opinion essay assignment

Opinion Essay First major writing assignment

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Opinion Essay

First major writing assignment

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• A 5-paragraph essay

• Reference list with at least 3 references

• Approximately 500 words

• Typed and double-spaced

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Essay Questions• Are famous people treated unfairly by the media?

• Are women better parents than men?

• Computers can translate all kinds of languages. Do Japanese students need to study English, anymore?

• Does tourism help to promote understanding and communication between countries?

• Should English be taught to kindergarten children?

• Is animal testing necessary?

• Should we continue to explore space?

• Should rich countries share their wealth with poor countries?

• Should the consumption tax in Japan be raised from 5 percent to 10 percent?

• Japan is bidding for the 2020 Olympic Games. Is it a good or bad idea?

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I want to read your words;not a copy of others.

I will not accept your essayif sections have been copied.

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Don’t write your essay in Japanese then use a translation site.

You will get a crazy messof words in a sentence.

Yes, so use don’t think translate easy make which you silly look.

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DictionariesUse this first.

Then this.

Think of an easier word.Ask a friend or classmate.

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November 21, 2012 To be submitted in class

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No excuses for lateness

I was sick.

My bird died.

My essay is on my USB, but I can’t print it out on the university PCs.

Sorry, I left my essay at home.

My printer is broken.

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Late Penalties

Minus 2 points for each day late.

One week late = F

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Essay Plan

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Write a rough Thesis Statement

Essay Question: Should the world continue to support nuclear power?

Thesis Statement:Countries around the world should not support nuclear power for the following reasons.

* You can rewrite this sentence later to suit your introduction. ** But keep the idea of the sentence.

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Brainstorm ideas

Not safeNatural disastersGovernments not honestRadioactive wasteExpensive to produceNeed special equipment, buildingsSpecially trained workers70% of Japanese people against nuclear powerLong-term effects of an accidentPeople don’t know what to do if there is an accidentSolar powerWind powerGeothermal power

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Pick the better ideas

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Start planning the body

• 1st Reason: Not safe» Example one: Highly radioactive/Accidents» Example two: Waste

• 2nd Reason: Expensive» Example one: Special equipment needed» Example two: Specially trained professionals

• 3rd Reason: Alternatives» Example one: Wind and solar power» Example two: Geothermal energy

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Think about Background/Comments

Option 1. Fukushima Power Plant story

Option 2. World is running out of oil and natural gas.

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• Question

• Statement

• Story

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• Summarize your main reasons

• Restate your thesis

• Don’t add any new information

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Conclusion• Nuclear power can never be 100% safe

Natural disasters, etc.Problems of disposing nuclear waste

• It requires special equipment and professionals so it is expensive to produce.

• There are other safer alternative energy sources.

• After the problems at Fukushima, countries should abandon nuclear power.

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Please write a rough draft in your Freewriting Journal.