^opposite vollmer’s brick) - - lewiston lewiston telleb

THE LEWISTON TELLER CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. h* TKLLRR hat the target! circulation o) any paper in Forth Idaho. ENTERED at tic I.ewiiton Pott Office t* ttcond elate matter. THURSDAY... ... .JUNE 28,1888. O. & W. T. RAILROAD, W ork Balog Vigorously Pushed—Roll- ing Stock of the Most Approved Styles. A gentleman oho has jast returned from Wallula furnishes the following particulars in regard to the Oregon A Washington Territory railroad : Mr. G. W. Hunt, the well known contractor, has a large force of men employed on the road and will soon finish ballasting the entire line to Gentreville, Shen the road will bo ready for the immense grain traffic it will hare from the growing crops. The line leading from Wallula to Walla Walla via Eureka Flat is supplying work for a large num- ber of laborers and is being vigorously pushed. Ten miles of track is now laid and is being thoroughly ballasted as fast as laid. This line is a very important part of the Hunt system, tapping, as it does, the vast grain fields that lie be tween Wallula and Walla Walla, especially in the Fureka Flat section. Three new Mason locomotives comprise the motive power, two of which are •* ten-wheelers’’ and weigh fifty-five tons each, and one is an “ eight-wheeler," fifty tons weight. The fourth locomotive is en route from the shops to Wallula, and will be ready for service by July 1, but not before ngg T w o ^CBBWÜfötä- nro in course of construction for I syptem, to be used in the Vancyde canyon. A full supply of other neces- sary rolling stock is ordered, consisting of baggage, box, flat and caboose cars and coaches. The entire rolling stock is completely supplied with air brakes of the very latest device. There are no “ lease cards” on any of the rolling stock. Large Warehouses are filled with tools and small material, while the material paid proper is a larger one, and piled fall ot ties, steel switch stands, frogs, angle bars, nuts, bolts and washers, fuel -—wood and coal—in short there is every kind and class ot material and tools necessary for the speedy and substantial construction of an extensive system of railroad lines. The recent rains in the Inland Empire have made a large yield ct grain a fixed fact, and indicate that there will be a large traffic for all lines of transportioa. The grain acreage ia ▼cry much greater than in any previous year in Eastern Oregon or Washington Territory.—Oregonian. Hoyt and Prescott preventing Joseph Simon and J. M. Fox from voting 9000 shares of Oregon Improvement stock held by the Oregon & Transcontinental Company, but it seems to have cut no figure iu the result, as the Elijah Smith board were re-clccted. There was no chango at all in the Northern Pacific Terminal Company. The O. II. & N., Improvement and Terminal companies will organize by the election of officers in a day or two. F1ACKMKTACK,” ft lu tin g and fragrant perfume. 1’ricft 25 and fiO cent«. ISAMAN A CO. SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY—a posi- tive euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mftuth. ISA MAN A CO. A New-Comer Wants to Know. IIow much of the main street is a man supposed to be entitled to ? How much of the street can a man use if he wants to build. How much stuff may he pile up and leave in the street, and how long may it remain ? Who deans up after contractors. How much nght have tho people to the streets ? Who do the streets belong to ? How long after a house is supposed to bo completed is a contractor supposed to have to clean up ? Have the people and the 11dear public" any right in the street ? I may want to stay here, but don’t want to buy a lot if l can use the street. —North Seattle Advocate. SCROFULA THS REV. GKO. B . XHAYER.of Bourbon, lad., sayl : "Both myself and »life own our fivas in SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE.’ ISAMAN A CO. ABE YOU MADE miserable by ladigertion, Canetipatlon, Diftiine», Loco of Appetite, Yel- Ww Skia. bkUoh’o ritoliser is o po.itirc euro. I 8 AMAN A CO. Tba Old O. R. * If., Board Re-Elected —Villard Seta Full Control of Ike Transcontinental—Other . Companien. Yesterday morning the annual election of a board of direotors of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company was held et the office of tho compaoy in this eity. The election resulted aa follows : Kliiah Smith, Jno. If. Hall, Sidney Dillon, Christopher Meyer, Charles L. Colby, Colgat Hoyt, Henry Failing, H. W. Corbett, C. H. Lewis, C. A. n h, W. H. Holcomb, W. S. Ladd. . Willey. The annual élection of the Oregon & Transcontinental Company woe held im- mediately afterwards and the following persons were elected directors : Henry Vtllerd, W. L. Bull, Chas I. Colby, Sidney Dillon, Colgate Hoyt, Brayton Ives, G. M. Lane, C. A. Spofford, Joe. 8i*ou, C. B. Bellinger, C. A. Dolpb, 9. M. Fox, L. L. Hawkins, Frederick Y, Holman, Wm. McIntosh, C. H Preeoott and Paul Sehulse. At a meeting of the board of directors the following officers were elected : President, Henry Villard; first vice- president, Brayton Ives ; second vice- Î resident, C. B. Bellinger, secretary, 8. 1. Willey ; treasurer and assistant sec- retary, Edward Eads. The Northern Pacific Terminal Com- pany re-elected the old board of directors as follows : Robert Harris, Elijah 8mith, Henry Villard, R. Koehler, C. A . Dolpb, Henry Failing, Paul Schulze, W . H . Holcomb, C. H. Lewis. The Oregon Improvement Company elected the following board : Elijah 8mith, M. J. Quinn, II. E. Robinson, P. W. {Smith, Joseph Simon, C. A. Dolpb, J. M. Fox, Wm. M. Lzdd, Henry Failing. The result as published above was fore-shadowed in the Sunday Oregonian except that Elijah Smith seems still to have control of the Oregon Improve- ment Company. Practically the eld O. R. & N., board was re-elected, the only change bein£ Sidney Dillon in place of J. N. Dennison. Villard made a dean sweep of the Oregon & Transcon- tinental. Moat of the Eastern directors are well known in the railway world. G. M. Lane is the assistant to President Adame, of the Union Pacifie, and Mr. 8poffora is Villard’s private secretary. It is reported thpt Brayton Ives will be the aotive hoed of the Oregon & Trans éontinental. An injunction was got out by Ives, Humpr*, Erysipelas» Canker,and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with I do not believe that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has an equal as a euro for Scrofulous Hu- mors. It is pleasant to take, gives strength to tho body, and pro- duces a more porma- .SPt result JJiau_any medicine I ever used. —E. Haine«, North Lindalc, Ohio. I have used Ayer’a Sarsaparilla, In my family, for Scrofula, and know, U it in taken faithfully it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. —'W. F. Fowler, M.D., Oroenville, Tenn. For forty years I have suffered with Erysipelas. I have tried various remedies for lay oomplaint, but found no relief until I commenced using Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Attor taking ten bot- tles ot this medicine I am completely cured. — M. C. Ameshury, Bockport, Mo. « I have suffered, for years, from Catarrh, which was so severe that it destroyed my appetito and weak- ened my system . After trying • other remedies, without re- lief, I began to take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and, in a few months, was cured.—Susan Lb Cook, 903 Albany st., Boston, Mass. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla la superior to any blood purifier that I ever tiled. I have taken it fur Scrofula, Canker, and Salt- Bheum, and received much benefit from it. It is good, also, for a weak stomach. — Millie Jano Peirce, S. Bradford, Mow. tt Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Ftepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer te Co., Lovell,“ M o tM i ala bottles, ttS. Ia Consumption lucarable. Rea<l the following : Mr. C. II. Morris Newark, Ark., »aye: "Was down with Ab inn of Lunge, and friends and phyeiolana prononneeil me an Incurable eeneumptiv*. Began taking Dr. King'« Now Discovery for Coneumptinn. am now on my third bottle, and able to oToreeo the work of my farm. It le the finest medioine ever made.” Jeaeie Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, eays : "lied it not been for Dr. King’BNew Discov- ery for Coneumption I would have, died of Lung Troubles T ae given up by doetore. Am now in best of hoaUh.” Try it. Bampla bottle« free at Dr. J. Q. Mosley’« dr't? stare. tr A Stab ta «tt» Dark Sometimes fails of its murderous nteat. The lnaldtoui and dastardly attacks made up- on the reputation of Hoatatter’s Stomach Bitten by poraona who »eek to palm off aheap sad fiery terries as ldeatioal with it, or ’’the same thing under another name, ’ ’ or • ‘equal- ly aa good,** ta most tnetanoe* react disas- trously upon the unprincipled trader* upon popular credulity who attempt them, convert- ing their speculation* into ruinous failures. Xha Bitters is a pore, wholesome and thor- ough medicine, adapted to tba total eure and prevention of Aver and ague, billoueremit- tent, dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, debility, nervousness and kidney trouble*. Ia every ingredient, unlike those in the Imi- tations of It, is of an naoertalned etandard of ÖABI “WEST-TEST" SEEDS S V1*1K iO it for *U Bout i ons, k K IM I.lltlli STOL'KM Hhoji-tJeodPlica* WEST-TEST” tt Parket«, j *or thole pfid, an com«, an li*ts pAit'n-i „r In 1oik t hoioo. port- RW 'H“' ln '.“ik at tiveîTi UeM” l.tRMs mid Tree Semi. oor .»rrlultv, LEW ISTON SEED CO .’fféÊÏÂ’ii» M s Pills C U R E Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. Y hey prodace regular, natural eras- " ‘ ‘‘• • a navar grip* or Interfere with , daily bulacu. Asa family medicine, they Mbould be in every lioitwhold. SOLD EVERYWHERE. I LEWISTON TELLEB, PUBLISHED ETIET THUESDAV Subscription $3.00 JOB «PRINTING. Neatly Executed •A.TTHIS OFFICE Saddle and Harness ShopQ] W. W. SWANK, J. H. ROBINSON HL— I i||d I B. BBfiBB ASS. —Manufacturer» ol end Dealer* in— HARN ESS I Saddles. I All kinds of SADDLES and £d ' HARNESS on hand and and. of formaj b" ‘» Ikon passed by the marvel,, 0f ! '"N tion. Tho*« who 1 D v * b - -------of profitable work tt,.,1“ . While living at homo should , r '*° ** •address to Hellet * Co., i’ortl,- i receive free, full information ho» , of all age«, oan cum lr.-m tl, s.*ltk« and upwards wherever the? li*»“ ’.?*’ etarted free. Capital not re<|uircj°' a '“' ___e made over JTtO in u tio-le ,i . *• work. All sucoc-d. ' 1 thia n . a n d upwards per dny. who is willing to mg pertaining to n first Hither ecx, young or old ; cep.tal not - li Lj iddle and Harness Shop. ^.V.VLT““^ f rt 2 lh^ ew .:..N? as any one. Write t<> a Repairing of Saddles and Harness tinuian, whieh we m»ii Done on Short Notloe. Stii,so* a c wo IIBII I««’ W11U1II” liCW. SLtetal ability required : you, reader, c:tu d0 l,» S aa any une; Write to ns nt one- for full p„. ^ O r d e r s from the Country Promptly Attended t o ^ j fyP rices Low as the Lowest and Terms Liberal. M a in S treet , ^oppositeVollmer’s brick) - - LEWISTON S. C. HALE, W. B. COOPEK HALE A COOPER, -Dealer in all Unde *f- Shelf Hardware, Crockery, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Un taker goods of all stylos and qualities. Lewiston, Idaho, Januarj 1st, 1885, 14tf S. G. ISAMAN, D. S. DENT \SAMAN-. ^ «— ^DEALERS ?IN«—*—» w* PIG DRUGS i 1DI«S PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Day or Night Druggist’s Sundries, Toilet Articles, Stationery and Fancy Goods. DEAQUABTËBS FOB B00KS,G0LD PENS, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS «-«— .ALSO PROPRIETORS OF THEJLEWISTON«—*—» SODA WATER WORKS Rd*0 rder, from the aonntry promptly attended to ’ Limber ! Limber ! DRESSED: BOUGH LUMBER Constantly on hand Rough Lumber ...........Si6 per M. Rustic ............ $30 per M Flooring ........... $30 per M. Clear dress 2 sides. .$35 “ “ Apdly to J. B. MENOMY, Lewiston, I. T., Lumber yard at foot of Fifth street or A. E. SNELL, Potlatch. 52tt L U M B E R ! I LATHSi SHINGLES! Hewarded are tho«.» read this 11 .,* they will fiu,| h„„ emplnynn-et that veil] ", take them fn uitbeirb,.» families. The profits are l«r>;o and every industrious person, uisty l,;lvr J* art now making several hundred onth. It ia easy for any one to m-i,, A upwarda per dny. who is willing to *’ tor BCZ. YOUDff or nl.l • nnr.itul fru«. Aiidretifl, Cu., Portland, Main«. USTEW BOOT ® SHOE STORE. Sale Work, cf San Fnciioo. M ake, Sold Cheap for Gash. WOMEN, CHILDREN and MENS w Eis _ W- All eiaeaei of work manufaetunul tt rdér. Repairing neatly and promptly done. GEORGE GLASS, Mjntgomcry st., Lewiston, I. T. LEWISTON iLi ^ i IPDIB ÏPH3EÎ IDAHO ESMOND HOUSE. Uniontown, W. T. M. FERSCH WEILER,'Proprietor Board by Day, Week or Month- Thie house is the best in the town, and board with lodging will be furnished very reasonable. A livery and toed stable is in connection with this hotel. , 3a. Cedar Shingles. Th* undersigned are now manufacturing an Extra Quality of Cedar Shiagles at their mill and are prepared to supply the publie with tho came at the folio wing prices: First Class, per thousand..................... ha rut Sesend " •< ..................... 2 50 The mill is Icoatod In th* upper part of Lawiatan. Bhmgiet for sale at the mill 23-tf WYNKOOP A MARTIN HARD TIMES While money is cloee, wages and price* low, expenaes should b* cut down in every uoueehold. Economy the watch word tor Mother*, bead off Doctor bills, by aiway* keeping in the honte, a bottle of Dr. Bo«- aoko« Cough and Lung Syrup. Stop, a Lough instantly, relives Consumption, care, Croup and pain in the Chest in one night “ “ lu,t »m edy for hard timea. Price "V*“ 1 »1-0?- Sample* free. Sold by Ur. J. Q. Moxley. LEWISTON B A K E R Y J tONTGOMERT 8TBKMT, LEWISTON . . . I DAHO B READ, PIES AND CAKES; ALSO ORO- ecrieSp Coafectionarr, Liquor« and Cigars. G E N 7 S’ F URNISHING Goode, Family Groceries, Etc., 8 . WLBENTH ALLER; «.,r H. T- MADGWICK, OARPENTER AND BUILDER lbwiston ' idaho . BANK OF LEWISTON. Jo h n B u rk e , B an k er Transacts [a General Banking; Business M O N E Y TO L O A N OX LONG OR SHORT TIMS. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Highest cash pries paid for Wheat and Barlay. Cattle Bought and Sold. Ham Street - . Lew it ton , Idaho. WHEELWRIGHT SH6F, LOT WIG-GINS, A skillful wheelright is located on lot «trm and is prepared to perforin good work in his lino upon short notice. REPAIRING CARRIAGES Lnd WAGON made a specialty, Call nnd sec him. otf. COOK & SCHUBERT, WAGONMAKING AND BLAG KSMIT H ÎN 81 «—’— 1 HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY O ’Kepairing promptly dona, at moderate pricea. NEAR BAIRDS STABLE, LEWISTON 47 tf IDAHO GC0D ASSORTMENT No 1 FRUIT TRÈES FOR SALE. At LEWISTON NURSERY. On east end ot Main at., Lewiston. I T. 21 E V A N S & WESSELS. J. 33. IÆE3STOIÆY, COFFINS1 CASKETS Furnished at short notice and at reetnaHe ratei. M ain St. at head of Ath, L+citton. 3-ttf WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE And other« ivStrinf ft»« And other« Miff«nn» i--— nerroua debility .»ba—Oaf .ch ro n ic diHiiuNN), lir e a w e l«lertlno of younff or old«J» PixittitivclY cuirU hJ M =Htate In Uto5Tni<m have beea •!»* >ty Inataiitly folt. PatentedaaAço»" *— “ - » weor Bunte Lclt XWffiJ" ik- hi*l(tt. Avoid w o r tB jjJ J ftehtfona mud tMRrua ••»mpaui.-a EKwtrU’ Muptmre. TOO oared ln’H5. Ht ml itan.pfor pawpM?1 Bl V. J. Ham, mvuTH, l«i W* mim**•. C hm * D. D. BUNNELL, agent at Lew*«, Idaho. ‘ Sl.ly. CALIFORNIA BREWEBY, HEAR BEAD OF FIRST ST., WEISGERBER BROS, Prop'« LEWISTON, I. T. ßSO' CALL ASP SUB VS * u O. Tt & N . EXCHANGE. J F YOU WANT A ' NICE DRINK ----- OR A----- GtOOD CIGAR. Step into the O. K. a N. Exchaag« “ JJ* on Main Street. R. P. HEARTBl'RO PLOTHING U GLEAMED* REP AIR Bf) TO ORDER. 15-lm 3d Street, LB VI 8 TOR I .* ’

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h* TK LLR R hat the target! circulation o)

any paper in Forth Idaho.

E N TER ED at tic I.ewiiton Pott Office

t* ttcond elate matter.

THURSDAY... ... .JUNE 28,1888.

O. & W. T. RAILROAD,Work Balog Vigorously Pushed—Roll­

ing Stock of the Most Approved Styles.

A gentleman oho has jast returned from Wallula furnishes the following particulars in regard to the Oregon A Washington Territory railroad :

Mr. G. W. Hunt, the well known contractor, has a large force of men employed on the road and will soon finish ballasting the entire line to Gentreville, Shen the road will bo ready for the immense grain traffic it will hare from the growing crops. The line leading from Wallula to Walla Walla via Eureka Flat is supplying work for a large num­ber of laborers and is being vigorously pushed. Ten miles of track is now laid and is being thoroughly ballasted as fast as laid. This line is a very important part of the Hunt system, tapping, as it does, the vast grain fields that lie be tween Wallula and Walla Walla, especially in the Fureka Flat section.

Three new Mason locomotives comprise the motive power, two of which are •* ten-wheelers’’ and weigh fifty-five tons each, and one is an “ eight-wheeler," fifty tons weight. The fourth locomotive is en route from the shops to Wallula, and will be ready for service by July 1, but not before ngg T w o ^CBBWÜfötä-

nro in course of construction for I syptem, to be used in the Vancyde

canyon. A full supply of other neces­sary rolling stock is ordered, consisting of baggage, box, flat and caboose cars and coaches. The entire rolling stock is completely supplied with air brakes of the very latest device. There are no “ lease cards” on any of the rolling stock. Large Warehouses are filled with tools and small material, while the material paid proper is a larger one, and piled fall ot ties, steel switch stands, frogs, angle bars, nuts, bolts and washers, fuel - —wood and coal—in short there is every kind and class ot material and tools necessary for the speedy and substantial construction of an extensive system of railroad lines. The recent rains in the Inland Empire have made a large yield c t grain a fixed fact, and indicate that there will be a large traffic for all lines of transportioa. The grain acreage ia ▼cry much greater than in any previous year in Eastern Oregon or Washington Territory.—Oregonian.

Hoyt and Prescott preventing Joseph Simon and J . M. Fox from voting 9000 shares of Oregon Improvement stock held by the Oregon & Transcontinental Company, but it seems to have cut no figure iu the result, as the Elijah Smith board were re-clccted. There was no chango at all in the Northern Pacific Terminal Company.

The O. II. & N., Improvement and Terminal companies will organize by the election of officers in a day or two.

F1ACKMKTACK,” ft luting and fragrant perfume. 1’ricft 25 and fiO cent«.


SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY—a posi­tive euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mftuth. ISA MAN A CO.

A New-Comer W ants to Know.

IIow much of the main street is a man supposed to be entitled to ?

How much of the street can a man use if he wants to build.

How much stuff may he pile up and leave in the street, and how long may it remain ?

Who deans up after contractors.How much nght have tho people to

the streets ?Who do the streets belong to ?How long after a house is supposed to

bo completed is a contractor supposed to have to clean up ?

Have the people and the 11 dear public" any right in the street ?

I may want to stay here, but don’t want to buy a lot if l can use the street. — North Seattle Advocate.


T H S REV. GKO. B . XHAYER.of Bourbon, la d ., sayl : "Both myself and »life own our fivas in SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE.’


ABE YOU MADE miserable by ladigertion, Canetipatlon, Diftiine», Loco of Appetite, Yel- Ww Skia. bkUoh’o ritoliser is o po.itirc euro.


Tba Old O. R. * If., Board Re-Elected —Villard Seta Full Control of Ike Transcontinental—Other

. Companien.

Yesterday morning the annual election of a board of direotors of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company was held et the office of tho compaoy in this eity. The election resulted aa follows : Kliiah Smith, Jno. If. Hall, Sidney Dillon, Christopher Meyer, Charles L. Colby, Colgat Hoyt, Henry Failing, H . W. Corbett, C. H. Lewis, C. A.

n h, W. H. Holcomb, W. S. Ladd. . Willey.

The annual élection of the Oregon & Transcontinental Company woe held im­mediately afterwards and the following persons were elected directors : Henry Vtllerd, W. L. Bull, Chas I. Colby, Sidney Dillon, Colgate Hoyt, Brayton Ives, G. M. Lane, C. A. Spofford, Joe. 8i*ou, C. B. Bellinger, C. A. Dolpb, 9. M. Fox, L. L. Hawkins, Frederick Y, Holman, Wm. McIntosh, C. H Preeoott and Paul Sehulse.

A t a meeting of the board of directors the following officers were elected : President, Henry Villard; first vice- president, Brayton Ives ; second vice-

Îresident, C. B. Bellinger, secretary, 8. 1. Willey ; treasurer and assistant sec­retary, Edward Eads.

The Northern Pacific Terminal Com­pany re-elected the old board of directors as follows : Robert Harris, Elijah8mith, Henry Villard, R. Koehler, C. A . Dolpb, Henry Failing, Paul Schulze, W. H. Holcomb, C. H. Lewis.

The Oregon Improvement Company elected the following board : Elijah8mith, M. J . Quinn, II. E. Robinson, P . W. {Smith, Joseph Simon, C. A. Dolpb, J . M. Fox, Wm. M. Lzdd, Henry Failing.

The result as published above was fore-shadowed in the Sunday Oregonian except that Elijah Smith seems still to have control of the Oregon Improve­ment Company. Practically the eld O. R. & N., board was re-elected, the only change bein£ Sidney Dillon in place o f J . N. Dennison. Villard made a dean sweep of the Oregon & Transcon­tinental. Moat of the Eastern directors are well known in the railway world. G. M. Lane is the assistant to President Adame, of the Union Pacifie, and Mr. 8poffora is Villard’s private secretary. I t is reported thpt Brayton Ives will be the aotive hoed of the Oregon & Trans éontinental.

An injunction was got out by Ives,





Can be cured by puri fying the blood with

I do not believe that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has an equal as a euro for Scrofulous Hu­mors. I t is pleasant to take, gives strength to tho body, and pro­duces a more porma-

.SPt result JJiau_any medicine I ever used. —E. Haine«, North Lindalc, Ohio.

I have used Ayer’a Sarsaparilla, In m y family, for Scrofula, and know, U it in taken faithfully it w ill thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. —'W. F. Fowler, M .D., Or oen ville, Tenn.

For forty years I have suffered with Erysipelas. I have tried various remedies for lay oomplaint, but found no relief until I commenced using Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Attor taking ten bot­tles ot this medicine I am completely cured. — M. C. Ameshury, Bockport, Mo. «

I have suffered, for years, from Catarrh, which was so severe that it destroyed m y appetito and weak­ened m y s y s t e m . After trying • other remedies, without re­lief, I began to take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and, in a few months, was cured.— Susan Lb Cook, 903 Albany st., Boston, Mass.

Ayer’s Sarsaparilla la superior to any blood purifier that I ever tiled . I have taken it fur Scrofula, C a n k e r , and Salt- Bheum, and received much benefit from it. I t is good, also, for a weak stomach. — Millie Jano Peirce, S. Bradford, Mow. tt

Ayer’s S arsap arilla ,Ftepared by Dr. J.C . Ayer te Co., Lovell,“ —

M o t M i ala bottles, ttS.

Ia Consumption lucarab le .Rea<l the following : Mr. C. II. Morris

Newark, Ark., »aye: "Was down with Ab i n n of Lunge, and friends and phyeiolana prononneeil me an Incurable eeneumptiv*. Began taking Dr. King'« Now Discovery for Coneumptinn. am now on my third bottle, and able to oToreeo the work of my farm. It le the finest medioine ever made.”

Jeaeie Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, eays : "lied it not been for Dr. King’B New Discov­ery for Coneumption I would have, died of Lung Troubles T ae given up by doetore. Am now in best of hoaUh.” Try it. Bampla bottle« free at Dr. J. Q. Mosley’« dr't? stare.

tr A S t a b t a «tt» D a r kSometimes fails of its murderous nteat. The lnaldtoui and dastardly attacks made up­on the reputation of Hoatatter’s Stomach B itten by poraona who »eek to palm off aheap sad fiery terries as ldeatioal with it, o r ’’the same thing under another name, ’ ’ or • ‘equal­ly aa good,** ta most tnetanoe* react disas­trously upon the unprincipled trader* upon popular credulity who attempt them, convert­ing their speculation* into ruinous failures. Xha Bitters is a pore, wholesome and thor­ough medicine, adapted to tba total eure and prevention of Aver and ague, billoueremit­tent, dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, debility, nervousness and kidney trouble*. Ia every ingredient, unlike those in the Imi­tations of It, is of an naoertalned etandard of

ÖABI “WEST-TEST" SEEDSS V 1*1 K iO it for *U Boutions, k K I M I . l l t l l i

STOL'KM Hhoji-tJeod Plica*


tt P a rk e t« , j *or thole pfid, an com«, an li*ts pAit'n-i „r In 1 oik

t hoioo. port- — —

RW'H“' ln '.“ik at tiveîTi UeM” l.tRMs mid Tree Semi. oor .»rrlultv,


M s PillsC U R E

Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks.Y h e y p r o d a c e r e g u l a r , n a t u r a l e r a s - " ‘ ‘ ‘• • a n a v a r g r ip * o r I n te r f e r e w i th , d a i l y b u l a c u . A s a f a m i ly m e d ic in e , th e y M bould b e i n e v e ry l io i tw h o ld .

S O L D E V E R Y W H E R E . I


Subscription $3.00

JOB «PRINTING.Neatly Executed


Saddle and Harness ShopQ]W. W. SW ANK, J. H. ROBINSONHL— II — — i | | d I

B . BBfiBB A S S .—Manufacturer» ol end Dealer* in—

HARN ESS I Saddles.I A ll k inds of S A D D L E S and £ d'

H A R N E S S on hand and

and. of formaj b" ‘» Ikon passed by the marvel,, 0f ! '"N tion. Tho*« who 1Dv*b-

-------of profitable work t t , . ,1“. While living at homo should , r '*° ** •address to Hellet * Co., i’o rtl,- i receive free, full information ho» •

, of all age«, oan cum lr.-m tl, s.*ltk« and upwards w herever the? li*»“ ’.?*’ etarted free. Capital not re<|uircj°' a '“'

___e made over JTtO in u tio -le ,i . *•work. All sucoc-d. ' 1 thia

• n . a n d upwards per dny. who is willing tom g perta in ing to n first Hither ecx, young or old ; cep.tal not - l i Lj

iddle and H arn ess Shop. ^.V.VLT““^ f rt2 lh ew.:..N?as any one. Write t<> a

R e p a i r i n g of Saddles and Harness tinuian, whieh we m»ii Done on Short Notloe. Stii,so* a c

wo IIBII I« « ’ W11U1II” liCW. SLtetalability required : you, reader, c:tu d0 l ,» S aa any une; Write to ns nt one- for full p„ .

^ O r d e r s from the Country Promptly Attended t o ^ jf y P r i c e s Low as the Lowest and Terms Liberal.

M a i n S t r e e t , opposite Vollmer’s brick) - - LEWISTON

S . C. H A L E , W . B. C O O PE K

HALE A COOPER,-Dealer in all Unde *f-

Shelf Hardware, Crockery, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Un taker goods of all stylos and qualities.

Lewiston, Idaho, Januarj 1st, 1885, 14tf


\ S A M A N - .^ «— ^DEALERS ? IN«—*—» w *


Druggist’s Sundries, Toilet Articles, Stationery and Fancy Goods.



SODA WATER WORKSRd*0 rder, from the aonntry promptly attended to ’

Limber ! Limber !

DRESSED : BOUGH LUMBERConstantly on hand

Rough L um ber...........S i6 per M. R ustic ............ $30 per MFlooring........... $30 per M. Clear dress 2 sides. .$35 “ “

Apdly to J . B. M EN O M Y , Lewiston, I . T., Lum ber yard a t foot of F ifth street or A. E. S N E L L , Potlatch. 52tt

L U M B E R ! I

L A T H S i S H I N G L E S !

H ewarded are tho«.» read this 11.,* they will fiu,| h„„ emplnynn-et that veil] ", take them fn uitbeirb,.»

families. The profits are l«r>;o and every industrious person, uisty l,;lvr J* art now making several hundred

onth. It ia easy for any one to m-i,, A upwarda per dny. who is willing to *’

to r BCZ. YOUDff o r n l . l • n n r .itu l

fru«. Aiidretifl,Cu., Portland, Main«.



Sale Work, c f S a n Fnciioo.

M a k e , S o ld C heap f o r G ash .


_ W- All eiaeaei of work manufaetunul tt rdér. Repairing neatly and promptly done.

GEORGE GLASS,M jntgom cry st., Lewiston, I. T.



ESMOND HOUSE.Uniontown, W. T.

M. FERSCH WEILER,'Proprietor

Board by Day, Week or Month-

Thie house is the best in the town, and board with lodging will be furnished very reasonable. A livery and toed stable is in connection with this hotel. , 3a .

Cedar Shingles.Th* undersigned are now manufacturing an

Extra Quality of Cedar Shiagles at their mill and are prepared to supply the publie with tho came at the folio wing prices:

First Class, per thousand..................... ha rutSesend " “ •< ..................... 2 50

The mill is Icoatod In th* upper part of Lawiatan. Bhmgiet for sale at the mill



While money is cloee, wages and price* low, expenaes should b* cut down in every uoueehold. Economy the watch word tor Mother*, bead off Doctor bills, by aiway* keeping in the honte, a bottle of Dr. Bo«- aoko« Cough and Lung Syrup. Stop, a Lough instantly, relives Consumption, care, Croup and pain in the Chest in one night “ “ lu ,t »m ed y for hard timea. Price “ "V*“ 1 » 1-0?- Sample* free. Sold by Ur. J. Q. Moxley.





BREAD, PIES AND CAKES; ALSO ORO- ecrieSp Coafectionarr, Liquor« and Cigars.

G E N 7 S ’ F U R N IS H IN G Goode,

Family Groceries, Etc.,8 . WLBENTH ALLER; « . , r


l b w i s t o n ' id a h o .

B A N K O F L E W IST O N .J o h n B u r k e , B a n k e r

Transacts [a General Banking; Business



G E N E R A L I N S U R A N C E A G E N C Y .

Highest cash pries paid for Wheat and Barlay.

Cattle Bought and Sold.

H am Street - . Lew i t ton , Idaho.


L O T W IG -G I N S ,A skillful wheelright is located on lot «trm

and is prepared to perforin good work in his lino upon short notice.

REPAIRING C A R R IA G E S Lnd WAGON made a specialty,Call nnd sec him. otf.



B L A G K S M IT H ÎN 81«— ’— 1


O ’Kepairing promptly dona, at moderate pricea.







On east end ot Main at., Lewiston. I T.


J . 3 3 . I Æ E 3 S T O I Æ Y ,

COFFINS1 CASKETSFurnished at short notice and at reetnaHe


M a in St. a t head o f Ath, L+citton . 3-ttf

W E A K , N E R V O U S PEOPLE— And other« ivStrinf ft»«And other« Miff«nn» i--—

nerroua debility .»ba—Oaf.chronic diHiiuNN), lireaw e l«lertlno of younff or old«J» PixittitivclY cuirU hJM

= Htate In Uto5Tni<m have beea •!»* > ty Inataiitly folt. PatentedaaAço»" *— “ - » weor Bunte Lclt XWffiJ"

ik- hi*l(tt. Avoid w o rtB jjJJ ftehtfona mud tMRrua ••»mpaui.-a EKwtrU’Muptmre. TOO oared ln ’H5. Ht ml itan .pfor pawpM?1Bl V. J. Ham, mvuTH, l«i W*mim **•. Chm*D. D. BUNNELL, agent at Lew*«,

Idaho. ‘ Sl.ly.





O . T t & N .

E X C H A N G E .


' NICE DRINK-----OR A-----

GtOOD CIGAR.Step into the O. K. a N. Exchaag« “ JJ*

on Main Street.

R. P . H E A R T B l 'R O


R E P A IR B f ) TO O R D E R .15-lm 3d Street, LB V I8 TOR I .* ’