operations and maintenance manuals standard specifications

Design Standards Operations and Maintenance Manuals Standard Specifications

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Page 1: Operations and Maintenance Manuals Standard Specifications

Design Standards

Operations and Maintenance Manuals

Standard Specifications

Page 2: Operations and Maintenance Manuals Standard Specifications

Icon Water Limited Standard Specification - O&M Manuals

Document Authorisation

Author: Principal Engineer Infrastructure Standards Development



Checked by: Manager Water Asset Planning Signed:


Approved by: Group Manager Water Signed:


Document Revision Control

Version Description of Revision Person Making Issue Date Approval

1 Treatment standard Mark Hendy 21Oct09

2 Draft corporate standard Veronica Gallagher 1Jun10


Draft corporate standard revised maintenance manual requirements by Treatment Branch

Mark Hendy Aug2013

3b Draft corporate standard revised by Treatment Branch

Ian Bruce 20Sep12

4a Issued for review after ACTEW restructure including review comments

Denis Baker, Mark Hendy, Cameron Patrick, Teresa Morey, Caroline Walters, Andrew Foster, Ben Bryant, Alan Talbot, Paul Johnston


4b For reviewer workshop Denis Baker 20Nov13

4c As amended during reviewer workshop

Denis Baker, Mark Hendy, Daniel Byrnes, Cameron Patrick, Teresa Morey, Caroline Walters, Alan Talbot, Paul Johnston, Brendan McAvoy, Tim Elliott, Brett Parsons


5 Clean version for approval Denis Baker 2Dec13

6 Hyperlinks inserted Denis Baker 7Jan14

7 Reference 3 updated and hyperlinks reestablished

Denis Baker 10Feb15

© Icon Water Limited. This publication is copyright and contains information that is the property of Icon Water Limited. It may be reproduced for the purposes of use while engaged on ACTEW commissioned projects. Disclaimer This document has been prepared for Icon Water Limited and is used for its purposes. No warranty is given as to its suitability for any other purpose.

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ACTEW Standard Specification - O&M Manuals

Contents Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. iv 1. Purpose .............................................................................................................. 1 2. Application .......................................................................................................... 1 3. Scope ................................................................................................................. 1 4. Responsibilities ................................................................................................... 1

4.1. Group Manager Water ......................................................................................... 1 4.2. Manager Regulation Compliance and Quality ..................................................... 1 4.3. Manager Water Operations ................................................................................. 1 4.4. Manager Water Asset Planning ........................................................................... 2 4.5. Water Network Operations Personnel ................................................................. 2 4.6. Maintenance Personnel ....................................................................................... 2 4.7. Project Manager................................................................................................... 2 4.8. Equipment Suppliers ............................................................................................ 3

5. Structure Style and Content of Manuals .............................................................. 3 5.1. Structure .............................................................................................................. 3 5.2. Styles ................................................................................................................... 4 5.3. Content Preparation ............................................................................................. 4 5.4. Manual Identification ............................................................................................ 5 5.5. Table of Contents ................................................................................................ 5 5.6. Volume 1 - Facility Specific Information .............................................................. 6 5.7. Volume 2 - Operations Manual ............................................................................ 7

5.7.1. Volume 2 Chapters 7 5.7.2. Operations Manual - Electronic file naming 9 5.7.3. Bookmarks and Hyperlinks 9 5.7.4. Cross Referencing Hyperlinks 11

5.8. Volume 3 - Maintenance Manual ....................................................................... 11 5.8.1. Maintenance Manual General Requirements 11 5.8.2. Maintenance Manual - Electronic copy 11 5.8.3. Electronic filenames 13 5.8.4. Maintenance Manual - Hardcopy 14 5.8.5. Maintenance Manual - Hardcopy Index 15 5.8.6. Volume 3 Chapters 16

5.9. Volume 4 - Appendices ...................................................................................... 20 6. Definitions ......................................................................................................... 21 7. References ....................................................................................................... 22 Appendix A: Work Method Statements ..................................................................... 23

A.1 Operating Procedures ........................................................................................ 23 A.2 Component Maintenance Plan template and example ..................................... 23

Appendix B: Text Styles ............................................................................................ 24

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ACTEW means Icon Water Limited under the business name of ACTEW Water

HACCP means hazard and critical control point

PDF means portable document format

P&ID means process and instrumentation drawing

PLC means programmable logic controller

SCADA means supervisory control and data acquisition

WAE means works as executed

WMS means work method statement

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1. Purpose

The purpose of this standard specification is to detail the requirements for:

1. the preparation;

2. the provision;

3. the maintenance; and

4. the control

of operations and maintenance manuals for facilities in the Water Network of ACTEW


2. Application

This standard specification applies to all operations and maintenance manuals for the

Water Network of ACTEW Water. This standard specification applies to ACTEW

personnel, contract personnel engaged by ACTEW, developers including their

consultants and construction contractors contracted to handover assets to ACTEW,

operations contractors engaged by ACTEW and maintenance contractors engaged by


3. Scope

The scope of this standard specification has been developed to provide a standard

framework (including structure and content) for the preparation and provision of

operations and maintenance manuals. The scope of the assets covered includes new

assets and renewal assets. The scope of this standard specification also covers

amendments of existing manuals.

4. Responsibilities

4.1. Group Manager Water

The Group Manager Water shall be responsible for approval of this standard

specification and any amendments to it.

4.2. Manager Regulation Compliance and Quality

The Manager Regulation Compliance and Quality shall be responsible for:

1. Ensuring that the quality framework for operations and maintenance manuals is followed; and

2. Ensuring that an audit schedule of operations and maintenance manuals is established and followed.

4.3. Manager Water Operations

The Manager Water Operations shall be responsible for:

1. Ownership of Water Network operations manuals; 2. Authorisation of specific personnel to amend Water Network operations manuals; 3. Approval of new or amended Water Network operations manuals; and 4. Ensuring that Water Network Operations Personnel follow their responsibilities in

the use and amendment of Water Network operations manuals.

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4.4. Manager Water Asset Planning

The Manager Water Asset Planning shall be responsible for:

1. Ownership of Water Network maintenance manuals; 2. Authorisation of specific personnel to amend Water Network maintenance

manuals; 3. Approval of new or amended Water Network maintenance manuals; and 4. Ensuring that Maintenance Personnel follow their responsibilities in the use and

amendment of Water Network maintenance manuals.

4.5. Water Network Operations Personnel

Water network operations personnel who make or direct changes to process settings,

sequencing of operations or operational improvements shall be responsible for:

1. Recording these changes as required by Work Instruction TU400 section 2.4 Process Adjustments; and

2. Ensuring that the operations and maintenance manuals are amended by authorized personnel accordingly.

4.6. Maintenance Personnel

ACTEW maintenance personnel overseeing internal and external resources shall be

responsible for:

1. Ensuring that the external resources do not make changes to assets or equipment without direction from ACTEW;

2. Ensuring that the information in the operations and maintenance manual for a facility is current when undertaking or directing any maintenance work including testing and inspections at the facility;

3. Recording any changes made at the facility during maintenance work and deficiencies identified in the operations and maintenance manuals; and

4. Ensuring that the maintenance manuals are amended by authorized personnel to address the changes made and deficiencies identified.

4.7. Project Manager

The project manager (both internal to ACTEW and external) for new assets and renewal

assets provision to ACTEW shall be responsible for:

1. Where allowed by this standard specification, for less complex sites, confirmation of the ACTEW requirements for scope and structure of the operations and maintenance manual with Manager Water Operations and Manager Water Asset Planning.

2. The preparation or amendment, submission and finalisation of operations and maintenance manuals including all volumes required by this standard specification;

3. Ensuring that, for operations manuals, initially one complete chapter for a sub process (as agreed with the Water Network Operation’s Process Owner) shall be submitted for acceptance prior to submitting the remainder of the manual and ensuring that remaining chapters incorporate any modifications required from the review of the first chapter.

4. Ensuring that, for maintenance manuals, initially a draft of the Asset Detailed Attribute Data shall be submitted and accepted to allow ACTEW to review the unit locations (or components) allocated to the assets and recommend any changes prior to the submission of further maintenance information;

5. Seeking Manager Water Asset Planning and Manager Water Operations acceptance of Contractor submissions; and

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6. Ensuring that any changes to equipment, settings, sequencing and details of description required during commissioning of new or renewal assets are amended in the operations and maintenance manuals.

4.8. Equipment Suppliers

Equipment suppliers shall be responsible for ensuring that:

1. They follow the requirements of this standard specification in the preparation and submission of operations and maintenance manuals; and

2. Submissions for the operations and maintenance manuals contain material that is specific to equipment supplied to ACTEW and that material that is not specific to the relevant facilities is deleted.

5. Structure Style and Content of Manuals

5.1. Structure

Each facility shall have a separate set of operations and maintenance manuals. The

structure of the manual shall generally comprise a series of volumes, each volume being

divided into chapters and the chapters into sections, and the sections into subsections.

As detailed below the structure shall be based on five volumes:

Volume 1 - Facility Specific Information (refer also to section 5.6)

Volume 2 - Operations Manual Chapters (refer also to section 5.7)

Volume 3 - Maintenance Manual Chapters (refer also to section 5.8)

Volume 4 – Appendices (refer also to section 5.9)

While works as executed drawings are not required to be contained in the operations and

maintenance manuals it is expected that figures, diagrams and flowcharts will be

included in the operations and maintenance manuals.

Volumes for each set of operations and maintenance manuals for each facility shall be

provided for each main process at the facility if it exists. If a facility does not have a main

process, then a single volume for operations and a single volume for maintenance for the

facility shall be provided. The volumes shall be identified by the Facility Asset Number

and name, and the Facility Main Process Identifier and name (if applicable), according to

the asset hierarchy developed in Reference 3.

The asset hierarchy for each facility is based on a parent – child type relationship with

each level of the hierarchy (or asset) identified with a unique alphanumeric code as

defined in Reference 3. The hierarchy is referenced extensively in a variety of electronic

applications including maintenance works and asset management systems, SCADA and

PLC systems as well as documentation, drawings and physical equipment labeling.

Unless specifically agreed otherwise, for less complex sites, by ACTEW (refer to section

4.7), a separate binder shall be provided for each volume of the operations and

maintenance manual.

Where more than one binder is needed to hold the information in a volume, the binders

shall be additionally labeled numerically. For example labelling shall be “Volume 1 Binder

1 of 3”, “Volume 1 Binder 2 of 3” and “Volume 1 Binder 3 of 3”.

The following general requirements apply to the production and delivery of operations

and maintenance manuals. These general requirements must be confirmed with the

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Manager Water Operations and Manager Water Asset Planning before producing


1. One electronic copy of the operations and maintenance manual shall be

provided. The electronic copy shall be the control copy of the operations and maintenance manual in the quality system of ACTEW.

2. At least one hardcopy of the operations and maintenance manual shall also be provided. The content of the hardcopy of the maintenance manual shall comply with section 5.8.6. The hardcopy will be a cut down version of the electronic copy.

3. The operations and maintenance manual shall be produced in compliance with the Standard Specification - Documentation (refer to Reference 1). Electronic copies of a manufacturer’s manuals may be provided in Adobe PDF format if the bookmarking is preserved.

4. All volumes of the hardcopy shall be bound in A4 binders with four rings. 5. Binders shall be heavy duty, black with distinguishing coloured spines (KEBAergo

binders available from COS Office Supplies) as follows: a. Water Network binders for all volumes except Volume 3 shall have spines

which are blue and Volume 3 binder spines shall be red; b. Sewerage Network binders for all volumes except Volume 3 shall have

spines which are green and Volume 3 binder spines shall be yellow; and c. If combined volumes in a single binder is agreed by ACTEW for less

complex sites refer to section 4.7) then the binder spine shall be blue for the Water Network and green for the Sewerage Network.

6. Binder cover spines shall be produced with the facility asset number, the facility name, the main process title (if applicable) the volume number and volume title and the binder number if separate binders are used for the volume.

7. Binders shall include heavy duty durable plastic dividers featuring a numbered index tab to subdivide the chapters with the numbers aligning with the numbering in the table of ocntents.

8. Each binder shall include at least 10% spare capacity for additional material.

5.2. Styles

The text styles in Appendix B shall be used in MS Word for the operations and

maintenance manuals. MS Excel cells shall use the same text style as Paragraph Text in

Appendix B.

5.3. Content Preparation

Operations and maintenance manuals content shall be in plain English.

The manuals shall be written in active voice and present tense assuming changes made

by a project or by maintenance work or by operational changes are in place.

The words ‘Operator’ and ‘Maintainer’ shall be capitalised.

The first time an asset is discussed in a chapter, section, subsection, its asset number

shall be included in brackets after its name. If the asset is detailed in a different section

or chapter, reference to the chapter and volume shall be included following the asset

number in brackets.

For example:

1. Secondary Clarifier 6 RAS Pump 1 (LM-4221PU Volume 3 Chapter 2)

2. Commonwealth Avenue Sewage Pumping Station (CAPS) - Pump System 1

(SP003-01PU Volume 1 Chapter 2).

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If the main asset description lies within the same volume, the chapter reference shall be

hyperlinked to the start of the relevant section in that chapter. If the asset description is

detailed in a different volume, no hyperlink is required.

When referring to a particular asset, the name shall be capitalised. For example “Mixed

Liquor Return Pump 1”. When referring to a group of assets, use small letters. For

example: ‘mixed liquor return pumps’.

Abbreviations of full asset names may be used where this makes the document easier to

read and there is a consistent list of abbreviations included in the front of each volume

after the table of contents. For example ‘Anoxic Biological Reactor Units’ may be

referred to as ‘anoxic bioreactors’ without capitals. “Primary Clarification Units’ may be

referred to as ‘primary clarifiers’.

Abbreviations of terminology shall be minimised. For example the word “automatic”

should be written in full rather than abbreviated to “auto” and the ampersand “&” shall not

be used in filenames.

Units of measurement shall follow AS ISO 1000. The abbreviation for litre or litres shall

only be “L”.

When referring to modes or availability, capitalise the term within apostrophes. For

example: ‘Available’, or ‘Fixed flow’ mode.

The standard description for duty rotation shall refer to Duty 1, Duty 2, etc rather than

Duty and Standby.

5.4. Manual Identification

All physical structures, processes, plant and equipment in the Water Network are

identified within an asset hierarchy as defined in Reference 3, which is referenced

extensively in a variety of applications including works and asset management systems,

SCADA, documentation and physical equipment labeling. Operations and maintenance

manuals shall be identified using the alphanumeric code assigned under this hierarchy,

generally according to the facility and main processes (if applicable) used at the facility.

In the event that a new main process is created for an existing facility, the operations and

maintenance manual for the new main process shall be incorporated into the existing

manual for the facility. ACTEW will allocate the identification code and description for


5.5. Table of Contents

Each volume of the operations and maintenance manual shall include the Table of

Contents of the whole manual, generated using the heading styles of the document down

to “Heading 4” level.

For facilities with main processes each volume of the operations and maintenance

manual shall include a list of Tables and a list of Figures utilising the Table and Figure

captions created for each main process. Each table or figure shall be referenced as the

abbreviation of the main process ”|” sequential number. For example in the Cotter Water

Supply Operations Manual volume, the tables in the chapter RWCWQ (Raw Water

Cotter Quality) will be titled: Table CWQ|1 and so on. This ensures that any additions to

the manual in other chapters do not alter the numbering in other chapters. All tables

shall be generated with the Heading Row Repeat feature turned on.

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For facilities without main processes each table within the operations and maintenance

manuals shall be referenced as the abbreviation of the facility asset number “|”

sequential number. For example in the Commonwealth Avenue Sewage Pumping

Station operations manual, the tables will be titled: SP003|1 and so on.

Page numbering within each chapter shall be prefixed with the chapter title abbreviation

followed by recommenced page numbering for each new chapter. For example

RWCWQ - 1 or SP003 - 1.

5.6. Volume 1 - Facility Specific Information

Volume1 shall be one general volume which is to be provided to cover facility wide

specific information. The contents of this volume shall include:

1. Cover and cover spine 2. Title Page 3. Document Authorisation 4. Document Revision Control 5. Table of Contents (covering all volumes, binders and appendices) 6. Table of Tables 7. Table of Figures 8. Abbreviations 9. Emergency contacts 10. Users Guide

This chapter shall provide information on the structure of the operations and

maintenance manual and how users can access and reference information in both

softcopy and hardcopy versions. This chapter shall identify the control copy of the

manual and the location of uncontrolled copies. This chapter shall identify the

responsibilities of users of the operations and maintenance manual.

11. Facility Specific Information a. Summary of identified hazards, for example:

i. Hazardous area classification including a figure or a hyperlink to a drawing showing the facility layout with designated hazardous and non hazardous areas in colours

ii. Work at heights iii. Confined space entry iv. Electrical hazards v. Hazardous atmosphere vi. Other safety issues, precautions and equipment

b. High level description of the facility including i. Location ii. Capacity iii. Criticality of operation in the network including any HACCP related

Critical Control Points iv. Connections to other facilities upstream and downstream v. Operational modes – automatic, manual and any other vi. Power supply, backup power supplies vii. Alarms viii. Connection to telemetry or SCADA ix. Any specific peculiarities of the facility

c. High level description of each main process including i. Purpose ii. Capacities

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iii. Inputs and Outputs

5.7. Volume 2 - Operations Manual

5.7.1. Volume 2 Chapters

Volume 2 (and respective binders if more than one is required) of the operations manual

shall be divided into a series of chapters. The chapters shall provide general information

relating to the main processes and specific material on the subprocesses of the main


As well as the following chapters the contents of this volume shall include:

1. Cover spine 2. Title Page 3. Document Authorisation 4. Document Revision Control 5. Table of Contents (covering all volumes, binders and appendices) 6. Table of Tables 7. Table of Figures 8. Abbreviations 9. Facility Specific Hazards - including those summarised in Volume 1 with details of

each hazard and mitigations of these hazards required in the respective operating procedures

10. Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter shall include sections with a general description of each of the main

processes including:

a. the purpose of the main process and how its subprocesses (if any) interact to achieve the purpose

b. process flow paths including a process flow diagram for all of the main processes

c. extract from the design report which shall contain design and process data in tabular form for the main process

d. hyperlink to the design report e. operating procedures for the main process (e.g. automatic operation,

manual operation, bypassing the whole main process, stopping and starting the main process)

11. Chapter 2 to N: Subprocess Chapters

Separate chapters for each subprocess within the main process shall be divided into

sections, providing detailed information relating to the respective subprocesses described

in the following:

a. Subprocess Description section

The subprocess description shall include:

i. Purpose of the subprocess - listed as dot points. If the subprocess contains a critical control point as defined within the HACCP quality system, this critical control point and satisfying its requirements should be listed as one of the purposes of the process. If the process contains an area of significant risk, such as a hazardous zone, satisfying the safety requirements of this area shall be listed as a purpose.

ii. Process Flows – process flow paths including all inflows and outflows, together with a process flow diagram. Include photos of empty structures where relevant. Inflows and outflows should include major and minor flows and services.

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iii. Asset Listing - listing of all assets under that subprocess. The asset listing includes structures, equipment, instrument loops, manual valves and shall be ordered by asset number and include the asset identification in accordance with the asset hierarchy in Reference 3. The asset listing shall include the location, asset access, the role of each piece of equipment in achieving the subprocess purpose and hyperlinks to relevant drawings.

iv. Design and process data - hyperlink to the design report and technical data sheets which shall contain design and process data in tabular form for the subprocess. An alternative is to include this data on the process and instrumentation drawing with a hyperlink to this drawing in this section of the operations and maintenance manual. Typical examples of data required include system dimensions, volume, design capacity, detention times, dose rates, operating levels at various design flows and water quality changes caused by the process. For process flows this shall include pump capacities, normal operating ranges of relevant parameters and any seasonal variations.

b. Subprocess Operating Procedures section

This section in each chapter shall refer to a subprocess and shall list all

normal operating procedures that occur at a subprocess level in a step-by-

step form. Each operating procedure listed shall be hyperlinked to the

fully detailed operating procedures in Appendix A in Volume 4 of the

operations and maintenance manual. If an operating procedure already

exists, then the hyperlink shall link to the existing operating procedure.

For example operating procedures may include but not limited to:

i. Routine operational checks including daily, weekly and monthly ii. Subprocess startup iii. Subprocess shutdown iv. Isolating v. Draining vi. Filling vii. Commissioning viii. Decommissioning

c. Subprocess Critical Equipment section

This section shall tabulate critical equipment. For example:

i. Critical equipment within the subprocess including background information on their importance to the subprocess and consequences of abnormal operation

ii. Abnormal Conditions, particularly for Critical Control Points (if any).

12. Chapter N+1 Operational Monitoring and Control section

This section shall include a plain English summary version of how all the equipment is

monitored and controlled for each subprocess (rather than at equipment) level. As

well as monitoring and control this section shall include:

a. Modes of operation - all modes that are possible, including changing between modes

b. Sequences - automatic sequences where they are involved, and the manual sequences required should the automatic sequence fail

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c. Interlocks - where they are involved (and the reasons for these) d. Alarms (Tag, Name and Description) including the reason(s) for the alarm

and the required responses of the Operator (Cause, Consequence and Action).

The Functional Specification provides detail regarding monitoring and control of each

piece of equipment within the facility and this section shall have a hyperlink to the

Functional Specification.

13. Chapter N+2: Operational Troubleshooting Guide

The operational troubleshooting guide shall cover abnormal operating conditions in

tabular form. Each main process shall have its own section of the one table covering

the entire facility.

The troubleshooting guide will incorporate comprehensive instructions on dealing with

and treating the failure of important parts of the process (e.g. power failure, air failure,

major equipment failures) that if left unchecked, have the potential for the process to

go out of specification or cause an incident.

5.7.2. Operations Manual - Electronic file naming

For facilities with main processes each volume of the operations manual is to be supplied

as a single word document. The file naming convention of this document is “Main

Process prefix – Main Process Operations Manual”. For facilities without main processes

the file naming convention is “facility asset number – facility asset name Operations


For example at Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre (LMWQCC):

FC - Flow Control Operations Manual

1T - Primary Treatment Operations Manual

2T - Secondary Treatment Operations Manual

SS - Site Services Operations Manual

For example at Cotter:

PS - Cotter Pumping Stations Operations Manual

RW - Cotter Water Supply Operations Manual

For example at Commonwealth Avenue Sewage Pumping Station:

SP003 – Commonwealth Avenue Sewage Pumping Station Operations Manual

5.7.3. Bookmarks and Hyperlinks

The electronic copy shall contain electronic bookmarking and hyperlinks and shall

contain all operations procedures, schedules, manuals, work methods, figures and


Each volume title, chapter heading and section heading shall be bookmarked for facilities

with main processes and follow the hierarchy in Reference 3. Section headings will be

bookmarked for all facilities. Bookmarks include the asset abbreviation i.e. SLM for

Lower Molonglo, WCT for Cotter, WWS for Stromlo WTP and WWG for Googong WTP

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WTP and SP003 for Commonwealth Avenue Sewage Pumping Station and SP003 for

Commonwealth Avenue Sewage Pumping Station.

The bookmark for a volume title will be the Asset abbreviation + Main Process


For example the bookmark for the volume titles:

“2T - Secondary Treatment” will be “SLM2T”,

“PS - Cotter Pump Station” will be “WCTPS”

“RW - Cotter Water Supply” will be “WCTRW”

The bookmark for the chapter heading will be the Asset abbreviation + Main Process

abbreviation + Sub Process abbreviation.

For example the bookmark for the chapter heading

“2TARA - Aeration Air” will be named “SLM2TARA”

“RWCPS – Cotter Raw Water Pumping” will be named “WCTRWCPS”.

The convention for naming bookmarks for non-process chapter headings is the Asset

abbreviation (for facilities with main processes) or facility asset number (for facilities

without main processes) + Main Process abbreviation + a two or three letter abbreviation

of the chapter heading. For example for:


Users Guide “SLM2TUG”

Introduction “SLM2TINT”

Troubleshooting “SLM2TTS”

Drawing Register “SLM2TDR”


Users Guide “WCTRWUG”

Introduction “WCTRWINT”

Troubleshooting “WCTRWTTS”

Drawing Register “WCTRWDR”


Users Guide “SP003TUG”

Introduction “SP003INT”

Troubleshooting “SP003TS”

Drawing Register “SP003DR”

The bookmark for the section heading will be “Asset abbreviation (for facilities with main

processes) or facility asset number (for facilities without main processes) + Main Process

abbreviation (if applicable) + Sub Process abbreviation (if applicable)” followed by a two

or three letter abbreviation of the section heading.

For example for 2TARA, the bookmark name for “Process Description” will be

“SLM2TARAPD” or SP003, the bookmark name for “Process Description” will be


The abbreviations for other section headings are as follows:

Introduction “INT”

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Process Description “PD”

Process Operating Procedures “POP”

Process Monitoring and Control “PMC”

Each figure or drawing included in the body of the Operations Manual will be

bookmarked and named using the convention “Asset abbreviation (for facilities with main

processes) or facility asset number (for facilities without main processes) + Main Process

(if applicable) + F+ Figure Number”.

For example the bookmark for the first figure under Aeration Air would be

“SLM2TARAF1” or the first figure under Commonwealth Avenue Sewage Pump Station

would be “SP003F1”.

Where references are made to external drawings located in the drawing database, these

references will be hyperlinked to the drawing number in the Drawing Register. The name

of these bookmarks will follow the convention “Asset + Main Process + File type +


For example the bookmark for a PID for Aeration Air would be “SLM2TARAPID1”

Each table in the body of the Operations Manual will be bookmarked and named using

the convention “Asset + Main Process + T + Table Number”.

For example the first table under Aeration Air would be “SLM2TARAT1”.

5.7.4. Cross Referencing Hyperlinks

Where operational descriptions require reference to other subprocesses within a main

process, hyperlinks should be used to allow the user to move to the details on the other


5.8. Volume 3 - Maintenance Manual

5.8.1. Maintenance Manual General Requirements

Unless specifically agreed otherwise, for less complex sites, by ACTEW (refer to section

4.7), hardcopy Maintenance Manual content and structure shall be a cut down version of

the electronic copy of the Maintenance Manual. The structure and content of the

electronic copy is detailed in section 5.8.2 and 5.8.6 and hardcopy is detailed in 5.8.4.

5.8.2. Maintenance Manual - Electronic copy

The electronic format Maintenance Manuals structure is based on the asset hierarchy

which exists at each facility. All physical structures, processes, plant, equipment and

instrumentation that form part of that facility are identified within the facility’s asset

hierarchy. The hierarchy is based on a parent – child type relationship with each level of

the hierarchy (or asset) identified with a unique alphanumeric code. The hierarchy is

referenced extensively in a variety of applications including works and asset

management systems, SCADA and PLC systems as well as documentation, drawings

and physical equipment labeling (for further detail refer Reference 3). The electronic

maintenance manuals folder structure mimics the asset hierarchy structure commencing

at the facility level and finishing at the Equipment Location or Instrument Loop level.

Under each unique Equipment Location or Instrument Loop asset folder there is a

standard set of sub folders containing different categories of information for that

individual asset (for example component maintenance plans, manufacturer’s data and

maintenance settings). In addition to these folders and files that are specifically

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associated with an asset there are a number of folders and files that are common to

multiple assets.

An example of an electronic folder structure for a maintenance manual is shown in

Figure 5.1.

Upon request ACTEW Water will provide an electronic copy in MS Excel of the shell of

the required structure for loading of asset data into the electronic copy of the

maintenance manual.

Additional details of the folders and files are: 1. Miscellaneous Items

Separate Mechanical and Electrical Miscellaneous Items electronic folders shall be

provided and located below the facility level folder to cater for the large number of

miscellaneous items (such as manual valves, expansion joints, couplings, piping etc)

installed at the facility but not identified by an Equipment Unit Location or Instrument

Location or are not associated with one of these assets. These folders shall feature a

number of sub folders breaking the items into logical sub categories such as Manual

Valves, Expansion Joints, Couplings, Piping. Each folder shall hold a copy of the

manufacturer’s data for the item. Where there are multiple instances of that item

installed at a facility only one copy of the data need be held electronically for the

facility. The manufacturer’s data sheet files shall be named by the make, model and

functional description, for example ‘Keystone_251D Valve’. Where there is more files

associated with the item then a description of the information content should be

appended to the file name, for example ‘Keystone_251D Valve component list’.

Note that generally for light and power fittings (for example light fittings, lamps,

general purpose outlets) the manufacturer’s data, maintenance requirements and

other maintenance manual information listed in this standard specification shall be

stored under the asset number of the switchboard where the circuits which the fittings

are connected to originate from.

2. Recommended Spare Parts and Special Tools List

The recommended spare parts and special tools list shall provide a single

consolidated recommended spare parts list and special tools list in MS Excel

spreadsheet electronic format. A blank list is provided as Reference 7.

The spreadsheet shall provide the following:

a. List against each asset in the Asset Register for the facility all recommended spare parts by the type and quantity, consumable materials by type and quantity and special tools by type for the facility.

b. For each recommended spare part, consumable material or special tool provide detailed information including the manufacturer’s full part number, description, reference drawing number and supplier contact details.

c. Where there are no recommended spares, consumables or tools for specific assets then this shall be indicated in the spreadsheet listing.

The filename of the spares list shall start with the asset number followed by a space,

followed by the words “Spares List”. For example the filename will be WP018 Spares

List.xlsx for the spares list for Mugga Quarry Water Pumping Station.

3. Work Method Statements

Refer to Appendix A.

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Work method statements (WMS, sometimes known as JSA, JSEA, SWI, Safety

Procedure) shall be provided for any new maintenance activities or where a new risk

is present due to assets installed or modified under a project. WMS involving multiple

assets shall be stored in the Sub Process folder or where related to only one

Equipment Location or Instrument Loop asset may be stored in the CMP folder for

that asset. The WMS shall provide all information necessary to plan and execute the

maintenance activity specific to the installation at the facility whilst recognising safety

requirements, environmental requirements as well as complete and proper execution

of the activity.

5.8.3. Electronic filenames

The file naming convention of the maintenance manual is “Main Process prefix – Main

Process Maintenance Manual”.

For example at Lower Molonglo WQCC:

FC - Flow Control Maintenance Manual

1T - Primary Treatment Maintenance Manual

2T - Secondary Treatment Maintenance Manual

SS - Site Services Maintenance Manual

For example at Cotter:

PS - Cotter Pumping Stations Maintenance Manual

RW - Cotter Water Supply Maintenances Manual

Filenames for the various documents within the electronic maintenance manual shall be

identified using the Equipment Location or Instrument Loop Asset identifier, Unit Location

or Instrument Location suffix where relevant and a descriptor of the Information type.

File naming syntax for the specific file types are shown in the detailed requirements

sections for each category of maintenance information.

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Figure 5.1: Maintenance Manuals electronic folder structure

5.8.4. Maintenance Manual - Hardcopy

For each facility a hardcopy set of Maintenance Manuals shall be provided and

maintained at that facility providing manufacturer’s information for each unique make,

model and variant of equipment, instrument, valve, device or item installed at the facility.

The Maintenance Manual content and structure shall meet the requirements described in

this standard specification.

Note the requirements for hardcopy maintenance manuals described in this standard

specification were introduced in July 2012. Where there is no existing complying

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hardcopy set at a facility, then the first project providing manuals after July 2012 for that

facility shall provide the necessary binders to meet the equipment installed by that

project and also provide the volume index.

Each facility’s hardcopy Maintenance Manual set shall meet the following requirements:

1. Consist of a number of volumes made up of a separate index volume and sequentially numbered volumes containing manufacturer’s information for each unique make and model of equipment, instrument, valve or other device identified as either an asset or a component of an asset which is installed at the facility.

2. The hardcopy Maintenance Manual shall contain one copy of the manufacturer’s information for each unique make and model of equipment, instrument, valve or other device identified as either an asset or a component of an asset installed at the facility. Information shall be provided for valves whether that valve is a component of an Equipment Location (such as a motorised valve), or Instrument Loop asset or is identified as a Manual Valve asset.

3. Where the manufacturer’s information for a particular model covers all variants or sub types of that model then only one copy of the manufacturer’s information for that model is required, otherwise separate information is required to be provided for each variant or sub type installed.

4. The manufacturer’s information provided shall meet the requirements of 5.8.6. 5. Each volume shall be provided as a separate binder, binders shall be as

described in section 5.1. 6. Manufacturer’s information shall be placed in the binders in the order that the

asset information is provided. 7. Each volume shall be identified on the cover spine and shall contain a title page. 8. Styles for the cover spine and the title page are included in Appendix B. 9. Within each volume dividers (refer to section 5.1) shall be provided to separate

the information for each unique make and model of equipment, instrument, valve or other device.

10. For existing facilities, assess the existing hardcopy Maintenance Manual index for the relevant facility and update both the existing hardcopy and electronic format Maintenance Manual index for the relevant facility to reflect the manufacturer’s information provided by the project.

11. For existing facilities for each unique make and model of equipment, instrument, valve or other device identified that the project is providing or modifying and that is not already listed in the index, then provide the manufacturer’s information in additional volume binders in compliance with the above requirements of this standard specification.

5.8.5. Maintenance Manual - Hardcopy Index

A separate hardcopy Maintenance Manual index shall exist for each facility. The index shall

consist of a spreadsheet containing separate entries for each unique make and model of

equipment, instrument, valve or other device identified as either an asset or a component

installed at the facility. Each entry shall contain details of the manufacturer’s name, model

and model variant (where applicable), functional description of the item (e.g. Electric

Actuator, Pump, etc), the number of the binder and the internal divider tab where the

information is stored.

The index listing shall be provided arranged in two different ways:

1. Alphanumeric order of the manufacturer’s name followed by model name or model number; and

2. By ascending order of the Volume number and Volume tab number.

A hardcopy of the index shall be provided in the index volume for the facility and an

electronic copy shall also be provided to facilitate future changes.

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5.8.6. Volume 3 Chapters

Volume 3 (and respective binders if more than one is required) of the maintenance

manual shall be divided into a series of chapters.

As well as the following chapters the contents of this volume shall include:

1. Cover spine 2. Title Page 3. Document Authorisation 4. Document Revision Control 5. Hardcopy Index (refer to 5.8.5) 6. Table of Contents (covering all volumes, binders and appendices) 7. Table of Tables 8. Table of Figures 9. Abbreviations 10. Chapter 1: Asset Index

Unless specifically agreed otherwise for less complex sites by ACTEW (refer to

section 4.7), the asset index shall consist of a MS Excel spreadsheet containing

separate entries for each unique make and model of equipment, instrument,

valve or other device identified as either an asset or a component installed at the

facility. Each asset entry shall include the ACTEW Asset Number. Each asset

index entry shall be to the number of the binder and the internal divider tab where

the maintenance information is stored.

The electronic maintenance manuals structure shall mimic the asset hierarchy

structure commencing at the facility level and finishing at the Equipment Location

or Instrument Loop level. Under each unique Equipment Location or Instrument

Loop asset folder there is a standard set of sub folders containing different

categories of information for that individual asset (for example maintenance

schedules or manufacturer’s data). In addition to these folders and files that are

specifically associated with an asset there are a number of folders and files that

are common to multiple assets.

11. Chapter 2: Component Maintenance Plans

Each Equipment Location or Instrument Loop asset shall have its own individual

asset maintenance plan detailing the recommended planned maintenance &

inspection tasks against the asset’s major components (Unit Locations or

Instrument Locations). The maintenance recommendations shall draw from

manufacturer’s recommendations and industry best practice, and shall be tailored

to the application and operating environment of the specific asset.

An asset’s maintenance plan is termed a Component Maintenance Plan (CMP)

and shall be provided in a standard format given in Reference 6. Where asset

maintenance includes lubrication tasks (such as greasing bearings, oiling, etc)

then a separate CMP shall be provided for the lubrication tasks for that asset.

The CMP shall also provide the following information as appropriate:

a. The recommended frequency for each maintenance or inspection task. b. In the comments column against the relevant maintenance task list any

specific isolation or safety practices required. Where there are significant and/or detailed safety requirements then a separate a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) shall be provided. The SWMS shall be referenced in the comments column against the relevant task/s.

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c. In the comments column against the relevant task provide additional task detail including references to any detailed work instructions and/or list any consumable materials or parts required to carry out the task.

d. Refer to manufacturer’s documentation that provides further detail or instructions for the tasks.

Example maintenance templates for Equipment Location assets LM-4101CO,

LM-IL3001 and a separate lubrication CMP for LM-4101CO are listed at the

Appendices. Where there is no planned maintenance recommended for a

particular asset then a completed CMP shall be provided with the text ‘No

Recommended Maintenance – Operate To Failure’ shown in the Task description

field against the relevant unit location/component.

The CMP file name syntax shall be the Equipment Location or Instrument Loop

asset identifier followed by CMP, or LS CMP in the case of a lubrication service

CMP. For example for LM-IL3921 and for LM-4101CO lubrication services the

file names would be:

“LM-IL3921 CMP.docx”

“LM-4101CO LS CMP.docx”

12. Chapter 3: Manufacturer’s Data

a. General

Manufacturer’s information shall be provided for each make and model of

equipment, instrumentation, valve, unit, item or device installed.

Each equipment item, instrument, valve, unit, item or device installed shall have a

separate pdf file, with bookmarks for required headings (e.g. installation,

commissioning, operation, troubleshooting). Information shall be segregated and

bookmarked to clearly identify the individual equipment and include a covering

summary/contents page.

Multiple pdf files are acceptable where the standard manufacturer information is

provided in separate documents. For example the installation instructions may be

a separate document from the component maintenance plan.

Documentation and other information provided should be specific to the particular

equipment, unit, item or device being described. If the manufacturer’s standard

literature contains information on multiple models or variants then material not

applicable to the particular equipment, instrument, valve, unit, item or device

installed shall be neatly struck out in single line thickness. Generally it is

acceptable to strike out non applicable references at the document’s Table of

Contents, titles, section headings and other main references, rather than at each

and every reference throughout the document. In addition to the use of strike out

the installed model and model variant of equipment, instrument, device or item

used shall be indicated on the cover page or title of manual or data sheet by the

use of ‘electronic post.

Original quality documents are required. Any reproduced documents (such as

photocopies, etc) shall be of high quality. Illegible and poor quality

documentation will not be accepted.

Content shall be in plain English.

Marketing and catalogue information is not acceptable.

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b. Multiple Units of Identical Equipment

Where there are multiple assets which have the identical equipment model

installed then electronic copies of the manufacturer’s information shall be saved

separately for each asset.

c. Manufacturer Manual Topics

The manufacturer manuals should be comprehensive documents that include:

i. Introduction/Product Description

a brief description of the equipment, principles of operation,

suitable applications

design specifications (materials, weight, motor data etc),

design approvals. Include illustrations or general


reference data – include all applicable technical and/or

reference data for the specific equipment and components

actually installed, including manufacturer, model, serial

number, size, power, rating etc. Reference data such as

pump performance curves and factory testing shall be

included where applicable.

hard copies of original diagrams, drawings, pictures or other


safety guidelines.

ii. Transport and storage iii. Installation and operating instructions. Comprehensive

instructions (including diagrams or figures, general arrangements, exploded views, electrical connections and circuit diagrams) for:


Programming (where applicable)

Commissioning/Start up checks

Startup (including calibrations, adjustments, alarming etc

where applicable)



iv. Maintenance work instructions being comprehensive instructions for:



Routine maintenance

Removal and testing

Component overhaul and replacement

Special handling techniques

Detailed descriptions of all hazards and safety requirements

and instructions applicable to the equipment or system.

v. Troubleshooting Guide

Comprehensive set of troubleshooting scenarios to allow

systematic identification of performance and functional

problems for the equipment or system. Where applicable

include down to circuit board level.

vi. Materials List, Tools and Equipment Listing

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For larger and/or more complex equipment (for example a

dewatering centrifuge, motor control centre, control panel,

large air compressor, on line analytical water quality

instrumentation) a manufacturer’s materials list and/or

exploded parts diagram shall be provided referencing part

numbers, descriptions, quantities and drawing numbers or

other information references.

Comprehensive and complete listing of all special, equipment

and accessories.

d. Lubricants List

The recommended lubricants list shall provide a single consolidated list of

recommended lubricants for each relevant asset in the facility in MS Excel

spreadsheet electronic format. Refer to Reference 8. The lubricants shall list by

asset number at the facility, lubricant type, manufacturer and rating or

specification and whether potable water compliant to AS 4020. The filename for

the lubricants list shall start with the asset number followed by a space, followed

by the words “Lubricants List”. For example the filename will be WP018

Lubricants List.xlsx for the lubricants list for Mugga Quarry Water Pumping


For less complex sites (refer to section 4.7), ACTEW may require the inclusion of

the Lubricant’s List as an Appendix in Volume 4 of the maintenance manual hard


e. File naming of Manufacturer’s data and manuals.

For equipment where only one manufacturer’s document is provided (usually low

complexity or low cost equipment) then the file name syntax shall be the

Equipment Location or Instrument Loop asset identifier followed by Manufacturers

Manual. For example for LM-4201CO the file name would be:

“LM-4201CO Manufacturers Manual”

Where an asset has several components that are detailed in separate

documents, the unit location suffix shall be used in addition to the asset number

to differentiate between the documents. To keep the filename length from being

excessive the word “Manufacturers” may be removed in this case. For example:

“WS-1123MV-VLV Manual”

“WS-1123MV-ACT Manual”

“WS-1123MV-GBX Manual”

Where a manufacturer provides information for the asset or one of its major

components (unit location or instrument location) in several discrete documents, a

brief descriptor shall be added following the asset number/unit location suffix. For


“WC-2102MV-ACT Installation manual” and

“WS-2102MV-ACT Programming manual”

13. Chapter 4: Commissioning Record

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All commissioning and test records shall be scanned and provided in this chapter.

Several different document types for the one asset can be stored under this folder

or tab and shall include but are not limited to the following:

a. Manufacturer’s inspection and test records; b. Manufacturer’s and/or site calibration records; c. Precommissioning and commissioning ITPs for both mechanical and

electrical assets; d. Commissioning performance test (including pump flow) records; e. Commissioning reports including changes made to settings, equipment

and operating procedures during commissioning; f. Test Records for residual current (earth leakage) circuit breakers and

other devices; and g. Pressure vessel, davit arm, crane records and other similar statutory


The file name syntax for a Commissioning record shall be the Equipment

Location or Instrument Loop asset identifier followed by Comm Record. For

example for LM-4201CO the file name would be:

“LM-4201CO Comm Record”

Where more than one Commissioning record document exists for the asset then

the file name shall contain the asset identifier including Unit Location or

Instrument Location where relevant followed by a description of the file content.

For example:

“WC-2428PU Factory Pump Test” and

“WS-2428PU Site Comm Record”

5.9. Volume 4 - Appendices

As well as the following appendices the contents of this volume shall include:

1. Cover spine 2. Title Page 3. Document Authorisation 4. Document Revision Control 5. Table of Contents (covering all volumes, binders and all appendices)

Appendices shall include:

a. Appendix A - Operating Procedures.

This shall provide a list of the operating procedures with a hyperlink to

each one.

b. Appendix B - Supportive Business Information including brief description of the scope of each and how to access the following:

i. Asset management system ii. Workplace health and safety system iii. Environmental management system iv. Quality assurance system v. Hazard identification and risk management system vi. Training.

c. Appendix C - Facility Asset Register Refer to Reference 3 in this standard specification.

d. Appendix D – Dangerous Substances and Chemical Manifest

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This appendix shall include Chemical Register listing chemicals and supplier

used at the facility in MS Excel electronic format including chemical name.

6. Definitions

Operational Philosophy means the high level description of operation normally generated by the project initiator and refined by the facility designer. Functional Specification means the detailed descriptions of all logic, interfaces and interlocks normally generated by the electrical designer. This document is used as the basis for all PLC programming activities by ACTEW personnel. Water Network has the same meaning as defined under the Utilities Act 2000 s12, namely:

(1) For this Act, a water network consists of the infrastructure mentioned in subsection (2) used, or for use, in relation to any of the following purposes: (a) the collection and treatment of water for distribution by a person to premises of another person; (b) the distribution of water by a person for supply to premises of another person. (2) For subsection (1), the infrastructure consists of the following: (a) water storages, mains and treatment plants; (b) pumps, facilities and equipment for distributing water, or monitoring or controlling the distribution of water; (c) pipes or equipment; (d) any other thing ancillary to any other part of the infrastructure.

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7. References

The following ACTEW Water references shall be read in conjunction with this standard


1. ACTEW Water Standard Specification - Documentation 2. ACTEW Water Drafting Standard, Document 352374 3. ACTEW Water Work Instruction - Engineering Asset Identification, Document

WI5.14.4 4. Treatment Valves and Piping Systems Identification, Document 241511 5. Guidelines for the Preparation of Functional Specifications, Document


6. Component Maintenance Plan template and example of CMP.

7. Recommended Spares Parts and Special Tools spreadsheet.

8. Lubricants Plan.

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Appendix A: Work Method Statements

A.1 Operating Procedures

O and M Appendix A1 Operating Procedure Example

A.2 Component Maintenance Plan template and example

Refer to Reference 6 template and example.

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Appendix B: Text Styles

Subject Font Size Style Before After Position Example

Cover Spine Arial 14 pt Bold, Upper Case 3 pt 3 pt VOLUME 1

Title (Volume Title) Arial 24 pt Bold, Upper Case 0 pt 12 pt Centre over Page VOLUME

Table of Contents Arial 11 pt 0 pt 6 pt Left aligned This is normal text.

Heading 1 (Chapter Heading)

Arial 16 pt Bold, Title Case 6 pt 6 pt Left aligned Chapter

Heading 2 (Section Heading)

Arial 12 pt Bold, Title Case 6 pt 6 pt Left aligned Section

Heading 3 (Subsection Heading)

Arial 11 pt Bold, Title Case 6 pt 6 pt Left aligned Subsection

Heading 4 (Sub-Subsection Heading)

Arial 11 pt Bold, Sentence Case, Underlined

6 pt 6 pt Left aligned Sub-subsection

Inline Paragraph Heading Arial 11 pt 6 pt 6 pt Left aligned Inline heading. Text

Paragraph Text Arial 11 pt 0 pt 6 pt Left aligned This is normal text.

Indent level 1 (1.27 cm) Arial 11 pt Square Bullet 0 pt 6 pt Indent 1.27cm This is a bullet list

Indent level 2 (1.27 cm) Arial 11 pt Numbers 0 pt 6 pt Indent 1.27cm 1. This is numbered list

Indent level 3 (1.27 cm) Arial 11 pt Alphabetical 0 pt 6 pt Indent 1.27cm a. This is an alphabetical list

Note Heading Arial 11 pt Bold, Upper Case 6 pt 6 pt Centred on Column NOTE

Note Text Arial 11 pt Sentence Case 6 pt 6 pt Indent 24 mm from left and right

This is an example of Note text.

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Subject Font Size Style Before After Position Example

margins ,fully justified

Table Numbers and Titles

(refer to section 5.5)

Arial 11 pt Bold, Sentence Case 6 pt 6 pt Centred on column, above table

Table CWQ|1: Table description

Table Header Row Text Arial 11 pt Bold, Title Case 6 pt 6 pt As required Text as required

Table Text Arial 11 pt 3 pt 3 pt As required Text as required

Graphic Annotations/Callouts

Arial 11 8pt Upper case As required

Figure Numbers and Titles

(refer to section 5.5)

Arial 11 pt Bold, Sentence Case 6 pt 6 pt Centred on column, below figure

Figure CWQ|1: Figure description

Graphic Source File Information

Arial 11 pt As required 3 pt Lower left corner of graphic

Source: Example

Page Header Arial 10 pt Sentence Case 3 pt 3 pt Left aligned text Refer to header on this page

Page Footer Arial 10 pt Sentence Case 3 pt 3 pt Left aligned text and right aligned page number

Refer to footer on this page