optimal eft 1

Common Questions about Optimal EFT What is Optimal EFT™? Optimal EFT is a journey towards EFT's Ultimate Goal, namely, enhanced spiritual awareness. More elegantly stated, our aim is to... "Remove the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence." This involves accessing the exquisite World Beyond Our Senses wherein resides unconditional Love and a power of being that dwarfs what our tiny senses report. See Optimal EFT -- Essential Intro . Our venture goes well beyond conventional science, although Quantum Physics is pointing to it. It also goes beyond the reaches of conventional psychology, modern medicine, politics and just about every belief the world contains. We are opening an elegant door here that leads to personal peace so profound that it provides a launching pad for spreading true harmony throughout the world. Too much? Too grandiose? Not possible? Stay with me and you can answer these questions for yourself. Who is this for? 1

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Common Questions about Optimal EFT

Common Questions about Optimal EFT

What is Optimal EFT?

Optimal EFT is a journey towards EFT's Ultimate Goal, namely, enhanced spiritual awareness. More elegantly stated, our aim is to...

"Remove the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence."This involves accessing the exquisite World Beyond Our Senses wherein resides unconditional Love and a power of being that dwarfs what our tiny senses report. SeeOptimal EFT -- Essential Intro.

Our venture goes well beyond conventional science, although Quantum Physics is pointing to it. It also goes beyond the reaches of conventional psychology, modern medicine, politics and just about every belief the world contains. We are opening an elegant door here that leads to personal peace so profound that it provides a launching pad for spreading true harmony throughout the world.

Too much? Too grandiose? Not possible? Stay with me and you can answer these questions for yourself.

Who is this for?

It is for everyone who chooses to walk through this door. Some will want to adopt these ideas completely and will find their true path here while others will borrow what they need to blend with their existing beliefs. Still others will reject everything as absolute woo-woo but will do so with my open hand to join us if and when it seems appropriate.

You are invited, regardless of your beliefs, to display your support or skepticism, your questions and comments, your experiences, triumphs and failures with this material. That is how we learn. That is how we build community. Together we will build a bridge to a new level of personal peace that has the power to shift the world.

It is a personal experience, not necessarily a professional healing tool

If you are in the healing professions, please know that Optimal EFT is not designed as a specific healing tool. Although you may find many of its features of use in your healing practice, the main goal here is to elevate YOUR Loving levels, rather than those of your clients. This benefits both you and your clients because, as you climb this ladder toward spiritual excellence, you will notice improvements in your insights, demeanor and the "pleasance of your presence." You will approach your clients' issues from a wiser place and will get to the heart of the problems with ease. In short, you will become a much better healing professional and will use your tools (such as EFT) with an ever increasing elegance.

Approaching the Ultimate Goal

Our goal is a lofty one. With our new tools we are shooting for the attainment of complete spiritual awareness or, as some call it, Enlightenment. This is not a new goal as people have attempted it for millenniums. Some have chosen to meditate for extended periods while others have entered times of complete silence. Some have used drugs while others have studied books. Rarely has anyone actually achieved this ultimate state, although history tells us of some that have apparently succeeded, e.g. Buddha, Jesus and others.

Many, however, have temporarily entered this state. Sometimes this has occurred because of the efforts mentioned above while, at other times, people have "fallen into this state" for brief periods through Near Death Experiences or, in my case,the Revelation I discussed inOptimal EFT -- Essential Intro.But let's be realistic about this Ultimate Goal. To achieve complete and permanent Enlightenment means to enter a state where the trappings of this world have no effect. It requires the 100% erasure of all the conditioning that our senses, beliefs and egos hold dear.

Are we REALLY going to do this?

I would hope so, of course, but I think this extreme level will only be achieved by rarity. In fact, it is entirely possible that none of us will get there, including me. So, our more realistic aim here is to APPROACH this goal ... and how close we come will depend on our individual efforts. Fortunately, as you will see, approaching the Ultimate Goal can bring major rewards.

It's a personal journey

Even though it may be unrealistic, my personal goal is to re-enter my Revelation state and maintain it permanently. Having been there briefly once before, I am convinced that anyone in this state, including you, can walk into a hospital and generate healing just by one's presence. The intensity of the Love in this state provides healing well beyond that of medicine, EFT or any other man-made procedure.

Your goal can be the same ... OR ... you can simply use these methods to improve your life and the "pleasance of your presence." If you choose a goal as lofty as mine, let us recognize that, despite the new tools at our disposal, you will likely fall short of it. If so, all is not lost. In fact, much is to be gained. Even if we fall short, our efforts at shooting for this Perpetual Bliss may only get us to 20% of that state and that, of course, is a true trophy. Even 1% is stunning.

But it's a personal journey. How far you go will depend on your willingness to study and practice. You will likely need help, community, loving comrades. Those, I suspect, you will find here.

The structure

This endeavor must have a structure. If I allowed a free-for-all, this effort would soon collapse under the weight of competing religions, each fighting for dominance over "who's right."

So, the structure is non-denominational and, as indicated in Optimal EFT -- Essential Intro, will consist of several tools.

Quantum Physics will be used primarily for its authority in establishing the scientific facts that, despite what our senses tell us, there is no such thing as separation. We are, in essence, living in a dream of our own making. This is not religion of any kind. Rather, it is a new finding by our premiere scientists and points the way to new pinnacles of our potential. It offers a new door through which expansive new vistas await us. We can ignore these findings, of course, and rely solely on what our senses report. But if we do so we walk away from a major opportunity and run the risk of being mired in our own molasses. The World Beyond Our Senses is exquisite. I know. I've been there.

A Course In Miracles (ACIM) is my chosen spiritual path and thus its many thought provoking concepts will find their way into our attempts at evolvement. Although it has a Christian setting (uses some Christian terms) it is, at the core, non-denominational. However, it is not the path for everyone and so you are not required, or even urged, to adopt it for yourself. If you find its numerous ideas stimulating, then borrow from them as you see fit. ACIM is, in my opinion, an ideal companion to the findings of Quantum Physics in that it shows us HOW to enter The World Beyond Our Senses to which Quantum Physics points. It does so by "removing the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence." EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) has evolved as one of the ideal tools that sets this Enlightenment effort apart from others. Properly used it can collapse anger, guilt, fear, trauma and, in so doing, it is an impressive aid to "removing the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence." Accordingly, it becomes a form of lubrication that can smooth the friction that stands between us and our goal.

The Road Map

Please note that Optimal EFT is not something you learn at a weekend workshop. Rather, it is an ongoing process where you continually improve. Because everyone's goals, background and readiness vary widely, the Road Map for this journey will be different for each individual.

However, this article, along withOptimal EFT -- Essential Intro and those that follow within this Foundational Concepts section, are the starting place for everyone. They include concepts and definitions that will be referenced often in our extensive travels along this ambitious journey. Once you have digested this starting material, you are ready to find your way within the rich assortment of tools and ideas that will unfold herein. Some of these writings and videos will hit your personal target whereas others may not. That's OK. Just study those that resonate with you. They all lead to the same place in the end.

More to come.

e-hugs, Gary

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