(1-U)(1/a)

Point user distribution

A distribution over distinct values supplied as a list of (prob,data) pairs:dis samp(r,[]) = error underspecified distributiondis samp(r,(prob,data)::t) = if r≤0 then data

if r≤prob then dataelse dis samp(r-prob,t)

Puni(dis) = dis samp(U,dis)

Continuous user distribution

A distribution over distinct values supplied as a hull of (prob,data) pairs, where prob is the cum-mulative probability up to point data:

cdis samp(r,pp,pprob,[]) = error underspecified distributioncdis samp(r,pp,pprob(prob,data)::t) = if r≤0 then pp

if r≤prob then pp +(r-pprob)*(data-pp)/(prob-pprob)else cdis samp(r,data,prob,t)

Cuni(dis) = cdis samp(U,0,0,dis)

12 Comments on Notation

A more conventional presentation of an operational semantics is the use of a natural deductionstyle presentation as in Plotkin’s SOS [11]. Semantics would be presented as follows:

< C, σ >→ σ′ < C ′, σ′ >→ σ′′

< C;C ′, σ >→ σ′′

with < C, σ > being our semantic function. In the presence of conditions this form of presentationrequires that we present a rule for each possible outcome hence we would have to render oursemantics for While as follows:

cBL(Cond[(acqL,wB)],BL,S)C(PD(cn, pr,While(acqL,wB) :: Body, attrs, evt) :: EL,BL,S)→ (PD(cn, pr,Body, attrs, evt) :: EL,BL,S)

not(cBL(Cond[(acqL,wB)],BL,S) doCond(evt, c, [(acqL,wB)],S)→ (true,S′, asR, asP )C(PD(cn, pr,While(acqL,wB) :: Body, attrs, evt) :: EL,BL,S)→(PD(cn, pr, wB@Body, atAdd(asR, asP, attrs), evt) :: EL,BL,S′)

not(cBL(Cond[(acqL,wB)],BL,S) doCond(evt, c, [(acqL,wB)],S)→ (false, , , )C(PD(cn, pr,While(acqL,wB) :: Body, attrs, evt) :: EL,BL,S)→(PD(cn, pr,Body, atAdd(asR, asP, attrs), evt) :: EL,BL,S)

So in this presentation each of the three clauses in the conditional is expressed as a separaterule, as would be the clauses in the initial switch within our presentation. Since this presentationis substantially hard to read than our more functional style we retain it. We leave it as an exerciseto the determined logician to map our semantic functions into this style.


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13 Conclusions

An operational semantics has two major uses:

1. to precisely specify the behavior of the system, and hence disambiguate its response for anyparticular user;

2. provides a template against which any implementor of the system can validate their imple-mentation for correctness.

To validate a particular implementation we should proceed as follows:

1. we have a representation of the system state within our implementation, given by a tuple(s1, s2, . . . , sn)

2. we provide and invertible function Φ which maps from the tuples to the operational states ofthe demos system Φ(s1, s2, . . . , sn) =(EL,BL,S);

3. for each state change within the implementation (s1, s2, . . . , sn) ⇒ (s′1, s′2, . . . , s

′n) we observe

(EL,BL,S) ⇒ (EL’,BL’,S’) and demonstrate that (s′1, s′2, . . . , s

′n) = Φ−1(EL’,BL’,S’).

The above methodology allows us to move from inefficient but clear representations of data,and system state to efficient ones whilst maintaining the correctness of the implementation. Hencethe reason that we have not expended great effort in specifying efficient representations of store,blocked processes or live processes within the semantic presentation of DEMOS.

We have also defined how random numbers are to be generated. Hence, despite the apparentpresence of randomness, it is possible not merely to have an execution in an alternate implementa-tion that is simple, but is in fact identical. This is of great importance when qualifying simulatorswhose results can have major economic implications.


[1] G. Birtwistle, O-J Dahl, B. Myhrhaug and K. Nygaard, Simula Begin, 2nd Edition, Studentlit-eratur, Lund, Sweden, 1979.

[2] G. Birtwistle, DEMOS — discrete event modelling on Simula. Macmillen, 1979.

[3] G. Birtwistle and C. Tofts, An Operational Semantics of Process-Orientated Simulation Lan-guages: Part I πDemos, Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation, 10(4):299-333.

[4] G. Birtwistle and C. Tofts, An Operational Semantics of Process-Orientated Simulation Lan-guages: Part II µDemos. Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation, 11(4), 303-336.

[5] G. Birtwistle and C. Tofts, A Denotational Semantics for a Process-Based Simulation Lan-guage, ACM ToMaCS, 281 - 305:8(3), 1998.

[6] G. Birtwistle and C. Tofts, Relating operational and denotational descriptions of πDemos,Simulation Practice and Theory, 5:1-33 (1997).

[7] R. Jain, The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis Techniques for ExperimentalDesign, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling John Wiley & Sons, 1991.


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[8] R. Milner, Calculi for Synchrony and Asynchrony, Theoretical Computer Science 25(3), pp267-310, 1983.

[9] R. Milner, Communication and Concurrency, Prentice Hall, 1990.

[10] R. Milner, M, Tofte, D. MacQueen & R. Harper. Definition of Standard ML. The MIT press,1997.

[11] G. D. Plotkin. A Structural Approach to Operational Semantics. Research Report DAIMIFN–19, Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, Denmark, 1981.

[12] R. de Simone Higher-level synchronising devices in Meije- SCCS. Transactions in ComputerScience 37, 245-267 (1985).

14 Summary of Semantic functions

We present the domain and range of each of the semantic functions to help in understanding thesemantics:


Function Domain Range∈ (name,type) ×store boolLOOKUP (name,type) ×store val:typeDELETE (name,type) ×store storeUPDATE (name,type,val) ×store storeADDITEMS (name,type, val list) ×store storeGETITEMS (name,type) ×store (val:type list) ×store⊕ store ×store storeADDPrITEM (name,type, val list) ×projF ×store storemk av store store→ store * store store

Event notices and lists

Function Domain RangeevTime evNote timepPri evNote prioritypName evNote namefuture evNote ×time evNoteENTER evNote ×(evNote list) evNote listBENTER projF evNote ×(evNote list) evNote listgetAttrs evNote storesetAttrs evNote ×store evNoteremoveR name ×val ×evNote evNoteremoveRL (name, int) list ×evNote evNoteremoveS name ×val ×evNote (evNote list) ×evNoteremoveSL name list ×evNote (evNote list) ×evNoteremoveSv name ×(val list) ×evNote evNote ×evNote


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Expression Evaluation

Function Domain RangeEV store →expression valEC store →expression valBV store →bool expression boolevalN store →name string

Conditional Evaluation

The functions that decide whether an acquisition request can be met:Function Domain RangedoCond time ×evNote ×(cond list) ×store bool ×store ×(action list)cBL action ×(evNote list) ×store boolcheckL action list ×store boolcheckReq action ×store boolgetResL action list ×store storegetReq action ×store storecdepFC action ×(evNote list) ×store ×store boolcheckCondL (action list ×evNote list) list

×(action list ×evNote list) list×store ×store boolcheckConds action list ×(action list ×evNote list) list

×store ×store boolcsbl action list ×action list ×action list ×store ×store boolc deps action →action ×store ×store boolfilterConds action list action list


The functions that decide whether a promotion has taken place:Function Domain Rangepromote action ×time ×(evNote list) ×(evNote list) ×store (evNote list) ×(evNote list) ×storefirst dep action ×time ×(evNote list) (evNote list) ×(evNote list) ×store

×(evNote list) ×store ×(evNote list)depCond action ×action ×store booldeps action →action →store bool

Distribution abstraction

The functions creat the well seperated seeds for each distribution:Function Domain RangeDisC store → expression expressionDisNC store → name nameDisAdd expression DisId

Class Parameter Substitution

The functions that substitute parameters in class declarations:


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Function Domain RangegetBody name ×(param list) ×store (action list)doSub (action list) ×(string list) ×(param list) ×name action listSubA (action list) ×string ×string ×name action listSubV (action list) ×string ×expression ×name action listsub e (string ×string) →expression expressionsub b (string ×string) →bool expression bool expressionsub eN (string ×string) →name namesub eVN (string ×expression) →name namesub R (string ×expression) →(name, expression) (name, expression)sub veN (string ×expression) ra name boolsub ve (string ×expression) →expression expressionsub vb (string ×expression) →bool expression bool expressionsub vR (string ×expression) →(name, expression) (name, expression)

Command Evaluation

The top semantic function:Function Domain Range=⇒ (evNote list) ×(evNote list) ×store (evNote list) ×(evNote list) ×store