operator data interchange (odin) · odin - user guide for transport bus operators and contract...

Operator Data Interchange (ODIN) User Guide Bus Contract Operators and Bus Contract Management Team Version 1.10.8 Dated: 01 April 2019

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Operator Data Interchange (ODIN)

User Guide Bus Contract Operators and Bus

Contract Management Team

Version 1.10.8 Dated: 01 April 2019

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Table of Contents: 1. Application Overview........................................................................................ 3

1.1 Access to the ODIN application ................................................................................... 4 1.1.1 Logging in ............................................................................................................. 4 1.1.2 Logging out ........................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Navigation on the Pending submission screen. ........................................................... 5 1.3 ‘Pending’ screen – Downloading submissions (Small and Very Small Operators) ..... 7 1.4 Getting column widths right for uploading (Small and Very Small Operators) ............ 8 1.5 Using the ‘format’ function to expand the columns ...................................................... 9 1.6 Using the mouse to expand the column width ............................................................. 9 1.7 ‘Pending’ screen – Uploading submissions ............................................................... 10 1.8 Resubmissions ........................................................................................................... 13 1.9 Omitting submissions ................................................................................................. 13 1.10 Locking / Unlocking submissions ........................................................................... 14 1.11 Submitted screen ................................................................................................... 14 1.12 Viewing uploaded files ............................................................................................ 15

1.12.1 Searching for Reports ......................................................................................... 15 1.12.2 Operational reports – (O/SMBSC, NISC and SBSC contracts only) .................. 17 1.12.3 Supplementary reports (O/SMBSC, NISC and SBSC and RRBSC contracts) .. 17 1.12.4 Contractual reports (O/SMBSC, NISC, SBSC and RRBSC contracts) .............. 18

1.13 Help ........................................................................................................................ 18 2. Appendix A .................................................................................................... 19

2.1 Changing Passwords ................................................................................................. 19 2.1.1 Change Passwords during log in. ....................................................................... 19

2.2 Requesting a new user account................................................................................. 19 2.3 Requesting access to ODIN for existing users .......................................................... 21 2.4 Reporting issues with the ODIN applications ............................................................. 22

3. Appendix B .................................................................................................... 23 3.1 Required reports by Contract Type ............................................................................ 23

4. Appendix C .................................................................................................... 26 4.1 Due Date for RRBSC reports ..................................................................................... 26

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1. Application Overview

The Operator Data Interchange system (ODIN) is a web based application that provides a centralised system allowing operators to upload the reports required under the Sydney Metro (SMBSC), Outer Sydney Metro (OSMBSC), Rural & Regional (RRBSC), Newcastle Integrated Service Contract (NISC) and Sydney Bus Service Contract (SBSC) bus contracts and the monthly invoice, where applicable.

It also provides access to the reports generated by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) from the uploaded files and other reports produced by TfNSW such as the On-Time Running (OTR) reports for the SMBSC, OSMBSC, NISC and SBSC contracts.

The ODIN system is also utilised by the Bus Contract Management team to monitor and review uploaded reports.

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1.1 Access to the ODIN application

ODIN is deployed as an internet application and is available from the Transport for NSW Services Portal.

1.1.1 Logging in

The URL for the Transport for NSW Portal is:


Type the URL in the address field of the internet browser. Hit <Enter> when finished.

Note: The ODIN application works best using the Google Chrome web browser. It will not work with older versions of Internet Explorer.

Or access the application via the main Transport for NSW website.


Under the ‘Portal’ heading the application can be accessed via the ‘Bus Contracts Operator Data Interchange (ODIN) for Self-Reporting and Information Interchange’ link.

Note: Clicking on the link takes the user to the TfNSW portal, and the normal log in process.

1. On the ‘Portal’ screen, enter your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ and click the ‘Login’ button (or hit <Enter> on the keyboard).

Note: Usernames and Passwords are case sensitive.

2. Select the ‘Operator Data Interchange’ option.

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Note: If you have access to other Transport for NSW applications you will see them listed under ‘Your Services’.

3. On entry to ODIN, an additional login screen with the ‘Condition of Use’ is presented; use the same username and password as per the portal login.

4. On acceptance of these terms and logging in, the user is presented with the various options that reflect their access rights. If the user has contracts that are administered by different offices, the left hand side will present the option to select the office associated with that contract.

By default the ‘Pending’ link is displayed.

1.1.2 Logging out

The application can be exited at any time by clicking on the logon icon located in the top right hand corner.

1.2 Navigation on the Pending submission screen.

The ‘Pending’ section can be accessed from the top menu, and will display any outstanding submissions for the current or previous reporting periods.

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The ‘Pending’ screen is displayed by default on entry to ODIN. To access the ‘Pending’ screen from any other screen, simply click on the ‘Pending’ option.

Where no items are outstanding the ‘Pending’ screen will show the ‘You don’t have pending submissions for the current period’ message.

Where there are outstanding submissions, and the user is associated with more than one contract, the contract related to the submission will need to be selected. This may require the selection of the relevant administrative office using the following steps.

1. The ‘Contracts’ section on the left hand side of the screen, will display the administrative offices associated with the contracts of the logged on user.

2. To expand or collapse the office section, click on the relevant office name.

3. Click on the contract code for which the submitted reports are required. This will result in the selected contract being displayed in bold and the outstanding submission information being displayed under the ‘Reports due for <YYYY MM>’ heading.

4. Where there are pending submissions for more than one submission period, the ‘Pending’ screen will display all months for which there are outstanding submissions.

5. To expand or collapse the ‘Reports due for...’ section, click on the relevant ‘Month’.

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Alternately, the ‘Search Contracts’ field can be utilised to search for contracts that meet the criteria entered.

1. The ‘Search Contract’ field filters on the values entered, so if S30 is entered, any contract that contains S30 as part of the contract code will be displayed.

Note: The ‘Search Contract’ field can be utilised to search for a particular contract across the ‘Pending’, ‘Submitted’ and ‘Download’ links and all contract types

1.3 ‘Pending’ screen – Downloading submissions (Small and Very Small Operators)

Where data needs to be reported, the Operators of small and very small RRBSC contracts have a download option available. This option will download a pre-populated report leaving only those fields that need to be completed by the Operator blank. Once the required data has been entered by the Operator the file can be uploaded back into the ODIN application.

1. To download a file from ODIN, select the download icon for the report that is to be completed.

2. When using the preferred browser (Google Chrome) this will result in

the file selected being downloaded and displayed at the base of the screen.

3. To open the file either click on the file using the left hand mouse button or use the right hand button of the mouse to open the menu and select the ‘Open’ option.

In the recommended internet browser, Chrome, the download file is displayed at the base of the screen

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Note: Remember, if your mouse has the primary and secondary buttons switched you will need to use the opposite buttons.

1.4 Getting column widths right for uploading (Small and Very Small Operators)

On the initial download of a file for a small and very small Operator, the Excel spreadsheet will be compressed as it is in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. Unless the cells are expanded, it is possible to inadvertently enter data into an incorrect field, and the file will fail when attempting to upload it to ODIN.

Detailed below is an example of why the file needs to have the columns expanded prior to data entry using the SSTS YOR 4 file.

If the CSV file is not expanded it appears that the data should be entered into column H.

Once the file is expanded it can be seen that the data should have been entered into cell G.

If the data is entered into the wrong column the file will fail upload with the message: “The header row provided in the file did not meet the expected format required by TfNSW” There are different methods that can be used (to expand the fields in the file) to cater to different user preferences. Two of the methods are shown in 1.5 and 1.6 below:


To open the file click on the download file, using the left hand mouse button OR right click on the file and select the ‘Open’ option

The data has been entered into a field that appears to be correct, prior to expanding the column width

The file will fail upload, as the data has been entered into the incorrect column

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1.5 Using the ‘format’ function to expand the columns

1. Left click on the required CSV file to open Microsoft Excel

2. Click on the Home tab

3. Click on icon on the top left corner of the work sheet to select all columns in the worksheet

4. Click on the Format icon 5. Select the AutoFit Column Width option 6. You should be able to see cell resized to fit the text in the

first row of the spreadsheet

1.6 Using the mouse to expand the column width

An alternative way to expand all the columns in the spreadsheet using the computer mouse is detailed below.

1. Left click on the required CSV file to open MS Excel

2. Click on the top left hand corner cell using the left hand mouse button, when the mouse cursor turns into a white cross as shown below.

This will result in all the cells of the spreadsheet becoming highlighted and you can release the mouse button.


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3. Move the mouse cursor to the line between the A and B on the top grey row of the spreadsheet. When the cursor changes shape to a black cross, double click using the left hand mouse button in quick succession.

4. This will result in the cells of the file expanding to fit the text on row 1 of the spreadsheet. This will ensure that you can see the field into which the data will need to be entered. In this case the field is the TICKET_SALES_VALUE.

1.7 ‘Pending’ screen – Uploading submissions

All outstanding reports for the current and previous periods which need to be submitted or omitted will be displayed on the ‘Pending’ screen.

It will also continue to display submitted or omitted submissions for the current reporting period until the next reporting period becomes active.

Details of the reports that are required for the various contracts are listed in Annexure B.

Note: The submission items will show a status of ‘Pending’ until the due date for the submission is reached. After the submission date has passed the status will change to ‘Overdue’.

To upload outstanding submissions utilise the following steps.

1. Click on the ‘Upload’ icon next to the submission item that is to be uploaded.

2. When the ‘Upload’ icon is pressed, a ‘File Upload’ or “Open’ dialog box will be displayed.

3. Navigate to the location where the file to be uploaded is stored on your PC and select the document by clicking on the file and then pressing the ‘Open’ button.

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4. The system will indicate that the upload is in progress by showing the following icon in the ‘Action’ column.

5. When the file passes validation the ‘Status’ column will show the file as ‘Submitted’.

6. When the file fails validation the ‘Status’ column will show the ‘View Errors’ message.

7. To view the cause of the file upload failure, click on the ‘View Errors’ message. This will result in the ‘Errors’ box being displayed.

8. To close the ‘Error’ box, click on the ‘Close’ button or anywhere else on the screen.

Note: The ‘Errors’ screen will only display the first 1,000 messages

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Listed below are some examples of the error messages that may be encountered and the possible cause of the issue.

Note: The errors messages listed below relate to the files uploaded by O/SMBSC, NISC, SBSC and RRBSC contract holders using the csv formatted upload file.

Error message Possible cause

The header row provided in the file did not meet the expected format required by TfNSW

The header is invalid for the uploaded file type.

This could be due to the incorrect file type been uploaded or the header does not match the requirements for the file type

The Reporting Period in line 2 is invalid A field either contains invalid data for the period or data type/format is incorrect

Duplicate entry for 2016-08/WEEKDAY_AM in line 3 The file contains duplicate data sets

Missing entry for 2016-08/WEEKDAY_AM The file is missing a required data set

The Route and Route Type combination provided in line 3 is invalid

The uploaded file contains an invalid combination

Missing entry for 2016-06/CONCESSION/CASH/SECTION_1_2

The uploaded file is missing an required ticket combination

The Patronage, Ticket and Section combination is invalid in line 20

The uploaded file has an invalid combination

The Reporting Period in line 6 does not fall within the reporting period date range

The record in the uploaded file contains data for a date outside the submission period of the file

The Route Id '123/L99991' in line 2 is not active for the reporting period

The route is not active for the reporting period

You have tried to submit a document that did not meet the expected format required by TfNSW in line 3

A text field has a comma and the text is not enclosed with an inverted comma

The Description in line 2 is missing or exceeds the maximum size

A text field contains more characters than specified in the Interface specification

The file type provided did not meet the allowed types required by TfNSW

The file type that was uploaded was not on the list of the file types that will be accepted by the ODIN application.

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The Ticket Sales by Ticket Type Report is missing or exceeds the maximum size

The expected amount of rows in the report based on the combination of period/Ticket type/ patronage/ section plus the header is not correct

1.8 Resubmissions

It will sometimes be necessary to re-submit a file, when a mistake has been made or when requested by the Contract Management team. Follow the procedure below to action a re-submission.

Note: Where a file is resubmitted, the data from the original upload will no longer be available

1. Clicking on the ‘Re-Submit’ button will result in the ‘Re-Submit’ dialog box being displayed.

2. Click on the ‘OK’ button on the ‘Re-Submit’ dialog box to continue with the clearing of the existing data. The ‘Cancel’ button will cancel the re-submission process without deleting the existing data.

1.9 Omitting submissions

There are a number of submissions that are mandatory but do not always have a reportable value for the submission period. To cater for these submissions, it is possible to omit the report.

1. To omit a submission, click on the ‘Omit’ icon, next to the report to be omitted.

2. The system will indicate that the omission is in progress by showing the following icon in the ‘Action’ column.

3. When the omission is completed the ‘Status’ column will show the ‘Omitted’ status in the ‘Status’ column.

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1.10 Locking / Unlocking submissions

All submissions for a reporting period remain unlocked until the end of the month that they are due. Once the next month is reached, all submission line items for the previous month become locked, including those reports that are not yet lodged.

Locked reports are identified by having a tick in the ‘Locked’ column of the ‘Pending’ and ‘Submitted’ screens.

Note: If a submission needs to be unlocked, it will be necessary to request the unlocking of the report with the contract manager responsible for the contract.

1.11 Submitted screen

The submitted screen will display the uploaded or omitted submissions for historical report submission periods.

By default the Submitted screen displays the most recent reporting period that has finished. To select a different period, click on the ‘Reports due for …” text and select the required period.

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Note: It will not be possible to re-submit submissions for previous periods without having the submission unlocked by the Contract Management team.

Note: On the ‘Submitted’ screen any re-upload of a submission for a previously locked reporting period, will result in the report becoming locked on submission.

To view the reports for previous submission periods:

1. Click on the Reports due for <YYYY mmm> label to reveal the list of previous reporting periods.

2. Select the required report period to be viewed.

1.12 Viewing uploaded files

The ‘Download’ link can be utilised to view and download the generated reports from the uploaded self-reporting files. Depending on the user access rights, there can be up to three links within the ‘Download’ section, the ‘Operational’, ‘Supplementary’ and ‘Contractual’ links.

1.12.1 Searching for Reports

The same search filters are utilised for all the links in the ‘Download’ section. It is possible to search for a particular document by utilising one of the two search functions.

1. The first filter option allows searches to be conducted on the file name using the ‘Contains’, ‘Starts with’ or ‘Ends with’ criteria.

A search using the ‘Contains’ option will allow the filtering to files that match the entered text.

For example AHR will result in the display of Ad-Hoc files on the ‘Supplementary’ link.

The use of the ‘Contains’ OTR will allow the search for files that contain that word on the ‘Operational’ link.

A search using the ‘Starts with’ or ‘Ends with’ option will restrict the search to files that start or end with the selected text entered. So a search with an ‘End with’ of xlsx on the ‘Supplementary’ screen will only return files which were uploaded Excel files.

On the ‘Operational’ or ‘Contractual’ screens a search using ‘Starts with’ option for 2016 will restrict the search to files that start with 2016.

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The use of the ‘Contains’ KPI will result in the search only displaying files that contain the word KPI on the ‘Contractual’ link.

2. The second filter is on the ‘Date of Creation’ column and allows users to filter the reports on the dates the files were uploaded.

To restrict the search to files created on or after a specified date, select the ‘After’ option and the required date using the calendar tool and pressing the ‘Filter’ button.

To restrict the search to files created on or after a specified date, select the ‘Before’ option and the required date using the calendar tool and pressing the ‘Filter’ button.

It is possible to search for files uploaded between certain dates by selecting values between certain date ranges.

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1.12.2 Operational reports – (O/SMBSC, NISC and SBSC contracts only)

The ‘Operational’ link contains files which have been generated by TfNSW and includes items such as the On Time Running, Layover or ‘Untracked Trips’ reports.

By default all files will be ordered by the most recently generated report.

1.12.3 Supplementary reports (O/SMBSC, NISC and SBSC and RRBSC contracts)

The ‘Supplementary’ screen allows the user to view or downloaded the renamed files which were uploaded for the submissions listed below.

These submissions are renamed using the file name convention of <contract code>-<submission period>-<report type> and are available for viewing or downloading.

For example the ‘Ad-Hoc’ report for L9999 covering the period 2016-10 will be renamed L9999-2016-10-AHR.docx.

Listed below are examples of the type of documents that will be available on the Supplementary tab if uploaded.

File type File name of uploaded file


(O/SMBSC, NISC, SBSC, Large RRBSC and non RCTI Medium RRBSC)






Ad-Hoc Report

(O/SMBSC, NISC, SBSC and all RRBSC contracts)








Monthly Service Delivery Report SMBSC999-2015-10-MSDR.docx

Monthly Commercial Report





Quarterly Commercial Report

(Large RRBSC)


Half yearly Commercial Report

(Medium RRBSC)


Yearly Operational Reporting (YOR)

(Small and Very Small RRBSC)


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Yearly KPI Reporting (YKR)

(Small and Very Small RRBSC)


Quarterly Performance Report (QPR)

(Large RRBSC)


Half Yearly Performance Report (HYPR)

(Medium RRBSC)


Yearly Performance Report (YPR) (Small and Very Small RRBSC)


MOR8: NB1 New Replacement Bus Delivered



MOR8:NB2 New Growth Bus Delivered



MOR8: NB3 Change of Bus Registration Number



MOR8:NB4 Permanent Change Bus Location



MOR8:NB5 Bus Retired from Service but not replaced



1.12.4 Contractual reports (O/SMBSC, NISC, SBSC and RRBSC contracts)

The ‘Contractual’ link contains the TfNSW generated files which were created using the data in the uploaded operator self-reporting operational and KPI files.

When the MOR and KPI files are uploaded by OSMBSC, SMBSC, NISC or SBSC operators or the QOR/KPI and HYOR/KPI files for the large and medium operators, the TfNSW generated reports will be available for download or viewing on the ‘Contractual’ link.

1.13 Help

The user guide can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the icon at the top right side of the application.

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2. Appendix A

2.1 Changing Passwords

Users are able to change their own password at any time.

To change a password while in the application:

1. Move the mouse cursor over your user name

2. Right mouse click the ‘Change Password’ option from the global menu and select the ‘Open in a new tab’ option

3. Type the current password.

4. Type the new password.

5. Confirm (re-type) the new password.

6. Click on the ‘Save’ button.

The new password will take effect immediately.

2.1.1 Change Passwords during log in.

If you need to change your password prior to or at the beginning of the log in process:

1. Click on the ‘Reset Password’ option.

2. Enter your Username and click on the ‘Submit’ button.

3. An email with further instructions on resetting passwords will be sent to your email account. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.

Note: Passwords MUST be at least 8 characters long. They must contain at least one letter, one digit and one special character.

2.2 Requesting a new user account

Access for a new user account can be applied for using the “Request an Account” link on the TfNSW portal home page.

1. Type the portal URL https://appln.transport.nsw.gov.au/portal/ into the address field of the browser, if not already logged in, and then press the <Enter> key.

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2. Select the ‘Request an Account’ option on the portal home page.

3. Select the ‘I work for a transport operator’ option.

4. Complete the required fields in the ‘Account Details’ and ‘Operator’ sections then select the ‘Submit O/SMBSC operator Reporting [ODIN]’ option.

5. On pressing the Submit button, the following screen will be displayed

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6. On submit a notification for the application is sent to the administrator of the ODIN application. The application then follows a defined workflow to be either approved or declined.

2.3 Requesting access to ODIN for existing users

If you are an existing TfNSW portal user, follow the steps listed below.

1. After logging into the portal click on the ‘Request More Access’ link

2. Select the appropriate option highlighted below

3. Select the option listed below.

7. On pressing the Submit button, the following screen will be displayed

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8. On submit a notification for the application is sent to the administrator of the ODIN application. The application then follows a defined workflow to be either approved or declined.

2.4 Reporting issues with the ODIN applications

The ‘Contact Us’ option is available at all times on the portal application. It contains links that enable the user to:

Report issues with the application

Suggest new functionality

Make general enquiries.

1. To access the functionality click on the ‘Contact Us’ option on the portal home page.

Displayed as an option on the portal home page

2. Click on the required option, and follow the onscreen instructions.

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3. Appendix B

3.1 Required reports by Contract Type

OSMBSC and SMBSC contracts Report Type Reporting

period Report can be omitted

File type required

MOR1: Ticket Sales Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR2: Planned Service Kilometres Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR2: Actual Service Kilometres Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR3: Operational Performance Data Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR4: Incomplete or Cancelled Trips Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR5: Passenger Data By Bus Route Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR5: Passenger Data By Boarding Type Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR6: Customer Feedback Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR7: Bus Service Timetable and Route Changes Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: New Growth Bus Delivered Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: Change of Bus Registration Number Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: Permanent Change in Bus Depot Location Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: Bus Removed from Service without a Replacement

Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR9: Patronage Report - Boarding’s by Time of Day Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Report Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

Major Incident Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Project Detail Report Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Ad-Hoc Reports Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Monthly Invoice Monthly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Monthly Commercial Report Monthly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Monthly Service Delivery Report Monthly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

NISC contract Report Type Reporting

period Report can be omitted

File type required

MOR1: Ticket Sales Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR2: Planned Service Kilometres Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR2: Actual Service Kilometres Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR3: Operational Performance Data Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR4: Incomplete or Cancelled Trips Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR5: Passenger Data By Bus Route Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR5: Passenger Data By Boarding Type Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR6: Customer Feedback Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR7: Bus Service Timetable and Route Changes Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: New Replacement Bus and Retired Bus Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: New Growth Bus Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: Registration Change Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: Change of Bus Location Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: Bus Retired from Service (not replaced) Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR9: Patronage Report - Boarding’s by Time of Day Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR10: Safety Performance Indicators Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR11: Asset management performance Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

KPI: Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Report Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

Project Detail Report Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

MCR: Monthly Commercial Report Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

MIR: Monthly Invoice Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Ad-Hoc Reports Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

MPR: Monthly Performance Report Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

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Quarterly Executive Report Quarterly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Half Yearly Financial Report: Semi Annual

Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Annual Financial Report Annual Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

SBSC Contracts Report Type Reporting

period Report can be omitted

File type required

MOR1: Ticket Sales Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR2.1: Planned Service Kilometres Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR2.2: Actual Service Kilometres Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR3: Operational Performance Data Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR4: Incomplete or Cancelled Trips Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR5: Customer Feedback Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR6.1: NB1 New Bus (includes Replacement Bus) Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR6.2: NB2 Change of Bus Registration Number Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR6.3: NB3 Permanent Change in Bus Depot Location

Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

MOR7: Safety Performance Indicators Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR8: Asset Management Performance Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR9.1: Operations (Passenger) Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR9.2: Operations (Vehicle Service) Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR9.3: Operations (Service Stop Popularity) Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR10: Efficiency (Average Costs) Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR11: Ticketing (Value, Number and Type, Ticket Sales)

Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR12.1: Service Database (Bookings) Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

MOR12.2: Service Database (Vehicle) Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

KPI: Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Report Monthly No csv file as per the interface specification

Project Detail Report Monthly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Monthly Performance Delivery Report Monthly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Monthly Commercial Report Monthly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Quarterly Executive Report Quarterly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Half Yearly Financial Report and Annual Financial Report

Bi-Annual Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Maintenance Works Program Report Annual Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Ad-Hoc Reports Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Monthly On Demand Service Report Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

RRBSC Large contracts Report Type Reporting

period Report can be omitted

File type required

QOR1: Value of Ticket Sales by Ticket Type Non Daily Tickets

Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

QOR1: Value of Ticket Sales by Ticket Type – Daily Tickets

Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

QOR2: Planned Service Kilometres Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

QOR2: Actual Service Kilometres Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

QOR3: Operational Performance Data Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

QOR4: Passenger Data By Bus Route – Daily Tickets Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

QOR4: Passenger Data By Bus Route – Non-Daily Tickets

Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

QOR5: Customer Feedback Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

QOR6: Bus Service Timetable and Route Changes Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

QOR7: NB1 New Bus (includes Replacement Bus) Quarterly Yes No longer required

QOR7: NB2 Change of Bus Registration Number Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

QOR7: NB3 Permanent Change in Bus Depot Location Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

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QOR8: Patronage Report - Boarding’s by Time of Day Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

QOR9: Safety Performance Indicators Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Report Quarterly No csv file as per the interface specification

Excused Performance Incidents (EPI) Report Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Project Detail Report Quarterly Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Quarterly Commercial Report Quarterly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Quarterly Performance report Quarterly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Ad-Hoc Reports Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Monthly Invoice Monthly No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Medium RRBSC contracts

Report Type Reporting period

Report can be omitted

File type required

HYOR1: Value of Ticket Sales by Ticket Type – Daily Tickets

Half Yearly

Yes csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR1: Value of Ticket Sales by Ticket Type – Non Daily Tickets

Half Yearly


HYOR2: Planned Service Kilometres Half Yearly

No csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR2: Actual Service Kilometres Half Yearly

No csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR3: Operational Performance Data Half Yearly

No csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR4: Passenger Data by Bus Route – Daily Tickets Half Yearly


HYOR4: Passenger Data By Bus Route – Non Daily Tickets

Half Yearly

No csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR5: Customer Feedback Half Yearly

No csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR6: Bus Service Timetable and Route Changes Half Yearly

Yes csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR7: NB1 New Bus (includes Replacement Bus) Half Yearly

Yes csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR7: NB2 Change of Bus Registration Number Half Yearly

Yes csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR7: NB3 Permanent Change in Bus Depot Location Half Yearly

Yes csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR8: Patronage Report - Boarding’s by Time of Day Half Yearly

No csv file as per the interface specification

HYOR9: Safety Performance Indicators Half Yearly

Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Report Half Yearly

No csv file as per the interface specification

Excused Performance Incidents (EPI) Report Half Yearly

Yes csv file as per the interface specification

Half Year Commercial Report (HYCR) Half Yearly

No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Half Yearly Performance Report (HYPR) Half Yearly


Ad-Hoc Reports Monthly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

Monthly Invoice Monthly (Non-RCTI)

No Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

RRBSC Small and Very Small Contracts

Report Type Reporting period

Report can be omitted

File type required

YOR 1 – Value of Ticket Sales by Ticket Type Non-Daily Yearly Yes CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YOR 1 – Value of Ticket Sales by Ticket Type Daily Ticket Yearly Yes CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

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YOR 4 – Passenger Data By Bus Route-Daily Ticket Yearly Yes CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YOR 4 – Passenger Data By Bus Route-Non- SSTS Non-Daily Ticket

Yearly Yes CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YOR 4 – Passenger Data By Bus Route SSTS Yearly No CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YOR 5 : Customer Feedback Yearly Yes CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YOR 9 : Safety Performance Indicators Yearly Yes CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YER: Excused Performance Incidents Report Yearly Yes CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YKR: Yearly KPI Report Yearly No CSV formatted file that can be downloaded from the application

YPR Yearly Performance Report Yearly No Word document that can be downloaded from the application

Ad-Hoc Reports Yearly Yes Valid format acceptable to the Contract Management team

4. Appendix C

4.1 Due Date for RRBSC reports

All reports for RRBSC contracts are due on the 10th business day of the reporting period with the exception of the following RRBSC Small and Very Small contracts reports that are due on the 20th business day of the reporting period.

Ad Hoc Reports (AHR)

Yearly Performance Report (YPR)

Yearly KPI Report (YKR)